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History and Future of Hitachi's Plasma Etching System: Hiromichi Enami Yoshifumi Ogawa Masaru Izawa Takaaki Saito

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History and Future of Hitachi’s Plasma Etching System 198

History and Future of Hitachi’s Plasma Etching System

Hiromichi Enami OVERVIEW: Hitachi’s etching equipment business has been firmly established
Yoshifumi Ogawa since it began research into magneto-microwave plasmas in 1983. This
Masaru Izawa business has continued to expand by developing and implementing
superior technologies such as on-board post-etch processing stations and
Takaaki Saito
electrostatic chucks. Market requirements have continued to change with
each increase in wafer size (200 mm to 300 mm in 2000), the shift in HVM
device manufacturing from Japan to Asia, and the continuous reduction in
feature sizes predicted by Moore’s Law. Hitachi has continued to grow this
business by anticipating changes in the market and creating competitive
products. For example, Hitachi has been in the forefront of the creation of
additional functions that can increase the production efficiency of our etchers.
These functionality enhancements have been implemented by some of our
customers ahead of the general market resulting in substantial manufacturing
advantages. Hitachi will continue to expand this product line in order to meet
the requirements for future semiconductor devices which include reducing the
impact on the environment.


(ultra-large-scale integration) chips requires creating Full-scale development of Hitachi etching
multiple levels of patterns on a silicon substrate to form equipment started in 1981 at Hitachi, Ltd.’s Kasado-
active devices such as transistors, memory elements and works. This was a collaboration between internal
wire connections. Each layer of the pattern is formed semiconductor development and production sites
by a series of steps such as deposition, lithography, including the Central Research Laboratory, Device
etching, and impurity diffusion. In this process, the role Development Center, and Semiconductor & Integrated
of etching is to create the actual pattern by transferring Circuit Division. It initially led to the development of
the organic resist pattern formed by lithography to
the material(s) below. Technical challenges include
the etch rate, selectivity, and dimension control.
Cost reductions of
Performance requirements have become stricter with about 12–14% per year
each successive device generation. Present
Chip cost per function (log)

The number of etch process steps is increasing

with every generation. Typical devices currently
require between 30 and 50 etch steps with minimum wafer diameter
processing dimensions in the range of tens of Improved yield Increasing productivity

nanometers and more than 10 wire connection layers. Other productivity

Meanwhile, the adoption of new metal materials and improvements 25–30% cost reduction
per year
three dimensional device structures has resulted in a
higher and more exacting level of performance. In Targeted chip cost
the early 2000s, equipment productivity emerged as Time
a key requirement because large memory foundries
Fig. 1—Tactics for Improving Productivity.
were constructed during the wafer size transition to The aim is to reduce the functional cost of chips by 25 to
300 mm. As shown in Fig. 1, equipment suppliers are 30% per year by reducing feature size, improving yield, and
now required to provide solutions to the productivity increasing productivity. The measures for improving productivity
improvement challenges that customers are facing.(1) are the most important.
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 5 199

(a) M-206A (b) M-308AT

Fig. 3—Overview of Electrostatic Chuck and Graphic of
Fig. 2—Equipment Developed through Special Research Program. Reactive Chamber with Electrostatic Chuck.
A beta tool incorporating a magneto-microwave plasma source The electrostatic chuck mechanism played an important role in
was installed at the Device Development Center in late 1984. wafer temperature control but was difficult to install on equipment
After design improvements and process evaluation, the unit was due to lifetime and damage issues. Despite this, Hitachi was able
re-installed as the first upgraded M-206A in late 1985 (a). The to develop and commercialize the technology within a year by
M-308AT was introduced to the market in 1987. Based on the collaborating with customers and parts suppliers.
M-206A, it also incorporated further upgrades and an on-board
post-etch processing module (b).

This technology improved wafer cooling efficiency

batch-type (RE-504) and single-wafer-type (R-206A) significantly by using electrostatic chucking to fix the
parallel plate RIE (reactive ion etching) systems wafer to the electrode. Hitachi was five years ahead of
which were the mainstream technologies at the time. its competitors in providing a solution which address
This equipment, however, was only used within the the potential of charge-up damage.
company since the performance did not surpass that (2) Time modulation bias
of competing equipment. Meanwhile, research aimed This technology can repeat oscillation in the high-
at supporting a 1.3-µm semiconductor processes, and frequency bias for ion acceleration on a time scale
developing etch equipment for submicron processes of milliseconds. It has been effective for controlling
started in 1983. The research group developed an profile and selectivity and has been the subject of
etching method characterized by the formation of continuous improvement.
a high-density plasma (ECR) using the magneto- (3) Low-temperature etching
microwave technique with independent control of Low-temperature technology developed at the
ion acceleration to the wafer using a different high- Central Research Laboratory was further improved
frequency power source. This ECR system gave a and adapted for use in mass production. It is currently
superior etch rate to competing equipment as well as used for deep hole and trench processing.
better etch accuracy for policide gate processing. It was
first adopted for 1-M DRAM (dynamic random access
Model M-318EX M-511A M-712A M-712XT M-8190XT
memory) production and was introduced to the market
Plasma source 2.45 GHz 2.45 GHz + Auto tuning
as the M-206A single-wafer etcher [see Fig.  2(a)]. Bias frequency 2 MHz 800 kHz 400 kHz
In the 1.3-µm metal wiring process, a triple-layer Bias control method Continuous Continuous/time modulation New type
structure using a barrier-metal was adopted to prevent Gas introduction Side wall SP New SP
Exhaust flow Asymmetry Symmetry
aluminum film migration. The ECR system also had
Temperature 3 zone
significant advantages when used for vertical etching Single zone 2 zone (with heater)
control method
Quartz bell-jar Cavity resonance type
of this structure. This result led to the development of
the M-308AT single-wafer etching system which was
sold with an additional post-etch processing chamber
integrated in vacuum wafer transfer for improved
corrosion resistance [see Fig. 2(b)]. SP: shower plate
Since this time, Hitachi has improved its product
Fig. 4—Evolution of Magneto-microwave Plasma Use in Silicon
development methods to better reflect customer
Etching Chambers.
needs while also incorporating new technologies into The quartz bell-jar design was adopted for the M-206A and
the equipment based on these two original models. M-318EX and the applied cavity resonance design has been used
Examples include: since the M-511A to improve uniformity on larger wafers. Further
(1) Electrostatic chuck (see Fig. 3) improvements were added to improve uniformity and selectivity.
History and Future of Hitachi’s Plasma Etching System 200

E-541AW E-642A M-712XT U-8250 M-8190XT

Fig. 5—2010 Etching Equipment Product Range.

The U-8250 dielectric system is used in a wide range of processes. The M-6180 uses the same platform as E-642A and is used for
deep hole processing of silicon.

(4) EMCP (electromagnetically coupled plasma) M-712XT and M-8190XT, which are sold to large
This uses a unique functional shield technology memory and logic fabs as well as foundries, are
and achieves good processing characteristics for currently the core of Hitachi’s business and have been
etching non-volatile materials. The technology was subject to ongoing improvements (see Fig. 5). Hitachi
commercialized in the E-series. creates new equipment technologies by providing
All of these technologies have competitive evaluation machines to customers who develop and
advantages and are currently used in the equipments produce leading-edge devices and by collaborating
delivered to the market. Magneto-microwave plasma with customers on product development(2), (3).
technology previously developed has seen multiple (1) Co-axial exhaust (see Fig. 6)
structural enhancements and additional functions to This design significantly improves uniformity
adapt it for use with different wafer sizes and smaller by placing the electrode co-axially within the etch
feature sizes (see Fig. 4). In addition, the ability to chamber and by designing the chamber to have a
perform on-board single wafer wet cleaning was symmetrical shape.
developed and added to the M-308ATW to further (2) Multi-zone heater electrode (see Fig. 7)
improve its anti-corrosion performance after etching Continuous processing of multi-layer devices
corrosive materials. The wet cleaning function is also requires additional electrode temperature control for
installed on more recent 500 series models and plays each film material. This technology was developed
an important role in 200-mm wafer production lines. and implemented as a way of quickly increasing or
decreasing the electrode temperature.
HITACHI ETCHING EQUIPMENT PRODUCT (3) Multi-wavelength emission detection
RANGE This system performs parallel measurements of
The current 300 mm capable etching systems, the
Temperature control
Top view of etching chamber ESC 90
High speed
Heater 80 mode
Wafer mean temp. (°C)

water 60
Temperature sensor Heater control
40 Rate of temp.
Feedback control =3°C/s
Chiller temp. 20
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (s)
Co-axial structure
ESC: electrostatic chuck

Fig. 7—Electrostatic Chuck Electrode with Three-zone Heater

Fig. 6—Structure of Co-Axial Etching Chamber. and its Response.
The symmetric structure includes the wafer transfer path. In multi-layer film etching, changing the temperature by layer
The inner chamber parts can be easily swapped. CD (critical and by zone in a range from 5 to 20°C improves CD uniformity
dimension) uniformity is significantly improved and the CD significantly. In quick control mode, the set temperature is
variation (3 sigma) is less than 3.0−1.5 nm. reached in 2 to 6 s.
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 5 201

fluctuations in plasma emissions by wavelength. It is Spin on HM

capable of detecting small fluctuations that manifest
as a shift in emission intensity(4).
(4) Accurate high-frequency power generator
This features improved linearity in high-frequency
output control and provides ion acceleration at low
energy. Silicon profile recess was able to be reduced
by less than 0.5 nm.
Litho 1 HM1 etch Litho 2 HM2 etch HM3 etch HM4 etch
(5) Function to improve wafer edge performance 1st etch 2nd etch
To prevent a deterioration in performance at the
HM: hard mask (such as SiN, SiO, ACL or BARC) ACL: amorphous carbon
edge of the wafer, this technology improves uniformity layer BARC: bottom anti-reflection coating Si: silicon
by locally optimizing the ion bias energy and gas
Fig. 8—Example of Double Patterning Using M-8190XT [LELE
distribution. It is in practical use. These technical
(Litho-etch-litho-etch Method)].
developments also help reduce machine-to-machine The second lithography step creates a pattern between the
differences and time-dependent performance changes by pattern created in the first lithography step. By adjusting the
improving process performance including uniformity, selectivity when processing each layer, the final patterns (after
multi-layer homogeneity, and profile control. HM4 etching) can be made to be very similar.
Joint development work with other equipment
suppliers in the important new technology of double
Without X gas flow rate control
patterning has also demonstrated superior process
X gas flow rate OES signal
performance (see Fig. 8). The E-541AW and E-642A With X gas flow rate control
models have also been produced for use in development
focused on the processing of non-volatile materials
in which the reaction by-products have a low vapor
pressure. These platforms have achieved superior
productivity and competitive performance in the
production of magnetic heads for HDDs (hard disk
drives) and non-volatile memories. OES: optical emission spectroscopy

MEASURES FOR DELIVERING ADDED Fig. 9—Example of Practical Use of EPC (Equipment Process
Increasing productivity, equipment availability, The technology is used to improve CD and selectivity control for
65-nm and later device generations.
and accelerating programs for feature size reduction
are major factors in demonstrating to customers
the advantages offered by new equipment. As an machine-to-machine differences, measures need to
equipment supplier, it is necessary to implement be implemented in the equipment itself. One example
quick solutions to the following items highlighted is the EPC (equipment process control) system (see
in the ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Fig. 9). This system uses an equipment gas monitor
Semiconductors). to measure a sensor value that has a close relationship
(1) Reduction of CoC (cost of consumables) during to critical feature dimensions and selectivity. These
operation items are key parameters for process performance.
(2) Detection and correction of time-dependent The equipment controls the critical value by adjusting
performance changes the gas flow. One example application involved a
(3) Detection and correction of machine-to-machine processing cycle of 100 dummy wafers followed
differences by 500 product wafers and equipment cleaning.
(4) Reduction of non-production wafer processing Introducing the system allowed the customer to
(5) Establishment of reactive chamber cleaning improve the procedure to five dummy wafers followed
methods and associated checking methods by 15,000 product wafers and achieved an 18%
(6) Establishment of equipment maintenance methods increase in equipment availability.
and associated rules
For time-dependent performance changes and
History and Future of Hitachi’s Plasma Etching System 202

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

MPU-PGL 24 22 20 18 17 15 (1) J. Pettinato et al., “An ITRS View on Future Process Control
NAND Challenges and Opportunities,” 2003 AEC/APC Symposium
(R&D) 1/2 pitch
(un-contacted 38 32 28 25 23 20
poly) (2003).
DRAM (2) H. Enami et al., “Plasma Etching System and its Application
1/2 pitch 52 45 40 36 32 28
(contacted) to 45-32nm Leading-edge Devices,” Hitachi Review 56, pp.
hp-LSI technology 57–62 (Aug. 2007).
32 nm 22 nm 15 nm 11 nm
node (R&D)
CDU (3σ) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9
(3) H. Enami et al., “Strategy and Recent Activities for
�Double patterning (SADP) for memory �EUV Equipment and Process Stabilization of Dry Etch,” 2005
Lithography �ArF immersion with water �Double patterning (LELE/LPLE) Japan Semiconductor Technology Symposium (2005).
for hp-logic
�2 step trim �LWR reduction (4) H. Enami et al., “Process Environment Monitoring of Plasma
�Fin-FET for memory �Fin-FET for logic
�MG/High-k �Dual MG/HK �New metal/cap
Etching for APC,” American Vacuum Society Fall Meeting,
�Near mid-gap
Gate �Gate-last WF MS-ThM7-01 (1998).
Technology etching
�Low-k spacer �Ge based HM
roadmap p-ch (5) H. Enami, “Current and Future Prediction of Dry Etch
�Non-volatile materials Technology beyond hp32nm,” SEMI Forum Japan 2010
Flash �High-k �Multi-layer
memory �Charge trap type (2010).
DRAM �AR50 HARC �Pedestal

BEOL �Metal hard mask + ultra low-k

System �FDC �OCD FF/FB

MPU-PGL: microprocessing unit—physical gate length Hiromichi Enami

hp: high performance CDU: critical dimension uniformity
EUV: extreme ultra violet SADP: self-aligned double patterning
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1978, and now works at the
LPLE: litho-process-litho-etch LWR: line width roughness Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Division,
Fin-FET: fin field effect transistor MG: metal gate Electronic Device Systems Business Group, Hitachi
WF: work function electrodes HM: high mobility
HARC: high aspect ratio contact BEOL: back-end of line High-Technologies Corporation. He is currently
FDC: fault detection & classification OCD: optical critical dimension engaged in sales and marketing of semiconductor
MIMO: multiple-input multiple-output processing equipment. Mr. Enami is a member of the
Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Fig. 10—Trends for Future Devices and Key Processes.
The table contains Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation’s
Yoshifumi Ogawa
own predictions for trends in devices and key processes based
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1981, and now works at
on feedback from customers and seminars.
the New Product Development Group, Kasado
Design & Production Division, Electronic Device
Systems Business Group, Hitachi High-Technologies
CONCLUSIONS Corporation. He is currently engaged in design and
As shown in Fig. 10, it is important that etching process development of future dry-etch equipment. Mr.
equipment address major issues such as: (1) continuous Ogawa is a member of the Japan Society of Applied
reduction in feature size and associated uniformity Physics.

issues, (2) larger wafer sizes (450 mm), (3) evolution

Masaru Izawa
of three-dimensional devices, (4) adoption of new
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1989, and now works at the
materials, and (5) future lithography technologies such Department of Nano-Process Research, Central
as EUV (extreme ultraviolet). It is absolutely necessary Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. He is currently
to also continue to reduce the inevitable machine-to- stationed at the Kasado Design & Production
machine variations and time-dependent performance Division of Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
and engaged in the development of future dry-etch
changes as described earlier in this article. Finally, equipment. Mr. Izawa is a member of the Japan
environmental measures, including energy savings, Society of Applied Physics, and the Chemical Society
have also become one of the major points in selecting of Japan.
equipment suppliers. Hitachi will continue to work
with its customers and suppliers to consider solutions Takaaki Saito
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1991, and now works at the
and implement them in a timely manner.(5)
Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Division,
Electronic Device Systems Business Group, Hitachi
High-Technologies Corporation. He is currently
engaged in marketing and strategy formulation for
semiconductor processing equipment.

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