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Chronic Kidney Disease Is On The Rise: Abraham Haileamlak, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health

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Chronic Kidney Disease… Abraham H.


Chronic Kidney Disease is on the Rise
Abraham Haileamlak, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health
Because of the increasing noncommunicable independently associated with premature
diseases (NCDs) and other risk factors, the mortality (5-7). It is within the top 20 causes of
burden of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is death worldwide (1).
increasing worldwide. Chronic kidney disease In Ethiopia, as a consequence of post
affects approximately 10% of the world’s adult infectious glomerular conditions and with ever
population (1). Several conditions such as increasing NCDs like diabetes mellitus and
diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease and hypertension, the number of patients with CKD is
glomerulonephritis are known to cause Chronic increasing. However, the preparedness in
Renal Disease. In low-income countries, besides facilities, availability of supplies and the cost
the above known causes, glomerulonephritis and made RRT difficult.
interstitial nephritis are the cause for most cases Although renal replacement therapy
of chronic kidney disease because of the high (RRT) has been available for decades in high-
prevalence of infections. In Africa, Streptococcal income countries, it remained as luxury in many
infections, hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV are low and middle-income countries. In these
important causes of CKD (2). Despite these countries, most people with kidney failure have
conditions, which are known to induce CKD, the insufficient access to lifesaving dialysis and renal
etiology of CKD remains uncertain in most transplantation (8,9). Globally, less than half of
affected individuals, which deters research about those people requiring RRT have access to
how to prevent, mitigate, and cure CKD. treatment (9). The costs for treating CKD and its
Knowledge on the mechanisms leading to complications are unaffordable for governments
progressive loss of kidney function and its and individuals in many parts of the world.
complications is also inadequate. In low and middle-income countries, it is
Although CKD affects all age groups and therefore, imperative that the focus be turned to
sexes, it is more prevalent in aged individuals. It the prevention of known risk factors of CKD, and
is estimated that the worldwide prevalence to be the slowing of the progression of the early stages
23-36% in people aged ≥64 (3). It is a worldwide of CKD to end stage renal disease with its serious
public health problem and is associated with and costly complications. Besides preventing and
impaired quality of life and substantially reduced controlling NCDs, early detection and treatment
life expectancy at all ages. It is also associated of glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis
with excess risk for cardiovascular disease and could help to minimize the burden of CKD.
other conditions such as diabetes, infection, and While focusing on prevention, countries need to
cancer (4). work on establishment of renal replacement
The concern is that the greatest burden of therapy. A sufficient amount of time would also
CKD will be borne by low-income countries like need to elapse since an intermediate endpoint
sub-Saharan Africa, where there are usually scant such as CKD was prevented, before one would
resources available to deal with the problem (2). expect to see a reduction in subsequent
It has been generally accepted in the medical attributable deaths.
literature and the community that CKD is

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ejhs.v28i6.1
682 Ethiop J Health Sci. Vol. 28, No. 6 November 2018

Nations with emerging economies urgently need of death, cardiovascular events, and
comparative effectiveness research that leads to hospitalization. N Engl J Med, 2004;351:
solutions for early diagnosis and successful 1296–1305.
interventions. 7. Ruilope LM, Salvetti A, Jamerson K,
The current issue of the journal, the six Hansson L, Warnold I, et al. Renal function
regular issue for the year 2018, contains an and intensive lowering of blood pressure in
editorial, thirteen original articles, a review and a hypertensive participants of the hypertension
case report focusing on various topics. One of the optimal treatment (HOT) study. J Am Soc
original articles deals with chronic kidney disease Nephrol, 2001;12: 218–225.
in northwest Ethiopia. 8. Liyanage T, Ninomiya T, Jha V, et al.
I invite readers to read through these Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage
articles and appreciate or utilize the contents. I kidney disease: a systematic review. Lancet,
also urge readers to forward comments and 2015;385: 1975–82.
suggestions to the editor or the corresponding 9. Jha V, Garcia-Garcia G, Iseki K, et al.
authors. Chronic kidney disease: global dimension
and perspectives. Lancet, 2013; 382: 260-72.
1. GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and
Prevalence Collaborators. Global, regional,
and national incidence, prevalence, and years
lived with disability for 310 diseases and
injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for
the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
Lancet, 2016;388(10053):1545.
2. Barsoum RS. Chronic kidney disease in the
developing world. N Engl J Med,
3. Zhang QL, Rothenbacher D. Prevalence
of chronic kidney disease in population-
based studies: systematic review. BMC
Public Health, 2008;8: 117.
4. Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis
Consortium, Matsushita K, van der Velde M,
et al. Association of estimated glomerular
filtration rate and albuminuria with all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality: a collaborative
meta-analysis. Lancet, 2010; 375: 2073–81.
5. NKF. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for
chronic kidney disease: evaluation,
classification, and stratification. Am J Kidney
Dis, 2002;39: S1–266.
6. Go AS, Chertow GM, Fan D, McCulloch CE,
Hsu CY. Chronic kidney disease and the risks

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ejhs.v28i6.1

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