ICC ES Evaluation Report ESR 3269: CR Laurence Company, Inc
ICC ES Evaluation Report ESR 3269: CR Laurence Company, Inc
ICC ES Evaluation Report ESR 3269: CR Laurence Company, Inc
ICC‐ES Evaluation Report
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000 This report is subject to renewal 11/2018.
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ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3269
Reissued November 2017
This report is subject to renewal November 2018.
www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®
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Copyright © 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 18
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 18
IBC Sections 1013 and 1607.8.1, 2009 or 2006 IBC the base shoe and no less than 1 /2 inches (38 mm) from
Sections 1013 and 1607.7.1, IBC Section 2407, or IRC the centerline of the anchor. A minimum of two anchors are
Section R312, whichever is applicable. Handrails/grab rails required for any base shoe section.
must comply with 2015 IBC Sections 1011.11 and 1014, Steel Substrate: The base shoe is attached to a
2012 IBC Sections 1012 and 1009.15, 2009 IBC Sections structural steel member with a minimum thickness of
1012 and 1009.12, 2006 IBC Sections 1012 and 1009.10 1
/4 inch (6.4 mm) using 1/2-by-3/4-inch (12.7 by 19.1 mm),
or 2015 or 2012 IRC Section R311.7.8 and R311.8.3, 2009 ASTM F-837 Alloy Group 1 (any condition), stainless steel,
IRC Section R311.7.7 and R311.8.3, or 2006 IRC Section socket head cap screws installed into tapped holes. When
R3115.6 and R311.6.3, whichever is applicable. The installation is in a through-bolt condition, the cap screw
manufacturer’s published installation instructions, called length must be increased to a length sufficient to permit
“GRS Glass Railing Dry Glaze Taper-Loc System for proper installation with full engagement of the nut. When
Tempered Glass Applications (AVD3919-2/11),” must be installation is to weld blocks, drainage blocks or solid
available at the jobsite at all times during installation. In shims more than 2 inches (51 mm) long by the full base
the event of a conflict between this report and the shoe width at each anchor, no reduction in allowable wind
manufacturer’s instructions, this report governs. loads is required.
4.2 Design: Surface-mounted to Steel: The allowable wind
4.2.1 Loading: The applicable project-specific loads must loads must be as shown in Table 2a. Guard height (Hg) is
be identified. Minimum required loads are one of the from bottom of base shoe to top of guard. An appropriate
following: top rail or grab rail must be used.
50 plf (0.73 kN/m) on the top rail in any direction Fascia-mounted to Steel: The allowable wind
200 lbs (0.89 kN) on the top rail in any direction, and loads must be as shown in Table 2b (heights from top of
50 lbs (0.22 kN) on one square foot at any location base shoe to top of guard).
perpendicular to the glass balustrade Concrete Substrate: The base shoe is attached
The wind load on the full area of glass, in psf to a concrete member with a minimum thickness of
5 inches and minimum compression strength of 3,000 psi
Wind load must be determined by a qualified individual (20.6 MPa), and in an uncracked condition. The
based on the project-specific conditions, taking into attachment is made using either a 3/8-inch-diameter-by-
account the balustrade location on the structure. For 4-inch screw-in Hilti HUS-EZ (KH-EZ) anchor in
installations in compliance with the IRC Section R312, the accordance with ESR-3027, or a Hilti HSL-3 M8 x 33/4-inch
50 plf (0.73 kN/m) top rail load is not applicable. (95 mm) anchor in accordance with ESR-1545. Minimum
4.2.2 Glass: The glass thickness must be at least the spacing between anchors is 6 inches (152 mm). For
thickness necessary to safely support the live loads and 12-inch-on-center (305 mm) anchor spacing, anchor
wind loads. The allowable glass loads are based on locations may be moved to avoid reinforcement, provided
allowable glass edge stresses. Table 1 of this report the same number of anchors is provided and no two
provides allowable wind load in pounds per square foot for anchors are closer than 6 inches (152 mm) center-to-
a given glass thickness, assuming the allowable stress center.
noted in Section of this report. Sandblasted glass Concrete Strength: The allowable wind load
must have a 3/4-inch nominal thickness, with the allowable (W1) for concrete strengths between 3000 psi (20.6 MPa)
loads based on a /2-inch (12.7 mm) thickness as noted in and 5,000 psi (34.4 MPa) may be adjusted by applying the
the tables of this report. adjustment factor in the following equation:
Minimum spacing between glass lights is 1/4 inch cw = √(f′c/3000)
(6.4 mm) for 1/2-inch- and 5/8-inch-thick (12.7 and 15.9 mm)
1 3
glass lights, and /2 inch (12.7 mm) for /4-inch-thick W′ = cw*W
(19.1 mm) glass lites. where W is allowable wind load from the tables Glass Stress: Glass lights serve as balusters to f′c = specified concrete compressive strength, in psi
support the top rail or grab rail and form the guard infill. Sand-lightweight Concrete: When installation
Allowable glass bending stress is the modulus of rupture
is into sand-lightweight concrete, the allowable wind loads
used for the designs noted in this report divided by a factor
from the tables in this report must be reduced by a factor of
of 4 [24,000/4 = 6,000 psi (41.3 MPa)]. Tension bending
stress is based on the minimum glass thickness, except for
wind loads. A wind load stress in accordance with ASTM Adjusted Wind Load: For a 42-inch (1067 mm)
E1300 was used in development of this report. guard height, the allowable wind load from the tables in Holes and Notches: Holes and notches must not this report must be greater than 26 psf (1.25 kN/m2) in
be located within the first third of the balustrade height order for the guard anchorage to be able to support the
from the base shoe. Holes and notches must conform to 50 plf (0.73 kN/m) live load. When typical anchor spacing
ASTM C1048. Holes or notches located within the first third is 12 inches (305 mm) on center, additional anchors may
of the balustrade height from the base shoe are outside the be added to the base shoe (for 10-foot (304 mm) base
scope of this report. shoes or shorter lengths) as follows to provide a 26 psf
(1.25 kN/m2) allowable wind load and a 50 plf (0.73 kN/m)
4.2.3 Base Shoes: top rail live load:
The appropriate base shoe must be selected based on 26.0 psf ≥ W′ > 23.6 psf, add one anchor
glass thickness, installion method and loading. Figure 2
shows the base shoe options. Tables 2a through 2g 23.6 psf ≥ W′> 21.7 psf, add two anchors
provide the allowable wind loads for the base shoes, glass psf ≥ W′ > 20.0 psf, add three anchors
thickness and anchorages. The base shoe must be 2
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published For SI: 1 psf = 0.0479 kN/m
installation instructions and this report. The end anchor Added anchors must be distributed to divide the base
must be installed within 12 inches (305 mm) of the end of shoe into approximately equal segments.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 18 Surface-mounted: When edge distance is number of anchors is four; and for a 42-inch (1067 mm)
equal to or greater than 3.75 inches (95 mm) (concrete guard height, the minimum number of anchors is five.
edge parallel to the anchor and to the centerline of the Other Locations [(50 plf (0.73 kN/m) Top
anchor), the allowable wind loads must be as provided in
Rail Live Load)]: When installed in applications where the
Table 2c for the guard height (Hg) from bottom of the base
50 plf (0.73 kN/m) live load is applicable in accordance
shoe. For edge distances less than 3.75 inches (95 mm),
with 2015 and 2012 IBC Section 1607.8.1 or 2009 and
required for the full anchor strength, the allowable wind
2006 IBC Section 1607.7.1, the anchors must be installed
load must be as provided in Table 2d. Linear interpolation
at 6 inches (152 mm) on center or less. The minimum
between Tables 2c and 2d is permitted for edge distances
number of anchors in any guard segment is five.
from 1.75 inches to 3.75 inches. Fascia-mounted: The base shoes must be When installation is to drainage blocks or solid 1
attached with /2-inch-by-4-inch (12.7 mm by 102 mm) lag
shims, 2 inches long by the full base shoe width at each
screws installed directly to the structural wood member.
anchor, the allowable wind loads must be as provided in
The top of the base shoe must be flush with or below the
Table 2e.
top of the beam corner radius and the beam must extend Fascia-mounted: When fascia-mounted to a below the bottom of the base shoe. The allowable wind
slab edge, beam, wall or similar item, the minimum load must be as determined in accordance with Table 2g.
concrete thickness must be 6 inches (152 mm). The top Linear interpolation for other heights or anchor spacing is
and bottom of the base shoe must not extend past the allowable.
concrete edge. The allowable wind load must be as
4.2.4 Top Rails: A top rail is required for a code-
determined using Table 2f, where guard height is total
compliant guard installation. The term “cap rail” denotes
height above the top of the base shoe. Applicable
the same thing as “top rail” and the two may be used
adjustment factors from Sections and
interchangeably. The top rail is installed in accordance with
must be applied. Minimum wind loads must be verified in
the details provided in the manufacturer’s installation
accordance with Section
details referenced in Section 4.1 of this report. Fascia-mounted over Drainage Blocks: Support: The top rail must be installed so as to
When installation is with aluminum drainage blocks
remain in place in the event of the failure of any one glass
2 inches (51 mm) wide by 4 inches (102 mm) deep at each
light. This requires the use of a minimum of three glass
anchor, the allowable wind load must be reduced by
lights or a combination of other top rail supports and glass
multiplying by 0.95 as shown in the following equation:
lights totaling three, minimum. Figure 5 illustrates the top
W′ = 0.95W rail support conditions. The top rail end condition (Figure 6) Wood Substrate: Wood must have a moisture must be checked to verify that the rail will remain in place
content under 19 percent at the time of fabrication and be in the event of failure of the end glass light. End support
a species and grade with specific gravity G ≥ 0.49. For must be designed when required for a code-compliant
exterior locations all base shoes, fasteners must be installation. The stabilizing end cap shown in Figure 14 is
stainless steel (304 or 316). Fasteners must be tightened an acceptable method of end support.
so that the base shoe is in tight contact with the supporting Top Rail Profiles: The top rail profiles are shown
wood. in Figure 7. The allowable glass light widths for the top rail Surface-mounted: All base shoes are similar profiles are given in Table 3, based on live loads of 50 plf
and interchangeable. (0.073 kN/m) uniform load or 200 pounds (0.89 kN)
concentrated load, whichever is critical. Glass light widths Exterior: Direct surface mounting to wood in must be less than or equal to the maximum widths shown
exterior locations is prohibited. When surface-mounted, the in Table 3. If the end light width exceeds the value shown
base shoe must be attached to steel or aluminum brackets in Table 3, the top rail must be attached to a wall or post.
attached to the wood structure. Refer to Figure 3 for the The end light must be at least as wide as the minimum
aluminum bracket, and to Figure 4 for the steel bracket. light width indicated in Table 1 for the specified glass
Allowable wind load for these options are: thickness and guard height.
36-inch guard height, W = 46.7 psf (2.24 kN/m2) Stainless Steel End Post: Where the glass end
2 light exceeds the allowable end light width shown in Table
42-inch guard height, W = 34.3 psf (1.64 kN/m )
3, the top rail must be supported at the end by means of a
The wind load when the attachment uses a continuous post or wall attachment. A stainless steel post inserted in
angle with #14x3-inch (76 mm) wood screws at 3 inches the base shoe and top rail may be used, as shown in
(76 mm) on center, is: Figure 6. The post minimum width for a maximum glass
42-inch guard height, W = 68.8 psf (3.289 kN/m2) height of 42 inches (1067 mm) must be as shown in Table Interior: Base shoes surface-mounted directly 4. Posts may either match glass thickness or fit tightly into
to wood with a specific gravity G ≥ 0.49 and a compressive the base shoe.
strength perpendicular to the grain ≥ 625 psi (4.1 MPa), 4.2.5 Taper-Loc X Dry Glazed System:
are limited to locations where the supporting wood is at or Description: This is a dry glazing system where
below the in-service moisture content of 15 percent and the glass is clamped inside the base shoe by the Taper-
will not be subject to wetting. The base shoe must be Loc® Shoe Setting Plate (an L-shaped piece on the back
anchored with /8-inch-by-5-inch (9.5 mm by 127 mm) lag ®
side) and the Taper-Loc Shim Plates (front side), as
screws. The B5L base shoe must not be used for surface illustrated in Figure 8. The glass is locked in place by the
mounting to wood when guard height exceeds 24 inches. compressive forces created by the Taper-Loc® shim plates One- and Two-family Dwellings and IRC being compressed together by the installation tool. Use of
Applications [(200 pounds (0.89 kN) Top Rail Live Load the calibrated installation tool assures that the proper
Only)]: When installed in private residences, the anchors compressive forces are developed. The Taper-Loc®
must be installed at 12 inches (305 mm) on center or less. system is compatible with all base shoes except for the
For a 36-inch (914 mm) guard height, the minimum B5L, which is too shallow for the tapers.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 18 Use: The appropriate Taper-Loc® set must be the loads as given in 2015 or 2012 IBC Section 1607.8.1 or
used for the specified base shoe and glass thickness, and 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1607.7.1, whichever is
installed in accordance to the manufacturer’s printed applicable. The stabilizing end cap shown in Figure 14 may
instructions using the calibrated installation tool. Figure 8 be used to attach the handrail or top rail to a wall or
shows the applicable dimensions. The spacing of the perpendicular post face.
Taper-Loc® sets must be as noted in Figure 8.
4.2.6 Wet Glazing: Glass may be wet glazed into any of
The C.R. Laurence Glass Rail System described in this
the base shoes using a pourable grout that is compatible
report complies with, or is a suitable alternative to what is
with aluminum and glass (see Figure 9).
specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, Installation: Minimum grout compressive strength subject to the following conditions:
must exceed 1,500 psi (10.3 Mpa) at 24 hours, and
5.1 The product is limited to installation where it is not
4,000 psi (27.6 MPa) at 28 days. The grout must be mixed,
subject to vehicle impacts.
placed and cured in accordance with the grout
manufacturer’s instructions. Wet glazing grout must be 5.2 Installation must comply with this report, the
continuous in the base shoe, filling all voids, and extend to manufacturer’s published installation instructions, and
the roll-in rubber glazing channel in the base shoe. Sections of the IBC or Sections of the IRC, identified
in Section 4.1 of this report, whichever is applicable.
4.2.7 Handrails:
When the manufacturer’s instructions conflict with this Use: Handrails are required along ramps and report, this report governs.
stairs in accordance with 2015 IBC Sections 1011.11 and
5.3 Under the 2015 IBC the single fully tempered glass is
1012.8, 2012 IBC Sections 1009.15 and 1010.9, 2009 IBC
limited to uses in handrails and guardrails where there
Sections 1009.12 and 1010.8, 2006 IBC Sections 1009.10
is no walking surface beneath them or the walking
and 1010.8, 2015 and 2012 IRC Sections R311.7.8 and
surface is permanently protected from the risk of
R311.8.3, 2009 IRC Sections R311.7.7 and R311.8.3 or
falling glass, as noted in the exception in Section
2006 IRC Sections R311.5.6 and R311.6.3, as applicable.
2407.1 of the 2015 IBC.
Also, the handrail must comply with the applicable code
sections noted in Section 4.1 of this report. 5.4 The supporting structure must be designed and
constructed to support the loads imposed by the GRS Brackets: The handrails may use any of the
guards in accordance with the applicable code. The
brackets or combination of brackets shown in this report.
anchorage to the frame must be as specified in this
C.R. Laurence brackets covered by this report are HR2S,
report or designed to provide the required strength for
HR2D, HR3E, HR2F, HR15G, and HR2J (see Figure 11).
the specified balustrade height and imposed loads. Handrail: The handrails may use any of the rails Drawings and design details for the GRS system,
noted below: using the information noted in this report, must be
included on construction plans submitted to the
1 /4-inch Schedule 40 pipe - steel, stainless steel or
building official for approval. The drawings and details
must be prepared by a registered design professional
11/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe - steel, stainless steel or where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in
aluminum which the project is to be constructed.
11/2-inch OD by 1
/8-inch tube - stainless steel or 5.5 When use is in exterior locations, the wind loads on
aluminum the GRS guards must not exceed the values noted in
this report. For glass heights other than those noted in
11/2-inch OD by 0.05-inch tube - stainless steel this report, the allowable wind loads must not exceed
2-inch OD by 0.05-inch tube - stainless steel the value calculated by the following equation: Installation: Handrails may be installed to glass W = (Mgmax/2.5)
balustrade guards using the through-glass mounting (0.55*H2)
brackets shown in this report (see Figure 11). The brackets
must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s where:
instructions. The glass holes must comply with Section H = glass height above supports, in feet of this report. 1
Mgmax/2.5 = 352 ft-lb for /2-inch fully tempered glass Support: The handrail must be installed so as to 5
remain in place in the event of the failure of any one glass 566.4 ft-lb for /8-inch fully tempered glass
light. This requires the use of a minimum of three glass 827.2 ft-lb for /4-inch fully tempered glass
lights or a combination of other handrail supports and glass
For SI: 1 ft – 1 lbf = 1.356 N-m
lights totaling three, minimum, similar to the toprail support
illustrated in Figure 5. The handrail end condition must be 5.6 When installed where exposed to moisture, the base
checked to verify that the rail will remain in place in the shoe anchors must be of a material intended for the
event of failure of the end glass light. End support must be use and identified by the manufacturer as acceptable
designed when required for a code-compliant-installation. for exterior applications. When installed in a corrosive
environment, such as one where there is exposure to Spacing: The bracket spacing must be within the
salt water or pool water, the anchors must be 316
limits shown in Table 5, with dimensions as defined in
stainless steel.
Figure 10.
5.7 All metals in contact with aluminum must be either an Attachment: The handrail, when supported by the
alloy approved for direct aluminum contact, or isolated
glass balustrade, must be attached to one of the brackets
from the aluminum by an approved coating.
noted in this report, in accordance with the detail shown in
Figure 12, and to the glass as shown in Figure 13. 5.8 The GRS systems described in this report must not
Alternative attachment must be designed to safely support be used in Wind-Borne Debris Regions.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 18
5.9 A proper top rail or handrail must be installed in 6.2 Manufacturer’s published installation instructions.
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and
6.3 GRS engineering analysis reports:
this report when guards are required by 2015 IBC
Section 1015; 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC Section GRS – Glass Rail System Wet Glazed or Taper-
1013, or Section 312 of the IRC, as applicable. Loc® System Dry-Glazed Base Shoes, dated April
13, 2012.
5.10 All glass must be fully tempered, fabricated, and
inspected in accordance with ASTM C1048, and the GRS – Glass Rail System – Top Rails and
glass fabricator must provide certification of Handrails, dated April 13, 2012.
compliance with ASTM C1058 for fully tempered
glass. Glass must be procured directly from a
qualified glass fabricator and is not produced or The CRL GRS™ and Taper-Loc® guard system
supplied by C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. components described in this report are identified by a
® stamp on the packaging bearing the manufacturer’s name
5.11 The CRL GRS™ and Taper-Loc components, except
for the glass, are supplied by C.R. Laurence Co., Inc., (C.R. Laurence Co., Inc., sometimes abbreviated as CRL);
product description and/or part number; and the ICC-ES
of Los Angeles, California.
evaluation report number (ESR-3269).
6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance
Criteria for Glass Railing and Balustrade Systems
(AC439) dated February 2014 (editorially revised July
1 Allowable wind load 3
Glass thickness 2 42-inch Guard Height
36-inch Guard Height
(inches) (psf)
/2 71.1 psf 52.2 psf
/8 114.4 psf 84.1 psf
/4 167.1 psf 122.8 psf
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 psf = 0.0479 kN/m2.
Glass thickness 2 3
36-inch Guard Height 42-inch Guard Height
1 1
/2 2 feet 6 inches 2 feet 10 /2 inches
/8 1 foot 7 inches 1 foot 10 inches
/4 1 foot 0 inches 1 foot 3 inches
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 foot = 305 mm; 1 psf = 0.0479 kN/m2.
Nominal glass thickness shown, minimum thickness: 0.469″ for 1/2-inch; 0.595″ for 5/8-inch and 0.719″ for 3/4-inch.
Glass height above top of base shoe = 32 inches
Glass height above top of base shoe = 38 inches
The allowable wind loads may be adjusted for other lite heights by:
W’ = W42*422
where Hg = total guard height measured from bottom of base shoe to top of cap rail in inches.
W42 = Allowable load at 42-inch guard height.
The minimum glass lite width is permitted to be provided the 6-inch top rail/guardrail is continuous across the total glass width of 1.5 times the
minimum width or attached to additional supports at rail ends.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 18
Fascia Mounted
Concrete anchors edge distance ≥ 1/2 base shoe height
ATBS = Above Top of Base Shoe to top of guard.
Anchor spacing to concrete 12-inch on-center
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inch 42-inch
Base Shoe Allowable wind load Allowable wind load
B5G, B5S, 8B 49.7 psf 37.0 psf
B5L 42.0 psf 31.2 psf
B6S 49.7 psf 37.0 psf
B7S 49.7 psf 37.0 psf
Anchor spacing to concrete 6-inches on-center
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inches 42-inches
B5G, B5S, 8B 77.1 psf 57.5 psf
B5L 51.0 psf 37.9 psf
B6S 77.1 psf 57.5 psf
B7S 77.1 psf 57.5 psf
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 psf = 0.0479 kN/m2.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 18
Fascia Mounted
To wood with 1/2-inch lag screws with 2.37-inch minimum embedment to wood G ≥ 0.49
Anchor spacing 12-inch on center Interior or Dry locations mc ≤ 19%
ATBS = Above Top of Base Shoe to top of guard.
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inches 42-inches
Base Shoe Allowable wind load Allowable wind load
B5G, B5S, 8B 48.7 psf 36.3 psf
B5L 41.4 psf 30.8 psf
B6S 48.7 psf 36.3 psf
B7S 48.7 psf 36.3 psf
Anchor spacing 6-inch on-center.
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inches 42-inches
B5G, B5S, 8B 92.6 psf 69.0 psf
B5L 77.8 psf 57.9 psf
B6S 92.6 psf 69.0 psf
B7S 92.6 psf 69.0 psf
Anchor spacing 12-inch on-center. Exterior or wet locations where mc ≥ 19%
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inches 42-inches
Base Shoe Allowable wind load Allowable wind load
B5G, B5S, 8B 34.5 psf 25.7 psf*
B5L 29.4 psf 21.9 psf*
B6S 34.5 psf 25.7 psf*
B7S 34.5 psf 25.7 psf*
*Does not meet 50 plf live load on top rail required by Section 1607.8.1 (2012) or 1607.7.1 (2009 and 2006) of the IBC. See Section 4.2.1 of
this report.
Anchor spacing to 6-inches on-center.
Total Guard Height ATBS 36-inches 42-inches
B5G, B5S, 8B 66.9 psf 49.9 psf
B5L 56.8 psf 42.2 psf
B6S 66.9 psf 49.9 psf
B7S 66.9 psf 49.9 psf
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 psf = 0.0479 kN/m2.
The allowable wind loads may be adjusted for other light heights by equation 3:
Wꞌ = W42*422 Eq. 3
where HG = glass height measured from top of base shoe to top of top rail in inches.
ESR-3269 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 18
Handrail Material2 L2 in Le in
1 /4-inch Sched 40 St or SS 96 24
1 /4-inch Sched 40 6063-T6 Al 84 21
1 /2-inch Sched 40 St or SS 115 34
1 /2-inch Sched 40 6063-T6 Al 96 29
11/2-inch x 1/8-inch Tube SS 102 27
1 1
1 /2-inch x /8-inch Tube 6063-T6 Al 62 15
1 /2-inch x 0.05-inch Tube SS 50 12
2-inch x 0.05-inch Tube SS 92 22
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
See Figure 10 for additional details.
St = A53 Steel, SS = 304 or 316 Stainless Steel HORIZONTAL TOP RAIL
For 1/2-inch Fully Tempered Glass maximum glass light height = 42-inch:
Edge Distance: 2-inches ≤ A ≤ 85/8-inches; 51 mm ≤ A ≤ 219 mm
Center to center spacing: 7-inches ≤ B ≤ 14-inches: 178 mm ≤ B ≤ 356 mm
Adjustments to spacing:
1. For glass light heights over 42-inches Amax and Bmax must be reduced proportionally.
Amax = 85 /8 *(42/h)
Bmax = 14*(42/h)
h = glass height
2. For glass light heights under 42-inches Amax and Bmax must not be increased.
3. Amin and Bmin are for ease of installation and can be further reduced as long as proper installation is achieved.
4. For glass thicknesses greater than 1/2″ Amax and Bmax may be increased as follows:
/8-inch Glass
Edge Distance: 2-inches ≤ A ≤ 13.5″
Center to center spacing: 7″ ≤ B ≤ 21″
/4-inch Glass
Edge Distance: 2-inches ≤ A ≤ 19″
Center to center spacing: 7″ ≤ B ≤ 31″
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.