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Writing Rubric 5Th Grade

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Criteria 4 3 2 1
Exceptionally clear, Clear, focused, Evident main idea Purpose and main
focused, engaging interesting ideas with some idea may be unclear
Idea Development/
with relevant, with appropriate supporting details or under developed;
strong supporting details. which may be details are too
detail. general or limited. general, off-topic.
Organizational Organizational Organizational Lack of
structure is structure is structure and organizational
appropriate for appropriate but paragraphing lacks a structure makes it
purpose and conventional; clear sense of hard for the reader
audience; paragraphing and direction; to follow; little or no
paragraphing is transitions are sequencing and evidence of
effective: thoughtful evident; sequencing transitions between paragraphing
transitions connect shows some logic; ideas are confusing; present; transitions
ideas; sequencing is inviting introduction an attempt at nonexistent or
logical and and conclusion. introduction and confusing; no
effective; creative conclusion evident. identifiable
and engaging introduction or
introduction and conclusion.
Sentences vary in Most sentences Sentence structure Sentence structure
length and vary in length and and word choice are and word choice are
structure; word structure; word simplistic and often incorrect; the
choice enhance and choices are repetitive; creates a piece fails to engage
clarify meaning; functional, voice that struggles the reader; a unique
-Voice -Word Choice
creates a unique adequate and to be unique or voice is not present
- Sentence Fluency
voice which is correct; creates a engaging.
compelling and voice that is at
engaging. times unique and
Control over a wide Competence with Limited control over Little control over
range the studied most of the studied the studied the studied
conventions are conventions is conventions; errors conventions exists;
Conventions evident. evident; minor lead to some significant errors
errors do not confusión. make text hard to
interfere with understant.
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Before reading
 Sets a Purpose Establishes a clear and
focused purpose
Establishes a
Establishes a
purpose when
Relies on an
explicitly stated
independently. independently. reminded purpose.

 Previews Text Previews text thoroughly Previews text Previews text Previews when
with focused intent. purposefully. randomly and/or reminded.
 Accesses Prior Makes numerous Connects prior Accesses prior Requires activities
Knowledge connections which activate knowledge with knowledge when to activate prior
prior knowledge. selection. prompted. knowledge.

 Makes Predictions Makes insightful predictions Makes meaningful Makes predictions Makes vague or
using prior knowledge. predictions inconsistently unjustified

 Visualizes Visualizes elaborately Visualizes with Visualizes some Visualizes with few
During reading through writing, drawing, or
verbal communication.
increasing detail. details. details.

 Makes Makes elaborate and valid Readily makes text- Makes personal Needs opportunity
Connections. textto-self, text-to-text, and to-self, text-to-text, connections to to hear others
text-toworld connections and/or text-toworld text when share personal
independently. connections. prompted. connections before
attempting to state

 Determines Distinguishes important Distinguishes Distinguishes Lacks ability to

Importance. ideas from details important ideas important ideas distinguish
consistently. from details. from details important ideas
inconsistently from unimportant
 Monitors Monitors comprehension Monitors Monitors Monitors
Comprehension automatically to clarify comprehension comprehension comprehension
confusion or answer most of the time to with reminders to sporadically or
questions about the text. clarify confusion or clarify confusion ineffectively to
answer questions. clarify confusión.
 Identifies theme Explains theme or message Restates Identifies theme Identifies theme or
or message and in own words, understanding of or message message with
supporting details. acknowledging different theme or message inconsistently. guidance.
interpretations, and offering and identifies
supportive evidence. supporting details.
 Applies Analyzes how informational Applies Recognizes basic Disregards or does
understanding of text features contribute to understanding of knowledge of not understand
informational text the reader’s understanding how informational informational text informational text
features. of the text. text features features but does features.
contribute to not to aid
understanding. understanding.
 Analyzes author’s Analyzes author’s purpose Analyzes author’s States author’s Attempts to clearly
purpose and/or and effectiveness, purpose and purpose in state author’s
effectiveness for challenging author’s ideas, effectiveness giving general terms. purpose in simple
different audiences. implied bias, or distortions examples, and terms.
with clear rationale or recognizing author’s
arguments. bias.

 Identifies facts Expresses an opinion and Expresses an Recognizes an Struggles to

and opinions. seeks unique ways/evidence opinion and uses opinion and recognize an
to enhance interpretation of specific examples provides general opinion, and /or
text. from the text to support and/or may not identify
defend opinión. facts from the text facts from the text
when prompted. to support opinión.
 Identifies author’s Elaborates insightfully to Identifies author’s Expresses a vague Recognizes
assumptions or author’s assumptions and assumptions and idea of author’s author’s
beliefs. beliefs. beliefs. beliefs. assumptions or
beliefs when

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