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Learning Plan: Opening Prayer Classroom Organization Checking of Attendance

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St. Pius X Seminary, Inc.

Archdiocese of Capiz
Pinesville Heights, Lawaan, Roxas City

Teacher: Mrs. Gina B. Artates Subject: TLE – Industrial Arts (Carpentry)
Formation Year: 2019-2020 Quarter: Third Grading Grade: 8

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the underlying principles in the
preparation of carpentry tools and construction materials.

Performance Standard: The learner independently prepares carpentry tools and construction
materials based on industry standards.

Transfer Goal: The students on their own and in the long run will be able to use their learning in
using the different tools, equipment and machines in carpentry.

Opening prayer
Classroom organization
Checking of attendance


Before we go to our lessons, let us first test your prior knowledge by answering the given Pre-Test. After
taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of those items which you were not able to
answer correctly and look for the correct answers as you go through this module.

Direction: Identify of what is asked. Write you answer in the space provided before the number.

1. _________ are defined as implements used to modify raw materials for human use.
2. _________ are the tools used for laying out measurements.
3. _________ are the tools are used for marking or drawing lines.
4. _________ are tools used to test the squareness of a corner, the end of an edge, the flatness of a
surface, or the straightness of an edge.
5. _________ are the tools having thin, sharp edges, and are used for cutting lumber.
6. _________ are the tools having edges or surfaces provided with parts shaped like teeth with
which to cut or shape the wood.
7. _________ are the tools used to drive nails and screws into the wood or other tool while
8. _________ are the tools used for holding metal or compounds while working.
9. _________ are the tools that are especially designed to make hole in wood.
10. _________ are the tools that are especially made to maintain the different tools and equipment in

Activity #2: Discharging of Technical Terms

Bevel – an instrument used by mechanics for drawing angles and in fixing
surfaces at an angle
Grip – the act of taking firmly and holding fast with the hand
Lathe – a machine for shaping an article of wood, metal by holding, and turning
it rapidly against the edge of a cutting tool
Radii – plural of radius

Carpentry is the skill of creating furniture or other objects from wood using specialist carpentry
tools and techniques, training is usually through apprenticeships.

Common Carpentry Tools

Tools are defined as implements used to modify raw materials for human use. Tools can be
considered as extension of the hand thereby increasing its speed, power, and accuracy. From the early
age up to the present generation, tools can be considered as man’s partner in his struggle for survival.
Knowing the different tools and equipment and its uses, facilitate work activities and project making and
helps every student to save time and effort in performing different tasks in woodworking. Tools are
classified according to its uses.
a. Measuring tools f. Driving tools
b. Lining tools g. Holding tools
c. Testing tools h. Boring tools
d. Edge-cutting tools i. Miscellaneous tools
e. Toothed cutting tools j. Equipment/machines

Activity #3: Flash Tools

Direction: You teacher will show you the different tools and equipment used in carpentry. List down it
and give its functions or uses.

Tools and Equipment and

Its Functions or Uses
Activity #4: Map of Conceptual Change

Share your prior knowledge by answering the Map of Conceptual Change. Answer the
given question below and write your answer in the column of Initial.


EQ: How to use the different tools and equipment help in cookery?

Presentation of Performance Task

Let’s find out how others would answer the above question and compare their ideas with your own. As
you compare, you will find out if your ideas are in line with the standard. You will also learn other
concepts which will help you complete a required project found at the end. This project is about creating
Mini Cookbook that will help you understand the uses of the different tools and equipment in cookery.

We will start by doing the next activity.

End of Explore

Today, stores offer a large selection of gadgets to make life in the kitchen easier. It is important
to know the classifications of tools and equipment in cookery. There are 3 classifications of tools and
equipment in cookery, namely: food preparation tool (these tools are used to prepare food), cutting tools
(these tools are used to cut ingredients and other food items), and measuring tools (these tools are used
to measure ingredients and other food items).

Activity #5: Classify the different tools according to its classifications.

Food Preparation Tools Cutting Tools Measuring Tools
Activity #6: Map of Conceptual Change

Let us go back to the Map of Conceptual Change. After the discussion known, answer the given
question below and write your answer in the column of Revised.

EQ: How to use the different tools and equipment help in cookery?

End of Firm Up


Activity #7: Essay Writing

Direction: Answer the 3 given questions using short-constructed response which will be assessed using
the rubric below:

4 POINTS: the student provides a comprehensive explanation and uses sentences which further
enhance his/her excellent standpoint.

3 POINTS: the student provides a sufficient explanation and uses sentences which further enhance
his/her standpoint.

2 POINTS: the student provides an explanation with minimal supporting sentences.

1 POINT: the student does not provide an explanation; no supporting detail was provided.

1. In your own idea, aside from the tips that we’ve discussed, what are the other tips in maintaining
the tools, equipment and paraphernalia in cookery?
2. Why do you think we are taking good care the tools, equipment and paraphernalia?
3. How will you able to show how to take good care of the tools, equipment and paraphernalia in
cookery? How important it is?

Activity #8: Think it more!

Accomplish the worksheet below individually.

Comprehend and answer the given questions that follow.

Essential Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3

Question: Picture Analysis Video Analysis Text Analysis

How to use com/watch?v=1AxL
the different zMJIgxM
tools and
help in Process Questions:
cookery? 1.) What attitude did
you recognize in the
Process Questions: video?
2.) What scene in the Process Questions:
1.) How did the chefs do
video supports your 1.) What approach could you
with the tools and
answer? distinguish in the texts?
3.) Why do you say 2.) What word(s) in the
2.) What part in the picture
that scene supports slogan supports your answer?
supports your answer?
your answer? 3.) Why do you say that
3.) Why do you say that part
word(s) supports your
supports your answer?
Answer: Answer: Answer:
Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
Reason: Reason: Reason:
Common Ideas in Reasons:

Enduring Understanding:

Activity #9: Map of Conceptual Change

Let us go back to the Map of Conceptual Change. After the discussion known, answer the given
question below and write your answer in the column of Final.
EQ: How to use the different tools and equipment help in cookery?

End of Deepen


Activity # 10: Scaffold 1: Video Analysis

Scaffold 1: Watch the given video and answer the following questions.

Kitchen Utensils in the Professional Kitchen and What Equipment You Need at Home

Process Questions:
1. What are the tools you should have in your kitchen at home?
2. Do you consider the said tools vital in cooking dishes for everyday meals of you? Why/why not?
3. Why do you think you need the said tools and equipment at your home?

Activity # 11: Scaffold 2: Pick and Take

and Go around your kitchen at your
home. With assistance of your mother, take
pictures of the different tools and

Equipme equipment that were present at your

kitchen. Then form a compilation of it in 1
short-yellow folder. Give also the functions

(uses) of the tools and equipment.


Activity #12: Scaffold 3: Project Plan Making

The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group must prepare a project plan for
preparing a simple dish. Each group also is expected to identify and list the tools and equipment in
cooking specified simple dishes.
Group 1 – Pork Afrtitada
Group 2 – Pork Sinigang
Group 3 – Chicken Curry

Project Plan Template in Cooking Simple Dishes

I. Objective(s)
II. Tools and Equipments
III. Ingredients
IV. Procedures

Its performance task week and your class were assigned to cook something to be served as
a consolation for your brothers. Your TLE teacher asked you to prepare simple dishes. You are expected
to follow the project plan you made last activity and emphasized the proper use of tools and equipment
in cooking. Each member must wear their corresponding PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) as
protection. You will be rated according to the selection of tools, use of tools and handling of tools and


Goal To prepare simple dishes giving emphasis to the tools and equipment.
Role You will become a chef and tools and equipment master.
Audience T.L.E. Teacher and fellow students
Situation You will prepare simple dishes with an emphasis of using tools and equipment.
Product Proper usage of tools and equipments in cookery.
You will be rated according to the selection of tools, use of tools and handling of tools
and equipment.


Excellent Very Good Good Fair

(4) (3) (2) (1)
All the tools and
Not all the tools
equipments were All the tools and All the tools and
and equipments
prepared and equipments were equipments that
were prepared by
Selection of Tools manipulated by prepared by the prepared by the
the students
and Equipments the students students according students were not
according to its
according to its to its uses before suitable to its
uses before
uses before cooking. uses.
The students used
The students used There students The students used
the tools and
Use of Tools and the tools and who used the tools the tools and
Equipments equipment and equipment equipment
properly and
properly. improperly. improperly.
The students There are students
The students The students
showed care and who never
Handling of showed care to the never showed care
respect to the showed care to the
Tools and tools and to the tools and
tools and tools and
Equipment equipment that equipment that
equipment that equipment that
they used. they used.
they used. they used.
Activity #14: Journal Writing
In your Big Notebook, answer the following question:
1. After the performance task, what value (s) did you learn? Explain.


Direction: Fill up the table. Name the following tools and equipment, then give its function or use and
classify it according to its uses.

Tools/Equipments Name Function (s) Classification

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30.

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