Digital Control Loop Design: Tutorial - April 2016
Digital Control Loop Design: Tutorial - April 2016
Digital Control Loop Design: Tutorial - April 2016
This SmartCtrl© Tutorial by Carlos III University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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SmartCtrl© 2009-2016 by Carlos III University of Madrid. GSEP Power Electronics Systems Group
The software SmartCtrl© described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or
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Digital Control Loop Design
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 3
2. Digital Control Design .............................................................................. 3
1. Introduction
The Digital control feature is only available in the SmartCtrl 2.1 Pro. The design
procedure begins with the design of the analog control loop. After that, the analog
regulator is translated into the digital domain taking into account several specific
parameters of the digital design.
The first step is to select the power converter and the type of control, i.e., the plant
to be controlled. In this case, it is a voltage mode controlled Buck converter (Figure
SmartCtrl is copyright ©2009-2012 by Carlos III University of Madrid, GSEP Power Electronics Systems Group, Spain
The second step is to introduce the data corresponding to the plant, sensor and
compensator. First, plant parameters are defined (Figure 2).
Sensor parameters are defined in the corresponding dialog box (Figure 3). When a
digital control loop is designed, only “Voltage Divider” sensor must be selected.
After selecting the regulator type (Type 3, Type 2 or PI), a new dialog box appears
(Figure 4). Modulator parameters are defined in this dialog box. Trailing edge unity
gain modulator is selected for this case (Vp=1, Vv=0, tr=10us).
The third step is to select the requirements of the control loop, i.e., to define the
required cross over frequency of the open loop transfer function fc and the phase
margin PM. In SmartCtrl the user can select graphically a solution inside the stable
design space, called Solution Map (Figure 5), which defines the set of (fc, PM)
resulting in a stable design. In this case, the selected cross over frequency is fc=4.5
kHz, and the selected phase margin is PM=50º.
The analog loop is already designed (Figure 6). The Bode plot and Nyquist plot can
be used to analyze the stability, and the transient plot can be used to check the time
domain performance. Once the analog regulator has been determined, the digital
control capability of SmartCtrl 2.0 can be used to calculate the digital regulator. The
procedure implemented in the Digital Control Module (Version 1.0) consist on
converting the analog design in a digital regulator by means of discretization
(bilinear transformation) of the analog regulator, taking into account some
additional aspects of digital control.
The fourth step is to find the digital regulator, which can be calculated only after
completing the design steps of an analog regulator. In the icon bar, the user can find
the icon (Figure 7) to open the Digital settings dialog box. It can also be opened
trough the menu ”Design->Digital Control”.
The digital settings box appears, asking for the specific digital parameters (Figure 9):
sampling frequency, bits number and accumulated delay. The sampling frequency
is often the same as the switching frequency, but it can be different. Note that the
sampling frequency must be a multiple or submultiple of the switching frequency.
The bits number is related with the rounding of coefficients of digital compensator.
Depending on each case, a different number of bits can be enough to obtain a digital
regulator similar to analog regulator, as it will be detailed later. Note that bits
number is referred only to the regulator coefficients calculation.
Output voltage
Sampling instants (controlled quantity)
TS=sampling period
PWM ramp
TSW=switching period
Actual control
Duty cycle pulse updating
Accumulated delay
tPWM = delay of modulator
Figure 8. Time diagram to represent the time delays considered in the digital
regulator calculation
Accumulated delay is the time between the sampling instant and the PWM pulse
effective updating (Figure 8), which is the falling edge in the trailing edge pulse width
modulator. Therefore, accumulated delay includes analog to digital conversion
delay, calculations delay and modulator delay, i.e., the sum of all delays in the digital
control loop. In general, the sampling instant may not be the initial instant of the
PWM period, as in this case.
When digital settings have been completed, the check box “Calculate digital
compensator” must be checked. Then, the digital regulator is calculated, and icons
to represent transfer function involving the digital regulator are enabled (Figure 10).
Digital factors sweep dialog box (Figure 11) allows for changing dynamically the
digital settings and evaluate graphically the results. In the example of Figure 11 the
number of bits has been changed, and the results corresponding to 6 bits are
shown. As it can be seen, digital open loop and analog open loop transfer functions
are different in magnitude (low frequencies) and in phase (medium and high
frequencies). It means that the selected number of bits is not enough to represent
the coefficients of the digital regulator, as it is the case of Figure 10, where 10 bits
were selected. Note that in Figure 10 the magnitude of analog and digital responses
are very similar, and phase responses are also very similar except in high frequency
range. Note that digital and analog regulators are different near of the half of
sampling frequency, regardless the selected number of bits, and the digital response
takes into account the accumulated delay, which is not included in the analog
transfer functions.
Figure 10 Graphs corresponding to analog and digital design. In the icon bar, the icon
to represent the digital open loop gain Tz is highlighted .
- 10 -
Once the digital regulator has been calculated, the entire design can be exported to
PSIM, and then simulated (fifth step). In Figure 12 it is shown the corresponding
icon. When clicking this icon, the export dialog box appears (Figure 13). In order to
simulate the digital regulator, “z-domain coefficients” must be selected.
- 11 -
The design is exported to a PSIM schematic, including a file where all converter and
controller parameters are contained.
- 12 -
In the PSIM schematic the power stage and the digital control stage appear. A trailing
edge pulse width modulator is included. In this particular implementation, the
modulator introduces a time delay equal to D/fsw, there D is duty cycle
corresponding to the steady state operating point, and fsw is the switching
frequency. A “time delay” block is added to take into account the additional time
delays in the control loop, in such a way that the total time delay in control loop is
equal to the value of “accumulated delay” introduced by the user. The value of this
“time delay” is automatically calculated by SmartCtrl.
- 13 -
A first test is to perform a time domain simulation to check that the steady state
operating point is achieved, i.e., output voltage equal to 4 V in this case (Figure 15).
Note that in this first test a long enough time simulation must be selected, in order
to achieve steady state operation.
The sixth step to simulate and compare the digital regulator is to include in the
PSIM schematic the components to perform an AC sweep to calculate the open loop
transfer function (Tz) with PSIM. These components are detailed in Figure 16. The
result of the simulation is shown in Figure 17.
- 14 -
- 15 -
In order to compare the obtained AC response and the theoretical calculated with
SmartCtrl, the digital transfer function data must be exported to a text file. In Figure
18 the menu to export the aforementioned data is shown. In Figure 19 the digital
open loop transfer function export dialog box is shown. The parameters have been
selected in order to be similar to the AC sweep parameters selected in PSIM (Figure
Figure 18 Exportation of the digital open loop transfer function from SmartCtrl to a
text file
- 16 -
Once SmartCtrl data have been exported to a text file, it has to be open, and the
name of the first column must be changed by the name “Frequency”, in order to be
merged in Simview and compared with PSIM simulation results. In Figure 20 digital
open loop transfer function calculated with SmartCtrl and AC sweep simulation
performed with PSIM are compared. The results of PSIM simulations and SmartCtrl
calculations match well in this case.
- 17 -
Figure 20 Comparison of AC Sweep results simulated with PSIM (red) and SmartCtrl
data (blue) for the open loop transfer function.
- 18 -
- 19 -
- 20 -