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Avicenna JMed
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Tobacco use is one of the main preventable risk factors which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially,
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for noncommunicable diseases including cancers, the identical terms.
cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic
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Address for correspondence: Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Hamrah, Cite this article as: Hamrah MS, Hamrah MH, Hamrah MH, Hamrah AE, Dahi
Centre for Rural Health, School of Health Sciences, University of T, Pahlavanzade B, et al. The prevalence and associated factors of cigarette
Tasmania, Locked Bag 1322, Launceston TAS 7250 Australia. smoking and its association with opium use among outpatients in Afghanistan:
A cross-sectional study in Andkhoy city. Avicenna J Med 2019;9;129-33.
E-mail: mshoaibhamrah@gmail.com
lung disease.[1] Tobacco use causes approximately 6 million ▪ Sociodemographic characteristics: Age, sex, education
deaths annually. If these trends continue, this number is level, marital status, occupation, and place of residence
projected to increase to 8 million per year by 2030.[2] Of ▪ Behavioral: Cigarette smoking and opium use
the 1.3 billion smokers worldwide, 80% of them live in ▪ Clinical characteristics: body mass index (BMI) and
low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Most LMICs measured blood pressure
have less access for the adequate care of patients with a
Fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, and triglyceride were
tobacco-related illness.[3]
also measured. The variables are defined in elsewhere.[8]
The high smoking rates reported among illicit drug users
Smoking: Patients were categorized into three groups:
were from population-based studies and among patients
attending substance abuse treatment clinics and facilities.[4] current smokers, past smokers, and nonsmokers. Current
The prevalence of concurrent smoking and substance use smokers were defined as patients who have smoked at least
was between 35% and 44% in the general population, 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and had smoked in the last
whereas this figure for patients attending the substance 30 days. Past smokers were defined as patients who had
abuse treatment clinics and facilities was 80%.[5] smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime but had not
smoked in the last 30 days. Nonsmokers were defined as
Afghanistan has been the world’s biggest producer of patients who had never smoked cigarettes in their lifetime.
opium.[6] There is a paucity of studies regarding prevalence Both past smokers and those who had never smoked were
of cigarette smoking and its associated factors, and the constituted in the nonsmokers category.[9]
association between cigarette smoking and opium use among
a population of outpatients in Afghanistan. Therefore, the Opium consumption: Opium users reported using any types
primary aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of opium at least once per week for last 6-month period.[10]
and identify independently associated factors with cigarette All the patients were interviewed as the diagnostic criteria
smoking among adult patients visiting an outpatient clinic. specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Secondary objective was to determine the association Disorders IV criteria for opium dependency.[11]
between cigarette smoking and opium use among patients
visiting an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan. BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by
height in meters squared. Overweight was a BMI ≥25 kg/
SUBJECTS AND METHODS m2, and obesity was a BMI ≥30 kg/m2.[12] Hypertension:
Hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure/
From January 2018 to April 2018, we performed a cross- diastolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood
sectional study among 622 consecutive patients aged pressure of ≥90 mm Hg or higher, at separate occasions,
18 years and older visiting an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, and those already on antihypertensive medications at the
Afghanistan. The exclusion criteria were the patients with time of admission.[13] Questions were illustrated if there was
physical and neurocognitive disorders and ≥80 years of age. need for more explanation about the concept of a question.
Informed consent was obtained from the participants. The
Well-trained doctors collected the required information study was approved by the Faryab Public Health Directorate.
using the Persian version of World Health Organization
stepwise approach to noncommunicable diseases risk factors Statistical analysis
surveillance, and the questionnaire has been validated.[7] All of the data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version
The questionnaire was modified into the Dari language. 24.0 (SPSS; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). The independent
Persian and Dari are mutually intelligible varieties of the samples t-test was used to compare the means of quantitative
same language. Language experts confirmed the equivalence variables across smokers and non-smokers. Results for
of the concept in the questionnaire. Moreover, the cultural quantitative data are represented as mean and standard
validation has been made to check appropriateness of division. The chi-square test was used to compare qualitative
wording and to exclude the potential misinterpretation data in the two groups. Results for categorical data are
due to different ways of thinking. Data were collected on represented in frequency and percentage. Multiple logistic
patients’ sociodemographic characteristics, behavior risks, regression analysis was used to identify factors associated
and physical and laboratory measurements. Questions with cigarette smoking and the association between cigarette
were asked through face-to-face interviews. The following smoking and opium use. The odds ratios (ORs) and 95%
variables were investigated: confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to determine
association in the logistic regression analysis. The level of Table 1: Association between sociodemographic and
statistical significance was determined by P < 0.05. health variables, and smoking among adult patients
visiting an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan
RESULTS Smokers Nonsmokers P value
(N = 312) (N = 310)
Table 1 indicates the sociodemographic and clinical Age, n (%) 0.424
<39 14 (4.5) 22 (7.1)
characteristics of all patients. The mean age of the smokers 40–60 57 (18.3) 54 (17.4)
and nonsmokers was 67.8 ± 12.3 years and 66.7 ±13.8 years, >60 118 (37.8) 122 (39.3)
respectively. The man-to-woman ratio among participants Gender, n (%) <0.001
Male 244 (78.2) 115 (37.1)
was 1.7. The overall prevalence of current smoking was Female 68 (21.8) 195 (62.9)
50.2% (95% CI: 46.2–54.2). The prevalence of current Level of education, n (%) <0.001
cigarette smoking among males was 76.0% (95% CI: Illiterate 215 (68.9) 104 (33.5)
Primary/private 49 (15.7) 73 (23.5)
71.0–80.6), and this was significantly higher than among education
females 21.2% (95% CI: 16.8-26.1, P<0.001). The majority Secondary 28 (8.9) 83 (26.8)
of smokers were illiterate 68.9% (95% CI: 63.5–74.0). High school or more 20 (6.4) 50 (16.1)
Marital status, n (%) 0.031
There was a high prevalence of smoking among married Single 37 (11.8) 30 (9.7)
patients 84.3% (95% CI: 79.8–88.1). Smoking prevalence Married 263 (84.3) 254 (81.9)
was significantly higher among opium users 57.1% (95% Others 12 (3.8) 26 (8.4)
Opium use, n (%) <0.001
CI: 51.5–62.6) compared with nonuser groups 42.9% (95% Yes 178 (57.0) 54 (17.4)
CI: 37.4–48.6) smoking was not equal among 4 occupation No 134 (42.9) 256 (82.6%)
groups. The high smoking rates were observed among Occupation, n (%) <0.001
Employed 16 (5.1) 48 (15.5)
unemployed participants 67.3% (95% CI: 61.8–72.5), Unemployed 210 (67.3) 113 (36.4)
among rural residents 49.4% (95% CI: 43.7–55.0), among House wife 66 (21.1) 108 (34.8)
those who had a family member smoker or friend smoker Farmer 17 (5.4) 27 (8.7)
Others 3 (0.96) 14 (4.5)
56.1% (95% CI: 50.4–61.7), and smokers mostly didn’t have Residence, n (%) <0.001
hypertension (44.6% versus 57.1%). Rural 154 (49.3) 110 (35.5)
Urban 158 (50.6) 200 (64.5)
History of family smoking, 175 (56.1) 111 (35.8) <0.001
Table 2 represents the results of logistic regression analysis n (%)
of smoking cigarettes among patients for sociodemographic Hypertension, n (%) 0.002
characteristics, clinical variables, and opium use. Male Yes 139 (44.5) 177 (57.1)
No 173 (55.4) 133 (42.9)
participants were (OR = 9.5; 95% CI: 5.3–17.1) more likely Body mass index, kg/m2, 23.6 ± 2.9 25.2 ± 3.6 <0.001
to smoke than female patients. Those patients who currently mean ± SD
had a smoker family member or a smoker friend had 3.3 Fasting blood sugar (mg/dL) 106.3 ± 34.4 104.2 ± 23.7 0.516
mm Hg, mean ± SD
times (95% CI: 2.0-5.3) greater odds to be a smoker. Those Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 179.4 ± 31.8 177.6 ± 34.3 0.349
that had secondary education were about 4.4 times (95% mm Hg, mean ± SD
CI: 2.3–8.4) more likely, those that had primary/private Triglyceride (mg/dL) mm 158.4 ± 39.4 160.1 ± 37.2 0.722
Hg, mean ± SD
education were 7.8 times (95% CI: 3.9–15.6) more likely, SD = standard deviation.
and those that had no education were 8.9 times (95% CI:
4.0–19.8) more likely to smoke cigarettes than those with an outpatient clinic in Afghanistan was high, and the study
high school or higher education. Rural residents were 3.7 also revealed that factors associated with smoking were
times (95% CI: 2.3–6.2) more likely to smoke cigarettes male gender, education level, rural residency, and opium
than urban residents. Opium users were 23.0 times (95% consumption among adult patients who visited an outpatient
CI: 12.5–42.3) more likely to smoke cigarettes than non- clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan.
opium users.
The prevalence of current cigarette smoking in this study
DISCUSSION was high (50.3%). This rate is comparable with the cigarette
smoking prevalence rate obtained from a study among
This article examined the prevalence and associated factors patients of a tobacco cessation clinic of a tertiary care
of cigarette smoking and opium use among patients visiting teaching hospital in Bangalore, India (49%).[14] However,
an outpatient clinic in Afghanistan. Our findings show that the prevalence of smoking reported in this study was lower
the prevalence of cigarette smoking among patients visiting than those reported among those attending an anti-smoking
Table 2: Factors associated with smoking among adult patients visiting an outpatient clinic in Andkhoy, Afghanistan
Variables Number (%) OR (95% CI) P value
Gender <0.001
Female 36 (11.5) 1
Male 276 (88.5) 9.5 (5.3–17.1)
Family member smoking <0.001
No 137 (43.9) 1.0
Yes 175 (56.1) 3.3 (2.0–5.3)
High school or higher 20 (6.4) 1.0
Secondary 40 (12.8) 4.4 (2.3–8.4) <0.001
Primary/private education 18 (5.8) 7.8 (3.9–15.6) <0.001
Illiterate 234 (75.0) 8.9 (4.0–19.8) <0.001
Employed 16 (5.1) 1.0
House wife 66 (21.1) 0.5 (0.23–1.2) 0.113
Farmer 17 (5.4) 1.4 (0.6–3.5) 0.466
Unemployed 210 (67.3) 1.0 (0.33–3.1) 0.977
Others 3 (0.96) 5.0 (0.71–35.1) 0.104
Residence 0.001
Urban 154 (49.3) 1.0
Rural 158 (50.6) 3.7 (2.3–6.2)
Opium user <0.001
No 134 (43.0) 1.0
Yes 178 (57.0) 23.0 (12.5–42.3)
CI = confidence interval, OR = odds ratio.
clinic in the Aseer region, Saudi Arabia (61.6%).[15] A possible for smoking through a social learning model of smoking
reason for the high rates of cigarette smoking in our study initiation.[21]
could be due to the fact that respiratory infections are the
most common reasons among patients who attended the In this study, the prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher
clinic during the winter. Smoking has been found to increase among rural residents compared to urban residents, which
risk of respiratory infection by several bacterial pathogens.[16] is in accordance with results of other studies.[19,22] The reason
for this could be due to lack of awareness among rural
In our study, the prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher residents. Our study showed that literacy rates in rural areas
among males (88.5%) compared to females (11.5%). This are lower than in urban areas.
is consistent with a finding that has been reported by a
previous study among adult patients attending an outpatient Opium use showed an association with smoking cigarette
clinic in India.[14,17] Low prevalence of smoking among in this study, which is consistent with the results on the
females in this study can be linked to social and cultural association between illicit drug use and cigarette smoking.[23]
reasons in the region. It is hypothesized that tobacco is a gateway drug to illicit
drugs.[24] The increase number of cigarette smoking could
We found an inverse association between smoking status be a marker for serious patterns of illicit drug use.[25]
and the level of education. This finding is in line with a
survey conducted in India.[18] It is likely that there is an This study has some limitations. First, our participants
association between the level of education and the level of were from a single outpatient clinic that was located in
health literacy. Therefore, an increase in health literacy can Andkhoy, Afghanistan. Second, the patients were selected
result in an increase in knowledge and awareness among on a convenience basis. This could result in the potential for
people regarding hazards of smoking.[19] selection bias. Third, this study was conducted on a non-
probability technique, and therefore cannot be generalized
The cigarette smoking prevalence was higher among families beyond the study population. Finally, a cross-sectional study
where parents or other family members or friends were smokers. design was used to analyze the association between smoking
This finding was supported with findings reported by a previous and its associated factors.
study in Saudi Arabia among clinic attendees.[20] A possible
explanation for this is a social learning theory that people begin This study, however, provided useful data concerning
to smoke if there are family members or friends who do so. It is smoking and its associated factors among adult patients
believed that they acquire a positive attitude, belief, and behavior attending an outpatient clinic in Afghanistan.