A Case-Control Study of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborn Infants at 36 Weeks Gestation
A Case-Control Study of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborn Infants at 36 Weeks Gestation
A Case-Control Study of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborn Infants at 36 Weeks Gestation
A case-control study of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
in newborn infants at >36 weeks gestation
Breda C. Hayes, MD; Cliona McGarvey, PhD; Siobhan Mulvany, MSc; John Kennedy, MD; Michael P. Geary, MD;
Tom G. Matthews, MD; Mary D. King, FRCPCH
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine risk factors and 489 control infants were included. Variables that were associated
that are associated with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). independently with HIE included higher grade meconium, growth
restriction, large head circumference, oligohydramnios, male sex, fetal
STUDY DESIGN: This was a case-control study that included newborn
bradycardia, maternal pyrexia and increased uterine contractility.
infants with HIE who were admitted to the hospital between January
CART analysis ranked high-grade meconium, oligohydramnios, and
2001 and December 2008. Two control newborn infants were chosen
the presence of obstetric complications as the most discriminating
for each case. Logistic regression and classification and regression
variables and defined distinct risk groups with HIE rates that ranged
tree (CART) analysis that compared control infants and cases with
from 0e86%.
grade 1 HIE and control infants and cases with grades 2 and 3 HIE was
performed. CONCLUSION: CART analysis provides information to help identify the
time at which intervention in labor may be of benefit.
RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-seven cases (newborn infants with
grade 1 encephalopathy, 155; newborn infants with grade 2 en- Key words: CART, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, meconium,
cephalopathy, 61; newborn infants with grade 3 encephalopathy, 21) oligohydramnios, uterine contraction
Cite this article as: Hayes BC, McGarvey C, Mulvany S, et al. A case-control study of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in newborn infants at >36 weeks gestation. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2013;209:29.e1-19.
Obstetrics definitions used in data acquisition
Variable Definition
Antenatal trauma Significant fall, accident, or abdominal injury in the antenatal period
Late booking Initiation of antenatal care at >24 weeks’ gestation
Pregnancy-induced hypertension Maternal blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg on 2 separate occasions >4 hours apart
Preeclampsia New onset hypertension and proteinuria at >20 weeks’ gestation
Proteinuria >0.3 g protein/d in a 24-hour urine collection or, in the absence of a 24-hour urine collection, the
presence of 2þ protein on dipstick
Gestational diabetes mellitus Glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy and a normal glucose tolerance
test by 6 weeks after delivery
Substantial antepartum hemorrhage Vaginal blood loss equal to or greater than a menstrual period
Nonsubstantial antepartum hemorrhage Vaginal blood loss less than a menstrual period
Fetal bradycardia Decrease in the baseline fetal heart rate <100 beats/min
Late decelerations Transient decrease in fetal heart rate that occurs at or after the peak of a uterine contraction
Fetal tachycardia Increase in baseline fetal heart rate to 160 beats/min
Early decelerations Transient decrease in fetal heart rate that coincides with the onset of a uterine contraction
Fetal heart rate variability The beat-to-beat changes in fetal heart rate
Unsatisfactory cardiotocogram The presence of a fetal bradycardia and/or late decelerations and/or fetal tachycardia and/or early
decelerations (transient decrease in fetal heart rate that coincides with the onset of a uterine
contraction) and/or fetal heart rate variability <5 beats/min
Satisfactory cardiotocogram Baseline rate: 110-160 beats/min; moderate variability; absence of any late or variable decelerations;
accelerations that may or may not be present
High-grade meconium Grade 3 (thick or pea soup consistency) meconium or meconium that requires tracheal suction
Maternal pyrexia Temperature 38 C measured with a tympanic thermometer
Duration of first stage of labor The time from when the cervix was fully effaced and at least 1-cm dilated (in the presence of regular
contractions) up to the time of full dilation
Shoulder dystocia Difficult delivery of the shoulders that required additional obstetric maneuvers to release the shoulders
after gentle downward traction failed
Uterine rupture A defect that involves the entire uterine wall that was symptomatic and required surgical intervention
Placental abruption Presence of retroplacental hematoma and clinical symptoms (as assessed by the clinical team at the
time of delivery)
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013.
hypoxia-ischemia. Exclusion criteria for that were associated independently with cases with grades 2 and 3 HIE. Criteria for
control infants were out-born infants, HIE and with a classification and regres- inclusion included reaching statistical
<36 weeks’ gestation, the presence of a sion trees (CART) analysis to help define significance (P < .25) in the univariate
major congenital anomaly, or any signs of the distinct clinical groups at higher analysis (Tables 2-4) and clinical impor-
encephalopathy in the neonatal period. risk of HIE. CART analysis examines a tance. Factors of clinical importance were
If an infant was excluded as a control, dataset to find the best variables and defined as factors that have been associ-
then the infant who was delivered either associated cutoff points to group the data ated with asphyxia and/or neonatal en-
before or after this infant was chosen. into those with and without the outcome cephalopathy from previous published
The obstetrics definitions that were in question. Splitting stops when the studies or deemed important from clinical
used in data acquisition are outlined in statistical process determines no further practice. Logistic regression analysis was
Table 1. discriminating advantage with any of the used to produce estimates of the odds
Further details on data acquisition are remaining factors.8 Two analyses were ratios.
available in the Appendix. carried out: 1 analysis compared control Ethical approval was obtained from
The data were analyzed by logistic re- infants and cases with grade 1 HIE; 1 the research ethics committee at The
gression analysis to identify the variables analysis compared control infants and Rotunda Hospital.
Mother consumed alcohol
during pregnancy
No 7 1.5 4 2.56 1 1.67 1 4.76 NA NA NA
Yes 72 14.9 31 19.87 10 16.67 5 23.8 NA NA NA
Missing 404 83.6 212 77.5 49 81.67 15 71.4 NA NA NA
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
29.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2013
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Weekly units of alcohol consumed by mother
during pregnancy
1-2 42 59.2
3-4 14 19.7 21 67.7 2 50.0 3 60.0 .83
5-7 11 15.5 6 19.4 3 30.0 2 40.0
8 4 5.6 2 6.5 0 0 0 0
Regular weekly intake of alcohol (any amount) 92 19.5 2 6.5 2 20.0 0 0
Family history of seizures
No 466 96.9 148 94.9 59 98.3 19 95.0 .33 Reference
Yes 15 3.1 8 5.1 1 1.7 1 5.0 1.38 0.61e3.12
Obstetric history
No 308 64.0 111 71.0 30 51.0 14 67.0 .64 Reference
Yes 173 36.0 45 29.0 29 49.0 7 33.0 < .05 c
0.93 0.67e1.30
Medical/surgical history
No 218 45.7 66 42.3 30 49.2 5 25.0 .33 Reference
Yes 259 54.3 90 57.7 31 50.8 15 75.0 1.14 1.57
Maternal history of respiratory problems
No 442 92.7 145 92.95 59 96.7 17 85.0 Reference
Yes 35 7.3 11 7.05 2 3.3 3 15.0 .98 0.92 0.49e1.70
Maternal history of cardiovascular problems
No 456 95.6 147 94.2 60 98.4 19 95.0 .79 Reference
Yes 21 4.4 9 5.8 1 1.6 1 5.0 1.06 0.50e2.44
Maternal history of gastrointestinal problems
No 445 93.3 142 91.0 56 91.8 17 85.0 .17 Reference
Yes 32 6.7 14 8.97 5 8.2 3 15.0 1.43 0.81e2.52
Maternal history of neurologic problems
No 445 93.3 143 91.7 57 93.4 17 85.0 .31 Reference
Yes 32 6.7 13 8.3 4 6.6 3 15.0 1.29 0.72e2.30
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Maternal history of hematologic problems
No 427 89.5 141 90.4 55 90.2 15 75.0 .34 Reference
Yes 50 10.5 15 9.6 6 9.8 5 25.0 1.06 0.64e1.75
Maternal history of muscular problems
No 437 91.6 137 87.8 56 91.8 17 85.0 .29 Reference
Yes 40 8.4 19 12.2 5 8.2 3 15 1.41 0.84e2.36
Maternal history of depression
No 443 92.9 147 94.2 58 95.1 15 75.0 .27 Reference
Yes 34 7.1 9 5.8 3 4.9 5 25.0 < .05 c
1.01 0.55e1.85
Maternal history of infertility
No 464 97.3 147 94.2 60 98.4 17 85.0 .05 Reference
Yes 13 2.7 9 5.8 1 1.6 3 15.0 < .05c 2.08 0.95e4.57
Maternal history of hypothyroidism
No 469 98.3 154 98.7 61 100.0 20 100.0 .26 Reference
Yes 8 1.7 2 1.3 0 0 0 0 0.50 0.105e2.38
JULY 2013 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Yes 221 45.9 105 67.3 34 56.7 13 61.9 2.08 1.51e2.87
0 350 72.6 119 76.3 40 66.7 15 71.4 .485 Reference
1 94 19.5 27 17.3 11 18.3 2 9.5 0.86 0.57e1.30
2 32 6.6 8 5.1 8 13.3 0 0 1.01 0.54e1.89
3 6 1.2 2 1.3 1 1.7 4 19.1 2.36 0.78e7.15
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
29.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2013
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Gestational age at time of booking
<12 wk 72 14.9 21 13.5 8 13.3 3 14.3 .06
13-15 wk 223 46.2 73 47.1 23 38.3 6 28.6
16-18 wk 82 16.9 30 19.4 11 18.3 3 14.3
19-23 wk 46 9.5 16 10.3 5 8.3 4 19.0
24-30 wk 26 5.4 8 5.2 5 8.3 3 14.3
31-37 wk 21 4.4 4 2.6 3 5.0 0 0
38-42 wk 10 2.1 1 0.7 4 6.7 1 4.8
Not booked 3 0.62 2 1.3 1 1.7 1 4.8
Gestation age at time of booking 24 wk
No 423 87.6 140 90.3 47 78.3 16 76.2 .08 Reference
Yes 60 12.4 15 9.7 13 21.7 5 23.8 1.06 0.66e1.72
Negative 463 96.9 152 98.1 57 95.0 20 95.2 .66 Reference
Positive 15 3.1 3 1.9 3 5.0 1 4.8 0.95 0.38e2.36
Trauma in pregnancy
No 471 97.7 148 96.1 54 93.1 18 90.0 .01 Reference
Yes 11 2.3 6 3.9 4 6.9 2 10.0 2.35 1.02e5.41
Medications (any) during pregnancy
No 425 90.4 140 91.5 45 81.8 15 83.3 .11 Reference
Yes 45 9.6 13 8.5 10 18.2 3 16.7 1.23 0.74e2.06
Substantial antepartum hemorrhage
No 436 90.6 131 86.2 46 77.97 12 60.0 < .001 Reference
Yes 45 9.4 21 13.8 13 22.03 8 40.0 2.16 1.37e3.41
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Growth scans
No 129 26.7 24 15.5 10 16.95 1 5.0 < .001 Reference
Intrauterine growth restriction 8 1.7 6 3.9 0 0 0 0 2.76 0.89e8.49
Normal 345 71.4 125 80.7 48 81.4 19 95.0 2.03 1.34e3.07
Large for dates 1 0.2 0 0 1 1.7 0 0 3.68 0.22e60.42
Abnormal growth
No 345 94.5 125 95.4 48 98.0 19 100.0 .93 Reference
Yes 9 2.5 6 4.6 1 2.0 0 0 1.4 0.52e3.84
Biophysical profile
8/8 313 93.7 118 91.5 45 95.7 19 100.0 .51 Reference
6/8 18 5.4 8 6.2 2 4.3 0 0 0.96 0.43e2.13
Other 3 0.9 3 2.3 0 0 0 0 1.73 0.34e8.68
No 157 32.5 62 39.5 15 25.9 12 57.1 .18 Reference
JULY 2013 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
No 455 94.2 135 86.5 50 86.2 19 90.5 .01 Reference
Yes 28 5.8 21 13.5 8 13.8 2 9.5 2.48 1.45e4.25
Induction of labor
No 363 75.3 114 73.1 47 79.7 18 85.7 .39 Reference
Yes 119 24.7 42 26.9 12 20.3 3 14.3 0.98 0.68e1.40
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
29.e8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2013
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Method of induction of labor
No induction 362 76.0 116 74.0 47 79.7 18 85.7 .38 Reference
Prostin, ARM, or syntocinon 32 6.7 13 8.3 3 5.11 1 4.8 1.07 0.57e1.98
Combination of 2 methods 45 9.5 16 10.3 5 8.5 2 9.5 1.03 0.60e1.75
Combination of 3 methods 37 7.8 11 7.1 4 6.8 0 0 0.81 0.44e1.52
Stage 1: duration in hours
0 92 20.5 22 15.6 13 25.0 8 44.4 .08
1-2 106 23.7 26 18.4 8 15.4 1 5.6
3-4 8 1.8 5 3.6 6 11.5 0 0
5-6 95 21.2 17 12.1 4 7.7 1 5.6
7-8 68 15.2 22 15.6 8 15.4 1 5.6
9-12 42 9.4 18 12.7 3 5.8 2 11.1
>12 20 4.5 20 14.2 6 11.5 2 11.1
Not fully dilated 17 3.8 11 7.8 4 7.7 3 16.7
Stage 1
No 310 66.0 72 48.3 30 54.6 14 73.7 < .05 Reference
Yes 160 34.0 77 51.7 25 45.5 5 26.3 1.75 1.27e2.43
Stage 2
None 307 66.0 65 46.8 25 49.0 15 75.0 .01 Reference
In progress 124 26.7 59 42.5 16 31.4 4 20.0 1.82 1.27e2.61
Stopped 34 7.3 15 10.8 10 19.6 1 5.0 2.23 1.28e3.90
Stage 2
No 307 66.0 65 46.8 25 49.0 15 75.0 < .05 Reference
Yes 158 34.0 74 53.3 26 51.0 5 25.0 1.91 1.37e2.66
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Maximum no. of pains per 15 minutes
On partogram
0 44 10.1 8 5.7 10 19.6 3 20.0 < .05
2-4 36 8.2 9 6.4 2 3.9 1 6.7
5-6 172 39.4 35 24.8 15 29.4 4 26.7
7-8 145 33.2 57 40.4 13 25.5 4 26.7
>9 40 9.2 32 22.7 11 21.6 3 20.0
No 397 90.8 109 77.3 40 78.4 12 80.0 < .001 Reference
Yes 40 9.2 32 22.7 11 21.6 3 20.0 2.86 1.80e4.53
No 337 77.1 75 53.2 34 66.7 11 73.3 < .01 Reference
Yes 100 22.9 66 46.8 17 33.3 4 26.7 2.39 1.67e3.41
Analgesia (any)
No 75 15.7 11 7.1 5 8.8 2 9.5 .02 Reference
Yes 404 84.3 143 92.9 52 91.2 19 90.5 2.19 1.27e3.76
JULY 2013 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
No 345 72.0 108 70.1 45 78.9 16 76.2 .46 Reference
Yes 134 28.0 46 29.9 12 21.1 5 23.8 0.96 0.68e1.37
No 429 89.6 127 82.5 52 91.2 18 85.7 .33 Reference
Yes 50 10.4 27 17.5 5 8.8 3 14.3 1.53 0.96e2.44
No 208 43.4 58 37.7 29 50.9 12 57.1 .37 Reference
Yes 271 56.6 96 62.3 28 49.1 9 42.9 1.01 0.74e1.39
General anesthesia
No 485 99.4 135 86.0 51 83.6 14 66.7 < .001 Reference
Yes 3 0.6 22 14.0 10 16.4 7 33.3 31.74 9.69e103.92
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
29.e10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2013
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Spinal anesthesia
No 441 92.2 139 93.3 49 86.0 20 95.2 .57 Reference
Yes 37 7.7 10 6.7 8 14 1 4.8 1.09 0.61e1.95
Other analgesia (paracetamol, TENS, fentanyl,
remifentanil, solpadeine)
No 470 98.1 144 97.3 55 100.0 21 100.0 .48
Yes 9 1.9 4 2.7 0 0 0 0
Fully dilated 431 96.2 130 92.2 48 92.3 15 83.3 .01 Reference
Never fully dilated 17 3.8 11 7.8 4 7.7 3 16.7 2.38 1.20e4.72
Analgesia given
None 75 15.7 11 7.14 5 8.8 2 9.5 < .001 Reference
Epidural only 198 41.3 51 33.1 20 35.1 6 28.6 1.59 0.89e2.84
Epidural plus other analgesia 73 15.2 45 29.2 8 14 3 14.3 3.19 1.71e5.98
Other analgesia, excluding epidural 133 27.8 47 30.5 24 42.1 10 47.6 2.53 1.41e4.54
Mode of delivery
Spontaneous vaginal 291 60.0 45 28.7 15 25.4 7 33.3 < .001 Reference
Ventouse 84 17.4 45 28.7 10 16.95 1 4.7 2.94 1.91e4.53
Forceps 7 1.5 3 1.9 4 6.8 3 14.3 6.32 2.32e17.21
Elective cesarean 41 8.5 1 0.6 1 1.7 0 0 0.215 0.05e0.91
Emergency cesarean 48 9.9 52 33.1 25 42.4 9 42.9 7.92 5.09e12.34
Ventouse and forceps 11 2.3 7 4.5 0 0 0 0 2.81 1.05e7.53
Instrument delivery/emergency cesarean 2 0.4 4 2.6 4 6.8 1 4.8 19.9 4.20e94.29
Other 193 39.8 112 71.3 44 74.6 14 66.7 3.89 2.78e5.46
Spontaneous vaginal/elective cesarean 332 638.6 46 29.3 16 27.1 7 33.3 < .001 Reference
Intervention (any) 152 31.4 111 70.7 46 72.9 14 66.7 5.42 3.84e7.61
Emergency cesarean delivery
No 434 89.7 101 64.3 30 50.9 11 52.4 < .001 Reference
Yes 50 10.3 56 35.7 29 49.2 10 47.6 5.86 3.96e8.67
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
Maternal pyrexia
No 464 96.3 129 82.3 52 88.1 17 81.0 < .001 Reference
Yes 18 3.7 26 16.8 7 11.9 4 19.0 4.85 2.69e8.73
Maternal antibiotics
No 457 94.6 136 88.9 51 91.1 17 85.0 .01 Reference
Yes 26 5.4 17 11.1 5 8.9 3 15.0 2.16 1.22e3.84
Cephalic 466 96.9 151 96.2 55 94.8 21 100.0 .83 Reference
Breech 10 2.08 1 0.64 2 3.5 0 0 0.619 0.16e2.27
Other 5 1.04 5 3.2 1 1.7 0 0 2.47 0.74e8.21
Cephalic 466 96.9 151 96.2 55 94.8 21 100.0 .84 Reference
Breech/other 15 3.12 6 3.8 3 5.2 0 0 1.23 0.53e2.87
None 468 97.1 122 78.7 48 81.4 15 71.4 < .001 Reference
JULY 2013 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Fetal heart rate tracing
Deemed satisfactory 133 31.1 18 11.8 6 10.7 0 0 < .001 Reference
Unsatisfactory 295 68.9 135 88.2 50 89.3 17 100.0 3.76 2.35e6.02
Low grade 443 91.9 110 70.06 35 59.3 16 76.2 < .001 Reference
High grade 39 8.1 47 29.9 24 30.7 5 23.8 5.40 3.53e8.28
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013. (continued)
29.e12 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2013
Univariate analysis of preconception, antenatal, peripartum, and neonatal factors (continued)
Control infants Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Unadjusted
Variable n % n % n % n % P valuea odds ratio 95% CI
No 345 92.7 6 3.9 4 6.6 0 0 < .001 Reference
Yes 27 7.3 147 96.1 57 93.4 21 100.0 287.5 136e605.4
Birthweight percentile for gestational age
3rd 31 6.4 17 10.8 10 16.4 0 0 .53 Reference
3rd-97th 422 87.6 132 84.1 45 74.0 19 90.5 < .05c 0.53 0.307e0.911
97th 29 6.0 8 5.1 6 9.8 2 9.5 0.63 0.28e1.40
Occipitofrontal head circumference percentile
for gestational age
3rd 22 4.7 5 3.3 7 11.9 0 0 .26 Reference
3rd-97th 424 90.6 140 93.3 42 71.2 17 94.4 < .001 c
0.85 0.41e1.76
97th 22 4.7 5 3.3 10 16.9 1 5.6 1.33 0.51e3.46
Occipitofrontal head circumference percentile
for gestational age 97th percentile
No 446 95.3 145 96.7 49 83.1 17 94.4 < .05 Reference
Yes 22 4.7 5 3.3 10 16.95 1 5.6 1.55 0.79e3.00
Birth order
Singleton 486 99.6 153 97.5 60 98.4 21 100.0 .18 Reference
Twin 2 0.4 4 2.6 1 1.6 0 0 5.22 1.00e27.13
Female 241 49.4 75 47.8 22 36.1 9 42.9 .10 Reference
Male 247 50.6 82 52.2 39 63.9 12 57.1 1.24 0.90e1.69
36-37 wks’ gestation
No 452 94.0 143 91.7 55 91.7 13 65.0 .001 Reference
Yes 29 6.0 13 8.3 5 8.3 7 35.0 1.86 1.06e3.25
ARM, artificial rupture of membranes; CI, confidence interval; NA, not available because of missing numbers; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
l2 test for trend; b The first analysis looks at age 20 years and then in 5-year groupings up to 38 years. The second analysis simply looks at <25 years or >25 years; c c2 test; d The first category of presentation looks at cephalic, breech and “other” (grouping
all other types of presentation) as 3 separate groups. The second analysis groups breech with all other types of presentation; e The first analysis studies shoulder dystocia as a separate group, the second combines it with all other complications.
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013.
www.AJOG.org Obstetrics Research
484 (100.00)
720 (100.00)
155 (100.00)
61 (100.00)
20 (100.00)
7 ¼ unemployed; 10 ¼ unclassified; b Pearson c2 (21) ¼ 31.1671; P ¼ .071; c The combined classifications: 0 ¼ SEG 1-5; 1 ¼ SEG 6,7; 10 ¼ SEG 10; d Pearson c2 (3) ¼ 2.2547 reflects no significant difference using Pearson c2 between socioeconomic
Socioeconomic grouping (SEG) classification: 1 ¼ higher managerial, professional; 2 ¼ intermediate managerial, administrative, professional; 3 ¼ skilled manual workers; 4 ¼ semiskilled manual workers; 5 ¼ unskilled manual workers; 6 ¼ casual laborers;
Two hundred forty-five cases and 490
control infants were included. Maternal
records of 8 case newborn infants and
1 control newborn infant could not be
located within the timeframe of data
25 (5.17)
41 (5.69)
10 (6.45)
6 (9.84)
collection. Thus, results for 237 case
with grade 1 encephalopathy, 61 newborn
206 (42.56)
293 (40.69)
52 (33.55)
26 (42.62)
9 (45.00)
infants with grade 2 encephalopathy, and
21 newborn infants with grade 3 en-
cephalopathy) and 489 control newborn
infants are described. An Apgar score of
5 at 10 minutes, a continued need for
253 (52.27)
386 (53.61)
93 (60.00)
29 (47.54)
11 (55.00)
resuscitation (including endotracheal or
mask ventilation) at 10 minutes after
birth, and/or acidosis within 60 minutes
of birth (defined as any occurrence
484 (100.00)
720 (100.00)
155 (100.00)
61 (100.00)
20 (100.00)
of umbilical cord, arterial, or capillary
pH 7.10) was present in 93 of 155 of
newborn infants (60%) with grade 1 HIE;
47 of 61 newborn infants (77%) with
25 (5.17)
41 (5.69)
10 (6.45)
6 (9.84)
grade 2 HIE, and 21 of 21 newborn
infants (100%) with grade 3 HIE. De-
mographic characteristics of case new-
186 (38.43)
269 (37.36)
48 (30.97)
26 (42.62)
9 (45.00)
born infants and control newborn infants
are presented in Table 5.
Among the cases, 7 women (3%) did
24 (3.33)
4 (2.58)
Socioeconomic grouping as per maternal occupation at booking, n (%)b
57 (7.92)
15 (9.68)
4 (6.56)
1 (5.00)
43 (5.97)
8 (5.16)
40 (5.56)
of HIE
Logistic regression analysis of case control data
Cases vs control Grade 1 HIE vs control Grades 2 and 3 HIE
infants (all grades) infants vs control infants
Unadjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted
Variable odds ratio 95% CI P value odds ratio 95% CI P value odds ratio 95% CI P value odds ratio 95% CI P value
Maternal age (<25 y) 0.67 0.47e0.95 .025 0.92 0.61e1.60 .982 0.91 0.44e1.30 .316 0.92 0.33e2.65 .886
Maternal smoking (yes) 1.39 0.95e2.03 .082 1.75 0.97e3.15 .065 1.62 0.80e3.29 .176 2.46 0.94e6.41 .065
Primigravid 2.08 1.51e2.87 .000 1.01 0.55e1.82 .967 1.11 0.37e3.25 .851 4.38 0.86e22.36 .075
Trauma in pregnancy 2.35 1.02e5.41 .044 0.74 0.20e2.64 .644 0.52 0.11e2.43 .410 2.13 0.33e13.45 .419
Significant antepartum 2.16 1.37e3.41 .001 1.75 0.89e4.40 .101 1.12 0.49e2.56 .280 8.24 2.58e26.33 .000
Artificial rupture of membranes 0.78 0.56e1.09 .150 0.62 0.37e1.01 .054 0.48 0.27e0.85 .011 1.15 0.44e2.99 .772
Oligohydramnios 2.48 1.45e4.25 .001 1.94 0.82e4.55 .128 3.40 2.12e8.23 .000 0.94 0.15e5.82 .951
Stage 2 oxytocin 1.91 1.37e2.66 .000 0.99 0.57e1.72 .990 1.21 0.41e3.57 .724 1.29 0.40e4.17 .668
Maximum no. of pains per 2.39 1.67e3.41 .000 2.07 1.13e3.81 .018 2.26 1.14e4.49 .019 1.23 0.41e3.68 .701
15 min >7
Analgesia (any) 2.19 1.27e3.76 .004 1.02 0.38e2.72 .965 1.07 0.28e4.08 .911 0.62 0.14e2.63 .520
Emergency section/instrument 5.42 3.84e7.61 .000 3.03 1.75e5.24 .000 6.14 1.94e19.45 .002 5.87 1.42e24.12 .014
Maternal pyrexia 4.85 2.69e8.73 .000 4.45 2.02e9.78 .000 6.07 1.13e32.45 .035 15.93 1.91e132.45 .010
Maternal antibiotics 2.16 1.22e3.84 .008 0.67 0.24e1.81 .433 3.25 0.37e28.51 .286 1.22 0.25e5.99 .802
Complications 9.1 4.91e16.86 .000 13.61 2.67e69.26 .002 10.44 1.51e72.1 .017 8.91 0.59e133.24 .113
Bradycardia 3.27 2.18e4.92 .000 2.63 1.44e4.79 .002 1.43 0.41e4.93 .565 11.04 2.23e54.75 .003
High-grade meconium 5.40 3.53e8.28 .000 5.13 2.86e9.19 .000 4.19 2.12e8.27 .000 13.82 4.59e41.64 .000
Birthweight 3rd percentile 1.86 1.08e3.20 .024 1.85 0.75e4.54 .177 1.27 0.41e3.92 .671 5.31 1.39e20.18 .014
Head circumference 97th 1.55 0.79e3.00 .197 2.65 1.01e6.93 .043 1.29 0.32e5.19 .711 9.32 2.57e33.90 .001
Sex (male) 1.24 0.90e1.69 .174 0.99 0.62e1.60 .982 0.75 0.44e1.30 .316 1.93 0.78e4.77 .151
Weeks gestationecontinuous 1.05 0.93e1.17 .449 0.98 0.82e1.18 .387 1.04 0.83e1.30 .702 0.82 0.603e1.10 .194
The following interactions were included in the multivariate analysis: primigravid intervention at delivery; primigravid bradycardia; stage 2 oxytocin intervention at delivery; maternal pyrexia intervention at delivery; maternal antibiotics intervention at
delivery; complications intervention at delivery; complications max number of pains per 15 minutes >7.
CI, confidence interval; HIE, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.
Included in the multivariate analysis to control for birthweight.
Hayes. HIE in newborn infants >36 weeks gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013.
www.AJOG.org Obstetrics Research
We thank Myra O’Regan, Associate Professor
of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, for the
statistical support and the children and their
Analysis shows the hierarchy of factors, the percentage of HIE, and the number of records at each families who participated in this project.
node. A, All subjects with grade 1 HIE and controls. B shows that the presence of an obstetric
complication was the single most discriminating factor. The presence of C, high-grade meconium, D,
oligohydramnios, and E, birthweight <2720 g helped to further discriminate between cases with
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