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CE 5015 Foundation Engg

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CE - 5015





No.1 A fully embedded precast concrete pile 50 ft long is driven into a homogeneous sand
layer (c=0).The pile is square in cross section with sides measuring 12 in. The dry unit weight
of sand, γd , is 110 lb/ ft3 , the average soil friction angle is 35 degree , and the standard
penetration resistance near the vicinity of the pile tip is 16.Calculate the ultimate point load
on the pile by
a. Meyerhof ’s method using Eqs. (8.12) and (8.13)
b. Meyerhof’s method using Eqs.(8.16b)
c. Vesic’s method using Eq. (8.19) and Ir = Irr =90

Part(a):Meyerfof’s method using Eqs. (8.12) and (8.13)
This soil is homogeneous,
Lb = L , For φ = 35° , Nq∗ ≈ 120.Thus q/= γd L=(110)(50)=5500 lb/ft2
Qp=Ap q/ Nq∗=[ (12)(12)/144](5500)(120)=66 ×104lb=330ton
From eq (8.15)
q1=100 Nq∗tanφ =(1000)(120)(tan35°)=84025lb/ft2=42ton/ft2
Qp=Apq1=[(12)(12)/144](42)=42 ton
Qp=42 ton
Part(b):Meyerhof’s method using Eqs. (8.16b)
Qp(lb/ft2)=800N(L/D) ≤8000N
As L/D > 10,
Qp=Apqp=[(12)(12)/144](128000)=128000lb=64 ton
Part(c):Vesic’s Method
Irr ≈for 90. φ =35 °, Table 8.8gives N σ∗≈79.5 From Eq (8.19)
Qp=Ap σo´ N σ∗
(1 + 2k 0 ) /
σo´= q
K0=1-sin φ =1-sin 35° =0.43
Partd:Coyle and Castello’s method
For L/D =50 and φ =35° , figure 8.21 gives Nq∗=33.
Qp=q´ Nq∗Ap=(5500)(33)[(12)(12)/144]=181500lb≈ 91ton
Qp=[(42+64)/2] ≈53ton

No.2 Consider a precast concrete pile 12 m long in a homogeneous soil layer .The pile cross
section = 305mm ×305mm, the unit weight of sand γd =16.8 KN/ m3 ,and the soil friction
angle , φ =35degree .Determine the total frictional resistance .
a. Use eqs. (8.32), (8.33) and (8.36) . Also use K=1.4 and δ =0.6 φ.
b. Use Coyle and Castello’s method

By eq. 8.33

f= K σv´tan δ

from eq. 8.36

L ′ = 15D
z=0-15D , σv´= γz = 16.8 z(KN/m2)
z ≥ 15 D, σv´= γ (15D)=(16.8)(15 ×0.305)=76.86KN/m2

76.86 KN/m2
Vertical effective stress, σv´



The frictional resistance from z=0 to 15 D

Qs = pL/fav
= (1.22)(4.575)(20.65)=115.26KN
The frictional resistance from from z = 15D to 12m
Qs = p(L-L/)fz=15D
Qs = 115.26 + 374.1 = 489.35KN≈ 490KN
Part (b):Coyle and Castello’s method
fav =K σ-/ v ≈ tan δ
δ = 0.8 φ
Qs = favpL=[ K σ-/vtan (0.8φ) ] pL
For this pile , L/D = 39.34
And φ =35 ° , K≈ 0.7(from fig 8.22)
σ-1 v = γ L/2 = [(16.8) (12)]/2 = 100.8 KN/m2
Qs = [ (0.7)(100.8)tan(0.8 × 35)](4 × 0.305)(12)=549.3KN ≈ 550KN
No.3. A concrete pile embedded in sand has a cross section of 0.305m×0.305m .The length
of embedment of the pile is 15m, the relative density of sand is 50 percent , and the
unit weight of sand is 17 KN/m3. Use Eqs (8.32),(8.33),(8.34),and (8.36) to
determine the frictional resistance of the pile .

From eq. 8.33 ,
f=K σv´ tan δ
from eq. 8.36
L′ = 15D = (15)(0.305)=4.575 m
From eq. 8.34
Ktanδ = 0.18 + 0.0065Dr = 0.18 + (0.0065)(50)=0.505
Qs = p L′ fav (z=0 to 4.575m)+p(L- L′ ) f z=4.575m
= (4 × 0.305) (4.575) [{0+(0.505) (17 ×4.575) }/2]
+ (4 × 0.305) (15-4.575) [(0.505)(17 ×4.575) ]
=109.6+499.5 ≈ 609KN

No.4. An HP 310× 1.079 steel pile is driven into sand , as shown in figure:
a. Calculate the ultimate point load (1) by Meyerhof’s procedure , (2) by Vesic’s
procedure (Ir=150=Irr) , and (3) by using standard penetration resistance equations
.(The average value of N in the vicinity of the pile point is 45).
b. Estimate the value of the ultimate point load from the calculations in part (a)
c. Calculate the ultimate frictional resistance Qs .Use eqs (8.32) , (8.33) , and (8.36) ,
K=1.4 and δ =0.6φ
d. Calculate the allowable pile load .Use FS = 4.
Also check the allowable load bearing capacity of the steel section of the pile.
Use fs = 62000KN/m2 for steel.

γ=15.7 kN/m2
5m Φ1=30°

18 m
Ground water table
Loose sand γsat=18.1 kN/m2

γsat=19.4 kN/m2
4m Dense sand Φ2=40°

In Table 8.1 b ….d1=308mm ,d2=310mm

Ap=0.308 ×0.310=0.0955m2
(a) Meyerhof’s procedure
Qp=q1(d)=50Nq∗ tan φ2
For φ2=40 ° , Nq∗≈ 350(figure 8.13)
qp=(50)(350)(tan 40°) ≈ 14684 KN/m2
Check Qp=Apq′ Nq∗
Thus Qp=1402KN(control)
Vesic’s procedure
Qp=Ap σ0´ Nq∗
K0=1-sin φ=1−sin40 °=0.357
(1 + 2k 0 ) /
σo´= q =[{1+(2)(0.357)}/3](224.63)=128.34KN/m2
From table 8.8 for φ = 40° and Irr = 150 ,
(134.5193.13) = 163.8

Standard penetration resistance equations (N=45)
qp=40 N L/D ≤ 400 N
qp=(400)(N)=(400)(45)=18,000KN/m2 (control)

(b).Estimation of value for Qp = ?

Qp=[(1402)+(2008)+(1719)]/3 ≈ 1709KN
(b) According to e. 8.36 ,
L′ = 15D = 15 (0.308)=4.62m
The frictional resistance Z=0 to 4.62m
pLfav=2(0.308+0.310)(4.62)[(K σv´tan δ)/2]
=5.71[{(1.4)(72.53)tan (0.6 ×30)} /2 ] = 94.2KN
The frictional resistance Z=4.62m to 22m
pLf (z=4.62m)=2(0.308+0.310)(22-4.62)(K σv´tan δ)
=21.48[(1.4)(72.53) tan δ ]
δ = 0.6 φ1 = (0.6)(30)=18°
Qs (z=4.62-22m) = (21.48)(1.4)(72.53) tan 18° = 708.7 KN
Qs = Qs (z=0-4.62m) + Qs (z=4.62-22m)
= 94.2 + 708.7 = 802.9 KN ≈ 803KN
(d)Calculation of allow load
Qu= Qp+Qs , Qp = 1709KN and Qs = 802.9 KN
Qu = 1709+803 = 2512 KN
Qall = (Qu) / FS= 2512 /4 =628KN
Table 8.1 b , the area of steel section for the pile is 14.1 ×10-3 m2
Qall=(fs)14.1 × 10-3

Qall = (62000)(14.1 ×10-3) = 874.2KN

Hence the allowable pile load is 628KN(< 874.2K)

N0.5. A concrete pile 18 in× 18 in cross section is embedded in a saturated clay . The length
of embedment is 55 ft .The undrained cohesion , Cu , of clay is 1250 lb/ft2 , and the unit
weight of clay is 118 lb/ft3.Use a factor of safety of 5 to determine the allowable load the pile
can carry .
a. Use the α method
b. Use the λ method

a. The α method
From eq 8.18,
Qp = Apqp=ApCuNc∗=[{(18)(18)/144}{1250×9}]/1000=23.5kip
Qs= α Cu ρL
From fig (8.19) for Cu=1250lb/ft2,α ≈ 0.77
Qs=[{0.77× 1250}{4 ×18/12}{55}]/1000
=317.6 kip
Q all =[ Qp +Qs] / Fs=(25.3+317.6)/5 ≈68.6 kip

b. The λ method
From eq (8.40)
Convert L=55ft to L=16.77 m .From fig 8.17 for L=16.77m , λ≈0.2
fav=0.2[{(118 × 55)/2}{1/1000}+2{1250/1000}]=1.149 kip/ft2
Qs= ρLfav={4 ×18/12}(55)(1.149)=379.2 kip
Qall=(Qp+Qs)/Fs=(25.3+379.2)/5=80.9 kip

N0.6.A driven pipe pile in clay is shown in fig . The pipe has an outside diameter 406 mm
and a wall thickness of 6.35 mm .
a.Calculate the net point bearing capacity .Use eq 8.18.
b.Calculate the skin resistance (1) by using eq 8.42 and eq 8.43 (α method)
(2)by using eq 8.40 (λ method) ,and
(3)by using eq 8.44 (β method ).
For all clay layers , φ R=30 .The top 10m of clay is normally consolidated .The bottom clay
layer has an OCR of 2.
c.Estimate the net allowable pile capacity .Use FS=4.

σv´ =kN/m2

5m Saturated clay cu(1) =30kN/m

γ=18kN/m3 A1=225
5m Water table 5 90
Clay cu (1) =30kN/m A2=552.38
γ =18 kN/m3 10 130.95
z Cu (2) =100kN/m2 A3=4577
γ =19.6kN/m3
20 m ( )

30 326.75

Part a: Calculation of net point bearing capacity

Ap= πD2/4=(0.406)2/4=0.1295m2
a. Eq 8.18
Qp=Apqp=ApNc∗cu(2)=(0.1295× 9×100)=116.55KN
b.Calculation of skin resistance
(1)Eq 8.42 and 8.43,
From Eq 8.43
Qs= ∑αCu ρΔL
From fig 8.19 , cu1=30KN/m2 [α1=1]
Qs= α1cu(1) [(π)(0.406)]10+α2cu2[(π)(0.406)]20
(2).Use of Eq 8.40 , fav=λ(σ-1v+2cu)
For the vertical effective stress diagram
σ-1v =(A1+A2+A3)/L=(225+552.38+4577)/30=178.48KN/m2
From fig 8.17………λ=0.14(L=30m)
fav=0.14[178.48 × (2)(76.7)]=46.46KN/m2
Qs=ρLfav= π(0.406)(30)(46.46)=1777.8KN

(3).The top clay layer (10m) is normally consolidated φR=30˚

For z=0-5m [Eq 8.48]
fav(1)=(1-sin φR)tan φRσ´v(av)
=(1-sin30 °)(tan 30 °)[(0+90)/2]=13.0KN/m2
fav(2)=(1-sin 30 °)(tan 30 °)[(90+130.95)/2]=31.9KN/m2
for z=10-30m [Eq 8.49]
fav=(1-sin φR )tan φR √ (OCR ) σ-1v (av)
for OCR=2
fav(3)=(1-sin 30 °)(tan 30 °) 2 [(130.95+326.75)/2]=93.43KN/m2
c.Calculation of Net Ultimate Capacity Qu
Comparing the three values shows that the α and λ methods gives similar use
Qs=(1658.1+1777.8)/2 1718KN

N0.7.An H-pile (size HP 310×1.226)having a length of embedment of 26m is driven through

a soft clay layer to rest on sand stone .The sand stone has a laboratory unconfined
compression strength of 76MN / m2 and a friction angle of 28degree. Use a factor of safety of
5 and estimate the allowable point bearing capacity .

Qp(all)=[{qu tan 2(Nφ +1)}Ap]/FS
{[qu(lab)/5][tan 2 (45+φ /2)+1]}Ap
= FS
=[{[(76× 103KN/m2)/5][tan2(45+28/2)+1]}(15.9×10-3m2)]/5

N0.8.A 40 ft long precast concrete pile is fully embedded in sand .The cross section of the
pile measures 12 in ×12 in .The allowable working load for the pile is 80 kip ,of which 54 kip
is contributed by skin friction .Determine the elastic settlement of the pile for Ep=3 106 lb /
in2 , Es = 4500 lb/in2 and μs = 0.3.(ξ = 0.6,Iwp=0.82)

From eq 8.61
s1= [(Qwp+ξQws) L ] / (Ap Ep)
Let ξ =0.6 , Εp = 3 ×106 lb/in2 = 3× 103kip/in2 ,Qws = 54kip ,
Qwp = 26kip and Ap = 12 ×12 = 144 in2
s1= [ [26+(0.6)(54)](40 12)] / [ (144)(3 x103) ]=0.065 in
From eq 8.62
s2= [ qwpD / Es ](1-μ2s)Iwp
From fig 3.27 , Ipw = 0.82 .
qwp = Qwp / Ap = 26/144=0.18 kip / in2
s2 = [(0.18 × 12) / (4500 / 1000) ](1-0.32)(0.82)= 0.358 in
Again , from eq 8.64 ,
s3 = ( Qws / ρL )(D /Es )(1-μ2s)Iws
L 40
Iws = 2+0.35 = 2+0.35 = 4.21
D 1.0
s3 = [ 54/(4× 12 ×40) ][12/(4500/1000) ](1-0.32)(4.21) = 0.287 in
s= 0.065+0.358+0.287 = 0.71in

N0.9.A driven pipe pile in clay is shown in fig . The pipe has an outside diameter 406 mm
and a wall thickness of 6.35 mm Determine the net ultimate uplift capacity.
σv´ =kN/m2

5m Saturated clay cu(1) =30kN/m2

γ=18kN/m3 A1=225
5m Water table 5 90
Clay cu (1) =30kN/m2 A2=552.38
γ =30 kN/m3 10 130.95
z Cu (2) =100kN/m2 A3=4577
γ =19.6kN/m2
20 m ( )

30 326.75

cu > 27 KN/m2 , α´= 0.2
From eq 8.69
Tun = ρα′∑cu ΔL = π(0.406)(0.2)[(30)(10)+(100)(20)] = 586.7 KN

N0.10.A fully embedded precast concrete pile 50ft long is driven into a homogeneous sand
layer (c=0).The pile is square in cross section with sides measuring 12 in .The dry unit weight
of sand , γd , is 110 lb/ft3 , the average soil friction angle is 35 degree , and the standard
penetration resistance near the vicinity of the pile tip is 16.For the concrete pile , determine
the net ultimate pull out capacity . Assume the relative density of soil to be 60% .


From fig 8.35…………..(L/D)cr = 12.72(Dr = 60%)

Lcr = (12.7)(1)=12.7 ft
L = 50ft > Lcr
Tun = (1/2) ργ L2crKu tan δ + ργ LcrKu tan δ (L-Lcr)
From fig 8.35 (b) for φ = 35° , Ku = 1.9
From fig 8.35 (c) Density = 60% , (δ⁄φ) ≈ 0.97.So ,
δ = (0.97)(35)=33.95°
Tun = (1/2){4 (12/12)}(110)(12.7)2(1.9)(tan 33.95°)+
{4 (12/12)}(110)(12.7)(1.9)(tan 33.95°)(50-12.7)
= 312× 103 lb = 312 kip

N0.11.Consider a steel H-pile (HP 250× 0.834) 25m long embedded fully in a granular soil .
Assume that nh = 12000 KN/m3.The allowable displacement at the top of the pile is 8 mm
.Determine the allowable lateral load , Qg .Assume that Mg = 0.
From table 8.1(b) for an HP 250 ×0.834 pile ,
Ip= 123 ×10-6 m4(about the strong axis )
Ep = 207× 106 KN/m2
From eq 8.90 ,

T= 5 (Ep Ip) /nh

= 5 [(207× 106)(123 ×10-6)] / 12000 = 1.16 m

L / T = 25 / 1.16 = 21.55 > 5 ,so it is a long pile .
xz(z) = Ax [(QgT3) /( EpIp)] (Mg = 0)
Qg = [{xz(z)EpIp}/(AxT3)]
At z = 0 , xz = 8 mm = 0.008 m and Ax = 2.435(table 8.15)
Qg = [{(0.008)(207 ×106)(123× 10-6)} / {(2.435)(1.163)}]
= 53.59 KN
For Mg = 0
Mz(z) = AmQgT
Table 8.15 , the maximum value of Am at any depth is 0.772.
Mz(max) = fs[Ip / (d1 / 2)]
Let fs = 125000 KN/m2 , from table 8.1(b) , Ip = 123 ×10-6 m4 and d1 = 0.254 m
123× 10-6
[Ip / (d1 / 2)] = = 968.5 10-6 m3
Mz(max) (968.5× 10-6)(125000)
Qg = = = 135.2 KN
Am T (0.772)(1.16)
Qg = 135.2 KN > 53.59 KN

N0.12.A precast concrete pile 12 in × 12 in cross section is driven by a Vulcan hammer

(model no. 08).The maximum rated hammer energy = 26 kip – ft (table 8.6),the weight of
ram = 8kip , the total length of pile =65ft,hammer efficiency =0.8,the coefficient of
restitution =0.45,the weight of pile cap =0.72kip,and the number of blow for the last 1 in of
penetration =5.Estimate the allowable pile capacity by using
a.Equation (8.100),with FS =6
b.Equation (8.101) , with FS = 4
c.Equation (8.103), with FS = 3

Part a ,
Use of eq (8.100):
Qu =
S +C
E = 0.8 , HE = 26 kip-ft
S = 1 / 5 = 0.2 in

Qu = = 832 kip
Qall = Qu / FS = 832 / 6 = 138.7 kip
Part b ,
Eq 8.101,
Qu =
S + C WR + W p
Weight of piles = LAp γc = (65ft)(1ft ×1ft)(150 lb/ft3)
= 9750lb = 9.75 kip
Wp = weight of pile + weight of cap
= 9.75 + 0.72 = 10.47 kip
(0.8)(8)(1) 8+(0.45)2(10.47)
Qu = ×
0.2 + 0.1 8 + 10.47
= 11.687 kip
Qall = Qu / FS = 11.687 / 4
Part c ,
Eq 8.103 ,
Qu =
Ep = 3 106 lb /in ,

EHEL (0.8)(26 ×12)(65 ×12)

= = 0.475 in
2ApEp (2)(12×12)[(3× 10 ) / 1000]

Qu = = 369.8 kip
0.2 + 0.475
Qall = Qu / FS = 369.8 / 3 = 123.3 kip

N0.13.Show in fig which shows the plan of a pile group . Each pile has square cross section
measuring 12 in ×12 in . The center – to – center spacing of the piles is 30 in .

Determine the group efficiency of the piles by using

a.Eq 8.112
b.Eq 8.114
12 in

30 in

Part a : Eq 8.112
For n1 = 4 , n2 = 3 , D = 12 in , and = 4D = 48 in
η= = 0.604 = 60.4 %
Part b , Eq 8.114 ,
η=1- tan -1(D/d)

tan-1 (D/d) = tan -1(12/30) = 21.8 °

(3)(3) + (2)(4)
η = 1- (21.8°) = 0.657 = 65.7 %

N0.14.Show in fig . For this group pile , n1 = 4 , n2 = 3 ,

D = 305 mm , d = 1220 mm , and L = 15 m .The piles are square in cross section and are
embedded in a homogeneous clay with Cu=70KN/m2.Use FS=4 and determine the allowable
load bearing capacity of the group pile .
pile cap

d d

d d


Lg d

From Eq 8.116 ,
∑Qu = n1n2 [9Ap cu(p)+∑αp cu ΔL ]
Ap = (0.305) (0.305) = 0.093 m2
p = (4)(0.305) = 1.22 m
From fig 8.19 , cu = 70KN/m2 , α = 0.63
∑Qu = (4)(3)[ (9)(0.093)(70) + (0.63)(1.22)(70)(15) ]
= 12(58.59+807.03) 10,387 KN
∑Qu = LgBgcu(p)Nc + ∑2(Lg+Bg)cuΔ L
Lg = (n1-1)d + 2(D/2) = ( 4-1 )( 1.22 ) + 0.305 = 3.965 m
Bg = (n2-1)d + 2 (D/2) = (3-1) ( 1.22 ) + 0.305 = 2.745 m
L/Bg = 15/2.745 = 5.46
Lg / Bg = 3.965/2.745 = 1.44
From fig 7.16 , Nc∗ ≈ 8.6
Block capacity = (3.965)(2.745)(70) (8.6)+2(3.965+2.745)(70)(15)
= 6552 + 14091 = 20643 KN
Qg(u) = 10387 KN < 20643 KN
Qg(all) = Qg(u)/FS = 10387 / 4 ≈ 2597 KN

N0.15.A group pile in clay is shown in fig .Determine the consolidation settlement of the pile
groups. All clays are normally consolidated..

γ= 105lb/ft3 6ft

water table 3ft

30 ft
45 ft 27 ft
clay γsat=115lb/ft3
48 ft e0 = 0.82
Cc =0.3
2V: 1H P 0 (1)
clay P 0 (2) e0 = 0.7
ΔP(2) 12 ft
Cc =0.2
clay P 0(3) γsat=122lb/ft3
ΔP(3) 6ft e0 = 0.75
Cc =0.25
pile group: Lg=9 ft,Bg=6 ft

The stress distribution pattern is shown in fig

Qg (500)(1000)
Δp(1) = =
(Lg + z1)(Bg + z1) [9+(21/2) ] [6 + (21/2)]
= 1554 lb/ft2
Δp(2) = = 421 lb/ft2

500 x1000
Δp(3)= = 265lb / ft 2
(9 + 36)(6 + 36)
Cc(1)H1 po(1)+ Δp(1)
Δs1 = log
1 + e0(1) p0(1)
Po1 = (6)(105) + [27 + (21/2) ](115-62.4) = 2603 lb/ft2
0.3)(21) 2603 + 1554
Δs1 = log = 0.7 ft = 8.45 in
1 + e0 (2) p0 (2)

Cc(2)H2 p0(2)+ Δp(2)

Δs2 = log
1 + e0(2) p0(2)

p0(2)= (6)(105) + (27 + 21)(115-62.4) + (6)(120-62.4) = 3500 lb/ft2

(0.2)(12) 3500 + 421
= log = 0.07 ft = 0.84 in
1 + 0.7 3500
ρ0(3) = (6)(105) + (48)(115-62.4) + (12)(120-62.4) + (3)(122-62.4)
= 4025 lb/ft2
Δs2 (0.25)(6) 4025 + 265
= log = 0.024 ft ≈ 0.29 in
1 + 0.75 4025

Total settlement , Δsg = 8.45 + 0.84 + 0.29 = 9.58 in

N0.16.Show in fig : Hf = 2 m . The pile is circular in cross section with a diameter of 0.305
m .For the fill that is above the water table , γf = 16 KN/m3 and φ = 32 . Determine the total
drag force.

clay fill

L sand

From eq 8.129 ,

p K´γ2f tan δ
Qn =
p = (0.305) = 0.958 m
K´ = 1- sin φ = 1- sin 32° = 0.47
δ = (0.6)(32) = 19.2 °
Qn = (0.958)(0.47)(16)(2)2 tan 19.2 °
= 5.02KN

N0.17.Shown in fig .Here , Hf = 2m , pile diameter = 0.305 m , γ f = 16.5 KN/m3 , φclay = 34 ,

γ sat (clay) = 17.2 KN/m3 , and L = 20 m .The water table coincides with the top of the clay
layer .Determine the downward drag force .

Sand fill
H f=2m

L1= 11.75m

Neutral plane
z clay


L-Hf L- Hf γf Hf 2γ´fHf
L1 = + -
L1 2 γ´ γ´

γ´f has been by f because the fill is above the water table .

(20-2) (20-2) (16.5)(2) (2)(16.5)(2)

L1 = + -
L1 2 (17.2-9.81) (17.2-9.81)
= [242.4 / L1] – 8.93 = 11.75 m
Qn = ( ρK´γfHf tanδ) L1 + [L21 ρ K´γ´tanδ / 2]
ρ = π(0.305) = 0.958 m
K´ = 1-sin 34° = 0.44
Qn = (0.958)(0.44)(16.5)(2)[tan (0.6×34)] (11.75)
(11.75)2(0.958)(0.44)(17.2-9.81)[tan (0.6×34)]
= 60.78 + 79.97 = 40.75 KN

N0.18.Fig shows a cantilever sheet pile wall penetrating a granular soil .Here , L1 = 10 ft , L2
= 20 ft , γ= 120 lb/ft3 , γsat = 129.4 lb/ft3 , and φ= 40˚ .
a.What is the theoretical depth of embedment , D ?
b.For a 30% increase in D , what should be the total length of the sheet piles ?
c.What should be the minimum section modulus of the sheet piles?
L1 sand
Water table
L2 γ sat
Dredge line

D γ sat

Step 1
Ka = tan 2 [45-( φ/2)] = tan 2 [45-(40/2)] = 0.217
Kp = tan 2 [45+( φ/2)] = 4.599
Step 2
ρ1 =γL1Ka = (0.12)(10)(0.217) = 0.26 kip / ft2
ρ2 = (γL1+γ´L2)Ka = [(0.12)(10)+(0.1294-0.0624)(20)]0.217
= 0.551 kip /ft2
Step 3
Ρ2 0.551
L3 = =
γ´ (Kp-Ka) (0.1294-0.0624)(4.599-0.217)

Step 4
P = (1/2)ρ1L1 + ρ1L2 + (1/2)(ρ2-1)L2 + (1/2)ρ2L3
= (1/2)(0.26)(10) + (0.26)(20) + (1/2)(0.551-0.26)(20)
+ (1/2)(0.551)(1.88)
= 1.3 + 5.2 + 2.91 + 0.518 = 9.928 kip/ft
Step 5
Taking the moment about E(fig 6.7) yields
z = [(1.3){(10/3)+20+1.88}+(5.2){1.88+(20/2)}+(2.91){1.88+
(20/3)}+(0.518)(2/3)(1.88)] / 9.928 = 12.1 ft
Step 6
ρs = (γL1+γ´L2)Kp + γ´L2(Kp-Ka)
= [(0.12)(10)+(0.1294-0.0624)(20)] 4.599
+ (0.0624)(1.88)(4.599-0.217)
= 12.233 kip /ft2
Step 7
ρs 12.233
A1 = = = 41.7
γ´ (Kp-Ka) (0.1294-0.0624)(4.382)

8P (8)(9.928)
A2 = = = 270.7
γ´ (Kp-Ka) (0.1294-0.0624)(4.382)

6P[2 z γ´ (Kp-Ka)+ρs]
A3 =

= = 13.37

P(6z ρs + 4P)
A4 =

= = 106.95
Step 8
L44 + 41.7 L34 – 270.7 L24 – 13.37 L4 -106.95 = 0
By trial and error , L4 ≈ 5.81 ft
D = 1.88 + 5.81≈ 7.69 ft
Part b
Total length of the sheet piles = 10+20+(1.3)(7.69) =40 ft
Part c

2P (2)(9.928)
z´ = = = 8.23 ft
γ´(Kp-Ka) (0.067)(4.382)

M max = P( z + z´ ) – [(1/2)γ´z´2(Kp-Ka)] (z´/3)

= (9.928)(12.1+8.23) – [(1/6)(0.067)(8.23)3(4.382)]
= 174.7 kip-ft / ft
= 2097 kip – in / ft
S = 2097 / σall
Let σ all = 30000 lb / in2 = 30 kip / in2
S = 2097 / 30 = 69.9 in3 /ft

N0.19.Shown in fig , for L = 15 ft,γ = 110 lb/ft3 , φ= 30 , and P = 2000 lb/ft , determine :
a.The theoretical depth of penetration , D
b.The maximum moment , M max (lb-ft / ft)


D γ=110lb/ft3
c =0

P3=γD(Kp-Ka) P4=γD(Kp-Ka)


Kp = tan2[45+(φ/2)] = tan2[45+(30/2)] = 3
Ka = tan2[45-(φ/2)] = tan2 [45-(30/2)] = 1/3
Kp-Ka = 3-0.333 = 2.667

Part a ,
8P 12PL 2P
D4 - D2 - D - = 0
γ(Kp-Ka) γ (Kp-Ka) γ (Kp-Ka)

8P (8)(2000)
= = 54.54
γ (Kp-Ka) (110)(2.667)

12PL (12)(2000)(15)
= = 1227.1
γ (Kp-Ka) (110)(2.667)

2P (2)(2000)
= = 13.63
γ (Kp-Ka) (110)(2.667)

D4-54.54D2-1227.1D-(13.63)2 = 0
From the preceding equation , D ≈13 ft

Part b,
2P (2)(2000)
z´= = = 3.69 ft
γ(Kp-Ka) (110)(2.667)

Mmax = P(L+z´) – [γz´3(Kp-Ka)] / 6

=(2000)(15+3.69) – [(110)(3.69)3(2.667)] / 6
= 37387 – 2456.65 ≈34923 lb-ft / ft

N0.20.Shown in fig , for the sheet pile wall , determine the

a. Theoretical and actual depth of penetration
b.Minimum size of sheet pile section necessary

L1 =2m sand
Water table
L2 =3m sand
γ sat =19.33kN/m3

Part a ,
Step 1,
Ka = tan2[45 – (φ/2)] = tan2[45 – (32/2)] = 0.307
Step 2,
ρ 1 = γL1Ka = (15.9)(2)(0.307) = 9.763KN/m2
ρ2 = (γL1 + γ´L2)Ka = [(15.9)(2)+(19.33-9.81)(3)](0.307)
= 18.53 KN/m2
Step 3 ,
In fig,
= 9.763+29.289+13.153 =52.2 KN/m
= 1.78 m
Step 4 ,
From eq 6.48 ,
D2[4c – (γL1+γ´L2)] – 2DP1 – [P1(P1+12 c z 1 ) ] /[(γL1+γ´L2)+2c]
= 0
D2{(4)(47) – [(2)(15.9) + (19.33 – 9.81)3 ]} – 2D(52.2)
- = 0
[(15.9)(2)+(19.33 - 9.81)3]+(2)(47)

127.64D2 – 104.4D – 357.15 =0

Solving the preceding equation yields D = 2.13 m
Step 5 ,
L4 = [D{4c-(γL1+γ´L2)} – P1] / [4c]
4c – (γL1+γ´L2) = (4)(47) – [(15.9)(2)+(19.33 – 9.81)3]
= 127.64 KN/m2
L4 = [2.13(127.64) – 52.2] / [(4)(47)] = 1.17 m
Step 6 ,
ρ6 = 4c – (γL1+γ´L2) = 127.64 KN /m2
ρ7 = 4c + (γL1+γ´L2) = 248.36 KN /m2
Step 7 ,
The net pressure distribution diagram can now be drawn , as shown in fig.
Step 8 ,
Dactual ≈ 1.5D theoretical = 1.5 (2.13) ≈ 3.2 m
Part b ,
From eq 6.49 ,
z´= P1/ ρ6 = 52.2 / 127.64 ≈ 0.41 m
From eq 6.5 ,
Mmax = P1(z´ + z1) – [ ρ6z´2] / 2
Mmax = 52.2(0.41+1.78) – [127.64(0.41)2] / 2
= 114.32 – 10.73 = 103.59 KN-m
The minimum required section modulus (assuming that
σ all = 172.5 KN/m2)
S = [103.59KN-m] / [(172.5× 103KN/m2)]
= 0.6 × 10-3 m3 /m of the wall

N0.21.Shown in fig , here L1 = 2m ,L2 = 3m ,l1 = l2 = 1m ,c = 0 ,

φ = 32° , = 15.9 KN/m3 and γsat = 19.33KN/m3
a.Determine the theoretical and actual depths of penetration
b.Find the anchor force per unit length of the wall
c.Determine Mmax.
L1 l1 γ =15.9kN/m3
O´ Anchor tie rod F
Water table l2 φ = 32
p1 C

γ sat =19.33kN/m3
Dredge line Z φ = 32
p2 D

1 Sand
L3 γ sat =19.33kN/m3
γ´ ( Kp-Ka) φ = 32



Ka= tan 2[45 – (φ/2)] = tan2[45 – (32/2)] = 0.307

Kp = tan 2[45 + (φ/2)] = 3.25
ρ 1 = γL1Ka = (15.9)(2)(0.307) = 9.763KN/m2
ρ2 = (γL1 + γ´L2)Ka = [(15.9)(2)+(19.33-9.81)(3)](0.307)
= 18.53 KN/m2
L3 = [ρ2 / {γ´ (Kp-Ka)}] = [18.53 /{(19.33-9.81)(3.25-0.307)}]
= 0.66 m
P =(1/2) ρ1L1+ρ1L2+(1/2)(ρ2-ρ1)L2+(1/2)ρ2L3
= (1/2)(9.763)(2)+(9.763)(3)
+(1/2)(18.53 - 9.763)3+(1/2)(18.53)(0.66)
= 9.763 + 29.289 + 13.151 + 6.115 = 58.32 KN/m

Taking the moment about E yields

z = (1/58.32)[9.763{0.66+3+(2/3)}+29.289{0.66+(3/2)}
= 2.23 m
From eq 6.67,
3P[ ( L1+L2+L3) – (z + l1 ) ]
L34+1.5L24(l2+L2+L3) - = 0
γ´ (Kp - Ka)
L1 = 1m , l2 = 1m , Kp = 3.25 , and Ka = 0.307
3(58.32)[(2+3+0.66) – (2.33+1)]
L34+1.5L24(1+3+0.66) - = 0
9.52(3.25 – 0.307)
L34 + 6.99L42 – 14.55 = 0
The magnitude of L4 is obtained by trial and error :

Assumed L4 (m) Left-hand side of eq (a)

2.0 +21.41
1.5 +3.55
1.4 +2.89
1.3 - 0.54

Hence L4 ≈1.4m
Dtheoretical = L3+L4 =0.66+1.4 = 2.06 m
Dactual ≈ 1.4Dtheory = (1.4)(2.06) = 2.88 m(rounded to 2.9 m)
Part b: Anchor force
F = P – (1/2)[γ´(Kp - Ka)]L24
= 58.32 – (1/2)[9.52(3.25 – 0.307)](1.4)2 = 30.86KN/m
Part c : Maximum moment (Mmax)
From eq 6.69 for zero shear ,
(1/2) ρ1L1 – F+ρ1(z-L1)+(1/2)Kaγ´(z-L1)2 = 0
(1/2)(9.763)(2) – 30.86+(9.763)(z-2)+(1/2)(0.307)(9.52)(z - 2)2=0
Let z-2 = x
9.763 – 30.86+9.763x+1.461x2 = 0
x2+6.682x – 14.44 = 0
x = 1.72 m
z = x+2 = 1.72+2 = 3.72 m (L1+L2 < z <L1 ----------checks )
Taking the moment about the point of zero shear force (z= 3.72 m or x = 1.72 m)
Mmax = - [(1/2)ρ1L1][x+(1/3)(2)]+F(x+1) – (ρ1x)(x/2) - (1/2)Kaγ´(x2)(x/3)
Mmax = - (9.763)(2.387)+(30.86)(2.72) –
= - 23.3 + 83.94 – 14.44 – 2.48 = 43.72 KN-m / m

N0.22.Shown in fig , which shows that L1 = 10.8 ft , L2 = 21.6ft , and l1 = 5.4ft .Also γ=
108lb/ft3 ,γsat = 127.2 lb/ft3 , φ = 35° , and
c = 850lb/ft2.
a.Determine the theoretical depth of embedment.
b.Calculate the anchor force per unit length of the sheet pile wall.
L1 l1 γ=108lb/ft3
O´ F
Water table l2 φ = 35
p1 C

γ sat =127.2lb/ft3
Dredge line Z=1 φ = 35
E p2 D


F p6 B

Part a
For φ= 35° ,
Ka= tan 2[45 – (φ/2)] = tan2[45 – (35/2)] = 0.271
Kp = tan 2[45 + (φ/2)] = 3.69
The pressure diagram shown in fig
ρ1 = γL1Ka = (0.108)(10.8)(0.271) = 0.316 kip / ft2
ρ2 = (γL1+γ´L2)Ka
= [(10.8)(0.108)+(0.0648)(21.6)](0.271)
= (1.1664+1.4)(0.271) = 0.695 kip / ft2
P1 = areas of 1+2+3 = 1.706 + 6.826 +4.093 = 12.625 kip/ft
z1 =
= [42.99+73.72+29.47] / 12.625 = 11.58 ft
From eq 6.75 ,
ρ6D2+2ρ6D(L1+L2-l1) – 2P1(L1+L2 – l1– z1 ) = 0
ρ6 = 4c – (γL1+γ´L2)
= 4(0.850) – (1.1664+1.4) ≈ 0.834 kip /ft2
0.834D2+(2)(0.834)(D)(27) – (2)(12.625)(15.42) = 0
D2+54D – 466.85 = 0
D = 7.6ft
L1=10.8ft F
1 l2=5.4ft


2 3

0.834kip/ft2 p2 =0.695kip/ft2

D=7.6 ft

Part b ,
From eq 6.74 ,
F = P1 – ρ6D = 12.625 – (0.834)(7.6) = 6.29 kip/ft

N0.23.For the anchored sheet pile wall shown in fig , determine (a)D, (b)F , and (c)Mmax.Use
the CPD method ; assume that C = 0.68 and R = 0.6 .

L1 =10ft l1=5ft sand

anchor F γ=110lb/ft3
Water table
φ 32
l2 =20ft sand
γ sat =122.4lb/ft

D sand
γ sat =122.4lb/ft

Part a ,
γ´= γsat – γw = 122.4 – 62.4 = 60 lb/ft3
From eq 6.82
γav = [γL1+γ´L2] / [L1+L2] = [(110)(10)+(60)(20)] / [10+20] = 76.67 lb/ft3
Ka= tan 2[45 – (φ/2)] = tan2[45 – (35/2)] = 0.271
ρa = CKa γavL = (0.68)(0.271)(76.67)(30) = 423.9 lb/ft2
ρp= Rρa = (0.6)(423.9) = 254.3 lb/ft2
D2+2DL[1-(l1/L)] – (L2/R)[1 – 2(l1/L)] = 0
D2+2(D)(30)[1 – (5/30)] – (302/0.6)[1 – 2(5/30)]
= D2+50D – 1000 = 0
D ≈ 15.3ft
L(L – 2l1) 30[30 – (2)(5)]
R= = ≅ 0.6----- OK
D(2L+D-2l1) 15.3[(2)(30)+15.3-(2)(5)]
Part b ,
F = ρa(L-RD) = 423.9[30-(0.6)(15.3)] = 8825 lb/ft
Part c ,
Mmax = 0.5 ρa L2[{1-(RD/L)}2-{2l1/L}{1-(RD/L)}]
1 – (RD/L) = 1 – [(0.6)(15.3)] / 30 = 0.694
Mmax = (0.5)(423.9)(30)2[(0.694)2 – {(2)(5)(0.694)} / 30]
= 88248 lb-ft/ft

N0.24.A row of vertical anchors embedded in sand is shown in fig.The anchor plates are
made of 6 in thick concrete .The design parameters are B = h = 15 in , S´ = 48 in , H = 37.5 in
γ= 105 lb/ft3 , φ = 35°, and the unit weight of concrete = 150 lb/ft3.


H=37.5 γ =105lb/ft3
φ =35
S´=48 in S´=48 in

Determine the
a.Ultimate resistance of each anchor plate .
b.Anchor resistance for a maximum horizontal displacement of
1.5 in.
Part a ,
From fig 6.37 a for φ= 35° , (Ka = 0.26)
W = Htγconcrete = (37.5/12)(6/12)(150 ) = 234.4 lb/ft
Eq 6.93
W +(1/2)H2Ka sin φ
Kp sin =
234.4 + (1/2)(105)(37.5/12)2(0.26)(sin 35)
= = 0.606
From fig 6.37 b , φ= 35 , Kp sin δ= 0.606 , Kp cos δ= 4.5
Eq 6.92
Pu = ½ H2(Kp cos δ – Ka cos φ)
= (1/2)(105)(37.5/12)2[4.5 – (0.26)(cos 35)] = 2198 lb/ft
To calculate P´us , Cov = 14(loose sand)
Cov +1 14+1
P´us = Pu = (2198)
Cov + (H/h) 14+(37.5/15)
= 1998 lb/ft
[(S´– B) / (H+h)] = [(48- 15)/(37.5+15)] = 0.61
For (S´– B) / (H+h) = 0.61 , fig 6.39 b (loose sand )
[(Be - B)/(H -h)] = 0.227
Be = (0.227)(H+h)+B = = 2.24ft
Eq 6.95
Pu = P´usBe = (1998)(2.24) = 4476 lb
Part b,
From fig 6.40 , H / h = 2.5 and B / h = 1 ,Δu / h = 0.24
Δu = 0.24h = 0.24 ×15 = 3.6 in
IfΔ= 1.5 in , Δ = Δ/Δu= 1.5/3.6 = 0.417
Eq 6.96
P = Δ / [0.15+0.85Δ ]
= [(0.417)/{(0.15)+(0.85)(0.417)}] = 0.827
PatΔ = 1.5 in = 0.827 Pu = (0.827)(4476) = 3702 lb

N0.25.For a vertical anchor plate in clay , the design parameters are

B = 5ft , h = 2ft , H = 6 ft and c = 500 lb/ft2.Determine the ultimate resistance of the anchor .

Eq 6.99
(H/h)cr – S = 4.7 + 2.9 10-3c
= 4.7 + (2.910-3)(500) = 6.15
Eq 6.100
(H/h)cr – R = (H/h)cr - S[0.9+0.1(B/h)]
= (6.15)[0.9+0.1(5/2)] = 7.07
As H/h = 6/2 = 3 < (H/h)cr
Eq 6.104 To obtain Pu ,
= 0.41+(0.59)(3/7.07)
[(Pu/cBh)/{( 7.425)+(1.575)(2/5)}]
(0.424) / [(Pu/cBh)/(8.055)] = 0.66
Pu / cBh = (0.424/0.66)(8.055) = 5.17
Pu = (5.17)cBh = (5.17)(500)(5)(2) = 25850lb
N0.26.Fig shows the cross section of a long braced cut .
a.Draw the pressure envelope .
b.Determine the strut loads at levels A,B and C.
c.Determine the section modulus of the sheet pile required .
d.Determine the section modulus for the wales at level B.
The struts are placed 10ft centre to centre .



Sheet pile
759lb/ft2 γ =115lb/ft3


Part a ,
γH/c = [{115}{22}] / (750) = 3.37 < 4
ρa = 0.3γ H = (0.3)(115)(22) = 759 lb/ft2




Pressure envelope
Part b
To determine the struts loads , fig ( a )
Taking the moment about B1 ,∑MB1 = 0
A (8 ) – (1/2)(759)(5.5){5.5+(5.5/3)} – (5.5)(759)(5.5/2) = 0
8A – 15306.5 – 11479.9 = 0
A = 3348.3 lb
∑Vertical forces = 0
B1 = (1/2)(5.5)(759) + (759)(5.5) – A = 2913.5 lb
B2 = 2913.5lb
C = 3348.3lb

5.5ft 5.5ft 5.5ft




3ft A 8ft B1 B2 8ft C 3ft

(a) Determination of reaction

2727.3lb 2727.3 lb

X =3.84ft
B2 F C
A E B1

621lb 621lb

2913.5lb 2913.5lb

(b)shear force diagram

The struts loads at various level are
PA = (A)(Horizontal spacing struts)
=(3348.8)(10)=33438lb ≈33.5kip
PB = (B1+B2)(10) = (2913.5+2913.5)(10) = 58270 lb≈58.3 kip
PC = (3348.3)(10)lb ≈33.5 kip
Part c ,
Refer to the left side of fig a.For the maximum moment and the shear force should be zero.
The nature of variation of the shear force shown in fig b.
Location of point E is
x = (reaction at B1)/759 = 2913.5 / 759 = 3.84ft
The magnitudes of the moments are
At A , (1/2)(3)(414)(3/3) = 621lb – ft /ft of wall
At E , (1/2)(3.84)(2913.5) ≈ 5594lb-ft / ft of wall
The section modulus of the sheet pile is
S = Mmax/σall = [(5594)(12)]/25000 = 2.685 in3/ft of wall
Part d ,
The reaction at level B was calculated in part b
Mmax = [(B1+B2)s2] / 8
= [(2913.5+2913.5)(10)2]/[(8)(1000)]
= 72.84 kip-ft
The section modulus is
S = [(72.84)(12)]/σall = [(72.84)(12)] / [0.6Fy]
= [(72.84)(12)] / [(0.6)(36)]
= 40.47 in3

N0.27.The braced cut shown in fig , for which γ= 112 lb/ft3 ,

φ = 32°and c = 0.The struts are located 12ft on center in the plane Draw the earth pressure
envelope and determine the strut loads at levels A ,B and C.

16 ft

6 ft

9 ft 3
γ =112lb/ft
φ =32
B c=0

9 ft

3 ft
For this case , the earth pressure envelope shown in fig

Ka = tan2(45 - φ/2) = tan2(45 – 32/2)

= 0.307
Pa = 0.65γHKa
= (0.65)(112)(27)(0.307)
= 603.44 lb/ft2

27ft Pa=603.

Calculate B1,

603.44 ft

6 ft 9ft

A B1

∑MB1 = 0
A = [(603.44)(15)(15/2)] / (9) = 7543lb/ft
B1 = (603.44)(15) – 7543 = 1508.6 lb/ft

Calculate B2


9ft 3ft

B2 C
∑MB2 = 0
C = [(603.44)(12)(12/2)]/(9) = 4827.5 lb/ft
B2 = (603.44)(12) – 4827.5 = 2413.7 lb/ft

The strut loads are

At A , (7.543)(spacing) = (7.543)(12) = 90.52 kip
At B , (B1+B2)(spacing) = (1.509+2.414)(12) = 47.07 kip
At C , (4.827) = (4.827)(12) = 57.93 kip

N0.28. The braced cut shown in fig , for which γ= 112 lb/ft3 ,
φ = 32°and c = 0.The struts are located 12ft on center in the plane.Determine
(a) the sheet pile section
(b) the required section modulus of the wales at level A, assume that all = 24 kip /in2

16 ft

6 ft

9 ft 3
γ =112lb/ft
φ =32
B c=0

9 ft

3 ft

Part a,
Determine x1 and x2:
x1 = 3.923 / 0.603 = 6.5 ft
x2 = 3.017 / 0.603 = 5 ft
Ka = tan2[45 – (φ/2)] = tan2[45-(32/2)]
A 6ft = 0.307

9ft pa = 0.65γHKa
C = (0.65)(112)(27)(0.307)
3ft = 603.44 lb/ft2

603.44 603.44
lb/ft2 lb/ft2

6ft 9ft 9ft 3ft

A B1 B2 C

6ft 9ft

A B´ B1

1.509 kip
3.62 kip

3.017 kip

B2 B´´ C
1.81 kip

2.414 kip 9ft 3ft

The moments are

At A , (1/2)(3.62)(6) = 10.86 kip-ft
At C , (1/2)(1.81)(3) = 2.715 kip-ft
At B´ , (1/2)(1.509)(2.5) = 1.89 kip-ft
At B´´ , (1/2)(2.414)(4) = 4.828 kip-ft
MA is maximum ,
Sx = Mmax /σ all = [(10.86)(12)] / 24 = 5.43in3
From table 6.1 ,
Use PDA-27. Sx = 10.7in3/ft of wall

Part b ,
For the wale at level A ,
Mmax = [A(s)2]/8
A = [(603.44)(15)(15/2)] / (9) = 7543lb/ft
Mmax = [(7.543)(12)2]/8 = 135.77 kip-ft
Sx = Mmax/σall = [(135.77)(24)] = 67.9 in3 /ft of wall

N0.29.A long braced cut in saturated clay has a with of cut , B , of

4.5 m and a depth of cut , H, of 8 m.For the clay , γ= 17.2 KN/m3 and c = 42
KN/m2.Determine the factor of safety against bottom heave by using .
a.Eq 7.12
b.Eq 7.14
Assume that the clay extends to a great depth below the bottom of the cut .
Part a ,

5.7 c 5.7 42
FS = (1/H) = (1/8) = 7.74
. γ - c/(0.7B) 17.2 – 42 / (0.7 4.5)
Part b ,

FS = [cNc] / [γH]
From fig 7.16 for H / B = 8 / 4.5 = 1.78 and B / L ≈ 0 ,
The magnitude of Nc ≈ 7
FS = [(42)(7)] / [(17.2)(8)] = 2.14

N0.30. A long braced cut in saturated clay has a with of cut , B , of

4.5 m and a depth of cut , H, of 8 m.For the clay , γ= 17.2 KN/m3 and c = 42 KN/m2 .If a
stiffer clay layer (c = 55 KN/m2) is encountered 1.5 m below the bottom of the cut , what
will be the factor of safety against bottom heave ?
For layered clay encountered below the bottom of the cut , use
eq 7.17.
From fig 7.18 a ,
c2 / c1 = 55 /42 = 1.31
h´ / B = 1.5 / 4.5 = 0.33
From fig 7.18 b for c2 / c1 = 1.31 and h / B ≈ 0.33 ,Nc(strip) ≈ 6.5
H / B = 8 / 4.5 = 1.78
From fig 7.18 c , Fd 1.34 ,
Fs = 1+0.2(B / L) = 1 + 0.2 (10 / ∞ ) = 1.0
FS = [c1(Nc(strip)Fd)Fs] / [γH]
= [(42)(6.5)(1.34)(1.0)] / [(17.2)(8)] = 2.66

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