Chapter 1 (Kirk)
Chapter 1 (Kirk)
Chapter 1 (Kirk)
The axiom "A problem well put is a problem half solved" may be a slight
exaggeration, but its intent is nonetheless appropriate. In this section, we
4 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Sec. 1.1
are the state variables (or simply the states) of the process at time t, and
are control inputs to the process at time t, then the system may be described
by n first-order differential equations
We shall define
x(t) ~
t The reader will find the concepts much the same for discrete systems (see [A-I]).
t Note that Xi(t) is in general a nonlinear time-varying function al of the states, the
control inputs, and time.
Sec. 1.1 Introduction 5
nCt) ~
~~ o e
• d
and letting
Xl (t) = X2(t)
X2(t) = Ul(t) + U2(t),
or, using matrix notation,
A history of control input values during the interval [to, tf ] is de-
noted by u and is called a control history, or simply a control.
A history of state values in the interval [to, tf ] is called a state tra-
jectory and is denoted by x.
to II If
Physical Constraints
Example 1.1-2. Consider the problem of driving the car in Fig. 1-1
between the points 0 and e. Assume that the car starts from rest and
stops upon reaching point e. Translate this to math?
XI(/ o) = 0
XI(II) = e.
X2(tO) =0
X2(11) = o.
In matrix notation these boundary condi/ions are
If we assume that the car does not back up, then the additional constraints
o:s;: X2(/)
are also imposed.
What are the constraints on the control inputs (acceleration)? We
know that the acceleration is bounded by some upper limit which depends
on the capability of the engine, and that the maximum deceleration is
limited by the braking system parameters. If the maximum acceleration
is MI > 0, and the maximum deceleration is M2 > 0, then the controls
must satisfy
o :s;: u I (I) :s;: MI
-M2 :s;: U2(/) :s;: o.
In addition, if the car starts with G gallons of gas and there are no service
stations on the way, another constraint is
A control history which satisfies the control constraints during the
entire time interval [to, t/] is called an admissible control.
8 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Sec. 1.1
• t
• t
u\1l and uP) are admissible if they satisfy the consumed-fuel constraint of
Eq. (1.1-9). In this example, the set of admissible controls U is defined by the
inequalities in (1.1-8) and (1.1-9).
- ------ - ------~~-------
Figure 1-4 (a) The target set for Example 1.1-2. (b) The target set
defined by IXI(t) - el < 3, X2(t) = 0
10 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Sec. 1.1
J = tf - to. (1.1-10)
where 10 and I, are the initial and final time; hand g are scalar functions.
I, may be specified or "free," depending on the problem statement.
Starting from the initial state X(/o) = Xo and applying a control signal
U(/), for I E [to, I,], causes a system to follow some state trajectory; the
performance measure assigns a unique real number to each trajectory of the
With the background material we have accumulated it is now possible
to present an explicit statement of "the optimal control problem."
J = h(x(tI)' t I) +f t
to' g(x(t), u(t), t) dt. (1.1-l3)
J. ---
u(1) = u· u(2) u(3) u(4)
x\(t) = Xl(t)
Xl(t) = u\(t) + Ul(t).
The set of admissible states X is partially specified by the boundary condi-
x(t o) = 0,
0:::;; u\(t):::;; M\
-Ml :::;; U2(t) :::;; O.
Sec. 1.1 Introduction
The solution to this problem (which is left as an exercise for the reader
at the end of Chapter 5) is shown in Fig. 1-6 for the situation where MI =
Mz ~ M. We have also assumed that the car has enough fuel available to
reach point e using the control shown.
i (to +11)
! (to +11)
• 1
• 1
-M I'" I
• 1
Figure 1-6 The optimal control and trajectory for the automobile
Example 1.1-5. Let us now consider what would happen if the preceding
problem had been improperly formulated. Suppose that the control
constraints had not been recognized. If we let
14 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Sec. 1.1
where oCt - to) is a unit impulse function that occurs at time to,t then
If a functional relationship of the form
can be found for the optimal control at time t, then the function f
is called the optimal control law, or the optimal policy.t
Notice that Eq. (1.1-18) implies that f is a rule which determines the
optimal control at time t for any (admissible) state value at time t. For
example, if
u*(t) = Fx(t), (1.1-19)
If the optimal control is determined as a function of time for a speci-
fied initial state value, that is,
u*(t) = e(x(to), t), (1.1-20)
Thus the optimal open-loop control is optimal only for a particular initial
state value, whereas, if the optimal control law is known, the optimal con-
trol history starting from any state value can be generated.
Conceptually, it is helpful to imagine the difference between an optimal
control law and an open-loop optimal control as shown in Fig. 1-8; notice,
Opens at to
Figure 1-8 (a) Open-loop optimal control. (b) Optimal control law
however, that the mere presence of connections from the states to a con-
troller does not, in general, guarantee an optimal controllaw.t
t The terms optimal feedback control, closed-loop optimal control, and optimal control
strategy are also often used.
t This is pursued further in reference [K-IJ.
16 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Sec. 1.2
The state of a system is a set of quantities xl(t), x 2(t), ... ,x.(t)
t See [D-I], [0-1], [S-I], [S-2], [T-I], [W-I], [Z-I].
Sec. 1.2 Introduction 17
System Classification
where A(t) and B(t) are n X nand n X m matrices with time-varying elements.
State equations for linear, time-invariant systems have the form
Output Equations
The physical quantities that can be measured are called the outputs and are
denoted by YI (t), Y2(t), ... ,yit). If the outputs are nonlinear, time-varying
functions of the states and controls, we write the output equations
y(t) = c(x(t), u(t), t). (1.2-5)
uU) x(t) f x(t) I I
I: I
r _____r-l
a c y(t)
y(t) :~
I Measurement t
I process
L ____________________ ~
I L ______ J
1 Measurement
I process
L _____________________ JI
Figure 1-9 (a) Nonlinear system representation. (b) Linear system representation
Sec. 1.2 Introduction 19
varying system and a linear, time-invariant system are shown in Fig. 1-9.
ret), which has not been included in the state equations and represents any
inputs that are not controlled, is called the reference or command input.
In our discussion of optimal control theory we shall make the simplify-
ing assumption that the states are all available for measurement; that is,
yet) = x(t).
For linear systems the state equations (1.2-3) have the solution
where fII(t, to) is the state transition matrixt of the system. If the system is
time-invariant as well as linear, to can be set equal to 0 and the solution of
the state equations is given by any of the three equivalent forms
where U(s) and cD(s) are the Laplace transforms of u(t) and fII(t), g-l{ . }
denotes the inverse Laplace transform of { . }, and EAt is the n X n matrix
Equation (1.2-8a) results when the state equations (1.2-4) are Laplace trans-
formed and solved for Xes). Equation (1.2-8b) can be obtained by drawing
a block diagram (or signal flow graph) of the system and applying Mason's
gain formula.:f: Notice that H(s) is the transfer function matrix. The solution
in (1.2-8c) can be found by classical methods. The equivalence of these three
solutions establishes the correspondences
It can be verified that the state transition matrix has the properties shown
in Table 1-1 for all t, to, tl, and t 2.
IjI(O) = I ljI(t, t) = I
d d
(jjljl(t) = Acp(t) (jjljl(t, to) = A(t)ljI(t, to)
For systems having a constant A matrix, the state transition matrix, cp(t),
can be determined by any of the following methods:
1. Inverting the matrix [sI - A] and finding the inverse Laplace trans-
form of each element.
2. Using Mason's gain formula to find cI>(s) from a block diagram or
signal flow graph of the system [the ijth element of the matrix cI>(s) is
given by the transmission X;(s)/xj(O)] and evaluating the inverse La-
place transform of cI>(s).
3. Evaluating the matrix expansion
For high-order systems (n > 4), evaluating fAr numerically (with the
aid of a digital computer) is the most feasible of these methods.
For systems having a time-varying A matrix the state transition matrix
can be found by numerical integration of the matrix differential equation
t Although a digital computer program for the evaluation of this expansion is easy to
write, the running time may be excessive because of convergence properties of the
series. For a discussion of more efficient numerical techniques see [0-1], p. 315ff.
Sec. 1.2 Introduction 21
If there is a finite time tl > to and a control u(t), t E [to, t 1 ], which
transfers the state Xo to the origin at time t l ' the state Xo is said to be
controllable at time to' If all values of Xo are controllable for all
to, the system is completely controllable, or simply controllable.
has rank n. If there is only one control input (m = 1), a necessary and suffi-
cient condition for controllability is that the n X n matrix E be nonsingular.
The concept of observability is defined by considering the system (1.2-13)
with the control u(t) = 0 for t > to'§
If by observing the output y(t) during the finite time interval [to, t)]
the state x(t o) = Xo can be determined, the state Xo is said to be
observable at time to' If all states Xo are observable for every to, the
system is called completely observable, or simply observable.
Analogous to the test for controllability, it can be shown that the linear,
time-invariant system
A-I Athans, M., "The Status of Optimal Control Theory and Applications for.
Deterministic Systems," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control (1966), 580-596.
D-l Derusso, P. M., R. J. Roy, and C. M. Close, State Variables for Engineers.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1965.
K-l Kliger, I., "On Closed-Loop Optimal Control," IEEE Trans. Automatic
Control (1965), 207.
K-2 Kalman, R. E., "On the General Theory of Control Systems," Proc. First
[FAC Congress (1960), 481-493.
K-3 Kalman, R. E., Y. C. Ho, and K S. Narendra, "Controllability of Linear
Dynamical Systems," in Contributions to Differential Equations, Vol. 1.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962.
0-1 Ogata, K, State Space Analysis of Control Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967.
Sol Schwarz, R. J., and B. Friedland, Linear Systems. New York: McGraW-Hili,
Inc., 1965.
S-2 Schultz, D. G., and J. L. Melsa, State Functions and Linear Control Systems.
New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1967.
T-l Timothy, L. K, and B. E. Bona, State Space Analysis: An Introduction.
New York: McGraw-Hili, Inc., 1968.
W-l Ward, J. R., and R. D. Strum, State Variable Analysis (A Programmed
Text). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970.
Z-1 Zadeh, L. A., and C. A. Desoer, Linear System Theory: The State Space
Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1963.
1-1. The tanks A and B shown in Fig. I-PI each have a capacity of 50 gal. Both
tanks are filled at t = 0, tank A with 60 lb of salt dissolved in water, and
Figure I-PI
24 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Problems
tank B with water. Fresh water enters tank A at the rate of 8 gal/min, the
mixture of salt and water (assumed uniform) leaves A and enters B at the
rate of 8 gal/min, and the flow is incompressible. Let q(t) and pet) be
the number of pounds of salt contained in tanks A and B, respectively.
(a) Write a set of state equations for the system.
(b) Draw a block diagram (or signal flow graph) for the system.
(c) Find the state transition matrix <p(t).
(d) Determine q(t) and pet) for t :;:::: O.
1-2. (a) Using the capacitor voltage ve(t) and the inductor current iL(t) as states,
write state equations for the RLC series circuit shown in Fig. I-P2.
R L e(t)
'}--TI ,
+--+-+- Figure I-P2
Figure I-P3
(b) Draw a block diagram (or signal flow graph) for the system.
(c) Let M = I kg, K = 2 N/m, B = 2 N/m/sec, and determine the state
transition matrix <p(t).
(d) If yeO) = 0.2 m, yeO) = 0, and J(t) = 2c 2t N for t:;:::: 0, determine yet)
and yet) for t :;:::: O.
Problems Introduction 25
1-4. Write a set of state equations for the electrical network shown in Fig. I-P4.
Figure I-P4
1-5. Write state equations for the mechanical system in Fig. I-PS. A. is the applied
torque, I is the moment of inertia, K is the spring constant, and B is the
coefficient of viscous friction. The angular displacement (J(t) is measured
from the equilibrium position with no torque applied.
Figure I-PS
1-6. A chemical mixing process is shown in Fig. I-P6. Water enters the tanks
at rates of WI(t) and W2(t) ftlfmin, and met) ft3fmin of dye enters tank 1.
VI(t) and V2(t) ftl of dye are present in tanks 1 and 2 at time t. The
tanks have cross-sectional areas /XI and /X2. Assume that the flow rate between
the two tanks, q(t), is proportional to the difference in head with propor-
Area 0/[
/1\, il~ / 1\\
T co cb
1 --
Tank I Tank 2
Figure I-P6
26 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Problems
tionality constant k ftJ 1ft-min, and that the mixtures in the tanks are homo-
geneous. Write the differential equations of the system, using hl(t), h 2 (t),
VI (t), and V2(t) as state variables.
1-7. Write a set of state equations for the electromechanical system shown in
Fig. I-P7. The amplifier gain is K., and the developed torque is A(t) = K,if(t),
where K. and K, are known constants.
+ Gain
K. viscous friction, B
Figure l-P7
1-8. Write a set of state equations for the mechanical system shown in Fig. loPS.
The displacements Yl(t) and Y2(t) are measured from the equilibrium posi-
tion of the system with no force applied.
Equilibrium position of M2
Figure l·PS
Problems Introduction 27
1-9. Write a set of differential equations, in state form, for the coupled RLC
network shown in Fig. 1-P9.
Figure 1-P9
1-10. Write a set of state equations for the network shown in Fig. 1-PI0. R 2 (t)
is a time-varying resistor, and the circuit also contains a nonlinear resistor.
e Nonlinear
Figure 1-P10
1-11. Show that the state transition matrix satisfies the properties given in Table
is a solution of
:i.(t) = A(t)x(t).
1-12. Draw a block diagram, or signal flow graph, and write state and output
equations that correspond to the transfer functions:
a yes) _ _5_ b Yes) _ .l
( ) U(s) - s[s + 1] ( ) U(s) - S2
C yes) = 10 d Yes) _ 8
() U(s) S3 + + +
5s 2 6s 3 ( ) U(s) - 2s 4 + 6s 3 + 14s2 + 7s + 1
(e) yes) = 5[s+ 2] (f) Yes) = [s + 1][s + 2]
U(s) s[s+ 1] U(s) S2
yes) _ + +
1O[s2 2s 3] h yes) _ 4
(g) U(s) - S3 + + +
5s 2 6s 3 ( ) U(s) - [s + 1][s + 2]
. Yes) _ [S2+ + 7s 12] . yes) _ 8[S3 + s + 2]
(1) U(s) - s[s+ + 1][s 2] (J) U(s) - 2s 4 + 6s 3 + 14s 2 + 7s + 1
28 Describing the System and Evaluating Its Performance Problems
1·13. Find the state transition matrices cp(t) for the systems (a), (b), (e), (f), (h),
and (i) in Problem 1·12.
1·14. For each of the following systems determine:
(i) If the system is controllable.
(ii) If the system is observable.
(iii) The block diagram or signal flow graph of the system.
(a) x(t) = [~ ~ ] x(t) + [~J u(t); yet) = XI (t).
~ ~
~ }(I)+ [:});
0 A3
0 0 A4 b4
yet) = [CI Cz C3 c41x(t)
to be:
(i) Controllable?
(ii) Observable?
Assume that Ai> i = 1, ... , 4 are real and distinct.