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Granite: An Excerpt From The Dimension Stone Design Manual, Version VIII (May 2016)

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An excerpt from the Dimension Stone Design Manual,

Version VIII (May 2016)

Produced and Published by the

Marble Institute of America
380 East Lorain St. Oberlin, Ohio 44074
Telephone: 440-250-9222
Fax: 440-774-9222

© 2016 Marble Institute of America

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system,
without written permission from the Marble Institute of America (MIA).
GRANITE C270, Standard Specification for
Mortar for Unit Masonry
1.0 GENERAL C295, Standard Guide for
Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for
1.1 Related Documents Concrete
1.1.1 Drawings and general provisions, C880, Standard Test Method for
including General and Supplementary Flexural Strength of Dimension Stone
Conditions of the Contract and Division I
Specification sections, apply to this section. C1201, Standard Test Method for
Structural Performance of Exterior Dimension
1.2 Applicable Publications Stone Cladding Systems by Uniform Static Air
Pressure Difference
1.2.1 The following publications listed here
and referred to thereafter by alphanumeric C1242, Standard Guide for
code designation only, form a part of this Selection, Design, and Installation of Exterior
specification to the extent indicated by the Dimension Stone Anchors and Anchoring
references thereto: Systems

1.2.2 ASTM International (ASTM): C1352, Standard Test Method for
Flexural Modulus of Elasticity of Dimension C615, Standard Specification for Stone
Granite Dimension Stone C1353, Standard Test Method for A666, Standard Specification for Abrasion Resistance of Dimension Stone
Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Subjected to Foot Traffic Using a Rotary
Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar Platform Abraser B221, Standard Specification for C1354, Standard Test Method for
Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Strength of Individual Stone Anchorages in
Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes Dimension Stone C97, Standard Test Methods for C1515, Standard Guide for
Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of Cleaning of Exterior Dimension Stone,
Dimension Stone Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces, New or
Existing C99, Standard Test Method for
Modulus of Rupture of Dimension Stone C1528, Standard Guide for
Selection of Dimension Stone for Exterior Use C119, Standard Terminology
Relating to Dimension Stone C1721, Standard Guide for
Petrographic Examination of Dimension Stone C170, Standard Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Dimension Stone C1722, Standard Guide for Repair
and Restoration of Dimension Stone C241, Standard Test Method for
Abrasion Resistance of Stone Subjected to Foot

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-1

1.2.3 Marble Institute of America 1.6 Samples
1.6.1 The Granite Contractor shall submit Membership, Products and Services through the General Contractor, for approval
Directory by the Specifying Authority, at least two sets of
samples of the various kinds of granite Dimension Stone Design Manual specified. The sample size shall be 1'-0" x 1'-
0" minimum and shall represent approximately Additional publications may be the finish, texture, and anticipated range of
available from the MIA Bookstore. Go online colors to be supplied. One set of approved
at www.marble-institute.com. samples shall be retained by the Specifying
Authority, and one set shall be returned to the
1.2.4 National Building Granite Granite Supplier for record and guidance. It is
Quarries Association (NBGQA) noted herein that granite is a natural material
and will have intrinsic variations in color, Specifications for Architectural markings, and other characteristics.
Granite Depending on granite selected and quantity
required, a range mockup may be used to
1.3 Scope of Included Work further define the characteristics of the
material. Cost of mockup, if required, shall
1.3.1 The work to be completed under this not be included in this section.
contract includes all labor and materials
required for the furnishing and installation of 1.6.2 Prior to fabrication, an inspection and
all granite work shown or called for on the approval by the Specifying Authority and/or
contract drawings, specifications, and General Contractor and/or End User of the
addenda. finished slabs is recommended to understand
the finish and full range of the material.
1.4 Definition of Terms
1.7 Shop Drawings
1.4.1 The definitions of trade terms used in
this specification shall be those published by the 1.7.1 The Granite Contractor shall submit
MIA, NBGQA, or ASTM International. through the General Contractor, for approval
by the Specifying Authority, sufficient sets of
1.5 Source of Supply shop drawings, showing general layout,
jointing, anchoring, stone thickness, and other
1.5.1 All granite shall be obtained from pertinent information. These drawings shall
quarries having adequate capacity and facilities show all bedding, bonding, jointing, and
to meet the specified requirements, and from a anchoring details along with the net piece
firm equipped to process the material promptly dimensions of each granite unit. One copy of
on order and in strict accord with the approved shop drawings shall be retained
specifications. The Specifying Authority by the Specifying Authority, one copy shall be
(architect, designer, engineer, contracting retained by the General Contractor, and one
officer, end user, etc.) reserves the right to copy returned to the Granite Contractor for
approve the Material Supplier prior to the fabrication. NO FABRICATION OF
award of this contract. Stone and workmanship GRANITE SHALL BE STARTED UNTIL
quality shall be in accordance with Industry SUCH DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN FULLY
Standards and Practices as set forth by the MIA. APPROVED AND MARKED AS SUCH. The
Granite Contractor shall not be responsible for
determining, making, or verifying (1) design,

Page 5-2 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America

structural, wind, seismic, or other design Provide information as in (1) for each
loads; (2) engineering estimates; (3) plans or different granite/finish combination in the
specifications; or (4) the types, sizes, or project.
locations of anchors, unless specifically added
to the scope of work. 2.1.3 Finishes: Finishes listed in the
schedule shall conform with definitions by
1.8 Defective Work MIA, NBGQA, or ASTM International.

1.8.1 Any piece of granite showing flaws or 2.2 Setting Mortar

imperfections upon receipt at the storage yard
or building site shall be referred to the 2.2.1 Mortar for setting shall be Type N, as
Specifying Authority for determination as to defined in ASTM C270, Standard Specification
responsibility and decision as to whether it shall for Mortar for Unit Masonry. All mixing,
be rejected, patched, or redressed for use. handling, and placing procedures shall be in
accordance with ASTM C270.
1.9 Repairing Damaged Stone
2.3 Pointing Mortar
1.9.1 Chips at the edges or corners may be
patched, provided the structural integrity of 2.3.1 Mortar for pointing shall be Type N,
the stone is not affected and the patch matches as defined in ASTM C270 (Standard
the color and finish of the natural stone so that Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry).
it does not detract from the stone’s All mixing, handling, and placing procedures
appearance. shall be in accordance with ASTM C270.

2.0 MATERIALS 2.4 Sealants and Backup

Material (If Applicable)
2.1 Granite
2.4.1 Where specified, (state type or name of
2.1.1 General: All granite shall be of sealant) shall be used for the sealing of joints.
standard architectural grade, free of cracks, The backup material used with the sealant shall
seams, starts, or other traits which may impair be (identify material).
its structural integrity or function. Inherent
color variations characteristic of the quarry 2.5 Anchors, Cramps, and
from which it is obtained will be acceptable. Dowels
Texture and finish shall be within the range of
samples approved by the Specifying Authority. 2.5.1 All anchorage components shall be of
300 Series stainless steel (refer to ASTM A666) ASTM C615 [C97] [C99] [C170] or aluminum (refer to ASTM B221) with
[C241] [C880] See the chart of applicable strength and durability properties meeting or
ASTM standards and tests in the Appendix. exceeding those of 6063-T6. Anchor types and
assemblies shall comply with ASTM C1242.
2.1.2 Schedule: Granite shall be provided Reliance on adhesives alone for material
as follows: attachment will not be permitted. For (state location on building) (state
name and color) granite with a (type) finish,
supplied by (name company or list several approved

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-3

3.0 FABRICATION 3.5 Cutting for Anchoring,
Supporting, and Lifting Devices
3.1 Beds and Joints
3.5.1 Holes and sinkages shall be cut in
3.1.1 Bed and joint width shall be stones for all anchors, cramps, dowels, and
determined by analysis of anticipated building other tieback and support devices per industry
movements and designed to accommodate standard practice or approved shop drawings.
such movements without inducing undue However, additional anchor holes may be
stresses in the stone panels or joint filler drilled at job site by Granite Contractor to
materials. Expansion joints shall be designed facilitate alignment.
and located to accommodate larger
movements. 3.5.2 No holes or sinkages will be provided
for Granite Contractor's handling devices
3.2 Backs of Pieces unless arrangement for this service is made by
the Granite Contractor with the Granite
3.2.1 Backs of pieces shall be sawn or Fabricator.
roughly dressed to approximately true planes.
Back surfaces shall be free of any matter that (NOTE: It is not recommended that lewis pins
may create staining. be used for stones less than 3½" thick.)

3.3 Moldings, Washes, and 3.6 Cutting and Drilling for

Drips Other Trades

3.3.1 Moldings, washes, and drips shall be 3.6.1 Any miscellaneous cutting and drilling
constant in profile throughout their entire of stone necessary to accommodate other
length, in strict conformity with details shown trades will be done by the Granite Fabricator
on approved shop drawings. The finish quality only when necessary information is furnished
on these surfaces shall match the finish quality in time to be shown on the shop drawings and
of the flat surfaces on the building. details, and when work can be executed before
fabrication. Cutting and fitting, due to job site
3.4 Back-checking and Fitting conditions, will be the responsibility of the
Granite Contractor.
to Structure or Frame
3.6.2 Incidental cutting such as for window
3.4.1 Stone coming in contact with
frame clips, etc., which is normally not
structural work shall be back-checked as
considered to be the responsibility of the Stone
indicated on the approved shop drawings.
Supplier, will be provided only by arrangement
Stones resting on structural work shall have
by the General Contractor and Granite
beds shaped to fit the supports as required.
Contractor with the Granite Fabricator.
3.4.2 Maintain a minimum of 1" between
stone backs and adjacent structure. (Note: 3.7 Carving and Models
many bolted connections will require more
space than this; 2" space may be more 3.7.1 All carving shall be done by skilled
desirable. Large-scale details should illustrate Stone Carvers in a correct and artistic manner,
and control these conditions.) in strict accordance with the spirit and intent of
the approved shop drawing, or from models
furnished or approved by the Specifying

Page 5-4 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America

4.0 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 5.1.3 Granite shall be free of any ice or frost
at time of installation. Salt shall not be used for
4.1 Packing and Loading the purpose of melting ice, frost, or snow on
the granite pieces. Adequate protection
4.1.1 Finished granite shall be carefully measures shall be taken to ensure that exposed
packed and loaded for shipment using all surfaces of the stone shall be kept free of
reasonable and customary precautions against mortar at all times.
damage in transit. No material which may
cause staining or discoloration shall be used for 5.2 Mortar Setting of Granite
blocking or packing. (See “6.2 Protection of
Finished Work” in this chapter.) 5.2.1 Clean base materials to remove dirt or
other foreign matter.
4.2 Site Storage
5.2.2 Saturate concrete substrate several
4.2.1 Upon receipt at the building site, stone hours prior to setting granite. Prepare and
shall remain in the factory-prepared bundles place mortar in accordance with ASTM C270.
until beginning of the installation. Bundles Thoroughly wet stones prior to setting in
shall be staged in an area which is least mortar bed. Apply neat cement parge of
susceptible to damage from ongoing approximate 1/16" thickness to granite units
construction activity. Once unbundled, the prior to placing on mortar bed. Tamp stones
granite shall be stacked on timber or platforms into place using a rubber or plastic mallet to
at least 2" above the ground, and the utmost obtain full contact with the setting bed and
care shall be taken to prevent staining or proper stone unit alignment.
impact damage of the granite. If storage is to be
prolonged, polyethylene or other suitable, 5.3 Mortar Joints
nonstaining film shall be placed between any
wood and finished surfaces of the granite. 5.3.1 Mortar joints shall be raked out to a
depth of ½" to ¾". Apply pointing mortar in
4.2.2 Any holes or slots in the granite which layers not exceeding 3/8" and allow each layer
are capable of collecting water shall be to get hard to the touch before the next layer is
temporarily covered or plugged to prevent applied. Tool finished joints with a concave
freezing of collected water. Such covers or tool having a diameter approximately 1/8"
plugs are to be removed immediately prior to greater than the joint width.
installation of the piece.
5.3.2 Care shall be taken to keep expansion
5.0 INSTALLATION joints free of mortar, which would
compromise their function.
5.1 General Installation
5.4 Anchorage
5.1.1 Installation shall be accomplished with
competent, experienced Stone Setters, in 5.4.1 All granite shall be anchored in
accordance with the approved shop drawings. accordance with the approved shop drawings.

5.1.2 All granite pieces shall be identified 5.4.2 To the furthest extent possible, all
with a unique piece number corresponding anchor preparations in granite units shall be
with the number on the shop drawings. shop-applied.
Interchanging of numbered pieces is not
permitted. 5.4.3 All anchorage devices and anchor
hole/slot fillers shall be in accordance with

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-5

ASTM C1242. Care must be taken to ensure 6.0 CLEANING AND
that any holes capable of retaining water are PROTECTION
filled after use to prevent water collection and
6.1 Cleaning
5.5 Sealant Joints 6.1.1 Granite shall be cleaned after
installation and all pointing or caulking is
5.5.1 Where so specified, joints requiring complete. All dirt, excess mortar, weld
sealant shall be first filled with a closed-cell splatter, stains, and other defacements shall be
ethafoam rope backer rod. The backer rod removed.
shall be installed to a depth that provides
optimum sealant profile after tooling. 6.1.2 All cleaning methods shall be in
accordance with ASTM C1515.
5.5.2 If recommended by the Sealant
Manufacturer, primers shall be applied to the 6.2 Protection of Finished
substrate surfaces according to the
manufacturer’s directions prior to application
of the joint sealant.
6.2.1 Granite installation in progress shall be
protected with film or fabric tarps secured over
5.6 Expansion Joints the work.
5.6.1 It is not the intent of this specification 6.2.2 After the granite is installed, it shall be
to make control or expansion-joint the responsibility of the General Contractor to
recommendations for a specific project. The properly and adequately protect it from
Specifying Authority must specify control or damage until all trades are finished. This
expansion joints and show locations and details responsibility includes the stone cleaning costs
on drawings. prior to the required final inspection. Where
lumber is required for protection, care should
5.7 Caulking be taken to protect the granite from staining by
the lumber, using plastic film or other suitable
5.7.1 Where so specified, joints shall be materials. Any fasteners used in construction
pointed with the sealant(s) specified in Section of temporary protection fixtures shall be
2.4 after first installing the specified backup corrosion resistant.
material and applying a primer if required, all
in strict accordance with the printed 6.2.3 Finishes commonly available are
instructions of the Sealant Manufacturer. defined as follows:

5.7.2 All sealants shall be tooled to ensure Polished: Mirror gloss, with sharp
maximum adhesion to the contact surfaces. reflections.

5.8 Weep Tubes Honed: Dull sheen, without

5.8.1 Plastic or other weep tubes shall be
placed in joints where moisture may Fine Rubbed: Smooth and free from
accumulate within the wall, such as at base of scratches; no sheen.
cavity, continuous angles, flashing, etc., or as
shown on architectural drawings. Rubbed: Plain surface with
occasional slight “trails” or scratches.

Page 5-6 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America Shot Ground: Plain surface with Split Faced: Stone on which the
pronounced circular markings or “trails” having face has been broken to an approximate plane.
no regular pattern. Rock (pitch) Faced: Similar to Thermal (Flamed): Finish produced split faced, except that the face of the stone is
by application of high-temperature flame to the pitched to a given line and plane producing a
surface. Large surfaces may have shadow lines bold appearance rather than the comparatively
caused by overlapping of the torch. This finish straight face obtained in split face.
will vary in texture and depth between
different types of granite, as the finish is largely Jet Washed: After certain
dependent upon the granite structure of the treatment finishes on stone, such as flaming, a
stone. high pressure jet wash can be used to assist in
cleaning the stone and bringing back more Sandblasted, Coarse Stippled: color to the stone. Some producers have the
Coarse plain surface produced by blasting with machinery to use high pressure water with
an abrasive; coarseness varies with type of additives which gives a jet washed finish that
preparatory finish and grain structure of the looks like a flamed finish, yet maintains the
granite. color in the stone. Sandblasted, Fine Stippled: Plain 6.2.4 Minimum Thickness: The

surface, slightly pebbled, with occasional slight suggested minimum thickness for all exterior
“trails” or scratches. veneer is as follows: Bush-hammered, 8-cut: Fine bush- Percussion produced finishes, such as
hammered finish, interrupted by parallel bush-hammered (sometimes referred to as a
markings not over 3/32" apart. A corrugated pointed finish), require a 1¼" thick slab
finish, smoother near arris lines and on small minimum to apply.
surfaces. Other finishes can usually be applied to Bush-hammered, 6-cut: any thickness slab, with the exception of some
Medium bush-hammered finish, similar to but granites not being able to withstand thermal
coarser than 8-cut, with markings not more finishing processes in thicknesses less than
than 1/8" apart. 1¼". Bush-hammered, 4-cut: Coarse Determination of proper stone

bush-hammered finish with same thickness must be evaluated using the following
characteristics as 6-cut, but with markings not criteria:
more than 7/32" apart.  Piece Size.
 Final Face Finish. Sawn: Relatively plain surface
 Anchoring Detail.
with texture ranging from wire sawn (a close
approximation of a rubbed finish), to shot  Structural Design Load Requirements.
sawn, with scorings 3/32" in depth. Gang saws  Flexural Strength of the Granite.
produce parallel scorings; rotary or circular
saws make circular scorings. Shot-sawn 6.2.5 Minimum safety factors of 3 to 1
surfaces should be cleaned to remove all rust minimum on granite flexural stresses and 4 to
stains. 1 minimum on anchorage components in
granite are recommended.

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-7

6.2.6 Ashlar or veneer used as a facing 1.2 The commercial stone industry,
requires a setting space of at least 1", as depending on the supplier or organization,
measured from the nominal thickness of the loosely accepts various granite-like stones
piece. under the label of “granite.” These include,
among others, banded or massive, nonbanded
6.2.7 Bed and Joint Width. The gneiss, and a few quartz-based stones. Such
minimum recommended bed and joint width is stones are marketed as “granitelike” or
¼" for exteriors and 1/8" for interiors. “granitoid,” though they are not true granite.1
Gneisses, high level metamorphic stone, are
6.2.8 Sawn backs. Because of physical included in the granite category by commercial
characteristics, most granites cannot be split to interests.
a thickness less than 1/3 of the lesser face
dimension. Consequently, sawn backs (see 3.4 1.3 The quartz-based stones are definitely
in this chapter) should be specified for most not granite, but rather the silica-cemented
veneers, and are frequently specified also for sedimentary stone quartzite or its
thicker ashlar, because of design metamorphic equivalent, orthoquartzite.
considerations. Quartzite, and especially orthoquartzite, have
a distinct cleft or cleavage at a mica-rich
6.2.9 Staining. Granite should be parting. Knowing the difference between true
protected from wet (green) wood, oils, mud, granite and granitelike stone helps the stone
construction waste, and asphalt compounds. industry professional to understand the
Contact Fabricator or Granite Contractor for physical properties, performance, and
proper remedies to staining problems that ultimately, the comparative quality of these
occur. natural materials.

1.4 Granite, as defined by the AGI, usually

has three to four basic mineral components:
DESCRIPTION – 1.4.1 Quartz (SiO2 ±25-35%), appears as
irregular, watery-looking, or translucent
Granite grains.

1.0 GEOLOGICAL 1.4.2 Orthoclase Feldspar (KAlSi3O8

CLASSIFICATION ≈20-80%). In most, but not all, commercial,
geologic granites, the light-colored minerals,
1.1 The American Geological Institute white- to flesh-colored are orthoclase feldspar.
(AGI) defines granite as an intrusive igneous
rock (cooled slowly in the deep upper part of 1.4.3 Plagioclase Feldspar (NaAlSi3O8 to
the Earth’s crust) composed of 25% to 35% CaAl2Si3O8 ≈20-80%) features darker gray to
quartz and over 50% potassium- and sodium- bluish grains, with some grains exhibiting fine,
rich feldspars, with a common accessory grooved lines and/or an iridescent sheen.
mineral of less than 20%, usually muscovite Sometimes the mineral is a light, creamy color,
(clear mica), biotite (dark, iron-bearing mica), nearly indistinguishable from orthoclase,
or hornblende (amphibole). except for the occasional presence of the fine

1 The following terms are derivations of the word granolite. The use of these terms commercially is not
granite, which are now obsolete because their recommended.
definitions have become obscured and imprecise:
granide, granilite, granitelle, granitello, granitine, and

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1.4.4 Dark accessory minerals (→20%) 1.6 Gneiss, a true metamorphic stone
biotite and hornblende are complex silicates that exhibits strong mineral segregation in the
with all the elements in quartz, orthoclase form of contorted bands indicating
feldspar, and plagioclase feldspar, plus iron and metamorphic origin, is universally included in
magnesium, which gives these minerals their the granite group by the stone industry.
dark color. Magnetite (Fe3O2) is often a trace Banded gneiss is a classical rock end member
mineral (±2-4%) in granite, and easily of the metamorphic process of high pressure,
recognized by its strongly magnetic property. time, temperature, and the presence of fluids
It, too, is black and opaque. Magnetite has a that begins with the sedimentary rock shale and
hardness rating of H=6, polishes well, has a proceeds through slate, to phyllite, then schist
metallic appearance, and is opaque (i.e., it does and finally, banded gneiss—from low to high
not transmit light even when very thin). levels of metamorphic rank.

1.4.5 All of these granitic minerals have a 2.0 COLOR AND VEINING
Mohs Scale2 hardness rating of H=7 or H=6
with the exception of biotite, which has a 2.1 The color of a granite is governed
variable hardness of 2.5 to 4.5, depending on largely by that of the feldspar, usually the most
the angle of the polished surface in relation to abundant mineral. However, it may be
the edges of the “books” of sheets that biotite modified to some extent by the quartz,
mica crystals exhibit. Thus, biotite does not hornblende, or mica, if considerable amounts
polish well and appears as small, rough spots on are present. Almost white, light gray, dark
a polished surface. This is not a flaw in either gray, green, pink, and red granites are
the stone or polishing, but simply the way common. Uniform color distribution is usually
biotite is—softer than all other minerals in a desirable feature. Lighter-colored granites
granite. Biotite hardness makes little difference are the average composition of continental
in most applications, as the overwhelmingly crust, while darker granites are more likely
dominant feldspar and quartz minerals are associated with or influenced by nearby oceanic
much harder. Biotite “plucks” slightly in composition stone.
polishing, but generally not when in use.
2.2 Dark, granular igneous rocks,
1.5 Granitization. Earth scientists came classified petrographically as anorthosite,
to realize that much granite is associated with basalt, diabase, diorite, and gabbro, are also
metamorphic stone of extremely high levels. used as dimension stone, and are classed
These are often massive, nonbanded commercially as “black granite.”
granites with no noticeable mineral
segregation into bands. Many examples come
from, but are not limited to, some Far Eastern
locations and Sri Lanka. These often have a
strong presence of red garnet3, a mineral
indicative of metamorphism. Geologic granite,
in terms of mineral content, can be formed by
granitization, a true metamorphic process
by which a solid rock is converted to granite by
entry and/or exit of material or change of
chemical components without going through a
liquid or molten state.

2See Appendix for information about the Mohs Scale of 3Garnet is most often noticeable when red, but also
mineral hardness. occurs in light green and light yellow.

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-9


3.1 The term “texture,” as applied to 7.1 Granites are formed by nature; thus
granite, means size, degree of uniformity, and there are variations in the tonal qualities of the
arrangement of constituent minerals. stones. However, it is these natural differences
that make granites unique, valuable, and highly
3.2 The texture of granite is determined desirable. Because of these variations, selection
by the size and arrangement of mineral grains. of a granite should never be made on the basis
Uniform grain size usually is demanded in of one sample only. It is recommended that
commercial granites. Grain size varies greatly selection be based on viewing sufficient
in different types of granite. samples to show the complete range of colors
of the desired stone. MIA Members can
3.3 Uniform distribution of the minerals is provide these range samples.
as important as uniform grain size. Light and
dark minerals should be distributed evenly 8.0 PROPER USAGE TIPS
throughout the rock mass, for this gives
uniform color and texture. Many commercial 8.1 Recommendation for commercial
deposits display remarkable homogeneity; the floors:
rock may not vary in color or texture for many
feet, either vertically or horizontally. 8.1.1 Minimum ¾" thickness.

4.0 FINISHES 8.1.2 A honed finish.

4.1 Granite surfaces may be finished in a 8.1.3 A minimum hardness value of 25 as

number of ways. See the listing of typical measured by ASTM C241.
finishes on page 5-7 of this chapter.
8.2 Avoid the use of gypsum or molding
5.0 THICKNESS plaster setting spots for the installation of
5.1 Standard nominal thicknesses for
granite are generally 3/8", ¾", 1¼", 1½", 2", 9.0 VENEER CUTTING
3", 4", 6", and 8".
9.1 Quarry blocks are reduced to slabs by
6.0 SIZES a gang saw or wire saw. The gang saw consists
of a series of steel blades set parallel in a frame
6.1 Granite is a product of nature with that moves forward and backward. They are
hundreds of varieties available, each possessing fed a cutting abrasive in a stream of water.
unique characteristics. Little can be done to
alter the condition in which nature presents
these varieties to us. Therefore, size may TECHNICAL DATA –
become a limiting factor to consider in the
selection of a particular granite. Granite
6.2 A jointing scheme that permits the use 1.0 PROPERTIES OF GRANITE
of smaller sizes of granite will greatly facilitate DIMENSION STONE
selection and delivery. The MIA
Member/Supplier should assist in final 1.1 In centuries past, relatively little
approval. importance was attached to the ultimate
physical capabilities of most building materials.

Page 5-10 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America

Rule of thumb was a common structural design Property Range of Values
criterion. As a result, the widely used materials
Compressive Strength (C170)
of the day, for the most part natural rather than
lbs/in² .............................. 4,700-60,000
manmade materials, were seldom stressed to
Recommended (min): 19,000
their ultimate limits.
Flexural Strength (C880)
1.2 In present-day construction, this is far
lbs/in² ...................................700-5,500
from being true. Performance requirements
Recommended (min): 1,200
are daily becoming more demanding. In
striving for taller structures, greater spans,
Modulus of Elasticity (C1352)** (in millions)
firmer foundations, thinner walls and floors,
stronger frames, and generally more efficient
buildings with more usable space, today’s
Density (C97), lb/ft3 .................. 150-200
Architects and Engineers must get the most out
Recommended (min): 160
of the materials with which they work.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,
1.3 Granite is a product of nature and not
in/in/ºF ........................4.7 x 10-6 average
always subject to the rules of consistent
behavior that may apply to manufactured
Modulus of Rupture (C99)
building materials.
lbs/in² ................................ 1,000-3,000
Recommended (min): 1,500
1.4 Physical property values of stone may,
however, be measured using the standard test
Absorption % (by weight) ........... 0.02-0.40
methods approved by the Dimension Stone
Recommended (max): 0.40
Committee C18 of ASTM International. The
MIA and Member companies are represented
Abrasion Resistance Ha ..................... 20-90
on the ASTM committee and are active in its
Recommended (min): 25
technical work of establishing proper test
methods and specifications consistent with the
latest technology. * Test methods described in current ASTM
1.5 Final design should always be based on
specific values for the stone variety ultimately ** Also known as Young’s Modulus.
to be installed. These values may be obtained
from the Stone Supplier. All materials are not 2.0 STRENGTH (ASTM C99,
suitable for all uses. In order to avoid mistaken C170, C880)
selections, tests for material values should be
made prior to final material selection. 2.1 Values for modulus of rupture,
compressive strength, and flexural strength are
1.6 Physical Properties of Granite ascertained by testing specimens of granite
(This historical data and information are under laboratory conditions until they fail.
provided only as a guideline. Recommended
minimums or maximums are established and The C170 procedure is used for determining
provided by ASTM International.)* the compressive strength of a granite
specimen. A cube or cylinder of 2" to 3" in all
dimensions is crushed under a hydraulic ram
and the compressive strength is calculated as
the total load divided by the area of the
specimen. Compressive strength of granite is

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-11

seldom a factor in design, as the compressive 3.2 Underwriters’ fire-resistance ratings
strength is many times the anticipated evaluate whether or not a material will burn,
compressive stresses. This value is most often as well as how long it will keep surrounding
used for comparison of stone types or as a combustible materials from reaching
general strength benchmark for the material. temperatures that will cause them to ignite.
Methods of estimating fire-resistance periods
2.2 The C99 and C880 procedures are of masonry walls and partitions utilizing
both used for determining bending strength. component laminae are given in “Fire
The C99 procedure is much older, and the test Resistance Classifications of Building
protocol is seldom modified, so data obtained Construction,” BMS92, National Bureau of
from this test has some value for comparison to Standards.
historical data or between different stone
types. As a measure of resistance to bending 4.0 ABRASION RESISTANCE
loads, it is not considered to be a representative (ASTM C241)
modeling of panel behaviors in building
applications. The ratio of beam length to beam 4.1 Abrasion resistance is a property of
depth is very small, resulting in what is stone that should be tested per ASTM C241 to
referred to as “thick beam behavior.” The provide an indication of the stone’s wearing
results of this test are usually artificially high qualities when exposed to foot traffic.
due to the thick beam behavior and high shear
stresses in the loaded specimen 4.2 The hardness and uniform wearing
qualities of most granites make them extremely
2.3 The C880 procedure is much desirable and economically practical for floors
preferred when testing granite for resistance to and stairs. Varieties with an abrasive hardness
bending stresses. The procedure calls for a (Ha) of 25 or more, as measured by ASTM
span-to-depth ratio of 10:1, which eliminates C241 tests, are recommended for use as
the influence of thick beam behavior. flooring subject to normal foot traffic.
Furthermore, the test allows specimen
modification to allow the use of actual building
cladding thickness and actual finish, which 5.0 FACTORS AFFECTING
provides a better representation of the stone PROPERTIES
behavior in the cladding application. This
procedure also uses a four-point bending 5.1 The ultimate test of a building material
fixture, which provides a constant stress region is its ability to have and maintain the necessary
over approximately 50% of the specimen. This structural strength, as well as beauty of
provides a greater chance that the weakest appearance and low cost of maintenance, over
point of the specimen will fall within this the useful life of the structure. Experience has
region and produce more reliable data for proven that stone meets this test as few other
design use. building materials can. Studies have shown that
the durability of most stones is little affected by
3.0 FIRE RESISTANCE cycles of weather. This is because most have a
low rate of moisture absorption.
3.1 Stone is not combustible according to
underwriters’ ratings, and therefore is 6.0 SAFETY FACTORS
considered a fire-resistant material. Because of
its thermal conductivity, heat transfer is fairly 6.1 Good engineering practice requires
rapid. Most stone is not considered a highly that allowable design stress must provide a
rated thermal insulator. margin of safety in any structural element. As a
necessary precaution against such conditions as

Page 5-12 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America

wind, ice, snow, impact, temperature changes, Annotated Bibliography,” NBS Science Series
and imperfect workmanship, these allowable 67. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has also
stresses must be smaller than those that published TM 5-809-10, “Seismic Design for
produce failure. Buildings.”

6.2 Within the accepted limits of safe 8.0 EFFLORESCENCE AND

design practice, the closer the allowable load is STAINING
to the ultimate failure load in a structure, the
more efficient is the use of the material and the 8.1 Efflorescence is a salt deposit, usually
less the cost of the construction. white in color, which appears on exterior
surfaces of masonry walls. The efflorescence-
6.3 Contemporary building design does producing salts found in masonry are usually
not usually employ granite as part of the sulfates of sodium, potassium, magnesium,
structural frame, but rather as an independent calcium, and iron. Salts that are chlorides of
unit, a curtain wall, or veneer. Therefore, the sodium, calcium, and potassium will
primary concern in such cases is with wind or sometimes appear, but they are so highly
seismic loads. Safety factors of 3.0 for the soluble in water that they will be washed off by
granite and 4.0 for anchorage assemblies are rain.
recommended. Where the stone is to be
subjected to concentrated loading, such as stair 8.2 The water-soluble salts causing
treads or lintels supported only at the ends, a efflorescence come from other materials in the
factor of 4.0 or greater should be used. wall. The salts exist in small amounts and are
leached to the surface by water percolating
6.4 These safety factors may be adjusted through the wall. The most feasible means of
using sound engineering principles and prevention is to stop the entrance of large
judgment. amounts of water. Absorption from the face
will not cause efflorescence unless there are
6.5 As buildings become taller and open joints.
individual stone slab veneer becomes larger in
area, the lateral forces due to wind loads must 8.3 Some of the salt crystals may form in
be considered. Wind tunnel tests are often the stone’s pores near the surface. Crystal
used on major structures to determine wind growth (recrystallization) in the pores can
dynamics and force magnitude. cause stress on the walls of the pores and cause
the stone to flake off. If the conditions bringing
7.0 SEISMIC about this action persist, scaling may continue
CONSIDERATIONS and flake off, one layer after another. For this
to happen, large amounts of water must enter
7.1 Seismic considerations generally the wall and contain large amounts of salts.
require that low buildings be stiff, and that tall
buildings be relatively flexible. Design of 8.4 Research indicates that staining and
connections must account for seismically discoloration occurring on new buildings are
induced horizontal loading. Local building caused by the action of water percolating
codes vary and must always be checked to through concrete, from which soluble alkali
determine specific requirements for each area. salts are leached. The salts are then carried by
The National Bureau of Standards has published the water through the stone, where partially
two documents on the topic: “Earthquake oxidized organic matter is picked up. This is
Resistant Masonry Construction,” NBS Science then transported to the surface of the stone,
Series 106; and “Abnormal Loading on where it is deposited as a stain as the water
Buildings and Progressive Collapse: An evaporates.

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-13

8.5 This staining phenomenon is similar to
efflorescence, except that it involves organic 9.2 Pitting does not make the granite less
material. It does not harm the stone, other than durable or of inferior quality. Pits exist in all
leaving an objectionable appearance during or granites and should be expected when dealing
soon after erection. However, if left alone, the with a natural, polished stone containing
stain is removed naturally by the action of the several types of minerals with different
elements, usually in the course of a few hardnesses.
8.6 Granite is one of the most durable of
all building materials because the quartz and 10.1 Bacteria requires several things in
feldspar in it are highly resistant to normal order to thrive and grow: oxygen, water,
weathering. Feldspars will, however, dis- sunlight, nutrients, and a substrate to form on.
integrate slowly if exposed to an acid-bearing The minerals in granite are toxic to bacteria. As
atmosphere, as in regions where hydro-carbons a result, there is no habitable environment for
are prevalent. All granites disintegrate very the bacteria to live and grow on a granite
slowly under repeated contraction and surface.
expansion due to diurnal and seasonal
temperature changes, but under ordinary
atmospheric conditions, granite will endure for
years without significant change in color or
11.1 Radon is a naturally occurring gas
generated by the decay of trace amounts of
uranium found in the Earth’s crust. It is an
9.0 PITTING IN GRANITE unstable gas that quickly breaks down and
dissipates in the air.
9.1 Granites are made up of several
different minerals, each having a different 11.2 Radon is measured in units called
hardness. They can contain feldspars, biotites, picocuries per liter (pCi/l). A picocurie is one
amphiboles, ferrous titanium oxides, and other trillionth (10-12) of a curie, which is the amount
mineral combinations. For comparison, on the of radioactivity emitted by a gram of radium.
Mohs Scale, diamonds are the hardest The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
substance, with a hardness of 10. By has established 4 pCi/l as the standard for
comparison, feldspars have a hardness of 6.5 to indoor air; 20 pCi/l represents the maximum
7, which is still quite hard and durable. amount of exposure to radium that is now
Biotites, the black minerals throughout the allowed by U.S. regulations.
slab, are by contrast very soft (2.5 to 4.5) and
flake easily. All true granites have biotite in 11.3 Measurements of Radon from
their composition. Because biotites are soft and Granite Countertops. “Over 500
flaky, the first few layers are removed during measurements of radon emissions from granite
the polishing process, causing pits. Some have been published in the peer reviewed
granites have more biotites throughout their scientific literature.4” This study and other
composition than others. The higher the biotite radon and radiation information and test results
content of the stone, the more pits it will have. may be found at http://www.marble-
All polished igneous/metamorphic rock will institute.com/radon/. None of the research
have varying degrees of pits, depending on the found a single stone that would be a health risk
amount of biotites, muscovite, and phlogopite. to homeowners.

4Natural Stone Countertops and Radon, 2008.

Environmental Health & Engineering, publisher.

Page 5-14 • Granite  2016 Marble Institute of America


12.1 Several methodologies are being used

to enhance varieties of granite. Caution, in
some cases avoidance, should be exercised for
the following methodologies:

12.1.1 Tinting. The adding of color dyes in

sealer-type products to make the color of the
stone conform to a more pleasing one. This is
a short term “fix,” as the color will bleed out
from the stone when it is exposed to the sun,
or is otherwise used.

12.1.2 Epoxy (polyester) Filling. Several

varieties of over-burdened stones that do not
meet the ASTM criteria for Granite Dimension
Stone are being filled with epoxy or polyester
resins (similar to the typical filling techniques
employed in travertine) and marketed for a
variety of uses. This type of stone is generally
not suitable for wet or exterior applications.

12.1.3 Resin filling. This process is being

performed to reduce the effects of “pits” in
granite. Once treated, these stones are
required to be marketed as “filled.” Verify with
the Producer and the End User that the type of
fill being used is both safe and acceptable for
the application intended.

 2016 Marble Institute of America Granite • Page 5-15


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