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Mata Kuliah : Speaking IV

Bobot Mata Kuliah : 3 SKS
Program Studi : Penididkan Bahasa Inggris
Semester : IV (Empat)
Dosen Pengampu : Nurul Fitri, S.S, M.Hum
Pertemua Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Materi Pengalaman Tagihan Jp Rujukan
n Belajar
1 1. to understand the concepts of 1. The basic concepts of Syllabus Discussion, - 3 x 50 Syllabus
studying Speaking IV studying Speaking IV Q&A
2. to understand the importance of 2. The importance of
this course Speaking IV
2 1. To understand how to inform Speaking to inform: Objects Informing about particular Lecturing, Individual Task 3 x 50 Lucas 301
things especially objects objects Discussion,
2. To be able to speak about one Q&A
particular objects
3 1. To understand how to informs Speaking to inform: 1. Arranging speech in a Lecturing, Individual Task 3 x 50
things especially in a form of Processes form of process Discussion,
process 2. Informing about Q&A
2. To be able to speak about processes
4 1. To understand how to inform Speaking to inform: Events 1. Defining particular Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
things especially event events Discussion,
2. To be able to speak about particular 2. Informing about Q&A
events events

5 1. To understand how to inform Speaking to inform: 1. Defining particular Lecturing, Individual Task 3 x 50
things especially concepts Concepts concepts Discussion,
2. To be able to speak about concepts 2. Informing about Q&A
6 1. To understand how to persuade Speaking to persuade: 1. Questioning the truth Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
people in questioning of fact Persuasive speeches on of falsity of an Discussion,
2. To be able to speak in persuading questions of fact assertion Q&A
people especially about fact 2. Organizing speech on
questions of fact
7 1. To understand how to persuade Speaking to persuade: 1. Questioning about Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50
people in questioning of value Persuasive speeches on the worth, rightness, Discussion,
2. To be able to speak in persuading questions of value morality and so forth Q&A
people especially about value of an idea or action
2. Organizing speech on
questions of value
8 1. To understand how to persuade Speaking to persuade: 1. Questioning about Lecturing, Individual Task 3 x 50
people in questioning of policy Persuasive speeches on whether spesific Discussion,
2. To be able speak in persuading questions of policy course of action Q&A
people especially about policy should or should not
be taken
2. Organizing speech on
questions of policy
10 1. To understand how to introduce Speaking on special Introducing main speaker Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50 Lucas 382
speakers to audience occasions: Introduction to audience Discussion,
2. To be able to speak in introducing Q&A
speakers to audience

11 1. To understand how to present Speaking on special Presenting someone a gift, Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50 Lucas 385
someone with public recognition occasions: Presentation an award, or some other Discussion,
2. To be able to speak about form of public recognition Q&A
presenting someone with public
12 1. To understand how to give a Speaking on special Giving thanks for a gift, Lecturing, Group Task 3x50 Lucas 386
thanks for public recognition occasions: Acceptance an award, or some other Discussion,
2. To be able to speak about giving form of public recognition Q&A
thanks for a public recognition
13 1. To understand how to present the Speaking in small groups: A speech presenting the Lecturing, Group Task 3x50 Lucas 407
findings, conclusions, or decisions Oral Report findings, conclusions, or Discussion,
of a small group decisions of a small group Q&A
2. To be able to speak about oral
report in a small group
14 1. To understand how to do Speaking in small groups: A public presentation in Lecturing, Group Task 3 x 50 Lucas 408
structured conversation Symposium which several people Discussion,
(symposium) present prepared speeches Q&A
on different aspects of the
same topic
15 1. To understand how to do Speaking in small groups: A structured conversation Lecturing, 3 x 50
structured conversation (panel Panel Discussion on a given topic among Discussion,
discussion) several people in front of Q&A

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