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Reflections The Cultural Turn: Fashion or Progress in Human Geography?

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Antipode 30:4, 1998, pp.

ISSN 0066-4812




Clive Barnett*

TURNS The Cultural Turn in Question

How does one approach the cultural turn in human geography? Does the
phrase “the cultural turn” imply a far too coherent and singular process, a
misnaming of what is in fact a diverse array of intellectual projects? After
all, according to Matless (1995:395), “[t]he cultural in geography becomes
ever harder to delimit.” If “the cultural” has become so hard to clearly
delineate, does it really make any sense to talk of “the” cultural turn?
Recent debates have been characterised by accusations and counter-
accusations of misrepresentation that might well suggest that the field is
not easily reduced to simple positions (e.g., Price and Lewis, 1993; Cos-
grove, 1993, 1996; Duncan, 1993; Jackson, 1993, 1996; Mitchell, 1995; Dun-
can and Duncan, 1996). Increasingly, it seems, there is a tendency among
those closely associated with the “new” cultural geography to eschew the
use of the phrase “cultural turn,” just at the moment it begins to take on a
certain solidity within the discipline.
I do not claim to have a complete grasp on the range of work touched
by the cultural turn, but neither do I think that the complexity of this
work disables any and all attempts to subject it, whatever “it” is, to criti-
cal scrutiny. And there are ways of establishing the real dimensions of the
cultural turn as an intellectual event. Consider, for example, analyses of
citation patterns in human geography. These studies clearly indicate a
marked shift during the 1980s away from spatial analysis and toward

*Department of Geography, The University of Reading, Reading, England; e-mail: c.barnett@


© 1998 Editorial Board of Antipode

Published by Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 108
Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK.

political economy perspectives (Bodman, 1991). There now seems to exist

a dominant research cohort consisting of a highly integrated “Society and
Space” grouping, made up of a number of “blocs” representing several
established systematic specialties, such as industrial geography or urban
geography. Of most interest is that the early 1990s saw the clear emer-
gence of a new set of “master weavers” who are closely identified with
the cultural turn, such as Peter Jackson, Denis Cosgrove, Trevor Barnes,
James Duncan, and Jacqueline Burgess (Bodman, 1997:10). Bodman goes
so far as to argue that this development “provides clear evidence of a
restructuring of the intellectual space of human geography. Traditional
cultural geography has been supplanted and the new cultural geography
has been created close to the centre of the [Society and Space] network”
(Bodman, 1995:52). Extensive exercises in citation counting seem to pro-
vide a certain degree of “objective” evidence that the cultural turn has
very rapidly secured a central position in the higher echelons of human
geography’s research elite.
From a far more anecdotal perspective, the impact of these develop-
ments is registered in the newly acquired public visibility of geography,
typified by newspaper commentaries that amuse themselves by contrast-
ing geography’s staid old image with its newly discovered sexiness: “The
Death of the Anorak”(The Observer, 17 April 1994); “Space Cadets Get
Post-Modern Stress” (The Observer, 2 July 1995). Interestingly, such jour-
nalistic commentaries often fail to distinguish between professional geog-
raphers and other academics and intellectuals. From the perspective of
these sorts of stories, geography and a wider field of cultural studies are
becoming indistinguishable.
The cultural turn has many manifestations. Even as a summary, the
following list is hardly exhaustive: a revivification of traditional areas of
interest in cultural geography under the influence of new theoretical ideas;
the “textualisation” of subfields such as political geography; the revival of
interest in the historiography of geography under the influence of theories
of colonial discourse and postcolonialism; a concern for the “cultural”
embeddedness of economic processes; an interest in examining the mobili-
sation of culture as an accumulation strategy; a greater concern for exam-
ining relations between identity and consumption; an ever-greater
sophistication in understandings of the construction of social relations of
gender and race as well as class; a focus upon cultural constructions of
environment and nature. Perhaps one common thread connecting these
and other myriad projects is a commitment to epistemologies, often loosely
labelled “poststructural,” that emphasise the contingency of knowledge
claims and recognise the close relationship among language, power, and
knowledge. Both epistemologically and in the construction of new empiri-
cal research objects, the cultural turn is probably best characterised by a
heightened reflexivity toward the role of language, meaning, and represen-
tations in the constitution of “reality” and knowledge of reality.

If one wanted to date the moment of the cultural turn or the emergence
of a “new” cultural geography, then one would look no further than the
late 1980s and early 1990s. It is in this period that one sees the proliferation
of programmatic and theoretical statements on the “new” cultural geogra-
phy (e.g., Cosgrove and Jackson, 1987; Duncan and Duncan, 1988; Daniels,
1989; Jackson, 1989), of special issues of journals devoted to themes such
as “Culture’s Geographies”(Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
6[2]), and of new substantive empirical work (e.g., Daniels and Cosgrove,
1988; Duncan, 1990; Barnes and Duncan, 1992). All of these developments
have been backed up by conferences and institutional developments, such
as the Institute of British Geographers Social and Cultural Geography
Group’s “initiative” on “de-limiting human geography” (Philo et al.,
1991). In perusing the benchmark texts and articles, what rapidly becomes
clear is the extent to which the cultural turn has involved a major reorien-
tation of human geography toward new disciplinary interlocutors (Greg-
ory, 1994:5). The cultural turn needs, then, to be located within the wider
set of debates that emerged in the late 1980s around postmodernism,
which in large part were the vehicles for geography’s entry into new fields
of cultural theory. And this connection also points toward the close rela-
tionship that exists between the emergence of new forms of cultural analy-
sis in human geography and a growing disaffection with the particular
form of geography’s Marxism that had acquired theoretical hegemony in
geography in the 1970s and 1980s.
Of course, the embracing term “cultural turn” hides some significant
differences within and between particular fields. McDowell (1994) prefers
to talk of new cultural geographies, loosely distinguishing between a “cul-
tural materialism” strand and a “new landscape school.” Peter Jackson
(1993:519) distinguishes among the work of the three writers who seem to
have become most closely identified with the new cultural geography, in
emphasising the differences among “Cosgrove’s landscape iconography,
Duncan’s literary post-structuralism, and my own brand of ‘cultural poli-
tics.’” As well as differences in favoured objects of research and theoretical
influences, there is also a geography to the cultural turn. It is common-
place to distinguish broadly between a North American strand with
important lines of continuity to an existing subdiscipline of cultural geog-
raphy as well as to humanistic geography and a British scene where cul-
tural geography’s “newness” is more obvious and where its development
is closely related to the reshaping of social geography. There are also
significant connections with work in Australia and New Zealand (e.g.,
Anderson and Gale, 1992), and all of this work is in turn being picked up
elsewhere (e.g., Badenhorst, 1992). The “new” cultural geography and
“the cultural turn” are, then, international developments. Whatever the
problems in pinning the cultural turn down in precise intellectual terms, it
is clear that something has happened to human geography recently and
that this something is related to the ascendancy of cultural theory not just

in human geography but also as the glue for a series of overlapping inter-
disciplinary projects.
In what follows, by trying to establish the theoretical significance of the
conditions for the contemporary circulation of cultural theory, I want to
identify one particular issue upon which the implications of the cultural
turn might be opened up to critical judgement. The starting point for the
argument of this paper is that the production of new research in human
geography under the broad umbrella of the cultural turn has been in no
small part dependent upon the transmission of knowledge from other
disciplinary fields. In itself, this is not peculiar to recent developments.
The interdisciplinarity represented by “the cultural turn” does, however,
rely on particular means of knowledge transmission. In what follows, I
shall focus upon the relationship between human geography and cultural
studies, a field that has exerted such a powerful attraction to geographers
since the 1980s, and on how this relationship has been mediated in large
part by distinctive forms of academic publishing. One of the attractions,
for me at least, of cultural studies is the acute sense of institutional reflex-
ivity that much of this work displays. The appropriation of cultural and
literary theory in human geography routinely effaces this characteristic
(Barnett, 1997).
In focussing upon this relationship, I want to speculate about two
related issues. First, I will suggest there is a tendency inscribed within the
cultural turn to promote distinctive modes of personalised authority,
which have an ambivalent potential. These are promoted and supported
by particular institutional networks of knowledge dissemination. The sec-
ond issue I want to keep in view is whether or not the rude intrusion of
cultural studies not only promotes new modes of authority, but also forces
us to question the standard ways in which we might be tempted to judge
this very fact. One of the positive features of cultural studies lies in its
opening up of the whole question of evaluation (Readings, 1996). If we are
to take cultural studies seriously, then we need to think about how distinc-
tive modes of authority might disrupt the forms of evaluation that tend to
be marshalled against this field. I want to keep this second line of thought
in mind, in the hope that it will help to negotiate the small space that sepa-
rates the all-too-easy dismissal of new intellectual trends from the equally
easy uncritical embrace of them.

The Diffusion of “Culture”

Whatever their merits as accurate descriptions of intellectual develop-

ments, the phrases “new cultural geography” and “the cultural turn”
have certainly taken on a certain solidity in discussions of the current state
of the discipline. They have rapidly become essential reference points for
any attempt to narrate the contemporary situation. A little bit like the

“quantitative revolution,” a rhetorical usage has begun to take on the

appearance of actual fact. And like that previous “turn,” there is an impor-
tant relationship between the emergence of this new “paradigm” and the
rhythms and imperatives of commercial academic publishing. Publishing
is crucial in establishing the patterns of circulation and distribution for
academic work and thus for securing the scope and form of audiences and
publics for such work (Stevenson, 1993).1 The “new” cultural geography
and the cultural turn are currently being consolidated in the form of a new
journal of cultural geography, Ecumene. A new journal of feminist geog-
raphy, Gender, Place, and Culture, indicates in its name the importance that
“the cultural” has taken on in redefining what geography is about, not just
for geographers but for other fields as well. These new outlets for research
augment the increased presence of work inflected by the cultural turn in
established research journals. Even Geographical Analysis has carried an
article on postmodernism (Hannah and Strohmayer, 1995)! Furthermore,
the cultural turn is being consolidated in widely read texts aimed explic-
itly at student audiences. The third edition of Blackwell’s Dictionary of
Human Geography (Johnston et al., 1993) manifests the recent intellectual
shifts in human geography, with its new entries on topics such as “Post-
structuralism,” “Text,” “Cultural Capital,” “Cultural Politics,” “Dis-
course,” and “Subjectivities.” A new introductory text on cultural
geography has been published (Shurmer-Smith and Hannam, 1994), and
the “new” cultural geography and the cultural turn are given prominence
in a new series of introductory readers published by Arnold (Barnes and
Gregory, 1997; Daniels and Lee, 1996; McDowell and Sharp, 1997). The
follow-up to the Institute of British Geographers’ Women and Geography
Study Group’s path-breaking introductory text to feminist geography, in
its pluralisation of feminisms and geographies, differences and diversi-
ties, clearly registers the epistemological transformations that have
reshaped human geography and of which the cultural turn is a crucial
part (cf. Women and Geography Study Group, 1984, 1997). Perhaps most
notable of all is the inclusion of a chapter on “The Cultural Turn” in the
latest edition of Johnston’s Geography and Geographers (1997), a standard
reference work for undergraduate courses on both sides of the Atlantic.
When it gets in here, you know it must be important.
We should not underestimate the importance of this moment for the
future of the “new” cultural geography and the cultural turn. It seems to
mark the point at which innovative research work is being translated into
accessible materials aimed at making this work more widely available and
teachable. This process of translation between research and teaching
through the medium of textbook publishing is critical to the dissemination
and institutionalisation of new “paradigms.” The cultural turn even
appears to sit well with Bodman’s (1996) suggestion that the lag between
the opening of new research horizons and the appearance of new teaching
texts is about six or seven years. The appearance of these and other

student-oriented texts is taking place at the same time as the academic

publishing industry is undergoing a widespread reorientation toward
publishing textbooks and middle-range “coursebooks” for pedagogic
purposes. The corporate restructuring of the publishing sector and the vir-
tual disappearance of the previously assured university-library market for
research monographs has encouraged a greater emphasis upon student-
focussed book publishing among academic publishers.2 My concern in
highlighting this connection between the cultural turn and the practices of
commercial academic publishing is not to make the empty claim that new
intellectual trends are merely the products of the logic of capitalist profit-
ability. I want, instead, to consider how examining this relation might help
us to identify an important shift in the regimes of authorization through
which academic communication is structured.
The widespread engagement by human geographers with cultural the-
ory, which really took off from the late 1980s onward, coincided with the
internationalisation of cultural studies and especially with its institution-
alisation in the North American academy. The circulation and distribution
of cultural studies on an international scale are in no small part dependent
on the activities of publishers. Given its eccentric relation to established
academic networks, cultural studies has always had a close relationship
with innovative commercial publishing ventures. One thinks of Penguin,
which made the work of writers like Richard Hoggart, Raymond Wil-
liams, and E. P. Thompson widely available to a large nonacademic read-
ing public in the 1960s; of New Left Books, subsequently Verso; or the
successful commercialisation of Open University course texts. The inti-
mate connection between publishing and the “Atlanticisation” of cultural
studies in the 1980s and 1990s is perhaps best exemplified by the case of
Routledge. The product of multiple mergers and takeovers and a thor-
ough design revamp (see Newell and Sorrell, 1995), Routledge in the
1990s has become a dynamic academic publisher by using trade publish-
ing methods to market academic books. Its commitment to the promotion
of cultural studies is typified by an in-house publication, The Cultural
Studies Times, heralded as a “post-disciplinary intervention,” which car-
ries articles by major cultural studies academics alongside advice to
librarians on how to ensure that cultural studies becomes more than just
“a passing fad.” Routledge has also been one important vehicle for the
presentation of new work by human geographers to a wider interdiscipli-
nary cultural studies audience (e.g., Keith and Pile, 1993, 1997; Bell and
Valentine, 1995; Pile and Thrift, 1996).
The close identification between Routledge and the internationalisa-
tion of cultural studies indicates that the staging of academic work as
“cultural studies” offers an opportunity for widening the potential mar-
ket for academic books beyond the constraints of disciplinary special-
ties. A generalised “cultural studies” seems, in fact, to accord quite well
with the peculiar economic imperatives that characterise all cultural

commodities. It provides a means of maximising audiences by facilitat-

ing a cross-disciplinary expansion of the potential market for texts rela-
belled “cultural studies”; in turn, risk can be spread across a varied
repertoire of numerous titles; and, as a product that opens up ever-
expanding horizons of new reading assignments, it answers to the need
to constantly create new products (Garnham, 1987). To put it bluntly,
“cultural studies” in the 1990s is, in part at least, an accumulation strat-
egy. There is an obvious temptation at this point to lay claim to some
pure space unsullied by commodification from which to dismiss this
new intellectual development as merely the product of clever marketing.
But just when hasn’t academic knowledge been wrapped up with com-
modification? The example of the assertive marketing of “cultural stud-
ies” by Routledge actually reveals rather well the mould-breaking
potential of certain sorts of commercialised forms of knowledge dissemi-
nation. Having identified this relationship between new forms of intel-
lectual work and the dynamics of academic publishing, I want to move
the terms of critical discussion onto a more specific and somewhat more
ambiguous terrain.

Reconfiguring Authority

What specifically interests me here is how this connection points up

some important transformations in the norms of academic judgement in
human geography that the cultural turn might herald. As Boynton (1995:
28) suggests, Routledge’s strategy of “niche marketing to the interdisci-
plinary crowd” is of importance because it encourages and supports a
reconfiguration of modes of scholarly evaluation and forms of academic
authority. It can be argued that books and journals represent distinctive
regimes of evaluation for academic writing. The different imperatives
regulating these two forms of academic publication mean that the gate-
keeping functions that regulate access to academic journals, which tend
to follow more closely along the lines of “normal science,” can be circum-
vented by assertive book publishers (cf. Boots, 1996; Johnston, 1996). For
this reason, in the right circumstances books tend to play a significant
role in facilitating forms of cross-disciplinary communication that can
shift patterns of research and scholarship within particular disciplines
(Clemens et al., 1995).
The relation between the expansion of cultural studies and publishing
is neatly summed up by Davies (1995:159), who observes the characteristic
way that cultural studies is launched into new arenas “through confer-
ences, and conferences which are put together in such a manner that the
proceedings are being structured as textbooks, even before the conference
takes place: the performances are orchestrated, dialogue is ‘conducted,’
the score is edited in advance.” The exemplary case of this is Grossberg et

al.’s (1992) edited collection Cultural Studies, a follow-up of sorts to the

earlier Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Grossberg and Nelson,
1988), which is a basic starting point for any aspiring cultural studies
scholar in the 1990s. Langbauer (1993) has argued that the very form and
packaging of this text reveal the existence of a celebrity-economy of inter-
national cultural studies. The attraction of this book, its selling-point, and
its authority lie in the number of big-name “theory-heads” collected
within its covers.
Again, we need to be careful here to avoid easily dismissive gestures.
As Jay (1990) suggests, the personification of theoretical ideas appears to
be constitutive of the very nature of theory in the humanities and social
sciences. The proper names “Marx” and “Freud,” as Foucault
(1986:113–117) points out, have long functioned as crucial signifiers for
whole areas of critical discussion. There seems to be an inherent ambiva-
lence between personal and anonymous forms of authority that underlie
social and cultural theory. Citation as “name-dropping,” for example, is
not just about showing off the latest book you’ve read, but an important
part of acknowledging debts and, through this, one marker of the collec-
tive nature of academic inquiry. Even in the sciences, notions of anony-
mous authority tend to function as regulative ideals at best. If the
personification of theory is not particularly new, then, my suggestion here
is that its dimensions might be altering. Following Warner (1992), one can
suggest that the nature of academic public spheres has been transformed
through the emergence of identity politics, which have challenged the
authority of disembodied reason as the model of public authority. In its
place, there is a heightened importance of the explicit marking of embod-
ied identity (Jay, 1993). This presages a form of authority that makes visi-
ble its own conditionality. It is potentially at least a form of authority that
actively invites questioning as to its own legitimacy. What this shift
implies is that, with an increasingly mobile international conference cir-
cuit allied to assertive forms of academic publishing, what has become
central to modes of authority in the ever more diffuse field of cultural
studies is not just the rhetorical personification of ideas, but their “actual”
personification in “real” people, with not just names but faces and espe-
cially personal biographies. It is in this (quite serious) sense that one can
begin to talk of the rise of new forms of academic celebrity in the modern
academy (Wicke, 1994).3
Cultural theory is, in no small part, literary theory on the move, and
thus it drags with it the distinctive features of a new “star system” that
itself distinguishes contemporary literary “theory” from earlier forms of
literary “criticism.” Discussing this matter, Shumway (1997:97) points
out the irony that lies behind the increasing importance of identifiable
personalities in the circulation of “theory”: “As theory has called into
question the traditional means by which knowledge has been author-
ised, it may be that the construction of the individual personality has

become an epistemological necessity.” While this point is made with

regard to shifts of emphasis within the literary humanities, I think one
could make much the same argument with respect to the possible impli-
cations of the cultural turn in human geography. Insofar as this moment
represents an attempt to finally sever human geography from the sup-
posedly baleful influence of positivism, it depends upon the sophisti-
cated theoretical undermining of forms of authority based on objective
claims of Methodology or Technique. Once again, I do not want to
underestimate the importance of this sort of critique, whose develop-
ment in geography might well confirm Robbins’ (1988) suggestion that
the “political” purchase of literary theory lies in its making possible the
demystification of claims to objectivity in disciplines where this really
matters. Nonetheless, insofar as this critique depends upon the reorien-
tation of interdisciplinary attention toward the humanities, one can
legitimately suggest that this move might confirm Shumway’s point. For
the humanities are arguably one of the bulwarks, perhaps even the “last
bastion,” of a classical conception of authorship as the unique, original
intellectual production of a unique, individual self (Woodmansee,
1994a:25). The rise of academic celebrity reinforces the well-established
difficulty of acknowledging and practising more collective and collabo-
rative forms of academic writing. In the effacement of the collective con-
ditions of academic work, a highly individualised notion of
authorship-as-celebrity thus occludes what one might call the “organic
composition” of theory’s cultural capital.4 Conceptions of authorship
derived from the literary humanities, which might otherwise be in the
process of being superseded by technological and social transformations
in the production and dissemination of knowledge, are nonetheless con-
solidated as the regulatory frame for reading and writing because of
their continuing influence in the shaping of law (Parrinder and Cher-
naik, 1997). This conception of authorship is tied up with the strategies
of restriction and containment upon which the commodification of cul-
tural commodities, including books, depends (Gaines, 1991).5
The emergence of the newly personified epistemological authority of
theory also has consequences for the temporality of intellectual develop-
ment. Models of “progress” premised upon the refinement of theoretical
understandings in relation to empirical work are being replaced by a new
dynamic. “Theory” is a seemingly endless, expanding, and self-referential
field: “Theory presents itself as a diabolical assignment of difficult read-
ings from fields one knows little about, where even the completion of an
assignment will bring not respite but further more difficult assignments”
(Culler, 1990:1569). This peculiarity accounts, in part, for the sense in
which progress in the fields of human geography most touched by “cul-
ture” has come to be characterised by the successive discovery of new,
ever more sexy theorists. Theorists who are cool and cutting-edge at one
moment are declared passé the next (Mohan, 1995). The anchoring of

epistemological authority more closely to the proper names of celebrity

academics might therefore go some way toward explaining the height-
ened sense of arbitrariness that seems to characterise the shifting horizons
of theoretical curiosity in critical human geography these days. But at the
same time, the anchoring of theory to proper names serves as a way of
controlling the bewildering effects of theory’s profusion. The authority of
exotic theorists is mobilised in order to settle an argument in one’s own
discipline, a move that typically erases the contested qualities of the fields
from which such work itself emerges (Robbins, 1987). The invocation of
the authority of the named theorist as final authority serves as a substitute
for argument both with disciplinary colleagues and with the work so
invoked, whose authority must remain intact for it to do its work in the
host discipline. Interdisciplinary appropriation as the “systematic passing
of the buck” (Robbins, 1987:96) works to reinstall conventional forms of
disciplinary authority and mastery into fields that loudly declare their
transgression of disciplinary boundaries.
Geography has always had its own favoured academic personalities, of
course. What is perhaps new about the present conjuncture is how some
of them have recently been swept into international circuits of academic
celebrity, a move that is dependent less upon internal disciplinary modes
of evaluation than on the shifting imperatives of knowledge dissemina-
tion that I have discussed above. What I am trying to capture here is the
way in which the cultural turn in human geography involves a turn
toward a set of disciplines in which distinctive individualised modes of
authority are predominant. These modes are being bolstered through the
very institutional arrangements whereby literary and cultural theory
travel. As cultural theory becomes ever more closely connected to celeb-
rity figures, then so in turn the relationship between theory and its audi-
ences is reordered into one that resembles the relationship between stars
and fans. Dedicated followers of fashion hurry to buy the new Judith But-
ler or Bruno Latour book, an act of discernment and discrimination that
starkly reveals the truism that identity is constructed in and through the
consumption of commodities. Fandom as the corollary of the rise of aca-
demic celebrity has implications for the ways in which theoretical ideas
are discussed, criticised, and evaluated. This reordered relationship has
been rather neatly captured by Gregory (1996) in the description of the
“grand parade” of theorists, whereby readers are positioned “as so many
spectators along a grand processional route.” What I am suggesting here
is that the grand parade as a mode of theoretical exegesis might be best
understood not simply as a choice of writing style, but rather as a deter-
mined pattern related to the means through which cultural theory has
come to be institutionalised on an international scale. And for this very
reason, it might be much more difficult to take one’s distance from this
form of presentation of theoretical ideas.

Fashioning Human Geography

I seem to be spiralling toward an all-too-predictable conclusion: that the

cultural turn is merely a product of the intensified commodification of
academic knowledge, a mere trend, and that its favoured theorists are
fancy celebrities whose stars will quickly burn themselves out. But it is
just this sort of reassuring representation that I want to disrupt. We need
to be able to address the embeddedness of academic work in institutional
networks without invoking a fantasy of intellectual autonomy. Ideals of
aesthetic and intellectual autonomy, contrasted to the instrumentality of
the world of commodities, emerged historically in defensive reaction to
the simultaneous commodification and democratisation of culture and
education (Woodmansee, 1994b). For this reason, gestures that fall back on
such ideals tend to unconsciously reproduce classical dualisms between
degraded utilitarian knowledge used for instrumental purposes and criti-
cal knowledge that is autonomous from particular worldly interests. The
freedom and autonomy that are supposed to underwrite properly critical
reflection are, on closer inspection, the condition for the reproduction of
standard forms of intellectual authority (Hindess, 1995).
Thinking of theory as “fashion” actually holds out the promise of alter-
native modes of judgement, less tied to traditional forms of academic
authority that are constitutively opposed to the popularisation of critical
ideas. Theories as fashion are not merely fleeting, but are marked by a pat-
tern of repetition whereby the succession of styles is always on the verge
of rehabilitating what seemed to have been consigned to the past. “Pro-
gress” can be refigured as a perpetual process of returning to old styles
and reworking them anew in the light of contemporary concerns. Theory
as fashion also suggests a practice whose dynamic is detached from the
designs of a few select individuals, but is instead moved from the bottom
up by the multiple interests and myriad choices of numerous individuals
and groups. Thinking of theory as fashion might open up a series of ver-
tiginous questions that are usually not asked about what forms of identifi-
cation and desire are at work in academic research, scholarship, and
writing. No doubt other lines of metaphorical flight suggest themselves,
which I shall not pursue here. What I want to suggest here is simply that
claims as to significance and urgency of “the cultural turn” cannot, in
good faith, be articulated by appealing to standard narratives of intellec-
tual progress. Perhaps the cultural turn is best thought of as just a symp-
tom of a more fundamental rupture in the intellectual and political norms
of judgement that regulate academic work.
Before I finally extricate myself from this tangled web, I want to
address the relation between new forms of authority and questions of
evaluation. I should not overstate my case: the modes of authority dis-
cerned above are more tendencies or potentials than they are yet actuali-
ties in human geography. In fact, it seems that norms of evaluation in

academic geography remain largely unchanged “after” the cultural turn.

The treatment of theory in human geography continues to follow a famil-
iar pattern of appropriation of favoured theoretical postulates and their
application to empirical cases, usually accompanied by the obligatory
comments about inadequate conceptualisations of space or place. The cul-
tural turn is primarily—and this is an obvious but important point—a
move in a game internal to the discipline of geography. The question is
whether this move shifts the rules of the game in any significant way. To a
considerable extent, the magical object “culture” has helped to construct a
culturally inflected geography that continues to differentiate and identify
itself by reference to its standard thematic concerns with landscape, place,
and space. This reflects the continuing imperative to seek legitimacy for
new work within the disciplinary field, a process that tends to take place
through a circuit of journal publishing that we might suppose works
toward the maintenance of disciplinary standards. The cultural turn has
thus been marked by the same sort of “disciplinary anxiousness” that
Bonnett (1996) finds in other subfields. Clinging to “the geographical,”
“the spatial,” or even “the environmental” is one way of managing the
anxiety that comes when faced with an essentially un-“masterable” field
of cultural theory. This is our ticket to entry, it is what we offer and how
we recognise possible interlocutors, but it also enables us to retain a ves-
tige of continued control over the potentially vast areas offered up by
interdisciplinary adventures.
This form of appropriation underwrites human geography’s character-
istic oscillation between bursts of theoretical discovery and calls for more
empirical investigation. The cultural turn seems to be moving into such a
moment just now, judging anecdotally at least from recent Internet discus-
sion lists and the concerns aired at various conferences. The danger in this
“empirical turn” is that the authority of certain readings of big-name
theory-heads are put beyond question as we agree that we need to see
how all this stuff plays itself out on the ground. In this imminent moment
of theoretical closure, the authority of theory with a capital “T” is repro-
duced, as are the evaluative standards that demand that such work needs
to be supplemented by a dose of geographical imagination and some
good, hearty empirical work. What is really needed is not more empirical
work, but a change in practices of doing theory along the lines of Katz’s
suggested (1996) “minor theory.” As I understand it, this should not be
mistaken for theoretically informed empirical work, but refers to a prac-
tice yet to be fully imagined of doing theory in a “different register,”
which would disrupt the established economy of value linking the theo-
retical and the empirical. One of the prerequisites of any such practice is
making the effort to avoid the temptations and ruses of mastery that often
characterise theory games. Minor theory would be less fluent and less cer-
tain in its judgements, but it would not avoid theoretical reflection in the
name of grounding authority in the empirical.

In conclusion, I want to suggest that human geography has found it

easy to appropriate the authority of cultural studies because it has done
so from within established patterns of disciplinary legitimisation. What
remains to be thought through are the positive and negative implica-
tions of new forms of personalised authority for these practices of


I would like to thank Ian Gordon, Murray Low, Julie McLaren, and two referees for
commenting on earlier versions of this paper; Andrew Bodman for kindly provid-
ing the information on cultural geography’s “master weavers”; and Michelle Lowe
for inadvertently providing me with my title.


1. My discussion certainly does not exhaust the range of factors that might help
explain current intellectual interests in human geography. Nonetheless, it
does seem appropriate to put the question of publishing at the centre of any
such analysis.
2. For further considerations of the relationships between intellectual agendas
and changes in the academic publishing industry, see Barnett and Low
(1996a, 1996b).
3. The rise of academic celebrity is perhaps best indicated by the proliferation of
a distinctively new genre of academic writing—the published interview with
the celebrity theorist. Originally a distinctively French genre, in which the
rise to celebrity status of the likes of Sartre or Foucault relied upon circuits of
publicity that were at best marginal to the academy (Debray, 1981), the inter-
view as a more recent feature in English-language academic books and jour-
nals indicates that the rise of Anglo-American academic celebrity remains to a
much greater extent dependent upon and contained within established cir-
cuits of academic publicity.
4. At this point, I should note the temptation to turn to the work of Pierre Bour-
dieu (1988) to explain the rise of academic celebrity. However, Bourdieu’s
analysis is limited not only by its empirical context of the French academic
system, but more importantly by the theoretical insistence upon treating
institutional networks of cultural capital as essentially closed systems of pres-
tige and value (Frow, 1995). Consequently, Bourdieu’s is a deeply conserva-
tive vision, which in turn encourages a certain degree of cynicism that I
would like to avoid as much as possible.
5. I do not suggest that the particular imperatives of commercialised
commodity-book production are the sole, or even the most important, deter-
minant of this conception of authorship. It is, of course, an inherent feature of
the forms of professionalism that characterise academic careers. Nonetheless,
we should acknowledge the degree of “fit” between the individualised
norms of academic professionalism and the interests of academic publishers
operating in a significantly more commercialised and competitive market.
And in so doing, we should resist simplistic gestures of moralistic disavowal.


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