4.3 Using The Python Command Prompt
4.3 Using The Python Command Prompt
4.3 Using The Python Command Prompt
will need to know the “old school” way of Python programming; many
open-source programs are still written for Python 2.4.
If you are using Python 3.x and you want to type every example
into your computer as we go along, please be aware that the print
statements, as written, won’t work. They will have to be modified to
use a print() function like in Listing 4.3.
Python also has a math library that you can import to do trigono-
metric functions and many other higher math calculations. Importing
libraries will be covered later in this book.
Files saved with the .py extension are called modules and can be
called individually at the command line or within a program, similar
to header files in other languages. If your program is going to import
other modules, you will need to make sure they are all saved in the
same directory on the computer. More information on working with
modules can be found later in this book or in the Python documenta-
Depending on the program, certain arguments can be added to the
command line when launching the program. This is similar to adding
switches to a Windows DOS prompt command. The arguments tell
the program what exactly it should do. For example, perhaps you
have a Python program that can output it’s processed data to a file
rather than to the screen. To invoke this function in the program you
simply launch the program like so:
Listing 4.8: Launching a Python program with arguments
$python f o o . py −f
The “-f” argument is received by the program and calls a function
that prints the data to a designated location within the computer’s
file system instead of printing it to the screen.
If you have multiple versions of Python installed on your computer,
e.g. the system default is version 2.5 but you want to play around
with Python 3.x, you simply have to tell the OS which version to
use (see Listing 4.9). This is important since many older Python
programs aren’t immediately compatible with Python 3.x. In many
cases, an older version of Python must be retained on a computer to
enable certain programs to run correctly; you don’t want to completely
overwrite older Python versions.
Listing 4.9: Selecting a Python version
$python2 . 5 sample . py #f o r c e use o f Python 2 . 5
$python3 . 0 sample . py #f o r c e use o f Python 3 . 0