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7-Norbornadienyl Carbonium Ion: Department

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absorption bands of the nucleic acids and poly-

We acknowledge the skillful technical assistance
of M. Capecchi.s
(S) This work was supported by grants from the National Science
Foundation and the National Cancer Institute.
The other peaks of the spectrum can be reason-
OF MOLECULAR BIOPHYSICS ably assigned to: remaining olefin, bridgehead
FLORIDASTATE UNIVRRSITY MICHAELKASIA and bridge hydrogens, respectively. For com-
TALLAHASSEE,FLORIDA parison, we have determined the n.m.r. spectrum of
RECEIVEDSEPTEMBER 19, 1960 7-uorbornadienyl chloride in sulfur dioxide. The
olefinic hydrogens appear at 3.2 and 3.4 T with the
THE 7-NORBORNADIENYL CARBONIUM ION lower field peak being an incompletely resolved
sir: triplet. The bridgehead hydrogens are at 6.3
and the bridge hydrogen at 5.8.
Recent investigations into the solvolysis of a
number of norbornenyl derivatives have been
characterized by the postulation of non-classical
carbonium ions as intermediates. The preparation
of a stable bridged carbonium ion from 7-norborna-
dienyl chloride has now permitted for the first
time direct structural evidence to be obtained about
these interesting species. Heretofore, structural
evidence relating to these carbonium ion inter-
mediates has been inferred from kinetic and product
analyses. For example, the remarkable enhance- Fig. 1.--N.m.r. spectrum of 7-norbornadienyl fluoroborate
ment of the rate of solvolysis of anti-7-norbomenyl in sulfur dioxide at -10'. Peak positions are given in
tosylate compared to the 7-norbornyl derivative p,p.m. relative to tetrametbylsilane as 10.00.
has been ascribed to participation of the a electrons The sulfur dioxide solution appeared to be
of the double bond to give a stabilized non-classi- stable a t -10" but became deep brown in color
cal carbonium ion intermediate.' More recently, on standing a t room temperature for a short
Winstein and Ordronneau2 have reported that period. The absence of skeletal rearrangements
7-norbomadienyl chloride solvolyzes cu. lo3 faster was indicated by the exclusive conversion of the
than anti-7-norbomenyl chloride and suggested carbonium ion to the known 7-norbomadienyl
several possible non-classical structures for the acetate' on addition of acetic acid to the sulfur
intermediate carbonium ion. We wish to report dioxide solution.
the preparation and n.m.r. spectrum of this ion.
Treatment of 7-norbornadieno13 with thionyl BELLTELEPHONE LAEORATORIES
chloride in ether gave 7-norbornadienyl chloride,l Ka. 1644
which was dissolved in sulfur dioxide at -80" CHEMISTRYLABORATORY
and slowly added to a similar solution of silver YALEUNIVERSITY MARTINSAUNDERS
tetrafluoroborate.' The silver chloride which pre-
cipitated immediately was filtered off leaving a OCTOBER20, 1960
colorless solution. The ultraviolet spectrum a t
-80" showed no absorption above 330 mp, the
cut-off wave length of liquid sulfur dioxide.
The n.m.r. spectrum of this solution at -10"
(Fig. 1) consists of four distinct peaks in the ratio
2 :2 :2 :1 showing partially resolved spin-spin fine Sir:
structure. We have assigned these peaks to the In relation to recent studies by Grenthe and
7-hydrogen, the bridgehead hydrogens and two Fernelius2 on the solution stability of a number of
diferenl pairs of olefinic hydrogens. The peak rare earth chelates, i t was of interest to make a
at 2.4 T seems to consist of two overlapping study of the magnetic properties of some of these
triplets suggesting that the normal norbornadiene compounds. The magnetic susceptibilities of the
olefin triplet6is split by coupling with one additional acetylacetonates of Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er,
hyrlro~en with coupling constant about 5 C.P.S. Tm, and Yb, all of the same general formula M-
The above data, which definitely eliminate any (acac)a.HIO (prepared according to Stites, et d 3 ) ,
symmetrical structure, are consistent with struc- and ethylenediaminetetraacetates of Pr, Nd and
ture I, which was among those structures pro- Gd of the formula Na[M(EDTA)].8H20 (obtained
posed by Winstein and Ordronneau.' from Professor T. Moeller; for preparation see
(1) S. Winstein. M. Shsfausky, C. Norton and R. B. Woodward. (1) The authors wish t o thank the Office of Naval RerXPreh for
THISJooaml., 77,4181 (1955). financial aid under Contract No. NONR 05024. sod the National
( 2 ) S. Winstein and C.Mronneau. ibid.. 8s. 2084 (1960). Seience Foundation for support under Grnot No. 9928.
(2) P. R . Story. I . Ora. Chsm.. in press. (2) I . rhnthe and W.C. Fernelim, J . A m . Chon. Sr..to he pab-
(4) <;. A. Olah and H. W. Quinn. J . Inor!. N x r l . C h m . . 8 , 295 lished.
(3) I. <.: S i t e s . C. N. MrCarfhy and 1,. 1.. Quill, ibid., TO, 5172

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