Wqpso - Ieee
Wqpso - Ieee
Wqpso - Ieee
Abstract— In this paper we propose Weighed Quantum behaved confidence, are always determined by the decision-maker
Particle Swarm Optimization (WQPSO) algorithm for him/herself or through trial-and-error, which seriously affect
improving the performance of association rule mining algorithm the quality of association rule mining, is still under
Apriori. It is a global convergence guaranteed algorithm, which investigation.
outperforms original PSO algorithm and it has fewer
parameters to control the search ability of PSO. Finding Particle swarm optimization (PSO), first introduced by
minimum support and minimum confidence values for mining Kennedy and Eberhart [3], is a population-based optimization
association rules seriously affect the quality of association rule technique, where a population is called a swarm. A simple
mining. In association rule mining, the minimum threshold
explanation of the PSO’s operation is as follows. Each
values are always given by the user. But in this paper, WQPSO
algorithm is used to determine suitable threshold values particle represents a possible solution to the optimization task
automatically and also it improves the computational efficiency at hand. During each iteration, the accelerating direction of
of Apriori algorithm. First, the WQPSO algorithm is processed one particle determined by its own best solution found so far
to find the minimum threshold values. In this algorithm which and the global best position discovered so far by any of the
particle having the highest optimal fitness value, its support and particles in the swarm. This means that if a particle discovers
confidence values are taken as the minimum threshold value to a promising new solution, all the other particles will move
association rule algorithm. Then the minimum support and closer to it, exploring the region more thoroughly in the
minimum confidence values are given to the input of Apriori process. As far as the PSO itself concerned, however, it is not
association rule mining algorithm for mining association rules.
a global optimization algorithm, as has been demonstrated by
Thus the proposed algorithm is verified by applying the
FoodMart2000 database to Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The Van den Bergh [4]. In [5,6], Sun et al. introduce quantum
experimental results show that our proposed method gives theory into PSO and propose a quantum-behaved PSO
better performance and less computational time than the (QPSO) algorithm, which can be guaranteed theoretically to
existing algorithms. find optimal solution in search space. The experiment results
on some widely used benchmark functions show that the
Index Terms—Apriori algorithm, Association rule mining, Data QPSO works better than standard PSO and should be a
mining, PSO algorithm. promising algorithm. In this paper, in order to balance the
global and local searching abilities, we introduce a weight
parameter in calculating the mean best position in QPSO to
render the importance of particles in population when they
I. INTRODUCTION are evolving, and thus proposed an improved quantum-
behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm, weighted
ata mining is "The nontrivial extraction of implicit,
unknown, and potentially useful information QPSO (WQPSO).
from data." Data mining is an inter-disciplinary field, whose
core is at the intersection of machine learning, statistics and The most representative association rule algorithm is the
databases. Data mining can be categorized into several Apriori algorithm, which was proposed by Agrawal et al. in
models, including association rules, clustering and 1993. The Apriori algorithm repeatedly generates candidate
classification. Among these models, association rule mining itemsets and uses minimal support and minimal confidence to
is the most widely applied method. In the area of association filter these candidate itemsets to find high-frequency
rule mining, most previous research had focused on itemsets. Association rules can be figured out from the high-
improving computational efficiency. The Apriori algorithm is frequency itemsets[2].
the most representative algorithm. It consists of many
modified algorithms that focus on improving its efficiency The rest part of the paper is organized as follows. In
and accuracy. However, two parameters, minimal support and Section 2, a brief introduction of Association rule mining
algorithm is given. The QPSO and its related work is improved WQPSO and show how to balance the searching
introduced in Section 3. In Section 4, we propose the abilities to guarantee the better convergence speed
of particles. Some experiments result on functions and deletes infrequent candidate itemsets. Infrequent itemset is
discussions are presented in Section 5. Finally, the paper is tested in “has infrequent subset.” After the Apriori algorithm
concluded in Section 6. has generated frequent itemsets, association rules can be
generated. As long as the calculated confidence of a frequent
II. ASSICIATION RULE MINING itemset is larger than the predefined minimal confidence, its
corresponding association rule can be accepted. Since the
This section briefly presents the general algorithms of processing of the Apriori algorithm requires plenty of time,
association rule mining. Section A defines the basic its computational efficiency is a very important issue. In
definition of association rule mining, Section B defines the order to improve the efficiency of Apriori, WQPSO
association rule mining algorithm Apriori and Section C algorithm is proposed.
defines the other association rule mining algorithms, which
are used for mining association rules.
A. Definition
The Association rule mining defines that, some hidden
relationships exist between purchased items in transactional
databases. Therefore, mining results can help decision-
makers understand customers’ purchasing behavior. An
association rule is in the form of X→Y, where X and Y
represent Itemset(I), or products, respectively and Itemset
includes all possible items. However, the mining association
rule must accord with two parameters at the same time:
In order to apply the evolution process of the WQPSO To complete particle evolution, the design of a termination
algorithm, it is necessary to first generate the initial condition is necessary. In this study, the evolution terminates
population. In this study, we select particles which have when the fitness values of all particles are the same. In other
larger fitness values as the population. The particles in this words, the positions of all particles are fixed. Another
population are called initial particles. termination condition occurs after 100 iterations and the
evolution of the particle swarm is completed. Finally, after
F. Search the best particle: the best particle is found, its support and confidence are
recommended as the value of minimal support and minimal
First, the particle with the maximum fitness value in the confidence. These parameters are employed for association
population is selected as the “gbest”. rule mining to extract valuable information.
From Eq(7), we can see that the mean best position is The WQPSO is much different from the PSO in that the
simply the average on the personal best position of all update equation of QPSO ensures the particle’s appearing in
particles, which means that each particle is considered equal the whole n-dimensional search space at each iteration, while
and exert the same influence on the value of m. The the particle in the PSO can only fly in a bounded space at
philosophy of this method is that the Mainstream Though, each iteration. Employing the global convergence criterion,
that is, mean best position m, determines the search scope or we can conclude that the QPSO or WQPSO is a global
creativity of the particle [14]. The definition of the convergent algorithm and the PSO is not.