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Part B


Implementation in the Egyptian Oil & Soap Industry
SEAM Project

5.0 Cleaner Production Audits

5.1 Introduction - What is A Cleaner Production Audit?
A Cleaner Production Audit can be defined as:
A systematic review of a company's processes and operations designed to identify and provide
information about opportunities to reduce waste reduce pollution and improve operational
A good Cleaner Production Audit will:
nPresent all available information on unit operations The SEAM Project carried out
raw materials products water and energy usage. Cleaner Production audits in 11
nDefine the sources quantities and types of waste oil and soap plants. These
generated. audits focused on identifying
nClearly identify where process inefficiencies and low-cost interventions with fast
areas of poor management exist. payback periods - a total of 120
such interventions were
nIdentify environmentally damaging activities and
identified with implementation
report on legislative compliance (A list of applicable costs ranging from zero to
Egyptian legislation and regulations is shown in LE550000. Savings ranged
Appendix 4.). from LE2400 to LE1000000
nIdentify where Cleaner Production opportunities exist with average payback periods
outline how much these will cost to implement and of less than 2 months.
quantify the benefits.
nPrioritise the Cleaner Production opportunities
identified. Priority should be given to low cost/no cost measures and those with relatively
short pay-back periods.
nIncorporate an Action Plan which will describe how the Cleaner Production measures can
be best implemented at the factory.
The basic theory behind a Cleaner Production audit is that whatever goes into a unit operation
eventually comes out in one form or another.

5.2 Carrying out an Industrial Audit: A Step by Step Description

A key word in the Cleaner Production Audit definition is systematic. A systematic approach
will ensure that as much information as possible is collected and assessed to develop
financially and technically feasible Cleaner Production opportunities. A step-by-step guide to
carrying out a Cleaner Production Audit follows.
Step 1 Management Commitment
The key to success of any Cleaner Production audit depends on the interest support and
commitment of top management. This will only be gained if they are convinced of the benefits
and can see that it will reduce costs. Top management support and commitment is essential in:
nAllocating appropriate human resources for carrying out the industrial audit and
implementing the viable CP options.
nFacilitating the release of detailed process and financial information from all departments to
the Team.
nEncouraging the factory staff to implement any changes identified.
nProviding the financial resources for CP implementation where necessary.

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Step 2 Appointing a Cleaner Production Team

Before any work can be carried out a Team needs to be formed which will carry out the Audit
and identify CP opportunities. The size and composition of the Team will vary depending on
factory size and organisational structure but should include representatives from each
production and support department. An external consultant with experience in identifying and
implementing CP interventions may also be a useful Team member.
Once the Team has been formed specific roles and responsibilities should be assigned
including a Team Co-ordinator who will be responsible for managing the various
responsibilities and tasks.
A general guide to Team composition and general duties follows:

Audit Team Member Main Inputs and Duties

nProduction Departments: Flow diagrams raw material use and transfer from
⇒Seed receipt and storage. storage to process production schedules process
descriptions and recipes operating manuals cleaning
⇒Oil extraction. and routine maintenance.
⇒Oil Refining.
⇒Hydrogenation and shortening.
⇒Soap production.
⇒Glycerine production.
⇒Animal feed.
⇒Product dispatch.
nStores and Purchases Department(s). Volume and frequency of substances purchased
storage inventory control main users of each

nThe Quality Control Department Quality control procedures fabric and process
(including a representative from the chemical information analytical capabilities.

nThe Utilities Department. Types production and consumption rates of water

energy and steam etc. wastewater treatment cleaning
and routine maintenance.
nThe Maintenance Department. Maintenance schedules and records identification of
areas needing high levels of maintenance.
nThe Financial Department. Purchasing costs (seeds crude oils process chemicals
machinery etc.) selling costs downgraded products.
Assist with cost-benefit calculations.
nThe Environmental Department (if this Air emissions solid and liquid wastes legislative
exists). compliance safety records.

For each department individuals having the best understanding of the department as a whole
should be selected as the representative. This individual will be in the best position to describe
and quantify the processes carried out as well as being in the best position to make estimates
where necessary.
Note: It may not always be possible to get precise information but it is the function of the
Audit Team to make their best judgements and estimates if specific data are not available.

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Step 3 Collection of Baseline Information

All information that is readily available in the factory should be collected by the Audit Team.
This information may consist of:
nSite layout and plans showing buildings and functional units location of drains and sewers
chimneys vents and discharge points.
nListing of all processes carried out and process flow diagrams (if available) including
materials storage and handling information product packaging and dispatch. Cleaning
processes particularly where these involve the use of chemicals should also be included.
nOperating manuals of machinery particularly with reference to the design conditions as
recommended by the manufacturer.
nRaw material and product information including by-products.
nFinancial information including purchase costs of chemicals and utilities product and by-
product selling prices (including downgraded goods) operating and maintenance costs. A
summary of the cost elements in the total production costs would also be useful.
nEnvironmental information for example wastewater quality details of existing wastewater
treatment system air emissions the production and fate of solid wastes and environmental
reports and licenses.
nHealth and Safety records.

This information may not be readily available and in some cases may be scattered throughout
the factory. It is important that as much information as possible is collected at this stage to
minimise the amount of investigative work needed later.
It is important that the information collected is as accurate as possible - where assumptions
have been made these should be clearly stated.
Step 4 Understand Factory Operations and Processes
This following general information will need to be obtained or derived:
nConstruction of a flow diagram for each process (example given as Figure 5.1). This
should identify all steps that are carried out and list all of the inputs (including raw materials
process chemicals steam water and energy etc.) outputs (products by-products solid liquid
and gaseous emissions) and any recycling steps. If flow diagrams have already been
collected in the Collection of Baseline Information step they will need to be carefully checked
for recent and/or unrecorded modifications.
nThe information gathered so far should then be verified by conducting a walk through of
the factory. This walk through can also be used to identify and record obvious losses that
are occurring such as leaks and spills. High noise levels should also be noted as these may
indicate that equipment maintenance is required. The information gathered should also be
discussed with Production staff from each department as they will be able to give a good
account of actual operating conditions and problems.
Note: A walk through should be carried Examples of Questions for Production Staff:
out whenever data is missing or there ? How much time is needed to complete each stage of the
appears to be a conflict between 2 process?
different sources of data. ? What are water and energy requirements for each step?
If on-site laboratories exist they should ? What raw materials are used? How are these weighed
be assessed to determine what can be and transported to the production area?
analysed and which specific tests can be ? What rejects are there and what is their volume? What
carried out for example incoming seeds happens to these rejects?
(e.g. acidity) and wastewater quality (e.g. ? How close are operating conditions to design
pH BOD COD). conditions?

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Figure 5.1: Example of a Process Flow Diagram (Alkali Refining of Crude Oil)

Process Steps

n Steam n Condensate
n Crude oil
Heating (recycled to boiler)

n Phosphoric acid n Gummy substances
(mixer 1)

Sodium hydroxide
n n (none)
(mixer 2)

n Water
Separator n Mucilage (sent to soap
(number 1) plant)

n Steam Heating n (none)

n Hot water n (none)
(mixer 3)

n (none) n Hot wastewater
(number 2)

n Hot water n (none)
(mixer 4)

n (none)
n Hot wastewater
(number 3)

n Vacuum Drying n (none)

Third Grade

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Step 5 Define Inputs

Using the process flow diagrams developed in Step 4 the inputs for each department need to be
quantified. This may include:
n the amount of electrical power supplied;
n the amount of fuel that is directly consumed by each department (the largest consumer here
will probably be the boiler house);
n the volume of steam consumed (steams of different pressures should be accounted for
n the amount of process chemicals used;
n the amount of other chemicals used (e.g. cleaning chemicals);
n the volume of water consumed (the different types of water consumed should be separately
recorded e.g. city water softened water groundwater water pumped from the river canals or
n Current levels of reuse and/or recycling both within each department and between
n The units used for each of these must be clearly identified.

If specific data are not available best estimates should be used and the basis for these estimates
clearly stated. Other issues that should be quantified include storage and handling losses of raw
materials and existing reuse and recycling steps.
Step 6 Define Outputs
The outputs identified in the process flow diagram need to be quantified. As with the inputs if
specific data are not available best estimates should be used and the basis for these estimates
clearly stated. The following outputs should be considered:
n Process outputs including final and downgraded products (quantity and quality) spillage losses
evaporation losses reusable wastes.
n Wastewater sources the units that they come from their volume and concentration. Examples
include washes and rinses within the processes boiler blowdown floor washing. Combined
wastewater flows should also be clearly identified in terms of their origin where in the factory
this takes place and how they are combined (e.g. into a balancing tank combined in main drain
n Solid wastes including information on where they come from what they consist of their volume
and their eventual disposal route (e.g. segregated and sold recycled disposed as a waste off-site).
n Gaseous emissions including in-process sources vents and chimneys.
n Note: A checklist can be used as an aide memoire in collecting the information described in
steps 3-6. The checklist used in the SEAM Project is given as Appendix 5.

Step 7 Prepare Material and Energy Balances

Material and energy balances give a detailed account of all inputs and outputs so that problem
area can be identified and losses quantified. They will also clearly identify and quantify
previously unknown losses or emissions.

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Prepare Material and Energy Balances for each

Sources of Information for Material/
Process Unit. These are normally presented as flow
Energy Balances
diagrams which simply show the nature and The majority of this will already have
volume of total inputs against the outputs. These been collected during steps 3-6.
can be prepared for:
nSample analyses and measurement of
⇒process units to quantify consumption and raw materials products and wastes.
losses for each process and n Raw materials purchase records and
⇒important and/or expensive resources such as nEmission inventories.
hexane. nEquipment cleaning procedures.
Identify Discrepancies. When a material balance is nProcessing recipes.
first attempted inputs usually exceed outputs nProduct specifications.
indicating that data are either incomplete or nOperating logs.
missing. The source(s) of these discrepancies must nStandard operating procedures and
be identified and where possible quantified. operating manuals.
Common causes of discrepancies include
inaccurate data different units of measurement being compared missed discharges or waste
streams and missed recycling steps.
Refine Material Balance to a satisfactory Level of Accuracy. High levels of accuracy in
material balances are usually difficult to achieve - an accuracy of ±10% should generally be
acceptable. However if hazardous and/or expensive substances are involved a higher level of
accuracy should be targeted. Once the material balance has been satisfactorily c this
information can be used to calculate:

⇒the value of the losses incurred. This can be calculated using the cost of the raw material
and the corresponding volume and value of the lost product.
⇒the amount of resources consumed in the production of 1ton of product.
⇒the volume of waste generated in the production of 1ton of product.
Step 8 Benchmarks and Standards
The values derived for resource consumption and wastes generation can then be compared to
national (where they exist) and international averages known as benchmarks to show how well
the factory is performing. These benchmarks can also be used to set targets for the factory to
achieve in order to reduce wastage and optimise production.
At present no benchmarks have been developed specifically for Egypt.

Step 9 Identification of Potential Cleaner Production Options

Using the previously gathered information the Team are now in a position to identify a large
number of potential improvements. Specific actions that have been carried out in Egyptian
factories are described in Section 6.0.
1. Identify Obvious Improvement Measures. Most of these will have been identified during
the factory walk through. Examples of such measures include:
⇒ Stopping leakages and spillages.
⇒ Eliminating unnecessary water usage.
⇒ Recycling of slightly contaminated washwaters.
⇒ Improving existing storage facilities to minimise damage to raw materials and final
⇒ Segregation of wastes for recovery recycling or sale.

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2. These measures are generally easy to implement with little or no capital investment.
3. Identify particularly Hazardous or Polluting Wastes. Pollution in wastewater is an
indicator that valuable raw materials products or potential by-products are being wasted.
Highly polluted wastewaters may also be toxic and hazardous difficult to treat and its
discharge into the environment can cause significant damage as well as exceeding
legislative discharge standards.
4. Develop Other Improvement Measures. These can include:

⇒ Substitution of raw materials which have been identified as toxic hazardous or

otherwise unsuitable.
⇒ Modification of existing processes to optimise the amount of processing carried out or
to improve the processing method.
⇒ Changing operating practices to ensure that wastage is minimised.
⇒ Recovering and recycling expensive process chemicals (e.g. hexane nickel catalyst).
⇒ Recovering previously wasted by products (e.g. aluminium soap).
⇒ Installation of more efficient machinery new processes new technology.
Step 10 Assess Costs and Benefits of Cleaner Production Options
At this stage a large number of Cleaner Production options will have been identified. The next
step is to identify those options which will be of most benefit to the factory both financially
and environmentally. Following is a description of the sort of information that needs to be
considered - the amount of detail required will vary on the overall size and complexity of the
proposed action.
1. Technical Feasibility. This describes the proposed intervention in detail and evaluates
how the proposed measure will affect the process product production rate etc.. For each
option proposed the technical benefits that will result should be clearly identified (e.g.
reduced energy consumption improved productivity). These can then be quantified in the
assessment of financial viability.
2. Financial Viability. This step establishes the costs and benefits of implementation. The
information required includes present production costs capital and operating costs
associated with each intervention and value of any savings made. Priority should be given
to the evaluation of low-cost/no-cost options which may only require the calculation of a
payback period. Higher cost options may need a more detailed assessment to evaluate
economic feasibility.
3. Environmental Benefits. Where possible an environmental assessment of the selected
options should be carried out even if some of the benefits cannot be quantified. This
should include effect on wastewater volume and toxicity (and hence reduced treatment
costs and movement towards legislative compliance) reduced generation of solid wastes
(improved site appearance reduced disposal requirements) and improved working
Note: In the SEAM Project this was presented in the form of Project Concept Notes (see
section 7.6).

Step 11 Prioritising Cleaner Production Options

It is unlikely that all of the options identified can be implemented immediately. Therefore
once all of the realistic opportunities have been identified the next step is to prioritise them. A
suggested method of prioritisation follows:

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Priority 1: Factors where there are significant polluting effects or a strong probability of an
incident which will require urgent and effective action OR where the company is acting
illegally OR significant benefit to the company will result through reduced costs or improved
efficiency. This group will include most of the Obvious Improvement Measures described in
Step 9 which will be very easy and cheap to implement. The financial benefit to the company
will exceed the cost of implementation within a short time (less than 1 year).
Priority 2: Factors where there are apparent polluting effects or a probability of an incident
which will damage the environment OR is a significant risk to the health and safety of staff OR
the benefits to the company will result through investment in the medium term (1-3 years).
Priority 3: Factors which will not have immediate adverse consequences but where the
company can expect benefits in the longer term through reduced costs or better employee
customer or public relations.

Step 12 Developing Cleaner Production Action Plans

The Action Plan should describe when and how the prioritised actions should be implemented.
This will allow the factory to match the proposed actions to any budget constraints that exist as
well as identifying critical actions such as eliminating the use of banned chemicals. This
should be supported by a monitoring programme which will record the actual benefits made.
The Action Plan should also identify when the next Cleaner Production Audit is to be carried
out and how often this should be done.
Step 13 Implementation of Proposed Cleaner Production Options
Once the options have been assessed and prioritised implementation can commence. Most
Priority 1 options can be implemented immediately - of these the lowest cost options should be
completed first. The remaining options may require some planning if implementation is to be
successful. Again the amount of detail required will vary on the overall size and complexity of
the proposed action.
1. Preparation - This will require:
nA Team to be set up which will be responsible for implementation and a Team
Leader who will co-ordinate the tasks and monitor progress.
nThe preparation of technical documents that describe what the project is where it is
located and what work needs to be carried out. This may include a Bill of Quantities
which itemises equipment which has to be purchased.
nA workplan which describes all the tasks that need to be carried out and an estimate
of how long each task will take to complete. This will also allow work to be
scheduled to minimise disruption to the normal working day.
nIn order to achieve the best results it is important that staff are kept informed of the
changes going on and provided with training if required.
2. Implementation - the workplan developed in the planning stage should be used as a guide
for implementation. Each task in this should be assigned to the most appropriate member
of the Team with individual tasks being co-ordinated by the Team Leader. If any
significant delays occur the workplan should be modified so that tasks can be rescheduled.
Progress reports can also be provided to senior management and other Team members to
keep them informed of project developments.
Once implementation has been completed the new work procedures should be documented in
the form of revised work instructions. Staff training may be required to ensure that are
understood and can be easily followed. Revised instructions to other departments may also be

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necessary. For example if one chemical has been substituted by another revised instructions to
the purchasing department will be required.
3. Monitoring and Evaluation - this will need to be carried out once implementation has been
completed to ensure that the project is performing normally and that the expected benefits
are being realised. This will help identify - and solve - any unforeseen problems at an early
stage as well as informing management of progress.

5.3 Sampling and Analytical Requirements

(i) Water and Wastewater Flow Measurements
Ideally continuous measurement of liquid flow rates should be carried out with fixed
equipment. If this does not exist then estimates of flow have to be made by simple methods
by using for example a calibrated collecting vessel and stopwatch. Crude estimates can be
made from pipe dimensions judgements of flow rates etc..
(ii) Wastewater Sampling
In most factories there will be considerable variability in wastewater quality over time;
sampling therefore needs to be carried out to minimise this:
nA series of single grab samples can be manually collected. These can either be tested
independently or combined to give a composite time-averaged sample. Automatic time-
average samplers for wastewaters are available commercially.
nFlow proportioned samples are desirable but in practice are difficult to take.
Samples should be taken from the end of discharge pipes where possible.
Certain chemical parameters require the sample to be stabilised for example by the addition of
acid for heavy metal analyses. In some cases the sample has to be taken into glass containers
rather than plastic.
Before any sampling is carried out it is advisable to discuss and finalise what is required with
the laboratory which will be carrying out the analyses.
(iii) Sample Storage and Transportation
Once taken the samples should be delivered to the testing laboratory as soon as possible after
sampling preferably within the same working day and always within 24 hours. If there is any
delay samples should be kept cool by storing them in insulated boxes with freezer packs.
(iv) Wastewater Analyses - Laboratory Analyses
Wastewater may need to be tested for one or more of the following parameters:
nBiological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Suspended Solids
and Total Solids.
nHeavy metals. Analyses would only be required for specific metals based on the chemical
substances used in the factory.
nOrganics such as pesticides hydrocarbons oil & grease.
The need for chemical analyses should be carefully assessed as it is usually complex and
(v) Wastewater Analyses - in situ Measurements
The following parameters can be measured at the discharge point itself using portable meters:

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(vi) Measurement of Gas/Vapour Flow Rates

Gas/vapour flow rate measurements may be necessary at vent entries and exits or within ducts
although the latter may be problematic because of access difficulties. Where access is possible
hot wire anemometers can be used for flow rate measurements.
Flow rate should be measured where it is least affected by bends etc. and a number of
measurements taken in the centre and towards the sides of the duct. Before ducts are breached
consideration must be given to the potential release of hazardous materials and the way in
which the duct can be effectively sealed after measurements have been made.
(vii) Air and Flue Gas Composition
In the absence of suitable electronic equipment boiler efficiency can be assessed based on such
factors as plume colour (e.g. Ringelmann chart shade) fuel usage and length of time since
previous checks. The concentration of many gases can also be estimated using Draeger tubes.
(viii) Noise
Noise needs to be considered in relation to environmental nuisance or as an occupational
hazard. The maximum allowable sound level (Law 4) is 90 decibels. Prolonged exposure to
noise above 80 decibels can result in permanent damage to hearing.

5.4 Sustaining and Developing Cleaner Production

The advantages gained by the implementation of CP options need to be monitored to ensure
that the new practices are followed by factory staff. This could be encouraged by the
establishment of reward and recognition schemes to ensure that employee interest and
motivation is maintained.
In order to identify new CP options this audit process should be carried out again after 1 year
or so. If possible the original Audit Team should be used in order to take advantage of their
newly acquired knowledge and skills in the identification and implementation of CP options.

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6.0 Cleaner Production Options identified through SEAM

The hierarchy of CP options ranges from simple housekeeping measures at the first level
followed by recycle - reuse of water and recovery of energy and chemicals eventually leading
to process modifications entailing chemical substitutions equipment modifications and changes
in the technology. Following are some of the recommended CP interventions made for the
factories audited during the SEAM Project.
nThe existing environmental management practices in several oil and soap factories are
given in Appendix 6.

6.1 Good Housekeeping Measures

There are numerous simple internal measures that can be taken in every plant to reduce its
wastage. All of these may be described as common sense practices; they are commonly
referred to as good housekeeping. Many of them involve the elimination of accidental spills
and major losses of costly raw materials. These can cause heavy pollution loads upset in the
treatment system and significantly degrade the appearance of the factory. For example batch
tanks that are filled manually can be equipped with a high-level alarm or more positive control
to prevent over-topping. Material losses resulting from filling mixing boiling or aerating of
tanks can be prevented by increasing the free board or adding splash plates at strategic points.
Good housekeeping measures can result in high savings of water energy raw materials and
finished products. These measures usually consist of extremely simple actions which can be
implemented with little or no capital expenditure. They can be implemented immediately and
reviewed as a part of a regular maintenance programme.
In many industries significant in-plant reduction of wastes can be accomplished by
improvement of clean-up techniques. The cleaning of equipment and work areas may be
carried out in continuous operation or it may be conducted batch wise on non-production
shift. Some units require cleaning very frequently or once per year. Whatever the cleaning
schedule and frequency the resulting wastes differ from the normal production wastes and
place an additional and different load on the discharge facilities.
Proper maintenance and repair of leaks whether occasional or regular (such as a leaking pump
gland) are obvious and can be important in combating both material losses and excessive
pollution loads. Other simple housekeeping programs can be devised by alert operators.
Increasing the drainage time of wet materials before moving the material to the next step will
prevent the transfer of liquids and spread of pollution problem.

6.1.1 Storage of Raw Materials

Incoming seeds should be stored out of the sun in a secure clean area preferably off the
ground as seeds left in the sun will heat up rapidly increasing the levels of fatty acids which
will in turn increase the acidity of the extracted crude oil. The heat will also convert proteins
and carbohydrates into fat soluble compounds resulting in a strong colour in the crude oil
which is difficult to eliminate. Specific recommendations for seed and raw materials storage
nSeeds and other raw materials should be delivered in suitable sacks and stored out of the
sun. In several factories seeds were often delivered in plastic bags which weakened and
then ruptured when left in direct sunlight for too long. This then resulted in seeds spilling
out of the sacks and across the storage area. Windblown materials also increased the
dustiness in the immediate area covering buildings clogging machinery and making
working conditions uncomfortable. In one factory poor storage of incoming seeds resulted
in losses of 3% corresponding to annual seed losses of over LE1000000. In this factory,

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it was calculated that these losses could be eliminated by an investment of LE200000 in a

simple storage shed.
n Seeds should be stored off the ground preferably on palettes. Seeds stored on the ground
and in the open are susceptible to physical damage by passing vehicles and personnel.
They can become easily contaminated by dirt stones solid and liquid wastes. They are also
vulnerable to infestation and consumption by insects rodents and other animals. In one
factory physical damage by careless storage and transfer to process units caused annual
losses valued at LE250000.

6.1.2 Material Handling and Usage

n Crude oil delivery to the factory should be carefully monitored and controlled to ensure
that unloading is complete and spillages kept to a minimum. This would require little or no
capital investment. In one of the audited factories annual losses of crude oil during
delivery were calculated as being LE300000. These generally occurred once the oil had
been delivered; the emptied vehicles would move around the delivery area with their
discharge valves open allowing the residual oil to escape.
n Prevent spillage of oils and fats by improving procedural instructions. In one factory oil
losses during loading and unloading of batch reactors totalled 1% corresponding to
approximately 100 tons per year. The recommendation made was to better control loading
and unloading operations by improving operational instructions and by training the
operators. This required no capital investment and resulted in annual savings of around
LE200000 (assuming 100% efficiency).
n Most of the factories audited had soap processing units. In all of these it is possible to
reduce the soap dust losses to a minimum by applying the following actions:
1. Periodical discharge of the powder precipitator after each shift.
2. Changing the rubber gasket in the powder precipitator regularly to reduce the leakage.
3. Recovery of soap dust from the floor using a vacuum cleaner.
4. Discharge the contents of the powder precipitator directly to the powder soap unit by
mechanical rather than manual means.
6.1.3 General Issues
n Avoid wasting packaging materials.
n Recycle or reuse empty containers (to prevent the generation of solid wastes).
n In the majority of the factories audited significant spillages had occurred in the mazot
delivery and storage area. Supervision of delivery to reduce these spillages would have
little or no capital cost; in one factory annual savings of more than LE23000 could be
n Install bunds around all storage tanks. If any leakage occurs the material can be recovered
and will be prevented from either entering the sewer which will increase the organic load of
the effluent; or fouling the surrounding area.
n Clean the floors regularly especially in areas where slippery surfaces can develop (e.g.
soap production unit and oil refining unit). In one of the factories audited this was the
cause of the majority of accidents three of which were very serious. In another of the
factories non-slip tiles were installed as a part of routine maintenance to further minimise
the risk of slips.
n Regularly inspect all storage tan pipes and connections to identify leaks as soon as
possible. This can be formally carried out as a part of a routine inspection and maintenance
n Regular cleaning of grease traps should be carried out to ensure that they are operating

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n Wherever possible dry cleaning and removal of solids should be carried out before wet
cleaning. This will allow spilt products (e.g. soap) to be recovered and will also minimise
the strength of the final effluent.
Raw materials can also be conserved by:
n Identifying how they interact with processes substrates and other chemicals.
n Determining their environmental effects proper handling and emergency procedures.
n Adopting a system that allows mislabelled drums to be quickly identified to reduce the
likelihood of the wrong chemicals being used.
Staff training concerning the causes and effects of pollution along with how it can be
effectively eliminated will increase awareness and help to eliminate a significant number of
these problems.

6.2 Energy Conservation Measures

Energy use in the oil and soap industry varies from process to process in both amount and the
sources of energy used. Electricity is used for motors and pumps to drive machinery and
pump liquids whilst gas and fuel oils are used to generate steam. Actions that can be taken
n Implementation of suitable preventative maintenance programmes.
n Regular boiler tuning and maintenance should be carried out to remove scale and any
unburned materials. This will improve combustion efficiency and consequently reduce
fuel consumption. In one of the audited factories an initial investment of LE20000 gave
annual savings of LE225000. FEI data indicates that as scale increases fuel consumption
also increases:
Thickness of scale Increase in mazot
1.5 15
3.0 20
6.0 39

n Proper insulation of steam pipes.

n Repair of broken and steam pipes and connections. In one factory losses of around 10%
were observed. Elimination of these resulted in annual savings of LE222000 for little or no
capital investment.
n Heat recovery from boiler blowdown water.
n Installation of steam flow meters for each processing department.

At another factory upgrading of the existing steam network was carried out. This included
rehabilitation of steam lines boiler tuning and improved treatment of boiler feedwater recycling of
steam condensate replacement of faulty/broken valves replacement or repair of steam traps and
pipes and the insulation of hot water and steam pipes. As a result of these actions steam
consumption has been reduced by 1800 tons of steam per month and one boiler was taken off
line. This resulted in annual savings of over LE550000 for a capital investment of LE30000
(see Waste Minimisation at Sila Edible Oil Co. Fayoum Appendix 7).Other actions including
some equipment modifications are also recommended. Typical modifications for energy
conservation include:

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n Water treatment to control the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

n Optimising boiler efficiency by controlling draft (implementation of damper and fuel firing
n Optimisation of the burner.
n Avoidance of space heating.
n Where practicable substitute natural gas for solar and mazot.

6.3 Water Conservation Measures

Water is widely used in the oil and soap industry for processes ranging from generating steam
to the washing of oil. The largest sources of wastage are from excess use of water within these
processes and disposal of relatively clean water without reuse. This section describes water
conservation opportunities that were identified in 11 Egyptian oil and soap factories and
suggests where further savings could be made.

6.3.1 Flow Reduction

Consideration should be given to reduce the total flow. This can be accomplished by the use
of high-pressure low-volume jet or spray streams for washing. The amount of pollution in the
waterborne waste can be reduced by preliminary dry cleaning operations. Moreover the
characteristics of the waste can be improved by changing the cleaning agents used.
Flow reduction aims to optimise the volume of water used in production processes to
minimise wastewater effluent volume. The industrial audits identified numerous opportunities
for flow reduction in all factories:
n Install self-closing taps and water meters to control water consumption. In one of the
factories audited this reduced the capacity of the required wastewater treatment plant from
600m3/hour to 30m3/hour. This was achieved at a cost of LE40000 for 10 water meters
(various diameters) and 20 self-closing taps. Other benefits included a reduction in water
consumption of 1200m3 per day resulting in annual savings of LE36000 (based on the costs
of pumping and treating groundwater) and a reduction in the capital costs required for
constructing the wastewater treatment plant.
n Unnecessarily high levels of water consumption resulting from leaks broken or missing
valves hoses left running.
n Provide water to the equipment only when required (i.e. do not allow water to flow
continuously to equipment whether or not it is being used).
n Use automatic shutoffs / flow limits where possible. Highest priority should be given to
those units where hot and/or chemically treated water is being lost.
The installation of water flow meters will also allow of departments which have excessively
high water consumption levels to be identified. These can then be individually investigated to
see what specific actions are required to reduce consumption.
A regular maintenance programme which identifies and actions such losses will ensure that
these losses do not develop in the future.

6.3.2 Water Recovery and Reuse

In many factories water is used once and then disposed even when little or no contamination
has occurred. Water that is particularly suitable for reuse includes cooling water and
n Cooling water should be recycled rather than disposed.At one factory four cooling towers
were already in place and only needed some new packing materials for them to be
operational. For an initial investment of LE1000 in each cooling tower annual savings of

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LE13000 in terms of reduced water consumption alone were calculated. In another factory
recycling the cooling water from the soap plant to a chiller rather than disposing of it to the
sewer would save around 1975m3 per day. Initial calculations showed that for a capital
investment of LE10000 annual savings of around LE135000 could be achieved.
n In the oil refining process washwater from the second stage can be recycled and reused in
the first washing step. It can also be used to prepare the caustic soda solution required for
n An evaporative cooling system is preferable to open cooling circuits. This can reduce
water consumption by 85% as well as reducing the volume of the final effluent.
n Steam condensate can be recycled to save both energy and minimise the consumption of
demineralised water. An assessment of one factory showed that for an initial investment of
LE96000 annual savings totalling LE425000 could be realised. Actions required included
repairing and upgrading the existing system requiring the insulating of the condensate
return pipes as well as installing and insulating components such as steam traps and water

6.4 Process Specific Options

Process specific CP options can be broadly categorised into in-plant measures and prevention
measures. In-plant measures include optimisation of processes to save energy water and
chemicals; recovery of chemicals and energy and reuse of water. Prevention measures involve
the selection of raw materials and chemicals by considering their utility and environmental
impact (quality requirements); limiting the use of a substance when there is no alternative
readily available or is economically not feasible and phasing out the use of hazardous or
dangerous substances.
n Optimise feeding rate of flaked seeds to the extractor. This will result in an increased
extraction efficiency reduce spillages and hexane losses. However this will need a skilled
operator to ensure that optimum conditions are maintained.
n Reuse of Fines from Preparation Unit. In one of the factories audited it was noted that the
plant was originally designed to recycle sunflower seed fines totalling approximately 40
ton/day back to the expeller (in the seed preparation stage). This step was modified to direct
these fines immediately to the extraction plant therefore allowing a higher throughput of
fresh seed in the expeller. As a result of applying this modification the crushing capacity
was increased by 40 ton of sunflower seeds per day the crush margin considered to be
40LE/ton. Sunflower seeds are available for 3 months of the year and hence the additional
yearly income is equivalent to LE120000 with an implementation cost of LE10000.
n Proper maintenance of hexane sensor. This will allow the extraction process to be
carefully controlled and to reduce hexane losses through over consumption.
n Modification of solvent spray nozzles (fan flat type). This will improve extraction and
optimise hexane consumption. At one factory it was calculated that this would cost
LE10000 to implement generating annual savings of LE10000.
n Use of Caustic Soda Solution. In most of the factories audited solid caustic soda was
usually used for neutralisation. In one factory this was substituted with a caustic soda
solution at a much lower cost: LE2100/ton as against LE1000/ton. As a result daily
neutralisation costs dropped by 47% equivalent to savings of 6.5 LE/ton of crude oil. This
improvement was achieved at no cost (to the extent that all necessary modifications were
made using available equipment) and resulted in annual savings of LE250000. Other
benefits of this intervention included reduced losses of caustic soda during transfer to the
neutralisation process; reduced levels of corrosion; improved soapstock quality and better
working conditions.

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nInstallation of a mechanical skimmer on hot wells to recover short-chain fatty acids.

Demulsifying chemicals may also be added to achieve a pH of 8-9 so that oil droplets will
not be deposited in the water nozzles of the cooling towers. The estimated initial cost of
skimmer installation is LE2000. Thus the benefits of this action include the recovery of
fatty acids and an overall improvement of cooling towers performance and reduced
maintenance needs.
nUpgrading oil refining by introducing centrifuges for efficient gum separation. This
recommendation is particularly suitable for old factories that suffer from inefficient or non-
existent degumming facilities. Poor degumming can increase the amount of oil lost in
mucilage which reached about 0.2 % of total produced oil in some cases. The capital cost
of implementing this action is relatively low as it only involves installation of a centrifuge
pumps and piping network. The financial benefits are usually high and pay back period in
the order of a few months.
nA cleaner technology for oil refining by chemical methods is the miscella refining
technique. In this technology the crude oil is mixed with hexane (50% concentration) and
then the caustic soda is added as usual. The separation of the mucilage from the refined oil
in solvent occurs much more efficiently as the viscosity and specific gravity of the mixture
is lower than the crude oil and also lower than the mucilage. The oil losses during
chemical refining are therefore lower and the power consumed in mixing and pumping the
oil-solvent mixture is less. Besides the advantage of lower oil losses during the caustic
refining and less power consumed in mixing and pumping the technology of miscella
refining has also the advantage of producing an oil of superior bleach colour than that is
obtained by conventional refining techniques. However this technology has the following

⇒ All equipment has to be tightly closed and explosion proof which adds to the cost.

⇒ High maintenance levels of equipment are required to avoid solvent losses.

⇒ Refining has to be carried out in the solvent mill.

⇒ Miscella has to be concentrated to about 50% oil before being refined which requires a
two stage solvent removal process.
nCollection and recycling of oil spilt in the packaging unit. In most of the factories visited
spillage and consequent loss of the edible oil was common. In one of these factories a
system was installed to recover edible oil from accidental spillages in the bottling
department. Originally the oil fell directly to the floor where it was washed to drain. The
system was modified so that the oil was immediately collected in troughs and then pumped
to a collection tank where the oil was recycled to the refinery for reprocessing.
Approximately 1.16 tons of edible oil are recovered on a monthly basis. This was achieved
for a capital Cost of LE2500 generating annual savings of LE35000 (recovered oil only).
nAccurate adjustment of temperature and pressure in the glycerine distillation unit to prevent
polymer formation. Distillation of crude glycerine should take place under reduced pressure
(6-12 mm Hg absolute) in a current of steam at a temperature ranging between 157 to 160 °C.
If these conditions are not maintained accurately the temperature of thermal decomposition at
this pressure could be less than the boiling of the solution in the distillation unit. The result of
such bad operating conditions is production of a polymeric residue that if discharged to
wastewater streams represents a shock pollution load. Therefore accurate adjustment of
distillation conditions is a very important pollution prevention measure.
nFeeding hot spent lye to a saponification unit (resaponification of hot spent lye). Inefficient
separation of soap from the spent lye discharged from saponification kettles (batch

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saponification process) results in high soap content in the spent lye. This usually causes over
flow of foam to the floor of the unit which is usually washed down causing foaming
problems in wastewater. The recommended solution is feeding hot spent lye (at 105°C) to a
saponification unit. A determined amount of free fatty acids based on the residual caustic
soda in the spent lye can be added. The remaining glycerine water mixture will then be
almost free from foams.
nAny wasted soap should be recovered and recirculated to the saponification unit through
a closed loop operation system.
nA direct pipeline between a batch saponification unit and glycerine production unit
should be installed. This will prevent significant spills and loss of material.
nIn the soap production plant pipelines carrying molten soap should be steam jacketed. If
pipelines are not adequately protected and a power cut occurs the soap will cool rapidly
solidifying and clogging the whole system. The plant will then be unable to operate until
the system is cleaned out. In one of the factories audited a capital investment of LE600 was
all that was required to insulate the pipeline which would keep the soap hot for long
enough to allow it to be completely pumped out . This resulted in annual savings of
LE2400 in terms of soap alone - lost revenue due to down time will significantly increase
this value. Some manufacturers tackle this problem by blowing steam to soap deposits and
collecting these deposits in a simple tank although the soap quality will be poor. To avoid
soap deposits building up in this collection tank thus reducing its capacity a steam-jacketed
tank should be used.
nHigh levels of soap dust were commonly observed in soap preparation units. This results
in a thick coating of dust on all surfaces clogging of moving parts and unpleasant working
conditions. In one factory the soap powder recovered from the cyclone was dumped on
the floor and manually transferred back to the main process rather than being recycled in a
closed mechanical system.
nReduction of pollution load discharged from a saponification unit. In an attempt to
reduce the organic load discharged from the saponification process wash water discharged
after completion of the saponification process was collected in an empty pan. Sufficient
fats were added to the pan in order to neutralise the caustic soda The residue was then
boiled using steam and allowed to settle. The incompletely saponified product was been
returned to the first pan to complete saponification. This allowed recovery of fats and
caustic soda and decreased the strength of wastewater significantly.
nRecovery of Fodder Ingredients. Animal fodder production unit tend to be characterised
by heavy dust emissions caused during the loading and unloading of the raw materials.
This results in the loss of valuable raw materials as well as clogging machinery and
generating unpleasant working conditions. In one factory LE127600 was invested in the
installation of a cyclone vacuum system which recovered the ingredients and transferred
them directly to the raw material intake system. Annual savings of LE107520 were
nInjectionof a neutralising amine at high pressure into the steam pipeline just after the
boiler. This avoids pipe corrosion by condensate which may become acidic by absorbing
atmospheric carbon dioxide.
nIn addition to process optimisation the assessment of the performance of existing
equipment and possible modifications to improve efficiency will need to be considered.
These following modifications are most likely to be required:

⇒ Installation of varying speed mixer in batch neutraliser to avoid excessive insulation.

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⇒ To replace solvent spray shower (perforated) by fishtail fan flat type to get uniform
and effective extraction.

6.5 Optimising Process Chemical Use

nBy careful control of the use of bleaching earth one factory reduced consumption from
8kg per ton to 5kg per ton. This generated annual savings of over LE81000.
nRefined bleached and deodorised (RBD) palm oil used to produce shortening should be
physically rather than chemically refined. In several factories the fatty acids were removed
chemically (through alkali neutralisation). As RBD palm oil usually has a very low acidity
this step is unnecessary - any excess acidity which develops during storage can be
efficiently removed by deodorisation alone. In this way palm oil losses will be minimised
the organic load of the final effluent reduced caustic soda and bleaching earth consumption
minimised. This action can be implemented at no cost with annual savings at one factory
totalling LE460000.
nHexane consumption can be optimised by ensuring that cotton seeds are properly
delinted. In a well-operated unit 8kg hexane can be used to process 1 ton of cotton seeds.
The volume of hexane required will increase as the amount of lint present increases. In
one factory hexane loss in cotton seed oil extraction was around 16kg per ton of seed.
Although the plant was quite old (around 15 years) it was calculated that of this the lack of
a delinting stage was accounting for 5kg of the additional hexane requirements. This
corresponded to an annual increase in costs of LE76000.
nThe optimum amount of sodium hydroxide should be determined in the removal of fatty
acids from the crude oil. Too much sodium hydroxide makes the oil start to migrate to the
soap fraction giving them an undesirable fatty texture as well as losing the more valuable
oil. In a number of the factories audited overdosing with sodium hydroxide was common.

6.6 Materials Substitution

To enable implementation of chemical substitution an inventory and quality control of the
chemicals being procured is necessary. The protocol for incoming chemical quality control
may consist of the following steps:
nmarking the container with the date it was opened;
ncomparing data with previous history and vendors standard values;
nentering data on a control chart for display;
nmaintaining records;
nreviewing data with the vendor;.
nchecking whether the chemicals are listed as priority pollutants;
ndesignating a materials storage area limiting traffic through the area and giving one person
the responsibility to maintain and distribute materials can also reduce materials use and
contamination and dispersal of materials.
npurchase raw materials in returnable containers.

6.7 Recovery of By-Products and Wastes

6.7.1 Process Units
nIn the seed cleaning unit lint can be collected from the cyclones and sold as a low grade
lint for LE200/ton.
nLint can also be collected from the delinting unit itself pressed packed and sold for
LE350/ton. In one of the factories audited this generated an annual income of LE6000.

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nRecovery of Broken Seeds. Seeds delivered to oil and soap factories are sieved to
remove stones and gravel (which are disposed as waste) and hulls and broken seeds
(constituting around 1% by volume and containing 25% oil). In most factories audited these
were collected and sold for LE100 as animal feed. Alternatively the process can be
modified so that these are collected and transferred to the preparation unit where they are
further processed. In one factory all that was required was the installation of a screw
conveyor from the sieving and screening area to the seed preparation unit. As a result an
extra 78 tons of oil and 595 tons of meal are produced annually valued at LE463250 for a
capital investment of LE9000.
nLecithin can be recovered from gums produced in the degumming unit and sold to the
food industry as an emulsifier for LE3800. In one factory 100 tons of gum was produced
annually from which about 80 tons of lecithin could be recovered generating a revenue of
around LE304000. In a second factory 22.3 tons of lecithin was produced annually
generating an annual income of LE84700. In one factory which did not have a lecithin
recovery unit gums from soybean processing were sold for lecithin recovery for LE700/ton
generating an annual revenue of LE175000.
nUtilisation of spent earth as a fuel (having a calorific value of around 14MJ/kg). In one
factory the spent earth is supplied free of charge to nearby homes use in for domestic
nUtilisation of spent earth as soil conditioner. This use is still being researched the
feasibility of utilising spent earth to improve sandy soils for agricultural use will be
investigated. Physical and chemical properties of spent earth need to be analysed and its
effect on sandy soil will be investigated after biological composting. If proven feasible
using spent earth in soil conditioning can significantly reduce solid waste problems in the
industry and reduce environmental risks of spent earth storage and disposal.
nVolatile Fatty Acids (VFA) escaping from the deodorisation columns will accumulate on
the surface of the hot well. This can be skimmed off manually and used as an animal
fodder constituent.
nDeodorisation distillate (fatty acids) can be collected and sold to soap factories for
manufacturing third grade soap. In one factory distillate from the oil deodorisation process
was sold for LE900/ton giving an annual revenue of LE135000. The same factory also sold
deodorisation distillate from the shortening unit for LE1200/ton generating an annual
income of LE126000.
nThe deodorisation distillate is usually considered to be a waste. It contains odoriferous
volatile substances tocopherol and free acids (it is especially rich in free acids when the
deodoriser is used as a physical refining unit as well as a deodorisation unit as is the case
with palm oil processing). This waste can be utilised to obtain two components which are
economically valuable:
⇒ Tocopherol (vitamin E) is used as a natural antioxidant for edible oils and their products
⇒ Distilled free acids are used in the soap and food industries. Processing of this waste to
recover utilisable products also reduces the final pollution load.
nDuring the hydrogen production process (hydrogen being used in the hydrogenation of
oils) oxygen is generated as a by-product. If generated in sufficient quantities this can be
recovered and compressed for use in the medical sector where it is valued at LE1.7/m3.
nThe semi-solid waste generated in the distillation tower in the fatty acid splitting unit and
in the glycerine concentration plant may be suitable for use as a waterproofing or paving
material. At one of the factories audited this pitch-like material is collected from the
glycerine concentration plant stored in barrels and sold annually for LE1000 rather than
being disposed as a solid waste.

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nIn the glycerine concentration unit the salt that is generated by the process can be recovered
and reused in the soap plant. In one factory 600kg of salt were generated daily - if managed
correctly this would fulfil all the salt needs of the soap plant and no additional purchases
would be required. This would generate annual savings of LE10000.
nIn one of the factories audited glycerine residues from the glycerine concentration plant are
recycled to the soap plant rather than being lost to the wastewater during cleaning.
nSolid aluminium soap is formed in the glycerine unit as a result of treating the glycerine
water with aluminium sulphate. This is usually treated as a solid waste and disposed off-site.
However this can be recovered and sold as a metallic soap. The aluminium soap could also
be treated with caustic soda to produce aluminium hydroxide.
nImproving handling of deoiled seeds by minimising losses. Deoiled seed cake has an
estimated price of LE250/ton as it is an important ingredient in animal fodder production.
Estimated annual seed losses due to bad control of handling and feeding systems have
reached 1000 tonnes in some cases. In one factory the provision of forklift truck equipped
with suitable platform for proper handling of seed bags was recommended to overcome this.
It was estimated that this would cost LE200000 ultimately saving LE250000 L.E per year
(assuming 100% efficiency of the system) and reducing many wastage problems.
nRecovery of soap stock from wastewater. Although such wastewater may be low in
volume its organic strength is usually significantly high. By segregating this wastewater
stream and then filtering it a BOD load of 73000 mg/l can been reduced by 50%. The semi-
solid filtrate (fatty matter) is then collected and reused in the process.

6.7.2 Packaging Wastes

nOffcuts and scraps from the manufacture of cans can be pressed and sold to a metal
processing factory. Scrap steel is valued at around LE2000 per ton and tin LE400 per ton. At
one factory 10 tons of scrap tin was generated and sold for LE4000.
nDamaged plastic bottles and cartons can be collected and sold for recycling. In one factory
1500 tons of polyethylene (PE) are collected and sold for LE400 per ton generating an annual
revenue of LE600000.

6.7.3 General
nConstruction of oil and grease traps at the outlet of each process unit to recover fats and
minimise the strength of the final effluent. This should be collected on a regular basis and
either processed on site or sold to soap producing factories. The amount of oil and fatty
matter that was wasted in wastewater and which could be recovered by simple gravity means
reached 600 tons/year in some cases. The capital cost involved in fitting efficient gravity oil
separators is relatively high (about LE100000 per separator) but the benefits are usually high
with a pay back period of less than a year.
nRecovery of fatty matter from the refinery effluent. Fat can be manually collected from the
refinery effluent by scraper acidulated and then split. The wastewater can then be treated or
disposed and the fatty matter transferred to soapstock storage tanks. The benefits of this
intervention are the recovery of product and reduced strength of wastewater. In one of the
factories where this was implemented an additional 29 tons/year of soapstock was recovered
valued at LE500/ton. For a capital investment of LE 5000 annual savings of LE 14500 were
nCopper welding electrode residues and copper wires can be collected and sold to copper
processing factories for LE8000 per ton.
nWastewater Segregation. Wastewater produced by oil and soap factories includes process
effluents domestic sewage boiler blowdown cooling tower blowdown and steam condensate.
Of these process effluents have the highest organic loads the effluent coming from the
refinery being particularly strong; with typical BOD values exceeding 3000 mg/l.

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The blowdown and condensate are usually low in terms of organic pollution but high in
volume. In general process effluents blowdown and condensate are combined and disposed
generating a high volume organically polluted wastewater. An alternative to combining these
wastewater streams is to segregate them. The cooling and condensate water is of a suitably
high quality to use for land reclamation activities within the factory such as watering lawns
and trees. The heavily contaminated process effluents alone can then be sent straight to the
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) thus reducing the required capacity of the WWTP (see
section 6.10).
nIn one factory the effluent disposal costs were reduced by LE18000/year for no additional
cost (existing structures used). This was also recorded in another factory where the
combined effluent was 420-650m3/hour of which process effluent was only 20-30m3/hour.
Segregation of the heavily polluted wastewater from this reduced the required WWTP
capacity resulting in capital expenditure savings of LE680000.

6.8 Technology Change and Modification

Modification of existing processes/equipment or the purchase and installation of new
equipment may be considered to reduce the consumption of process chemicals energy and
water. As a result of work carried out in the SEAM Project the options outlined in the
following sections are particularly suitable for Egyptian oil and soap factories.

6.8.1 Use of Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers should be used particularly since reduction in water use means an increase in
effluent temperature. The oil and soap industry also needs to practice heat recovery to avoid
thermal shock to treatment plants caused by hot wastewater effluent.

6.8.2 Solar Energy

Use of solar energy as an alternative for the conventional energy is a promising approach for
reducing energy consumption needed for heating process water.

6.9 Adoption of Worker Training Programmes

As an essential part of any Cleaner Production programme at any level for any firm a worker
training and awareness programme is essential. Although management commitment is equally
important without staff involvement and their sense of need then the gains made by Cleaner
Production will be minimised. Without worker training involvement and a sense of ownership
the Cleaner Production programme will be difficult to sustain in the longer term.
There are many different types of worker training programmes available. These depend
heavily on the needs of the organisation its size and management structure. When Cleaner
Production awareness does not exist or is relatively low a programme which introduces the
general concepts would be most appropriate. Any such training should also assist factories to
identify individuals and build up teams who would take the concept forward. Thus Cleaner
Production can be used as a management tool for change as well as involving the workforce.

6.10 End of Pipe Treatment

This is not a Cleaner Production option but is often required to bring the final effluent up to a
standard that complies with wastewater discharge legislation. Ideally this should only be
considered once the volume and strength of the final effluent have been reduced as much as
possible. In Sila Edible Oil Company in Fayoum a large number of low-cost interventions
were implemented (see Appendix 7) which reduced wastewater volume and load such that the
capacity of the wastewater treatment plant could be reduced by 66%. This resulted in capital
savings of more than LE950200 as well as the annual savings of over LE1million that were
made as a result of implementing the low-cost interventions.

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Current research and experience suggests that one or more of the following steps will be
needed to effectively treat from an oil and soap factory:
nDissolved air floatation is an efficient method of oil and fat removal.
nActivated sludge process is efficient in reducing the organic load of effluent down to
allowed levels.
nActivated sludge should be used after physico-chemical separation.
nUse of coagulants can improve the efficiency of dissolved air floatation process.
nIn a study comparing plain floatation dissolved air floatation and dissolved air floatation
aided by coagulants oil removal efficiencies was 50% 60% and 94% respectively.

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7.0 Cleaner Production Demonstration Projects

7.1 The SEAM Project Approach
The approach for the SEAM Project was evolved based on an analysis of the oil and soap sector
in Egypt which showed that:
nThe sector is characterised by absence of modern process technology;
nThere is a lack of technical skills in processing techniques specific to CP;
nThere is limited expertise for CP promotion as well as to provide CP solutions;
nTechnical support in the form of guidance manuals is not available.

7.2 The Aim of Implementing Demonstration Projects

The main goal of the Cleaner Production demonstration projects is to show that significant
financial savings and environmental improvements can be made by relatively low-cost and
straightforward interventions. These consist of pollution prevention through good
housekeeping waste minimisation process modification and technology changes. This approach
has two benefits - valuable materials are recovered rather than being wasted and factories are
moved towards legislative compliance.
As these interventions will reduce both the volume and the strength of the final effluent the
size and capacity of a new wastewater treatment plant will be minimised. This will result in
reduced capital operating and maintenance costs.
In the SEAM project a structured methodology was adopted in co-operation with the EEAA.
Such a structured approach resulted in a success both in terms of results as well as cost-effective
utilisation of the resources. Demonstration projects in many ways help in providing ideas for
further innovations confidence to replicate and when promoted can cast a considerable impact in
the sector. The demonstration projects completed in the SEAM project are expected to lead to
such multiplier factor. In many ways therefore SEAM can become a model for the promotion of
the demonstration projects under the National Industrial Pollution Prevention Programme.

7.3 Identification of Demonstration Projects

It was important that the demonstration projects implemented addressed commonly occurring
problems in Egyptian factories. This was achieved as follows:
Selection of factories - A sample of 11 factories were identified that represented the range of oil
and soap factories present in Egypt.
Industrial audits were carried out in each of these factories (the methodology developed for this
is described in Chapter 5.0 Identifying Cleaner Production Opportunities) and an industrial audit
report produced. This reviewed the manufacturing process with respect to optimal use (and
reuse) of resources improved housekeeping more optimal process operation etc. In some cases
particularly in the old factories in Egypt even the basic manufacturing process had to be
examined in terms of possible substitution of raw materials equipment redesign or by identifying
entirely different new manufacturing processes.
Longlisting Potential Demonstration Projects - Each audit report was reviewed to identify those
problems which were common throughout the sector. At this stage some of the options which
were not true CP options were discarded.
Shortlisting Potential Demonstration Projects - The longlist of projects identified through the
industrial audited were then short-listed using the criteria shown in Table 7.1. These criteria

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reviewed each option in more detail to see which met SEAM Project objectives particularly with
regard to compliance with existing laws replicability and sustainability. Factory commitment to
the CP approach was also required and was assessed in terms of how many of the no cost
options had been implemented by the factory.
Table 7.1 Criteria used to Shortlist the Demonstration Projects

Criterion Yes No

Does the project comply with Egyptian laws (i.e. not in known violation of existing laws)?
Does the project comply with the DFID (ODA)/SEAM funding policy?
Does the project result in economic benefits with a relatively short payback period?
Does the Project demonstrate the benefits of waste minimisation and/or CP principles?
Have any low cost measures identified in the audit been implemented?
High Priority
Is internal or external parallel funding (possibly in kind) available?
Does the Project involve relatively low initial capital expenditure?
Is the Project consistent with the priorities set by the NEAP/GEAP/NIPPP?
Does the Project assure/assist in compliance with the Environmental Laws?
Is the technology appropriate to local conditions?
Does the Company possess appropriate levels of technical skills and resources to
implement and maintain improvements?
Does the management show good awareness of environmental issues and willingness to
implement good environmental practices including pollution control at source?
Are managerial and structural barriers to change absent or removable?
Is management willing to commit staff resources to the on-going process of internal auditing
and improvements for pollution control?
Is environmental management likely to be integrated in the existing structure?
Are there significant opportunities to replicate the Project?
Project Design and Implementation
Can the Project be completed and evaluated in less than 12 months?
Can any necessary approvals/licenses be obtained within 2 months?
Medium Priority
Will organic loads chemical or toxic components be reduced/ eliminated?
Can the Project be implemented without significant interruption to process schedules?
Can the Project be implemented without training of operators or maintenance personnel?
Does the management effectively communicate policy changes within the company?
Can the equipment be obtained/manufactured locally?
Will the health and safety of the workers be improved?
Does the project avoid negative effects on the community?
Low Priority
Will on-site improvements lead to an improvement in the external environment* ?
Will the project result in a variety of internal environmental improvements?
* Such as water quality air quality health noise transmission land contamination etc.

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7.4 Selection of Factories for Demonstration Project Implementation

Demonstration projects had been carefully selected to address problems that were common
throughout the Egyptian oil and soap sector. The selection of factories as demonstration
project hosts had to be carried out with equal care to prove that the projects were widely
applicable throughout the sector regardless of factory age size or whether they were publicly or
privately owned.

7.5 Plants selected for Implementation

The demonstration projects identified and the factories where these were implemented are
shown in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Summary of Demonstration Project Implementation

Demonstration Project Location
Waste Minimisation Sila Edible Oil Company Fayoum
Oil and Fats Recovery Tanta Oil and Soap Company Tanta
Reduced Wastage through Improving Alexandria Oil and Soap Company
Raw Water Quality Kafr El-Sheikh

Based on the discussions in the preceding chapters the main elements of the demonstration
projects address the following issues:
nReuse and Recycling of in-plant materials.
nWater reuse through separation of cooling systems and appropriate physical separation.
nOptimisation of energy use through improved maintenance and process control.
nMinimisation of heavy organic loads via recovery of raw materials products and by-

7.6 Project Concept Notes (PCNs)

Project Concept Notes (PCNs) were developed for each of the demonstration projects which
nThe rationale and justification for carrying out the project.
nThe purpose outputs and replicability of each project and the various activities that would
be carried out to achieve these. This also incorporated an outline timebound workplan
which described how long each activity should take to complete.
nAn assessment of the costs associated with implementation including consultancy costs
equipment purchase and analytical expenses.
nEach PCN was then discussed and finalised with senior management and technical staff.
This then formed the basis for a formal Agreement (including a detailed Bill of Quantities)
between the SEAM Project and each of the factories which described the responsibilities
and financial contributions of each party.

7.7 Overview of Demonstration Projects

7.7.1 Waste Minimisation Sila Edible Oil Company Fayoum
A range of low-cost pollution prevention actions were identified during the audit and have
been implemented by the factory management. To date savings of LE1557110 have been made

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SEAM Project

for a capital investment of LE621300. A number of identified options were implemented

quickly and efficiently:
Good housekeeping measures:
nSteam trap modifications.
nRepair of leaking or broken valves.
nRepair of damaged water pipes.
nRepair of damaged steam pipes.
nCollection and recycling of spilt oil from the packaging unit.

Reduced water and energy consumption:

nRehabilitation of steam lines.
nBoiler tune-up and improved treatment of boiler feedwater.
nRecycling of steam condensate.
nReplacement of faulty/broken valves.
nReplacement or repair of steam traps or pipes.
nInsulation of hot water and steam pipes.
nRestoration of the softening unit to improve boiler performance and reduce blowdown.

Product recovery:
nReuse of fines from the Preparation Unit.
nRecovery of broken seeds.
nRecovery of fatty matter from the final effluent.

Material Substitution:
nUse of liquid rather than solid caustic soda.

By introducing these waste minimisation measures water consumption and the organic load of
the final wastewater was reduced such that the final wastewater treatment plant was downsized
by 66%. This downsizing resulted in capital savings of over LE950000; additional savings will
also result from reduced operating and maintenance costs.
The success of this project demonstrates the way barriers can be overcome by having a
champion on site especially when it demonstrates the commitment of management. This
project also shows that many aspects of management which are normally taken for granted
such as controlling overflows and spills are often overlooked until solutions are pointed out.
Management are then to eager to adopt necessary improvements.

7.7.2 Oil and Fats Recovery Tanta Oil and Soap Company Tanta
An industrial audit of the factory indicated that there were a number of low cost measures that
could be implemented to reduce pollution and minimise losses. A number of these have been
implemented by the factory - to date this has involved a total investment of LE621247 resulting
in annual savings of LE637020. By implementing these actions the hydraulic load and organic
load of the wastewater was reduced such that the required capital investment was reduced by
The actions carried out included:
nUpgrading of loading and unloading procedures. During the transfer of oil ghee and fatty
matter to and from the batch reactors and separators spillages often occurred. These losses
were eliminated by improving the existing procedural instructions and by improving their

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SEAM Project

nRecovery of oil ghee and fatty matter. Three gravity oil separators (GOS) units were
installed in the continuous refining unit the fatty acids splitting unit and the deodorisation
unit. This has resulted in the recovery of large volumes of oil and ghee.
nRecovery of animal fodder ingredients. The animal fodder unit used to generate large
volumes of dust particularly during the loading and unloading of the ingredients. This was
recovered by installing a cyclone vacuum system with the recovered material being
transferred directly to the intake system. As well as recovering valuable raw materials
working conditions were also improved.
nWater conservation. Large volumes of water were being wasted as cooling water was
being sent directly to the drain with the process effluents rather than being recycled and
reused in a closed circuit system. This was addressed by segregating these from one another
and sending the cooling water to the rehabilitated cooling towers. This also had the effect of
reducing the hydraulic load of the final effluent.
Introduction of these waste minimisation measures significantly reduced both the water
consumption and the organic load of the final wastewater. As a result the capital investment
required for the final wastewater treatment plant was reduced by LE500000. Additional
savings will also result from reduced operating and maintenance costs.

7.7.3 Reduced Wastage through Improving Raw Water Quality Alexandria Oil and Soap
Company Kafr El-Sheikh
Increasing salinity of the water abstracted from underground wells for use in processing and

was identified from the Meet Yazid canal.

An inlet chamber water pumps before and after the treatment unit sand filters water pipes and
fittings were installed at a cost of LE275000. Benefits that have resulted from the interventions
nImproved water quality for processing.
nReduced boiler blowdown volumes.
nReduced water treatment costs.
nReduced maintenance costs for plant equipment.
nReduced operating costs that had escalated to maintain water wells.
7.8 Outputs from the Demonstration Projects
Case studies were prepared for the for the following demonstration projects (reproduced in
Appendix 7):
nWaste Minimisation at Sila Edible Oil Co. Fayoum.
nOil and Fats Recovery Tanta Oil and Soap Co. Tanta.
nDissemination workshops to share the experiences of the demonstration projects were
organised at the management and senior management levels.
The actual implementation of the demonstration projects and the lessons learnt from the
implementation are presented and discussed in the next part of this report.

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