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A. Claim of Fact En11/12Rws-Iiiij-6.1 B. Claim of Policy En11/12Rws-Iiiij-6.2 C. Claim of Value En11/12Rws-Iiiij-6.3 Text and Context Connections

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School Maasin City National High School Grade Level 11

GRADES 1 TO 12 Teacher Jessica E. Laran Learning Area READING &

Teaching Dates and Time January 6-10, 2020 Quarter 1st
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
A. Content Standards Understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was developed.
B. Performance Standards Writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claims, context and properties as a written material.
Identifies claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written
Identifies the context in which a text was
C. Learning Competencies/ developed
Objectives a. Claim of fact EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.1
a. Hypertext EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.1
b. Claim of policy EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.2
b. Intertext EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.2
c. Claim of value EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.3
II. CONTENT Text and Context Connections Review and Quiz
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Fernandez, E., et. al (2013). A Work text in English 2 Writing in the Discipline. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc
ACTIVITIES The students will react on this quotation of Carl Sagan, The teacher divides the class into five groups. He/ She
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. shows among the students photos of mythological, folk
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson Use one half sheets (crosswise) of paper. or local heroes. Each group picks one photo and thinks
There will be an interactive class discussion about the of other characters or stories which resemble to the
quotation. story of their chosen hero. Each group also thinks of
associations (music, objects, and graphics) which they
can relate with the picture through an idea map.
SPRINGBOARD/MOTIVATION The teacher shows in class a short video presentation
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The students will be grouped into three. They will be about one of the Philippines’ well- known local legend
C. Discussing examples/ instances of the
asked to read the article with in-depth analysis and they hero, the Legend of Bernardo Carpio through
new lesson
have to discuss it among themselves. There will be a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9wpjL38020.
presentation/reporting of their group discussion about
their claims on the article. More so, they have to identify The teacher also provides necessary information on the
claims of fact, value, and policy from it. Consider the many versions of this tale.
assigned task to be followed for the presentation:

A.2 ANALYSIS The teacher asks: Based on the activity, the teacher raises the following
D. Developing mastery
E. Finding practical applications of concepts
questions to the students.
and skills in daily living 1. How was it reading the article with in-depth analysis? The teacher asks:
2. What are your personal claims towards the article? 1. What is the legend about?
3. State the claims in relation facts, values and policies. 2. When was the work written?
4. Differentiate claims of fact, value and policy. 3. To what other texts can you relate the story of
Bernardo Carpio?
Cite specific instances or situation to support your
The class reflects on the answers they provided in the
A.3 ABSTRACTION activities. The teacher asks “What is context?” and “How
F. Making generalizations and abstractions
The teacher will ask the students to state their
can one analyze the context of a text’s development?”
about the lesson understanding on the properties of a well written text.
(Note: The teacher provides necessary information on
the topic.)

The students will be grouped into five. They have to The teacher divides the class into five groups for the
present a short roleplaying (2-3 minutes) showing explicit activity. Each group is tasked to apply their knowledge of
expressions (directly stated) and implicit impressions context, intertextuality and hypertext in a three-minute
(indirectly stated). multi-media presentation on a topic which will reflect
their advocacy as a Tayabense.
Consider the following venues as the springboard of The presentation is graded using the rubric below.

Venue 1 - Restaurant
Venue 2 - Resort
G. Developing Mastery Venue 3 - Shopping Mall
Venue 4 - Farm
Venue 5 – Street

What is the importance of claim of fact, value and policy daily What is the importance of Hypertext and Intertext in our daily
H. Finding practical applications of concepts
living? living?
and skills in daily living
EVALUATION Create a composition/essay about your claims (Claims of FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT
I. Evaluating learning
fact, value, policy) towards a relevant issue in our
country. Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or
Make at least three paragraphs including the FALSE. Write INTERTEXTIALITY if the statement is true. If
introduction, body and conclusion. the statement is false, write HYPERTEXT.
Write in cursively in one whole sheet of paper. _________1. Intertext is a nonlinear way of showing
_________2. Hypertext is a relatively new way of
Consider the following criteria for rating. reading a text online.
_________3. Context is defined as social, cultural,
political, historical, and other related circumstances that
surround the text.
_________4. Intertextuality does not recognize
connects between or among different texts.
_________5. Hypertext connects topics on screen to
related information, graphics, videos, and music.
V. AGREEMENT Study on how to formulate evaluative statements about a text Study Text and Context Connections for our quiz next
J. Additional activities for application for read.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher II School Principal II

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