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CSA Ki OPtimization, A Good Simplified Theory and Applications

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ISSN (Online) 2278-1021

IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

Cuckoo Search Optimization and its

Applications: A Review
Venkata Vijaya Geeta. Pentapalli1, Ravi Kiran Varma P2
CSE Department, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, India1
Associate. Professor, CSE Department, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, India2

Abstract: The Cuckoo Search is an optimization algorithm developed by Yang and Deb in 2009. It is used in solving
optimization problems. It was inspired by a bird species named cuckoo that lays their eggs in the nest of other host
birds. The cuckoo egg laying and breeding is the first basic motivation for the development of new optimization
algorithm. This optimization algorithm increases the efficiency, accuracy, and convergence rate. In this paper, a brief
review is given about the cuckoo search algorithm and also about the optimization and its problems. Different
categories of the cuckoo search and several applications of the cuckoo search are reviewed.

Keywords: Optimization, Cuckoo Search, Levy Flight


Optimization is a process of modifying a system to make Cuckoo search is a meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by
some features to work more efficiently or finding the bird cuckoo, these are the „Brood parasites‟ birds. It
alternative performance under given constraints, as never builds its own nest and lays their eggs in the nest of
possible by maximizing desired parameters and another host bird nest. Cuckoo is a best-known brood
minimizing the undesired parameters which are involved parasite. Some host birds can engage directly with the
in the problem. Maximizing means trying to obtain good intruding cuckoo. If the host bird identifies the eggs that
results without the expense. If the computer or any are not their egg then it will either throw that eggs away
Android phone is optimized then it runs faster or to run from its nest or simply rid its nest and build a new nest.
with fewer memory requirements. Optimization can be In a nest, each egg represents a solution and cuckoo egg
classified in many ways. This cuckoo search algorithm is represents a new and good solution. The obtained solution
one of the algorithms in solving optimization problems. is a new solution based on the existing one and the
The Cuckoo search optimization is introduced in 2009 by modification of some characteristics. In the simplest form
Yang and Deb[1]. Cuckoo Search Algorithm is inspired each nest has one egg of cuckoo in which each nest will
by the bird cuckoo species in nature. This algorithm is have multiple eggs represents a set of solutions. CS is
used for the continuous problems and NP-hard problems. successfully used to solve scheduling problems and used
This algorithm is tested by the many researchers on some to solve design optimization problems in structural
benchmark functions and compared with the other engineering. In many applications like speech
algorithms like PSO (Practical Swarm Optimization) and reorganization, job scheduling, global optimization.
GA(Genetic Algorithms), and the solutions obtained for Cuckoo search idealized such breeding behavior and can
cuckoo search algorithm is better than the other algorithms be applied to various optimization problems [7].
like PSO and GA. These algorithms are applied to 1. Each cuckoo lays one egg at a time and dumps it in a
Engineering optimization. randomly chosen nest.
2. The best nests with the high quality of eggs will carry to
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of the popular
the next generations.
metaheuristic, combinatorial search optimization
3. The number of available host nest is fixed and if a host
technique, inspired from natural ant behavior. ACO was
bird identifies the cuckoo egg with the probability of
used along with Rough Sets and Fuzzy Rough Sets in
pa = 0,1 then the host bird can either throw them away
feature selection in [2], [3], [4]. ACO was also used for
or abandon them and build a new nest.
optimization of firewall rules in [5]. Nowadays the
Cuckoo search algorithm is used in every domain like
Flow Chart
scheduling planning, forecasting, image processing,
feature selection and engineering optimization[6]. There Levy Flight: Levy flight is a random walk; in this, the
are many papers on this cuckoo search; the aim of this steps aredefinedregarding the step-lengths, which have a
algorithm is to solve for optimization problems. This paper certain probability distribution, with the directions being
makes an attempt to discuss cuckoo search algorithm, random. This random walk can be observed in animals and
types, and applications. A case study on Travelling insects. The next movement is based on the current
Salesmen Problem (TSP) is also presented. position. [7].

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 556

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016


Where α > 0 is the step size. In most of the cases assume The cuckoo search algorithm is also used to test functions
that α is equal to one. The product means entry-wise of optimization benchmarks. The standard benchmark
multiplication i.e. Exclusive OR operation functions are developed to compare this cuckoo algorithm
Levy flight is a random walk with random step size with the other algorithms [8]
following a levy distribution
Some types of cuckoo search algorithms are
levy~u = t −
1<≤3 (2) An efficient cuckoo search algorithm for numerical
function optimization[9]: Cuckoo search algorithm is
metaheuristic algorithm, it is the best-known brood
parasitic bird, the cuckoos have explained in obtaining the
global solution for numerical optimization problems.
Therefore, the involvement of fixed step comes in
exploration and exploitation behavior might get slow
down the search process considerably.

Multimodal Optimization [10]: In this, Numerical results

are to show that the cuckoo search algorithm can
successfully locate multiple solutions in both non-noise
and additive white Gaussian noise is the relatively high
degree of accuracy.

Cuckoo Search via Levy flights[1] :It is a new meta-

heuristic algorithm for solving optimization algorithm,
based on the obligate brood parasitic behavior of bird
cuckoo species with the combination of Levy flight
behavior of some birds and fruit flies.

This algorithm is used to test functions and then it

compares with the other algorithms like genetic algorithm
and particle swarm optimization. Many types of cuckoo
search algorithm developed by the many researchers. In
that the major types of cuckoo search are

Figure 1 Flow chart of Cuckoo search

The Pseudo-code of Cuckoo Search:

Objective function f(x), x = (x1 , x2 , … , xd )T ;
Generate initial population of n host nests xi i = 1,2, … n
While (t< Max Generation) or (stop criterion)
Get a cuckoo randomly by Levy Flights
Evaluate its fitness Fi
Choose a nest among n (say j) randomly
If (Fi > Fj ) Figure 1: Types of Cuckoo Search
Replace j by the new solution;
End If Hybrid Algorithms: Cuckoo search can find the better
solutions and efficiently for the many continuous
A fraction (pa ) of worse nests is abandoned and new ones optimization problems. In some cases, the solutions cannot
are built; be found for some optimization problems.
Keep the best solutions (or nest with quality solutions)
Rank the solution and find the solution and find the So Hybridization is applied to optimization algorithms to
current best find the solutions for a set of problems. The cuckoo search
End while is hybridized with other optimization algorithms like
Post process results and visualization heuristic, learning techniques, one rank CS are show in
End Begin table 3.1

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 557

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

IV. SOLVING THE TSP WITH CS The tour can be as a cyclic permutation is 𝜋 =
(𝜋 1 , 𝜋 2 … 𝜋 𝑁 ) of cities from 1 to N if 𝜋 𝑖 is
This algorithm can be implemented in the Travelling interpreted to the city visited in step 𝑖, 𝑖 = 1, … 𝑁.
Salesman problem. The Traveling Salesman Problem The cost of tour is defined as:
(TSP) is defined by N cities and distance matrix 𝐷 =
𝑑 𝑖,𝑗 𝑁×𝑁 it gives distances between all cities. In TSP, the 𝑁−1

main object is to visit every city exactly once within 𝑓 𝜋 = 𝑑𝜋 𝑖 𝜋(𝑖+1) + 𝑑𝜋 𝑁 𝜋(1) (3)
minimum distance [20]. 𝑖

Table: 3.1

Name Author Application Reference

Hybrid CS Li and Yin For shop scheduling [11]
Improved CS for E.Valian et.al To enhance the accuracy [12]
Global optimization and convergence rate.
Modified-CS Tuba,Walton et al. For Unconstrained [13][14]
Optimization problems
Based on Levenberg- Nawi et al. Helps in reducing errors and [15]
Marquardt (LM) avoids local minima in an
Multi Yang and Deb In Job Scheduling Problems [16]
objective CS
A Novel Complex value Zhou and Zheng Reducing the local [17]
convergence and Enhance
the information of nests.
Discrete Jati and Manurung For solving traveling [18]
salesman problem.
Neural based Khan and Sahai Employee health and safety [19]
(HS) risk on employees at
their workplaces,

If the distance satisfies 𝑑𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑑𝑗 ,𝑖 for 1 ≤ 𝑖, 𝑗 ≤ 𝑁, it is equal of a Hamiltonian path. The direction of the tour is
the symmetric TSP. The vertices of the graph are cities the salesman.
and the graph edges are connections between cities. An
optimal TSP tour is a path through an undirected graph 4.2 The Nest
which visits each vertex exactly once. The main aim of The number of nests is static. A nest is an individual of
adapting CS to TSP is the process of applying general the population and the number of nests is equal to the size
principles of the results obtained in special cases. The of the population. A rid nest involves the replacement of
main elements in this are an egg, nest, levy flights, object an individual of the population by a new one.A nest can
function, search space. The worse nest or abandoned is the have multiple eggs, but for easy simplification, each nest
route with max length is worse route and that route is contains only one egg.
abandoned and builds a new route with min distance. This
new route is replaced by the old route. In this, the fitness is 4.3 Objective Function
the best route. CS gives good solutions by using local In the traveling salesman problem, the quality of a solution
search in areas specified by Levy flights. Improved CS is related to the distance of the Hamiltonian path. The best
and local search constitute a single entity in finding solution is the shortest Hamiltonian path.
solutions of good quality. CS and its inspiration sources
can be defined in the following five terms: egg, nest, 4.4 Search Space
objective function, search space, and Levy flights. These To change the location of a nest, change the actual values
key terms can have important meanings for combinatorial of its coordinates. The moving nests or locations of the
problems. nests do not impose real constraints. This is mostly in
continuous optimization problems, it canbe considered as
4.1 The Egg an advantage that reduces technical obstruction such as the
An egg in a nest is a solution represented by one representation of the coordinates in the solution space of
individual in the population, an egg of the cuckoos is a TSP, for moving a solution from one neighborhood to
new solution for a location in the population. An egg is the another. The coordinates of cities are fixed coordinates of

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 558

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

the visited cities; hence the visiting order between the (SCP). This problem is combinatorial optimization
cities can be changed. problem.

V. APPLICATIONS OF CUCKOO SEARCH A Novel Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm based on

ALGORITHM Gauss Distribution:
“A meta-heuristic is a concept which is used to define
One rank Cuckoo Search algorithm for solving Economic heuristic methods that are applied to a wide set of different
Load Dispatch problems: problems[23]. Levy flights are random steps.
Nguyen Thang Trung, Ngoc Dieu[21] proposed a paper on
power generations to minimize the cost of flues. The 𝑋𝑖 (t+1)=𝑋𝑖 𝑡 + 𝛼Levy() (5)
problem is considered non-convex and piecewise
quadratic fuel cost function of thermal units in the In this the consecutive steps of the cuckoo from a random
objective of the problem with complicated constraints such walk process to obey a power law step length distribution.
as prohibited operating zones (POZ) and power loss. CSA For each random variable, a probability density function is
is used mainly for searches optimal solution based on used to express its probability distribution [24]. Example,
random walks. One Rank Cuckoo Search algorithm is used the number of phone calls per minute, and the number of
i.e. Two modifications are done to the basic CSA method users of a web server per day all obey the Poisson
to enhance its search ability for an optimal solution within distribution.
minimum time. The First modification is exploitation and
exploration phase corresponding to the new solution via 𝜆𝑛 𝑒 −𝜆
levy flight of new eggs is the replacement of egg. The 𝑝(𝑛 ,  ) = , 𝑛 = 0,1,2 … . (6)
second modification is the technique for handling the
inequality constraints. i.e. The ORCSA was proposed by 𝜆 > 0it is the mean or expectation of the occurrence of the
the Ahmed et.al 2013. In this, the input is in power with event during a unit interval.
probability to generate in different values. This method Gaussian distribution the most popular distributions,
obtains better cost with time when compared to other because many physical variables including light intensity,
methods. It is a more efficient method for solving ELD. and errors/uncertainty in measurements, and many other
processes obey the normal distribution.
The cost and vulnerabilities optimization in cloud using
CS algorithm with Levy flights: 𝑋𝑖 (t+1)=𝑋𝑖 𝑡 + 𝛼𝜎𝑠 (7)
Cloud computing is using in various aspects. Mohamed, 𝜎𝑠 = 𝜎0 𝑒𝑥𝑝 −𝜇𝑘
Zinedine proposed that when minimizing the cost and
vulnerabilities resulting some risk and threats. So the set 𝜎0 and𝜇 are constants, 𝑘 is current generation, 𝛼 > 0.
of techniques is used to minimize the number of Replace the equation 3 with equation 5. It is used to solve
vulnerabilities and security threats to the information the standard test functions and engineering design
system in the cloud. To minimize the risk of proxy attacks, optimization problems.
maximizing the distance between the vulnerable node and
a potential victim node is done. Adaptive Cuckoo Search for Optimal Network
ℎ𝑗 is host distance, 𝑛𝑗 is network distance (distance Reconfiguration and Distributed generation:
between the node and the victim node which is outside the To optimize the network topology and placement of
subnet). distribution generation (DG) in Distribution networks to
reduce the power loss and energy loss voltage stability
𝑛 enhancement. Duong Quoc Hunga, N. Mithulananthana,
𝜀 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 (ℎ𝑗 + 𝑛𝑗 ) (4) R.C. Bansa proposed [25] that is the Distribution systems
𝑗 =1 will have more power loss and poor voltage regulation and
voltage stability;
Cloud computing security frameworks are-Gathering This is the main problem in distribution systems. Some
information, Network mapping, vulnerabilities researchers have proposed both Distribution network
exploration, audits and penetration tests, vulnerabilities reconfiguration (DNR) and DG to improve the distribution
enumeration and categorization, technology selection for network[26]. Adaptive cuckoo search is used for the DN
vulnerability remediation, security solutions Rconsiderations of DG. It is normally from small scaleto
implementation [22]. It is a non-deterministic polynomial- the large scale distribution networks. Teaching-learning-
time hard (NP-Hard). It can be solved with a heuristic based CS algorithm in Structure designing and machining
approach. Cuckoo Search algorithm with Levy flights is processes: Huang and Gao proposed Optimization in
the best algorithm to solve the problems because CS is Structural designing and machining process [27]. In the
reliable and gives better solutions when compared to the designing process, the quality of the product is very
other algorithms. important. To get the highly quality of the product the
The security technology is used to decrease the optimization process is used. In this, „Teaching-learning-
vulnerability and costs are called Set covering problem based optimization (TLBO) is used. It is a hybrid

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 559

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

algorithm. The TLBO is proposed by (Rao et al. 2011a; antenna array like relative current and phase of elements
Rao et al. 2012), for continuous optimization problems. and interspacing elements. The main aim is to suppress the
The main use of this algorithm is to improve the local side lobes and the null control in certain directions in the
search ability. The TLBO is used to searches for an radiation pattern (Radiation pattern of the antenna is the
optimum by each learner trying to achieve the experience distribution of power outflow of power from the antenna
of the teacher, which is treated as the most learned person and in the flow of power to the antenna). In the wireless
in the society. The Teaching-Learning process is like the application the antenna pattern is designed as a strong
teacher and learner process in the classroom. It consists beam towards the arrive signal and to rescind the
teaching phase and learning phase. The “Teacher phase” interfering signals, these antennas are called as smart
means learning from the teacher and the “Learner phase” antennas. There are many techniques applied to suppress
in this, the learners learns through the interaction among the sidelobe but null control is to lessen the effect of
them [28].The important parameters are a number of undesired interference in the signal. When the 2N isotropic
design variables (Dn ), discovering probability(pa ), and radiators are placed along the x-axis then array factor in
size(Pn ). The solutions should be updated for better the azimuth plane is,
results. The worse solutions are replaced by the new
updated solutions. This algorithm is used in the design of
vehicles (eg: size of car), milling process etc. AF ∅ = 2 In cos kxn cos ∅
Cuckoo Search for Secured Vehicular Adhoc Network + φn (8)
The number of protocols is used to achieve the secure Where k = 2 π λ is wave number
information broadcasting in VANET. VANET is an In , φn , andxn , are excitation amplitude, phase, location of
intelligent transport system (ITS). It provides nth element respectively.
communication between the vehicles to vehicle or vehicle
to infrastructure. Dr. B. Ramakrishna et.al[29] proposed an Cuckoo search algorithm for feature selection:
Adaptive Routing Protocol based on Cuckoo Search A Feature or variable or attribute refers to elements of
(ARPCS) i.e. the combination of topology based routing data. Feature selection is data pre-processing technique
protocol and geographic based routing protocol. If the used in the classification of IDS[25]. It is used to remove
network density is high then the topology routing based the unnecessary, redundant attributes from the given
approach is applied, if the network dense is low then the datasets. It improves accuracy and decreases training time.
geographically based routing approach is applied. It can
overcome the drawbacks of topology based routing The main aim is maximizing the classification
protocol and geographic routing protocol. ARPCS performance and minimizes the number of features. The
provides reliable and reduces the congestion in the feature selection can be done with BCS (Binary Cuckoo
network and improves the delivery of the packet. The Search Algorithm), the problem is which features to select,
drawback of geographic routing protocols is created loops or which features are not to select in a given problem, to
in maintaining routes and discovering routes due to solve this the binary vector is used i.e. where 1 is either to
vehicle mobility. Therefore it loses its memory of past select the feature for a given data and 0 is nor to select. To
traffic history, so it cannot discover the new routes. The employ this binary, vector the equation (10) provides
drawback of topology based routing protocols is route binary values.
instability because of high vehicle mobility it brakes route
frequently between the source and destination. To reduce j 1
the overhead in routing, the ARPCS diffuses the S xi t = j (9)
transmitted packets in a stochastic manner. At the same 1 + e−x i (t)
time, to send the packets in multiple paths to reduce the j
j 1 If S xi t >σ
delay time and overhead in routing between the source and xi t + 1 = (10)
destination. In VANETS, the node position, topology 0 otherwise
details and the route between the source and destination j
are stored in the routing table and it updated dynamically Where σ ~ U(0,1) and xi t denotes the new egg‟s value
when the route changed. at step t.
Now the feature selection is using in IDS (Intrusion
Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Antenna Arrays: Detection System) by using cuckoo search algorithm. The
Cuckoo search is also used in electromagnetic and antenna intrusion detection is a type of security management
arrays. Khairu lNajmy Abdul Rani[30] proposed to obtain system for computer or networks. ID collects the
the desire beam pattern by suppression of side lobes in the information from various areas in the computer to accredit
pattern by applying cuckoo search algorithm. The conical security contravention which attack may be from outside
antenna array is useful in satellite communications, of the organization and misuse attack i.e. from the inside
submarine and point-to-point communications etc. CS can of the organization. ID uses vulnerability assessment i.e.
be used to reduce the parameters or elements in the detecting the confidential resource and attacks the

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 560

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

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ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 11, November 2016

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Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.511119 562

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