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Grade 10 Quarter 3 Lym A

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Third Quarter Examination

Science 10
NAME: _____________________________ DATE: _________________

Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested answers or completions. Select the
one that is best in each case and then write your answer in CAPITAL LETTER on the corresponding space before each number.
Avoid Erasures

1. Which of the following is secreted principally by the C. Growth hormone prolactin

corpus luteum of the human ovary? D. Oxytocin-Antidiuretic hormone
A. Luteinizing hormone 10. It refers to the condition in which the thyroid gland
B. Follicle-stimulating hormone cannot produce the normal amount of thyroid
C. Progesterone hormone.
D. Testosterone A. Hyperthyroidism
2. A hollow, pear shaped organ wherein a zygote B. Hypothyroidism
develops if the ovum is fertilized by a spermatozoon. C. Gonorrhea
A. Uterus C. Cervix D. Cushing’s syndrome
B. Ovaries D. Vagina 11. Which of the following best explains the nervous
3. It controls sex drive and regulates the development if system?
female secondary sex characteristics at puberty. A. The nervous system is like a communication
A. Growth Hormone C. Oxytocin network that transmits information by
B. Estrogen D. Testosterone electrical signals called neurons.
4. It the process where the embryo attaches itself to the B. It works together with the endocrine system
soft tissues of the uterine wall when it reaches the to control and coordinate the workings of
uterus? the components of the body.
A. Implanting C. Cycle C. The nervous system is where the
B. Implantation D. Maturing interneurons receives and pass on messages.
5. All of the following statements are correct about D. It serves as the pathway to relay sensory and
reproductive system EXCEPT: motor information to and from the brain and
A. It plays an important role in producing other parts of the body.
offspring. 12. Which does not belong to the group?
B. Reproductive system consists of many parts A. Cerebrum C. Medulla
and hormones. B. Cerebellum D. Hyperthalamus
C. The reproductive system referred to as the 13. It is the large upper region of the brain that consists
female and male sex organ. of deep folds which are divided into many ridges and
D. It controls the releasing of hormones to keep depressions.
the body parts functioning properly. A. Thalamus C. Pons
6. Sexually transmitted diseases are infections passed B. Cerebrum D. Midbrain
from person to person through sexual contact. Which 14. Which of the following statement is false?
do you think shows the best way to prevent this kind A. The major processing centers are found in
of disease? the forebrain.
I. Abstinence B. The transmission of an impulse across the
II. Practicing Sexual Fidelity neuron is one way.
III. Having a caring relationship such as marriage C. The actions of the sympathetic and
A. I and II only C. I and III only parasympathetic systems are opposite.
B. III only D. I,II,III D. The autonomic nervous system connects the
7. Which of the following best describes endocrine brain and the spinal cord to the involuntary
system? muscles.
A. It is made up of a group of organs called 15. The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of cranial
endocrine glands. and spinal nerves. How many pairs of cranial nerves
B. It may affect the ability to produce in the body that emerge from the brain that connect
offspring. with the eyes, ears, and nose?
C. The endocrine system is a complicated A. 12 B. 22 C. 32 D. 42
system of checks and balances that controls 16. It is responsible for actions that a person can control
the releasing of hormones to keep the body such as skeletal muscles and sensory neurons of the
parts functioning smoothly. skin.
D. Different processes such as metabolism, A. Autonomic Nervous System
ovulation, water balance and puberty are not B. Automatic Nervous System
possible without the help of endocrine C. Somatic Nervous System
system. D. Sonnatic Nervous System
8. It is one of the major glands of endocrine system 17. What do you think is the reason for the significance
controls the “fight or flight” response of an of Autonomic Nervous System?
individual. A. It is important in maintaining homeostasis.
A. Adrenal C. Pituitary B. It prepares the body for action and stress.
B. Thyroid D. Thymus C. It helps the body to conserve energy.
9. A hormone that stimulates adrenal gland to release D. It does not require a person to think.
specific hormone is called ________. 18. These are receptors which are responsible in
A. Adrenocorticotropic hormone gathering information about the conditions inside and
B. Thyroid-stimulating hormone outside of the body.
A. Control Center C. Sensors 32. Which of the following systems work closely with
B. Communicating systems D. Targets the endocrine system to coordinate the body’s
19. The basic building blocks of nucleic acids called A. Nervous system
________________. B. Digestive system
A. Nucleotides C. Nucletides
C. Respiratory system
B. Nucleolus D. Nucleitides
20. A nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions D. Circulatory system
used in the development and functioning of all 33. Endocrine System and Nervous System works
known living things. coordinately and both system are called ____
A. DNA C. tRNA A. Homeostasis System
B. RNA D. rRNA B. Nerve-Hormone System
21.The complementary RNA sequence for GATCAA is
C. Hormonal System
B. CUAGUU D. AGCUGG D. Impulse System
22.The double helix structure of a DNA was deduced by 34. Which hormones regulate the blood calcium levels?
two great geneticists based from Franklin and A. PTH and calcitonin
Chargaff’s data. B. Insulin and glucagon
A. Jame Watson and Francious Crick C. Vasopressin and oxytocin
B. James Watson and Francis Crick D. Testosterone and estrogen
C. Jaime Watson and Francis Crick
35. Which of the following are not endocrine glands?
D. James Watson and Francious Crick
23.All of the following words pertains to the components A. Sweat gland C. Pineal gland
of nucleotide EXCEPT ONE: B. Adrenal gland D. Thyroid gland
A. A phosphate group 36. Which is not a hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe?
B. A five-carbon sugar A. Prolactin
C. A nitrogen-containing base B. Oxytocin
D. A polymerase C. Growth Hormone
24.Which of the following does not belong to the group
D. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
in terms of DNA?
A. Adenine C. Uracil 37. Which of the following procedures glucocorticoids?
B. Thymine D. Guanine A. Gonads C. Thyroid gland
25.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the B. Adrenal glands D. Hypothalamus
nitrogenous bases? 38. Which of the following inhibits FHS secretion?
A. The bases are the same for the DNA of all A. LH C. Inhibin
organisms. B. Androgen D. Progesterone
B. The nitrogenous bases are the same for the
39. Which are the two main regions of the nervous
DNA of all organisms but the proportion of
the four bases differs from organism to system?
another organism. A. CNS and PNS
C. The nitrogenous bases are the same for the B. Brain and Spinal Cord
DNA of all organisms but the proportion of C. Motor neurons and glial cells
the four bases are the same from organism to D. Motor neurons and sensory neurons
another organism. 40. Which of the following is not the basic function of
D. The proportion of the nitrogenous bases is
the same for the DNA of all organisms. the nervous system?
26.It is a name of sugar found in DNA but not RNA. A. Detects and senses stimuli
A. Deoxyribose C. Deoxypentose B. Responds to sensory stimulation
B. Ribose D. Ribopentose C. Sends signal rapidly between body parts
27.A purine base that always pairs up with cytosine. D. Produces fluids such as plasma and
A. Guanine C. Adenine interstitial fluid
B. Thymine D. Thyamine
41. Which neuron transmits signals from the PNS to the
28.It is a chain of many amino acids linked together.
A. Peptide C. Polypeptide central nervous system?
B. Histidine D. Protein A. Ganglia C. Efferent
29.A purine base that pairs up with thymine and uracil. B. Afferent D. Interneuron
A. Guanine C. Thyamine 42. Which are not areas of the cerebrum?
B. Thymine D. Adenine A. Logic and language
30.How DNA differs? B. Motor signal generating
A. The four nucleotides differ in all plants and
C. Sensory signal receiving
B. The difference is determined by the D. Heart rate and breathing rate
sequence in which the nucleotides are strung 43. Damage to the cerebellum causes ________.
together. A. Coma
C. The four nucleotides are the same only in B. Loss of speech
plants but not in animals. C. Loss of balance
D. Every human being will have a different D. Uncontrollable anger
sequence in certain sections of DNA
44. A neurological disorder that typically causes seizures
including the identical twins.
31.It is an organ composed partly of tissue from the due to faulty electrical impulses in the brain.
embryo and part of the wall of the uterus to which the A. Cerebral Palsy C. Parkinson’s Disease
embryo is attached? B. Sclerosis D. Epilepsy
A. Ovary C. Bladder
B. Placenta D. Urethra
45. Which autonomic division is more active when you 53. A simple goiter is caused by _____
are in relaxed state? A. Too much salt in the diet
A. Central C. Voluntary B. Too little iodine on the diet
B. Sympathetic D. Parasympathetic C. Too many sweets in the diet
46. What are the primary functions of the spinal cord? D. A band diet
A. Intelligence and memory 54. Which of the following statements best example of
B. Speech, smell, taste, hearing, and vision positive feedback mechanism?
C. Controlling muscle activity and maintaining A. You cannot hold your breath for a long time.
balance B. The release of certain growth hormones
D. Reflex actions and communication between during puberty
the brain and spinal nerves C. Evaporation of sweat from the skin has a
47. The uterus __________. strong cooling effect
A. Is connected to both the oviducts and the D. It releases heat energy and helps warm the
vagina body back to 37 degrees Celsius
B. Is not an endocrine gland 55. The following are the practical applications of DNA
C. Contributes to the development of the Technology except one.
placenta A. Medicine C. Forensics
D. All of these are correct B. Agriculture D. Cosmetics
48. Pregnancy begins ________. 56. What do you call a fertilized egg?
A. When an egg fertilized A. Fetus C. Zygote
B. When ovulation occurs B. Gametes D. Embryo
C. Upon successful implantation
D. During follicular phase For Questions 55 – 60, complete the word analogy.
49. Which male organ produces millions of sperm cells? 57. Sleep-wake Hormone: Melatonin; Emergency
Hormone: ____
A. Testes C. Epididymis
B. Vas deferens D. Urethra A. Adrenal
B. Epinephrine
50. Which of the following that looks like a sac or pouch
which encloses the testes? C. Glucagon
D. Melanin
A. Scrotum C. Epididymis
B. Vas deferens D. Penis 58. Testes: Testosterone; Ovaries: __
A. Estrogen
51. It is a stable, heritable change in the genetic material
of any organism? B. Progesterone
C. Insulin
A. Mutant C. Mutation
B. Mutate D. Mutating D. Glucocorticoids
59. Eyesight: Optic Nerve; Smell: ____
52. SCID stands for ____?
A. Severe Complex Immune Disorder A. Cochlea
B. Sweat Glands
B. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Disorder C. Olfactory Nerve
D. Impulse Nerve
C. Severe Completed Ionization Disorder
D. Severe Complicated Immunity Disorder 60. Ovaries: Egg cell; Testes: ___
A. Embryonic Cell
B. Fetus
C. Sperm Cell
D. Scrotum

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Principal, LHS

1. C 31. B
2. A 32. A
3. B 33. C
4. B 34. A
5. D 35. A
6. D 36. B
7. C 37. B
8. A 38. C
9. A 39. A
10. B 40. D
11. A 41. B
12. D 42. D
13. B 43. A
14. B 44. D
15. B 45. D
16. C 46. D
17. A 47. D
18. C 48. A
19. A 49. A
20. C 50. A
21. B 51. C
22. B 52. B
23. D 53. B
24. C 54. C
25. B 55. D
26. A 56. C
27. A 57. A
28. C 58. A
29. A 59. C
30. B 60. C

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Principal, LHS

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