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Sidi Rezegh – The Second Day

22nd November 1941


A Rapid Fire 2 scenario V1.2.1 (24/10/09)

By Brad Smith

On the 21st November 1941, Commonwealth forces attacked to lift the German siege of Tobruk. The Afrika
Korps under Erwin Rommel met them in a desperate battle around Sidi Rezegh. On the next day,
Commonwealth forces regrouped near the airfield and awaited reinforcements. As 22nd Armoured Brigade
approached, elements of 21st Panzer Division smashed into them.

British 2pdr AT Portees deploy in a gun line in an attempt to stem the German Armour
(all models & terrain from collection of Ian Fainges, photo by Mark Piper)

The Wargame Scenario

The game is played on a 10’ x 6’ table. Elevations affect movement but do not provide cover or allow AFVs to
go hull down. Broken ground is impassable to vehicles and affects infantry movement. Buildings start intact.
The game is 8 moves long.

Points are awarded for eliminating enemy forces (by destruction, rout, surrender or capture) as follows:

Type Points
Aircraft 10
Medium tank 8
Light tank 6
Gun, portee, armoured car 4
Truck, car, motorcycle 2
Infantry 1
Benghazi Handicap – Frank Chadwick
The Tanks – Liddell Hart
The Mediterranean and Middle East Volume III – ISO Playfair (Official History)
Rapid Fire – Guide to the North African Campaign February to June 1941 – Colin Rumford

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Commonwealth Order of Battle - all regular
elements 22nd Armoured Brigade


1st Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps (test @ 20 casualties)

HQ CO + 7 figures, 2” mortar, Boys AT rifle, light truck

4 x rifle companies each 8 figures, carrier

Support Company 6 figures, Vickers MMG, 3” mortar, carrier

7th Armoured Brigade (elements)

HQ Mk I A9 (CS – 3.7” howitzer), Mk II A10 (2pdr)

Composite squadron, 7th Hussars 2 x Mk II A10 (2pdr)

Composite Squadron 2/6th Royal Tank Regiment Mk III A13 (2pdr), Crusader Mk I A15 (2pdr)

2nd Royal Gloucestershire Hussars

HQ Crusader Mk II (CS – 3” how), Crusader Mk I A15 (2pdr)

2 x squadrons each 2 x Crusader MkI (2pdr)

3rd County of London Yeomanry as per 2nd RGH

4th County of London Yeomanry as per 2nd RGH

3rd AT Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery

3 batteries each 6 figures, 2 x 2pdr AT Portees

[on-board artillery]

60th Field Regiment Royal Artillery

2 x batteries each 8 figures, 2 x 25 pdr, Quad tow

[off-board artillery]

4th Regiment, Royal Artillery

2 x batteries each 2 x 25pdr, OP car (on-board – dedicated Battery only)

[Aircraft] P-40 (6 x HMG/2 x medium bomb)

Hurricane IIC (multiple 20mm auto cannon)

Commonwealth scenario rules

Commonwealth forces start on table as per the scenario map. Infantry and artillery start deployed / dismounted but
not dug-in. Commonwealth forces move second.

At the start of each turn, roll a D6 for air support. On a 5 a P-40 appears or on a 6 a Hurricane appears that turn.
Aircraft can attempt to target any enemy forces not in intact buildings. They see a target on a D6 roll 2,3,4,5 or 6.

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German fighter cover
(photos by Ian Fainges)

British ground attack aircraft

German Feisler Storch AOP over the battlefield

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German Order of Battle – all elite

elements of 21st Panzer Division

HQ, 104th Shutzen Regiment test @ 10 casualties

HQ CO + 5 figures, car

Reconnaissance Company 2 x motorcycle combinations, 6 figures

AT Company 50mm AT gun, light truck, 3 figures

Panzerjager Company 2 x Panzerjager I (47mm)

II Battalion, 104th Shutzen Regiment test @ 20 casualties

HQ CO + 5 figures, AT rifle, 50mm mortar, car

3 x rifle companies each 8 figures, truck

HW company 9 figures, 37mm AT gun, MMG, 81mm mortar, 2 x light trucks

8th Machine Gun Battalion test @ 20 figures

HQ CO + 5 figures, AT rifle, 50mm mortar, car

3 x Machine Gun Companies each 2 x MGs, 6 figures

HW Company 6 figures, 37mm AT guns, 81mm mortar, light truck

Attached AT Company 6 figures, 2 x 50mm AT guns, medium trucks

5th Panzer Regiment HQ

HQ Panzer III command tank, reconnaissance Panzer II (20mm)

Flak battery 4 figures, 88mm Flak AA gun*, half-track,

* may only engage ground targets

Artillery Battery 4 figures, 105mm FH18 gun, half-track

Engineer Company 8 figures, medium truck

Armoured Car Company Sdkfz 231 (20mm), 2 x Sdkfz 221 (MG)

1st Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment

HQ Panzer III (50mm short), Reconnaisance Panzer II (20mm)

2 x Light Companies each 2 x Panzer III (50mm)

Medium Company 2 x Panzer IV (short 75mm), Panzer II (20mm)

2nd Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment as per 1st Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment

[off-board artillery]

155th Artillery Battalion

2 x 105mm FH18 guns, OP car

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408th Heavy Artillery Battalion

3 x 105mm FH18 guns, OP car

115th Artillery Battalion

3 x 210cm Morser Howitzers, OP car

[air support] ME109 (2 x HMG, single 20mm auto cannon) OR

ME110 (4 x MMG, multiple 20mm auto cannon / 2 x medium bombs)

Storch AOP

German scenario rules

German forces start on table as per the scenario map. Infantry and weapons start embussed / limbered. The Germans
move first.

At the start of each turn, a D6 is rolled for the air support. On a 5, a ME109 appears or on a 6, an ME110 appears that
turn. Aircraft can attempt to target enemy forces not in intact buildings. They see a target on a D6 roll of anything but
a 1.

Also at the start of each turn, a D6 is also rolled for an AOP aircraft. On a 3,4,5 or 6 an AOP appears that turn,
spotting for any off board artillery battalion. The AOP cannot be shot down or driven off. The AOP can attempt to
spot any target not in intact buildings. It sees a target on a D6 roll of anything but a 1. Once it spots a target, it
connects with its artillery unit on another D6 roll of anything but a 1.

Battlefield setup – Sidi Rezegh at bottom left near road.

British forces advancing from top right – German forces from bottom left
(photo by Mark Piper)

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Close up of the action as both armoured forces clash

(photos by Mark Piper)

British Gun Line supported by armour holds thins the ranks of the German assault

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Battle Map – Sidi Rezegh

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