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Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) : Engineering Group

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Engineering Group

Specification Number
015- WH-1 001
Welding Procedure Approval
And Welding Quality Requirement



Rev Date Revision /.,<~~~Y ','\ "~,Jt,hkd Section PE Client
Specification Number Rav Data Sheet
Englflflflflng Group
Koc Specification 015-WH-1001 0 17-7-94 2 of 14


1.0 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . ... ... .... 3



4.0 PREPARATION OF MATERIALS FOR WELDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

5.0 WELDING PROCESSES .. . ....... ... ... .. . .. ... .... .. .. 5

6.0 WELDING ELECTRODES AND CONSUMABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


7.1 Preheat Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7.2 PWHT . . . . . . . . . . . I ••••• I ••••••••••••••• I 10

8.0 GENERAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS ....•................. 10

9.0 WELD METAL QUALITY ........•....................... 11

10.0 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

11.0 PACKING, MARKING AND DOCUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

ATTACHMENT 1 :HARDNESS SURVEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Specification Numbat Rev Date Sheet

015-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 3 of 14


1.1 This specification covers the review of weld procedures, non-

destructive testing and quality standards required for the fabrication
or supply of pressure retaining equipment and piping for installation
at the Facility in Kuwait.

1.2 The welding shall fully comply with all relevant contractual
requirements specified in the Scope of Work and Technical
Specification of the Contract.


2.1 All welding shall conform in design, materials and performance,

except where otherwise specified, with the current issue and
amendments of the following standards prevailing on the effective
data of the Contract:

2.1 .1 International Standards

ASME V Non-Destructive Examination

ASME IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications


2.1.2 British Standard

BS5135 Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese


2.1 .3 Engineering Group Specifications

015-AH-1001 Basic Design Criteria

0 15-AH-1 002 International Codes and Standards

015-KH-1902 Spare Parts and Maintenance


01 5-UH-1 001 Packing, Marking and Documentation

015-XH-1 005 Shop and Field Painting

2.2 Compliance with this specification shall not relieve the Contractor
of its responsibility to supply equipment suited
specified service conditions and applicable regul

Specification Number Rev Data Sheet
Eng/IIHI'fng Group
Koc SpecificstJon 015-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 4 of 14

2.3 Where conflicts exist between this specification and other

Drawings, standards, codes and specifications, the most stringent
shall be applied.


3.1 Only Company-approved Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS),

with Welding Procedure Qualification Records (WPQR) shall be used
for welding. Applicable welding procedures, weld maps etc., shall
be submitted as soon as possible after the award of work and
sufficiently ahead of the actual welding to allow for adequate
review and approval by the Company.

3.2 A welding procedure is defined as the method and sequences to be

adopted to achieve a satisfactory welded joint when carried out by
competent workmen under the expected conditions of manufacture.
All welding procedures submitted to the Company shall include
welding details and appropriate test results in accordance with the
applicable design code and/or job specifications. The Approved
Manufacturer's standard forms are acceptable for this purpose. If
the Approved Manufacturer's standard forms do not detail all
required information, then the suggested forms in ASME IX, QW-
482 and 483 shall be used.

3.3 Repair welding procedures and qualification records shall be

submitted to the Company for review and approval as soon as
possible after the award of work in order that production is not
delayed when the need for repair welding occurs.

3.4 No welding will be accepted that is not covered by a Company-

approved WPS/WPQR.

3.5 Welder qualification records shall be reviewed by the Company's

Representative in the Vendor works, and should not be submitted
to the Company's office for review.


4.1 All welding preparation details shall be in accordance with Drawings

and welding procedures approved by the Company.

4.2 If flame-cutting or arc-gouging are used on steels containing more

than 2% chromium or on non-ferrous materials, the bevels shall be
finished machined or ground removing at least 1.5 mm of metal.

4.3 Permanently installed ba r.-...-,,.. or strips shall not be used

without prior written ap ny.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
J,OC Eng/nHrlng Group
1\ Spedfication 016-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 6 of 14

4.4 Only stainless-steel brushes and tools shall be used on stainless

steels, nickel alloys, and non-ferrous metals. Any rolls, clamps and
other handling devices shall be cleaned prior to use to minimise

4.5 Socket welds shall conform to design code requirements, but as a

minimum, a gap of approximately 1.6 mm minimum to 3.0 mm
maximum between the bottom of the socket and the edge of the
pipe is required prior to welding.


5.1 The following welding processes with their respective restrictions

are permitted:

5.1.1 Shield Metal-Arc Welding (SMAW)

Travel speed and heat input (kJ/mm) shall be included in

welding procedures when paragraph 7 .1.1 applies.

5.1.2 Submerged-Arc Welding (SAW)

a. Single-pass welds are not permitted. Two-pass welds

shall be subject to Company approval.

b. Removable starting and stopping tabs shall be used

for longitudinal welds.

c. Details of submerged-arc welding (SAW) procedures

shall include travel speed and heat input (kJ/mm).

5.1.3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

a. An internal argon gas purge shall be used for GTAW

root passes of steels with more than 2% Cr.

b. If an argon purge is utilised on carbon, carbon 0. 5 Mo

or 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo, the purge may be removed when
welding of the root bead has been completed.

c. For other alloy steels, the purge may be removed on

completion of the second pass. In the case of
austenitic stainless steels, a nitrogen purge may be
used instead of argon.

r.oc EnglfHHJI'Ing Group
R. Specification
Specification Number



6 of 14

5.1.4 Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW)

Limited to hard surfacing of carbon steel and repairs to

cast irons only.

5.1.5 Gas-Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

a. GMAW using solid wire electrodes shall be carried out

in the spray transfer range.

b. Short circuit dip or pulsed transfer is only permitted


1. Root pass to single-sided welds in piping in the

flat and rolled (1GR) position subject to
Company approval.

2. Tack welds, temporary attachments or other

applications where weld metal deposited by the
GMAW process is subsequently removed.

3. Weld metal overlays made in the 1G position.

4. Non-pressure-retaining fillet welds where the

material being joined does not exceed 7-mm
nominal thickness.

c. Joint preparations for the short-circuiting or pulsed

mode shall be treated as a welding variable (excluding
2 and 3 above).

d. Allowable shielding gases for various materials shall

be as follows:

1. Ni and Ni alloys 99.99%


2. Stainless steel Argon +

spary or pulsed arc 1% Oxygen

3. Stainless steel Argon+ 2%

dip transfer Oxygen

4. Carbon steei:Uitimate
Tensile Strength
upto 450 N/mm 2
T upto

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
KOC EnglnHflng Group 016-WH-1001 0 17-7-94 7 of 14

5. Carbon steel: Ultimate Argon/C0 2

Tensile Strength over
450 N/mm 2 and/or
T over 20mm

6. Carbon steels: Ultimate Argon +

Tensile Strength over 20% C0 2
450 N/mm 2 Low-alloy Steels

7. Carbon steels: Ultimate Argon +

Tensile Strength over 5% H2
450 N/mm 2 Low-alloy steels

8. Stainless steel Argon +

if% C= 0.10 or+ more 5% H 2
Nickel alloy including lncoloys


Other gas mixtures shall be subject to Company

T = thickness

5.1.6 Flux Cored Metal-Arc (FCAW}

a. FCAW shall be carried out in the spray transfer range

and be used for welding carbon steel only.

b. FCAW shall be carried out with a shielding gas except


1. Corrosion-resistant weld overlays when welded

in the flat position.

2; Civil and structural applications and low-

pressure and atmospheric tanks with a
maximum internal gas or vapour space pressure
of 1 bar and a minimum design temperature of-

5.2 The maximum individual weld layer thickness for all processes shall
not exceed:

5.2.1 10 mm for materials less than 32 mm thick.

5.2.2 12.5 mm for mate

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
Eng/IIHffng Group
Koc Spedfication 015-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 8 of 14

5.3 Welding processes and/or specific applications other than those

listed above shall be submitted for Company review and approval
provided that:

5.3.1 The Approved Manufacturer's ability to use the process is

approved by the Company.

5.3.2 The Approved Manufacturer's methods of achieving and

maintaining weld quality are approved by the Company.

5.4 Information submitted to the Company shall include complete

details of the Approved Manufacturer's preparation, welding
techniques, welding procedures for specific applications and past
experience in using the process.

5.5 No welding shall be left uncompleted overnight. Once started, all

welded joints shall be completed in one day.


6.1 The deposit analysis of welding consumable shall match that of the
base material, e.g., carbon steel shall not be welded with C-0.5%
Mo consumable.

6. 2 Actual weld deposit analysis and weld metal physical properties are
required for all alloy welding. The information shall be taken from
the procedure qualification and/or relevant testing. Data listed in
the Approved Manufacturer's catalogues is not acceptable.

6.3 The physical properties of the deposited weld metal shall be within
the limits specified for the material being joined unless approved by
the Company for special applications.

6.4 As a minimum, all welding consumable shall be stored and/or dried

in accordance with the Approved Manufacturer's recommendations.

6.5 Unless specifically waived, all SMAW shall be carried out using low
hydrogen type electrode when any of the following conditions

6.5.1 Steels having a specified maximum carbon equivalent (CE)

above 0.40% (based on short formula CE = C + Mn/6) or
with steels having a specified minimum tensile strength
above 450 N/mm 2 •

6.5.2 Weld repair of ferritic steel

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
EnglfHHIII'Ing Group
Koc Specification 015-WH-1001 0 17-7-94 9 of 14

6. 6 SMAW electrodes shall have core wires of nominally the same

analysis as the base material. Major alloy additions are not to be
made via the flux coating.

6. 7 Electrode classifications E6012, E6013, E7014 and E7024 shall not

be used for welding pressure retaining parts.

These electrodes, however, may be used for non-pressure-retaining

fillet welds of P-1 materials.

6.8 For SAW, alloy steel may only be welded with alloy wire and
neutral flux.

6.9 For P-1 and P-3 steel piping materials requiring the use of low-
hydrogen electrodes, the root pass only may be welded with
EXX1 0/11 electrodes.

6.10 When required by the design code or specified on the purchase

order, carbon, carbon manganese and low-alloy steel welds shall
not exceed 235 HB hardness in any area of the weld, heat-affected
zone or base material. This shall be demonstrated during welding
procedure qualification tests and on subsequent production welds.
See Attachment 1 for procedure qualification survey requirements.

6.11 For welds requiring post weld heat treatment (PWHT), hardness
tests shall be conducted on completion of heat treatment.

6.12 Where standard laboratory equipment cannot be implemented, test

equipment shall be commercially available portable hardness testing

6.13 Austenitic stainless steel (A-8) welding materials for pressure

boundary and local load-bearing welds shall contain a minimum
delta ferrite content of 5% (WRC Ferrite No.5) based upon the
certified chemical analysis and the WRC Delta Ferrite Diagram.

6.14 For PWHT applications and service over 427°C, the ferrite content
of stainless steels shall not exceed 9% (WRC Ferrite No.10). This
shall be verified in the production using ferrite meters subject to the
approval of the Company.

6.15 SMAW electrodes of AWS Type E309 or E309L shall be used for
welding carbon or low-alloy steels to austenitic stainless steels.
The use of alternative shall be agreed by the Company.

6.15.1 In situations where PWHT of this weld

carbon or low-alloy steel mem
AWS type E309 or E309L, and nmc:~T-1.1\If:l treated prior
to welding to the austenitic mber.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
Eng/IHHKing Group
Koc Specificstion 015-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 10 of 14

6.15. 2 Subsequent welding of the "buttered" layer to the stainless

steel shall be carried out with weld metal nominally
matching the stainless steel parent metal.


7. 1 Preheat Temperatures

In general, preheat temperatures shall be in accordance with the

applicable design code minima, except in situations where the
specified hardness (see paragraph 6.1 0) cannot be met. In these
cases, preheat shall be established by welding procedure

7 .1. 1 In addition to design code requirements, carbon steels with

a specified minimum tensile strength greater than 450
N/mm 2 shall have a preheat in relation to wall thickness,
welding heat Input and base material composition
consistent with the requirements of BS 5135, On the
Avoidance of Hydrogen Cracking.

7. 1 . 2 The maximum interpass temperature for austenitic stainless

steels shall be 175°C.

7.1.3 The maximum interpass temperature for all other materials

shall be as specified in the WPS.

7.1 .4 Dissimilar welds between austenitic stainless steels and

ferritic steels shall be welded with a preheat determined by
the ferritic material, but shall not in any case exceed

7.1.5 For the welding of castings the whole casting is to be

maintained within the approved preheat and interpass
temperature during the welding operation, unless
alternatives are approved in writing by the Company.

7.2 PWHT

PWHT shall be in accordance with the applicable design code

and/or job specification.

7.2.1 A written PWHT procedure shall be submitted to the

Company for approval. The submittal shall include a
Drawing showing thermocouple attachment points.

7 .2.2 For P-6 materials, +ht:VP~•tuJ..aTA1~o'iot"\n ature used shall be at

least 28°C or 50°F .......'""' r critical temperature.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
EnglfHiltllfng Group
Koc Specific81ion 016-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 11 of 14

7 .2.3 Direct impingement by furnace burner flames is not


7 .2.4 Sufficient thermocouples shall be properly attached to the

workpiece so as to accurately indicate metal temperature
reached during PWHT.

7 .2.5 Exothermic PWHT is prohibited on all alloy materials. The

Company's written approval is required for exothermic
PWHT of carbon steel.


8.1 Where double-sided bevels are used, the root bead of the first side
welded shall be cleaned back to sound metal before the welding of
the second side commences.

8.2 Vertical welding shall be performed vertical-up. Vertical-down

welding is not permitted.

8.3 Weld peening is prohibited in all weld passes.

8.4 Welding of stainless steel and non-ferrous materials shall be

performed in a dedicated area to prevent contamination.

8.5 Tack welds shall be performed by qualified welders using the same
parameters specified for the root run.


9.1 All welding shall be done in a workmanlike manner, using correct

tools and equipment, and have adequate and competent supervision
at all times. All welding works shall be carried out by welders
qualified by the Company.

9.2 All arc strikes or stop/starts shall be confined to the welding groove
or shall be removed by grinding.

9.3 Weld(s) containing cracks shall be immediately reported to the

Company. The cause of cracking shall be established. After review
with and agreement in writing from the Company, welds containing
cracks may be repaired; otherwise, the entire weld(s) shall be re-
prepared and re-welded in accordance with an approved welding


10.1 All NOT shall be carried !:U"1""~1::rt~:n:t~<-o with the design code
and/or other specifications purchase order.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
EnglfHHIIfng Group
Koc Specificslion 015-WH-1 001 0 17-7-94 12 of 14

10.2 A written procedure for each NOT technique to be used shall be

submitted to the Company for review and approval.

10.3 NOT shall be performed by personnel qualified to an approved

National or International Standard. Details of personnel including
their experience and qualification's shall be reviewed by the

10.4 If NOT reveals conditions not meeting the design code or stated
specification requirements, the cost of the rework for these non-
conforming conditions shall be to the Contractor's account without
extra cost or time to the Contract terms.


For all relevant requirements, refer to the Engineering Group Specification

entitled "Packing, Marking and Documentation" (Number 015-UH-1001 ).

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015-WH-1001 0 17-7-94 13 of 14





Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
EnglnfHHfng Group
Koc Specificslion 015-WH-1001 0 17-7-94 14 of 14

Indentations are to be made along traverses, approximately 1 mm below either

surface of the base material. In the weld metal a minimum of six indentations
equally spaced along the traverses are to be made (except at weld root where two
should be obtained). In the HAZ indentations are to be made along the traverses
for each 0. 5 mm into unaffected material, and starting as close to the fusion line
as possible.


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