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The Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Department of Surveying and Land Studies.


Lecture : 11



Regardless of the specific nature of any project, one thing common to almost every field based
report in physical geography is a map of some sort, be it a site map to indicate the location of
the study or a detailed topographic map from which data is derived and conclusions drawn.

Since much of the research in topography is conducted in small areas - square metres rather than
square kilometres - it is almost certain that no adequate commercial map exists which will suit your
purpose, and so it is vital that you are familiar with the techniques necessary to produce your own map
from a field survey.
There are a wide variety of survey techniques available to the surveyor/engineer, and it is important
that you have an understanding of their applications, advantages and limitations in order to select the
method which best suits both your objectives and your available resources.

Types and Uses of Compass.


The images above are of Prismatic Compass mountable onto a tripod. Here in our study we do not have this but will
be using a Japanese made type. It is small and Hand held with same principle.

A compass is a small instrument essentially consisting of magnetic needle, a graduated circle, and a line
of sight.

It measures the directions of survey lines in nearest to half a degree, with reference to the Magnetic
North. In the North Pole the Magnetic North are not the same. The Magnetic North position is of a huge
deposit of iron ore slightly off the True North Pole; which draws the direction of the magnetized needle
of the compass.
The difference between the true North and the Magnetic North is referred to as Magnetic Declination.
The compass cannot measure angle directly between two lines but the difference in bearings between
the two lines can give the angle.

The compass is used to observed directions of survey lines and a tape is used to obtain
distance of survey line; this process is referred to as Compass & Tape Survey.

Compass & Tape Traverse.



A compass & Tape traverse is a series of lines of known bearings and distances connecting each other
over a piece of land. The bearings of the lines are observed by the compass equipment and the distances
are measured with tapes preferably a steel or metal tape.

The compass and Tape traverse is an excellent system for initial site survey work in remote locations to
produce a quick and reasonably accurate map.
It can be used as a linear technique for plotting long, narrow features like roads, or as a 'closed-loop' to
delimit areas of interest.

Magnetic Declination

True North

Magnetic North

Magnetic Declination

Survey Area

You need to know the amount of magnetic declination in your area of survey as you will need to correct
your survey to conform to other surveys and maps on true north datum. It is the difference in angle
between the true north and the magnetic north.

A quick way is to select a nearby known survey line on True North datum; stand on one end and observe
carefully to the other end. Now subtract your observed magnetic bearing from the True bearing of the
line. The difference is the declination. Apply this declination to all your bearings to obtain true north if
need be. Magnetic declination varies from places to places.

The Compass needles can be easily distracted in the field when you are in an area where metals
structures the form of poles, metal buildings etc that so it is advisable to avoid places of such or which
when no choices available, utmost care should be taken and a reverse of back bearing observation has
to be taken.

The Accuracy
The Accuracy of the Compass and Tape survey is low that the observer has to do the right things to
achieve an acceptable standard.
Take note:
 Firstly note that the compass we have here would in held horizontally in your hand and not on a
tripod, which calls for steadiness on your part.
 Secondly your sighting to your target has to be accurate. The pole at the other end has to be
vertically over the mark.
 As the compass is graduated to half a degree, when you estimate after the half a degree you can
easily introduce errors. A slight movement can give an incorrect reading.
 The taping of the distances will also introduce linear errors which have to be avoided as best as

Example: You observe the bearing of a line of 70.5m and you made an error of say 15 minutes in

A Erroneous line in direction & length.

70.5m displacement
B’ 0.31m & 0.1m
True line B

Displacement= 70.5 x sin 0°15’ = 0.31m and 0.1m in distance.

This is a case example of a line; but in a traverse there will more than one line which will demand
accurate measurements in the bearings and distances.

The errors of this survey or any other type of survey can be detected when it come to plot the survey or
when it come to perform the survey computation which will be dealt with separately. All surveys have to
have some ways to check its accuracy; whereby the field your survey has to tie into a nearby survey.

It is to be noted that survey errors are enviable and as such there are standards whereby a survey can be
concluded as acceptable or not acceptable. Each type of survey has its level of accuracy and its standard.
The performing surveyor has to be mindful of these errors and endeavors to perform his survey to
minimize these errors.

Open t & Close Traverses
A traverse that starts from a point and ends on another point is referred as open traverse and is usually
not encouraged in surveying, unless no other ways available.
A traverse that commences from a point and return to the same point or one that commences from a
known point and stops on another known point of same origin is called closed or loop traverse.

Field Book
This is a specially prepared hard cover book meant to withstand weather to keep record of All field
measurements. The data in the field book have to be accurate, clear and legible; that when picked up by
another surveyor years after should be easily followed and understood. It is the evident of the land
survey of that particular area.
Also it is from this field book that survey plans are plotted or maps drawn towards the objective of the
In Department of Lands here a survey plan of parcel of land cannot be approved without an original field
book to confirm it.
The field book should show all bearings, distances made, sketches of the terrain, man-made features
and all relevant details required.

Types of Compass & Tape Survey

1) Cadastral (Quick)
A quick boundary survey of a piece of land from a tribal group to be given to Education for a
Community school.

Wara chimbu
Proposed School Land

This survey can give some ideas for negotiating teams to seal an agreement to so the land can purchase at
a price. A proper full casdastral survey can follow suit.

2) Engineering
A stretch of unseal road to link Okuk Highway.

Okuk Highway

Kum village Unsealed road to be investigated

The unsealed road can only become budgeted for when a costing is established from this quick compass and tape
survey plans.

A full engineering survey can take place by a contractor following the issuance of a Survey Instruction
from the design office.

 A compass : to observe directions
 Tape : to measure distances
 Clinometer: to measure slopes of lines
 Ranging Rods: to be target to observe and measure to
 Pegs & Harmer: to establish traverse points.
 Field Book, Pencil & straight Edge: to book ALL field data
 Bush knives: to clear lines of survey

Executing a Traverse Survey.

Walk over your subject land and see the vegetations, the land form and where to establish your traverse
1. Establish your traverse points over the land.
2. Identify the first 'leg' of the survey, and place a ranging pole at the start point, A. The second person
now moves to the end of the first leg, point B, trailing a tape measure from A to B.
3. A pole is placed at point B and a compass bearing is taken from A to B (the forward bearing FB) and
from B to A (the back bearing BB).
4. The FB and the BB +/-180 should differ by no more than 2o. When they are in agreement by 2 or
closer the average of the two is the value recorded.
5. The tape between the two stations is held taut (stretched and tightened), and the distance
6. The person at station A now moves beyond B to the next point of interest, C, and the procedure are
repeated for this and subsequent legs. In a closed-loop survey the final leg must finish at the original
start point, A. for a close traverse.
For a linear traversing the last point must close onto a known point to permit a close check.
7. After all the field work is completed the field book is reduced to a level to be plotted or computed.
The purpose of computation and plotting are to establish any errors in the survey and then
adjustments are made to arrive at final bearings and distances.

1. On paper, mark a point to represent station A. All points are to be plotted relative to this station.
2. Through this point, construct a North/South line. You may find it easier to construct this initial plot on
graph paper, and use the printed grid lines as your N-S grid.
3. Using a 360° protractor, measure the first agreed bearing clockwise from north using A as the origin.
A line is then drawn from A in this direction to represent the measured ground length at the scale
selected, ending at point B.
4. At point B, and all subsequent points, the original N-S line must be reconstructed and
the procedure repeated.

Compensating for Errors

In a closed loop survey, it is likely that when the data is plotted, the start and finish points
will not match.
This is due to the cumulative effect of small errors on the individual legs of the survey.

Adjusting the error in Plotting Stage

In the plotting stage however it is possible to compensate or close these errors as follows: -

1. Plot the data as outlined above. If a misclosure error is apparent, measure the direction (from North
on your map) from the erroneous finish point to the start point and accurately measure the distance
between them.
2. On graph paper reconstruct, to scale, the total survey base line. This is the sum of the
lengths of the individual legs. Draw this length as one horizontal line at the scale required (A).
3. Construct a vertical line at the same scale to represent the error distance to be closed (measured in
stage 1). Draw this line vertically up from the right hand end of your horizontal base line (B)
4. Draw a line joining the two free ends of lines A & B -completing the triangle (line C)
5. Now identify the position of station B on your base line. Remember this line represents the total
length of your survey, and since you know the length of each leg you can easily work out how far along
your baseline each point lies.
6. Once you have located station B on the base line, proceed vertically upon your diagram until you
meet line C and then horizontally across to scale B and read this value.
7. You now have all the information you need to correct your plotted data. Station B on your map needs
to be moved by the distance you read in stage 6, in the direction you measured in stage 1. Repeat for all
the remaining points.

Adjustment @ Stn Total Error


A Total traverse dist plotted B

The plotted points are then adjusted by the amount scaled from the plot.

Determining the survey error can also be done by means of computations.

2. Offsetting

This technique may be employed as an independent method, but is more commonly used in association
with compass traverse work. It is particularly useful for filling in the fine detail missed by the compass
traverse and accurately plotting the shape of linear features eg a river bank or topographical boundary.
The technique requires that a straight base is established in the field (eg. one 'leg' of a compass
Often a surveyor’s chain is used rather than a tape as it is less likely to flex, and the technique is often
referred to as 'chain and offset'. The distance from this base line to the point of interest is then
measured (the offset).
Offsets may be taken objectively or subjectively. In the former case offsets are taken at fixed and regular

In the latter, they are taken at points that the surveyor deems significant. In most cases a combination
of the two works best.

1. Lay out a straight base line (as for a single leg of a compass traverse) as close to the features to
be recorded as possible - the shorter the offset, the less room for error. Record the length and
bearing of this base line.
2. At each determined point measure the distance to the point of interest at 90o to the base line
3. Record the ground length along the base line to the offset.

Offsets Traverse LINE B


1. Reconstruct the base line of the survey, at the selected scale and in relation to North, as for a
compass traverse.
2. Plot offset data as recorded, identifying each offset point as a dot.
3. If you were mapping a linear feature - join the dots! The above methods allow us to plot the spatial
location of points of interest relative to one another. What they do not allow us to do is record any
information about the shape of the land we are working on and the nature of any slopes at the site,
normally essential information. The following method allows us to construct a cross-section of the slope,
or slope profile

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