SAMI On Runway
SAMI On Runway
SAMI On Runway
1 Introduction
A reflection crack is a one of the most common types of failure in asphalt pavement,
which is impacted by traffic and thermal loading. As per Plug and de Bondt (2010),
reflective cracking is due to the inability of the overlay to withstand shear and
tensile actions induced by the old pavement. Reflection cracking can also happen in
Glass grids are made of series of fiber glass strands coated with an elastomeric
polymer and formed into a grid structure having remarkably high tensile strength and
high modulus of elasticity. It is self-adhesive material, whose bonding with existing
surface mainly depends on surface cleanliness, wrinkle-free laying and accurate
rolling with pneumatic tire roller. A polymer coating generally soaks glass grids. The
polymer coating helps higher compatibility and adhesion with existing bituminous
surface. Polymer increases mechanical performance and protection against various
chemicals and abrasive materials. Glass fiber grids have a square or rectangular open
mesh form. The open structure helps in aggregate interlock between paving courses,
restrains lateral movement of the aggregate, and decreases shear potential of pave-
ment layers. Glass fiber grids are generally used with a tack coat of PMB 70 to
enhance their performance. As per Plug and de Bondt (2010), a polymer-modified
bond coat will generate improved (initial) shear strength. It will also have higher
shear energy than a standard tack coat during service life of the pavement.
However, SAMI is a layer of PMB (polymer-modified bitumen), which shall be
laid over glass grid surfaces, together with a covering of aggregate chips, spread
and rolled to retard reflection cracking, having 6 mm average thickness. Cross
section of a typical SAMI layer is shown in Fig. 1.
Use of Glass Grid and SAMI as Reinforced Interlayer System … 285
In SAMI, PMB and aggregate chips are not mixed together before application,
rather bitumen @11 kg/10 m2 and chips of average thickness 6.00 mm are applied
separately as different activities. As a result, chips do not get fully coated with
bitumen, only up to height of 1.5–2.00 mm depth of aggregate from bottom it
remain filled with bitumen as shown in Fig. 1. Over this uncoated part of aggre-
gates, final wearing layers are laid. Therefore, from the above discussion, one can
easily conclude that SAMI got poor adhesion with final wearing surface, i.e. dense
asphaltic concrete.
The ability of asphalt to withstand tensile stresses is limited. This reflective
cracking is due to the inability of the overlay to withstand shear and tensile actions
induced by the old pavement. In order to delay, if not completely eliminate the
possibility of reflection cracks, state-of-the-art fiber reinforced glass grids along
with SAMI (Stress absorbing Membrane Interlayer) are used over grade correction
layer of DBM (Dense Bituminous Macadam) to redirect the crack energy.
Glass grid and SAMI are used in asphalt layers, for reinforcement of a deteri-
orated pavement, or between new asphalt layers. Glass grid and SAMI shall not be
used directly on existing old cracked and undulated surface. First cracks are to be
repaired, and grade correction layer shall be laid before putting Glass grid and
SAMI as interlayer system in existing surface of runway resurfacing. There are
other purposes for which interlayer system can be used, i.e. moisture barriers, stress
relieving interlayer, and reinforcement. Glass grid and SAMI reduce reflective
cracking, water infiltration and development of fatigue cracking; prolong the
maintenance life of runway and increases stability as well as structural integrity of
runway. Poor bonding with the asphalt material and difficulties to recycle the
reinforced asphalt materials are only disadvantages with glass grid. The close view
of glass grid and SAMI layer is presented in Fig. 2.
The glass grids having grid size of 12.5 mm 12.5 mm c/c are of self-adhesive
type which come in the package of 100 m 3 m and laid with a transverse lap of
100 mm and longitudinal lap of 50 mm. No movement of men and machineries is
allowed on the laid glass grid.
As per Tensar International (2008), there are various types of glass grid, viz. type
8501, 8502, 8522, 8512, 8550, CG 50, and CG 100. Varity of products of glass grid
system ensure optimum reinforcement benefits as the product is matched to the
specific needs and material characteristics of a project. The most important con-
siderations when selecting a product are aperture size, tensile strength, and grid
coverage and moisture barrier. The typical materials that are used in airfield
pavements are glass grid Type 8501. These materials are consisting of glass fiber
strands arranged in a grid structure of mesh size 12.5 mm 12.5 mm (Fig. 1)
covered with a polymer (PMB 70) coating and a pressure sensitive adhesive. It is
also important to mention that there is no loss of strength at paving temperatures,
and the material is characterized by very high tensile strength, low elongation with
high asphalt compatibility, physical durability, and thermal and chemical stability.
The physical properties of fiber reinforced glass grids are presented in Table 1.
Glass grid is to be laid as per section 703 of MoRT&H (2005) specification and IRC SP
59 (2002). Laying of glass grid needs high attention as the main important factor in
laying is its adhesion with existing pavement surface. The pavement surface where it is
to laid shall be free of oil, vegetation, sand, dirt, water, gravel, and other debris. It is laid
by a mechanical device (typically with a tractor that has been modified so that the glass
grid material can be front-mounted) under the supervision of manufacturer. The
favorable surface temperature before laying the glass grid shall be between 5 and 60 °
C. The glass grid laid should be free from ripples, if present, then these must be
removed by pulling the grid tight or in extreme cases (on tight radial), by cutting and
laying flat. Overlapping is another important factor at the time of laying and lapping
shall be provided both longitudinally and in transverse direction. In transverse direc-
tion, lapping shall be of 100 mm and in longitudinal direction it shall be 50 mm. After
laying, glass grid shall be rolled with pneumatic tyred roller or with rubber coated roller
to activate its adhesive properties. During rolling, one supervisor shall be deputed for
cleaning of tyres of roller to avoid pickup of grid. After rolling and satisfactory bonding
with existing surface, construction and emergency traffic may run on glass grid mesh;
however, turning and braking of vehicles must be avoided on glass grid surface. Glass
grid laid shall not be kept open for more than 24 h, and it shall be covered with
pavement layers within same day. The minimum compacted thickness layer shall be
40 mm. Glass grid mesh must be stored in dry covered conditions free from dust,
sunlight, and stocked vertically to avoid misshaped rolls. The laying of glass grids is
presented in Fig. 3.
SAMI (Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer) is laid as per clause No. 522 of
MoRT&H (2005) specification. It can be laid as single coat or double coat
depending on type and width of crack as per table 500-47 of MoRT&H (2005). As
military airfields are FOD (Foreign object disposal), sensitive and crack width
beyond 1–2 mm are not acceptable, so for crack width of 1–2 mm, a single surface
treatment consisting of sprayed application of polymer-modified bitumen (PMB-70)
@11 kg/10 m2 followed by application of dry stone chips of avg. thickness 6 mm
have found effective. So the average thickness of SAMI layer comes out as 6 mm,
where aggregate up to depth of 1.5–2.0 mm in bottom generally remains filled with
polymer-modified bitumen, which is already shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, thickness
and specification of SAMI are chosen keeping in mind the requirement of PCN
value of airfield. The modern day’s airfields require PCN-70 as their strength
criteria to cope up with landing and takeoff of latest heavy aircrafts. As per Khanna
and Justo (1992), Khanna and Arora (1999), Saxena (1999), Rangwala and
Rangwala (2012), the pavement classification number (PCN) is an International
Civil Aviation Organization standard used in combination with the aircraft classi-
fication number (ACN) to indicate the strength of a runway, taxiway, or airport
apron (or ramp). This helps to ensure that the airport runway, taxiway, and apron
(or ramp) are not subjected to excessive wear and tear, thus prolonging the usable
life of the runway while promoting safe operations of the aircraft landing thereon.
The value is calculated based on a number of factors, such as aircraft geometry,
pavement’s traffic patterns, bearing strength of the each pavement layer, etc. There
is no method available for direct measurement of PCN, and it can be determined by
combining analysis with measurement. In modern days design, the airfields where
requirement of airfield strength is PCN-70, there use of 6-mm-thick SAMI layer
along with glass grid are common as well as very effective for prolonging the life of
Use of Glass Grid and SAMI as Reinforced Interlayer System … 289
The aggregate shall consist of crushed rock or other hard material in accordance
with clause 510.2.2 of MoRT&H (2005) specification. The chips shall be single
sized, clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from dust and soft or friable
matter, organic or other deleterious matter and conforming to grading as presented.
The grading requirement of chips is presented in Table 2.
The properties of aggregate are presented in Table 3.
The requirement of PMB as per IRC SP 53 (2002) is presented in Table 4.
Table 5 Quantity of materials required for 10 m2 of surface for stress absorbing membrane
Type/width of crack Specification Quantity of binder Quantity of chipping
kg/10 m2
1–3 mm Single coat 11 0.11 cm of 6 mm size chips
develops different types of cracks. Therefore, before laying cracks are to be repaired
first, then grade correction layer is to be applied to bring back the surface in proper
gradient as per ICAO norms. Dense bituminous macadam (DBM) can be used as
grade correction layer. Over that grade correction layer, glass grid and SAMI shall
be laid. If cracks and gradient of existing surface are not corrected before appli-
cation of glass grid and SAMI, then the adhesion of interlayer system with existing
surface will not be proper, as a result, effectiveness of interlayer system will be
reduced. Therefore, repair of cracks and correction of gradient is vital activity for
proper functioning of interlayer system.
Application of modified bitumen: After preparation of surface, first
polymer-modified bitumen shall be heated to 160–170 °C. It will be sprayed on the
clean and dry surface in a uniform manner @11 kg/10 m2 with the help of pressure
sprayer having self-heating arrangement and spray nozzle bar capable of spraying
modified bitumen uniformly at specified rate. At the time of spraying of hot PMB,
precautions shall be taken to avoid excessive deposits of binder, which may be
caused by stoppage or staring of sprayer or through leakage. Excessive deposit of
bitumen if found in localized points shall be corrected before application of cover
Application of Cover material: Spreading of chips shall start within few minutes
of spraying of polymer-modified bitumen. After spreading of chips, manual
sweeping of chips to be ensured for uniform spreading of material.
Rolling: The next activity is rolling with rubber tyred self-propelled rollers. The
roller shall have a minimum operating weight 8–10 tones. Due to rolling, aggre-
gates get partially immersed in PMB as shown in Fig. 1. Rolling shall be continued
until the chips are firmly embedded in modified bituminous material. Excessive
rolling leading to crushing of aggregate shall be avoided. The laying of glass grid,
SAMI, and DBM is presented in Fig. 5.
4 Reinforcement Mechanism
With passage of time, due to extensive use of runway, severe distresses like spalling
of joints/edges, localized depressions, dislodging of aggregates and extensive
cracks develops in pavement, which results in poor riding quality and severe FOD
(Foreign object disposal) hazards. In addition, longitudinal and transverse gradient
of runway get disturbed badly to the extent beyond the limit of ICAO norms. For
the above-mentioned reasons, resurfacing of runways becomes necessary for good
quality flying of latest heavy aircrafts. In the earlier times, the concept of interlayer
system was not there in runway resurfacing works; moreover, aircraft specifications
and number of flying hours were not also similar compared to present-day scenario.
Nowadays aviation industry has started getting momentum and government is also
giving special attention in this area. The specification as well as types of passenger/
defense-related aircrafts also changed. Moreover, number of flying hours (take off/
landing) has also increased considerably to cope with the requirement of public as
well as defense requirement. It has seen resurfacing with conventional method, i.e.
without using interlayer system only sustain for 2–3 years, but on the other hand,
resurfacing using inter layer system can give good quality surface for flying up to
8–10 years. It is believed that stress develops from existing old surface/cracks due
to application heavy aircrafts loads (which is known as reflection cracks) started to
move upward until and unless it reaches reinforcement layer. As soon as it touches
interlayer system and if the interlayer is stiff enough compared to surrounding
materials, the crack will turn horizontally and will move along with interlayer
system until its energy exhausted. However, this is an assumption; detail analysis of
function of interlayer system is still a subject of research. As per Nguyen et al.
(2013), glass fiber grids and SAMI act principally as a reinforcement interlayer
system helping to delay reflective cracking. The process of energy dissipation is
presented in Fig. 6.
General cross section of resurfacing of flexible pavement of airfield taken from one
of the project of runway in North East is presented in Fig. 7.
Designed cross sections of flexible overlays may vary from place to place
depending on existing PCN value of runway where repair to be carried out,
requirement of new PCN value of flexible overlay, physical properties of materials
to be used for construction, other environmental factors, etc. Conventional methods
of repair of flexible overlay means repair without using interlayer system. As per the
literature of Tensor International Corporation, conventional method of repairing
was common some 30 years back. However, due to introduction of heavy modern
aircrafts, increase of traffic loads, i.e. increase in number of landing and tack off
operations of aircrafts, increase in temperature variations and other climatic factors,
etc. it is observed that runway repaired by conventional method cannot provide the
best surface for flying more than 1.5–2 years. On the other hand, repair involving
glass grid and SAMI along with other asphaltic layers as shown in Fig. 7 prolong
the life of airfield runway up to 8–10 years.
Analysis of rates: Rates of different layers as per Fig. 7 reflected below are taken
form quoted rates of contractor in one of the runway project of North East.
For Conventional method: Cost in Rs. (Per 10 m2)
(1) Preparation of surface and tack coat (7.5 kg) = 450.00
(2) DBM (Dense Bituminous macadam) 50 mm = 600.00
(3) Tack coat of VG-10 @5 kg = 250.00
(4) DBM (Dense Bituminous macadam) = 650.00
(5) DAC (Dense asphaltic concrete) 100 mm = 1200.00
(6) Tack coat of PMB-70 @3 kg = 160.00
Total (Per 10 m2) = Rs. 3310.00
Method using glass grid and SAMI: Cost in Rs. (Per 10 m2)
(1) Glass grid, its laying, rolling complete = 1900.00
(2) SAMI (including spreading PMB and chips) = 750.00
Total (Per 10 m2) = Rs. 2650.00
From above analysis, it is clear that cost of repair almost become double when
we use glass grid and SAMI. Already explained above, life of conventional repair is
1.5 to 2 years, whereas in interlayer system, life increases up to 10 years. So in case
294 S. Roy and M. Dixit
of conventional repair, within periods of 10 years, few more additional repairs (3–4
times) have to be initiated for getting quality flying surface. Moreover, the
involvement of time for repeated planning and execution as well as disturbance of
flying operations during execution will cause more inconvenience to all.
6 Conclusions
IRC SP 59 (2002) Guidelines for use of Geotextiles in road pavements and associated works, New
Delhi, India
IRC SP 53 (2002) Guidelines for use of modified bitumen in road construction, New Delhi, India
Khanna SK, Arora MG (1999) Manual of airport planning and design. Nem Chand & Brothers,
Khanna SK, Justo CEG (1992) Manual of highway engineering. Nem Chand & Brothers, Roorkee
MORT&H (2005) Road and bridges works. Specification, Indian Road Congress
Nguyen ML, Kerzreho JP, Hornych P (2013) Review of glass fiber grid use for pavement
reinforcement and APT experiments at IFSTTAR. Editions Hermes 14(Supplement 1)
Plug CP, de Bondt AH (2010) Adhesion of reinforcement grids in asphalt overlays. Prepared for
5th world congress on emulsions held on Lyon, France
Rangwala SC, Rangwala PS (2012) Manual of airport planning and design, Charotar
Saxena SC (1999) Manual of airport engineering, Charotar
Tensar International Corporation Atlanta (2008) Manual of glass grid pavement reinforcement
system, Georgia, USA