Heinrichs Quality of Life Scale: 1. Rate Intimate Relationships With Household Members Suggested Questions
Heinrichs Quality of Life Scale: 1. Rate Intimate Relationships With Household Members Suggested Questions
Heinrichs Quality of Life Scale: 1. Rate Intimate Relationships With Household Members Suggested Questions
Are you especially close with any of the people you currently live with or your
immediate family?
Can you discuss personal matters with them?
How much have you talked with them?
What are these relationships like?
Can they discuss personal matters with you?
What sorts of things have you done together?
When at home, have you spent much time around your family or were you generally
This item is to rate close relationships with significant mutual caring and sharing with immediate
family or members of the subject's current household.
Note: For Factor and Total scores, prorate this item on the basis of items 2 through 8.
0 Virtually no intimacy
2 Only sparse and intermittent interactions
4 Some consistent interactions but reduced in extent or intensity; or intimacy only present
6 Adequate involvement in intimate relations with household members or immediate family
9 Score- If subject lives alone and no immediate family nearby.
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Do you have friends with whom you are especially close other than your immediate
family or the people you live with?
Can you discuss personal matters with them?
How many friends do you have?
How often have you spoken with them recently, in person or by phone?
Can they discuss personal matters with you?
This item is to rate close relationships with significant mutual caring and sharing, with people
other than immediate family or household members. Exclude relationships with mental health
0 Virtually absent
2 Only sparse and intermittent relations
4 Some consistent intimate relations but reduced in extent or intensity; or intimacy only
present erratically.
6 Adequate involvement in intimate relationships with more than one other person
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Apart from close personal friends, are there people you know with whom you have
enjoyed doing things?
How many?
How often have you gotten together with them?
What things have you done together?
Have you been with people as a part of clubs or organized activities?
Have you had extra social contact with co-workers, such as going to lunch together or
going out after work?
This item is to rate relationships with people based on liking one another and sharing common
activities or interests but without the intimate emotional investment of the above item. Exclude
relationships with mental health workers and other household members.
0 Virtually absent
2 Few acquaintances and only infrequent contact
4 Some ongoing active acquaintances but reduced contact and limited shared activity
6 Adequate involvement with active acquaintances.
How often have you done things for enjoyment that involve other people?
What sort of things?
Have you participated in clubs or other organized social groups?
This item is to rate involvement in activities with other people done for enjoyment. Exclude
social activity that is primarily instrumental for other goals, for example, work and school.
Exclude psychotherapy.
0 Virtually absent
2 Occasional social activity but lack of regular pattern of such activity, or limited only to
activity with immediate family or members of household.
4 Some regular social activity but reduced in frequency or diversity
6 Adequate level of regular social activity
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Are there people who have been concerned about your happiness and well-being?
How many?
How did they show it?
If some important and exiting thing happened to you, who would you contact or inform?
Are there people who often provided you emotional support or help in day-to-day matters
such as food, transportation, and practical advice?
Are there people you could turn to or depend on for help if anything happened?
This item is to rate the extent to which other people concern themselves with the person, care
about his fortunes or know about his activities. Exclude mental health workers.
0 Virtually absent.
2 Minimal in number or degree of involvement, and/or limited to immediate family.
4 Presence of some involved social network but reduced in number or degree of
6 Adequately involved social network in both extent and in degree of involvement.
Have you often asked people to do something with you, or have you usually waited for
others to ask you?
When you have had an idea for a good time, have you sometimes missed out because it's
hard to ask others to participate?
Have you contacted people by phone?
Have you tended to seek people out?
Have you usually done things alone or with other people?
This item is to rate the degree to which the person is active in directing his social interactions -
what, how much, and with whom.
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Have you felt uncomfortable with people?
Have you turned down offers to do things with other people? Would you if you were asked?
Have you done this even when you have had nothing to do?
Have you avoided answering the phone?
How has this interfered with your life?
Have you dealt with people only when it's necessary to accomplish something you want?
Have you preferred to be alone?
This item is to rate the degree to which the person actively avoids social interaction due to
his/her discomfort or disinterest.
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This item is to rate the capacity for mature intimate relations with members of the opposite sex
and satisfying sexual activity. The wording assumes a heterosexual preference. In clear cases of
consistent homosexual preference, reword accordingly and rate these same capacities.
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This item is to rate the amount of role functioning the person is attempting, not how well nor
how completely he/she is succeeding. For homemakers, consider whether for a person with
normal efficiency the responsibilities would represent a full-time job or some fraction thereof.
If unemployed, consider time spent in appropriate job seeking activity.
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This item is to rate the level of success and achievement in fulfilling the particular role the
person has chosen to attempt.
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This item requires a complex judgment. Ask any further questions needed to clarify the abilities
and opportunities of this individual.
This item is to rate the degree to which the existing extent of and accomplishment in
occupational role functioning reflects full utilization of the potentiality and opportunities
available to the person. Consider innate abilities, physical handicaps, education, economic and
social culture factors. Obviously, limitations directly reflecting any mental illness or personality
disorder should not be considered in estimating the person's potential.
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Did you like your work or schooling?
Would you have preferred to be doing something else?
Do you plan a change? Why?
Did you get good feelings from doing your work - pleasure, fulfillment, etc.?
Did your work or school make you feel good about yourself?
Are you enthusiastic about your job?
Do you look forward to going to work?
This item is to rate the extent to which the person is comfortable with his choice of role, the
performance of it, and the situation in which he performs it. It also is to rate the extent to which it
provides a sense of satisfaction, pleasure, and fulfillment to him/her.
Note: This item should be rated 9 if item 9 is rated less than 3. For Factor and Total scores,
prorate this item on this basis of items 9 through 11.
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What makes life worth living for you?
Do you think much about the future?
Have you set any goals for yourself?
What do you anticipate your living and working situation to be a few months from now?
What plans do you have for your life over the next year or so - personal as well as job
related ones?
Do you look forward to going to work?
This item is to rate the degree to which the person posits realistic, integrated goals for his/her
life. If the person's current life reflects such goals, it is not necessary that he/she be planning a
change in order to be judged to have a good sense of purpose.
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How have you been going about accomplishing your goals?
What other things have you worked on or accomplished recently?
Have there been tasks in any area that you wanted to do but didn't because you somehow
didn't get around to it?
Has this experience of just not getting around to it interfered with your regular daily
How motivated have you been?
Have you had much enthusiasm, energy, and drive?
Have you tended to get into a rut?
Have you tended to put things off?
This item is to rate the extent to which the person is unable to initiate or sustain goal-directed
activity due to inadequate drive.
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How often have you seen or heard something that you wanted to know more about or
understand better?
What sorts of things?
Have you read the newspapers, or listened to the news on TV or radio?
Were you interested in any issues in current events or sports?
How curious about these things have you been?
This item is to rate the degree to which the person is interested in his surroundings and questions
those things he doesn't understand. Exclude interest in hallucinations or delusions or other
psychotic products. However, pathological preoccupation with psychotic products or other
themes may limit curiosity or interest in other things.
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Have you been able to enjoy yourself?
How often have you really enjoyed or gotten satisfaction from something you were
How often did you choose to do something that struck you as amusing or made you feel
like laughing?
Did you have trouble getting enjoyment from things that seemed like they should be fun?
Do other people seem to get more enjoyment in things than you do?
Did you often spend the better part of the day bored or disinterested in things?
This item is to rate the person's capacity to experience pleasure and humor. Do not rate
anhedonia that presents as the result of a clear and observable depressive syndrome, e.g.,
agitation, crying, marked feelings of wickedness and worthlessness, etc. However, anhedonia
accompanied by apathy and withdrawal from which depression may be inferred should be rated.
Ask any questions necessary to determine the presence of depression and its effect on hedonic
capacity. This is to be distinguished from the capacity to display affect, which is not rated here.
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Did you spend much time doing nothing - just sitting around or in bed?
Did you spend much time watching TV or listening to music - were you really interested
or just had nothing better to do?
Did you sleep much during the day?
How much of your days were spent in these ways?
How have you utilized your time?
Did you tend to waste time?
This item is to rate the amount of time passed in aimless inactivity - sleeping during the day,
lying in bed, sitting around doing nothing or in front of the TV or radio when not particularly
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For this question, inquire about each of the 12 items listed.
Are you wearing or carrying the Do you have with you at your place of
following? residence the following?
(1) a wallet or purse (1) a map of the city or area
(2) keys (2) your own alarm clock
(3) a driver's license (3) a comb or hair brush
(4) a watch (4) an overnight bag
(5) a credit card (5) a library card
(6) a Social Security or Medical (6) postage stamps
Assistance card
This item assumes that basic participation in living in this culture nearly always requires a person
to possess certain objects.
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For this item inquire about each of the 12 items listed.
Which of the following have you done in the past two weeks?
(1) read a newspaper,
(2) paid a bill,
(3) wrote a letter,
(4) gone to a movie or play,
(5) driven a car or ridden public transportation alone,
(6) shopped for food,
(7) shopped for other than food,
(8) eaten in a restaurant,
(9) taken a book or record out of the library,
(10) participated in a public gathering,
(11) attended a sporting event,
(12) visited a public park or other recreational facility.
This item assumes that basic participation in living in this culture nearly always requires a person
to engage in certain activities.
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Consider someone you are close to or spend a lot of time with.
What about them irritates or annoys you?
What about you irritates or annoys them?
What things do they like?
What things that you do please them?
If they appear upset, how do you usually react?
If you have an argument or difference of opinion with them, how do you handle it?
Are you usually sensitive to the feelings of others?
Are you affected very much by how other people feel?
This item is to rate the person's capacity to regard and appreciate the other person's situation as
different from his/her own - to appreciate different perspectives, affective states and points of
view. It is reflected in the person's description of interactions with other people and how he/she
views such interactions. Specific probing to elicit the person's description and assessment of
relevant situations can be done at this time if sufficient data has not emerged thus far in the
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This item is to rate the person's ability to engage the interviewer, to make him feel affectively in
touch and acknowledge him as a participant individual in the encounter, and to react in a give
and take way.
0 Interviewer feels virtually ignored with essentially no sense of engagement, with very little
2 Very limited engagement.
4 Engagement somewhat limited or present erratically.
6 Consistently good engagement and reactivity.
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