Real Vector Spaces: Vectors in The Plane and in 3-Space
Real Vector Spaces: Vectors in The Plane and in 3-Space
Real Vector Spaces: Vectors in The Plane and in 3-Space
A scalar is a physical quantity that has only a magnitude (size) and denoted by lowercase italic
letters such as c, d, r, s, and t.
Scalar Quantities:
20 m; describes the length
80 km/h; describes the speed
40 kg, which describes a mass
25°F; describes the temperature
30 minutes , which tells time
A vector is a physical quantity that has both a magnitude and a direction. It is represented by a
Roman letter in boldface, such as u, v, x, y, and z.
Vector Quantities:
Displacement: 20 mi (North)
Velocity: 80 km/h (280°)
Force: 60 N downward
Acceleration: 15 N against the direction of motion
Scalars and Vectors Quantities
Example 1:
Example 2:
Vector Representations
A vector in the plane is a 2 x 1 matrix
x = [𝑦]
Types of Vectors
Equal Vectors
Two vectors are equal, if they have the same
magnitude and direction regardless of the positions of
their initial points.
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ = 𝑈𝑉
We write 𝑃𝑄 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ .
𝑥1 𝑥2
Since a vector is a matrix, the vectors u=[𝑦 ] and v=[𝑦 ] are equal if x1 = x2 and y1 = y2.
1 2
𝑎+𝑏 3 𝟓
u= [ ] and v = [ ] are equal if a + b = 3 and a – b = 2 which means that a = and
2 𝑎 −𝑏 𝟐
b= .
Negative of a Vector
Coplanar Vectors
Three or more vectors lying in the same plane
or parallel to the same plane are known as
coplanar vectors.
Co-initial Vectors
Co-terminus Vectors
2 3
Let u=[ ] and v=[ ].
3 −4
u+v=[ ]
3 + (−4)
=[ ]
Scalar Product
Let u=[𝑢 ]is a vector and c is a scalar (real
Zero Vector
The vector [ ] is called the zero vector and is denoted by ⃗0. If u is any vector, it follows that
u + (-1)u = 0
Subtraction of Vectors
Subtraction of one vector from another is
performed by adding the corresponding
negative vector. Moreover, we write
u+ (-1)v as u - v
Vectors in Space
The point P with coordinates x, y, and z
is denoted by P(x, y, z). The set of all
points in space is called 3-space and it is
denoted by R3. A vector in space is a 3 x
1 matrix
x = [𝑦 ]
where x, y, and z are real numbers,
called the components of x.
Vector Addition
u1 v1
Let u =[u2 ] and v=[v2 ] are vectors in
u3 v3
R3, then sum of u and v is defined as
u1 + v1
u+v = [ 2 + v2 ]
u3 + v3
Scalar Product
Let u=[u2 ]is a vector and c is a scalar
(real number), then the scalar multiple
cu of u by c is the vector[cu2 ]. Thus
the scalar multiple cu is obtained by
multiplying each component of u by c.
2 3
Let u = [ 3 ] and v = [−4]
−1 2
a.) u + v
b.) -2u
c.) 3u – 2v
2 3 5
a.) u + v = [ 3 ] + [−4] = [−1]
−1 2 1
2 −4
b.) -2u = -2 [ 3 ] = [−6]
−1 2
2 3 6 −6 0
c.) 3u -2v = 3 [ 3 ] — 2[−4]=[ 9 ] + [ 8 ]=[ 17 ]
−1 2 −3 −4 −7