Operational Amplifier Using Discrete Components: June 2017
Operational Amplifier Using Discrete Components: June 2017
Operational Amplifier Using Discrete Components: June 2017
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1 author:
Guru Prasad
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
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All content following this page was uploaded by Guru Prasad on 09 June 2017.
This article explains how to realize an operational amplifier using discrete components. General purpose BJT
transistors, resistors, diode and capacitor are used to build op-amp. A three stage structure is assumed. Sim-
ulation results show that it provides a open loop gain of 130 dB with a phase margin of 700 . The slew rate
measured to be 2V /µs.
Operational amplifier is a very high gain amplifier typically used in a negative feedback system to achieve
accurate gain. It’s basic operation is listed as below-
1. Amplify only the voltage difference between two signals and reject any common between them.
2. Since not used with coupling capacitors, bring back the DC voltage level to origin to accommodate large
output swing.
3. Since Operational amplifier is a voltage controlled voltage source it should offer low output impedance.
A typical op-amp should contain functional blocks as shown in Figure 1. The Differential amplifier, level
shifter and buffer perform the jobs listed above respectively.
Figure 2 shows the basic Differential amplifier. I0 denotes the tail current source which decides the common
mode rejection ratio of Op-amp. I0 can be realized using transistor current mirror technique. The load resistors
Rc can also be replaced by active load (pnp transistors).
Figure 3 shows the basic level shifter which not only shifts the DC level but also provides small signal gain.
I0 is active load can be replaced by npn transistor.
Figure 4 shows a typical buffer which is a common collector stage. An active load npn transistor can replace
I0 .
Figure 4: Buffer
Circuit Design
Figure 5 shows the complete circuit diagram of op-amp. List of components are
1. NPN transistor - 2N2222
5. Capacitor - 400pF
and makes it unstable. Hence a 400 pF miller capacitor is added in the circuit as shown in Figure 5 to make
pole at the output of differential amplifier as single dominant pole and push the other pole beyond the unity
gain bandwidth range.
ac dec 100 10 30Meg
wrdata opamp (180/pi *phase(v(vout)))
*Use appropriate analysis commands here
Simulation Results
gnuplot is used to plot the simulation output. Figure 6 shows the simulation result of op amp. The op-amp
performance is tabulated in Table 1.
gnuplot code for producing the above plot is given below
unset key
set grid
set multiplot layout 3,2 rowsfirst scale 1,1
set xrange [100:10000000]
set xlabel "Frequency [Hz]"
set format x "
set xtics 10
set logscale x
set ylabel "Gain [dB]"
set title "Opamp Gain Response"
plot ’opamp.data’ using 1:(20*log($2)) smooth bezier lc rgb ’black’
set xrange [100:10000000]
set xlabel "Frequency [Hz]"
set format x "
set xtics 10
set logscale x
set ytics 30
set ylabel "Phase [Degree]"
set title "Opamp Phase Response"
plot ’opamp1.data’ using 1:2 smooth bezier lc rgb ’black’
set xrange [0:0.000015]
set xtics 0.000003
unset format xy
unset logscale x
set yrange [-5:5]
set ytics 2
set xlabel "Time [us]"
set ylabel "Vout [V]"
set title "Opamp Slew Rate"
plot ’opamp2.data’ smooth bezier lc rgb ’black’
set xrange [-5:5]
set xtics 2
set yrange [-6:5]
set ytics 2
set xlabel "Vin [V]"
set ylabel "Vout [V]"
set title "Opamp DC Response"
plot ’opamp3.data’ w l lc rgb ’black’
set xrange [100:10000000]
set xlabel "Frequency [Hz]"
set yrange [0:120]
set ytics 20
set format x "
set xtics 10
set logscale x
set ylabel "1/CMRR[dB]"
set title "CMRR"
plot ’opamp4.data’ smooth bezier lc rgb ’black’
set xrange [1:100]
unset logscale x
unset format x
set xtics 10
set yrange [0.00525:0.00575]
set ytics 0.0001
set xlabel "Temperature [Cel]"
set ylabel "Bias Current [A]"
set title "Temperature Response"
plot ’opamp5.data’ w l lc rgb ’black’
All *.data files are generated by Ng-spice.
In this work an effort has been made to realize an op-amp using discrete BJTs and other components. Simu-
lation results have shown that the performance of deigned op-amp is good. As a future work the same can be
implemented on a Printed circuit board and physically be verified.
1. Sedra and Smith Micro-Electronics Circuits 5th Edition, Oxford Publisher, 2010.
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