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Psionic Hunter

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one must be in that class to gain the ability;

PSIONIC HUNTER creature abilities count as the HD of the

“Psionic hunter” is a template that may be creature.
added to any humanoid or monstrous Always active abilities may not be taken in
humanoid with the potential for psionic this manner, nor may inherent properties of
abilities (hereafter referred to as the “base the creature (such as a beholder’s ability to
creature”). The creature’s type remains fly or a paladin’s immunity to disease).
unchanged, with the addition of the psionic Special Qualities: A psionic hunter has all
descriptor. It uses all of the base creature’s the special properties of the base creature
statistics and abilities except as noted here. and those listed below. A psionic hunter has
This template may not be applied to beings the psionic subtype.
with spell-like or supernatural abilties. It Minimal Nourishment (Ex): A psionic
may also not be given to any creature hunter has little need for physical food and
whose class grants such abilities. water, deriving most of its nutrition from
magical energy. Psionic hunters require
Hit Dice: Same as the base creature only one pound of meat and one gallon of
Speed: Increase the base creature’s speed water per week for healthy living. While they
by 5 feet can eat more than this, and enjoy the taste
Defense: Same as the base creature of food as much as other beings can, psionic
Special Attacks: The base creature keeps hunters do not need more than this for their
all of its own attacks, plus gaining the daily functioning.
extraordinary ability of psychic drain Magical Dependency (Ex): Though their
described below. If the base creature’s need for food and water is little, psionic
attacks were not considered armed before, hunters have an inherent necessity to feed
they now are, and the damage dealt by them on the magical energy of other beings. A
is normal damage if it was not before. psionic hunter must drain its level in spell
Psychic Drain (Ex): When the psionic levels per day to survive; one who fails to do
hunter strikes a magic-using creature in this begins to starve, as per the normal
combat (melee combat or ranged combat starvation rules.
within thirty feet), he may expend three A truly desperate psionic hunter can find a
power points as a free action to force the ley line or nexus to drain (the lines do not
creature to make a Will save (DC 10 + resist and are not harmed by this draining),
psionic hunter’s Wisdom modifier + ½ but will suffer a –1 illness penalty to attack
psionic hunter’s HD). If the save is failed, rolls and skill checks until he feeds on living
the creature struck immediately loses (1d4 + energy. Feeding on a ley line also does not
psionic hunter’s Wisdom modifier) spell permit storage of excess energy, only
levels from its available slots. The creature providing enough to survive upon.
struck chooses which slots to lose. If the Spell Slot Storage (Ex): Psionic hunters
struck creature has any active spells on have a built-in safety mechanism to slightly
itself, it may lose those instead if it chooses. alleviate the need to constantly hunt. By
The struck creature cannot choose to “gorging” themselves on magical energy
partially lose a slot or active spell. (ie: A greater than their daily need, they can store
caster who is struck for five lost spell levels the left over spell slots within their own
cannot sacrifice a sixth level slot and get a bodies for later consumption. A Psionic
first level slot back from it; the whole slot is hunter can store up to his HD times his
simply gone. By the same token, he could Wisdom modifier (if positive) more than his
not give up a sixth level spell active on daily needs. (For example, a 7 HD Psionic
himself for lowered duration or to receive a hunter with Wisdom 15 can take his normal
first level slot back; the spell just fails.) daily nourishment of seven spell levels, and
Creatures with spell-like abilities usable on top of that can store fourteen more levels
once per day or once per week lose those within himself.) “Gorged” spell levels greater
abilities for the normal amount of recovery than this amount that cannot be used within
time, with the lost ability counting as spell ten minutes per HD are simply lost.
levels equal to the spell it emulates. Psionic hunters can freely trade these
Supernatural class abilities may also be spell levels among themselves for food (to
“stolen” in this manner, counting as the level feed children or take care of the sick, for
example), but are incapable of using them on the psionic hunter’s hit dice or level, and
for anything other than food or food storage, are chosen from the psionic warrior power
and cannot give them to anyone else. list. A psionic hunter may not possess
Psychic Scent (Ex): Psionic hunters powers of greater levels than his hit dice or
possess the psychic scent ability. level. Psionic hunters who join a psionic
Psionics (Ex): Due to their specific and class gain these powers and power points
stable mutation, psionic hunters have as a bonus to their class abilities.
psionic abilities. These abilities are based

Power Attack Defense Power

HD Points Powers Modes Modes Resistance
1-3 9 1 1 1 —
4-7 12 3 2 2 —
8-12 15 5 2 2 10
13-15 18 7 3 3 15
16+ 21 9 3 3 20

Abilities: Increase from the base creature Attacks: Unarmed strike +4 melee; or knife
as follows: Str +2, Con +2, Wis +2, Int –2, +4 melee
Cha –2. Damage: Unarmed strike 1d3+2; or knife
Skills: Psionic hunters receive a +4 racial 1d4+2
bonus to Animal Empathy and Handle Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Animal checks. Special Attacks: Psychic drain, psionics
Climate/Terrain: Same as the base Special Qualities: Track, trailblazing, heart
creature (+1) psychic scent, minimal nourishment,
Organization: Usually same as the base magical dependency, psionics
creature, but psionic hunters are more prone Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4
to pack organization than solitary loners. Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 7, Wis
Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, as base 14, Cha 8
creature +1. Skills: Animal Empathy +10, Climb +2,
4-7 HD, as base creature +2. Handle Animal +10, Hide +4, Intuit Direction
8-15 HD, as base creature +3. +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +4, Spot +5,
16+ HD, as base creature +4. Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +9
Treasure: Same as the base creature. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative
Alignment: Same as the base creature,
with more frequent tendencies towards
Advancement: Same as the base creature

Psionic Hunter Characters

Psionic hunters have an ECL of +2 and have
a favored class of Wilderness Scout.

Sample Psionic Hunter

Here is an example of a psionic hunter using
a 3rd-level human wilderness scout as the
base creature.

Psionic Hunter
Medium-Sized Humanoid (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 3d8+6
Vitality/Wounds: 19 / 14
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 35 feet
Defense: 14 (+4 class)

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