Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption For Fine Aggregates
Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption For Fine Aggregates
Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption For Fine Aggregates
The apparatus shall consist of following :-
Balance, Pycnometer, Oven, Distilled water, Filter paper.
A sample of about 1 kg shall be placed in the tray and covered with distilled water at a temperature of
22-230C for 24 hours.
Water shall then be carefully drained from sample by using filter paper.
The sample shall then be brought to SSD condition by exposing to gentle current of warm air and then
weighed (A).
The sample should be placed in pycnometer with distilled water and weighed with all the
entrapped air removed (B)
The pycnometer shall be refilled with distilled water dried on the outside and weighed (C).
The water shall then be carefully drained from sample by using filter paper.
The sample shall be placed in the oven in the tray at a temperature of 100-110 oC for 24 ± ½
The sample shall be cooled in air tight container and weighed (D).
Specific gravity = A – ( B−C )
Water absorption = 100 X D
Where, A = Wt. in gms. Of saturated surface dry sample.
B = Wt. in gms. Of pycnometer containing sample and filled with distilled water.
C = Wt. in gms. Of pycnometer with distilled water only.
D = Wt. in gms. Of oven dried sample.