Esti2012 E-0066
Esti2012 E-0066
Esti2012 E-0066
1 2
Rotterdam/NL, Amersfoort/NL
Keywords: Inflammation, Education, CT, Lung
DOI: 10.1594/esti2012/E-0066
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Organizing pneumonia (OP) is one of the main reparative reactions to various forms
of acute lung injury. It is noninfectious and nonneoplastic but is considered a distinct
histologic pattern based on the incomplete resolution of the inflammation mainly occuring
in the alveoli and to a lesser extent in the distal bronchioles .
The term bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia was previously used for this
condition but was considered inaccurate by the ATS/ERS, since the majority of the
pathology is localized mainly in the airspaces and distal airways . Histopathologically,
organizing pneumonia (OP) is characterized by buds of granulation tissue, consisting of
connective tissue and myofibroblasts, within the distal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and
alveoli, without constriction or obstruction of the bronchioles. Bronchiolitis obliterans, is
a different entity, characterized by small airways obstruction due to fibrosis.
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Fig. 1: Open lung biopsy specimen. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. A polyp (yellow
arrow) of granulation tissue extends into the lumen of a bronchiolus (arrow heads)
consisting of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
Conditions causing OP
Multiple clinical conditions may cause an OP of which the most common ones are
drugs, infection, lung- and bone marrow transplantation, and connective tissue disease.
In 30-44% of cases an underlying disease or condition can be identified. The term
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia is used when no underlying cause can be identified.
According to Kane et al. the presence of pleural effusion is the only significant
differentiating imaging feature between Cryptogenic OP (never pleural effusion) en OP
(in about 60% pleural effusion).
Imaging features
Organizing pneumonia (OP) can present with very different morphologic features
and mimics various other lung pathologies. That makes it a `challenging` differential
The `classic`, most frequent CT features of OP are consolidations with air bronchogram
that are sharply demarcated by lobular septa and mostly in peripheral and/or
peribronchovascular distribution. Consolidations may be associated with ground glass to
a variable degree. Ground glass opacities may also present as crazy paving.
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Macro- or micronodular opacities are also observed in OP. The first may be located
peripherally or bronchovascular, the latter centrilobular or with a tree-in-bud pattern.
Certain imaging features, though non-specific, are very suggestive for an OP especially
if occurring in combination. Such signs refer to the `Halo sign`, the perilobular pattern
and the `Atoll sign`.
Tables 2 to 6 list the most important CT findings for the differential diagnoses of OP.
The best known and most common presentation of OP consist of bilateral, patchy or
peripheral, subsegmental consolidations with or without air bronchograms. There might
be a variable degree of ground glass opacities associated. This pattern generally shows,
if untreated, progression and consolidations may change in location over time. In a few
cases the abnormalities resolve spontaneously.
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Fig. 2: Classic OP: dense, sharply demarcated consolidations with air bronchogram
and a subpleural (left) and peribronchovascular (right) distribution.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 3: Case 1: 55 year old female presenting with cough and fever. a) Chest X-ray
shows consolidation interpreted as infectious infiltrate. b) Follow-up after administration
of antibiotics. A new consolidation has formed in the left lung. c) CT scan with
sharply demarcated consolidation and air bronchograms suggestive for OP. Note the
consolidation on the left has disappeared. Transthoracic needle biopsy was performed.
d) After a few weeks of steroid treatment, the lesions have almost disappeared.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
2 Peribronchovascular consolidations
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Consolidations are oriented along the bronchovascular bundle. They frequently contain
air filled bronchi, which do not show signs of volume loss in oppositie to patelike
According to Lee et al.(5) bronchovascular consolidations were the dominant feature in
about one third of a case series they analysed.
This pattern is frequently described in patients with OP and collagenvascular disease,
e.g., polymyositis and dermatomyositis, lupus erythematodes or rheumatoid arthritis.
Fig. 4: Classic OP: Predominant ground glass opacities that are relatively sharply
demarcated and peribronchovascular in distribution.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 5: Classic OP: Patchy, peribronchovascular consolidations with ground glass
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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(Acute Eosinophilic • Pleural based, • Bilateral patches
pneumonia, Loeffler wedge shaped of consolidation
Church/Strauss) opacities (apex • Dependent
points towards regions,
center) posterior
• Asthma (patient segments
history) • P. aeruginosa
• Serum
eosinophilia Wegener`s Bronchopneumonia
• Transitory granulomatosis
+/- migratory
airspace • Extrapulmonary • Patchy,
opacities signs inhomogeneous
• Multifocal • Nodules, consolidation
peripheral masses, • Usually several
consolidations consolidations, lobes
GGO • Less well-
• Irregular defined by
margins interlobular
• Cavitation septae
Lymphangitis Kaposi sarcoma Postprimary tuberculosis
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• Lower zone • Patchy GGO
• Pleural effusions
Table 2: Differential diagnosis of OP - Peripheral subsegmental and
peribronchovascular consolidations
3 Focal (solitary) OP
Focal OP presents with a solitary consolidation most frequently in the upper lobes. Ryu
et al. reported a solitary lesion in 13% of a series of histologially proven OP cases. Focal
OP has no specific features. Cavitation and even spiculated margins of the lesions may
be seen making a distinction from bronchogenic carcinoma based on imaging findings
impossible and diagnosis is mostly determined by biopsy.
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Fig. 6: Focal OP: Solitary mass in the right lower lobe
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 7: Focal OP: Focal lesion of OP with ground glass attenuation.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 8: Case 2: 62 year old male with supraglottic carcinoma. a) New mass on the left
on the follow-up chest X-ray. b) Solid mass on CT scan. c) FDG PET/CT avid lesion.
d) CT guided biopsy 2 weeks later shows spontaneous decrease in size. e) Pathology
reveals OP. After a few week of steroid treatment, the lesion has vanished.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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be FDG avide • Resolves
on PET-scans with antibiotic
• Peripheral therapy
Primary tuberculosis Round atelectasis
• `Angiogram
• Non-resolving • Airspace • Convergence of
GGO consolidation bronchovascular
• No lobe markings
predominance • Pleural
• Hilar an thickening
mediastinal LNN adjacent to
Table 3: Differential Diagnosis of OP - focal lesion
4 Nodular Opacities
Both, macronodular and micronodular patterns are described in OP. Nodules vary in size
between several mm and cm. They may be surrounded by a rim of ground glass or show
the reversed halo sign. Multiple nodular lesions surrounded by a complete or incomplete
rim of consolidations is also described as Atoll sign. Both features are not specific but
quite suggestive for an OP in an appropriate clinical situation.
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Fig. 9: Nodular OP: Peripheral consolidations with air bronchogram and multiple
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 10: OP: Diffuse 'acinar' nodules with a random (or centrilobular) distribution.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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• Ill-defined • Upper lobe • Centrilobular
centrilobular predominance nodules, that
nodules, may • Chronic may cavitate
confluent to bronchitis and become
diffuse ground associated with cystic
glass air smoking
Pulmonary metastases Broncho-alveolar Fungal infection
• Known primary • Peripheral E.g., aspergillus.
tumor consolidation
• Multiple • `Angiogram See table 2
• Mostly in sign`
periphery • Non-resolving
• Well defined GGO Postprimary tuberculosis
or irregular
margins See table 2
See table 2
OP may present with band like or linear opacities (7). They are usually more than 2 cm
long and more than 8 mm in width. Air bronchograms are often present. Their borders may
be smooth or irregular. These band-like consolidations may form complete or incomplete
circles, surrounding an area of ground glass referring then to the `reversed halo sign`.
Multiple of these lesions resemble multiple islands (Atoll sign).
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Fig. 11: OP: Typical band-like opacity (arrow) with air bronchograms.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
The `Atoll sign` or `Reversed halo sign` is not specific for OP: it has also been reported
in sarcoïdosis en other granulomateous infections like tuberculosis, schistosomiasis or
cryptococcus infections(8).
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Fig. 12: OP: Reversed halo sign in the right lower lobe.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 13: OP: Consolidations in the right lung and bilateral Atoll sign.
References: Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
If the linear densities follow the periphery of the secondary lobule, it is described as
perilobular pattern (9). It has to be noted that the opacifications are not confined to the
interlobar septa as in lymphangitis carcinomatosa but only follow the interlobular septa
and `flow over` into the adjacent alveolar spaces at the periphery of the secondary lobule.
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Fig. 14: Bilateral OP with patchy consolidations following the perilobular pattern.
References: C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort/NL
6 Progressive fibrosis
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Some cases of OP have an unfavourable outcome and can even lead to death.
Mortality is related to progressive fibrotic OP. HRCT shows a reticular pattern with
architectural distortion in a peribronchovascular distribution or at the lung bases. Traction
bronchiectasis and honeycombing may also be seen (10). Frequently combinations with
consolidation and nodules are encountered. This entity seems to be associated with
connective tissue diseases, especially polymyositis and dermatomyositis.
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traction • Traction • Ground glass
bronchiectasis bronchiectasis opacities in
• Peribronchovascular • Destruction geographic
distribution of lung distribution
with subpleural parenchyma • Minimal signs of
sparing fibrosis
Chronic EAA Endstage sarcoidosis
• Air-trapping • Perihilar fibrosis
• Irreversible • Upper lobe
fibrosis volume loss
• Honeycombing • Destruction of
• Occasional lung architecture
cystic airspace
3 Schlesinger C, Koss MN. The organizing pneumonias: an update and review. Curr Opin
Pulm Med. 2005 Sep;11(5):422-30.
4 Kane GC, Vasu TS. Clinical and radiologic distinctions between secondary bronchiolitis
obliterans organizing pneumonia and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Respir Care.
2009 Aug;54(8):1028-32.
6 Ryu JH, Maldonado F. Focal organizing pneumonia on surgical lung biopsy: causes,
clinicoradiologic features, and outcomes. Chest. 2007 Nov;132(5):1579-83. Epub 2007
Sep 21.
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7 Murphy JM, Flower CD (1999). Linear opacities on HRCT in bronchiolitis obliterans
organizing pneumonia. Eur Radiology 9: 1813-1817
8 Marchiori E, Irion K. Re: Reveresed halo sign: nodular wall as criterion for differentiation
between COP and active granulomatous diseases. Correspondence / Clinical Radiology
65 (2010) 770-771
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Images for this section:
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 17: Eosinophilic pneumonia; Pro OP: peripherally located consolidations surrounded
by ground glass. Contra OP: unsharp demarcation, no air bronchogram.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 18: Lymphomatoid granulomatosis; Pro OP: some subpleural consolidations with
air bronchograms. Contra OP: more centrally located consolidations and nodules. Rapid
progression. Irregular margins.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 19: Pulmonary infarcts; Pro OP: subpleural consolidation with sharp demarcation.
Contra OP: presence of pulmonary emboli.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 20: Sarcoidosis; Pro OP: sharply demarcated consolidations with mildly dilated
bronchi, in a peribronchovascular orientation, sparing of secondary lobules. Contra OP:
hilar lymphadenopathy (not shown).
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 21: Morbus Wegener; Pro OP: consolidations with air bronchogram,
peribronchovascular orientation. Contra OP: partly unsharp demarcation, no regard for
secondary lobuli.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 22: Broncho-alveolar carcinoma; Pro OP: consolidations with air bronchogram,
sharp demarcation, some sparing of secondary lobuli. Contra OP: none. Biopsy needed!
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 23: Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; Pro OP: large consolidation with
air bronchogram. Contra OP: on imaging none; positive cultures.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 24: Subacute EAA; Pro OP: poorly defined micronodules in a centrilobular
distribution. Contra OP: air trapping (not shown).
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 25: Sarcoidosis; Pro of OP: micronodules, mixed dense and ground glass. Contra
OP: perilymphatic distribution, relatively dense nodules.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 26: Streptococcus pneumoniae infection; Pro OP: reversed halo sign,
peribronchovascular orientation. Contra OP: focal, nodular ground glass opacities.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 27: NSIP; Pro OP: perilobular pattern of consolidations with ground glass opacity
(coarse reticulation). Contra OP: association with intralobular reticular densities and signs
of parenchymal destruction (traction bronchiectasis).
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 28: NSIP; Pro OP: ground glass opacities, sharp demarcation, relative sparing of
secondary lobuli. Contra OP: signs of fibrosis, e.g.,irregular dilated airways (traction
bronchiectasis), pleural tagging, distortion of the lung architecture.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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Fig. 29: DIP; Pro OP: fibrosis and ground glass with peribronchovascular orientation,
sparing of secondary lobuli. Contra OP: none.
© Erasmus MC - Rotterdam/NL
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