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Mazda Engineering Standard

MES Classification:
Automobile Parts Standard
MES Description:
Common Standard for Instrument Panels
MES No.:
MES PA 55000J

Mazda Motor Corporation

3-1, Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun

Hiroshima, Japan

Date Established:
April 1, 1987
Date Revised:
November 4, 2009
Date Effective:
November 18, 2009

1. The MES Number is stated on this cover sheet. The Number on the top right-hand side of each
page of the text does not include any revision code (alphabetical suffix).

2. The effective date on this cover sheet shows the desired date of implementation. Implement
these standards after coordinating any changes with related departments.

3. If there is any discrepancy between a standard and a drawing, follow the drawing.

Published by

Teruhisa Morishige
Standardization & Engineering
Information Administration Group
R&D Administration Dept.
MES PA 55000


1. Purpose of Revision
This MES has been revised to ensure proper quality.

2. Main Revised Point

(1) Deletion of Scratch resistance
(2) Correction of erroneous description

3. Explanation of SI Indications

Mark Transition Phase Description

Third Phase Only SI units are used in this standard without use of any
previous unit.
Example: 10 N
MES PA 55000


1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 2

3. Reporting of Evaluation Results............................................................................................. 2

4. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 2

5. Specifications Indicated on the Drawing................................................................................ 3

6. Evaluation Criteria.................................................................................................................. 3

7. Evaluation Methods................................................................................................................ 5

8. Revision of Standard ............................................................................................................ 15

9. Indication Methods on Specification Drawing..................................................................... 15

10. Applicable Standards.......................................................................................................... 15

MES PA 55000

1. Purpose
This MES aims at assuring proper quality by standardizing specifications of automotive
instrument panels.
Remark This MES, together with Specification Drawing, conveys the required

2. Scope
This MES specifies the instrument panels for automobiles, hereinafter referred to as
“instrument panel(s)”.

3. Reporting of Evaluation Results

The quality evaluation results at the development stage shall be submitted to the
responsible Mazda Engineering Dept. based on the development sample size shown in
Table 1 (Evaluation Criteria). If the sample size is not specified in Table 1, determine the
sample size by consultation with the Engineering Dept.

4. Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions of principal terms shall apply:
(1) Noise Interference noise caused by exciting a test sample, or friction
noise generated on a contact surface between parts.
(2) Adhesive strength Adhesive strength between base materials such as urethane tape,
unwoven fabric and sponge rubber, and adhesives, or between
adhesives and adherend base material.
(3) Degreasing Removal of grease adhering to an iron plate part to prevent
solvent cracks.
(4) Interface A surface forming a common boundary between adherend base
materials (resin parts in general) and adhesives, or between
adhesives and a base material such as urethane tape, unwoven
fabric, and sponge rubber.
(5) Background noise A noise level in the conditions under which a testing apparatus
is operated without a test sample being set onto a testing
(6) Correction The auditory correction characteristic A specified in JIS C 1509.
characteristic A
(7) Completely- A completely-assembled part including the one to which the
assembled part second processing has been implemented or has been

MES PA 55000

5. Specifications Indicated on the Drawing

(1) Wattage of lightning bulb
(2) Dimensional tolerance
(3) Excitation type
(4) Typical attachment portion (acceleration measuring point)
(5) Random wave excitation specification (indicated after S-1)
(6) Thermal cycle resistance test method
(7) Indication of passenger car or truck for vibration resistance
(8) Degreasing evaluation type
(9) Gross value

6. Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation criteria of the instrument panel shall conform to Table 1.
Remarks 1. The evaluation items and methods in Table 1 shall conform to the following

Evaluation Evaluation Dev.

Item Method Sample
Vibration Primary evaluation 7.5.1 3/3 Primary
resistance evaluation
・Operating Secondary evaluation ・7.3.1 3/3 Secondary
force of (Evaluation item tested after evaluation
slider evaluating vibration resistance) method
・・Noise Tertiary evaluation ・・7.3.7 3/3 Tertiary
(Evaluation item tested after evaluation
evaluating operating force) method

2. The following is the explanation of the development sample size in Table 1.

(The supplier and the responsible Mazda Engineering Dept. shall discuss
and decide for prototypes.)
Number of samples to be tested 3/3 Number of samples to be recorded
and reported
2. The quality rank is represented by A, AR, B, or C and the definitions shall
conform to MES K01-002.

MES PA 55000

Table 1
Quality Evaluation
Evaluation Item Evaluation Criteria Sample
Rank Method
Noise Noise index: Yn  0.01 B 7.2 2/2
Type A No oil film on the water surface. B 7.3 3/3
Type B Oil spreading area shall be within
6 mm.
Adhesive strength
Test A No interfacial peeling. B 7.4 3/3
Test B Adhesive strength shall be 4 N or more
in the presence of interfacial peeling.
Test C Adhesive strength shall be 4 N or more.
Test D Adhesive strength shall be 2.5 N or
Vibration resistance No coming-off, breakage, or screw B 7.5 3/3
looseness of a component.
Duct-fitting strength
Plug-in force 39 N or less B 7.6 3/3
Plug-out force 29 N or more
Heat resistance of lamp case
Thermal cycle lighting No thermal deformation that may B 7.7.2 3/3
resistance adversely affect appearance and/or
Jumper start resistance No smoke, resin deformation, or color A 7.7.3 3/3
change. (Bulb filament break is
Abnormal-voltage No ignition. (Bulb filament break is A 7.7.4 3/3
resistance permissible.)
Lighting heat No thermal deformation that may B 7.7.5 3/3
resistance adversely affect appearance and/or
Rivet pull-out force 150 N or more B 7.8 3/3
Test A The appearance shall be compared to C 7.9 3/3
that of the boundary sample and shall
be within its limit.
Test B The appearance shall be within the
gross value specified on the drawing.
Dimensional The dimensions shall be within the C 7.10 3/3
measurement tolerance specified on the drawing.

MES PA 55000

7. Evaluation Methods
7.1 Common evaluation conditions
7.1.1 Standard atmospheric conditions for testing Unless otherwise specified, the
standard temperature shall be 20 C, class 5 (20  5 C) and the standard humidity shall be
65 %, class 20 (65  20 %), as specified in JIS Z 8703, which is hereinafter referred to as
standard atmospheric conditions. Any part designated with temperature conditions shall be
tested under the designated temperature.
7.1.2 Type of test sample Unless otherwise specified, the test sample shall be a
completely-assembled part.
7.1.3 Test sample installation conditions Unless otherwise specified, the test sample
shall be installed onto a test stand or a fixture ( ) under the conditions equivalent to a
simulated on-vehicle condition.
Note (1) The test stand or the fixture shall be a cut body or its equivalent.
7.1.4 Conditioning of test sample The test sample shall be left for at least 24 h after
manufacture and shall be left untouched in the standard atmospheric conditions specified in
section 7.1.1 for at least 1 h prior to the test.
7.2 Noise
(1) Atmospheric conditions for testing The test shall be performed in the standard
atmospheric conditions. For background noise, a microphone shall be set onto the
testing apparatus as shown in Fig. 1. Then, the noise shall be measured with the
correction characteristic A implemented. The testing apparatus shall be isolated from
the noise so that the noise level becomes 80 dB or less with the testing apparatus “ON”.



Fig. 1

MES PA 55000

(2) Test preparation

(a) Check whether the test sample is installed as specified on the drawing.
(b) The test method shall be selected from sections 7.2(3) or 7.2(4) below.
(c) The acceleration measuring point shall be a typical installation portion of the part
specified on Specification Drawing. Unless otherwise specified, main standard (H)
shall be the acceleration measuring point.
(d) For the covering items specified below, perform the tests under both opening and
closing conditions.
Cupholder, ashtray, audio lid
(e) For the test samples with a lock mechanism such as glove box and console box, operate
the lock mechanism three times before excitation.
(f) Vibrate the test sample at an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 and a frequency of 20 Hz for
30  5 min. Then apply the initial run-in to the test sample.
(3) Excitation method with sign wave exciter
(a) Use the excitation type specified on the drawing, and log-sweep the frequency for each
acceleration, in accordance with the test conditions specified in Table 2.

Table 2
Excitation Acceleration Frequency Sweep Time No. of Road
Type m/s2 Hz Repetitions Coefficient
TypeⅠ 2.94 10 to 80 10 min each Twice each 1.0
5.88 each 0.3
TypeⅡ 2.94 1.0
7.84 0.3

(4) Excitation method with random wave exciter

(a) Perform excitation until S-1 development stage in accordance with the excitation
specifications indicated by the responsible Mazda Engineering Dept.
(b) At the initial stage and mass production stage, perform excitation in accordance with
the excitation specifications specified on the drawing.
(5) Evaluation procedure
(a) Evaluate user’s degree of unpleasantness from a noise level generated during the
excitation and noise generation frequency, using the definition of noise index
specified below. Determine a noise level coefficient from the coefficient in Table 3.

Definition of noise index

Units with noise (A)  Noise level coefficient (B)  Road coefficient (C)
Noise index Yn 
Units to be evaluated (L)

MES PA 55000

Remarks 1. The noise index (Yn) shall be calculated for each acceleration.
More unfavorable index shall be applied.
2. In the case of sign wave excitation, the road coefficient (C) shall be a road
coefficient at an acceleration which occurs under the test conditions in
Table 2. In the case of random wave excitation, the road coefficient
shall be specified on the drawing.
3. If multiple noise level coefficients (B) occur, the most unfavorable level
coefficient shall be applied.

Table 3 Noise Level Coefficient (B)

Hearing Location (2)
Noise (Fig. 2)

Less than 1/200 of total test

0.03 0.1 0.3
1/200 or more and less than
0.1 0.3 1.0
1/20 of total test time
1/20 or more of total test
0.3 1.0 1.3
Note (2) A distance from an examiner’s ear to the test sample as
shown in Fig. 2.

MES PA 55000

Test sample

Along Along Along

surface surface surface

Location A Location B Location C

(No shield.)

Fig. 2 Hearing Location

(b) Perform 1 cycle of the thermal cycle resistance test specified on the drawing. Then,
perform the noise evaluation test specified in section 7.2 again. Use the initially-used
parts continuously, and omit the initial run-in processing specified in section 7.2(2)(f).
Reference In quoting the noise item to any other Automobile Parts Standard, the
necessity of section 7.2(5)(b) shall be judged. If it is not required,
double evaluation shall be avoided by specifying that section 7.2(5)(b) is
omitted from the quoted standard.
(c) If the result exceeds the noise evaluation criteria (noise index), the supplier shall
identify causes for all defects and shall report them to the responsible Mazda
Engineering Dept. and Inspection Dept. If any technical causes lie in Mazda, the
causes may be removed by making a provisional modification for the test, provided
that it shall be reported to the responsible Mazda Engineering Dept. for approval.

MES PA 55000

7.3 Degreasing
7.3.1 Conditions of test sample For a completely-assembled part consisting of pressed
components and other components, take only the pressed components out of the assembled
part prior to the test. For a completely-assembled part cosisting of only pressed components,
use it for the test as it is.
7.3.2 Test method
(1) Type A (Applicable parts: Other than P-PR) Immerse the test sample into fresh
water (or tap water) completely. Leave the test sample untouched for 1 min. Then
visually check for an oil film on the water surface. (See Fig. 3.)


Test sample
Fig. 3

(2) Type B (Applicable parts: P-PR) Place the center part of a 15 mm  60 mm

degrease paper (equivalent to No. 63841, Shiseido) on the test sample. Apply a force of
0.5 N perpendicularly to the surface with a 0.5 mm  15 mm retainer. Move the retainer
10 mm in the arrow direction at a speed of 10 mm/s with the degrease paper so as to
absorb the grease. Then spread the degrease paper, and leave it untouched for 5 min.
Measure a range L of oil absorption spread. (See Fig. 4.)

Oil absorption

Filter paper

Filter paper
Test sample

10 mm

Fig. 4

MES PA 55000

7.4 Adhesive strength

7.4.1 Test sample size The test sample used shall be a completely-assembled part or a
sample taken from the completely-assembled part that has the size specified below (Fig. 5).
The test sample of 15 mm or more in width shall be cut into an exactly 15 mm wide sample.
If the test sample is less than 15 mm in width, it shall be used as it is.

Base material: urethane tape,

unwoven fabric, sponge rubber 15  1 mm

5 mm
Adhesives 50 mm
or more
Adherend base
Fig. 5

7.4.2 Test method The humidity of a test place shall be 65  5 %.

(a) Test A Press the end of the adhesive material with a force of 14.7 N and at a speed
of 200 mm/min with a test jig. (See Fig. 6.)

14.7 N

Adhesives Adherend base


Test jig
Test jig

Fig. 6

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MES PA 55000

(b) Test B If interfacial peeling is observed on the adhesive surface during Test A,
perform the test with another test piece of the same size as that for Test A. Pull the base
material at a speed of 200 mm/min with a push-pull gauge. (See Fig. 7.)



Adherend base

Fig. 7

(c) Test C Perform the short-term heat resistance test, long-term heat resistance test,
and thermal cycle resistance test (MES PW PT001) specified on the drawing. Then,
perform a test in accordance with the test method of Test B.
(d) Test D For vertical urethane at the tip of instrument panel No. 55100, heat the top
surface of the instrument panel at 115 C or more for 1 h, and perform the test in
accordance with the test method of Test B within 1 min.
7.4.3 Indication of adhesive strength
(a) Perform the tests with five test samples. Indicate the adhesive strength by the average
value of the test results.
(b) For the test sample of under 15 mm in width, indicate the adhesive strength by a value
converted into 15 mm in width.
Load at peeling
 15  Adhesive strength
Width of test sample

7.5 Vibration resistance

7.5.1 Test method Perform the vibration resistance test with Class B, Type 1 for
passenger cars and Class B, Type 3 for trucks in accordance with JIS D 1601.
7.6 Duct-fitting strength
7.6.1 Test sample A completely-assembled part shall be used for the test. The part
may be cut into an available size to facilitate the test.
7.6.2 Test method Perform the duct plug-in/plug-out tests along the fitting direction in
accordance with the following conditions (Fig. 8):
(a) Plug-in direction: Push in the duct at a speed of 200 mm/min or more, and measure the
(b) Plug-out direction: Pull the duct at a speed of 200 mm/min or less, and measure the force.

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MES PA 55000


Fig. 8

7.7 Heat resistance of lamp case

7.7.1 Conditions of test sample The test shall be performed with adjacent parts
assembled including a lamp case. (See Fig. 9.)

Fig. 9

7.7.2 Thermal cycle lighting resistance

(1) Taking ambient temperatures of 80 C  2 h  20 C  0.5 h  30 C  2 h 
20 C  0.5 h as 1 cycle, repeat it for 5 cycles. (See Fig. 10.)
(2) Apply a terminal voltage of 13.5  0.5 V to a 12 V system, and 27  1.0 V to a 24 V
system. Light the lamp continuously during the cycles. (See Fig. 10.)

Lighted continuously
for 5 cycles.

1 cycle

80 C 2h 2h

20 C 0.5 h 0.5 h

30 C 2h

Interval: within 5 min

Fig. 10

12 - j
MES PA 55000

7.7.3 Jumper start resistance

(1) Apply a voltage of 24  0.2 V to a 12 V system, and 36  0.4 V to a 24 V system for
1 min.
7.7.4 Abnormal-voltage resistance
(1) Apply a voltage of 19  0.2 V to a 12 V system, and 35  0.2 V to a 24 V system for
1  0.1 h.
7.7.5 Lighting heat resistance
(1) Apply a terminal voltage of 12.6  0.5 V to a 12 V system, and 25.2  1.0 V to a 24 V
system at an ambient temperature of 80 C under a draught free environment. Light the
lamp for 8 h.
7.8 Rivet pull-out force
7.8.1 Test sample Prepare for the bracket as illustrated in Fig. 11 so that the test sample
can be measured as a completely-assembled part.

Duct thickness as
product BRKT

Same bore
diameter as
product BRKT
Fig. 11

7.8.2 Test method Pull the bracket at a speed of 200 mm/min, and measure the rivet
pull-out force. (See Fig. 12.)

Push-pull gauge

Approx. 30 mm

Fig. 12

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MES PA 55000

7.9 Appearance
7.9.1 Test sample A completely-assembled part shall be used as a test sample.
7.9.2 Test method Test A Compare the wrinkles, shrinkage, wavy surface, weld mark, and flow
mark with those of the boundary sample in the standard atmospheric conditions. All the
following conditions shall be satisfied:
(1) Natural light without direct sunlight (from 3 h after the sunrise to 3 h before the sunset) or
xenon daylight or its equivalent light lamp for color evaluation shall be used for the light
(2) 1,000 lx or more illumination shall be applied to the surface required to compare colors
including the sample surface and standard surface. The illumination of xenon daylight
shall be at least a lamp current of 7.5 A (approx. 1,150 lx illumination), and shall not be
strongly bright.
(3) A wall surface shall be covered with the mat black paint or a black curtain for a glossy
sample to avoid regular reflection of light from a surrounding wall surface.
(4) The sample surface and standard surface shall be, as a rule, observed from an angle of 45
 with the perpendicular lighting, or shall be observed perpendicularly with the 45 
The sample surface and standard surface may be lighted from every direction and
observed perpendicularly or from an angle of 45 .
(5) A test sample with an opening of an appropriate size (rectangle or round shape) shall be
used to unify the comparative areas of the mask, sample surface, and standard surface.
The mask shall be acromatic and the lightness shall be similar to the sample surface and
lower than the sample color. Test B
(1) Sampling of test piece Take a test piece of 100 mm  100 mm from a completely-
assembled part.
(2) Test method Set a glossimeter as illustrated in Fig. 13. (Incidence angle and
reflection angle shall be 60 .) Measure a surface gloss value (%) of the test piece.
(See Fig. 13.)
Test piece

Light source receiving

Fig. 13

14 - j
MES PA 55000

7.10 Dimensional measurement

7.10.1 Test conditions Leave a completely-assembled part untouched in the standard
atmospheric conditions specified in section 7.1.1 for 24 h. Then, measure the dimensions of
the part in the same atmospheric conditions.
7.10.2 Measuring instrument Unless otherwise specified, use measuring instruments
which are considered to be optimal in shape (Micrometer, vernier caliper, 3-D measuring
instrument, and the like).
7.11 Scratch resistance (Deleted)

8. Revision of Standard
The MES revision shall be made in accordance with MES Suggestion Sheet.

9. Indication Methods on Specification Drawing

“Instrument panel specifications other than those on the drawing shall conform to
MES PA 55000” shall be included in the specification block.
Remark The alphabetical suffix which shows the revision shall be included, if any.

10. Applicable Standards

Refer to the latest edition for the following standards unless otherwise specified:
JIS C 1509-1 Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters - Part 1: Specifications
JIS D 1601 Vibration Testing Methods for Automobile Parts
JIS Z 8703 Standard Atmospheric Conditions for Testing
MES PW PT001 Interior/Exterior Plastic Parts for Decoration
MES K01-002 Determination and Procedure of Quality Ranking
MES MN 405 Test Methods for Fabrics, Carpets, Nonwoven Fabrics, Vinyl and
Leather for Automobiles

15 - j
MES PA 55000

*Questions concerning Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) may be addressed at any of the


Standards Australia Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
PO Box 5420 Via Battistotti Sassi 11/b
Sydney NSW 2001 1-20133 Milano


Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut Korean Standards Association
Heinestrasse 38 13-31, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu
1020 Vienna Seoul 150-010


Standards Council of Canada Standards Association of New Zealand
270 Albert Street, Suite 200 155 The Terrace
Ottawa ON, K1P 6N7 Private Bag 2439
Association française de normalisation SWITZERLAND (SNV)
11, avenue Francis de Pressensé Swiss Association for Standardization
FR-93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex Bürglistr. 29
8400 Winterthur
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung UNITED KINGDOM (BSI)
Burggrafenstrasse 6 British Standards Institution
DE-10787 Berlin 389 Chiswick High Road
GB-London W4 4AL

American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor
US-New York N.Y. 10036

*Questions concerning Japanese Automobile Standards (JASO) may be addressed at the


Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.

10-2, Goban-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0076

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