Tests Mannual
Tests Mannual
Tests Mannual
(A) BY STANDARD PENETRATION TEST METHOD IN FIELD.......................................................................................... 78
(B) BY PLATE LOAD BEARING TEST METHOD IN THE FIELD ........................................................................................ 82
(C) BY NORTH DAKOTA APPARATUS IN THE FIELD ........................................................................................................ 84
STATIC CONE PENETRATION TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 86
DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION TEST................................................................................................................................. 88
VANE SHEAR TEST IN SITU ..................................................................................................................................................... 89
LABORATORY VANE SHEAR TEST ....................................................................................................................................... 91
UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 92
DIRECT SHEAR TEST................................................................................................................................................................. 97
TRI-AXIAL COMPRESSION TEST (UNCONSOLIDATED UNDRAINED TEST) ........................................................... 100
CONSOLIDATION TEST .......................................................................................................................................................... 104
DETERMINATION OF PENETRATION VALUE OF BITUMEN ....................................................................................... 109
DETERMINATION OF DUCTILITY OF BITUMEN............................................................................................................. 112
DETERMINATION OF SOFTENING POINT OF BITUMEN .............................................................................................. 114
DETERMINATION OF VISCOSITY OF BITUMEN BY ENGLER VISCOMETER......................................................... 116
DETERMINATION OF FLASH POINT OF BITUMEN ........................................................................................................ 118
DETERMINATION OF FIRE POINT OF BITUMEN ............................................................................................................ 120
DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY (PYKNOMETER METHOD).................................................................... 122
(A) NORMAL CONSISTENCY ............................................................................................................................................... 128
(B) INITIAL AND FINAL SETTING TIME............................................................................................................................. 130
DETERMINATION OF SOUNDNESS OF CEMENT BY LE – CHATELIER METHOD ................................................. 132
DETERMINATION OF FINENESS OF CEMENT ................................................................................................................. 133
DETERMINATION OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CEMENT ................................................................................ 134
DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF CEMENT .............................................................................................. 137
DETERMINATION OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CEMENT CONCRETE ......................................................... 139
DETERMINATION OF WORKABILITY OF MORTAR ...................................................................................................... 141
Determination of the specific gravity, apparent specific gravity, and water absorption of aggregates
of size between 40mm and 10mm
(c) Glass vessel or jar – a wide mouthed glass vessel such as jar of about 1.5 litres capacity
with a flat ground top and a plane ground disc of plate glass to cover it giving a virtually
water tight fit.
(d) Clothes – two dry soft absorbent clothes each not less than 75 X 45 cms.
(e) Tray – a shallow tray of area not less than 325 cm2.
A sample of about one kg of the aggregate shall be used. Aggregates, which have been artificially
heated, shall not normally be used; if such material is used, the fact shall be stated in the report.
Two tests shall be made and it is recommended that two samples should not be tested
The sample shall be screened on a 10mm I.S. Sieve, thoroughly washed and removed finer
particles, dust and immersed in distilled water in the glass vessel at a temperature of 22 to 32°C
for 24 ± ½ hours. Soon after immersion and again at the end of the soaking period, air entrapped
in or bubbles on the surface of the aggregate shall be removed by gentle agitation; this may be
achieved by rapid clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the vessel between the operator’s
The vessel shall be over filled by adding distilled water and the plane ground glass disc slide over
the mouth so as to ensure that no air is entrapped in the vessel. The vessel shall be dried on the
outside and weighed. (Weight A).
The vessel shall be emptied and the aggregate allowed to drain. Refill the vessel with distilled
water. Slide the glass disc in position as before. The vessel shall be dried on the outside and
weighed. (Weight B).
The difference in the temperature of water in the vessel during the first and second weightings
shall not exceed by 2°C.
The aggregates shall be placed on a dry cloth and gently surface dried with the cloth, transferring
it to a second dry cloth when the first will remove no further moisture. It shall then be spread out
more than one stone deep on the second cloth, and left exposed to the atmosphere away from
direct sunlight or any other source of heat for not less than 10 minutes or until it appears to be
completed by surface dry. The aggregates shall be turned over at least once during this period
and a gentle current of unheated air may be used after the first ten minutes to accelerate the
drying of different aggregates. The aggregates shall then be weighed. (Weight C).
The aggregates shall be placed in the oven in the shallow tray and at a temperature of 100 to
110°C for 24 ± ½ hours. It shall then be cooled in airtight container and weighed. (Weight D).
Specific gravity, apparent specific gravity, and water absorption shall be calculated as follows:
The individual and mean results shall be reported. The size of the aggregate tested shall be
(a) The specific gravity is considered to be a measure of strength of quality of the material.
Stones having low specific gravity are generally weaker than those with higher specific
gravity values. The specific gravity tests the indication of the stone.
The specific gravity of aggregates normally used in road construction ranges from about
2.5 to 3.0, with an average value of 2.68. Though high specific gravity of an aggregate is
considered as an indication of high strength, it is not possible to judge the suitability of a
sample of road aggregate without finding the mechanical properties such as aggregate
crushing, impact and abrasion values.
(b) Water absorption gives an idea of strength of rock stones having more water absorption are
generally considered unsuitable unless they are found to be acceptable based on strength,
impact and hardness tests.
Water absorption value ranges from 0.1 to about 2% for aggregates normally used in road
surfacing. Stones with water absorption upto 4% have been used in base course.
Generally a value of less than 0.6% is considered desirable for surface course though
slightly higher values are allowed in bituminous constructions. Indian Roads Congress has
specified the maximum water absorption value as 1% for the aggregates used in
bituminous surface dressing.
Note: Flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles in it whose least
dimension (thickness) is less than three fifth (3/5) of their mean dimension. The test is not
applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm.
(a) A balance of enough capacity and sensitivity. It should have an accuracy of 0.1% of the
weight of test sample.
(c) I.S. Sieves – 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 31.5mm, 25mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, and
Sufficient quantity of sample is needed so that it consists of at least 200 pieces of any fractions to
be tested.
16mm 12.5mm
12.5mm 10mm
10mm 6.3mm
Every piece of each fractional sieve shall be gauged for the minimum thickness with the help of
the ISI gauge or in bulk using a set of sieves having standard elongated slots.
Thus, each fraction is to be separated into two parts : One consisting of pieces which pass
through the corresponding slot in the standard gauge and the other consisting of pieces which do
not pass through the corresponding slot in the standard gauge.
Weight of each part is separately weighed. Sum of both the weights gives the total weight of each
The sum weight of portions of all fractions; in which pieces pass through the corresponding slots
(W.1) and the sum of the weights of all fractions (W.2) are to be calculated.
In pavement construction flaky and elongated particles are to be avoided, particularly in surface
course. If flaky and elongated aggregate are present in appreciable proportions, the strength of
the pavement layer would be adversely affected due to possibility of breaking down under loads.
In cement concrete the workability also reduced. However, the reduction in strength in cement
concrete, depends on cement concrete.
Indian Road congress has recommended the maximum allowable limits of flakiness Index values
of bituminous types of construction, as given below:
Maximum Limit of
Sl. No. Type of construction
Flakiness Index percentage
1 Water Bound macadam 15
2 Bituminous surface dressing, 25
penetration macadam carpet
3 Bituminous bound macadam, 15
bituminous concrete
This standard covers the procedure for determining the aggregate impact value of coarse
Note: Aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate against
shock or impact, which in some aggregate differs from its resistance to larger compressive loads
(a) An impact testing machine of the general form as per I.S. 2386 (Part IV) 1963 of weight not
more than 60 kg and not less 45 kg.
(b) Sieves : The I.S. sieve of size 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm.
(c) Measure : A cylindrical metal measure, of sufficient rigidity, to retain its form under rough
usage, and of the following internal dimensions:
Diameter : 75mm
Depth : 50mm
(d) Tamping rod : A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross-section of 10mm diameter and
230mm long rounded at one end.
(e) Balance : A balance of capacity not less than 500gms; readable and accurate to 0.1gm.
The test sample shall consist of aggregate the whole of which passes a 12.5mm I.S. Sieve and is
retained on a 10mm I.S. Sieve. The aggregates comprising the test sample shall be dried in an
oven for a period of four hours at a temperature of 100°C to 110°C and cooled.
This measure shall be filled about one-third full with the aggregate tamped with 25 strokes of the
rounded end of the tamping rod. A further similar quantity of aggregate shall be added and a
further tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure shall finally be filled to overflowing, tamped 25
times and the surplus aggregate struck off, using the tamping rod as a straight edge. The net
weight of aggregate in the measure shall be determined to the nearest gram (Weight A) and this
weight of aggregate shall be used for the duplicate test on the same material.
The test machine shall rest without wedging or packing upon the level plate block or floor, so that
it is rigid and the hammer guide columns are vertical.
The cup shall be fixed firmly in position on the base of the machine and the whole of the test
sample placed in it and compacted by a single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
The hammer shall be raised until its lower face is 380mm above the upper surface of the
aggregate in the cup, and allowed to fall freely on the aggregate. The test sample shall be
subjected to a total of 15 such blows, each being delivered at an interval of not less than one
The crushed aggregate shall then be removed from the cup and the whole of it sieved on the
2.36mm I.S. Sieve until no further significant amount passes in one minute. The fraction passing
the sieve shall be weighed to an accuracy of 0.1gm (Weight B). The fraction retained on the sieve
shall also be weighed (Weight C) and, if the total weight (B+C) is less than the initial weight
(Weight A) by more than one gram, the result shall be discarded and a fresh test made.
The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each test shall be expressed
as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place :
The mean of the two results shall be reported to the nearest whole number as the aggregate
impact value of the tested material
(I.S. : 5640 – 1970)
This standard covers the procedure for determining the aggregates impact value of soft course
aggregates used for bases and sub-bases of road pavements
(a) An impact testing machine of the general form a per I.S. 2386 (Part IV) 1963 of weight not
more than 60 kg and not less than 45 kg.
(b) Sieve : The I.S. Sieve of size 12.5 mm, 10 mm, and 2.36 mm.
(c) Measure : A cylindrical metal measure, of sufficient rigidity to retain its form under rough
usage, and of the following internal dimensions :
Diameter : 75 mm.
Depth : 50 mm.
(d) Tamping Rod : A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross-section 10 mm in diameter
and 230 mm long rounded at one end.
(e) Balance : A balance of capacity not less than 500 gms, readable and accurate to 0.1 gm.
The test sample shall consist of aggregate, the whole of which passes 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and is
retained on a 10 mm I.S. Sieve. The aggregates comprising the test sample shall be dried in an
oven for a period of four hours till the time the weight becomes constant at a temperature of 105°C
to 110°C and cooled.
The measure shall be filled about one third full with the aggregate and tamped with 25 strokes of
the rounded end of the tamping rod. A further similar quantity of aggregate shall be added and a
further tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure shall finally be filled to overflowing, tamped 25
times and the surplus aggregate struck off, using the tamping rod as a straight edge. The net
weight of aggregate in the measure shall be determined to the nearest gram (Weight A) and this
weight of aggregate shall be used for the duplicate test on the same material
This oven-dried sample is immersed in water for three days.
Wet sample after the immersion period, is surface dried by suitable cloth.
The impact machine shall rest without or packing upon the level plate or floor, so that it is rigid and
the hammer guide columns are vertical.
The cup shall be fixed firmly in position on the base of the machine and the whole of the test
sample placed in it and compacted by a single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod. The
hammer shall be raised until its lower face is 380 mm above the upper surface of the aggregate in
the cup, and allowed to fall freely on the aggregate. The test sample shall be subjected to a total
of 15 such blows each being delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
The crushed aggregate shall then be removed from the cup and the two whole of it sieved on the
2.36 mm I.S. Sieve and washed with water till no further significant amount passes in one minute.
The fraction retained on the sieve shall be dried in an oven to the constant weight at 105°C to
110°C and weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 gm (Weight B). The fraction retained on the sieve
(Weight B) shall be subtracted from the weight of the original oven-dried sample (Weight A). The
resultant weight (Weight A – Weight B) shall represent the fraction passing 2.36 mm I.S. Sieve
(Weight C). Two tests shall be done.
The ratio of the weight of the fines formed to the total sample in each test shall be expressed as
total sample percentage of the oven-dried, the result being recorded to the first decimal place :
Where :
The mean of the two results shall be reported as aggregate impact value (wet) of the tested
The aggregate impact value test is considered to be an important test to assess the suitability of
the aggregates regarding the toughness for use in the pavement construction. It has been found
that for majority of aggregates, the aggregate crushing, and aggregate impact values are
numerically similar within close limits. But in case of finely grained highly siliceous aggregate :
Type of Pavement Maximum aggregate
impact value
1. Bituminous surface dressing penetration macadam, 30
bituminous carpet and cement concrete wearing course
2. Bitumen bounded macadam 35
3. Cement concrete base course 45
For deciding the suitability of soft aggregate in base course construction, the test has been
commonly used. A modified impact test is also often carried out in case of soft aggregates to find
the wet impact value after soaking the test samples. Based on work reported by different
agencies; the following recommendations have been made to assess the suitability of soft
aggregates for road construction :
Aggregate impact value is used to classify the stones in respect of their toughness property as
indicated below:
Determination of the abrasion values of coarse aggregate by the use of Los Angeles machine.
(a) Los Angeles machine : the Los Angeles Testing Machine consists of a hollow steel
cylinder, closed to both ends having an inside diameter of 700 mm and an inside length of
500 mm.
(c) A balance of enough capacity and sensitivity. It should have an accuracy of 0.1% of the
weight of test sample.
(d) I.S. Sieves – 80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, and 6.3mm,
4.75mm, 2.36mm.
The abrasive charge depending upon the grading of the test sample as described in the following
table :
The test sample consists of clean aggregates, which has been dried in an oven at 105°C to 110°C
to substantially constant weight and conforms to one of the gradings shown in Table A. The
gradings used are to be the most nearly representing the aggregates furnished for the work.
Sieve Size
Weight in Grams of the test sample for grade
(Square Hole)
Passing Retained
through on A B C D E F G
(mm) (mm)
80 63 - - - - 2500* - -
63 50 - - - - 2500* - -
50 40 - - - - 5000* 5000* -
40 25 1250 - - - - 5000* 5000*
25 20 1250 - - - - - 5000*
20 12.5 1250 2500 - - - - -
12.5 10 1250 2500 - - - - -
10 6.3 - - 2500 - - - -
6.3 4.75 - - 2500 - - - -
4.75 2.36 - - - 5000 - - -
* Tolerance of ± 2% permitted
Place the test sample and the abrasive charge in the Los Angeles abrasive testing machine and
rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33 rev/min. For gradings A, B, C, and D, rotate the machine
for 500 revolutions. For gradings E, F, and G, rotate for 1000 revolutions. Drive the machine such
that it is so counter-balanced as to maintain a substantially uniform peripheral speed. If an angle is
used as the shelf, rotate the machine in such a direction that the charge is caught on the outside
surface of the angle. At the completion of the test, discharge the material from the machine and
preliminary separation of the sample is made on a sieve coarser than 1.70 mm I.S. Sieve.
Wash the material coarser than 1.70 mm, dry it in an oven at 105°C to 110°C to a substantially
constant weight, and weigh accurately to the nearest gram.
Express the difference between the original weight and the final weight of the test sample as a
percentage of the original weight of the test sample. Report this value as the percentage of wear.
Aggregate abrasion value = (Original wt. of sample) – (Final wt. of sample) X 100
Original wt. of sample
Los Angeles abrasion test is very commonly used to evaluate the quality of the road aggregates,
especially to decide the hardness of the stones. However, this test may be considered as one in
which resistance to both impact and abrasion of the aggregate may be obtained simultaneously,
due to the presence of abrasive charge. Also the test condition is considered more representative
of field conditions, the results obtained on aggregates are highly reproducible.
Los Angeles abrasion test is very widely acceptable as a suitable test to assess the hardness of
aggregates used in pavement construction. Many agencies have specified the desirable limits of
the test for different methods of pavement construction. The maximum allowable Los Angeles
abrasion values of aggregates as specified by Indian Roads Congress for different methods of
construction are given below :
The apparatus for the standard test shall consist of the following :
(a) A 15 cm diameter open ended steel cylinder cross with plunger and base plate.
(d) I.S. Sieve of sizes 12.5 mm, 10 mm, and 2.36 mm.
(e) A compressive testing machine capable of applying a load of 40 tonnes, and which can be
operated to give a uniform rate of loading, so that the maximum load is reached in 10
minutes. The machine may be used with or without spherical seating.
(f) For measuring the sample, cylindrical metal measure of sufficient rigidity to retain its form
under rough usage and of the following dimensions :
Height : 18 cm.
The material for the standard test consists of aggregate passing a 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and
retained on a 10 mm I.S. Sieve and shall be thoroughly separated on these sieves before testing.
Test the aggregate in a surface-dry-condition. If dried by heating the period of drying not to
exceed 4 hours, the temperature is to be 100°C to 110°C and cool the aggregate to room
temperature before testing.
Find out the appropriate quantity by filling the cylindrical measure in three layers of approximately
equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times with the rounded end of the tamping rod and
finally levelled off using the tamping rod as straight edge.
Determine the weight of the material comprising the test sample (Weight A) and take the same
weight of the sample for repeat test.
Put the cylinder of the test apparatus in position on the base plate and add the test sample in
thirds, subject each third to 25 strokes with the tamping rod, level the surface of the aggregate
carefully and insert the plunger so that it rests horizontally in this surface, take care to ensure that
the plunger does not jam in the cylinder.
Place the apparatus with test sample and the plunger in position between the platens of the
testing machine and load it at a uniform rate as possible so that the total load reaches in 10
minutes. The total load is 40 tonnes.
Release the load and remove the whole of the material from the cylinder and sieve on 2.36 mm
I.S. Sieve for the standard test. Weigh the fraction passing the sieve (Weight B), in all of these
operations; take care not to lose the fines. Make two tests for each sample.
Express the ratio of the weight of the fines formed to the total sample weight in each test as a
percentage and record the result to the first decimal place.
Where :
Report the mean of the two results to the nearest whole number as the aggregate crushing value
of the size of the material tested.
The aggregate crushing value is an indirect measure of crushing strength of the aggregate. Low
aggregate crushing value indicates strong aggregates, as the crushed fraction is low. Thus the
test can be used to assess the suitability of aggregates with reference to the strength for various
types of pavement components. The aggregates used for the surface course of pavement should
be strong enough to withstand the high stress due to wheel loads, including the steel tyres of the
loaded bullock carts. However, as the stresses at the base coarse are low, aggregates of low
crushing strength may be used at the lower layers of the pavement.
Indian Roads Congress and Indian Standards Institute have specified that the aggregate crushing
value of the course aggregates used for cement concrete pavement at surface should not exceed
30%. For aggregates used for concrete other than wearing surfaces the aggregates crushing
value shall not exceed 45% according to ISI.
To determine stripping value by immersion method of aggregates used in road construction with
binder like penetration grade bitumen, flux bitumen and road tar.
Take 200 gms aggregate passing 20 mm I.S. Sieve and retaining on 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve, dry
clean and mix with 5 percent binder by weight of aggregates in a small casserole, binder being
heated previously to 160°C if bitumen, and 110°C if tar. The aggregates are also to be heated
prior to mixing to a temperature of 150°C and 100°C, when these are to be mixed with bitumen
and tar respectively. After complete coating, the mixture is transferred to a 500 ml beaker and
allowed to cool at the room temperature for about two hours. Distilled water is the added to
immerse the coated aggregates. The beaker is covered and kept in a water-bath maintaining at
40°C taking care that the level of water in ht water-bath comes up to at least half the height of the
beaker. After the expiry of 24 hours the beaker is taken out, cooled at room temperature and the
extent of stripping is estimated visually while specimen is still under water.
The stripping value shall be the ratio of the uncovered area observed visually to the total area of
the aggregates in each test expressed as a percentage.
The mean of the three results shall be reported as stripping value of the tested materials ans shall
be expressed nearest to whole number.
Observation Sheet
i) Type of aggregate.
Average Value :
Some types of aggregates have lesser affinity with bitumen in comparison with water and hence
stripping of bituminous binder occurs when the mix is immersed in water. The problem of a
stripping in coated aggregates is not so amicable to theoretical treatment. Thus an additional test
such as simple static immersion test or the stripping test would be suitable to assess whether the
binder would adhere to the aggregates when immersed in water. Several anti-stripping agents are
available which when used with the bituminous mix reduces the stripping.
Indian Roads Congress has specified the maximum stripping value as 25% for aggregates to be
used in bituminous constructions like surface dressing, penetration macadam, bituminous
macadam, and carpet.
This method of test covers the procedure for the approximate determination of clay lumps in the
routine examination of aggregate.
(a) Balance : A balance or scale sensitive to within 0.1 percent of the weight of the sample to
be weighed
(b) Containers : Containers of a size and shape that will permit the spreading of the sample on
the bottom in a thin layer
(c) Sieves : Sieves conforming to I.S. : 460 – 1962 specifications for the test sieves
Sample shall be obtained by quartering or by the use of a sampler, from a representative sample
selected from the material to be tested. They shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid
breaking up clay lumps, which may be present.
Samples shall be dried to constant weight at a room temperature not exceeding 110°C.
Samples of fine aggregates shall consist of particles coarser than 1.18 mm I.S. Sieve and shall
weigh not less than 100 gms.
Samples of coarse aggregate shall be separated into different sizes using 4.75 mm, 10 mm, 20
mm, and 40 mm I.S. Sieves. The weight of the sample for different sizes shall be not less than
those indicated below :
In the case of mixtures of fine and coarse aggregates, the material shall be separated into two
sizes on 4.75 mm I.S. Sieve, and the samples of fine and coarse aggregates shall be prepared.
The sample shall be spread in a thin layer on the bottom of the container and examined for clay
lumps. Any particles, which can be broken into finely divided particles with the fingers, shall be
classified as clay lumps. After all discernible clay lumps have been broken, the residue from the
clay lumps shall be removed by the use of sieves indicated below :
The percentage of clay lumps shall be calculated to the nearest 0.1 percent in accordance to the
following formula :
L = W – R X 100
Where :
L = Percentage of clay
The percentage of clay lumps in the aggregate shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent.
This method of test covers the procedure for determination of approximate percentage of
lightweight pieces in aggregates by means of sink float separation in a heavy liquid suitable for
specific gravity.
(a) Balance : For weighing fine aggregates, a balance having a capacity of not less than 500
gms., sensitive to at least 0.1gm. For weighing coarse aggregate, a balance having a
capacity of not less than 500 gms., sensitive to at least 1 gm.
(b) Containers : Containers suitable for drying the aggregate sample, and containers suitable
for holding the heavy liquid during the sink float separation.
(c) Skimmer : A piece of 300 microns sieve cloth of suitable size and shape for separating the
floating pieces from the heavy liquid.
Heavy Liquid
The heavy liquid shall consist of a mixture of carbon tetrachloride, and 1,1,2,2, tetrabromoethane
bromoform, and monobrome benzene, or bromoform and benzene (see note 1) in such proportion
that the desired specific gravity will be obtained (see note 2). Bromotrichlorometane may be used
as a heavy liquid having a specific gravity of 2.00. the specific gravity shall be maintained within ±
0.01 of the specified value at all times during the test.
Note 1
Recovery of the bromoform benzene mixture can be effected by running a stream of water
through mixture until all benzene has been dissolved and removed.
Note 2
The chemicals listed in the chapter are highly toxic, both by absorption through the skin and by
inhalation. They shall be used only in a hood, and care shall be taken to avoid contact with the
skin or inhalation of the fumes.
The approximate volumes of material to be combined to produce a mixture of the desired specific
gravity may be computed from the following specific gravity of the different liquids.
For determining coal and lignite, the heavy liquid used shall have a specific gravity of 2.00 ± 0.01
Fine Aggregate
Allow the dried sample of fine aggregate to cool to room temperature and then sieve over a 300
micron I.S. Sieve until less than one percent of the retained material passes the sieve in one
minute of continuing sieving. Weigh the material coarser than 300 micron I.S. Sieve to the nearest
0.1 gm, then introduce it into the heavy liquid in a suitable container, the volume of liquid being at
least three times the absolute volume of the aggregate. Pour the liquid off into a second container;
passing it through the skimmer and taking care that only the floating pieces are poured off with the
liquid and that none of the sand is decanted onto the skimmer. Return to the first container the
liquid that has been collected in the second container and after further agitation of the sample it is
free of floating pieces. Wash the decanted pieces contained on the skimmer with carbon
tetrachloride, until the heavy liquid is removed and then dry. The pieces will dry very quickly, but
may be placed in an oven at 105°C for a few minutes, if desired. Brush the dry decanted pieces
from the skimmer onto the balance pan and determine the weight to the nearest 0.1 gm.
Coarse Aggregate
Allow the dried sample of coarse aggregate to cool to room temperature and then sieve over a
4.75 mm I.S. Sieve. Weigh the material coarser than 4.75 mm I.S. Sieve to the nearest 1 gm, then
introduce it into the heavy liquid in a suitable container, the volume of liquid being at least three
times the absolute volume of the aggregate. Using the skimmer remove the pieces that rise to the
surface. Wash the decanted pieces in carbon tetrachloride until all of the heavy liquid is removed,
and allow drying. Determine the weight of the decanted pieces to the nearest one-gram.
Note : Materials, brownish black or black shall be considered as coal and lignite and shall be
collected and weighed.
Calculate the percentage of light-weight pieces (pieces floating on the heavy liquid) as follows :
L = W1 X 100
L = W1 X 100
Where :
W2 = Dry weight in gm, of portion of sample coarser than 300 micron I.S. Sieve.
W3 = Dry weight in gm, of portion of sample coarser than 4.75 mm I.S. Sieve.
The percentage of lightweight pieces (coal and lignite) in the aggregate shall be reported to the
nearest 0.1 percent.
This method of test deals with the procedure of determining the quantity of soft particles in coarse
aggregates on the basis of scratch-hardness.
Note : This method is intended to be used to identify materials that are soft, including those which
are so poorly bonded that the separate particles in the piece are easily detached from the
mass. The test is not intended to identify other types of deleterious materials in the
The apparatus shall consist of brass rod, having a Rockwell hardness of 65 RHB to 75 RHB.
A brass rod of about 1.6 mm diameter and of proper hardness inserted into the wood shaft of an
ordinary lead pencil is convenient tool for field laboratory use.
Aggregates for the test shall consist of the material from which the sizes finer than 10 mm I.S.
Sieve have been removed. The sample tested shall be of such size that it will yield not less than
the following amounts of the different sizes, which shall be available in amounts of 10 percent or
more :
If the sample contains less than 10 percent of the sizes specified under chapter 1, the sizes shall
be tested but, for the purpose of calculating the test results, it shall be considered to contain the
same percentage of the soft particles a the average of the next smaller and next larger size or if
one of these sizes is absent, it shall be considered to have the same percentage of soft particles
as then next larger or next smaller size whichever is present.
Each particle of aggregate under test shall be scratched with the brass rod described in paragraph
given above, using only a small amount (about 1 kg) of pressure. Particles are considered to be
soft if during the scratching process, a groove is made in them without deposition of metal from
the brass rod of separate particles are detached from the rock mass.
Note :
In the case of some sand stone, brass fragments may be deposited on hard individual grains while
at the same time separate particles are detached from the mass due to a week binding medium.
Such particles are to be considered soft.
(a) Weight and number of particles of each size of each sample tested with the brass rod.
(b) Weight and number of particles of each sample classified as soft in the test.
(c) Percentage of test sample classified as soft by weight and by number of particles.
(d) Weighed average percentage of soft particles calculated from percentage in item (c) and
based on the grading of samples of aggregate received for examination or, preferably, on
the average grading of the material from that portion of the supply of which the sample is
representative. In these calculations, sizes finer than 10 mm I.S. Sieve shall not be
This method of test covers an approximate method of estimating whether organic compounds are
present in natural sand in sufficient quantities to be harmful, and hence intended to show whether
tests are necessary or desirable.
Note : Harmless organic materials may cause colouration, and certain naturally occurring organic
compounds do not cause colouration.
The sand shall be tested as delivered without drying. A 350 ml graduated clear glass medicine
bottle shall be filled to the 75 ml mark with 3 percent solution of sodium hydroxide in water. The
sand shall be added gradually until the volume measured by the sand layer is 125 ml. The volume
shall then be made up to 200 ml by adding more solution. The bottle shall be closed by stopper
and shaken vigorously and then allowed to stand for 24 hours.
Other tests shall be made if the colour of the liquid above the sand is darker than a standard
solution freshly prepared as follows :
Add 2.5 ml of 2 percent solution of tannic acid in 10 percent alcohol, to 97.5 ml of a 3 percent
sodium hydroxide solution. Place in a 350 ml bottle, put the stopper, shake vigorously, and allow
standing for 24 hours before comparison with the solution above the sand. Alternatively, an
instrument or coloured acetate sheets for making the comparison can be obtained, but it is
desirable that these should be verified on receipt by comparison with the standard solution.
The standard test for bulking is based on the fact that while damp sand bulks the volume of
saturated sand completely soaked with water is the same as if the sand were dry.
To make a field test one needs a measuring jar or in its absence any straight sided container and
a rule, a steel rod to tamp sand with and a second container to tip it into.
Fill the container about two thirds full with the sand to be tested. Drop it loosely, do not pack it
down. Level off the top y pushing a steel rule down through it to the bottom, measure the height of
the sand. Suppose it is 15 cm.
Empty the sand into another container (taking care that none of it is lost in the process) and half fill
the first container with water, put back the sand into the water bit by bit and keep tamping to
remove the air when the entire sand is fully saturated, push the rule through the sand as before
and measure the height, say it measured 12.5 cm.
The bulking is calculated from the volume of dry sand or saturated sand and hence in this cae
bulking is 2.5 cm, i.e. :
The volume used should therefore be 20% more than quoted in the specification.
Sieve : Use sieves of the following sizes having square openings, complying with the
requirements specified in I.S. 460 – 1978 “Specifications for Test Sieves”.
Coarse Sieves
8.0 mm 31.5 mm
10.0 mm 30.0 mm
12.5 mm 50.0 mm
16.0 mm 63.0 mm
20.0 mm 80.0 mm
25.0 mm
Containers : Containers for immersing the sample of aggregates in the solution in accordance with
the procedure described in this method is perforated in such a manner as to permit free access of
the solution to the sample drainage of the solution from the sample without loss of aggregate.
Arrangements also be made available to ensure that the volume of the solution in which sample
are immersed are to be at least five times the volume of the sample immersed at any one time.
Temperature regulation : Provide suitable means for regulating the temperature of the samples
during immersion in the sodium sulphate solution
Balances : For weighing coarse aggregates, use a balance having a capacity of not less than
5000 gram, sensitive to at least on gram
Drying oven : the drying oven capable of being maintained between 105°C and 110°C and the
rate of evaporation, at this range of room temperature of average at least 25 grams/hour for four
hours during which period the doors of the oven kept closed.
Prepare standard solution of sodium sulphate by dissolving it. Add sufficient salt to ensure not
only saturation but also the presence of excess crystals when the solution is ready for use in the
tests. Stir the mixture thoroughly at frequent intervals until used. Cool the solution to a room
temperature of 27°C ± 2°C, and maintain at that temperature for at least 48 hours before use. Stir
the solution immediately before use and break the salt cakes, if any present, and determine the
specific gravity. Use the solution having specific gravity of not less than 1.151 and not grater than
1.175. Discard discoloured solution or filter and check for specific gravity.
Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate for the test shall consist of material from which sizes finer than 4.73 mm, I.S.
Sieve have been removed, such shall be tested in accordance with the procedure for fine
aggregates. The sample shall be of such a size that it will yield not less than the following
amounts of the different sizes, which shall be available in amounts of 5% or more.
20 mm to 10 mm 1000 grams
Consisting of :
12.5 mm to 10 mm 33%
20 mm to 12.5 mm 67%
63 mm to 40 mm 3000 grams
Consisting of :
50 mm to 40 mm 50%
63 mm to 50 mm 50%
Coarse Aggregate
The sample of coarse aggregate shall be thoroughly washed and dried to constant weight at
105°C to 110°C and shall be separated into different sizes by sieving to refusal. The proper weight
of the sample for each fraction shall be weighed out and placed in separate containers for test. In
the case of fractions coarser than the 20mm I.S. sieve, the number of particles shall also be
The sample shall be immersed in the prepares solution of sodium sulphate for not less than 16
hours or more than 18 hours in such a manner that the solution covers them to a depth of at least
15 mm. The containers shall be covered to reduce evaporation and prevent the accidental
addition of extraneous substances. The sample immersed in the solution shall be maintained at a
temperature of 27°C ± 1°C for the immersion period.
After the immersion period the aggregate sample shall be removed from the solution, permitted to
drain for 15 ± 5 minutes and placed in the drying oven. The temperature of the oven shall have
been brought previously to 105°C to 110°C. The samples shall be dried o constant weight at this
specified temperature. During the drying period, the samples shall be removed from the oven,
cooled to room temperature and weighed at intervals of not less than 4 hours nor more than 18
hours. Constant weight may be considered to have been achieved when two successive weights
for any one sample differ by less than 1.0 gram. After constant weight has been achieved, the
samples shall be allowed to cool to room temperature, and then they shall again be immersed in
the prepared solution.
Number Of Cycles
The process of alternate immersion and drying shall be repeated until specified numbers of cycles
are completed (5 cycles).
(a) After the completion of the final cycle and after the sample has cooled, the sample shall be
washed free from the sodium sulphate.
(b) After the sodium sulphate solution has been removed, each fraction of sample shall be
dried to constant weight at 105°C to 110°C and weighed. The sample shall be sieved over
the sieves shown below for the appropriate size of particles
Fractions of samples coarser than 20 mm shall be examined qualitatively after each immersion
and quantitatively at the completion of the test.
(a) Observing the effect of the action by the sodium sulphate and the nature of the action.
(b) Material from each fraction of sample finer than the sieve on which the fraction was
retained before test, expressed as a percentage by weight of the fraction.
(c) Weighted average calculated from the percentage loss for each fraction based on the
grading of the sample as received for examination or preferably on the average grading of
the material from the portion of the supplies of which the sample is representative. In this
calculation, sizes finer than the 300 micron I.S. Sieve shall be assumed to have zero
percent loss.
(a) Balance : A balance sensitive to 0.5 percent of the weight of the sample to be weighed.
(b) The cylindrical metal measure. The measure shall be 3.15 to 30 litres capacity.
(c) Tamping rod : A straight metal tamping rod of cylindrical cross-section, 16 mm diameter,
and 60 cm long, rounded at one end.
The test shall normally be carried out on dry material when determining the voids, but when
bulking tests are required, material with a given percentage of moisture may be used.
The measure shall be filled about one third full with thoroughly mixed aggregate and tamed with
25 strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod. A further similar quantity of aggregates shall be
added and a further tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure shall finally be filled to overflowing,
tamping 25 times and the surplus aggregate struck off, using the tamping rod as a straight edge.
The net weight of the aggregate in the measure shall be determined and the bulk density
calculated in kg/litre.
Loose Weight :
The measure shall be filled to overflowing by means of a shovel, the aggregates being discharged
from a height not exceeding 5 cm above the top of the measure. Care shall be taken to prevent
as far as possible, segregation of the particles of the sample. The surface of the aggregate shall
be levelled with a straight edge. The net weight of the aggregate in the measure shall then be
determined and the bulk density calculated in kg/litre.
Where :
The bulk density shall be reported in kg/litre to the nearest 0.01 kg.
The condition of aggregate at the time of test shall be stated, that is (a) Oven dry, (b) Saturated
and surface dry or (c) With a given percentage of moisture.
(a) Pycnometer
(b) Balance
Place a sample of wet soil (200 grams to 500 grams) into pycnometer and weigh (W2).
Add water to soil in pycnometer till it is about half full, mix thoroughly with glass rod and remove
entrapped air, continue stirring and add more water till it is flush with the whole in he conical top.
Dry the outer side and weigh (W3). Entrapped air may be removed by vacuum pump, if available.
Empty the pycnometer, clean it and refill with clean water flush with top hole. Wipe dry the outside
and weigh (W4).
Where :
G = Specific gravity of soil particles; can be obtained by using dry soil sample.
G = W2 – W1
(W4 – W1) – (W3 – W2)
Test No. 1 2 3
1. Weight of Pycnometer empty (W1)
2. Weight of Pycnometer + Wet Soil (W2)
3. Weight of Pycnometer + Soil + Water (W3)
4. Weight of Pycnometer + Water (W4)
5. Water Content (w)
Moisture content shall be expressed, as percentage of the weight of dry soil, average of three
values shall be reported.
To determine the water content of soil sample by oven dried method in lab.
(c) Oven : Thermostatically controlled with interior of non-corroding material to maintain the
temperature at 110°C ± 5°C.
Soil Specimen
The soil specimen taken shall be representative of the soil mass. The size of the specimen
selected depends on the quantity required for good representation, which is influenced by the
gradation and the maximum size of particles, and on accuracy of weighing. The following
quantities are recommended for general use (I.S. 2720 (Part II)).
Size of particles more than 90% of passing I.S. Minimum quantity of soil specimen to be taken
Sieve for test mass in gms
425 microns 25
2 mm 50
4.75 mm 200
10 mm 300
20 mm 500
40 mm 1000
Clean the container with lid, dry and weigh (W1). Take the required quantity of soil specimen in
container crumbled and placed loosely and weigh with lid (W2). Then keep it in an oven with the
lid removed and maintain the temperature of oven at 110°C ± 5°C. Dry the specimen in the oven
for 24 hours and then container is taken out from the oven for weighing. Replace the lid on the
container and cool the container in desiccators. Record the final mass (W3) of the container with
lid and dried soil sample.
w = W2 – W3 X 100
W3 – W1
Where :
1. Container No.
2. Weight of container + Wet soil W2 gm
3. Weight of container + Dry soil W3 gm
4. Weight of container W1 gm
5. Weight of Dry soil (W3 – W1) gm
6. Weight of moisture (W2 – W3) gm
7. Water content :
w = W2 – W3 X 100
W1 – W3
Sample as in case of oven dried method except that oven is used in field and is heated by using
Same as before
Same as before except that sample is dried in field oven by stone for heating of oven.
Same as before
Same as before
(d) Sand bath of suitable size and containing clean sand to a depth of at least 3 cm.
(e) Equipment for heating the sand bath – kerosene stove or spirit lamp.
(f) Palette knife or steel spatula – a convenient size is one having blade 10 cm long and 2 cm
Take the required quantity of the soil specimen in he container crumbled and placed loosely and
weighed (W2). Place the container on sand bath and heat the sand bath. Care shall be taken not
to get sand bath too hot. During heating, the specimen shall be turned frequently and thoroughly
with the blade to assist the evaporation of water, care being taken to see that no soil is lost in this
process. Dry the specimen to constant weight indicated by the difference between the consecutive
weight of the container with the dried sample taken at suitable interval after initial drying, being a
maximum of 0.1% of the original weight of the soil specimen. When drying is complete, remove
the container from the sand bath, cool and weigh (W3).
w = W2 – W3 X 100
W3 – W1
Where :
W1 = Weight of container.
Same as earlier.
Rapid determination of water content by Infra-Red Lamp Torsion Balance moisture meter.
(a) Infra-Red Lamp and Torsion Balance Moisture Meter : The equipment has two main parts;
the infra red lamp, and the torsion. The Infra-red radiation should be provided by 250 watt
lamp built in the balance for use with the alternating current 220 – 230 V, 50 cycles, single
phase mains supply. Provision should be made to adjust the input voltage to the infra-red
lamp to control the heat for drying of specimen. A suitable thermometer graduated from
40°C to 150°C should be provided for ascertaining the temperature of drying in the pan
housing. The weighing mechanism of torsion balance should have a built-in magnetic
damper. The balance scale should be divided in terms of water percentages from 1 to 100
percent water content in 0.2 percent division.
(b) Palette knife or steel spatula – having a blade 10 cm long and 2 cm wide.
The soil specimen taken shall be a representative of the soil mass. The specimen of 25 gm
passing from 2 mm I.S. sieve is taken.
Keep the test samples always in suitable containers so that the water content to be determined is
not affected by ambient conditions.
Set the 100 percent scale division of the calibrated drum to align with the index mark with the help
of drum drive knob.
With the pan placed on the pivot, check that the pointer is aligned with the index line and 100
percent scale division. If not, set the pointer with the help of initial setting knob.
Rotate the drum drive knob anti-clock wise and bring the 0 percent scale division in line with the
index mark, thus pre-stretching the wire through the mount equal to 100 percent (this represents
the amount of unbalance). The pointer will now be above the index mark.
Raise the lamp housing and carefully distribute the test material evenly on the sample pan until
the pointer returns to the index mark (approximately 25 gms of the material will be needed in one
Lower the lamp housing and switch on the Infra-red lamp with the help of switch provided on the
left hand side. Insert the thermometer in this socket and bracket. Adjust the Varlac Control knob
between 85 and 100 on the scale if it is desired that the temperature of drying is around 110°C.
the sample will not begin to loose water and the pointer will rise above the index.
To determine the percentage reduction at any instant, rotate the drum scale by turning the drum
drive knob until the pointer returns to the index. Read the percentage directly from the scale. The
percent water which is read from the scale is the percent water based upon the initial mass of the
sample, that is, the wet mass of the sample.
The criteria for taking the final reading is that the pointer should remain steady on the index mark
which shows that the sample has dried to constant mass. Note the drum scale reading against the
pointer which is the percentage water on the total mass taken. Remove the thermometer from its
Repeat steps with a fresh sample using a cool and clean pan.
From the water content (m) as obtained on the moisture balance scale, the water content (w) on
the dry weight basis shall be calculated as follows :
w = m X 100
100 – m
(a) Metallic pressure vessels, with clamp for ceiling- gum-gauge calibrated in percent water
(f) Three steel balls of about 10.5 mm diameter and one steel ball of 25 gms.
Sand requires no special preparation. Coarse powder may be ground and pulverised. Cohesive
and plastic soils are tested with addition of balls in the pressure vessels. This test requires 6 gm of
In this method, a weighed quantity of we soil is mixed with calcium carbide in an air-tight
container. The pressure of the acetylene gas produced by the reaction of calcium carbide with
water present in the soil is read on a dial gauge located at on one end of the container (moisture
tester), the dial gauge being calibrated is read in percentage of water based on the wet weight of
the sample. The moisture esters are usually available in two sizes; one for a 6 gm sample and the
other for a 26 gm sample. It is preferable to use a lager size tester. The instruments can be
calibrated for converting the moisture tester readings to the equivalent of water contents obtained
by oven drying. The method is quick, taking less than 5 minutes, and fairly accurate. Difficulty is
experience in proper pulverisation and mixing of clay soils inside the tester. Two steel balls of
about 30 mm diameter can be put inside the larger size tester for proper pulverisation.
From the water content (m) as obtained on the moisture balance scale, the water content (w) on
the dry weight basis shall be calculated as follows :
w = m X 100
100 – m
I.S. sieves : 63 mm, 50 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm.
A minimum quantity of sample (obtained from larger sample either by quartering or by means of a
sample divider) as given in table below should be taken dried, cooled and weighed and it should
be passed successfully through the sieves specified in paragraph given above starting with the
largest. Care should be taken that the sieves are clean before use.
If sieving is carried out by hand, each sieve should be shaken separately over a clean tray for a
period of not less than two minutes. The shaking should be done with a varied motion backwards
and forwards, left to right, circular, clock wise and anti-clock wise, and with frequent jarring, so
that the material s kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions. Material
smaller than 20 mm should not be heaped through the sieve by hand or by brushing. Lumps of
fine materials, if present, may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of the
If sieving is carried out with pest of sieves o a machine not less than 10 minutes sieving will be
required for each test.
On completion sieving the material retained on each sieve, together with any material cleaned
from the mesh shall be weighed on a balance.
The percentage by weight, retaining on each sieve shall be calculated and the results shall be
given to the nearest 0.1 percent. From these results the cumulative percentage by weight of the
total sample passing each of the sieves shall be calculated and recorded to the nearest whole
number, the results of the sieving tests may be recorded graphically on the chart for recording
sieve analysis.
1. 63 mm 50
2. 50 mm 35
3. 40 mm 15
4. 20 mm 2
5. 12.5 mm 1
6. 10 mm 0.5
7. 4.75 mm 0.2
8. 2.36 mm 0.1
Sl. I.S. Sieve No. Weight Retained % Weight Retained Cumulative % % Passing
No. Retained
Note : This method describes a procedure for grain size distribution of that fraction of soil which is
finer than 2 mm size.
(a) I.S. Sieve – 2 mm, 1 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron, 212 micron, 150 micron, 75 micron.
(d) Trays.
(e) Brushes.
Take about 100 gms of the sample of soil oven-dried at 105°C to 110°C and passing through 2
mm I.S. sieve. The fraction shall be weighed accurately to 0.1 gm, and its weight recorded. The
weighed fraction shall be spread in a very large tray or bucket and covered with water.
Two grams of sodium hexameta-phosphate or one gram of sodium hydroxide and one gram of
sodium carbonate per litre of water used shall then be added to the soil (see note). The mixture
thoroughly stirred and left for soaking. The soil soaked specimen should be washed thoroughly
over the next sieve specified in table A nested in order of their fineness with the finest sieve (75
micron I.S. sieve) at the bottom. Washing shall be continued until the water passing each sieve is
substantially clean. Care shall be taken to see that the sieves are not overloaded in the process.
The fraction retained on each sieve should be emptied carefully without any loss of material in
separate trays, oven-dried t 105°C to 110°C and fraction weighed separately and weight recorded.
Note : A dispersing agent may not be required in case of all soils, in such cases wet sieving may
be carried out without the addition of dispersing agent.
The cumulative weight of soil fraction retained on each sieve shall be calculated. The percentage
of soil fraction retained on each sieve shall be calculated on the basis of the weight of the sample
passing 2 mm I.S. sieve taken for the initial analysis. The combined gradation on the basis of the
total soil sample taken for analysis shall then be calculated.
I.S. Sieve Weight of Weight of Weight of Soil Cumulative Soil Retained Soil Passing Combined
Designation Soil Soil Retained Weight as Percentage as Percentage Percentage
Retained Container Retained of Partial Soil of Partial Soil Passing as
+ Weight Taken Sample Taken Percentage of
of for Analysis Total Soil
Container Sample
Liquid limit device and grooving tools, spatula, porcelain dish, balance of sensitivity 0.01 gm and
containers for moisture content determination, drying oven, beaker and measuring jar.
Liquid limit is the water content at which the soil has a low shear strength that is it flows to close a
groove of standard dimensions for a length of 12.0 mm which when jarred 25 times using the
standard liquid limit device. (It is the water content corresponding to the boundary between liquid
and plastic states of a soil mass).
1. Weigh about 200 gms of air dried soil passing through 425 micron I.S. sieve.
2. Take the soil in a porcelain dish and add clean water till it becomes a paste. Mix the soil
thoroughly (certain soils may require mixing up to 40 minutes).
3. Check and adjust the fall of the liquid limit device cup exactly 1 cm, using the gauge on the
handle of the grooving tool.
4. Place the soil paste in the cup of liquid limit device and level it horizontally with lowest edge
of the cup, with spatula so that the maximum depth of soil in the cup is 1 cm.
5. using the standard grooving tool, make a groove in the idle of the soil, along the diameter,
dividing the soil into two parts.
6. Turn the handle of the liquid limit device at a rate of 2 revolutions per second, till the two
parts of soil in the cup join together, i.e. the groove closes by 12 mm length. Ensure that the
groove closes by flow and not by slipping of soils on the surface of the cup.
7. Note the number of blows imparted to the cup. Repeat and re-check this value. Take a
small quantity (about 10 gms) of the moist soil from the centre of the groove into a moisture
determination container and determine the moisture content.
8. By altering (increasing the water content) and repeating the above operation, obtain five or
six water content determinations for blows in the range of 10 to 40 blows.
9. The test should proceed from drier (more blows) t the wetter (less blows) condition of the
soil. Each time the soil is thoroughly mixed to ensure that the water content is uniform
throughout the soil mix.
10. Interpretation of results : Plot the results of the experiment on a semi-log sheet. The
percentage of moisture content are marked as ordinates on the arithmetical scale and the
corresponding number of blows are marked as abscissa on the logarithmic scale. The
various points obtained are joined by a straight line and the moisture content corresponding
to 25 blows is denoted as the liquid limit of the soil. At least four readings should be taken
though live readings are desirable. The above straight line is known as FLOW CURVE. It
shall be extended at either ends, so as to intercept the ordinate corresponding to 10 and
100 blows. The slope of this line expressed as difference in water content at 10 blows and
at 100 blows shall be reported as the flow index (If)
The flow index may be calculated from the following equation also :
If = W1 – W2
log10 N2
Where :
If = Flow Index
To determine the liquid limit of the given soil sample by cone penetration method.
1. Weigh about 150 gms of air dried sample through 45 micron I.S. sieve.
2. Take the soil in porcelain dish and add distilled water till it becomes a paste. Mix the soil
thoroughly to ensure uniform distribution of moisture.
3. The wet soil paste shall then be transferred to the cylindrical trough of the cone
penetrometer apparatus and levelled up to the top of the trough.
4. The penetrometer shall be so adjusted that the cone point just touches the surface of the
soil past in the trough.
6. The vertical rod is released so that the cone is allowed to penetrate into the soil paste
under its weight.
7. The penetration shall be noted after 30 seconds from the release of the cone.
8. If the penetration is les than 20 mm, the wet soil from the trough shall be taken out nad
more water added and thoroughly mixed.
9. The test shall then be repeated again till a penetration between 20 mm and 30 mm is
10. The exact depth of penetration between these two values obtained during the test shall be
11. The moisture content of the corresponding soil paste shall be determined.
The liquid limit of the soil which corresponds to the moisture content of a paste which would give
25 mm penetration of the cone shall be determined by the following formula :
Where :
Determination No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of blows
Container No.
Wt. of container +
wet soil (gm)
Wt. of container +
Oven dry soil (gm)
Wt. of container (gm)
Wt. of oven dry soil
Moisture (%)
Plastic limit is defined as the minimum moisture content at which a soil when rolled into a thread of
3mm diameter just begins to crumble. It is the water corresponding to the boundary between
plastic and semi-solid states of soil mass.
1. Take about 30 gm of the air dried soil passing through 425 micron I.S. sieve.
2. Place the soil in a porcelain dish and mix with sufficient quantity of water until the mass
becomes plastic enough to be easily moulded with fingers.
3. Take a portion of the wet soil and form it into a ball and roll it quickly on a glass plate into a
thread of uniform diameter. If the soil cannot be rolled into a thread at all or even if the
thread on the first rolling breaks before reaching a diameter of 3 mm, the initial trial water
content is less than plastic limit of the soil. Hence add a little more water to make it more
plastic. Continue this process and the rolling till the threads reach a diameter of 3 mm.
4. The soil is then kneaded together, rolled again on the glass plate till it begins to crumble at
a diameter of 3 mm diameter. (The crumbling may occur even when the thread has a
diameter slightly greater than 3mm).
5. Take some of the crumbled soil pieces and determine the water content.
6. Repeat the experiment for at least 3 times and the average water content is recorded as the
plastic limit of the soil.
Determination No. 1 2 3
Container No.
Wt. of container + wet soil (gm)
Wt. of container + oven dry soil (gm)
Wt. of water (gm)
Wt. of container (gm)
Wt. of dry soil (gm)
Moisture content (%)
Result Summary
WL If Wp Ip = WL - Wp It = Ip Il = Wn - Wp WL - Wn
If Ip Ip
Evaporating dish, shrinkage dish of diameter 4.5 cm and height 1.5 cm (both internal), spatula,
straight edge, glass cup 5 to 6 cm in internal diameter and 2.5 cm height, two glass plates 7.5 cm
X 7.5 cm, one plane and the other having three metal prongs. Also other equipment needed are a
25 ml graduated jar to read 0.2 ml, balance sensitive to 0.01 gm, mercury sufficient to fill the glass
cup and a dessicator.
About 30 gm of dry pulverised soil passing 425 micron I.S. sieve is weighed out. The soil is placed
in the evaporating dish and thoroughly mixed with distilled water to make a paste tha may be
readily worked out into without entrapping air bubbles. The water content required may be more
than the liquid limit. The inside of the shrinkage dish is coated with a thin layer of Vaseline or
heavy grease to prevent adhesion of soil to the dish. The soil paste equal to roughly one third the
volume of dish on a firm surface cushioned with a few layers of blotting paper on similar material.
Then another equal quantity of paste is added and tapped so that all the air bubbles entrapped
comes to the top and the paste gets compacted. The process is continued till the paste fills the
dish completely and starts overflowing. The excess paste is struck off by a straight edge and the
outside of the dish is wiped clean.
The dish is immediately weighed and the pat is allowed to dry in air till the colour of the pat
becomes lighter. Then the dish is kept in an oven at 105°C to 110°C to constant weight and
cooled in a dessicator and weighed to find out the dry weight. The weight of the empty dish is
determined. The volume of the shrinkage dish is found out by pouring mercury, until it overflows,
removing the excess by pressing the plain glass plate flush with surface of glass cup and measure
the volume of the mercury in the dish by pouring in the graduated jar.
The glass cup if filled with mercury until it overflows and is pressed with a glass plate having three
prongs. This cup full of mercury is placed in a clean evaporating dish, the dry soil pat floated on
the mercury and is carefully forced under by the glass plate with prongs. The plate is firmly
pressed flush with the surface. Care is taken to ensure that no air is entrapped under the pat. The
volume of mercury displaced is measured in the graduated jar and this is recorded as the volume
of the dry pat.
Moisture content of the soil pat taken in the shrinkage dish is calculated :
w% = W1 – W2 X 100
W2 – W3
Where W1, W2 and W3 are respectively the weighs of dish plus wet soil, dish plus dry soil, and
dish only.
ws = w – V - Vo X 100
w = moisture content of paste forming wet pat
V = Volume of wet pat in cm3
Vo = Volume of dry pat in cm3
Wo = Weight of oven dry pat = (W2 + W3) gm
w1 = Stipulated moisture content, %
ws = Shrinkage limit
R = Shrinkage ratio
Ls = { 1- 100 } X 100
Vs + 100
Shrinkage limit can also be calculated just by knowing the oven dry weight and volume of a part of
soil and the specific gravity G of soil particles. This method is especially suitable for finding the
shrinkage limit of undisturbed clayey soils.
ws = Vo - 1 X 100
Wo G
Where ,
To determine the specific gravity of soil particles of the given sample passing 4.75 mm sieve.
Specific gravity is the ratio of weight in air of a given volume of dry soil solids the weight in air of
an equal volume of distilled water at a temperature of 27°C. The specific gravity of soil particles is
useful mainly for deriving other needed properties of soils like void ratio, grain size distribution etc.
For sand grains the average value of specific gravity is about 2.65 and for clay particles it varies
from 2.5 to 2.9 with a statistical average of about 2.7.
Glass Jar or Pycnometer or density bottle, vacuum pump, balance, thermometer, distilled water.
1. Determine the natural water content of the given soil sample (say w) if oven dried
sample is not supplied.
2. Dry the pycnometer thoroughly and find its weight with cap (m1).
3. Take about 200 gms of the given soil sample into the pycnometer and find the weight of
the pycnometer with soil correctly (m2).
4. Add sufficient water (up to about half the capacity of pycnometer to cover the soil).
Screw the cap of the pycnometer tightly.
5. Shake the pycnometer well and connect it to a vacuum pump t remove the entrapped
air. Allow the air to be evacuated for 15 minutes shaking the pycnometer completely
with water.
6. Make sure that all the entrapped air has been expelled and then disconnect the pump
till the pycnometer is completely filled with water.
7. Mark the cap and the pycnometer with a vertical line parallel to the axis of the
pycnometer so that each time the cap is screwed t the same extent with reference to the
vertical line as a guide.
8. Wipe out any excess water on the outer surface on the pycnometer and find out its
weight (m3).
10. Fill the pycnometer completely with water and screw the cap as before.
11. Wipe out any excess water on the outer surface on the pycnometer and find out its
weight (m4).
12. Take the average value of at least three sets of readings. Report that the specific gravity
of the soil corresponding to the standard temperature of 27°C.
The specific gravity shall be calculated at 27°C. if the room temperature is different than 27°C the
following shall be done.
G’ = KG
G’ = Corrected specific gravity at 27°C and
To determine the Maximum Dry Density (MMD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) of the
given soils sample using the Proctor’s Standard Method.
Cylindrical metal mould, balances, oven, container, steel straight edge, sieve, mixing tools, metal
rammer, etc.
The test determines the optimum amount of water to be mixed with the soil in order to obtain
maximum compaction for a given compacting factor. This will enable the field engineer to plan
field compaction of soil to a grater degree compared to that obtained in the laboratory by suitably
altering the effective life or number of passes with the available roller. Maximum compaction leads
to maximum dry density and hence the deformation and strength characteristics of the soil turn out
to be the best possible values.
This test is based on the method given by R.R.PROCTOR (1933) and referred to as Proctor’s
Standard compaction test. This test is satisfactory for cohesive soils but not lend itself well to the
study of compaction characteristics of clean sand and gravels which are easily displaced when
compacted with rammer. Where higher densities are warranted as in the case of formation for
airport runways, higher compactive effort becomes necessary. For this case Proctor’s modified
compaction test is adopted.
Weigh the empty mould (M1). Fix the mould to a base plate and attach the collar to the mould.
Apply thin layer of oil to the inside surface of the mould and the collar.
Take 5 kg of soil passing through 20 mm size sieve, and add water t bring its moisture content to
about 4% in case of silty soils and 1% in the case of clayey soils. For uniformity, this quantity of
water is sprinkled on the soil and the soil is mixed thoroughly.
Divide the wet soil in to three equal parts. Fill the mould with one part of soil and compact it with
25 evenly distributed blows with the standard rammer of 2.6 Kg weight and a free fall of 31 cms.
Repeat this process with the second and third parts of the soil taking precaution to scratch the top
of the previously compacted layer with a spatula in order to avoid stratification and achieve
homogeneity. Remove the collar and trim the top of the soil to flush with the top of the mould. To
remove the collar, rotate it to break the bond between it and the soil. Then lift the collar vertically
off the mould. This prevents the possible loss of compacted soil from the mould when the collar is
Remove all loose soil adhering to the mould and detach the mould (with compacted soil in it) from
the base plate. Weigh the mould with compacted soil (M2).
Extract the soil from the mould. Cut the compacted soil sample longitudinally into two equal parts.
Obtain equal amount of soil samples from top, centre, and bottom and put them together in a
container and determine the average moisture content.
Repeat this procedure (4 to 5 times) by taking fresh soil sample each time and adding water to
make the water content 2 to 4% more than the previous water content.
Calculate moist density (ϒm) from the known wet weight of the soil and the volume of the Proctor
mould. Calculate dry density (ϒd) knowing the moist density and water content of the soil.
Calculate the dry densities from the following formula for different assumed water contents (taking
degree of saturation S = 100%).
ϒd = G x ϒw
(1 ± WG )
Test No.
Moist Density ϒm = M2 – M1
Container No.
Dry Density ϒd = ϒm
(1 ±
The dry densities ϒd obtained in a series of determination shall be plotted against the
corresponding moisture content ‘w’. A smooth curve shall be drawn through the resulting point and
the position of the maximum on this curve shall be determined and that gives more dry density
and corresponding moisture content is optimum moisture content.
The field density of a soil is the mass of the soil per unit volume. The field density of natural soil is
needed for (i) determination of bearing capacity of soil (ii) stability analysis of natural slopes (iii)
determination of over burden pressures on underlying strata for calculation of settlement etc. in
compacted soils, the insitu dry density is needed to check the degree of compaction that the soil
has undergone for comparison with design data. Dry density of soil is defined as the weight of dry
soil per unit volume (including voids). Knowing the field density and water content of soil one can
estimate its dry density, the natural void ratio of soil can be estimated knowing its dry density and
specific gravity of soil particles.
Sand pouring cylinder, cylindrical calibrating can, metal tray with a circular hole, excavating tools
like crow bar, trowel etc., balance, place surface like glass or Perspex plate, moisture can, clean
uniformly graded natural sand (passing through 1.0 mm retained on 600 micron I.S. sieves).
2. Clear a flat area, approximately 450 mm square, and trim it down to a level surface.
3. Place the metal tray on the prepare surface with its central hole over the portion of the soil
to be excavated.
4. Excavate the soil using the hole in the tray as a pattern to a depth of 125 mm. Collect the
excavated soil carefully into the tray leaving no loose material in the hole and weigh it (W2).
5. Fill the pouring cylinder with sand so that the level of the sand I the cylinder is within about
10 mm from the top. Weigh the cylinder with sand (W3).
6. Place the pouring cylinder such that the base of the cylinder covers the hole concentrically.
7. Open the shutter and allow the sand to run into the hole. Close the shutter when no further
movement of sand takes place.
9. Collect representative soil sample in a moisture can and put in the oven and determine the
moisture content (w%).
1. Place the pouring cylinder with the remaining sand on a plane surface (such as glass
plate). Open the shutter and allow the sand to run out. Close the shutter when no further
movement of soil takes place in the cylinder.
3. Determine the internal volume (V) of the calibrating can from the measured internal
dimensions. Find the weight of the empty can (Wg).
4. Fill the pouring cylinder so that the level of sand in the cylinder is within about 10 mm from
the top.
5. Fill the pouring cylinder can centrically on the top of the calibrating can. Open the shutter
and allow the sand to run out. Close the shutter when no further movement of soil takes
place in the cylinder. Remove the pouring cylinder.
6. Remove the excess sand carefully, with the straight edge on the top of the can so that top
of the sand is flushed with the can. Weigh it (W).
Cylindrical core cutter with dolly, hammer, trowel, balance, straight edge, crow bar, moisture can.
1. Clean the core cutter and dolly. Weight the core cutter (W1), and determine its volume (V).
Apply grease inside the core cutter.
2. Clear a small area of ground where the field density of soil is to be found out and make it
3. Drive the core cutter (with dolly fitted on top) with hammer to its full depth. Avoid over
driving by seeing the top level of soil in the cutter through the air vent provided in the dolly.
4. Dig out the core cutter wit help of crow bar and lift it carefully from the ground with the help
of a trowel placed at the bottom of the cutter. Trim the top and bottom surface of the
sample with a straight edge.
Calculate the field density (ϒw), water content (w), dry density (ϒd) and void ratio (e) = G(ϒw) - 1
4. Volume of core cutter (V) cc
CBR is ratio of load carried by soil samples at defined penetration level to load carried by
standard crushed stone at the above penetration level. The CBR is a measure of shearing
resistance of the material under controlled density and moisture conditions considering limitations
of CBR test, it is stated that the test procedure should be strictly adhered if high degree of
reproducibility is desired. The CBR test is conducted in the moulded specimen in the laboratory.
Many methods exist today, which utilize mainly CBR strength value for designing pavement
structure. The test is simple and extensively investigated for field correlations.
Loading machine, cylindrical moulds, compaction rammer, adjustable stem, perforated plate,
tripped dial gauge, and annular weight.
2. Determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of the given soil
3. Batch of soils (at least 5.5 kg for granular soil and 4.5 kg for grained soil) is mixed with
water up to the optimum content.
4. The spacer disc is paced at the bottom of the mould and a filter paper is placed over it, the
processed soil sample is placed over this.
5. The soil is compacted by dynamic compaction with 56 blows per layer in three layers with
compacted thickness about 50 mm each.
6. The collar is removed and the excess soil at the top of the third layer is struck off using a
straight edge.
7. Such three CBR test specimens are prepared; from each mould soil samples are collected
for moisture content determination.
8. The filter paper is now placed on the base plate and the mould is turned upside down.
9. The filter paper is placed over the sample top along with the perforated plate with
adjustable stem over this surcharge weight 5 or 7.5 Kg is placed. Soaking is done for 4
10. The sample is allowed to drain off water I a vertical position for 15 minutes. The sample
along with mould is again weighed to calculate the percentage of water absorbed.
11. The surcharge weight is again provided and the assembly with the base plate is place in
the compression machine. The plunger is brought in contact with the top surface of the
sample. A seating load of 4 kg is applied. The dial is attached for measuring the penetration
and is set to zero.
12. The load is applied smoothly at the rate of 1.25 mm/minute. Load readings are recorded at
penetration 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5,10.0 and 12.5. The load is
released and the mould is removed from the loading machine.
13. A soil sample from the top 3 cm layer is collected and weighed for moisture content
14. Plot graph between penetration (on X-axis) and load (on Y-axis).
CBR at penetration = Load carried by soil sample at defined penetration level x 100
of 2.5 mm or 5.0 mm Load carried by standard crushed stone at the above penetration
The CBR value at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration are found. Generally the value at 7.5 mm is
higher and this is adopted. However, CBR value determined at 5mm is higher than the test
repeated to verify this.
Description 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dry density
Condition of specimen Soaked / un-soaked
Moisture content: a) at top 3 cm layer after soaking
b) Average after soaking
Proving ring calibration factor
Surcharge weight
A reaction load like a truck, tractor, or truss is required fro applying the load by means of a
mechanical screw jack. The other equipment needed are 5 cm diameter plunger, extension rods,
jacks, proving ring assembly, dial gauge, datum frame, annular surcharge plate 25 cm in diameter
and 5 kg in weight, with a central hole and slot width 5.3 cm and two circular slotted weights of 10
kg and diameter about 25 cm with central hole and slot width of 5.3 cm.
A circular area of about 30 cm in diameter is trimmed. Particular care should be taken at the
centre where the plunger is to be seated. The surcharge load of 15 Kg is placed on this surface
and the plunger is seated properly. The dial gauge to measure the penetration is attached to the
plunger from an independent datum frame. A seating load of 4 kg is applied and the load and
penetration dials are set to zero.
The load is applied to the plunger by means of the jack such that the rate of penetration is
approximately 1.25 mm/minute. The load readings are noted for penetrations 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 mm. The load is released and moisture content specimen is
taken from underneath the plunger.
The load penetration curve is plotted, and the CBR value is calculated. The correction is applied
where necessary i.e. in the case of load – penetration curves which are concave upwards.
Three in place CBR test shall be performed at each elevation to be tested and the average value
is adopted. However, if the three test in any group do not show reasonable agreement (tolerance
of 3 for CBR values up to 10%, 5 for values 10 to 30%, 15 for 30%, 20 for 30 to 60% and 25 for
values greater than 60%), three additional tests shall be made and the average of six tests is
Bearing Ratio
Corresponding to the penetration value at which the bearing ratio is desired corrected load values
shall be taken fro the load penetration curve and bearing rates calculated as follows :
PT = corrected unit (or total) test load corresponding to the chosen penetration
value read from the load penetration curve in kg/cm.
PS = Unit (or total) standard for the same depth of penetration as per PT taken
from Table –1, in Kg/cm (from lab test).
Standard penetration test conducted by means of split spoon specified in this standard, furnished
data about resistance of the soil which can be used to evaluate standard strength data such as N
(Number of blows per 30 cm of penetration using standard split spoon) values of the soil. Curves
correlating ‘N’ values with bearing capacities of certain types of soils are available in various
The split spoon sampler is used for obtaining disturbed representative samples of soil, which are
needed for visual classification, for mechanical or chemical analysis and for determination of soil
characteristics and reproducible samples a standard procedure with all this code is intended to
furnish the necessary guidance to the soil explorer in this respect.
a) Drilling Equipment
(i) The equipment shall be provided with a clean hole 55 to 150 mm in diameter.
Note: The stiffness of the drill rod used for testing, influences the ‘N’ value obtained by
means of the test. A light rod ‘whips’ under the blows of the hammer. The drill rod
shall preferably have stiffness equal to or greater than that of a rod (4.13 mm outer
(ii) Casting or drilling mud – casting of drilling mud shall be used when drilling in sand,
soft clay or other soil in which the sides of the hole are likely to cave. If drilling mud
is not successful, casting shall be used. As far as sandy soils and other non-
cohesive materials are concerned, it is preferable to use drilling mud rather than
b) Split-Spoon Sampler
The sampler shall be of standard dimensions. The drive shoe shall be of hardened steel
and shall be restored when it becomes dented or distorted.
c) Drive weight assembly with tripper and pulley
(i) The drive weight assembly shall consist of riving head and a 65 kg weight with 75
cm free fall. It shall be ensured that the energy of falling weight is not reduced by
friction between the driven weight and the guides or between ropes and winch drum.
(ii) The rods to which the sampler is attached for driving should be straight tightly
coupled and straight in alignment. For driving the casting a heavier hammer be used.
d) Accessory Equipments
The following accessory equipments shall be provided :
I. Labels
II. Data sheets
III. Sample jars
Where casing is used, it shall not be driven below the level at which the test is made or soil
sample is taken. In the case of non-cohesive soils, which cannot stand without casing, the
advancement of the casing pipe should be such that it does not disturb the soil or samples to be
tested; the casing shall preferably be advanced by slowly turning the casing rather than by driving
as the vibration caused by driving may alter the density of such deposit immediately below the
bottom of the bore hole.
(a) In case wash boring is adopted for cleaning the borehole, side discharge bits are
permissible, but in no case shall a bottom discharge bit be permitted. The process of jetting
through an open tube sampler, and then testing and sampling when the desired depth is
reached shall not be permitted.
(b) In soils that may be disturbed by the flow of water into the drill hole, such as sands or silts,
the water level in the boring holes shall at all times be maintained at or above the water
table. The distance between the end of the casing and the bottom of the borehole should
not be more than 15 cm.
(c) The hole shall be cleared up to testing or sampling elevation using suitable tools, such as
angers, that will ensure there is minimum mixing up of the soil form the bottom of the hole.
In cohesive soils the hole may be cleaned with boiler with a flap-valve. This should be used
in sands.
With the sampler testing on the bottom of the hole the sampler shall be seating 15 cm with the
blows from the 65 kg hammer falling through 75 cm. The sampler shall then be further driven 30
cm or until 100 blows have been applied, except that the driving shall cease before the sampler is
full. The number of blows required, to effect each 15 cm of penetration shall be recorded. The first
15 cm of the drive is considered to be a seating drive. The total blows required for the second and
third 15 cm of penetration shall be termed the penetration resistance N; if the sampler is driven
less than 45 cm total; then the penetration resistance shall be that for the least 30 cm of the
penetration (if less than 30 cm is penetrated, the logs should state the number of blows and the
depth penetrated). If specified, more than 100 blows may be used for specific types of work.
Refusal shall be considered to have been reached when the rate of advance is less than 2.5 cm
for 50 blows.
If observed value of ‘N’ is greater than 15 and strata consists of very fine sand and silt below
water table the value obtain shall be corrected as follows:
N = 15 + ½ (N’ –15)
The N’ value obtained in the field shall also be corrected for overburden pressure by following
N = N’ x 3.5
p + 0.7
N = adjusted standard penetration resistance
N’ = standard penetration resistance as recorded or corrected above if required.
P = effective overburden pressure in Kg / cm2 limiting to 0.8 Kg / cm2.
It is recommended that if adjusted value N exceeds two times the actual test value N’, the
adjusted value of N in design shall not be taken 2N’. Bearing capacity factors are determined from
graphs and ultimate bearing capacity computed after ascertaining whether the soil is cohesive,
non-cohesive, or mixed. Unconfined compressive strength of undisturbed sample and bulk field
density are also determined to find out effective overburden pressure and net soil pressure for a
given settlement.
qd = qNq + ½ B ϒ Nϒ W’
Nq, Nϒ are bearing capacity factors as obtained from graph IS 6403, W’ is the correction
factor for location of water table as obtained from graph from IS 6403.
qd = c Nc + q
(c) Allowable bearing pressure for shallow foundation shall be minimum of the following :
The net soil pressure that can be imposed on the base without exceeding the permissible
(a) This standard lays down the method of conducting the load test and evaluation of bearing
capacities and settlement from this test.
(b) This method assumes that down to the depth of influence of stresses the soil strata is
reasonably uniform. This should be verified by bearing or sounding.
In this test a bearing plate of mild steel should be subjected to a gradual increment of load and the
corresponding settlement should be noted. The ultimate bearing capacity shall be taken as the
load at which the plate starts sinking at a rapid rate.
When a plate bigger than 30 cm square is used, a series of smaller and smaller plates should be
used eccentrically in order to reduce the upward deflection of free edges of the plate resting on
the soil and ensure the series proper distribution of the plate resting on the soil and ensure the
series recommended are 30 cm 40 cm, 50 cm, and 75 cm square plates.
Size and shape of plate: For clayey soils and sandy and silty soils normally met with, the size of
the plate shall be 60 mm square. In the case of gravel and dense sand soils, the smallest size of
the larger sizes to be used may be up to 75 mm square depending on practical considerations.
The thickness shall be minimum 25 mm.
Placing the test plate: The plate shall be added to placing the soil by plaster of paris aluminous
cement slurry of sine sand, carefully levelled, and set horizontally at the bottom of the hole dug at
foundation level in the test pit. The ground under test shall be protected from rain. Suitable divider
should be used to prevent tilting when loaded. At the commencement of the test the plate shall be
preloaded with a load of 70 kg/cm2 and released.
Application of load: The load should be applied to the test plate either by gravity loading or by
reaction loading. Take care to avoid impact fluctuation or eccentricity so as to reach the soil at a
static load. The loading shall be applied in increments of about one-fifth of the estimated bearing
capacity, but not exceeding 10 tonnes up to a maximum of one and a half times the estimated
Settlement and Observations: Settlement should be observed for each increment of load after
an interval of 1, 4, 10, 20, 40, and 60 minutes and thereafter at hourly intervals. In the same case
of clayey soil the ‘time settlement’, curve should be plotted at each load stage and increased t the
next stage either when the curve indicates that the settlement has exceeded 70 to 80 percent of
the probable ultimate settlement at that stage or at the end of 24 hour period. For soils other than
clayey soils each load increment shall be kept for not less than one hour and up to a time when
the rate of settlement gets appreciably reduced. The next increments of load shall then be applied
and observations repeated.
If needed, rebound observations may be taken while releasing the load in a similar manner as the
settlement observations for at least an hour.
From Plate Load Test observations: Load settlement curve of arithmetical scale is first drawn
and zero correction if any is applied. The settlement v/s load is again drawn on log-log scale and
yield load is determined, which is the ultimate bearing capacity. This divided by suitable factor of
safety and also taking into consideration the conditions of water table will give safe bearing
capacity (SBC) of the soil.
Determination of bearing capacity of a sub grade by the North Dakota Cone apparatus in-situ.
He North Dakota Cone apparatus, complete with weights do that the cone may be loaded to 4.5,
5, 9, 18, and 36 kg. The weight is inclusive of the weight of the shaft and the cone.
Scrap and level the test site. Set the apparatus in place and lower the cone to just touch the
surface of the ground. Lock the shaft and take the initial reading on the scale.
Load the cone to 4.5 kg. Unlock the shaft slowly to prevent impact and allow the cone to penetrate
for 1 minute. Lock the shaft and note the penetration reading.
Repeat step given above with cone loaded to 9, 18, and 36 kg.
qc = Q
p2 (0.0582)
Theoretically neglecting friction the penetration under 4.5 kg is half of that under 18 kg and
penetration under 9 kg is half that under 36 kg. But actually it is not so. Hence correction is
applied to the penetration which is given as below:
C = P36 – 2 x P9
C = Correction
Note : Example as given below will explain the calculation and correction applied.
While determining the mean value it is usual to omit the reading corresponding to 4.5 kg load.
Determination of cone resistance and friction resistance of soil at various depths below ground
surface by static cone penetration method.
Steel cone, friction jacket, sounding rod, mantle driving mechanism, measuring equipment
(confirming to I.S. code 4968 (Part –III) – 1976).
Basically the test procedure for determining the static cone and frictional resistance consists of
pushing the cone along through the soil strata to be tested, then the cone and the friction jacket,
and finally the entire assembly in sequence and noting the respective resistance in the first two
cases. The cone is pushed through a distance in accordance with the design of the equipment
and the need for the sub-strata and the cone resistance noted. Thereafter, the cone and the
jacket are pushed together for a distance depending upon the design of the cone and friction
jacket assembly and the combined value of cone and friction resistance noted. The procedure is
repeated at pre-determined intervals.
The equipment shall be securely anchored to the ground at the test point for obtaining the
required reaction.
The rack of the driving mechanism shall be brought to the top most position. The cone friction
jacket assembly shall be connected to the fist sound rod and the mantle tube. This assembly
under the test point through the mantle tube guide and held vertically. The plunger of the driving
mechanism shall be brought down so as to rest against the protruding sounding rod.
For obtaining cone resistance, the sounding rod only shall be pushed. Switching the gear clutch
to slow position, the drive handle shall be operated at steady rate of 1 cm/sec approximately so
as to advance the cone only to a depth, which is possible with the cone assembly available.
During the pushing, the mean value of the resistance as indicated by the bourdon gauge shall be
noted ignoring erratic changes.
For finding the combined cone and friction resistance of the soil the sounding rod shall be pushed
to the extent the cone has been pushed at the rate of 1 cm/sec noting the mean resistance on the
gauge, ignoring erratic changes.
The procedure given should be repeated after pushing the combined cone friction jacket and
metal tube assembly to the next depth at which the cone and friction resistance values are
required. Extension sounding rods and mantle tubes should be added after every one metre of
pushing as the test proceeds. Alternatively, the resistance ay be determined continuously if so
After reaching the deepest point of investigation the entire assembly should be extracted out of
the soil by the special operations provided for in the equipment.
Among field sounding tests, the static cone is a valuable method at recording variation in in-situ
penetration resistance of soil, where the in-situ density is disturbed by boring operations, thus
making the standard penetration test unreliable especially under water. The results of the tests
are also useful in determining the bearing capacity of the soil at various depths below the ground
Determination of values – Density Index and allowable pressure of cohesive soils for a
permissible settlement of 25 mm by dynamic penetration test.
Cone, driving head, hoisting equipment, hammer (confirming to I.S. : 4968 (Part –I) – 1976).
The 50 mm diameter 60° cone shall be fitted loosely to the driving rod (A rod) through a cone
adopter or the threaded cone shall be screwed to the driving rod. The hammerhead shall be
joined to the other end of the A rod with a rod coupling. A guide rod 150 cm long shall be
connected to the hammerhead. This assembly shall be kept vertical, with the cone resting on the
ground to be tested. The cone shall then be driven into the soil by allowing the 65kg hammer to
fall freely through a height of 750 mm each time. The numer of blows for every 100 mm
penetration of the cone shall be recorded. The process shall be repeated till the cone is driven to
the required depth.
The maximum depth to which the cone should be driven will depend upon the type of soil, the
position of the water table and the purpose of the test. Of correlations of cone penetration values
obtained by other method is desired in interpretation, in cohesionless soils the depth may be
limited to 5m, in mixed soil with some binding material the depth may be 10m. if the test is used
for obtaining a general quantitative idea of the strata, the cone may be driven to any convenient
Determination of the shear strength of saturated clays which are highly susceptible to sampling
Vane, torque application, rod system, dummy rod, shape and dimensions confirming to I.S. : 4434
– 1978.
Sink the borehole up to the depth required and extend the casing up to full depth. If the casing is
loose, secure it so that it does not move during the tests. Fix the torque applicator anchor plate to
the casing.
Connect the vane of suitable size to the rods and lower it to the bottom of he borehole, putting
guide vanes at suitable intervals but not more than about 5m as the rods are extended. Push the
vane into a moderate steady force up to a depth of five times the diameter of the borehole below
the bottom of the borehole or shoe. Take precautions to make sure that no torque is applied to
the torque rods during the thrust. No hammering shall be permitted. Fix the torque applicator with
frame to the anchor plate and connect the rods to it. Tighten the torque applicator to the frame
Allow a minimum period of five minutes after insertion of the vane. Turn the gear handle so that
the vane is rotated at the rate of 0.1°/sec. Note the maximum torque reading obtained. If
necessary, note the torque indicator dial gauge readings at half-minute intervals and continue
rotating the vane until the reading drops appreciably from the maximum.
Just after the determination of maximum torque, rotate the vane rapidly through a minimum of ten
revolutions. The remoulded strength should then be determined within one minute after
completion of the revolutions.
Remove the vane testing assembly, continue boring and collect soil sample from the level of the
vane testing for laboratory analysis to ascertain whether the deposit will behave as a purely
cohesive soil.
In case where a sleeve is not provided for the vane rod and the soil is in contact with the rod,
determine the friction between the soil and the vane rod by conducting tests at appropriate depths
using the dummy rod corresponding to that the vane is replaced by dummy rod. The test should
be conducted in an adjacent borehole at the same depth at which the vane tests were conducted.
The dummy rod should be pushed into the ground to the same distance as the vane rod at that
Test by Direct Penetration from Ground Surface
Lock the vane in place inside the protecting shoe and jack or drive it to the required depth. Care
shall be taken to see that the rods remain tight while the vane is lowered. Place guide at about
every 3m to centralize and reduce friction between the rods and the extension pipes.
When the vane and the protecting shoe have penetrated to the required depth, push the vane
steadily, without twisting, a distance of 5 times the diameter of the shoe, into the undisturbed soil
below the protecting shoe. Rotate the vain till the soil fails.
Remove the torque-measuring instrument and pull back the vane into its protecting shoe before
being removed from the ground taking precautions that the vane is not damaged by the shoe.
In the case where the vane is in contact with the torque rods, determine the fiction between the
soil and the rods by means of torque tests conducted on similar rods at similar depths with no
vane attached. Conduct the rod friction test at least once on each site, this shall consist of a
series of torque tests at varying depths. A dummy should be used instead of the vane if the vane
rod is not provided with a sleeve.
For a rectangular vane, calculate the shear strength of the soil using the following formula :
S = M x 106
2 3
DH + D
2 6
H = Height of vane in mm
Laboratory vane shear test on cohesive soils of low strength for determining their undrained shear
Vane, vane shear apparatus, particulars of apparatus such as shape and measurement should
be as per I.S. 2720 (Part XXX) – 1968.
The specimen in the tube shall be at least 37.5 mm in diameter and 75 mm long. Mount the
specimen container with the specimen on the base if the vane shear apparatus and fix it securely
to the base. If the specimen container is closed at one end it should be provided at he bottom with
a hole of about one millimetre diameter. Lower the shear vanes into the specimen to their full
length gradually without disturbing the soil specimen so that the top of the vane is at least 10 mm
below the top of the specimen. Note the readings of the strained and torque indicators. Rotate the
vane at a uniform rate (0.1°/sec is recommended) by suitably operating the torque applicator
handle until the specimen fails. Not the final reading of the torque indicator. Torque readings and
the corresponding strain readings may also be noted at required intervals of time as the test
For vane testing instruments that do not read the torque directly, a calibrated curve to convert the
readings to cm/kg of torque shall be provided. These calibration curves shall be checked for a
rectangular vane. Calculate the shear strength of the soil using the following formula :
S = T
DH + D3
2 6
T = Torque in cm/kg
H = Height of vane in cm
To determine the unconfined compressive strength of the given cohesive soil sample.
Unconfined compression testing machine, proving ring with fittings, sampling tube, sample
extractor, deformation dial gauge, stopwatch, scale, knife, etc.
In this test, a cylindrical soil sample with length to diameter ratio of two is subjected to an axial
compression without any confining pressure. During the test, the length of the specimen
decreases with consequent increase in its lateral dimension. Thus at any axial strain, the actual
average area of cross section is more than the original area. It is obtained as the corrected area
(Ac) from the expression.
Ac = Ao
The unconfined compressive strength (qu) of a soil sample tested is defined as the maximum
axial stress intensity which the sample can sustain or the axial stress corresponding to 20 % axial
strain whichever occurs earlier. Saturated soils tested under un-drained condition (like the
unconfined compression test) tend to behave as if they are purely cohesive soils with ∅ = 0 and
for such soils the usual expression for shear strength.
S = C + tan ∅ reduces to
Su = Cu since ∅ = 0 where
Drawing the Mohr’s Circle for the failure condition of he sample, it is seen that
Su = Cu = qu /2
The unconfined compression test is also useful to calculate the sensitivity of a soil which is
defined as the ratio of qu of a soil in its undisturbed state tot hat in its remoulded state.
A) Undisturbed samples
Undisturbed samples are usually obtained in large diameter tubes (of not less than 100mm). For
most of the fine grained cohesive soils normally 38mm dia, and 150mm long, sampling tubes are
used to obtain the sample of the correct size. These are lightly oiled inside and then penetrated
into the large dia. Sampling tube (in which the field sample is obtained) using the universal
extractor, so that each of the tube is filled with the soil sample with minimum possible
disturbances. The samples of 38 mm dia, thus obtained are extracted and filled into split moulds
using the sample extractor. Trim the length of the sample to 76 mm when they are still in he split
moulds. Store the moulds in a moist room (or in a desiccators) to avoid moisture losses. The soil
samples are taken out from the split moulds just before testing.
B) Remoulded samples
Compact the given soil either by static or dynamic compaction into a mould of 110mm dia to the
desired density and moisture content. Obtain three 38 mm dia, and 76 mm long test samples from
this mould as explained under sample preparation for undisturbed sample.
1. Note the dimensions of the sample (take the avg. value after measuring the length and dia in
three places) and weigh it.
2. Adjust the distance between the two plates of the loading device to suit the size of specimen.
3. Place the specimen on the lower plate with its vertical axis as near to the centre of the plate
as possible. Operating the handle raise the lower plate and ring the specimen just in contact
with the upper fixed plate. This is achieved when the dial gauge pointer tends to move, with
any further movement of the lower plate upwards.
4. Mount the dial gauge for strain measurement on the bracket provided. The dial gauge is
adjusted in a truly vertical position ensuring that the bottom of the spindle just touches the
bottom plate with the initial reading at zero.
As a final check for the proper initial setting, any little movement oft the lower plate is to be
allowed with a movement of the pointer in the dial gauge for strain measurement as well as
the dial gauge of the proving ring for load measurement, in the positive direction.
5. Apply the compressive load on the soil sample by turning the handle so as to give an axial
strain rate of about 1% per minute. This is to be practiced prior to the fixing of the sample in
position and by fixing the strain measuring dial gauge in position. Actually 1% strain
corresponding to a reading of 0.76mm deflection in the strain measuring dial gauge or 0.19
mm every 15 seconds. So a strain rate of 0.20mm every 15 seconds can be adopted.
6. Note the proving ring readings corresponding to each 0.50% axial strain value until a total
strain of 2% is reached and thereafter note the proving ring readings for each 1% additional
7. Continue loading and recording till an axial strain of 20% is attained irrespective of the fact
whether load increased continuously or increases initially and decreases later.
8. Sketch the failure pattern. Measure the angle between the failure planes (cracks) and the
horizontal plane. Actually the failure plane can be developed on a sheet of paper by taking
coordinates of the failure plane commencing from the origin.
10. Calculate the corrected axial stress corresponding to each strain knowing the corrected area
as explained earlier.
11. Plot the stress-strain curve. Note the maximum value of the stress (qu) and also the strain (f)
corresponding to this value.
If the sample does not fall even at a strain of 20%, the axial stress at 20% strain may be
taken as the value of qu (see fig 1.).
12. Test all the three samples. If their water contents are the same then report the value of qu, as
the average of the 2 values obtained. If not an approximation has to be made in relation to
the water content variations.
13. Calculate the degree of saturation for each specimen. If the values are very near to100% then
the un-drained strength (Su = Cu) of the soil is half the average qu. If not the value of Su is
taken as Cu approximately.
14. Plot the Mohr’s circle for the three samples tested at failure condition. An approximate value
of Cu can be obtained if the three circles are of different diameters (see in fig 2).
15. Obtain the approximate value of effective angle of friction ¯ from the expression
f = (¯/2) + 45
Specimen No.
1 2 3
Container No.
Strain at faliure
To determine the shear parameters of a given soil sample (undisturbed/remoulded) using a direct
shear test apparatus.
Shear box with its accessories, loading frame, weights, proving ring, dial gauges, sample trimmer,
balance, spatula, vernier etc.
C = Cohesion (kg/sq.cm)
In the direct shear test the failure is induced in a soil sample by moving one part of the soil
container while the other is kept stationary. When a shear force of sufficient magnitude is applied
the bottom portion of the box moves horizontally related to the top one, causing the soil in the box
to shear along a plane of separation between two halves of the shear box (horizontal plane).
In a strength test of soil, there are two basic stages. First a normal load is applied to the specimen
(consolidation stage) and then failure is induced by applying a shear stress (shearing stage). If no
water is allowed to escape from or enter into the specimen either during consolidation or shearing
then it is called un-drained test or unconsolidated un-drained test (or quick test). If the specimen
is allowed to consolidate under normal load and sheared under fully drained conditions, it is called
consolidated drained (or slow) test. Un-drained tests can be performed in a shear box on highly
compacted clay.
Undrained tests
1. Place the plate, and then the solid grid plate at the bottom f the shear box. Fix the two parts of
the shear box with two suitable locking screws after ensuring that the spacing screws (3 nos)
are screwed with their tips flush with the common surface between two halves.
2. Push the soil specimen from the cutter into shear box. Place another solid grid plate on the top
of the specimen. The direction of both top and bottom grid plates should be at right angles to
the direction of shear. Place the loading pad on top of the grid plate.
3. Transfer the box into the water jacket placed (on rollers) on the platform of the apparatus
provided with an adjustable loading frame. See that the shear box is in the centre, abutting the
step provided in the water jacket. Slide the water jacket such that the inverted ‘U’ hook fixed to
the top half of the shear box rests firmly against the vertical plate of the platform.
4. Determine the leverage ratio and apply the desired normal load intensity in the range of 0.5 to
2 kg/sq.cm through the loading frame. Adjust the proving ring so that its attached spindle
touches the water jacket outer surface. Remove the locking screws. Raise the upper part of
the shear box with the help of spacer screws, such that a gap of about 0.5mm is left between
two parts of the box (in the case of sandy soil. For fine soils this step can be ignored.).
5. Attach a dial gauge to the fitting fixed to the vertical and plate. This gauge measures the shear
(horizontal displacement).
7. Take the readings of proving ring dial gauge at every 0.6mm of shear displacement till failure
or till a displacement of 12mm (20% strain) whichever occurs earlier.
8. Remove the specimen from the box and take samples for moisture content determination.
9. Repeat the test on at least two more identical specimens under increased normal loads.
Procedure is similar to that in un-drained test, except that instead of the solid grid plates use
perforated grid plates at the top and bottom of the specimen. Conduct the shear test only after
consolidation has occurred under the applied normal stress.
Procedure is similar to tat in consolidated un-drained test except that the shearing is done at a
slow rate (o.1% strain per minute) so that complete drainage can occur, during the shear stage.
1. Calculate the corrected cross-sectional area Ac (cm2) from the following equation
Ac = Ao(1-(S/B))
Ao = Initial cross sectional area of the specimen (sq.cm)
S = Displacement (mm)
B = Initial length of specimen (mm)
2. Divide the shear load measured by the proving ring by the corrected area of specimen to
get the shear stress in the specimen.
3. Plot the shear strain versus shear stress curve to obtain the maximum shear stress
corresponding to each normal stress. Determine the failure strain (fig 1).
4. Plot failure (or maximum) shear stress versus normal stress to obtain the shear parameters
C and ¯ (fig 2).
Specimen No.: 1 2 3
Normal stress
(kg / sq.cm):
Horiz. Corr. Proving Shear Shear Proving Shear Shear Proving Shear Shear
Deform. area ring load stress ring load stress ring load stress
(mm) (sq.cm) reading (Kg) (Kg/ cm2) reading (Kg) (Kg/ cm2) reading (Kg) (Kg/ cm2)
To determine the shear strength parameters of a given cohesive soil sample by conducting
“Unconsolidated un-drained tri-axial compression test”.
5 tonne loading frame, tri-axial cell, specimen mould, rubber sheath, sheath stretcher, ‘O’ rings,
constant lateral pressure assembly, foot pump, balance, drying oven, desiccators, etc.
A triaxial test is intended to provide strength the data of a soil sample subjected to compressive
stresses in three mutually perpendicular directions. When a soil sample is subjected to a stress
system and if there is a major principal stress and three minor principal stresses, failure is
indicated by Mohr’s diagram as shown in fig 2. the shear strength parameters ‘C’ and ‘¯’ (as
indicated in fig 2) are known as cohesion angle and angle of internal friction respectively.
1. Obtain three soil samples of size 38mm dia, and 76 mm long from a sampling tube , usually of
diameter 100mm.
3. Attach the 38 mm dia solid base cap at the centre of base plate of the triaxial cell.
4. Place the soil sample centrally on the base cap of the triaxial cell and cover it with the loading
5. Seal the rubber membrane against the top and bottom caps with ‘O’ rings. Place a steel ball in
the central groove of the top cap.
6. Carefully lower the upper assembly of the tri-axial cell into position checking that the plunger
bottom just rests on the spherical ball on the top cap of the sample.
7. Fix the upper assembly to the base plate by tightening the nuts evenly. Place the cell centrally
on the loading frame.
8. Admit water into the lucid chamber by opening the corresponding valve provided in the base
plate of the tri-axial cell and ensuring that the air cock at the top of the cell is open to facilitate
escape of air as the water flows in. when the water flows out of the air cock, close it and build
up the cell pressure to the required magnitude by connection, the cell to the lateral pressure
assembly which maintains a constant pressure by self adjustment.
9. The loading ram will be pushed up against the proving ring due to the upward thrust of the cell
pressure acting on its lower end. By means of handle provided and to be operated (when the
motor is switched off) bring down the loading ram such that its bottom is just 0.5 cm above the
steel ball. Then, lock the handle and start the motor till the loading ram bottom just starts
moving. Immediately stop the motor, adjust the proving ring dial gauge reading to zero.
10. The axial strain of the soil sample is measured by a dial gauge fixed either to the ram between
the proving ring and top of triaxial cell, or to one of the columns of the loading frame so that its
spindle bottom rests on the top of the tri-axial cell. In the former case the loading piston moves
down with the cell stationary, while in the latter case the cell goes up and the piston is
stationary. Now adjust the deformation dial gauge reading to zero (this is checked by noting
that when the motor drive is started the dial gauge in the proving ring dial gauge for measuring
axial strain starts moving simultaneously).
11. If the motor is now started, the indicators in the dial gauge of proving ring and the dial gauge
for stop in measurement start moving. This ensures the apparatus is all set for application of
deviator load on the soil specimen.
12. Start loading the sample at a constant rate of deformation of 0.75 mm/minute (i.e. 1%
13. Record the load (proving ring dial reading) at every 1% strain, continue the loading until an
axial strain of 20% is reached.
14. Remove the deviator load completely and read the final proving ring reading as a check to
ensure that the reading is close to initial reading.
15. Drain out the cell water. Take out the soil sample. Remove the rubber membrane. Sketch the
failure pattern. Weigh the sample. Determine the water content at the failure plane by
collecting soil sample at 3 different places along the failure plane.
16. Calculate the deviator stress using, the corrected area Ac corresponding to various axial strain
values as follows :
Ac = Ao Where E = dl
l-E l
dl being the change in length, l the initial length and Ao the initial area of the soil sample.
17. Plot a graph between percentage axial strain (on X axis) and deviator stress (on Y axis) and
determine the maximum deviator stress (see fig 1) and the corresponding axial strain.
Compute the major and minor principal stresses at failure.
18. Conduct the test for at least three different cell pressures. Draw Mohr’s circle in each case and
evaluate the shear parameters for the given soil sample (fig 2 and 3).
Rate of strain:
Specimen No.
1 2 3
Mode of failure
Specimen - 1 Specimen - 2 Specimen - 3
Dial Axial
Corrected Proving Load Axial Proving Load Axial Proving Load Axial
gauge strain
area ring stress ring stress ring stress
reading % 2 2
reading kg/cm reading kg/cm reading kg/cm2
0 11.40 0.0
15 11.46 0.5
30 11.52 1.0
45 11.57 1.5
60 11.63 2.0
90 11.75 3.0
120 11.88 4.0
150 12.00 5.0
180 12.13 6.0
210 12.26 7.0
240 12.39 8.0
270 12.53 9.0
300 12.67 10.0
330 12.89 11.0
360 12.96 12.0
390 13.10 13.0
420 13.26 14.0
450 13.40 15.0
480 13.57 16.0
510 13.74 17.0
540 13.90 18.0
570 14.07 19.0
600 14.25 20.0
(I.S. : 2720 (PART XV) 1965)
To conduct one dimensional consolidation test on a saturated soil sample for determining its
various consolidation characteristics.
Loading device, consolidometer with all accessories, porous stones, water reservoir, dial gauge,
and other accessories.
The main purpose of the test is to obtain soil data which are used in predicting the rate and the
amount of settlement of structures. The two important soil properties furnished by the test are (i)
Compressive index (Cc) and (ii) the coefficient of consolidation (Cv) which indicates the rate of
compression under a load increment. The data from laboratory test makes it possible to plot a
stress Vs volume strain curve, which gives useful information about the stress history of the soil.
Press the consolidation ring gradually into the sampling tubes containing the soil sample and
remove carefully the material around the ring. See that the soil specimen projects about one cm
on either side of the ring. Trim the specimen flush with the top and bottom of the ring using a
trimmer and a wire saw. If any voids are caused in the specimen due to removal of gravel particle
fill them back by pressing loose soil tightly.
Find out the water content from the representative soil trimmings.
Saturate the porous stone by boiling in distilled water for at least 15 minutes. Moisten all the
interior surfaces of the cell. Assemble the cell with soil specimen (in the ring) and porous stones
providing a filter paper between the soil and porous stones. Keep the loading cap on the top
porous stone and place the whole assembly on the platform provided with a loading frame.
The saturation of the sample throughout the test is ensured by connecting the bottom side of the
cell containing the sample, to Lucite cylinder containing water. This cylinder mounted on a stand
(attached to the apparatus) an be adjusted to a desired level.
Apply an initial setting of load 0.05 kg/ sq.cm and allow it to stand for 24 hours.
Take the final compression dial reading fir the initial set load and apply the normal load to give the
desires pressure intensity, starting a stop watch simultaneously. Record the compression dial
reading after various time intervals (as given in he proforma). The load is to be applied by
gradually placing the weight on the pan without any jerk.
Take the final compression dial reading after a lapse of 24 hours to ensure the completion of
primary consolidation.
Repeat the above procedure every time doubling the pressure to its previous value (usual
sequence of load is 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,1.6,3.2,and 6.4 kg/sq.cm of 0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0, and 8
For obtaining rebound curve, go on reducing the loads in steps of one fourth the previous
intensities till a value of 0.1 kg/sq.cm or 0.25 kg/sq.cm is reached. No time dial readings are
usually necessary during the rebound, however, take the initial and final (after 24 hours) readings
under each load during the rebound.
Take the final rebound readings for 0.1 kg/sq.cm or 0.25 kg/sq.cm and reduce the intensity to the
initial set load. Keep it for 24 hours and take the final gauge readings.
Dismantle the assembly and weigh the specimen with ring after wiping away excess water.
Keep the specimen in the oven after drying it for 24 hours at a temperature of 105 to 110°C,
obtaining its dry weight.
Maintain the water level in the reservoir throughout the test to its initial value (approximately) so
as to prevent desiccation and to provide sufficient water for the rebound expansion.
Plot the observations with ‘t’ the time elapsed in minutes as abscissa and the dial gauge readings
as ordinates. Draw a smooth curve joining these points.
Extend back the straight portion of the curve to intersect the line of zero time and obtain the
corrected zero point ds. Draw a straight line through ds with abscissa 1.15 times as large as the
corresponding values on the straight-line portion of the curves. The point intersecting d90
corresponds to 90% primary consolidation. The reading on time av is corresponding to d90 gives
the time for 90% consolidation. Calculate the dial reading corresponding to 100% primary
2. Log Method (Casagranda’s Method)
Plot the compression dial readings against the log of time and draw a smooth curve, extend the
two straight portions of the curve to intersect at a point, the ordinate of which gives d100
corresponding to 100% primary consolidation. Lay off a distance above a point in the
neighbourhood of 0.1 minutes reading equal to the vertical distance between this point and
another at an elapsed which is four times this value. This gives the corrected point d. Mark the
50% compression point which is half way between the corrected zero point and 100%
compression point. The reading on the time axis corresponding to this value gives t50, i.e., time for
50% consolidation.
2Ho = Ws
G s x Wt x A
2Ho = Equivalent thickness of soil solids
2H = Thickness of specimen at the end of consolidation period after the
application load.
Plot a graph between void ratio and log of pressure P. the slope of straight portion of the curve
gives the value of compression index = Cc.
Locate the point of maximum curvature on the plot. Draw a horizontal line and tangent to the
curve, at this point. Bisect the angle formed between these two lines. Intersect this bisector by
extending back the straight portion of the ‘e’ Vs log P curve corresponding to the higher pressure.
The pressure corresponding to the point of intersection gives the maximum precompression
pressure: (Cv)
Coefficient of consolidation:
Coefficient of compressibility K = Cv x av x rw
(1 + c)
t90 and t50 are the time that elapses from the application of load, to reach 90% and 50%
Also, av = e – e1
P1 – P
e = void ratio under the overburden pressure ‘P’
e1 = void ratio under an applied pressure P1
compression Index (C) : This is obtained as the slope of the e Vs log10 P curve for the stress
range under question.
Cc = e1 – e2 = e1 – e2
Log P2 – Log P1 Log10 (P2/P1)
Date :
To determine the penetration of asphaltic bitumen and fluxed native asphalt and blown type
The penetration of a bituminous material is the distance in tenths of a millimetre that a standard
needle will penetrate vertically into a sample of the material under standard conditions of
temperature, load, and time.
A metal or glass cylindrical, flat bottom container of essentially the following dimensions shall be
For penetration below 225
Diameter , mm 55
Internal depth, mm 35
Water Bath
A water bath with preferably a thermostat maintained at 25.0 ± 0.1°C containing not less than 10
litres of water, the sample being immersed to a depth of not less than 100 mm from the top and
supported on a perforated shelf not less than 50 mm from the bottom of the bath.
Transfer Dish
A small dish or tray provided with some means which ensure a firm bearing andprevent the
rocking of th container, and of such capacity as will ensure complete immersion of the container
during the test.
Penetration Apparatus
Any apparatus which will allow the needle to penetrate without appreciable friction, and which is
accurately calibrated to yield results in tenths of millimetre shall be adopted.
Characteristics Requirement
Range 0 to 44°C
Graduations 0.2°C
Immersion 65 mm
Overall strength 340 ± 10 mm
Stem diameter 5.5 to 8.0 mm
Bulb length 10 to 16 mm
Bulb diameter Not larger than stem diameter
Length of graduated portion 150 to 190 mm
Longer lines of each 1°C and 5°C
Figured at each 5°C
Scale ± 0.2°C
Time device
Any automatic timing device attached to penetrometer shall be accurately calibrated to provide
the desired test interval within 0.1mm
Soften the material to a pouring consistency at room temperature not more than 60°C for tars and
pitches and not more than 90°C for bitumen above the respective approximate softening point
and stir it thoroughly until it is homogeneous and is free from air bubbles and water. Pour the melt
into the container to a depth at least 10mm in excess of the expected penetration. Protect the
sample from dust and allow it to cool in an atmosphere at a temperature between 15 to 30°C for
1½ to 2 hours for 45 mm deep container and 1 to 1½ hours when the container of 35 mm depth s
used. Then place it along with the transfer dish in the water bath at 25.0 ± 0.1°C and allow it to
remain for 1½ to 2 hours and 1 to 1½ hour for 45 mm and 35 mm deep container respectively.
In the case of cutback bitumen Digboi type cutback bitumen residue left after distillation shall be
used for the test.
(1) Unless otherwise specified, the testing shall be carried out at 25.0 ± 0.1°C
(2) Fill the transfer dish with water from the water bath to a depth sufficient to cover the container
completely, place the sample in it and put it upon the stand of the penetration apparatus.
Adjust the needle (previously washed and cleaned with benzene, carefully dried and loaded
with the specified weight) to make contact with the surface of the sample.
(3) This may be accomplished by placing the needlepoint in contact with its image reflected by the
surface of the material from a suitably placed source of light.
(4) Unless otherwise specified, load the needle holder with the weight required to make a total
moving weight (that is, the sum of the weights of the needle, carrier and superimposed
weights) of 100 ± 0.25gm
(5) Note the reading of the dial or bring the pointer to zero. Release the needle and adjust the
points, if necessary to measure the distance penetrated. Make at least three determinations at
points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm apart and not less than 10 mm from
the side of the dish. After each test, return the sample and transfer dish to the water bath, and
wash the needle, clean it with benzene and dry. In the case of material of penetration grater
than 225, three determinations, on each of two identical specimens using a separate needle
for each determination shall be made, leaving the needle in the sample on completion of each
determination to avoid disturbance.
(2) The value of penetration reported shall be the mean of not less than three determinations
whose values do not differ by more than the amount given below:
The ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in centimetres to which it will
elongate before breaking when a briquette specimen of the material of the form is pulled apart at
a specified speed and at a specified temperature.
(1) Unless otherwise specified, the test shall be conducted at a temperature of 27.0 ± 0.5°C and
at a rate of pull of 50.0 ± 2.5 mm/min.
(2) When a low temperature ductility test is desired, the test shall be made at a temperature of 4.0
± 0.5°C and at a rate of pull of 10.0 ± 0.5mm/min.
(3) Completely melt the bituminous material to be tested to a temperature of 75°C to 100°C
above the approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid. Assemble the mould
on a brass plate and in order to prevent the material under test from sticking, thoroughly coat
the surface of the plate and interior surface of the sides of the mould with a mixture of equal
parts of glycerine and dextrine. In filling, pour the material in a thin stream back and forth from
end to end of the mould until it is more than level full. Leave it to cool at a room temperature
for 30 to 40 minutes, and then place in a water bath maintained at a specified temperature for
30 minutes after which cut off the excess bitumen by means of a hot, straight-edged putty
knife or spatula so that the mould shall be just level full.
(4) Place the brass plate and mould with briquette specimen, in the water bath and keep at the
specified temperature for about 85 to 90 minutes. Then remove the briquette from the plate,
detach the sidepieces, and test the briquette immediately.
(5) Attach the rings at each end of the clips to the pins or hooks in the testing machine and pull
the two clips apart horizontally at a uniform speed as specified until the briquette ruptures.
Measure the distance in centimetres through which the clips have been pulled to produce
rupture. While the test is being done, make sure that the water in the tank of the testing
machine covers the specimen both above and below it by at least 25mm and is maintained
continuously within ± 0.5°C of the specified temperature.
(1) A normal test is one in which the material between the two clips pulls out to a point or to a
thread and rupture occurs where the cross-sectional area is minimum. Report the average of
three normal tests as the ductility of the sample, provided the three determinations are within
± 5 percent of their mean value.
(2) If the value of three determinations do not lie within ± 5 percent of their mean but the two
higher values are within ± 5 percent of their mean value then record the mean of the two
higher values as test result.
To determine the softening point of Asphaltic Bitumen, road tar, coal tar etc.
The temperature at which the substance attains a particular degree of softening under specified
conditions of test is called its softening point.
(1) Preparation of test sample: Heat the material to a temperature between 75°C and 100°C
above its softening point, stir until it is completely fluid and free from air bubbles and water,
and filter, if necessary, through IS sieve 30. Place the rings, previously heated to a
temperature approximately to that of molten material on a metal plate, which has been
coated with a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and dextrine, and fill with sufficient melt to
give excess above the ring when cooled. After cooling for 30 minutes in air, level the
material in the ring by removing the excess with a warmed, sharp knife.
(2) Materials of softening point below 80°C: Assemble the apparatus with the rings,
thermometer and ball guides in position, and fill the bath to a height of 50mm above the
upper surface of the rings with freshly distilled water at a temperature of 5°C. Maintain the
bath at a temperature of 5°C for 15 minutes after which place the ball previously cooled to
a temperature of 5°C by means of forceps in each ball guide. Apply heat to the bath and
stir the liquid so that the temperature rises at a uniform rate of 5.0 ± 0.5°C per minute until
the material softens and allows the ball to pass through the ring. The rate of temperature
rise shall not be averaged over the period of the test, and any test in which the rate of
temperature rise do not fall within the specified limits after the first three minutes shall be
rejected. Make the determination in duplicate.
(3) Materials of softening point above 80°C: the procedure for materials of softening point
above 80°C is similar to that described above with the difference that glycerine is used in
the place of water in the bath and the starting temperature of the test is 35°C. Make the
determination in duplicate.
(1) Record for each ring and ball, the temperature shown by the thermometer at the instant the
sample surrounding the ball touches the bottom plate of the support, if any, the bottom of the
(2) Report to the nearest 0.5°C the mean of he temperature recorded in duplicate determinations,
without correction for the emergent stem of the thermometer, as the softening point.
(3) It is essential that the mean value of the softening point (Temperature) does not differ from
individual observations by more than the following limits:
Verification of Viscometer
Clean the inner vessel and jet with ethyl ether or petroleum ether. Wash out several times with
alcohol and finally with distilled water. Level the viscometer. Insert a stopper, which has been
used only for the water test of the apparatus and has never been in contact with oils. Fill the inner
vessel with distilled water at about 20°C, to a little above the pointers. Maintain the temperature of
water bath at 20°C. By raising the stopper a few times fill the jet completely with water and wet
the surface of the outlet so that a drop completely covering the surface remains pendant. To set
the water level exactly to the pointer suck the excess of water by means of a small pipette till the
pointers are reached. Keep a measuring flask under the jet and lift the stopper completely out
keeping the water steady, simultaneously starting a stop watch. Note the time when the water
level just reaches the 200ml mark. Repeat this several times until three test results have been
obtained differing by not more than 0.5 sec and the values show no progressive decrease. Clean
the apparatus and do a second series of experiment. If agreement is obtained with the first series
no further experiments are needed, otherwise continue a series of experiments until constant
times of efflux are found. Take the mean of the six values of the last two series as the time of
efflux of water. This shall lie between the limits of 47 and 53 seconds.
Pass the emulsion through a sieve of British Standard Mesh No. 30 and warm in a bath at a
temperature slightly in excess at 20°C until it is a uniform temperature.
Take water into the bath and bring it to a temperature of 20°C. Level the viscometer. Insert the
wooden stopper and close the orifice. Pour the emulsion into the viscometer and carefully bring it
to the correct weight. When the temperature of the jacket and the emulsion is steady at 20°C
raise the stopper simultaneously starting a stopwatch. Collect 200ml of the emulsion into a
graduated flask. The emulsion being allowed to flow from the viscometer down the side of the
receiving flask, thus eliminating frothing. Note down the time. Take the mean of three
determinations. If the extreme values differ by more than 5% of the mean, a fresh test shall be
conducted. During the run, maintain the temperature of the emulsion as close as possible to 20°C
and carry out the measurement at a sufficiently short interval after introducing the emulsion into
the viscometer to eliminate the possibility of sedimentation.
The time of efflux for 200ml of the emulsion, divided by the efflux time for 200ml of water gives
the viscosity in Engler degrees. Report the results obtained to the nearest 0.1 Engler degrees.
Determination of flash point for bitumen other than cut back bitumen.
(1) Oil cup and lid (2) Heating Vessel (3) Stirrer (4) Thermometer
(5) Ignition Burner (6) Pilot burner (7) Spring handle (8) Revolving shutter
(9) Orifice (10) Gauge disc (11) Lifting hooks (12) Shutter operating device
The flash point of the material is the lowest temperature which the vapour of a substance
momentarily takes fire in the form of flash under specified condition of test.
(1) Clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories thoroughly before the test is started.
Take particular care to avoid the presence of any solvent used to clean the apparatus after a
previous test. Fill the cup with the material to be tested up to the level indicated by the filling
mark. Place the cup on the lid and set the latter on the stove. Take care that the lid on devices
are properly engaged. Insert the thermometer, high or low range, as required.
(2) Light and adjust the test flame so that it is of the size of a bead of 4 mm in diameter. Apply
heat at such a rate that the temperature recorded by the thermostat increases between 5 and
6° per minute.
(3) Turn the stirrer at a rate of approximately 60 revolutions per minute. Apply the test flame at
each temperature reading, which is a multiple of 1°C up to 104°C. For the temperature range
above 104°C apply the test flame at each temperature reading, which is a multiple of 2°C, the
first application of the test flame being made at a temperature at least 17°C below the actual
flash point. Apply the test flame by operating the device controlling the shutter and test flame
burner, so that the flame is lowered in 0.5 seconds, left in its lowered position for one second,
and quickly raised to its high position. Discontinue the stirring during the application of the test
(2) No correction shall be made except in the case of dispute, when the flash point figure shall
be corrected according to the following rules:
(a) For each 25 mm below 760 mm barometric reading, add 1°C to the flash point.
(b) For each 25 mm above 760 mm barometric reading, subtract 1°C from the flash
Unless otherwise specified, normally the flash point shall be taken as the temperature read on the
thermometer at the time of the flame application that causes a distinct flash in the interior of the
The duplicate test results should not differ by more than the following:
(1) The test flame will neither be larger than stipulated nor will it be applied more frequently
than specified, as the surface layer is liable to be super heated.
(2) The bluish halo that sometimes surrounds the test flame shall not be confused with the true
The standard Pensky – Martens tester and thermometers as prescribed in the method for plash
The cover of the cup shall be replaced by a clip, which encircles the upper rim of the cup and
carries the thermometer and test flame. The tube carrying the thermometer shall have its centre
on a radius at approximately 90° to the radius passing through the point of attachment of the test
flame, and shall be of such a height that when the thermometer is in position, its bulb shall be in
the vertical axis of the cup and in level with the upper edge of the cup.
The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the material gets ignited and burns under
specified condition of test.
(1) All parts of the cup and its accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before the test is
started. Particular care shall be taken to remove all traces of solvent used to clean the
(2) The cup shall be filled with the material to be tested up to the level indicated by the filling
(3) The clip carrying the thermometer and the test flame shall be placed on the cup and the latter
set on the stove. Care shall be to taken to have the locating devices properly engaged. The
thermometer shall be inserted. If it is known that the material will flash above 104°C, higher
range thermometer shall be used. Otherwise, it is preferable to start with the lower range
thermometer and change if a temperature of 104 to 110°C is reached.
(4) The test flame shall be lighted and adjusted so that it is of the size of a bead of 4mm diameter.
(5) Heat shall be applied at such a rate that the temperature recorded by the thermometer
increases neither less than 5°C nor more than 6°C per minute. The surface of the material
shall be carefully observed during heating.
Fire point: the heating shall be continued until the oil ignites and continues to burn for 5 seconds.
The temperature of the material, when this occurs, shall be recorded as the fire point.
The following criteria should be followed for the acceptability of test results:
Repeatability Reproducibility
This method covers the determination of specific gravity for semisolid bitumen road tars and
creosote and authracene oil.
(a) The ordinary capillary type specific gravity bottle with a neck of 6mm diameter.
(b) The wide mouthed capillary type specific gravity bottle with a neck of 25 mm diameter.
A water bath having a depth greater than that of pyknometer, capable of being maintained
within 0.2°C of the desired temperature.
Characteristics Requirements
Range 0 to 44°C
Graduations 0.2°C
Immersion 65 mm
Overall length 340 ± 10 mm
Stem diameter 5.5 to 8.0 mm
Bulb length 10 to 16 mm
Bulb diameter Not larger than stem diameter
Length of graduated portion 150 to 190 mm
Longer lines of each 5°C
Scale ± 0.2°C
Clean, dry and weigh the specific gravity bottle together with the stopper. Fill it with freshly boiled
and cooled distilled water and insert the stopper firmly. Keep the bottle up to its neck, for not less
than half an hour, in a beaker of distilled water maintained at a temperature of 4.0 ± 0.1°C or any
other temperature at which the specific gravity is to be determined; wipe out surplus moisture
from the surface with a clean, dry cloth and weigh again.
After weighing the bottle and water together the bottle shall be dried again.
In case of solids and semi-solids, bring a small amount of the material to a fluid condition by
gentle application of heat, care being taken to prevent loss of evaporation. When the material is
sufficiently fluid, pour a quantity into the clean, dry specific bottle mentioned to fill at least half.
Slightly warm the bottle; before filling keep the material away from touching the sides above the
final level of the bottle and avoid the inclusion of air bubbles. The use of a small funnel will
prevent the contamination of the neck of the bottle. To permit escape of entrapped air bubbles,
allow the partly filled bottle to stand for half an hour at a suitable temperature, and then cool to the
specified temperature and weigh with the stopper.
Fill the specific gravity bottle containing the asphalt with freshly distilled water placing the stopper
loosely in the specific gravity bottle. Do not allow any air bubble to remain in the specific gravity
bottle. Place the specific gravity bottle in the water bath and press the stopper firmly in place.
Allow the specific gravity bottle to remain in the water bath for a period of not less than 30
minutes. Remove the specific gravity bottle from the water bath, wipe all surplus moisture from
the surface with a clean dry cloth, and weigh it along with the stopper.
a = mass of the specific gravity bottle
c = mass of the specific gravity bottle about half filled with the material
d = mass of the specific gravity bottle about half filled with the material and the rest filled
with distilled water.
e = mass of the specific gravity bottle completely filled with the material.
Results of the test shall be expressed as the ratio of the mass of a given volume of the material at
a specified temperature to the mass of the same volume of water at the same temperature.
With samples, which are neither very volatile nor very viscous and using pycnometer of at least
25 ml capacity, the results of duplicate tests should not differ by the following:
Repeatability Reproducibility
0.02 0.005
This method is for the determination of water content of asphalt bitumen and fluxed native asphalt,
crude coal tar, road tar, cut back bitumen etc.
The quantity of water present in a material expressed as percentage by mass of the materials is
called its water content.
(1) Flask (2) Condenser (3) Reciever (4) 100 ml graduated cylinder (5) Heater
(1) Carrier liquid: Blend of 20% by volume of industrial grade toluene and 80% by volume of
industrial grade xylene.
Place about 100 gm of the sample, accurately weighed, in the flask and add 100 ml of solvent.
Attach the flask to the Dean and Stark condensing and collecting system, and hest the flask at
such a rate that the condensate falls from the end of the condenser at a rate of two to five drops
per second. Continue the distillation until the condensed water is no longer visible in any part of
the apparatus except the bottom of the graduated tube and until the volume of water collected
remains constant for a period not less than five minutes. Remove the persistent ring of
condensed water in the condenser tube, if any, by increasing the rate of distillation by few drops
per second. Wash droplets of water, which adhere to the lower end of the condenser tube into the
receiver with solvent/carrier liquid using the spray tube. Insert a loose plug of cotton wool in the
top of the condenser tube to prevent the condensation of the atmospheric moisture in the
condenser tube.
Report the results as water content to the nearest 0.05 percent by weight if 2 ml receiver has
been used and to the nearest 0.1 percent if the 10 ml receiver has been used with 100g sample.
The test is intended for determination of binder content in the mix by cold solvent extraction. The
mineral matter recovered from the test can be used for checking the gradation of the aggregates
in the mix.
A representative sample, about 500 gm, is exactly weighed and placed in the bowl of the
extraction apparatus and covered with commercial grade of benzene. Sufficient time (not more
than 1 hour) is allowed for the solvent to disintegrate the sample before running the centrifuge.
The filter ring of the extractor is dried, weighed, and then fitted around the edge of the bowl. The
cover of the bowl is clamped tightly. A beaker is placed under to collect the extract.
The machine is removed slowly and then gradually the speed is increased to a maximum of 3600
r.p.m. This speed is maintained till the solvent ceases to flow from the drain. The machine is
allowed to stop and 200 ml of benzene is added and the above procedure is repeated till the
benzene comes out with original colour (i.e. to ensure that there is no bitumen left over in the
mixture and then aggregates is removed, dried in air, then in oven to constant weight at 115°C
and weighed. The fine materials that might have passed through the filter paper are collected back
from the extract preferably by centrifuging. The material is washed and dried to constant weight as
before. The percentage of binder in the samples is calculated as below :
W1 = Weight of sample
In the case of road tar which is not completely soluble in benzene, necessary correction is done
on the basis of the percent insoluble of the neat road tar in the solvent.
The standard consistency of cement paste is defined as that consistency which will permit the
vicat plunger to penetrate to a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the vicat mould, when the
cement paste is tested as described in the following procedure.
Prepare the paste of weighed quantity of cement (350 gm) with a weighed quantity of water, start
with 30% of water of 350 gm of cement taking care that the time of gauging is not less than 3
minutes and not more than 5 minutes and the gauging shall be completed, before any sign of
setting occurs. The gauging time shall be counted from the time of adding of water to the dry
cement until commencing to fill the mould. Fill the vicat mould with this paste, the mould resting
upon a non-porous plate. After completely filling the mould, trim of the surface of the paste,
making it in level with the top of the mould. The mould may slightly be shaken to expel the air.
Place the test block with the mould, together with non-porous plate, under the rod bearing the
plunger: (1 cm dia) lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block and quickly
release, allowing it to penetrate into the paste. This operation shall be carried out immediately
after filling the mould.
Prepare trial pastes with varying percentages of water and test as described above until the
amount of water necessary for making the standard consistency as defined above is obtained.
Express the amount of water as a percentage by weight of the dry cement. The observations will
be tabulated as shown below:
Sl. No. Wt. of cement Wt. of water Plunger Time taken from Consistency of
taken = a(gm) taken = b(gm) penetration the adding of cement in % by
water to cement weight b x 100
Use clean appliances for gauging. The temperature of the test room when the above operations
are being performed, shall be 27 ± 2°C.
Prepare a neat cement paste by gauging 350 gm of cement with 0.85 times the water required to
give a paste of standard consistency. The paste shall be gauged in the manner and under the
conditions prescribed in determination of consistency of cement. Start the stopwatch at the
instance when the water is added to cement. Fill the mould with cement paste gauged as above,
the mould resting on a non-porous plate, fill the mould completely and smooth out the surface of
the paste making it level with the top of the mould. The cement block thus prepared in the mould
is the test block.
Use clean appliances for gauging. The temperature of room at the time of gauging shall be 27°C
± 2°C.
During the test, the block shall be kept at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C and not less than 90 relative
Place the test block confined in the mould and resting on the non-porous plate, under the rod
bearing the initial setting needle, lower the needle gently in contact with the surface of the test
block and quickly release, allowing it to penetrate into the test block. In the beginning the needle
will completely pierce the test block. Repeat this procedure until the needle, when brought in
contact with the test block and released, as described above, fails to pierce the block for 5 ± 0.5
mm measured from the bottom of the mould. The period lapsing between the time water is added
to the cement and the time at which the needle fails to penetrate the test block by 5 ± 0.5 mm
shall be the initial setting time.
Determination of final setting time
Replace the needle of the vicat apparatus by the needle with an annular ring. The cement shall
be considered as finally set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface of the test
block, the needle makes an impression thereon, while the outer ring fails to do so. The period
elapsing between the time when water is added to the cement and the time at which the needle
makes an impression on the surface of the test block while the outer ring fails to do so, shall be
the final setting time.
The apparatus for conducting the test consists of small pit cylinder of spring brass or other
suitable metal of 0.5 mm thickness, forming a mould 30 mm internal diameter and 30 mm high.
On either side of the split mould are attached two indicators with pointed ends, the distance from
these ends to the centre of the cylinder being 165 mm. The mould shall be kept in good condition
with the jaws more than 0.50 mm apart.
Place the mould on a glass sheet and fill it with cement paste formed by gauging cement with
0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. The paste shall in the
manner and under the conditions described in determination of consistency of cement, taking
care to keep the edges of the mould gently together while this operation is being performed.
Cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight on this covering glass
sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of 27 ± 2°C and
keep for 24 hours.
Measure the distance separating the indicator points. Submerge the moulds again in water at the
temperature prescribed above. Bring the water to boiling, with the mould kept submerged, in 25 to
30 minutes, and keep it boiling for 3 hours. Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and
measure the distance between the indicator points. The difference between these two
measurements represents the expansion of the cement.
3) Brush
1) Break down any air-set lumps in the cement sample with fingers.
2) Weigh accurately 100 gm of the cement and place it on a standard 90 micron IS sieve.
4) Weight he residue left after 15 minutes of sieving. This completes the test.
Sieving shall be done holding the sieve in both hands and with gentle wrist motion; this will
involve no danger of spilling the cement, which shall be kept well spread out on the screen. More
or less continuous rotation of the sieve shall be carried out throughout sieving.
Washers, shots, and slugs shall not be used on the sieve. The underside of the sieve shall be
lightly brushed with a 25 or 40 mm bristle brush after every five minutes of sieving.
Mechanical sieving devices may be used, but the cement shall not be rejected if it meets the
fineness requirement when tested by hand method.
Standard sand
The standard sand to be used in the test shall confirm to I.S. : 650 – 1966.
Vibration machine and cube moulds of size 7.06 cm (confirming to I.S. : 4031 – 1968).
Mix proportion and mixing : Clean appliances shall be used for mixing and the temperature of the
water and that of the test room at the time when the above operations are being performed shall
be 27 ± 2°C.
Place in a container a mixture of cement and standard sand I the proportion of 1:3 by weight; mix
it dry, with a trowel for one minute and then with water until the mixture is of uniform colour. The
quantity of water to be used shall be as specified below. In any event, it should not take more than
4 minutes to obtain uniform coloured mix. If it exceeds 4 minutes, sand mixture shall be rejected
and the operation repeated with a fresh quantity of cement, sand, and water.
The material for each cube shall be mixed separately and the quantity of cement, standard sand,
and water shall be as follows:
Percentage of water to be added to cement and sand in (1:3) = (P/4 + 3) x % combined weight of
cement and standard sand = (P/4 + 3) x 800/100
Cement 200 gm, standard sand 600 gm, water (P/4 + 3) percent combined weight of cement and
sand, where P is the percentage of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency.
Moulding specimens
In assembling the mould ready to use, cover the joints between the halves of the mould with a thin
film of petroleum jelly and apply a similar coating of petroleum jelly between the contact surfaces
of the bottom of the mould and its base plate in order to ensure that no water escapes during
vibration. Treat the interior faces of the mould with a thin coating of mould oil.
Place the assembled moulds on the table of the vibration machine and firmly hold it in position by
means of suitable clamps.
Securely attach a hooper of suitable size and shape at the top of the mould to facilitate filling and
this hooper shall not be removed until completion of the vibration period.
Immediately after mixing the mortar, place the mortar in the cube mould and rod with a rod. The
mortar shall be rodded 20 times in about 8 seconds to ensure elimination of entrained air and
honey combing. Place the remaining quantity of mortar in the hooper of the cube mould and rod
again as specified for the first layer and then compact the mortar by vibration.
The period of vibration shall be 2 minutes at the specified speed of 12,000 ± 400 vibrations per
At the end of vibration remove the mould together with the base plate from the machine and finish
the top surface of the cube in the mould by smoothing surface with the blade of a trowel.
Curing Specimen
Test 3 cubes for compressive strength at the period mentioned under the relevant specifications
for different cements, the periods being reckoned from the completion of vibration. The
compressive strength shall be the average of the strengths of the 3 cubes for each period of
The cubes shall be tested on their sides without any packing between the cube and steel platens
of the testing machine. One of the platens shallbe carried base abd shall be self-adjusting and the
load shall be steadily and uniformly applied, starting from zero at a rate of 350 kg/cm2/min.
Calculate the compressive strength from the crushing load and the average area over which the
load is applied. Express the results in kg/cm2 to the nearest 0.5 kg/cm2.
P = The crushing load in Kg
A = Area in cm2
Specific gravity bottle of 50 ml capacity (ordinary capillary type). Material : Kerosene (free of
Clean, dry and weigh the specific gravity bottle together with the stopper (W1). Fill the specific
gravity bottle with cement sample at least to half the bottle and weigh with the stopper (W2). Fill
the specific gravity bottle containing the cement, with kerosene (free of water) placing the stopper
and weigh it (W3). While doing the above steps do not allow the air bubbles to remain in the
specific gravity bottle. After weighing the bottle, the bottle shall be cleaned and dries again. Then
fill it with fresh kerosene and weigh it with stopper (W4). All the above weighing should be done at
the room temperature of 27 ± 0.1°C.
W3 = weight of specific gravity bottle about half filled with cement and rest with
Testing machine, two steel bearing platens with hardened faces (as per I.S. : 516 – 1959).
Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test specimen, the most usual being 7 and 28
days, ages of 13 weeks and one year are recommended, if tests at greater ages are required.
Where it may be necessary to obtain the early strength, test may be made at the ages of 24 hours
± ½ hour and 12 hours ± 2 hours. The age shall be calculated from the time of the addition of
water to the dry ingredients.
Number of specimen
At least 3 specimen, preferably from different batches shall be made for testing at each selected
Specimen stored in water shall be tested immediately on removal from water and while they are
still in the wet condition. Surface water and grit shall be wiped off the specimen and any projecting
fines removed. Specimen when received dry shall be kept in water for 24 hours before they are
taken for testing. The dimensions of the specimen to the nearest 0.2 mm and their weight shall be
noted before testing.
The bearing surfaces of the testing machine shall be wiped clean and any loose sand or other
material removed from the surface of the specimen, which are to be in contact with the
compression platens. In the case of the cubes, the specimen shall be placed in the machine in
such a manner that the load shall be applied to opposite sides of the cubes as cast, that is not to
the top and bottom. The axis of the specimen shall be carefully aligned with the centre of thrust on
the spherically seated platen. No packing shall be used between the faces of the test specimen
and the steel platen of the testing machine. As the spherically seated block is brought to bear on
the specimen, that movable portion shall be rotated gently by hand so that uniform seating may be
obtained. The load shall be applied without the shock and increased continuously at a rate of
approximately 140 kg/sq cm/min. Until the resistance of the specimen to the increasing load
breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen
shall then be recorded and the appearance of the concrete and any un-usual feature in the type of
failure shall be noted.
The measured compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum
load applied to the specimen during the test, by the cross sectional area, calculated from the
mean dimensions of the section and shall be expressed to the nearest kg/sq.cm. Average of three
values shall be taken as the representative of the batch, provided the individual variation is not
more than ± 15%of the average. Otherwise, repeat tests shall be made.
In case of cylinders, a correction factor according to the height to diameter ratio of specimen after
capping shall be obtained from the curve shown in fig 1 of IS : 516 – 1959. The product of this
correction factor and the measured compressive strength shall be known as the corrected
compressive strength, this being the equivalent strength of cylinder having a height/diameter ratio
of two. The equivalent cube strength of the concrete shall be determine by multiplying the
corrected cylinder strength by 5/4.
The following information shall be recorded in the report on each test specimen :
a) Identification mark
b) Date of test
c) Age of specimen
e) Weight of specimen
f) Dimensions of specimen
g) Compressive strength
h) Maximum load
The apparatus shall consist of a standard flow table and a truncated conical mould
The standard flow table consists essentially of a horizontal smooth tabletop made of mild steel
ground and polished on the surface. The tabletop shall be 30 cm in diameter and 3 mm thick
mounted on a vertical shaft, which can be raised and then allowed to fall freely by a cam, the fall
being exactly 12.5mm. a cast iron rim 25 mm square in cross section and 300 mm external
diameter shall be securely fixed under the edge of the table top with 6 rivets spaced symmetrically
apart. Three circles having diameters of 70, 110, and 190 mm respectively shall be engraved on
the surface of the table and concentric with it. The engraved lines shall be filled with wax polished
flush with the surface of the metal. The length of fall shall be as defined by a shoulder on the shaft
coming in contact with the top of the cast iron to steel body of the instrument, the contact being,
therefore, metal to metal. The total mass of the moving part (table top, loading rim, shaft, etc.) free
to fall shall be approximately 7 kg. The mass of the body, with camshaft and can handle, etc. shall
be approximately 19 kg.