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List of Animal

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Source: http://www.davekoelle.com/animal_terms.


acarine mite, tick
accipitrine bird: hawk, falcon, or bird of prey
acipenserine sturgeon
aedine mosquito (genus Aëdes)
alaudine bird: skylark
alcelaphine antelope
alcidine bird: auk, puffin, or murre
alectorine crane
anatine duck, mallard
anguilline snake
anguine snake
anopheline mosquito (genus Anopheles)
anserine goose
antilopine antelope
apian bee
apiarian bee
aquiline eagle
arctian moth
arietine ram
asinine ass
aspine snake, asp

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atherine smelt
avian, avine bird
basilicine basilisk lizard
batrachian toad
bisontine bison
bobovine gaur
bombycine silkworm
bovine cow, ox
bubaline antelope, buffalo, hartebeast
bufotenine toad
buteonine buzzard
caballine horse
cameline camel
cancrine crab
canine dog
capreoline roebuck
caprine goat (without connotation of smell; see also
cathartine vulture, buzzard
cebine capuchin monkey
ceratorhine rhinoceros
cercopithecine monkey
cervine deer, elk, moose, stag

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charadrine plover, snipe, woodcock

chelonian tortoise, turtle
ciconine stork
clathrine primitive sponge
colubrine snake: gartersnake, king snake
columbine dove
coralline coral
corvine crow, raven, jackdaw, jay, magpie
coturnine quail
cricetine hamster, gerbil
crocodiline crocodile
crotaline rattlesnake
cuculine cuckoo
culicine mosquito (genus Culex)
cygnine swan
cyprine carp
cypseline swift
dacelonine kingfisher
dasyproctine agouti
dasyurine dasyure
delphine dolphin
didelphine opposum
didine dodo

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dinornithine moa
draconine dragon
elaphine stag, deer
elapine snake: cobra, coral snake, mamba
elephantine elephant
emberizine bird: bunting, sparrow
equine horse
eusuchian alligator
falconine falcon, hawk, kestrel
feline cat
formicine ant
fringilline finch
fulicine coot
fuliguline eider, sea duck
gadine cod
galline chicken
garruline jay or magpie
gazelline gazelle
giraffine giraffe
glirine rodent
gruine crane
halcyonine kingfisher
herpestine mongoose

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hippocampine seahorse
hippopotamine hippopotamus
hippotigrine zebra
hircine goat (with connotation of smell; see also
hirudine leech
hirundine swallow, martin
homarine lobster
hominine human
hyenine hyena
hylobatine gibbon
hyracine hyrax
hystricine porcupine
ibidine ibis
icterine bird: blackbird, oriole, meadowlark
lacertian, lacertine lizard
lacertilian lizard
lapine rabbit
laridine gull
larine gull
lemurine lemur
leonine lion
leporine hare, rabbit

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limacine slug
lumbricine earthworm
lupine wolf
lutrine otter
lyncine lynx
macropine kangaroo
macropodine kangaroo, wallaby
manatine manatee
megacerine megaceros
megacerotine megaceros
megapterine humpback whale
megatherine giant ground sloth
meleagrine turkey
meline badger
mephitine skunk
microtine lemming, vole
milvine kite
mimine mockingbird
monadine monad, flagellated protozoan
moschine musk deer
murine mouse, rat
muscicapine bird: flycatcher

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musteline ermine (or stoat), ferret, badger, martin, mink,

otter, polecat, skunk, weasel
myoxine dormouse
myrmecine ant
myrmecophagine anteater
nestorine kaka or kea
noctilionine bat
octopine octopus
odobenine walrus
oniscine songbird
ophidian snake
orygine oryx
oscine bird: songbird; also, bird song
ostracine oyster
otarine sea lion, seal
ovibovine musk ox
ovine sheep
pandionine osprey
panorpine scorpion fly
pantherine panther
paradoxurine palm-cat, palm-civet
pardine leopard
parine tit, titmouse

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passerine sparrow / perching bird

patelline limpet
pavonine peacock
pediculine louse
penduline bird: titmouse
percesocine barracuda
percine perch
perdicine partridge
phalacrocoracine cormorant
phalangine phalanger
phascolomian wombat
phasianine pheasant
philomelian nightingale
phocaenine porpoise
phocine seal
picine woodpecker
pieridine butterfly
pierine butterfly
piscine fish
porcine pig
procyonine raccoon
psittacine parrot, parakeet, macaw
pteropine flying fox, bat

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Source: http://www.davekoelle.com/animal_terms.html

pulicine flea
pullastrine pigeon
pyrrhuline bullfinch
pyrrhuloxine bunting, cardinal
pythonine python
ralline rail
rangiferine caribou, reindeer
ranine frog
reptilian reptile, snake
rhinerocerine rhinoceros
rucervine indian swamp deer
rupicaprine chamois
sabelline sable
salamandrine salamander
saurian lizard (suborder Sauria includes lizards;
in older classifications, it also included
crocodiles and dinosaurs)
sciurine squirrel
scolopacine snipe, woodcock
serpentine serpent, reptile, snake
simian monkey
sittine nuthatch
soricine shrew

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sphingine hawkmoth, sphinx

sphinxine sphinx
strigine owl
struthionine ostrich, emu, rhea
sturnine swallow, starling
suilline pig, hog
suine swine
sylphine sylph
sylvicoline warbler
talpine mole
taurine bull, ox
termitine termite
testudine tortoise
tetraonine grouse
tigrine tiger
tolypeutine armadillo
trigine sandpiper
trochilidine hummingbird
trochiline hummingbird
troglodytine wren
turdine thrush, bluebird, robin
ursine bear
vaccine cow

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vermian worm
vespine hornet, wasp
viperine snake, viper
vituline calf
viverrine civet, mongoose
volucrine bird
vulpine fox
vulturine vulture
zebrine zebra
zibeline sable

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