MTP Assignment - Bahirdar University
MTP Assignment - Bahirdar University
MTP Assignment - Bahirdar University
1. Eden Tilahun…………… BDU 1301633
2. Mitiku Awoke ...................BDU1301768
3. Abebech Mulugeta ……... BDU 1301596
4. Eshete Getawa………….. BDU 1301703
5. Balemlay Alehegn........... .BDU 1301622
6. Mulugojam Mezigeb……. BDU 1301741
The company starts its operation 100 million ETB as initial capital. Most of the raw
material the company uses to produce its product is imported from outside countries
like India, Bangladesh, and UAE. The company have 400 employees from which 350
employees are permanent and the remaining 50 are temporary workers. Tsehay Paint
Company takes ISO training in 2013 E.C and also certified ISO 9001. The ISO 9001
quality management system attract more customers and increase the confidence of
customers on the company in a way the company supplying products with a desired
quality by the company internationally recognized system.
Tsehay paints factory uses calcium carbonate as a major row to produce paints.
Tsehay paint company purchase and install new machine in year 2011E.C, this
machine is used to crush the lime stone to produce calcium carbonate powder
(CaCO3) this machine creates competitive advantage for the company.
The main objective of the study is to investigate organisational status and to forward
ways of improvement related with the organizational structure.
1.2.2. Specific objectives
Organizing is the work of a manager performs to arrange and relate the work to be
done so that it may be performed most effectively by the people. allen, Louis A (1964)
series on general management function and activities, and their relevance to the
management of projects. Management organizing function and activities
The organizing function is carried out once a plan or an outline for how to achieve
some organizational goal, is in place. Organizing is the most critical of managerial
functions because of its ability to help or hinder an organizational plan and thus
profoundly affect organizational success. ( kabiru, F.C., Theuri, M. & Misiko, A.
2018). Influence of organizing as a management function on organizational
performance among agricultural state-owned corporations in Kenya. International
academic journal of human resource and business administration, 3(1), 100-125
Organization is a social set up, which has a boundary that separates it from its
environment, pursues its own collective goals, and controls its own performance. For
managers, the term organization implies a formalized intentional structure of roles
positions. Owolabi Y. L. and Kingsley C. C. (2007), Evaluation of leadership and
Organizational Performance in Small Scale industries in Nigeria; A Case of Selected
Small Scale industries, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Master’s Thesis, pg 9
The concept of authority is very closely linked with the concept of responsibility.
Responsibility is considered as the work assigned to a position or function. It refers to
the mental and physical activities which must be performed to carry out a task or duty.
Authority is defined as power based on rights to control and concomitant obligations
to obey. An organizational system is conceptualized as a set of authority-responsibility
relationships among different components at various hierarchical levels (modeling and
analysis of authority-responsibility relationships in an organizational system-a
physical system theory approach)
2.1.8. Decentralization
Decentralization is the devolution of decision making authority from the central office
to local entities. It can be horizontal (decision-making is divided among those at the
central office), vertical (downward), organizational, or political (shared by parents and
citizens’ groups) where those most affected by public decisions are given a direct
voice in how the decisions are made. Decentralization means more than granting
people the right to manage the resources allocated to them. It includes giving them a
role in defining their needs.( Decentralization: An International Perspective).
2.1.10. Formalization
The formalized organizational structure focuses on roles and positions rather than the
people in the position. Formalization is the process of creating a formalized structure
and includes the maintenance of that formal structure overtime. Formal organizational
structure imposes sanction on the manager of the organization. It is described as an
institutional configuration or arrangement outlining the division of labour in a rational
and conscious manner [13]. Influence of Organizational Structure on Business-IT
Alignment: What We Do (Not) Know . Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan [0000-0001-
2.1.11. Mechanistic organizational structure
The mechanistic type of organization has been described as: the form taken when an
organization first starts out; it was a polar extreme of an organizational structure; a
mechanistic organization was the type of organization, which was described by,
"specialized differentiation between jobs. The mechanistic structure was a strict sort
of specificity, with regard to employee responsibility and function in the workspace.
The mechanistic structure was typically a top-down style of directives transfer, from
upper management, with some upward flowing feedback, whereas the organic
structure seemed to be a more natural sort of downward flow of advice and counsel
from upper management and the employees were self-directing and empowered to
perform the work that needed doing; the employees achieved the results needed,
according to the employees' autonomy and the job's requirements.[]
An organic organization was the type of organization, which was at the opposite polar
extreme from a mechanistic organizational structure, and was characterized by:
"overlapping responsibilities, less specialization, and greater generalization among
positions. The organic organizational structure was found to be more typical of
organizations that had evolved over time, were more established, and the type of
organization that was characterized as having found a market niche in the business
community.The organic seemed to have more of a flow where in the employees could
flow with the work, job responsibilities, and the eventual results achieved. There was
a profound difference in the communications that took place in the organizations.
In team base structure, the entire organization is made up of work groups or teams
that perform the organization work. In this structure employee empowerment is
crucial because there is no line of managerial authority from top to bottom. Rather
employee teams are free to design work in the way think best. However, the teams are
also held responsible for all work activity and performance result in their respective
Team based structure have its own advantage and disadvantage. The advantages of
team based structure are easy integration, better management and more control and
greater productivity. The disadvantages of team based structure are significant
overheads and lead to opinion conflicts
It is a structure that is project base means they assign different projects to employees
to do and as soon as they are done with their project they move to another one but
they are specialist in those areas which they are working in. advantage of this
structure is that it very flexible and can change with the environmental changes like as
they using different people for different task they can work with in different situation
and the disadvantage is that it is really difficult to find the right person to the right job
like tasks and projects more over one can come up with conflict while working with
in for the project ( EW Larson 1989).
Network organization
Virtual organization
Modular organization
In today’s world the organizations are increasing rapidly and having large number of
operations that required good and highly control able organizational structure, now a
days the structure are so complex that it is sometimes hard to keep a record of having
a span of control within the organization so it is one of the important factor to keep
your employee connected and working to meet the organizational goal and targets
efficiently and effectively (R Galliers 2003).
It is one of the core factor to make organization the best in the sense that the employee
who come to work in organization should learn something new like they should have
some workshops and training sessions for them just to cope up with the environmental
changes it helps organizations to be stable and to work for long term profit and benefit
with fulfilling their goal and targets efficiently and effectively (DA Gravin 1985)
Campbell, Fowles and Weber (2005) in their study ‘Organizational structure and job
specification in public health nursing’ found that there is a significant relationship
between organizational structure variables and job satisfaction for public health nurses
employed in down state Illinois local health departments. 764 questionnaires were
administered to non-managing nurses in three Belgian general care hospitals and the
results showed negative effect of centralization and positive effects of specification
and formalization of nurses on job satisfaction.
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4.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data gathered through
questionnaire from the respondents. We collect the entire questionnaire we distributed
to respondents, so the response rate of this research is 100 percent. Therefore, the
collected data using questionnaire can be analysed and presented as follow.
Male 50 62.5
Gender Female 30 37.5
Total 80 100.0
Married 38 47.5
Marital status Single 37 46.25
Divorced 5 6.25
Total 80 100.0
20-30 17 16.1
31-40 42 61.3
Age 41-50 14 19.4
above 50 7 3.2
Total 80 100.0
<1Years 15 18.75
Work experience 1-4 Years 50 62.5
>10 Years 0 0
Total 80 100.0
Educational level Diploma 59 73.75
Master’s 4 5
Total 80 100.0
As table 4.2 shows, from the total respondent 8(10%) of strongly agree with the occurrence of
work specialization in the factory. 32(40%) of the respondent agree with that there is work
specialization in the factory. 15(18.75%) of the respondent are neutral to respond for the work
specialization. 20(25%) of the respondent disagree with the availability of work
specialization. 5(6.25%) of the respondent strongly disagree with the availability of work
specialization. So, majority of the respondent agree that there is work specialization in the
Tsehay paints factory.
4.3. Departmentalization
Table 4.3. Departmentalization
As table 4.3 shows from the total respondent, 33(41.25 %) of them strongly agree
with there is department in the factory. 29(36.25%) of the respondent agree with that
there is department in the factory. 10(12.5%) of the respondent are neutral to respond
that there is departmentalization in the factory. 3(3.75%) of the respondent disagree
with that there is departmentalization in the factory. 5(6.25%) of the respondent
strongly disagree that there is departmentalization in the factory. Therefore, majority
of the respondent (33(41.25%)) strongly agree that there is departmentalization in the
Tsehay paints factory.
Table 4.4. Shows that from the total respondent 25(31.25%) strongly agree that there
is a continues line of authority that extends from upper level of an organization to
lowest level of an organization and the managers perform their task from the authority
which emanates from their position. 35(43.75%) of the respondents agree with there is
chain of command in the factory and managers perform their task the authority that
emanates from their position. 8(10%) of the respondents are neutral to respond.
8(10%) of them disagree with there is chain of command in the factory and managers
perform their task the authority that emanates from their position. 4 (5%) of the
respondents strongly disagree with there is chain of command in the factory and
managers perform their task the authority that emanates from their position.
Therefore, majority of the respondent (35(43.75%)) that there is continues line of
authority that extends from upper level of an organization to lowest level of an
organization and the managers perform their task from the authority which emanates
from their position.
Table 4.5, shows that 6(7.5%) of the respondents strongly agree with that there is
unity of command. 9(11.25%) of the respondent agree that there is unity of command
in the factory. 8(10%) of the respondent are neutral to respond. 40(50%) of the
respondents disagree with there is unity of command in factory. 17(21.25%) of the
respondent strongly disagree with that there is unity of command. Therefore, majority
of the respondents responds that employees in the factory have more than one boss
and they may report more than one manager.
Table 4.7 shows, 22(27.5%) of the respondent strongly agree that there is
centralization decision making in the factory. 39(48.75%) of the respondent agree that
there is centralization in decision making in the factory. 7(8.75%) of the respondents
are neutral to respond. 8(10%) of the respondent disagree that there is decision
making in the factory. 4(5%) of the respondents strongly dis agree centralization in
decision making in the factory. Therefore, majority of the respondent (39(48.75%))
agree that there is a central decision making in the organization or the decentralization
decision making is low in Tsehay paints factory.
4.8. Formalization
Table 4.8
Table 4.8 shows, from the total respondents 22(27.5%) of the respondents agree that
there is formalization in the factory. 29(36.25%) of them agree that there is
formalization in the factory. 7(8.75%) of the respondents are neutral to respond.
10(12.5%) of the respondents disagree that there is formalization in the factory.
12(15%) of the respondent strongly disagree that there is formalization in the factory.
Therefore, majority of the respondents (29(36.25%)) agree that employees in the
organization perform their job which are standardized and guided by rule and
Table 4.9. Shows that 17(21.25%) of the respondents respond strongly agree that the
factory structures by consider the size and strategy of the factory. 24(30%) of the
respondents agree that that the factory structures by consider the size and strategy of
the factory. 29(36.25) of the respondents are neutral to respond ( they didn’t have
knowhow about how the organization frames its structure). 5(6.25%) of the
respondent disagree that the factory structures by consider the size and strategy of the
factory . 5(6.25%) of the respondents strongly disagree that the factory structures by
consider the size and strategy of the factory.
Table 4.10 shows, from the total respondents 30(37.5%) of them responds that they
strongly agree in availability of team or work groups. 34(42.5%) of the respondents
responds that they agree in availability of team or work groups. 6(7.5%) of them are
neutral to respond. 4(5%) of the respondents disagree in availability of team or work
groups. 6(7.5%) of the respondents in availability of team or work groups. Therefore,
majority of the respondents (34(42.5%)) responds that the factory have various work
groups and teams.
Table 4.11 shows, from the total respondents 12(15%) of them strongly agree that
there is matrix- project structure. 24(30%) of the respondents agree that there is
matrix- project structure. 25(31.25%) of the respondents are neutral or they didn’t
have knowhow whether there is matrix- project structure or not. 11(13.75%) of agree
in that there is matrix- project structure the respondents disagree. 8(10%) of the
respondents strongly disagree in that there is matrix- project structure. Therefore,
majority of the respondents didn’t have knowhow whether there is matrix project
Table 4.12 shows, from the total respondent 13(16.25%) of them responds strongly
agree that the factory developed capacity to continuously learn, adapt and change by
knowledge management of employees. 15(18.75%) of agree that the factory
developed capacity to continuously learn, adapt and change by knowledge
management of employees. 37(46.25%) of the respondents are neutral or they respond
that they didn’t have knowhow about organizational learning. 9(11.25%) of them
responds disagree that the factory developed capacity to continuously learn, adapt and
change by knowledge management of employees.6(7.5%) of them responds strongly
disagree that the factory developed capacity to continuously learn, adapt and change
by knowledge management of employees