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Review Article
Enantiomeric Separation and Determination of Absolute
Stereochemistry of Asymmetric Molecules in Drug
Discovery—Building Chiral Technology Toolboxes
Wyeth Research, Chemical and Screening Sciences, Collegeville, Pennsylvania
Wyeth Research, Chemical and Screening Sciences, Princeton, New Jersey
Wyeth Research, Chemical and Screening Sciences, Pearl River, New York
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
In contrast to previous usage, Chiral Technology is defined in this review
In the United States, major pharmaceutical companies as the use of techniques or tools for the determination of absolute stereo-
are primarily responsible for discovering and bringing to chemistry, the chiral analysis or preparative separation of racemic small
the patient life-improving and life-saving drugs. To con- molecules containing one or more asymmetric centers into (all of) their
enantiomers (¼ enantiomeric or chiral separation), and the facilitation of
tinue to foster strong scientifically viable research pro- asymmetric transformations, but not asymmetric transformations them-
grams, as the ‘‘R’’ in ‘‘R&D’’ is sometimes a casualty when selves. The terms Chiral Technology and Chirotechnology have often
been used as a general category for asymmetric transformations using
a need arises to triage costs in difficult financial times, enzymes, chiral building blocks, chiral auxiliaries, and chiral catalysts, as
these companies must constantly reassess and improve well as chiral salt resolution.1–13
research and development strategies. For drug discovery Carl Balibar is currently at Harvard Medical School, Department of Biological
Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
programs in pharmaceutical companies, the need to Christina Kraml and Neal Byrne are at Accelapure, Princeton University, New
improve and produce creates tremendous challenges for Jersey.
all groups, including high throughput screening, explora- Brian Marquez is currently at Pfizer, Groton, Connecticut.
R. Thomas Williamson is currently at Roche Carolina Inc, Florence, South
tory chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, Carolina.
discovery synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry, Yingru Zhang is currently at Bristol-Meyers-Squib, Lawrenceville, New Jersey.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Oliver J. McConnell, Discovery Analytical Chem-
biological chemistry, biology in a myriad of therapeutic istry, Chemical Sciences, Wyeth Research, 500 Arcola Road, Collegeville,
areas, structural biology, including protein expression, pu- Pennsylvania 19426, USA. E-mail: mcconno@wyeth.com
rification and characterization, translational medicine, and Received for publication 30 November 2006; Accepted 9 February 2007
DOI: 10.1002/chir.20399
discovery drug safety and metabolism. Barely scratching Published online 27 March 2007 in Wiley InterScience
the surface, a few of the challenges include addressing the (www.interscience.wiley.com).
C 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
complexity of identifying new biological targets involved in the requirement that each enantiomer must be evaluated
difficult-to-cure diseases, while maneuvering through a when developing stereoisomeric drugs.184 Consequently,
crowded chemical space and difficult intellectual property on top of all of the difficulties and hurdles involved in drug
environment, and making valiant efforts to manage, discovery that have been referred above, there are addi-
archive, and disseminate large numbers of compounds, as tional challenges from discovering and developing asym-
well as huge and multiple databases containing invaluable metric molecules. These include producing and analyzing
information needed across functions and often across dif- enantiomerically pure synthetic intermediates and final tar-
ferent research sites. At the same time, companies are try- gets, and determining the absolute stereochemistry of
ing to shorten the drug discovery timelines from target these molecules. In many pharmaceutical companies,
identification and high throughput screening through the these activities have begun in the early exploratory phase
exploratory and discovery phases into development to no of the discovery process and with greater intensity.
more than a few years. Companies are also determining Although the ultimate goal for all of the effort described
where outsourcing and partnering are an effective means above is seemingly quite simple—cure diseases in
of reducing overall costs without sacrificing the quality of humans, Figure 1 attempts to provide a visual context to
research and development, compromising intellectual position Chiral Technology in the highly complex and
property, and extending timelines. Consequently, pharma- evolving drug discovery environment with its numerous
ceutical companies are applying to their drug discovery challenges, hurdles, and tools.
efforts all available and appropriate chemical, molecular To prepare and analyze enantiomerically pure synthetic
biological and computational tools—virtual screening, in intermediates and final targets and determine their abso-
silico rational drug design,14–28 bioinformatics,29 chemo- lute stereochemistry, pharmaceutical companies have
metrics,30,31 the ’omics32–77—genomics, chemogenomics, needed to develop what we are describing as Chiral Tech-
proteomics, metabolomics, and metabonomics, parallel nology toolboxes. Similar to repairing a vehicle, where
synthesis,78–84 ultrafast purification and analysis,85–93 X-ray having sufficient knowledge to effectively troubleshoot the
crystallography of proteins and potential lead compounds problem, having the appropriate tools at one’s disposal,
from parallel synthesis,94 and novel applications of high- and knowing how to use the tools well are essential to an
powered and high field NMR95–98 and FT-MS,99–103 in efficient and successful repair, so it is with the various Chi-
addition to high throughput and high content screening ral Technology tools available to carry out the tasks men-
paradigms.104–114 tioned above. Because it is not possible to know the details
In the past, discovering a potential drug candidate of Chiral Technology toolboxes at other pharmaceutical
focused ideally on finding a compound with nanomolar or companies, described herein is what we do know, i.e., the
better activity and exquisite selectivity toward the target collective efforts of numerous chemists at Wyeth
receptor or enzyme. Now, the quality of compounds com- Research, whom we believe exemplify the practice in
ing from drug discovery and entering development must industry, to use these tools as well as develop new ones,
also be dramatically improved with respect to their drug- and then apply them in effective ways.
like properties,115–133 i.e., physicochemical, pharmacoki-
netic, and safety (or toxicity and drug-drug interaction)
properties, to reduce the attrition rate of drug candidates
later in clinical trials. Structure–activity-relationship (SAR) EARLY CHIRAL TECHNOLOGY TOOLBOX
studies are now carried out in parallel with structure–prop- Determination of Absolute Stereochemistry
erty-relationship (SPR) studies during lead optimization A decade ago, viable techniques for the determination of
from the early exploratory phase all the way through the absolute stereochemistry of small molecule drugs that were
discovery phase into the predevelopment phase.134–167 and are still available at our company include X-ray crystallog-
Further, chirality in the form of drugs containing one or raphy,185,186 comparison of specific optical rotation values and
more asymmetric centers plays a critical role in pharma- circular dichroism curves,187,188 circular dichroism using exci-
ceutical research and development.168–177 The evidence ton-coupling in combination with molecular modeling studies
for this is clear as in 1990, nearly a third of the drugs of the lowest energy conformers,189–197 and NMR using the
brought to market were either racemates or diastereom- (modified) Mosher’s or Trost approach,198–203 where func-
ers.178 Over the past several years, only one or two drugs tional groups such as secondary alcohols, primary amines, or
have been brought to market as racemic or diastereomeric carboxylic acids with substituents in the a- or b- positions are
mixtures.179,180 In 2004, five of the top ten selling drugs amenable to derivatization. For the determination of absolute
contained single-enantiomers, and this accounted for stereochemistry, X-ray crystallography185,186 is commonly
$32.4B or *61% of worldwide sales.181 (Although in race- viewed as the most reliable technique, however, the caveats
mic form, the active ingredients of three additional top ten- for this approach are the ability to prepare crystals suitable
selling drugs featured asymmetric centers.) The enantiomers for analysis and the recognition that X-ray analysis may be
that have been brought to market, include, of course, the incorrect, albeit rarely.204,205 X-ray crystallography and CD
so-called ‘‘chiral’’ or ‘‘racemic switches’’ where an enan- analysis have been available through important university col-
tiomer of a drug is (re)developed and marketed instead of laborations; several examples of compounds where absolute
the racemate, and, ideally, shortly before patent expiration stereochemistry has been determined by X-ray crystallogra-
of the racemate occurs.175–177,182,183 Several years ago, the phy have been published (Fig. 2).206–209 Application of the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) weighed in with exciton chirality CD method to compounds that already con-
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 1. Positioning Chiral Technology in a highly complex and evolving drug discovery environment.
tain two or more chromophores has been amply demon- preparative enantiomeric (or chiral) HPLC separation on the
strated on a variety of compounds,190,192,193 including micro- more commonly used polysaccharide, antibiotic, or Pirkle-
bially-derived natural products originating from the Wyeth brush type chiral stationary phases (CSPs).214–220 Besides
Research Natural Products Group (Fig. 3).210–213 the scientific literature and vendor’s brochures and catalogs,
searchable databases are also available, e.g., Chirbase'.221–225
Enantiomeric Analysis and Preparative Separation Using various molecular modeling and statistical techniques,
Over the past several decades, considerable research and the enantioselective binding properties of solutes with CSPs
experimentation have yielded a sizeable body of knowledge are slowly beginning to be understood.226–230 However, a
from which a chromatographer can extract exact conditions successful separation is often not predictable based on
or at least guidelines to carry out a successful analytical or analyte structure and CSP, and the common approach
Fig. 2. Examples of compounds where X-ray crystallographic analysis was used for determination of absolute stereochemistry.
Fig. 3. Examples of natural products where CD was employed to determine absolute stereochemistry.
continues to rely simply (or perhaps not so simply) on ana- Chiral Technology would be timely and productive. Conse-
lyte screening by HPLC (or SFC - vide infra) on the avail- quently, an initiative was undertaken several years ago at
able CSPs in the analyst’s lab.231–234 our company with the expressed purpose of enhancing
In the area of chiral separations, capabilities available a chiral drug discovery by increasing or enhancing exper-
decade ago and primarily used in Discovery at our company tise, capabilities, and capacity in: (1) enantiomer separa-
included analytical and preparative chiral HPLC with stand- tion including purification, and chemical and biochemical
ard UV detection, which are commonly used techniques, resolution; (2) enantiomer analysis using HPLC, SFC, GC,
and chiral salt resolution. During this time, the analytical CE, and possibly MS; and (3) determination of absolute
chiral HPLC instrumentation featured automated method stereochemistry using X-ray crystallographic and spectro-
development using gradient solvent programming and scopic techniques, and computational means. The initiative
column switching devices. The chiral preparative HPLC resulted in several years of quarterly working group meet-
instrumentation featured automated injection and solvent ings at all of our research sites, seminars given by experts
recycling. In contrast to Development groups at most compa- in academia and select companies, symposia, evaluation
nies, the preparative setups in the Discovery Analytical Chemis- and implementation of various chiral separation and abso-
try (DAC) group at Wyeth Research employed primarily 2 cm lute configuration technologies, and original and ongoing
id columns, using for the most part polysaccharide-based and research to explore new techniques in these areas. Very
Pirkle-type CSPs, and injection quantities of the order of 10s importantly, the efforts were successful in large part by
to 100s of mg. Alternatively, enantiomeric separations were working closely with key external companies and aca-
achieved by preparation of chiral salts. In those cases where it demic groups. In-house research as well as collaborations
was deemed more efficient and cost effective, samples were with colleagues at universities and instrument companies
analyzed externally by a company specializing in chiral salt re- are ongoing.
solution using their unique process, Dutch Resolution, The current status of our Chiral Technology toolbox
whereby families of chemically related chiral salts are used derived from this initiative is found in Table 1.
for resolution.235–240 Because the analytical techniques used
to assess enantiomeric excess have been linked closely to
preparative separations, chiral capillary electrochromato- CURRENT TOOLBOX—CHIRAL SEPARATIONS
graphic techniques241–245 and chiral GC-MS246–249 have nor-
mally been used as secondary analytical approaches. A tremendous enhancement to the Discovery analyst’s
separation toolbox took place with the advent of commer-
cially-available packed-column sub- and supercritical auto-
mated SFC instrumentation with stacked injection.250–253
CHIRAL TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE Sub- and supercritical fluids with modifiers and additives
The dramatic increase over the past decade of potential typically manifest an analyte selectivity that is not quite
drug leads with asymmetric centers, especially in the CNS the same as in HPLC. The greater diffusivity and lowered
area,169 made it apparent that an initiative focusing on viscosity of supercritical fluids lead to higher linear
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
TABLE 1. Discovery chiral technology toolbox bed (SMB) instrumentation that has become available
commercially. SMC may become an especially useful
Enantiomeric (chiral) separations—Analytical and preparative:
(Automated) analytical and preparative HPLC
technique in those preparative cases where only partial
(Automated) analytical and preparative sub- and supercritical resolution is obtained rather quickly, and it is deemed
fluid chromatography (SFC) with stacked injection by the chromatographer more efficient to use a column
Chiral salt resolution switching approach than to exhaustively study station-
Semiautomated enzyme screening system for asymmetric ary phases, solvents, and additives to achieve ideal prep-
transformations using enzymes arative separation conditions, or to use SMB.264–271
Determination of absolute stereochemistry: A novel strategy for rapid chiral method development
X-ray crystallography uses multicolumn parallel screening and circular
Circular dichroism (exciton chirality and porphyrin tweezers) dichroism signal pooling to shorten chiral method de-
Measured versus calculated and comparison methods:
velopment by at least one-fifth of the time.272 This
Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD)
Electronic circular dichroism (ECD)
approach splits the injection of one sample of race-
Optical rotation (OR) mate and pumps the split sample in parallel through
NMR methods: at least five different chiral stationary phases followed
(Modified) Mosher’s and Trost methods by an equal number of UV detectors. The eluent com-
Chiral liquid crystals ing out of each UV detector is then recombined by
flowing into a multiport valve. The single outlet from
this valve directs the recombined flow into a CD de-
tector. The signal pooling from the multiple columns
velocities and higher theoretical plates in SFC separations. and UV detectors allows for the effective use of a sin-
This translates typically to faster separations (per unit gle CD detector for multiple columns since unresolved
time) and fractions with higher purities when compared racemate has little CD signal, and observing the sign
with preparative HPLC. Further, the features of stacked of CD signal for one of the two-enantiomer UV peaks is
injection252 on 2 cm id columns and CO2-based purification sufficient for tracking the enantiomeric elution order.
systems provide high yields of fractionated materials and A novel environmentally friendly fluorinated solvent,
in small (alcohol) solvent volumes and facilitate the proc- ethoxynonafluorobutane, was found to complement n-
essing of gram quantities of racemate per hour, with mini- hexane in normal-phase HPLC applications.273 Ethoxy-
mal follow-up processing. (Five cm id columns containing nonafluorobutane, which is miscible in all polar organic
CSPs are also currently available, but are used exclusively solvents, and its mixtures with methanol were de-
for separations by HPLC.) The primary CSPs now used for monstrated to have unique selectivity in chiral HPLC
enantiomeric preparative separation are the coated as well applications.
as the immobilized polysaccharide-based materials,254,255 The use of atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
although the Pirkle-type columns continue to find utility. (APCI)-mass spectrometry in combination with ethoxy-
Similar to identifying parameters for successful enantio- nonafluorobutane, was used effectively for normal-
meric separation by HPLC,231–234 screening CSPs, alcohol phase HPLC separations, including both achiral and
cosolvents, and acidic and basic modifiers are integral chiral separations, on a wide variety of structural
components in developing successful chiral separations by classes.274 (Hexane is not a suitable solvent for APCI-
SFC.256–258 A note of caution is appropriate as reversal of MS due to safety considerations.) These findings were
elution order of enantiomers is neither uncommon nor subsequently verified by a well-known, independent
currently predictive in HPLC and SFC separations.259–262 lab.275 A follow-up study in our labs examined this LC-
Therefore, spectroscopic characterization of the eluted (APCI) MS approach by carrying out mass-directed
enantiomers is paramount to successfully correlating con- (auto) purification on members of the same classes
figuration with eutomer (biologically active enantiomer) of compounds276 as well as on non-UV-active com-
and distomer (biologically inactive enantiomer). pounds.277 One example described the normal phase
Since our Chiral Technology initiative began, consider- separation on a CN stationary phase of optically-active
able effort has been made in the general area of enantio- diastereomers formed from a racemic acid that fea-
meric separations or chiral chromatography to become tures an a-methyl group and (1S)-()-2,10-camphorsul-
more efficient, productive, and creative. Brief descriptions tam, which appears to be a useful derivative in general
of many of these efforts are provided below: to effect enantiomeric separations of chiral acids.277
The use of atmospheric pressure photoionization
An HPLC technique titled ‘‘simulated moving columns’’ (APPI)-mass spectrometry to analyze a wide range of
(SMC)263 uses two or three shorter chiral columns compounds was found to be especially useful for non-
connected in series and forces partially resolved enan- functionalized and nonionizable compounds, primarily
tiomers to recycle exclusively through the columns until synthetic intermediates, that do not ionize well under
sufficient resolution is attained. (This technique was also electrospray (ESI) or APCI conditions.278 This tech-
coined ‘‘column leap frogging’’ in the mid-90s by W. Let- nique can be applied to analyze racemic or enantio-
ter (Chiralizer Services, L.L.C.) and implemented on an merically-enriched compounds.
HPLC sample peak recycler.) SMC (or column lead frog- The carbobenzyloxy (cbz) protecting group was used
ging) complements new smaller-scale simulated moving successfully to enhance the resolution of chiral amine
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 4. Compounds 1, 2, and 3 that were subjected to chiral preparative SFC and/or HPLC. (Asymmetric center(s) represented by asterisk (‘‘’’).)
enantiomers using HPLC and SFC.279 Out of the using enzymes. This may also be due to the perception
numerous amines studied, the cbz derivatives were that the process of identifying an enzyme that affects an
amenable to enantiomeric separation on at least one asymmetric transformation, and then optimizing condi-
and in some cases up to five CSPs, which was in con- tions under which to run the reaction, may be time con-
trast to the parent amines where either enantiomeric suming and not straightforward. To ‘‘lower the energy
separation could not be achieved at all or, if achieved, barrier’’ in using enzymes in synthesis in Discovery (as a
only on one or sometimes two CSP supports. Further Biotransformation Group exists in Development at Wyeth
fine-tuning of analytical and preparative enantiomeric Research), a semi-automated enzyme screening system
separation of cbz derivatives of amines could be was developed that employs a user-friendly programmable
achieved through solvent selectivity using a variety of liquid sample handler, and originally exemplified with a
alcohols in addition to methanol.280 rapid (1.5 min) chiral SFC analysis.295 The method accel-
erates the enzyme selection process for screening biocata-
Examples of Compounds 1, 2, and 3 (Fig. 4) that were lysts, where a large number of enzymes were evaluated
subjected to chiral preparative SFC and HPLC can be for activity and enantioselectivity. Kinetic resolution of sec-
found in Figures 5–7. ondary alcohols by enzymatic transesterification was used
as a prototype for method development. The rapid auto-
mated method can be used effectively for screening
enzymes and optimizing reaction conditions in biocataly-
sis. This method has been extended to use chiral GC-MS
In general, chiral separations at our company are a col- as the detection method (C. Petucci, L. Di, and O.
laborative effort between the analytical, and medicinal or McConnell, unpublished).
synthetic chemists. The preference is to put into place an
asymmetric synthetic route or perhaps develop a chiral
salt resolution step for the more promising discovery leads
that require larger quantities of compound for biological
evaluation, and rely on the discovery analytical groups for CURRENT TOOLBOX—DETERMINATION OF
chiral analysis. This approach is not practical for most chi- ABSOLUTE STEREOCHEMISTRY
ral compounds in the exploratory and discovery phases as More recently, in addition to X-ray crystallographic anal-
it often takes too much time to develop an asymmetric syn- ysis, CD analysis with exciton coupling, and the modified
thesis, and time is of the essence, especially in the earlier Mosher’s or Trost NMR approach, several other techni-
exploratory phase. On the other hand, resources for chiral ques have become available at Wyeth Research for the
separations by HPLC or SFC are not without limitation. A determination of absolute stereochemistry. These techni-
well-known alternative approach to chiral HPLC and SFC ques include CD analysis of porphyrin tweezer conjugates,
and chiral salt resolution that can be used to effect a chiral calculated versus measured vibrational circular dichroism
resolution or asymmetric transformation is to take advant- (VCD), electronic circular dichroism (ECD), and optical
age of enzymes,281–284 e.g., the enantioselective acylation rotation (OR), new modified Mosher’s or Trost NMR
of an alcohol or amine,285–290 enantioselective esterifica- methods and the use of chiral liquid crystals as solvents
tion of an acid,291 or enantioselective hydrolysis of an ester for NMR-based determination of absolute stereochemistry.
to an acid.292–294 Consequently, enzymatic resolution or An important collaboration helped lead to the characteriza-
asymmetric transformation using enzymes represents a tion of the (zinc) porphyrin tweezer conjugates, which
viable, however, often underutilized approach in Discov- express exciton coupling in their circular dichroism (CD)
ery. In part, this may be due to a general lack of familiarity properties.296–299 These complexes have been shown to be
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 5. HPLC and SFC chromatograms for Compound 1: (a) analytical HPLC - Chiralcel OJ (4.6 3 250 mm), 100% MeOH, 1 ml/min, 258C; (b) analyt-
ical HPLC - Chiralpak AS (4.6 3 250 mm), 100% MeOH, 1 ml/min, 258C; (c) analytical SFC - Chiralpak OJ (4.6 3 250 mm), 30% MeOH/CO2, 1 ml/min,
100 bar; (d) analytical SFC - Chiralpak AS 20% MeOH/CO2, 1 ml/min, 100 bar; (e) Chiralpak AS (2 3 25 cm); 20% MeOH/CO2, 30 mg/0.4 ml injections,
(f) same as (e) 10 stacked injections, 115 sec intervals; (g) same as (e) 90 stacked injections, 110 sec intervals, 1 g processed/h.
Fig. 6. HPLC and SFC chromatograms for Compound 2: (a) analytical HPLC - Chiralcel OD (4.6 id x 250 mm), 100% MeOH, 1 ml/min; b) analytical
SFC - Chiralpak OD 50% MeOH/CO2, 2 ml/min, 100 bar; (c) semipreparative HPLC - Chiralcel OD (2 3 25 cm) 100% MeOH 13 ml/min, 43 mg/injec-
tion; (d) Chiralcel OD (2 3 25 cm); 50% MeOH/CO2, 50 ml/min, 20 mg/0.4 ml injections, (e) 40 stacked injections, 115 sec intervals, 1 g processed/
1.5 h.
Fig. 7. HPLC and SFC chromatograms for Compound 3: (a) semipreparative SFC - Chiralcel OJ (2 3 25 cm); 20% 2-BuOH/CO2, 50 ml/min, 40 mg/
0.4 ml injections, (b) 50 stacked injections, 205 sec intervals, 1 g processed/1.5 h.
Fig. 8. Structure of Lodine (etodolac: (+)-1,8-diethyl-1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano-[3,4-b]indole-1-acetic acid), 4, and the four lowest energy (S)-etodolac
conformers with relative energy (RE in kcal/mol) and percent composition.
(D. Herold, K. Fan, and O. McConnell. Determination of The VCD spectra are overlaid with the Boltzmann distri-
the Absolute Configuration of Etodolac using VCD Analy- bution of the calculated spectra for the lowest energy
sis. The 43rd Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) and conformers. The calculated VCD spectrum for the (R)-
Exposition, November 15–18, 2004, Somerset, NJ), a non- enantiomer is found to closely resemble the spectrum of
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used in (R)-etodolac and is quite different from the spectrum of
humans and for certain indications in animals.345–348 The (S)-etodolac; therefore, the enantiomer previously deter-
enantiomers of Lodine have been either separated by chi- mined to be (R)- was confirmed.
ral salt formation and identified by X-ray crystallographic VCD measurement of only one enantiomer is sufficient
analysis or have been synthesized.349–352 The structure to unambiguously determine its absolute stereochemistry;
and four low energy conformers for (R)-enantiomer of however, measurement of both enantiomers is preferred
Lodine are found in Figure 8. The relative energies shown in order to minimize potential artifacts, including any base-
in the figure are the energies calculated using DFT with line irregularities.
the B3LYP/6-31G(d) basis set.
The IR and VCD spectra of 5–10 mg each of (R)- and
(S)-etodolac (4) were measured for *4 h each in d6- CURRENT TOOLBOX—NMR APPROACHES
dmso. Composite IR and VCD spectra of each enantiomer, Various optically-active derivatizing reagents have been
over the range of 1150–1800 cm1, are shown in Figure 9. studied and used for over thirty years in the so-called
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 9. (a) Comparison of observed and calculated IR and VCD spectra between 1150 and 1800 cm1 for (S)-etodolac, 4 - (S), and Boltzmann mix of
the lowest energy conformers, and (b) comparison of observed and calculated VCD spectra between 1150 and 1800 cm1 for (R)-etodolac, 4 - (R), and
Boltzmann mix of the lowest energy conformers.
modified Mosher’s or Trost NMR approach, and include removed easily by treatment with tetrabutylammonium flu-
(+)-(R)- and ()-(S)-a-methoxy-a-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl- oroborate (TBAF) should recovery of the alcohol be desir-
acetic acid (MTPA acid), and ()-(R)- and (+)-(S)-a- able or necessary.
methoxyphenylacetic acid (MPA acid).198–203 These and In general, the caveats in the (modified) Mosher’s or
structurally-related acids as well as several types of opti- Trost NMR approach are that the chiral compound must
cally-active alcohols have found great utility to determine be amenable to derivatization and effectively derivatized,
the absolute stereochemistry of enantiomerically pure or the reaction mixture in some cases must be purified, and
enriched secondary alcohols353–358 and diols,359,360 b-chi- the solution conformations of the respective optically
ral alcohols,361,362 a-chiral amines,363–367 mixed chiral active diastereomers that are produced must be known in
amines and alcohols,368,369 chiral carboxylic acids,370–372 order to assign the configuration of the asymmetric center
and chiral 3-hydroxy b-lactams.373 These reagents have correctly. For a variety of reasons, derivatization may lead
also found combined utility in enantiomeric separation, to decomposition or a mixture, or may not occur at all. Pu-
including LC-NMR, plus determination of absolute stereo- rification may be difficult, or low yielding. Further,
chemistry of various types of compounds such as diaster- depending on the molecule, the derivatives may not adopt
eomeric alcohols374–377 and 2-hydroxypyrrolizidinones.378 the expected conformations based on literature precedent,
In our labs, MPTA, MPA, boc-phenylglycine, and ethyl- which, of course, may lead to the incorrect configurational
2-(9-anthryl)-2-hydroxyacetate have been used on various assignment. Approaches to checking solution conforma-
occasions to derivatize compounds for determination of tion may include performing NMR nOe (or 2D NOESY)
absolute stereochemistry. The reverse-Mosher’s approach and possibly additional 2D-NMR experiments to make the
using a-trifluoromethylbenzyl alcohol has also been used. necessary NMR assignments, as well as conducting geom-
Research has also been performed to find new and etry optimization using perhaps semiempirical or ab initio
improved reagents. A noteworthy development is the use calculations.
of dichlorodimethylsilane derivatized with ()-(R)- and A variety of reagents are available for NMR determina-
(+)-(S)-a-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl alcohol that is deemed tion of the percentage of enantiomeric enrichment (%ee) as
superior in many respects to other reagents specifically well as absolute stereochemistry,379,380 and chiral solvents
for the determination of absolute stereochemistry of sec- can be used with particular types of compounds for the
ondary alcohols (Fig. 10).353 This silane derivative can be determination of absolute stereochemistry by NMR.381–384
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 10. Synthesis and generalized structure of (+)-(S)-a-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl alcohol dimethylsilane derivatives used in new modified Mosher’s
or Trost NMR approach. (TEA ¼ triethylamine; TBAF ¼ tetrabutylammonium fluoride.)
CURRENT TOOLBOX—CHIRAL LIQUID CRYSTAL lar couplings (RDCs) was initiated by Lindon and Ems-
NMR METHOD ley.385 More recently, NMR spectroscopy in chiral poly-
peptide liquid crystal solvents has been used as a tool for
An NMR approach that is proving to be highly effective observing and analyzing enantiomeric excess in chiral
for absolute stereochemistry determination at our com- compounds.386–393 This method differentiates enantiomers
pany and that complements well calculated versus through their quadrupole and RDC constants.388 With
observed VCD is the use of chiral liquid crystals as an advances in NMR technology, experiments have been spe-
NMR solvent. Configurational and conformational analysis cifically generated for use in chiral polypeptide liquid crys-
of organic molecules in liquid crystals using residual dipo- tal solvents394 and the methodology has evolved to where
Fig. 11. A minimum of five independent RDCs from the stereocenter must be measured for the orientation of the molecule to be determined. Once
this is achieved, stereochemical information can be obtained. In this figure, the RDCs that can be measured from the chiral carbon of ibuprofen are
shown. The solid arrows indicate possible carbon–carbon RDCs, while dashed arrows indicate possible carbon–proton RDCs (a). The 1H NMR spectra
of (R)-ibuprofen in PBLG/CDCl3 alignment media (b), of (S)-ibuprofen in PBLG/CDCl3 alignment media (c) and racemic-ibuprofen in standard CDCl3
(d). The expansions in (b) and (c) show the proton–proton total coupling (T) between the methyl protons (14) and the methine proton (10) (small cou-
pling). The larger coupling arises from the methyl (14) to methyl (14) proton–proton interaction.
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
Fig. 12. The RDCs were calculated from the lowest energy conformers produced from a conformational search conducted in a PBLG/CDCl3 simu-
lated environment of (R) and (S)-ibuprofen. The experimental RDCs are in good agreement with the calculated RDCs as indicated by the linear curve fit
of Dcalc ¼ Dobs + 0.3 Hz with a Pearson’s correlation factor of R2 ¼ 0.991 for the (R) enantiomer (a) and Dcalc ¼ 0.92Dobs + 0.43 Hz with R2 ¼ 0.992 for
the (S) enantiomer (b). When the configuration of the ibuprofen model structures was reversed from (R) to (S) and (S) to (R), the Dcalc to Dobs linear fit
was substantially lowered. This produced a correlation factor R2 ¼ 0.742 and Dcalc ¼ 0.58Dobs +1.7 Hz for the (R) enantiomer (c) and a R2 ¼ 0.783 with a
Dcalc ¼ 0.71Dobs +1.35 Hz for the (S) enantiomer (d).
RDCs measured in such alignment media have been used racemic-ibuprofen can be seen in Figure 11b–11d. The
to determine the relative and absolute stereochemistry of large difference in these spectra illustrates the contribu-
small molecules.395–397 A major advantage of using chiral tion from RDCs that are averaged and not observed under
polypeptide liquid crystal solvents as an alignment media normal (isotropic) NMR conditions. Using the experimen-
is that both the organic molecule of interest and polypep- tally observed RDCs along with RDCs calculated from the
tide are readily soluble in common low viscosity organic lowest energy conformers of (R)- and (S)-ibuprofen, it is
solvents.388 A method has been developed that uses the possible to distinguish between the two enantiomers
orientation media poly-g-benzyl-L-glutamate (PBLG) dis- (Figs. 12a and 12b). When the stereochemistry of these
solved in CDCl3 to discriminate the (R) and (S)-enantiom- conformers was changed from (R) to (S) and from (S) to
ers and to measure RDCs of small chiral and or racemic (R) the agreement between calculated and experimental
organic molecules. The RDCs of the enantiomers are then RDCs was substantially reduced allowing for stereochemi-
used, along with molecular modeling methods, to identify cal identification (Figs. 12c and 12d). With these results,
each enantiomer. As an example, this method has been we have shown that it is possible to use RDCs to discrimi-
applied to the (R) and (S) enantiomers of ibuprofen, whose nate between (R) and (S) enantiomers when the structural
structures have been well established by both NMR and geometry is fixed (as the enantiomers of ibuprofen adopt
X-ray crystallography.398 Only 15 mg of each enantiomer preferred conformations in the PBLG system).398 Experi-
of ibuprofen was required. With these amounts, most of mental RDCs obtained from both enantiomers are neces-
the NMR experimental acquisition times are less than sary for proper comparison to calculated RDCs. This
10 h long.399 The first step to use RDCs to obtain stereo- method is also effective for racemic mixtures of small or-
chemical assignments is to determine the orientation of ganic molecules. This method is generally useful for low
the molecule.397,400 As seen in Figure 11a, this is achieved molecular weight molecules that possess one or two chiral
by measuring five independent RDCs for each stereocen- centers that are soluble in low viscosity organic solvents
ter present in the molecule.397 The differences between and will not readily crystallize or cannot easily be derivat-
the enantiomers of ibuprofen present in PBLG/CDCl3 and ized with a Mosher’s or Trost reagent.
Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir
TABLE 2. Comparison of methods for determination of absolute stereochemistry
CD (exciton chirality,
NMR (Mosher’s/Trost VCD (measured versus porphyrin tweezers, and OR (measured vs.
X-ray and chiral liquid crystal) calculated) measured vs. calculated) calculated)
Sample Type Single crystal (mg) Oil/solid (1 mg for Oil/solid (5–10 mg) Oil/solid (1 mg) Oil/solid (1–3 mg)
(typical quantity) Mosher’s or Trost
method; 15–50 mg for
chiral liquid crystal)
Derivatization Presence of heavy atom Yes for Mosher’s or Trost No, however one may No for calculation No
or chiral derivative of method; No for chiral consider making a approach, but Yes for
known stereochemistry liquid crystal method derivative to enhance exciton or porphyrin
required for solubility in CDCl3 tweezer method, e.g.,
determination of (solubility usually not benzoates, napthoates,
absolute stereochemistry an issue in d6-dmso) amides, or esters
Degree of sample Easy to very difficult Moderate for Easy Moderate for Easy
prep difficulty derivatization and derivatization to easy
liquid crystal prep
Typical (turnaround) Couple of days for relative Days for Mosher’s Days to weeks (depends Days to week (depends Days to weeks (depends
time stereochemistry; days approach to days to on number of on time for on number of
to week(s) for absolute week(s) for liquid conformers and conformational conformers and
stereochemistry crystal approach calculation time per analysis, derivatization calculation time per
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