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Bac Cooling Tower

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

››Tower Pumping
Tower pumping does not present great difficulty in terms of good pump application. This is because of a normally high order of
application safety factor. Troubles do occur occasionally, however, and these troubles can be classified as caused by:

1. Incorrect pump head estimation.

2. Pump cavitation and loss of pumping ability, as caused by inadequate pump suction pressure.
3. Air in pump suction; as caused by tower pan vortex, pan drain down or faulty bypass.
4. Unstable pump operational points as caused by:
a. Improper application of tower bypass controls.
b. High pressure drop tower spray nozzles in combination with tower bypass.
5. Inadequate maintenance procedures causing:
a. Plugged suction strainer.
b. Lack of tower treatment with consequent fouling of the condenser.

It is intended that each potential trouble source be evaluated so that the necessary design safeguards can be erected against
operational problems.

Open “Tower” System Pump Head Requirements

The pumping head determination procedure for the “open”
tower piping loop differs from the conventional “closed”
loop piping circuit used for most Hydronic (Heat-Cool)
applications. The difference concerns consideration of
“open” loop static heads. Closed Loop
Piping Circuit Flow-Friction
The closed loop circuit has no need for consideration of Loss ∆h
static heads for pump selection because of a balance or
cancellation of static heads between the supply and return
risers. Static head lost by water flow to any height in the
supply piping is cancelled by a static head “regain” as
water flows down the return piping. The only pump head
requirement for the “closed” loop is that due to flow-friction
pressure drop; static heights are not considered.

Figure 1. Static Height Not Considered for Pump Selection in

Closed Loop

For the legend, see page J165.

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The “open” or tower circuit is different from the “closed” loop circuit. The difference is that all static heads are not cancelable. In
the open piping circuit, the pump must raise fluid from a low reference level to a higher level; this requires pump work, and open
statics becomes an important consideration for pump selection.

In Figure 2, the required pump head will be the pipe flow-friction loss from A to D plus the energy head (Hs) required to raise water
from the lower to higher level.

Hs Water Level Water Will

Pump Suction Reach This Level
Without Pump Energy



Figure 2. Open Piping Circuit

The cooling tower circuit differs slightly from the basic “open” circuit in that the discharge piping is connected directly to a
distribution basin. Some towers are furnished with a distribution manifold with nozzles which require additional pressure.

For the tower piping circuit, the pump must overcome the piping flow friction loss; piping, condenser, cooling tower losses, and
valves. It must also provide the energy head necessary to raise water from a low to a higher static head level.

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Most discussions concerning tower and/or open piping circuits would simply define the required pump static energy head as Ho
(in Figure 3); the “open” height of the piping circuit. This is, however, an ever-simplified assumption which may or may not be
true depending on whether or not a “siphon draw” is established in the downcomer return piping DE.

The nature of the downcomer siphon draw and its limitations should be evaluated.


Water Level
Pump Suction Side
Ho Condenser
Dicharge Piping

A Water Will
Reach This Level
H Without Pump Work,
“H” Cancels

Figure 3. Typical “Open” Tower Piping Circuit

Downcomer Siphon Draw

In Figure 3, water is being discharged at E. Pressure at D must be equal to exit loss plus flow-friction loss DE and minus the
static pressure reduction caused by downcomer return static height Hr.

Pressure reduction to D as caused by static height Hr will generally, but not always, permit cancellation of height Hr as a part of
the required pump head. This is because of a resultant siphon draw action in the downcomer.

Given that the “siphon draw” does indeed occur, the required pump head will become:

PUMP HEAD in Figure 3 = H0 + ∆h (AE)

The pump head selection statement shown above is commonly accepted as a truism. It has limitations, however, and will not
apply under certain circumstances. These circumstances should be understood if unnecessary cost and embarrassment are to
be avoided by the consultant.

Exit loss and flow-friction loss in the downcomer will generally be less than the downcomer height Hr. For this circumstance the
downcomer must operate at subatmospheric pressure when the siphon draw is established. If the downcomer vacuum is broken,
the expected siphon draw will not occur and the estimated pump head may be inadequate.

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The expected downcomer return siphon draw vacuum can be broken by any of three basic application circumstances:

• Top vented downcomer.

• Inadequate downcomer flow rates; bottom vented downcomer.
• Fluid vapor pressure or flash considerations.

Top Vented Downcomer

A downcomer vent will break the siphon draw vacuum. The vent may be a simple loose pipe connection - or it may be a
mechanical vent purposefully applied at the downcomer return high point.

Vents are sometimes applied to establish known reference pumping conditions when downcomer return siphon draw conditions
propose stability problems; as with a very high downcomer, when fluid boiling is a probability or when start-up downcomer flow
rates are anticipated as inadequate for the siphon draw.

Given a top vented downcomer, it will be seen that the pump must raise water from the pump suction pan water level to the
highest vented point in the downcomer.

Considering this point to occur at D in Figure 3, the required pump static head will become:

Ho + Hr or Hs

The total pumping head to point D will become Hs plus the flow-friction loss ∆h (AD). Separate consideration must now be given
to the downcomer return.

Since the pump has raised water to level “D,” it will have provided a fluid head equal to Hr to overcome flow-friction loss in the
downcomer. There are two different pumping possibilities; fluid head Hr greater than downcomer flow-friction loss ∆h (DE) and
the reverse: Hr less than ∆h (DE).

The usual pumping circumstance will be the condition of Hr greater than ∆h (DE). This is because the available fluid head Hr
is the equivalent of 100 ft / 100 ft pipe friction loss rate. Downcomer piping flow-friction loss will generally be to the order of
4 ft /100 ft. Since the pump has already provided the necessary fluid head to flow the downcomer, Hr > ∆h (DE); friction flow
loss in the downcomer is not a part of the required pump head and total pump head becomes:

If: Hr > ∆h (DE)

Then: PUMP HEAD = Hs + ∆h (AD)

High downcomer pressure drops can be caused by control valves or tower spray nozzles. When this pressure drop plus the
downcomer pipe flow-friction loss exceeds fluid head Hr, the pump head must be increased by the difference ∆h (DE) minus Hr.
Total pump head then becomes:

If: ∆h (DE) > Hr

Then: PUMP HEAD = Hs + ∆h (AD) + [∆h (DE) – Hr ]

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Bottom Vented Downcomer; Inadequate Flow Rates

Downcomer flow rates can be so low, relative to pipe size, as to allow air to enter at the pipe discharge. This circumstance will
cause the downcomer to become vented and will prevent formation of the necessary siphon draw vacuum.

Tests conducted at Bell & Gossett indicate that the siphon draw will not be established when the actual flow-friction loss rate is
less than the order of 1 ft /100 ft based on clean pipe pressure drop evaluation.

Pump head requirements for the bottom vented downcomer will be as previously noted for the top vented circumstance.

An unfortunate operational sequence can occur during pump start-up when the pump energy head is devoted towards simply
raising water from the low level pan to the highest part of the system.

During this start-up period, flow rates can be so low as to cause “bottom venting” and prevent (sometimes forever) formation
of siphon draw circumstances and full design flow rates. A water legged discharge or discharge reducer will provide automatic
siphon draw establishment so long as minimum “start-up” flow velocity in the downcomer is to the order of 1 ft/s.

In Figure 4, air entry into the pipe discharge is prevented. The minimum flow velocity pulls air bubbles down the piping, finally
evacuating the downcomer of air and establishing the siphon draw condition; downcomer pipe full of water and operating at
subatmospheric pressure.

Unusual application circumstances will sometimes establish such a low start-up flow rate (less than 1 ft/s velocity) that air
bubbles are not carried down the piping. The downcomer cannot then be emptied of air and expected siphon draw will never

Oversized Downcomers
(Minimum Velocity 1ft/s)

Reducer One Pipe Size

Water Leg
or Valve

Splash Pan Splash Pan

Figure 4. Water Leg or Reducer Help Establish Siphon Draw in Downcomer on Start-Up

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For this circumstance it is necessary to
separately fill the downcomer with water.
This can be accomplished by valve closure
at the piping exit in combination with a
top vent. During start-up, the exit valve Condenser
is closed and the vent opened. After the
piping is filled, the vent is closed and the
exit valve opened.

Figure 5. Exit Valve and Vent Permit “Start-Up” Fill of Downcomer Piping

Siphon Draw Limitation Due to Vapor Pressure; Fluid Boiling

Given sufficiently low subatmospheric pressure, any fluid will flash or boil. Fluid pressure in the downcomer piping cannot be
less than the pressure at which the fluid boils. Fluid vapor pressure thus provides a siphon draw limitation.

Theoretical cancelable downcomer return static height (due to subatmospheric siphon draw) will vary dependent on fluid vapor
or boiling pressure and on atmospheric pressure as this changes from sea level. The variation for water as affected by water
temperature and height above sea level is shown in Table 1.

Water Temperature (oF)

Height Above Sea Level (ft) Cold 105 120 140 160 180 200
0 34.0 31.8 30.0 27.6 23.4 17.0 7.7

1,000 32.8 30.1 29.0 26.4 22.2 15.8 6.4

2,000 31.6 29.1 28.0 25.3 21.0 14.6 5.2

3,000 30.2 28.2 26.8 24.1 19.9 13.5 4.03

4,000 29.2 27.0 25.6 23.0 18.7 12.2 2.82

5,000 28.0 25.6 24.4 21.8 17.5 11.1 1.61

6,000 26.9 24.6 23.2 20.6 16.4 10.0 0.48

7,000 25.8 23.4 22.2 19.4 15.2 8.8 —

8,000 24.6 22.2 21.0 18.2 14.0 7.6 —

9,000 23.4 21.1 19.8 17.1 12.9 6.4 —

10,000 22.2 19.9 18.6 15.9 11.7 5.2 —

Table 1: Maximum Theoretical Downcomer Return Cancelable Static

Height (In Ft) Because of Siphon Draw - Water Only

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping
H r = 30’ ∆h(DE)= 2’

Hs = 40’ E E
∆h(AE)= 30’

Ho= 10’ ∆h(AD)= 28’

Figure 6. Example Problem

Example Problem
Figure 6 illustrates an example tower schematic for an installation located at 6,000 ft elevation. The tower is to be used to
dissipate heat from 180°F water; what is required pump head?
• Figures shown correspond to available fluid head over and above vapor pressure for the water temperature shown.
Reference to Table 1 shows that the cancelable siphon draw height for 6,000 ft elevation and 180°F water is only 10 ft, while
downcomer return static height is 30 ft.

If conventional pump selection practice were to be followed, the pump selection would be:


= 30 ft + 10 ft
= 40 ft

It will be noted that this pump selection provides a perfect example of low start-up flow rates; the pump head will just be
enough to raise water to the system top. Start-up flow rate will be insignificant.

Even given the special application precautions previously stated, however, the pump selection would not work. This is because
water flash in the downcomer will prevent establishment of the presumed 30 ft siphon draw head. In this instance, water would
flash because the downcomer return static height exceeds the cancelable siphon draw head (see Table 1; 6,000 ft at 180°F =
10 ft).

When downcomer return height exceeds cancelable siphon draw head, it is necessary to separately evaluate downcomer needs.
For these circumstances:

The summation of cancelable siphon draw static height plus downcomer return flow-friction loss must exceed downcomer return
height; the excess providing anti-flash pressurization.

The necessary downcomer flow-friction loss would generally be established by a balance valve positioned close to the outlet
(E). This valve will now provide the necessary “back pressure” to maintain downcomer fluid pressure at above its boiling or
vaporization point.

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For the particular example, a valve pressure drop equal to the order of 23 ft would establish an overall downcomer return flow-
friction loss of 25 ft (23 + 2 = 25ft).

A 25 ft downcomer flow-friction loss added to the theoretical cancelable height of 10 ft (Table 1) will establish a pressure over
and above boiling of 5 ft at “D.”

25 ft + 10 ft = 35 ft; 5 ft over static height Hr = 30 ft

The correct pump head selection now becomes:

PUMP HEAD = ∆h (AD) + ∆h (DE) + ∆h (Valve) + H0

= 28 ft + 2 ft + 23 ft + 10 ft

= 63 ft

For this particular example, a simpler solution could apply an open vent at “D”, eliminating need for the downcomer balance
valve and its setting.* Required pump head would then become:

PUMP HEAD = ∆h (AD) + H0 + Hr

= 28 ft + 10 ft + 30 ft

= 68 ft

Either correct solution will provide required design flow rates. Design flow rates would not and could not be established by the
“conventional” head selection of 40 ft.

NOTE: In this case, the pump provides an “available” head at D of 30 ft. This fluid head is available for downcomer flow and is greater than flow-
friction loss in the downcomer (∆h DE) of 2 ft. Downcomer return flow-friction loss can then be neglected since downcomer fluid will be in “free fall.”

››Pump Curve Maintenance

In order for a pump to fulfill its fluid flow function, it must be provided with a solid stream of fluid. The centrifugal pump cannot
pump fluid and vapor or fluid and air and still provide flow in accordance with its published curve.

a. The pump suction must be under enough pressure so that vapor flash pressure within the pump (cavitation) is
b. The pump cannot be expected to provide design flow when large quantities of air are drawn into the pump suction; as
by tower pan vortex, pan draw-down, or bypass vacuum.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

In addition to flow capacity reduction, the pump will often be mechanically damaged by “shock” loads applied to the impeller or
its shaft because of cavitation or air in the suction line.

Large quantities of air in the suction line will break pump shafts in remarkably short order. This is because the pump impeller
alternates between virtually no load when an air “gob” enters the impeller casing and an instantaneous shock load of very high
order when it slugs against suddenly introduced water.

There are three basic ways for air to be drawn into the suction piping:

• Tower bypass into pump suction line.

• Pan drain-down on start-up.
• Tower vortex.

Tower Bypass Into Suction Line

Improperly applied tower bypass lines connected directly to the pump suction line can cause introduction of large amounts of
air into the pump. Air can be drawn into the pump suction when subatmospheric pressures exist at the bypass and discharge
line connections.

When the tower illustrated in Figure 7 is in full Water Leg

bypass, pressure at “B” will be above atmospheric Air
HL Air Introduced Because
pressure by an amount stated by static height Subatmospheric Pressure
H1. Pressure at “C” can become subatmospheric, E Water
causing air suction unless static pressure reduction
caused by height H2 is counter-balanced by an equal
H2 Control Valve
to or greater flow-friction loss in the bypass line.
A Air & Water

The bypass control valve and bypass piping should Balance Valve
be designed for sufficient pressure drop to prevent H1 Lockout Tower
Fans Before Bypass
subatmospheric pressure at “C” and to cause water B
to rise into the water leg when the tower is in bypass.

Figure 7. Tower Bypass Can Introduce Air into Pump Suction on


J128 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M

No Air Suction Pressure Greater Control Valve

Than Atmospheric
Balance Valve
Condenser Condenser
Control Valve

H1 Lockout Tower
Lockout Tower
Fans Before Bypass Balance Valve Fans Before Bypass

Figure 8. Properly Set Balance Valve Prevents Air Suction into Figure 9. Bypass to Tower - Preferred Bypass System

The desired result will generally be obtained by use of a bypass balance valve with the valve so set that at full tower bypass
(Figure 8), bypass “back pressure” causes water to rise into the water leg to some set point as established by a petcock design
observation point.

It should be noted that tower bypass directly into the tower pan eliminates any possibility of air suction into the pump because
of bypass operation and is generally preferred.

Figure 9 illustrates a way of by-passing into the tower pan.

Pan Drain-Down On Start-Up

Many tower pans do not contain sufficient water volume to
fill the condenser piping. On pump start-up, the pump can
drain the pan dry or lower pan water level to the point of
starting a vortex. In either event, air will be drawn into the
pump suction; usually with disastrous results. Condenser

Right and wrong applications are (Figures 10 and 11)

shown concerning the pan drain-down problem.
No Check Valve
In Figure 10, the pump must fill the condenser, and all
return piping each time it starts. In addition to a non-
flooded condenser on start-up, the pipe and condenser
Figure 10. Tower Piping and Condenser Drains into and Overflows
water fill requirement will almost assure pan drain-down Pan on Pump Shut-Down - WRONG
and consequent suction line air problems.

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

In Figure 11, the check valve prevents back drainage of the vertical tower piping, while the water leg prevents drainage of the
inside horizontal return piping.

As a general rule, tower piping systems should

be fitted with a piping fill line located at the Outside Inside

check valve discharge. The fill line will provide

two functions:

1. It permits filling of the condenser piping

independent of the tower pan and pump. Waterleg
The hazards of pan drain-down on initial
pump start-up can be avoided. Condenser Flooded On
Pump Start
2. It is important on chiller start-up that Bleed Down Condenser
the condenser be flooded on the tower
PRV Set At Less Than
side. Many condensers are located above Static Pressure
the tower pan water level and additional
insurance as to a flooded condenser Fill

under these conditions can be provided

by use of an automatic fill or Pressure
Reducing Valve. This valve would be set
to maintain fill to just below the topmost Figure 11. Check, Water Leg and Fill Prevent Piping to Tower Drainage - RIGHT
piping point.

Use of the Pressure Reducing Valve also guards

against back drainage problems as caused by a
leaking check valve. Pressure
Reducing Valve
In Figure 11, it will be noted that the bleed blow- Triple Duty
down is located in the top horizontal return piping Valve
run. Bleed will only occur during pump operation.
The top or “outside” horizontal return piping will
always drain to the tower and location of bleed
blow-down in this line is to be recommended.

Figure 11A. Location of Fill Valve with a Multi-Purpose Valve-Reference

(Figure 11)

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Tower Vortexing; Excessive Exit Velocities
Solution of the back drainage problem does not
necessarily solve all pump suction line air problems.
Tower vortexing may still occur when tower pan water
level over the pan outlet is insufficient for the flow rate
(outlet or exit velocity) actually taking place.

Tower manufacturers often provide vortex breakers

in the tower pans and would generally be able to
guarantee non-vortex operation up to some stated flow
rate for a particular tower, its pan and pan exit pipe
size. To Pumps

Figure 12. Tower Vortexing

In some cases, pump suction line pipe size may be less than pan exit size. Given a bushed down pan exit, exit velocities may
become so high as to cause vortex. Tower exit pipe size should conform to pan exit size for the order of 10 pipe diameters before
reducing to the smaller pump suction line size in order to insure that intended tower exit velocities are not exceeded.

It would seem important that the engineer state, as a part of his tower specification, that the tower be able to operate without
vortex to the design flow rate plus some reasonable increment. It would then be the engineer’s responsibility to provide a pump
and piping system combination that establishes some reasonable facsimile of design flow; at least not to exceed the tower
manufacturer’s requirements.

There are several problems:

1. The initial pump selection head may be overestimated; the less than estimated head causing a flow increase. In this case,
use of the throttle or balance valve illustrated in Figure 11 is to be highly recommended.
2. Improper application of tower bypass controls can cause highly variable pumping points and flow increase possibilities.

Uncontrollable flow increases cannot only cause tower vortex problems, but are also a trouble source concerning pump

Design application points concerning stable pump operation will be evaluated after consideration of the suction line pressure
drop or cavitation problem.

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping
››NPSH; Cavitation
It is well known that fluids boil at defined temperature-pressure relationships. For any given fluid at a given temperature,
pressure reduction to some stated value will cause boiling or vaporization.

A pumped fluid can vaporize or flash within the pump itself because of inadequate pressurization. Fluid vaporization within the
pump is generally defined as cavitation and can cause trouble as follows:

1. Pump impeller damage will occur. This is because low pressures in the impeller “eye” will cause vapor bubble formation.
The vapor bubbles then collapse or “implode” because of the pressure increase as the bubbles move into higher pressure
areas inside the impeller. These hammer-like blows against the impeller can cause physical destruction within a short
2. The pump curve will change drastically and in an unpredictable manner. Flow can virtually cease or “slug” because the
pump cannot readily deliver both fluid and vapor.
3. Pump shafts can be broken because of slugging of the impeller against alternate bodies of fluid, vapor, and air.
4. Mechanical pump seal failure can occur because the mechanical seal is asked to work under intolerable conditions; vapor
flash around the seal causes “dry” operation and rapid wear.

It is most important to successful pump application that adequate (above vaporization) pressures be maintained within the

The engineering tool used to insure adequate anti-flash pressurization is a term defined as “Net Positive Suction Head” (NPSH).
NPSH is a rather abstract term which has been subject to much misunderstanding. Before defining NPSH, it will be worthwhile
to establish why the term is necessary.

All pumps operate at a lower pressure in the Pressure At Pump

impeller eye and inlet to the impeller vanes than Suction Flange
the pressure existing at the pump suction flange.
Even though pressure at the pump suction flange Ps
is measured and known to be above the flash or
vaporization point, the pump can still cavitate Impeller
because of the pressure reduction that exists from
the suction flange to the pump interior.

Internal pump pressure drop occurs because of Flow

greatly increased fluid velocities from the pump
suction flange to and through the impeller eye
and because of turbulence, vane entrance friction d al
u ire Equ Minimum Pressure
losses, etc. In order to prevent cavitation, then, the q
Re PSH Inside Pump; At
application engineer must know how much internal N -PV Impeller Vane Inlet
pump pressure drop will occur for his design PS
circumstances and for any of a number of specific PV
pump selection possibilities.
Figure 13. Required NPSH is Measure of Pump Pressure Drop
The pump manufacturer’s measure of this pressure
reduction is called “Required NPSH”.

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Test procedures for establishing Required NPSH have
been standardized and are carefully followed by pump
manufacturers so as to obtain as true an estimation of
internal pump pressure drop as possible.

Required NPSH is illustrated on pump curves by several

different methods. Figure 14 shows a separate curve plot of
Required NPSH. This type of illustration is used when only a
single pump capacity curve is shown.

Regardless of the illustration method, Required NPSH is

not a constant value for any pump. Similar to valve pressure
drop, Required NPSH will increase with flow increase.

Again, referencing to valves, it is well known that for a given Figure 14. Required NPSH Increases as Flow Increases Through Pump
flow rate, a large valve will cause less pressure drop than a
smaller valve. In a similar manner, pumps can be considered
as small or large by reference to impeller eye diameter for
intended pumped flow rate. For the same pumped flow rate,
a small pump (small impeller eye diameter) will have a much
higher Required NPSH than a larger pump.

Figure 15 provides some important basic pump application


1. Pumps selected to the end of the capacity curve (Ft

Hd vs. GPM) are being driven to maximum capability
and are the smallest pump that can provide design
flow rate. The pump is “small” however, and
establishes a maximum Required NPSH (pump
pressure drop).
While generally lowest cost, because of minimum
size, the selection establishes maximum trouble
Figure 15. Difference in Required NPSH for Same Flow Most
2. Pumps selected to the midpoint area of the capacity Often Determined b y Pump Size
curve are larger; impeller eye velocity is reduced and
the pump internal pressure drop must be lower.

The pump so selected will cost more than the minimal “end of curve” selection but will reduce trouble potential when NPSH or
cavitational problems are a consideration.

It should be noted, in passing, that many potential pump application problems other than cavitation are reduced by midpoint
selection: flow balance, noise, etc.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

We have thus far established a basic point; that Required NPSH is a description of a specific pump’s internal pressure drop as
flow rate through the pump changes. How is knowledge of Required NPSH used for specific pump application problems?

The fundamental manner in which NPSH is used is simple and direct. An assessment is made by the application engineer as to
the pressure that will be available at the pump suction flange for the given fluid at design flow rate.

The fluid temperature is also known, and vapor pressure tables define the pressure at which the fluid will boil.

The difference between the available suction flange pressure and the fluid boiling point is then determined and defined as
“Available NPSH”. Available NPSH is then the available suction flange pressure over and above the fluid boiling point pressure.

What this means is that fluid will not flash or cavitate inside the pump so long as the internal pump pressure drop (Required
NPSH) is less than Available NPSH.

As an example, a system under design is intended to pump 212°F water. The application engineer states his conclusion, after
calculation that the pump suction flange will be at 12 psig pressure during operation. What is the Available NPSH?

Since 212°F water boils at 0 psig, the Available NPSH must be 12 psi; the pump suction flange pressure will be 12 psi above
the fluid boiling point.

Given that the pump internal pressure drop (Required NPSH) is only 8 psi, it will be known that the lowest possible internal
pump pressure will still be 4 psi over the boiling point; the pump will not cavitate because Available NPSH is greater than
Required NPSH.

Supposing for this example that a pump is inadvertently selected which has a Required NPSH of 14 psi at design flow rate.
This condition immediately establishes that the internal pump pressure will be below the boiling point; 12 - 14 = - 2 psi. The
internal pump pressure drop (Required NPSH) is greater than Available NPSH; pump cavitation will and must occur.

The example illustrates the fundamental reasoning behind NPSH evaluation procedure. It will be noted, however, that the
example has stated NPSH as psi. This has been done only to clarify fundamental usage of the terms. NPSH, whether available
or required, is never expressed in psi terms. It is always stated in terms of ft fluid head.

The reason NPSH is stated in terms of ft fluid head is because of the need for generalization. It would not be feasible to publish
a different pump capacity curve and NPSH curve for an infinite variety of fluids and, in addition, to provide separate NPSH and
capacity curves for all temperature variations with each separate fluid. This would be needed if pump curves and NPSH data
were expressed in terms of psi.

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Pump curves and NPSH data are illustrated as ft head versus GPM because ft fluid head means differential energy per unit
weight of fluid. A pound of water at 85°F weighs as much as a pound of water at 200°F or a pound of gasoline at 60°F. Pump
curves and NPSH data expressed as ft head versus GPM is then generalized and the pump data established by water test at
85°F applies without change* to water at 200°F or 45°F, and to gasoline or to a huge variety of fluids within broad
temperature and viscosity ranges.

A typical pump curve illustrating capacity and Required NPSH is shown as Figure 16.

Figure 16. Capacity and NPSH Pump Curve Plot Applies to All Fluids
Within Broad Viscosity Range

The need for an ability to apply the developed pump curves to a wide variety of
fluids is neatly solved by use of the term ft head. The solution to the one problem
causes other difficulties; especially in NPSH application. The difficulty has to do
with abstract considerations of the term ft head as classically applied to NPSH

NPSH must finally be defined in terms of ft fluid head. Since this is true, the
classical methods for application of NPSH data for pump selection is to convert all
pressures to ft fluid head, including vapor pressure and atmospheric pressure. It
NOTE: Pumping horsepower will change with
is difficult to picture sea level atmospheric pressure as equivalent to 34 ft of 60°F
water head or to 68 ft of fluid at a fluid specific gravity of 0.5. The statements of fluid density.
atmospheric pressure related to ft fluid head are abstract engineering truths, and
not concrete, easily visualized truths that can be mentally referenced to gauge
pressure readings.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Conventional NPSH design evaluations will be avoided in this discussion. This is because of its very abstract nature.
Conventional NPSH evaluation can be a very confusing, time consuming procedure for the majority of engineers whose NPSH
evaluation needs are generally sporadic.

The B&G NPSH evaluation procedure is as theoretically correct as the conventional. It differs in that the calculation reference is
to pump suction flange pressure expressed in terms of psig; gauge pressure - not absolute.

The reference or start point for the evaluation is atmospheric pressure at the pump suction supply level. Simple calculations are
then made to determine pump suction flange gauge pressures during operation. An example problem is illustrated in Figure 17,
for 85°F tower water.

Pressure At Sea
Level (0 PSI)

0 Gauge “B”

(1 psi) ∆h= 4.6’ (2 PSI)


Gauge “A” Flow-Friction Loss

In Suction Piping

Figure 17. Example Problem

Example Problem
At sea level, the atmospheric pressure pressing on water at the suction pan will be 0 psig.

With tower water at a specific gravity of 1, each 2.3 ft of fluid head = 1 psi.

For these circumstances, and starting with atmospheric pressure at 0 psig, a static fluid head of 2.3 ft would cause +1 psig to
be registered at gauge “A.” A suction pipe flow-friction loss of 4.6 ft is equivalent to 2 psi pressure drop.

The calculated pump suction gauge pressure reading would then be:

Pump Suction = 0 + 1 - 2 = -1 psig (Gauge “B”)

J136 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
The B&G NPSH Chart (Figure 18) is entered at a calculated pump suction gauge pressure of -1 psig. A line is then run
vertically to interception with the fluid vapor pressure; for 85°F water, this is the order of 0.6 psia.

It will be noted that velocity head static pressure reduction (h = V2/2g) has not been taken into account.

Velocity head is a point of concern for the pump manufacturer in his development of Required NPSH. The pump test engineer
reads pump suction gauge pressure, converts this to ft fluid head and adds velocity head to obtain pump suction pressure as an
absolute fluid energy head statement.

The pump application engineer is not concerned with velocity head in his Available NPSH calculation, however. This is because
he is not working with an actual gauge reading. His calculation establishes absolute fluid energy head available at the pump
suction only when velocity head is not considered.

Velocity head is only considered for NPSH when an actual gauge reading is used. Velocity head will also be considered when a
suction static pressure calculation is made for fluid flash possibility in the suction line; but without N
­ PSH reference.

From this interception point (1) a line is run horizontally to interception with the fluid specific gravity line as at point (2). (In
this case specific gravity = 1). Available NPSH is read at point (2); in this case @ 31 ft.

Figure 18

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

What has the NPSH Chart accomplished?

The NPSH Chart has simply taken available suction pressure and deducted fluid vapor pressure to establish available pressure
over and above the fluid boiling point. This available pressure has then been converted to ft fluid head at the fluid specific
gravity. This is fluid pressure-head over and above the fluid boiling point and is defined in conventional pumping terms as
Available NPSH.

Our example problem now states that we have 31 ft available NPSH. In order for fluid to flash or cavitate inside the pump, the pump
internal pressure drop (Required NPSH) must exceed 31 ft.

To provide a satisfactory pumping system, we need only provide a pump which has a Required NPSH of less than 31 ft.

This will be a simple proposition since only a remarkably bad “end of the curve” pump selection would reach this order of Required

The preceding example has important application points as it applies to tower pumping. Before discussing tower pump suction
application requirements, however, use of the B&G NPSH Chart for fluids other than water and at elevations above sea level should
be pointed out.

When any fluid is to be pumped, the engineer will know its specific gravity and its vapor pressure at the pumping temperature. This
data is tabulated in handbooks or is available from the fluid manufacturer.

As an example, an exotic fluid is to be pumped from an open tank in Denver. The fluid manufacturer states that at its pumping
temperature, the fluid has a vapor pressure (boiling pressure) of 5 psia and that its specific gravity will be 0.6. Determine Available
NPSH for the pumping situation illustrated in Figure 19.

Elevation (ft) Atmospheric Pressure (psig)

0 0

1,000 -0.5

2,000 -1

3,000 -1.5
4’ Fluid Flow-Friction 4,000 -2
Loss In Suction
Piping 5,000 -2.5

10’ 6,000 -3

7,000 -3.5

8,000 -4

9,000 -4.5
Figure 19. Pumping Diagram; Example Problem
10,000 -5

Table 2

It will be useful to tabulate changes in atmospheric pressure with elevation above sea level. It will be noted that atmospheric
pressure decreases about 1/2 PSI for every 1,000 ft elevation above sea level.

J138 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
It will also be useful to tabulate head to psi relationships for various specific gravities.

Fluid Specific Gravity Ft Fluid Head Equal to 1 PSI

1.5 1.5

1.4 1.64 Example Problem:

@ 5,000 ft Elevation
1.3 1.75 Atmospheric Pressure
-2.5 psig
1.2 1.9 -2.5
Pump Suction
1.1 2.1 Pressure
1.0 2.3 (Usual Water Reference) PSIG

0.9 2.6 10’

0.8 2.85
Gauge “A”
0.7 3.3
Suction Line P.D. = 4’ of
0.6 3.85 Fluid Head @ 0.6 Specific
Gravity = 4/3.85 = 1.04
0.5 4.5 psig P.D.

Table 3 Figure 20. Pump Suction Pressure Example

Suction Pressure Example Problem

The example diagram pump suction pressure would then be established as in Figure 20.

In Figure 20, atmospheric pressure at -2.5 psig is unaffected by fluid weight. 10 ft of fluid head at 0.6 specific gravity will
cause 10/3.85 or about 2.6 psi pressure. Gauge “A” must then read 2.6 psi over atmospheric pressure or +0.1 psig. The
fluid flow-friction loss of 4 ft; (4/3.85) 1.04 psi pressure drop so the pump suction pressure will then read -0.94 psig or
the order of -1 psig:

(Atmospheric) Friction
Static Loss
-2.5 + 2.6 - 1.04 = -0.94 or about -1 psig

The B&G NPSH Chart is then entered at -1 psig. The next step is to proceed upward to an intersection with 5 psia vapor
pressure. A horizontal line drawn from this intersection to a 0.6 specific gravity establishes that the pump will have an
available NPSH of 35 ft.

A pump is then selected which has a Required NPSH of less than 35 ft at the design flow rate.

The B&G NPSH Chart is generalized and can be used for analysis of pump suction requirements for any fluid and for any
piping system; open or closed. It is not limited to cooling tower application.

It would seem that the previous tower NPSH evaluation points out that very simple application rules will eliminate the
need for actual evaluation of NPSH requirements for tower systems.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

››The Tower Pump and Its Suction Line

It is the unusual tower system that has pump suction troubles. This is because of inherent safety factors. Trouble can be
experienced, however, when relatively simple application rules are not followed.

The first pump suction application rule is:

Leave the Suction Line Alone!

So long as the suction line is only
pipe and the pump is below the tower
Check Valve Throttle Valve
pan water level, the available NPSH
will be at least to the order of 30 ft.

Any pump selected to a reasonable
point on its curve will work.
-OR- Triple-Duty
High pressure drop units in the pump
suction line are generally installed by
the amateur in the “wreck it yourself”
approach. Figure 21. Leave Suction Line Alone - RIGHT

Tower bypass valve, checks, balance

valves, and fine mesh strainers can almost
always be installed in the pump discharge
- and should be.

If it becomes absolutely necessary to

install a strainer or check in the suction
line, a strong specification should
be stated with respect to minimizing Condenser
Check Mixing
allowable pressure drops.
Valve Valve

Lockout Tower
Fans Before Bypass


Figure 22. High Pressure Drop Strainer, Check, Control, and Balance
Valve in Suction Line - WRONG

J140 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
The second application rule is:

Place the Pump Below Tower Pan

Water Level!

In Figure 23, the pan water level is shown above

the pump for the illustration. This insures a H
flooded pump on start-up. It is best to maximize
“H”, if possible, even a minimum “H” of the order
of several feet static height will still provide a Figure 23. Pump Below Pan Water Level - RIGHT
very high Available NPSH (generally above 30 ft)
provided the suction line is left alone, and does
not exceed the order of 5 ft friction-flow loss.

In Figure 24, the pump will not be flooded on

start-up and will, therefore, require the fill as Vent
illustrated. A check valve must be provided in the
suction line to prevent suction line drainage.
Available NPSH has now been reduced because
the pump is above pan water level and because
a suction line check or foot valve has become


The diagramed situation can usually be avoided. If Figure 24. Pump Above Pan Water Level - Avoid if Possible
unavoidable, however, a careful NPSH evaluation
should be made and strong specifications made
concerning allowable check valve pressure drop.

A third suction line application point is:

Avoid “Above the Pump” Air Traps in
the Suction Line!

Installations as in Figure 25 should, and usually


can be avoided. When absolutely unavoidable,

the modifications shown in Figure 26 will prove of


Figure 25. Suction Line Air Trapped - WRONG

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

While the air trapped suction is still not recommended, the modifications illustrated in Figure 26 will help alleviate the otherwise
intolerable operating conditions established in Figure 25.

Careful evaluations as to available pump suction pressures will have to be made and strong specifications stated to allowable check
valve pressure drop.

A fourth suction line application point concerns:

Small Tube Vent

H (min.)
Avoid Fine Mesh High Pressure Drop to Top of Bleed

Strainers in the Suction Line!

Pump suction line strainers are apparently
one of those peculiar “be darned if you do and Bleed
darned if you don’t” propositions. There are two Condenser
conflicting needs.

1. Protection of the system; pumps,

valves, condenser, spray nozzles, etc.
against dirt and debris.
2. The fact of placing a fine mesh

strainer in the suction piping will

make a mockery of the most careful
pump suction pressure evaluation. Fill

This is because an uncontrollable Figure 26. Improved Suction Line Air Trap Installation
variable has been introduced; once
the strainer gets clogged cavitation
will occur.

The problem is not unsolvable, however, once it is understood that the centrifugal pump will pass fairly large objects. This means
that strainer mesh openings from 3/16” to 1/4” can be used if the only function of the strainer is to protect the pump.

Tower pans are usually provided with an exit strainer (at tower outlet to suction piping) of this mesh order. Such tower strainers
should be specified since they can be watched and are easily cleaned without piping drainage.

When tower pan strainers cannot be provided, a large mesh low pressure drop strainer can be placed in the suction line. Such
strainers should be strongly specified both as to mesh size (3/16” min.) and pressure drop.

J142 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Fine mesh strainers are often needed for protection of the condenser, its valves, and/or spray nozzles. The fine mesh strainer should
be placed at the pump discharge; usually between pump discharge and the pump check valve. This location will often simplify the
work of the operator in removal and cleaning of the easily clogged basket.
From Condenser

Figure 27. Fine Mesh Strainer in Pump Suction

Line - WRONG

To Condenser
Pump Triple-Duty
Fine Mesh Valve
From Condenser Strainer

Figure 28. Tower Strainer Protects Pump; Fine

Mesh Protects Condenser, Etc. - RIGHT

To Condenser

Pump Triple-Duty
Fine Mesh Valve
From Condenser Strainer

Figure 29. Large Mesh Strainer Protects Pump;

Fine Mesh Protects Condenser, Etc. - RIGHT
Low Pressure Drop Large
Mesh Strainer Minimum
1/4” Mesh
To Condenser

Pump Triple-Duty
Large Mesh Valve
Strainer In

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Strainer clog always has and will continue to present operating problems; old newspapers, cottonwood seeds, tree leaves, etc.
seem to find their way with an unerring directional sense to the tower - and ultimately to the tower strainers.

Several protective measures are available; the tower itself can be screened and a tower overflow can be used (in place of bleed
blow-down) to “float off” leaves and other debris to drain before they get into the piping strainers.

The importance of a well designed tower pan strainer and proper maintenance should again be emphasized.

Given even the best preventative measures, strainers will still become clogged, however, and the operator should be given
simple working tools to determine when strainers need cleaning.

A differential gauge can be placed across the strainer. This can often be set to trigger an alarm under high pressure differential
(clogged strainer) conditions. This is illustrated in Figure 30, together with a manual differential read-out method.

Figure 30. Reading Strainer Pressure Differential

››Predicting Pump Operating Points

The System Curve
Actual pump operating points considerably beyond that stated in the pump specification should be guarded against. The more
than predicted flow rates can cause tower air vortexing and will increase pump cavitation probability. Increases in system flow
rate will decrease available pump suction pressure and, at the same time, state a need for increased suction pressures.

System curve analysis will be used to point out the importance of the initial specification points; the importance of balance or
throttle valves and the importance of stable operating points. This is because system operating characteristics may be affected
by tower bypass control and other factors.

The closed loop system curve analysis considers only flow-friction loss. Static head losses do not occur in the closed loop piping

J144 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
A closed loop piping circuit is illustrated in Figure 31. The flow-friction or energy head loss is calculated at 40 ft at a flow rate of 300
It should be apparent, for Figure 31, that if only 150 GPM
flow rate occurred, the flow-friction loss will be less. This Flow-Friction Loss
is so, and the change in energy head required to drive 150 ∆h = 40’ @ 300 GPM
GPM, rather than 300 GPM, through the piping circuit is
defined by the basic flow-friction loss relationship which

“Friction loss changes as the square of the flow change.”

In other words, a reduction of flow to one half that initially

stated means a friction or head loss reduction to (1/2)2 or
1/4 that required for the conditions. If we reduce flow to
150 GPM, from 300 GPM, the friction loss for Figure 31 will
only be 10 ft:

(40 x (1/2)2 = 40 x 1/4 = 10 ft).

This relationship can be set up on a programmable
calculator, computer, or the B&G System Syzer, available at
www.bellgossett.com. Figure 31. Flow Friction Loss in Closed Piping
Circuit Determines Required Pump Head; Height Not
Considered in isolation, the changes in system friction loss Considered
can be stated as Ft Head versus GPM in the tables as below.

Flow (GPM) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Ft Head 0 1.1 4.4 10 17.8 27.8 40 54.4 71.1

Table 4

The above numbers can also be calculated with the following equation: H2 = H1 * (Q2/Q1)2
H2 = Future Head Pressure
H1 = Known Head Pressure
Q2 = Future Flow (gpm)
Q1 = Known Flow (gpm)
Flow Head (H2)0 Equation
0 0 = 40*(0/300)2
50 1.1 = 40*(50/300)2
100 4.4 = 40*(100/300)2
150 10 = 40*(150/300)2
200 17.8 = 40*(200/300)2
250 27.8 = 40*(250/300)2
300 40 = 40*(300/300)2
350 54.4 = 40*(350/300)2
400 71.1 = 40*(400/300)2

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

The previous numbers in Table 4 can be plotted on a Ft

Head versus GPM chart as in Figure 32 and will illustrate
the piping circuit flow-friction loss or head relationship for
the closed loop piping circuit shown in Figure 31.

The First Law of Thermodynamics expressly establishes that:


It must then follow the plotting of a pump curve across

the system curve establishes the point of operation for
that particular pump when applied to the particular piping
system stated for Figure 31. The pumping point must be at
the intersection of the pump curve with the system curve; as Figure 32. Plot of Flow-Friction Loss or System Curve for Figure 31
illustrated in Figures 32 and 33. It is recommended to plot
this data on the actual pump curve as indicated.

A great many application observations could be made

concerning closed loop pumping as shown in Figure 31. Our
present concern, however, is not with the closed loop but
is with the open loop, in particular the tower piping circuit.
The difference is that we must take into account the “open”
or “static” pumping head.

Supposing now, that we establish the same flow-friction

loss; 40 ft at 300 GPM, as for our previous example - but
state this to a tower pumping example with a “static” or
“open circuit” pumping head requirement of 13 ft.

Figure 33. Intersection of System Curve with Pump Curve as Pumping Point

J146 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Reference should be made to previous discussion concerning determination of “open” piping circuit pump head requirements
(Pages J120 - J127).

Given, however, that the flow-friction loss is 40 ft at 300 GPM, we would set up a table exactly as Table 5 for the closed piping
circuit analysis. This would describe the flow-friction loss relationship in the piping circuit shown in Figure 34.

Example Flow-Friction Loss

∆h(AE) = 40’ @ 300 GPM

H o = 13’ Condenser

A Fine Mesh


Figure 34. Tower Example; ∆h (AE) = 40’ Ho = 13’

Flow (GPM) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Ft Head 0 1.1 4.4 10 17.8 27.8 40 54.4 71.1

Table 5
It will be apparent, from Figure 34, that water flow cannot occur, until the pump has raised water from level “A” to level “E”; a
height of 13 ft.

The open pipe circuit system curve differs from “closed loop” in that static head loss must be introduced into the problem.

Static head losses are added to the flow-friction losses to establish total head requirement at various flow rates. This is
illustrated in Table 6 for Figure 34.

Flow (GPM) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Friction Loss (Ft Head) 0 1.1 4.4 10 17.8 27.8 40 54.4 71.1

Static Head (Ft Head) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Total Head Loss (Ft Head) 13 14.1 17.4 23 30.8 40.8 53 67.4 84.1

Table 6
Plotting of total head loss versus GPM establishes then, the “open system curve” for the piping circuit defined in Figure 34. The
pump curve intersection with the system curve so described illustrates the actual pumping point. This is again defined by the
First Law.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

System curve analysis will be of value in evaluating:

1. Pump operating point shift due to less than

anticipated flow-friction loss in the piping
2. Unstable pump operation as caused by:
a. Incorrect tower bypass arrangements.
b. Tower bypass with high pressure drop
spray nozzles.

Pump operating points should be stable and as

close to that specified as possible in order to set
up design safeguards against tower vortexing and
Figure 35. Open System Pumping Point
pump suction problems.

Non Bypassed Tower Pump Operating Shift

While tower pump static heads can be easily defined, the flow-friction heads will often be less determinate.

Installed condenser pressure drop may be less than specified and the pipe friction loss less than anticipated.

The piping friction loss is often based on a pipe “age” factor, based on possible interior pipe fouling due to aerated tower water.
The rate of fouling is a relative unknown, leading to divergent engineering practice.

1. Some engineers design to clean pipe; Hydraulic Institute or B&G System Syzer. The opinion being that the tower must
be treated in order to insure condenser performance and that chemical treatment will provide against the pipe fouling
2. Others engineers provide an “age” factor for pipe pressure drop ranging from 50% over “clean” data to 100% or twice that
used for the closed loop system. Pipe pressure drop data for “15 year old” pipe is stated to the order of twice that used for
clean pipe.*

NOTE: The B&G System Syzer can be used for either clean or “aged” conditions. When used for “15 year old” pipe, the illustrated friction
loss is simply multiplied by 2.

J148 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Unlike the closed loop heat-cool Hydronic System, it does not generally make a great deal of difference as to whether “clean” or
“15 year old” pipe friction loss data is used for the tower system. This is because pipe friction loss is usually only a small part
of the total pump head; system statics and the condenser providing the major part.

As an illustrative example, a proposed tower system is composed of the following elements concerning pump head.

Static or Open “Head” 12’

Condenser 25’
Valves, Strainer, etc. 7’
100’ Piping @ 15 Year Old 6’


The actual clean pipe pressure drop is only 3 ft, so that the true initial head is 47 ft rather than 50 ft. The difference (system
curve not shown) would cause an increase in flow rate of some 4%; an insignificant change.

Much more significant and bothersome change can be caused by substitution of a low pressure drop condenser when the pump
head estimate is based on the highest pressure drop condenser unit expected to be bid.

The same tower system will be evaluated; estimated head will be compared with actual head loss.

Estimated Head Loss Actual Head Loss

Condenser 25’ 8’
Valves, Strainer, etc. 7’ 7’
150’ Piping @ 15 Year Old 6’ 3’
Total Flow-Friction 38’ 18’
Static or Open + 12’ + 12’

Table 7

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

The pump is specified at design flow for 50 ft while the true head loss is only 30 ft. Assuming a design flow rate of 300 GPM, what will the
actual flow be?

A system curve table plot is made following procedures previously provided.

Flow (GPM) 0 250 300 350 400 450

Actual Flow-Friction (Ft Head) 0 12.5 18 24.5 32 41

Static Head (Ft Head) 12 12 12 12 12 12

Total Head Loss (Ft Head) 12 24.5 30 36.5 44 53

Table 8

The system curve plot is then as illustrated as Figure 36.

The pump point shift has increased flow over design to the order of 45%. Cavitational and/or tower vortex can occur unless corrective
measures are applied.

The pump impeller diameter could and should be cut down to match the pump to the system.

It is more usual, however, to simply throttle the pump discharge. This leads to a very important tower application point:

When the balance valve is significantly closed, trim the impeller and open up the balance valve.

Design Flow


Trim Use the

Impeller Balance Valve

Figure 36. Example System Curve; Less Than Anticipated Pump Head Figure 37. Use of the Balance Valve Will Often Prevent Air Vortex
and Suction Pressure Problems

J150 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Flow through the tower system can be measured by any of several methods:

1. Pump differential pressure (based on pump curve).

2. Condenser differential pressure (based on manufacturer’s data).
3. Triple-Duty Valve (combination check and throttle) differential pressure (based on calibrated Cv data for various valve

Given a stable pumping arrangement, a properly set balance valve will help protect the pump against many operating problems.

The unstable tower pumping system will be aided by use of the balance valve - but problems may still occur because of
improper tower bypass applications.

››Tower Bypass
Tower Bypass - General Methods
Improperly applied tower bypass control arrangements
can cause unstable pump operation and large volume Condenser
flow changes through the condenser. Condenser flow
change can cause chilled water temperature control
instability, especially for absorption machines, and will
greatly increase pump trouble probability.

There are two basic methods for tower bypass: Figure 38A. Basic Tower Bypass Methods - to Suction - Not Recommended
1. Bypass to tower pan. D

2. Bypass to suction piping.

Bypass to the tower pan will generally be preferred E

because of greater flow stability and because the
possibility of air suction into the pump is greatly

Bypass control valves that are used are: Condenser

1. Three-way “diverting or bypass.”

2. Two “linked” two-way valves (usually butterfly A
valves) acting as a three-way diverting valve.
3. A single two-way butterfly valve placed in the B C
bypass line. Figure 38B. Basic Tower Bypass Methods - to Basin - Recommended

It should be particularly noted that three-way mix valves should not be applied to tower bypass control.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

The three-way mix valve (two inlets; one outlet)

should not be used for tower bypass application
because it must be placed in the pump suction
line and can cause pump suction pressure Bypass
problems. The three-way mix valve application is Mixing Valve
“inviting” in the sense that the mix valve costs less
and is more readily available than the diverting
three-way valve. Its actual application is only an
invitation to trouble, however. Pump

Three-way diverting (one inlet; two outlets) Figure 39. Three-Way “Mix” - Do Not Use
application is much preferred since this valve
will be placed in the condenser return line (pump
discharge) where its operation will not effect pump
suction pressures.

Relatively high cost and limited availability

generally confines use of the actual three-way
diverting valve to sizes in the general order of 4“
or less.
For pipe sizes beyond the order of 4“ or larger,
linked butterfly valves are usually provided to serve
the same function.

Figure 40A. Use Diverting Valves Not Three-Way Mix


Figure 40B. Use Diverting Valves Not Three-Way Mix

J152 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
The single two-way butterfly valve is also used
for tower bypass; two generalized application
possibilities are shown with the valve installed in
the bypass line.

Basic conceptual patterns and valve bypass

arrangement possibilities have been presented.
The problem now is to establish application
considerations that will eliminate pump instability
when bypass actually occurs. Three working tools
are needed:
1. Tower circuit pump head requirements;
static and flow-friction. These considerations
have already been presented (covered in
pages J120 - J122).
2. Tower system curve analysis methods. This
has been illustrated (covered in pages
J146 - J148).
3. Knowledge of valve operational patterns;
flow-friction loss as related to size and valve
opening. This has not been shown (covered
in pages J140 - J144). Condenser

Bypass Valve Operational Characteristics;

Valve Coefficient (Cv)
Figure 41. Single Butterfly Also Used for Bypass
Valve “Cv” is a statement of the flow rate necessary to
cause a pressure drop of 1 PSI across the valve.
P1 P2
While the pressure drop at Cv flow rate is conventionally
defined as 1 PSI, it is better for general system
application to consider this in terms of ft fluid head
equivalent. For Hydronic System work then:
Flow GPM ΔP = 1 PSI
Cv = GPM Flow Rate at 2.3 ft Head Friction Loss Across
the Valve CV = Flow Rate That Causes 1 PSI
Pressure Drop
CV = Flow Rate GPM That Causes
2.3’ HD. Friction Loss

Figure 42. Cv Relationship

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

As with the system curve previously described, a change in flow rate will cause a change in head loss. Head loss will change as a
squared function of flow rate. The tabulated change can be plotted as in Table 9 for a valve; Cv =10.

Flow (GPM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ft Head 0 0.6 2.3 5.2 9.2 14.4 20.8 28.3 37.0

Table 9

The points shown in Table 9 can be plotted on a Ft Head versus

GPM chart to illustrate the complete flow-friction loss relationship
defined by the specific Cv = 10.

The curve illustrates that at a flow rate of 20 GPM a pressure drop

of 9.2 ft will occur through a valve rated at 10 Cv. Curve plots are
generally not necessary, since the B&G System Syzer will provide
this same information in a single simple setting.

As an example in use of Cv, a valve is to be installed for bypass, and

application considerations require that a 20 ft head be developed
across the valve at 300 GPM design flow rate.

From the B&G System Syzer: 20 ft at 300 GPM = Cv of 102.

A valve selection for Cv = 102 will meet requirements. Figure 43. Valve Flow-Friction Loss Relationship Described By Cv = 10

Valve Cv information is provided by control valve manufacturers in either tabulated or chart form.

Figure 43 shows a possible plot of Cv for a line of butterfly valves, 2“ to 12“ in size. This plot illustrates changes in valve Cv from
wide open (90°) through various degrees of closure. It should be understood that this plot simply illustrates the general order of Cv
relationship for butterflies and should not be used for actual design.

J154 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
For a Cv selection of 102, the following valve sizes can be

Valve Size Cv = 102 @ Approximate Degree Open

5” 34º

4” 42º

3” 53º

2.5” 68º

Table 10

Actual valve selection would be left to control people. It is

of interest to note, however, that 300 GPM dictates a pipe
size of 5“ while valve selection possibilities range down
to the order of 2-1/2“ with an increased control “range”
(degree movement) for the smaller valve. This will usually
mean more control precision.

It should be noted that for two-way modulating valves, Cv

changes as the valve moves from open to closed. This is not
true for a conventional three-way valve applied to modulating

Three-way valves are designed to a comparatively constant

Figure 44. Approximate Butterfly Cv As Related to - Open
Cv factor. That is to say; at a constant differential head, a
constant total flow will occur through the valve; whether
through a single port or through any combination of port
“A” in Closed

Directly linked butterfly valves acting as a three-way will not

necessarily establish this same correlation, however. This “A” out
will be seen from examination of Figure 44.
“A” in “A” out “A” in “B” out
A 3 inch valve at Cv = 120 will be set for the order of 60°
open. This would be the setting for both the tower valve and Total Flow “C + B” is Equal
Closed to “A” Constant Diff. Head “C” out
its linked bypass valve when either is open with the other

Figure 45. Three-Way Valves are Designed to Constant Cv

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

At 50% position, each valve is positioned at 30° and the direct link would state that each valve would have a Cv to the order of 30;
with a total “linked” Cv of 60.

This means, unless precautions are taken, that the linked valves will provide a rising pressure drop characteristic on bypass. For the
example; pressure drop at a 50% open condition for both valves would be the order of four times that when one valve is open and
the other closed.

In terms of tower bypass control, the above means that condenser flow can be reduced when bypass occurs. The precautions taken

1. Use of three-way diverting valves when size availability and cost permits.
2. When “linked” butterfly valves are applied, generally in sizes 4“ and above, the valves should be selected for low pressure
drop characteristics at design flow. This will minimize condenser flow reduction on bypass.
3. Knowledgeable control people will often avoid a single operator with directly linked butterfly valves. They often prefer
individual valve operators with “lead-lag” operation to reduce Cv change on bypass.

It should be noted that the peculiar characteristic of butterfly valves is sometimes of benefit.

To Tower Butterfly
To Tower Butterfly Valve

To Bypass To Bypass
N.C. N.C.

From Condenser From Condenser

Figure 46. Directly Linked Butterflies can Reduce Condenser Flow when in Partial Figure 47. Individual Operators in Lead-Lag Sequence Helps Solve Problem
Bypass and when Valves are Selected to High P.D. as Does P.D. Selection

J156 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Tower Bypass; Design for Flow Stability
Working tools have now been provided for analysis of various tower bypass arrangements as they affect pumping stability. It
will again be noted that pumping instability can affect chilled water temperature control and greatly increases pump trouble

Bypass to Pump Suction; Bypass and Condenser Below Tower;

Tower with Splash Basin D

∆ h (FE) = 2’
A proposed floor below condenser
installation is shown in Figure 48.
Bypass is to the pump suction and E
it will be noted that the usual check
valve in the tower suction line (AB1) H0 = 12’
has been omitted for discussion
∆ h (A B1) = 1’ ∆ h (B1 - F) = 27’


Figure 48. Tower Bypass Example

PUMP HEAD SELECTION = H0 + ∆h (AB1) + ∆h (B1F) + ∆h (FE)

= 12 + 1 + 27 + 2
= 42 ft

Assume now that the bypass valve is 5” butterfly (selected at line size for 300 GPM) and has not yet been “set” by the control
contractor; the valve swings to wide open at Cv = 830 (See Figure 44 on page J155).

At 830 Cv and at 300 GPM, the bypass valve would develop only 0.3 ft head resistance and because of this, trouble could

It will be noted for this example, and for all tower bypass to the pump suction, that complete bypass will cause the following
changes to occur:

1. Tower suction line friction loss will be eliminated because of no flow.

2. Tower discharge line friction loss will be eliminated.
3. Static head will be lost.

Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.


Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Pump static head will be lost if bypass valve back-pressure to point “F” is insufficient to maintain a full column of water in the tower
line. For our example the levels would change as illustrated in the following diagrams in which gauge readings are stated in Ft Head.

Bypass Valve

Figure 48A. Pump Off (For Figure 48 on Page J157)

0’ 0’

Bypass Valve

Figure 48B. Pump On; Bypass Closed (For Figure 48 on Page J157)


Water Level is 0.3’ Above

Bypass Valve Pan Level


Figure 48C. Pump On; Bypass Open In Valve Cv = 830 (For Figure 48 on Page J157)

J158 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M

Suction Pres-
surization From
Tower No Flow C v= 830
∆h (B, E) = 27’
@ 300 GPM


Figure 49. Tower in Total Bypass Establishes Closed Loop Operation; No Statics

The pumped piping circuit on bypass has now become a closed loop since all statics have been lost. The comparative system
curves, full tower versus full bypass, can now be illustrated.

System Curve Tables:

Full Tower Flow

Flow (GPM) 0 100 200 300 350 400

Actual Flow-Friction (Ft Head) 0 3.4 13.1 30 41 53

Static Head (Ft Head) 12 12 12 12 12 12

Total Head Loss (Ft Head) 12 15.4 25.1 42 53 65

Full Bypass Flow
Flow (GPM) 0 100 200 300 350 400

Actual Flow-Friction (Ft Head) 0 3 12 27.3 36 47

Static Head (Ft Head) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Head Loss (Ft Head) 0 3 12 27.3 36 47

Table 11

Figure 50. Pump Operating Shift Caused by Loss of Static Head

*Complete loss of all static head as caused by full bypass operation will cause a shift in pump operational point as described in
Figure 50.

The pumping point shift can be virtually eliminated with reduced system cost and improved controllability by proper sizing and
setting of the bypass valve.

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

When the bypass is to pump suction and is below tower pan level, the following application point should be observed: The valve
should be selected for design flow at a head approximately equal to system static pump-height H0.

This is the height from tower pan water level to the topmost tower discharge piping. For the example, described in Figure 49,
H0 is 12 ft. At a design flow rate of 300 GPM, the valve selection point would be at Cv = 130.

Reference to the B&G System Syzer illustrates that a 3” valve at 60° open will satisfy the requirement. Final selection should be
left to the control engineer, since it is finally and ultimately his responsibility to both select and set the valve.

It should be pointed out that the valve will often be much smaller than conventional line size. The valve must remain as the
control element in the bypass line, however, and the bypass would be pipe sized to usual criteria (in this case 5 in) except for
the order of 5 valve size pipe diameters up and downstream of the valve, which would be valve size.

Given proper bypass valve sizing and setting, the operating pump shift will disappear because the “lost” static head is replaced
by an introduced flow-friction head.

Other Bypass Application Problems

1. High System Static Head Requirement

It will be noted that as system static pump head (H0) increases, an intolerable valve pressure drop situation can be
created. This would be especially true for a winterized penthouse tower draining into a basement receiving tank.

The application solution to Figure 51 is a bypass to the tower sump pan or to the gravity drain line at a point directly below
the tower.

It will be noted that bypass could be installed as shown in Figure 51 given a reasonable H0; a reasonable valve selection
head. This will be defined by the control valve manufacturer and would generally not exceed the order of 25 ft.

H0 = 100’
Gravity Drainline


Pump Pump


Figure 51. Intolerable Valve Sizing Situation Because of High Static H0 - WRONG Figure 52. Bypass to Tower Solves High Static Head Bypass Problem

J160 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
2. High Pressure Drop Spray Nozzle Tower with Bypass

The bypass arrangement in Figure 53 can propose almost insurmountable pumping problems because of changes in pumping
head as bypass occurs.

Pump head requirements for full tower flow will be:

PUMP HEAD = H0 + Nozzle ∆h + Friction ∆h

= 10 + 25 + 30

= 65 ft

During bypass, static head will be lost, as will flow-friction head through the spray nozzles, discharge piping ∆h (ED) and suction
piping ∆h (AB). The only pumping head that will remain will be flow-friction in the condenser and bypass loop.

∆ h (D D1) = 25’ To Tower
(No Flow)
D1 D

∆ h (ED) = 2’
H0= 10’

From Tower
(No Flow)
∆ h (AB1) = 1’ ∆ h (B1 E) = 27’


Figure 53. Bypass to Suction with HIGH Pressure Drop Spray Nozzle; Can Figure 54. Open Bypass Valve Establishes Closed Loop Pumping Circuit with Lost
Establish Intolerable Flow Instability Static and Lost Flow-Friction Head through Tower Nozzles, Suction, and Discharge

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

Given a line sized bypass valve at wide open setting, the new pump head will only be:

PUMP HEAD = 27 + 0.3 = 27.3 ft @ 300 GPM

Pump head has now dropped from 65 ft to the Nozzle

∆ h = 25’
order of 27 ft at design flow. This will result in Bypass Valves
D1 D
a remarkable flow change as the bypass valve
opens and closes; from a design 300 GPM Balance Valve Set
For Nozzle P.D.
with bypass closed to the order of 500 GPM
H0= 10’ @ Design Flow
with an open bypass.
∆ h (ED) = 2’

Location of the bypass valve at a high point in

the tower discharge line establishes that the E
pump static head H0 will be a constant factor ∆ h (AB) = 1’
and is not “lost” as in Figure 55. ∆ h = 27’
Linked butterfly valves are illustrated in
Figure 55 rather than the conventional
diverting valve. This is because of a previously Figure 55. Bypass to Tower with Linked Butterflies and Balance Valve Provides
mentioned characteristic of linked butterflies Solution to Flow Instability Problem
that will, in this case, aid in providing flow

The characteristic is that linked butterflies will increase flow-friction head resistance as the valves move from “one side
open” to a modulating or “each valve 50% open” position. The characteristic combination valve head increase at 50%,
will be to the order of 4 times that for only one side open.

When the valves move to a 50% bypass flow, flow-friction head through the spray nozzles will reduce from 25 ft to the
order of 6 ft (50% flow = 25% head). The butterfly valves can now provide the “lost head” difference of 19 ft (25 – 6).

Since the lost spray nozzle head of 19 ft is to be provided at a 50% valve open condition; and since combined valve
resistance head is 4 times that at a “one side open” condition. Valve selection will be to design flow and to “lost spray
nozzle head” divided by 4. In this case:

Valve Selection Head = 19/4 = 4.7 ft; say 5 ft

Assuming a design flow of 300 GPM, the example valve selection will be 300 GPM @ 5 ft or Cv = 200. This would be line
sized butterflies (5”) at 50° open.­

J162 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
The balance valve illustrated in Figure 54 serves the same function as bypass balance on a conventional hydronic three-way
controlled coil; in this case it is set to spray nozzle pressure drop at design flow.

The tower piping arrangement is now basically stabilized in terms of pumping flow rates.

(a) Full Tower Flow Pump Head:

Pump Head = H0 + ∆h (AD) + Valve ∆h + Spray ∆h

= 10 + 30 + 5 + 25

= 70 ft

(b) Tower @ 50% Bypass

Pump Head = H0 + ∆h (AD) + Valve ∆h + Spray ∆h

= 10 + 30 + 20 + 6

= 66 ft

It will be noted that pump head has only decreased from 70 ft to 66 ft. This is tolerable since flow changes will be insignificant;
300 to 310 GPM.

(c) Tower @ 100% Bypass

Pump Head = HO + ∆h (AD) + Valve ∆h + Balance ∆h

= 10 + 30 + 5 + 25

= 70 ft

3. Bypass to Suction; Condenser Above Tower Pan

Severe operating problems can be caused with
pump suction bypass as illustrated in Figure Bypass Valve
56. Improper valve setting will cause air to
be introduced into the pump suction, causing
pump “air binding” and mechanical pump
troubles. These problems have been described Figure 56. Possible Problem Installation; Bypass to Suction
on pages J140 to J144 Lost statics will cause
further troubles.

The balance valve, when set, minimizes static

head loss problem possibilities. The tower Bypass Valve

bypass eliminates any possibility of air draw into

the pump suction as caused by bypass.


Figure 57. Bypass to Tower Eliminates Suction Air Draw Possibility and Reduces Pump
Head Change

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Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping

4. Condenser Above Tower

Bypass to the tower should always be employed

when the condenser is located above the tower. Condenser
Given the downcomer return height Hr is greater
than cancellable siphon return statics, balance
valve #1 would be set in terms of previous
design procedure (page J122).

Balance valve #2 is set for open system height #2

H0; valve pressure drop = H0 ft for full bypass H0
flow rate.

The linked butterfly valves would be selected for

a low order of pressure drop at full design flow
rate in order to minimize valve pressure drop
change effect on total pumping head during
partial bypass.

It will be noted that high pressure drop diverting

Figure 58. Overhead Condenser; Bypass to Tower with Linked Butterfly
three-way valve application may be preferable.
The valves can be much smaller since there
is no real concern regarding changed pressure
drop on bypass. Use of a high pressure drop
diverting valve would often eliminate the need
for balance valve #1 as shown on Figure 58.

This concludes the pumping and piping considerations covered in this handbook. For more information or considerations for special
projects please contact your local BAC Representative or visit www.BaltimoreAircoil.com.

A special thanks to Bell and Gossett, a xylem brand for their contribution to this section. All content was Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc.
Copyright 2013.

J164 Q U E S T I O N S ? C A L L 4 1 0 . 7 9 9 . 6 2 0 0 O R V I S I T W W W. B A LT I M O R E A I R C O I L . C O M
Cooling Tower Pumping and Piping
Reprinted with permission from Xylem, Inc. Copyright 2013.

Flow-Friction Loss
Automatic Valve

Balance Valve (Plug) Butterfly Valve

Condenser Heat Rejection Equipment

Automatic Butterfly Valve


Triple-Duty Valve


Pressure Reducing Valve


Mixing/Diverting Valve

s Non-Slam Check Valve


Color Notes:

Cooling Tower


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