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The Americans in Brittany (4) "Operation Hands Up!" by David Bickley

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The key takeaways are that Operation Hands Up was a planned but never executed allied airborne and amphibious assault on German forces on Belle Ile island in Brittany in order to secure the area for the construction of Mulberry harbours. It involved British and American airborne and naval forces with the objective of capturing the island and its artillery within 14 days.

Operation Hands Up was a planned combined British and American airborne and amphibious assault on the German-occupied Belle Ile island in Brittany. Its objective was to neutralize the German garrison and artillery on the island that overlooked the proposed sites for Mulberry harbour facilities in Quiberon Bay.

The planned forces involved in Operation Hands Up included British 1st Airborne Division, 1st Polish Parachute Brigade, British 52nd Infantry Division, US 878th Airborne Engineer Battalion, elements of the US 29th and 80th Infantry Divisions, as well as naval support from British ships including HMS Rodney and Roberts.

The Americans in Brittany (4)

“Operation Hands Up!”

By David Bickley
Introduction invasion area and by 0700 hours the first wave of the
glider-borne element of the 1st Airlanding Brigade
In this fourth and final scenario in the series was to be in action. They would be followed by the
exploring aspects of the American campaign in 878th US Airborne Engineer Aviation Battalion, the
Brittany in 1944 I have turned my attention to a remainder of 1st Airborne Division, a glider lift of
planned, but never executed, amphibious and airborne 1st Polish Parachute Brigade, and the Vannes Airfield
assault on the German occupation forces on Belle Control Advance Party. The task of the Engineers was
Ille, in the Queberon Bay. The assault was planned in to make the airfield at Vannes operational within D+2
order to neutralise the German positions, particularly and to establish two other additional airfields in the
artillery, overlooking the proposed sites for a area.
‘Mulberry’ style port facility planned for the beaches
of Queberon Bay. That the operation was never put The German coastal artillery emplacements were to
into effect is due solely to the unexpected German be captured by a combined air and seaborne assault.
collapse in Normandy and the success of the American The British 1st Parachute Brigade would land shortly
thrust into Brittany. But, it might have taken place… after 0600 hours on the eastern side of the Island,
seizing the high ground and effectively cutting Belle
The Situation Ile into two. Shortly afterwards a regiment of 29th
US Infantry Division would land on the beaches and
The D-Day Planners foresaw a situation in which capture the guns. Their success would be reinforced
failure to open Chanel Ports to Allied shipping due to by the US 80th Infantry Division landed by sea.
German resistance would lead to problems in keeping
their forces supplied. To counter this they envisaged But, in reality none of this was put into action, as the
the construction of further Mulberry-style artificial Americans easily passed through the Rennes region
harbours in the Quiberon Bay region. They were and forced the decision on the military leadership of
assured by the Naval planners that such construction Overlord to press on for Le Havre and the northern
must be completed by 1 September or else the Chanel ports, which in any case were much nearer the
Autumn storms would make it extremely hazardous to fighting in Northern France than Quiberon Bay. So,
tow the component parts from Britain. In the face of Operation Hands Up was consigned to the great ‘what
the possibility that the American ground forces might if…’ file of history. Our scenario concerns this latter
not have thrust through to the southern Brittany action in the plan, combining as it does air and sea
coast by that date, Planners developed a combined air borne landings, together with British and American
and seaborne assault plan to seize the strategically elements: something for everyone I would hope and
important Belle Ile, in Quiberon Bay, and neutralise a change of scene from endless D Day and Arnhem
its garrison and heavy guns. Thus, Operation Hands Up scenarios.
was conceived.
Playing the game
The plan called for an airborne landing under Lt
General ‘Boy’ Browning comprising the British 1st The game lasts 15 turns. The German player begins by
Airborne Division and the 1st Polish Parachute deploying his forces on a map of the tabletop layout
Brigade supported by a seaborne landing of the ~ see below. The HQ. Heavy Flak artillery and one
Special Service Brigade. When a bridgehead had Infantry Battalion must be placed in the fort and built
been successfully secured the British 52nd Infantry up area surrounding it. If he wishes he may add the
Division would be airlifted onto the island. This strongpoint to the fort or built up area, or, he may
combined force was tasked with holding out for 14 place it overlooking the beach area. The remaining
days until the American Third Army broke through to German forces may be positioned according to his
the area, rendering the German position untenable. wishes, though none may actually be on the beach
Naval support was earmarked, including H.M.S. Rodney, area. The German player[s] objective is to hold off
H.M.S. Roberts, three Cruisers, three Destroyers and the Allied attacks and maintain the artillery in working
three Frigates, to neutralize the shore batteries. The order.
task force would be strengthened by anti submarine
escorts, transport ships and landing craft. The Allied attack begins in Turn Two when the Allied
player[s] identify their landing zone[s] and the first
On the appointed day the operation would begin at drop of British paratroops begins ~ see Rapid Fire!2
midnight when pathfinders of 1st Parachute Division pages 102 - 103, sections 17.4 – 17.6. After Turn Six
and 1st Polish Brigade dropped to mark the landing the first troops of the American amphibious assault
zones. They would be followed by two parachute may arrive on the beaches ~ see Rapid Fire! pages 104
brigades at 0100 hours. By 0600 hours the planners – 107, sections 18.1 – 18.7; 18.10 – 18.18; 18.19 – 18.20.
expected the naval contingent to be offshore of the The Allied objective is simply to capture the artillery
and render it useless, then hold their position against troops to repel the expected amphibious attack;
German counter attacks until the end of the game. perhaps to destroy possible airborne landings as they
Winning the game.
The Allied player(s) need to be bold and decisive to
The German player(s) will win the game if, after the achieve their objective. How near the artillery fort
end of Turn 15, they still hold the artillery position might they land? Is there a possibility of a direct
and the guns are in working order. If they hold their strike to the heart of the German position? How close
position but the guns are inoperable due to Allied to the post can the amphibious troops attack?
attacks, they have a winning draw.
American Forces
The Allied player(s) will win the game if, at the end
of turn 15, they have destroyed the German artillery
and hold the artillery’s position against German US Infantry Regiment
counter attacks. If the Allies have rendered the guns
Regimental HQ Regimental Support Company
inoperable, but do not hold the artillery positions, then 6 figures, Jeep & trailer 6 figures, 57mm AT gun, 30 cal MMG,
they have a loosing draw. prime mover, Jeep

The German player(s) need to be dogged in defence

yet have the capability for decisive counter attack.
They must decide whether to concentrate forces in
the built up area and artillery fort; perhaps to deploy

British Forces

Engineer Company Artillery Battery

British 1st Parachute Brigade 10 figures, Bazooka, flamethrower, 2 x M7 Priest SP (105mm) or
Brigade HQ 2 x demolition charges 2 x towed 105mm howitzer
CO + 7 figures, PIAT, 2" mortar

1st Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers

CO + 9 figures, flamethrower, 2 x demolition charge

...and three American infantry battalions as below:

US Infantry Battalion (45 figures)

......and two British parachute battalions as below:
HQ Rifle Company
CO + 5 figures, 60mm mortar 10 figures, Bazooka
British Parachute Battalion (38 figures)
HQ Company A Company
CO + 5 figures, PIAT, 2" mortar 8 figures

Rifle Company Rifle Company

10 figures, Bazooka 10 figures, Bazooka

B Company C Company
8 figures 8 figures

Heavy Weapons Company

Support Company 9 figures, 50cal HMG, 30cal MMG, 81mm mortar
8 figures, 3" mortar, Vickers MMG, PIAT
German Forces ......and two German garrison battalions as below:

HQ Garrison Battalion (50 Figures)

6 Figures; staff car, radio car, 20mm AA SP, 2 x Opel Blitz or similar
CO + 5 figures

1st Company 2nd Company

8 figures, Panzerfaust 8 figures, Panzerfaust

3rd Company 4th (Heavy) Company

8 figures, Panzerfaust 9 figures, 2 x MMG, 81mm mortar

3./708{Einheit}Marine Flak Abteillung Engineer Company Gun Company

8 figures, Panzerfaust, light truck 3 figures, 75mm infantry gun,
CO + 12 figures, 2 x 75mm AA gun, radio truck prime mover

CO & 15 Figures, 50mm PAK (open emplacement),
81mm mortar (casemate), MMG

Above: A Priest battery lurking in a wood (Ready to Roll models).

Right: German advanced dressing station (Small Scale Scene car and
figures. Ambulance of unknown origin)
Battle Map



Battle Map

Table is 8’ x 5’
I hope that Rapid Fire! Players have enjoyed these
series of scenarios drawn from the American Track
Campaign in Brittany in 1944. If you have played out
one or more scenarios, or even the whole four, why
not write up your games and send them into Colin,
preferably with pictures, for inclusion on the site
at some future event? Better still, submit your own Wood
scenario for inclusion here. The Rapid Fire! Gaming
community is a large and talented one, so, don’t sit Building
back waiting for others, give it a go yourself!
Fort Fields with
Montbarey hedgerows

Left: German command Group.

Valiant Miniatures and Ready to Roll
Opel radio truck.

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