The 9Th Scroll: Rumours From The Blasted Plain
The 9Th Scroll: Rumours From The Blasted Plain
The 9Th Scroll: Rumours From The Blasted Plain
This one is a jam-packed issue! And I have more ready For me this month has been awesome for hobby. My
to come in the next scroll. As always, it is really im- big dragon has arrived from the Joan of Arc Kickstart-
portant to get the communities feedback on the mag- er. Its HUGE! I’m going to name it Charizard and paint
azine if we want to improve. So make sure you post it orange – more to come soon!
in the feedback thread on the forum if you have any
ideas. You can also send me a mail directly if you like! Ive also been painting a bit more of my Beast Herd Army. I have too many pictures to share so you should
definitely check out my “Ribena Herds” blog on the
As we teased last month, the new website is very user blog section (shameless plug). One notable unit
close to completion. If its not already up and running I am building is my Razortusks. These will take the
at the time of publication, you might get a nice sur- shape of Owlbears from Dark Sword Miniatures. This
prise next time you log into the forum. Moreover, we project is really showing me that we are in a Golden
have some sneak peaks into the Infernal Dwarves de- Age of miniature-based gaming. There are so many
sign process, a new Background Compendium AND new companies and Kickstarters popping up all over
an Ask the Sage article!! – Don’t say I don’t treat you the place. While this isn’t good for your wallet, its fan-
to some good information. tastic to see really unique miniatures at an affordable
Issue Date
July 2019
Greetings Prophets and Overlords! The time for the prophecies to be read and the wheels of our industry to
We are not intending to spoil direct rules but outline Players will get the opportunity to choose a weap-
some concepts to give you an idea of where we are on and combine it with one of various chassis. The
with some of the design ideas: weapons and chassis will be similar to those the ID
currently have access to such as the Bound Daemon,
• The four churches (Ashuruk, Shamut, Nezibkesh Infernal Artillery, etc. These can alter the properties
and Lugar) will be more visible in the army. Each and provide different advantages.
will offer some variation to their prophets, suiting
the theme of that church. After that the Engineers can tinker with extra ammu-
• Tauruhks and Anointed will embrace their bullish nition types, that are certain to leave an impact, de-
nature, gaining increased damage output when pending on the Overlords requirements.
• More versatile system for the Infernal Dwarves The Engineers are also trying to make these artilleries
(ID) artillery options… more reliable. But this could come at a cost. When
they fail, the consequences will be more dramatic.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
Intended guns
• Flamethrower.
• Mortar.
• Machine Gun.
Intended chassis
• Gunnery Team.
• Infernal Engine.
• Bound Daemon.
• Infernal Artillery.
Intended Ammunitions
• Tremor Ammunition.
• Kadim Infused Ammunition.
• Poisonous Fumes.
Infernal Dwarves have mastered industrial scale pro-
duction explosive shells for different standard cali-
bres. The standardized process improves reliability
whereas adding the many types of highly volatile ex-
plosives may have unexpected consequences.
Unconventional feeling. Mobility increased to use
shorter shooting range.
All this and more is waiting in the new ID book! You will
be able to choose how you construct your war-ma-
chines; tailor-making them to fit your needs on the
battlefield. All to make you feel like a true engineer as
you build your weapons of doom and disaster!
Please, keep in mind that everything is still subject to
changes and stay tuned for more, as further concepts
are revealed.
Of all the mysterious beasts that plague this world, the “It was not always
so,” said the Man
from exuberance to gyiniki chieftain, his
saurians are surely the most poorly understood. Reptiles of varying solemnity seemingly
arrayed around the fle cted by the reed god-
size that walk like men, they are encountered commonly enough hut. masks
that their existence is beyond doubt, but their true nature and “Once, we were no
t warriors. There
objectives continue to escape our knowledge. Of special interest is land as scaled beasts were devils who wal
ked on the
, with blood that ra
their possible connection to ancient myths of reptilian demigods blue. And they held n not hot and red, bu
t cold and
our ancestors in bond
or daemons who supposedly subjugated all peoples in a global for their wicked plan age, working them to
the bone
s. But the sky-gods
empire of oppression. and the sky itself fe saw all, and punish
ed them,
ll on them and we es
now, in the deep jung caped. But they lin
les, and make new pl ger, even
to speak with us, an ans. They come, so
Long study of the many sources on saurian lore leads me to d we have seen their metimes,
patterned monoliths.
conclude that there is little, if anything, that links the creatures ”
I shivered in the tr
opical heat. My ho
found today to those of the "Dawn Age". If there was indeed and warpaint, could st, brightly clad in fe
not have been more
an ancient empire, its descendants were scattered by its fall, white-haired nursem different from the bi
aid who once terrifi
and survive today in a series of enclaves within hidden or Ullsberger peasan ed my juvenile mind
t folktales, full of lu with her
well-protected regions of the world. There is reason to believe stole naughty childre rking snakes and liz
n to rebuild their an ards who
that several of these have since re-established contact and th e chieftain's tale seem cie nt do m in io n of slavery. Yet
ed eerily familiar, a
operate as a larger alliance of some kind, while others remain pr imordial fears of hu co m m on footprint in the
manity. What horr
isolated. Though these confederated enclaves have no easily en dure that has scarre or di d ou r distant ancestors
d us so? And did it
Day 32
discernible leadership or government, some theorise they th ese reptiles too? in de lib ly m ark
are united by a common religious or philosophical mission.
My presen
ce remain
most fru s undetec
ted, and
Understanding of this mission, if there is one, is
itful. I be the new v
conjectur lieve I ha antage po
e that the m v e finally co int has p
not helped by their inability to speak From
after the icrocepha nfirmed roven
R enzigen E li c quadruped von Mölt
“Wonders of the Unknown
to twenty xpedition al specim burg’s
any comprehensible language.
inches in are in fa ens he dis
Continent” by Boris von
more tha length, th ct the ma sected
n fertilisin ey a re barely le s of the spec
Kochlinsberg, Gentleman
g eggs alm sentient, ie s. Four
Day 33
ost as lar capable o
ge as they f little
Well, it
seems we
that the “ can concl
gila” for usively d
I have yet m a hered iscard old
to observe itary wa Gahlenge
r rior caste. ld’s theor
between th any differ In over th y
em and th ence in th ree weeks
remarka e smaller e social role
bly non- “skinks” s fulfilled
appear th hierarchic . Interact
eir respec al for su ions in ge
tive roles ch a prim neral are
rather th in times itive societ
an inborn of war a y. It wou
right. re driven ld
Day 34
by necessi
At last!
A glimpse
clearly n of the elu
o perman sive “caim
Spent ov en t part of an”. It w
er four h the comm andered
o u r s u nity, but in at daw
along the observing welcome n,
riverbank it arrange nonetheles
saurians , obliviou shells in s.
avoided it s in childli el aborate p
, casting ke wonder atterns
quizzica . Even th
l glances e other
at its wo
Vol. VI
of the collated field notes of
6 Professor Eiselmasus van der Rijke
e Man,
? T h e Gods, mer
s ee
they not ions! No
How can e petty Nat
f th
the stru
ggles o e of the
ab b li ng in the fac
en sq u How
but childr them all! Ravings drawn on the cell walls of the Marquis de
ru sh es to drown w ar that
tide that B lind to th
could th
ey be so
b lin d?
the Etern
al Ponteprise, Emissary of the Crown sent to parley with the
n d th em , blind to hen
rages all
aro u
s in c e the dawn
of time w
Saurians of Isle de Katupara, Bastions de l ’Extrême-Outremer.
waged odied
Crusade itself blo
ort alit y first tore ed at the
ragged m d, de f ia nt, scream
womb an eive it in
from the not perc
! Can they rops,
Lorentum, 933
s m o s
co t their c
th at sprou
Battalion of waiting saurians showed synchronised
rm s e
the lowli
est ge that writh
in g vermin
excitability at the same instant. No clear provocation.
f ru tt e?
arms o and bon
in the sw wn flesh
in their o
Prelate Abbinger theorises long-distance shared
ew er s , tanding
in their s reality, s
is crux of
This mir
ac le , th
e ti de of cra
wling Ch
emotional connection.
th k
alone ath
war t holds bac
pirit, that
Northern Equitaine, 936 `
o ai ry s e
god, n on th
It is no teetering
the fulc
ru m o f existence,
self-ab la ting Two dozen smaller saurians brought stones bearing
o f f o rm -erasing,
ne in all
the intricate, highly structured non-repeating patterns.
void! It
is L if e! Life! Alo
y Departed after depositing stones at crossroads.
dl es s ly renewing,
cosmos, every cre
n g, c linging onto Nedarac, 947
Saurians presented poor renderings of Arandad writing
muta ti co ld
e infinite
old, in th
every toeh see!
in apparent attempt to share philosophical ideas with
o uld
! I f o n ly they c
Highborn scholars. After study, the messages dismissed
According to the locals, the potent amphibian-like mages of the saurians are not, as the superstitious
assume, immortal creatures hailing from the primordial Dawn Age itself, but relatively new beings, a species
which only reappeared in recent centuries. Some sources suggest this emergence may have coincided with the
global upheaval triggered by the Inferno event in the Age of Waste, but this must remain mere speculation.
Article by Julos Chiron
T9A’s second modelling & painting competition has been finished, sponsored by no less than four different
companies! The contest theme was artillery, and we sure had some fantastic entries! The Winners are as
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
Entry 4: TheHoodedMan ▼
Entry 7: alf ▶
Who wins the random draw for a kit of four 15mm Tjubling Skullmasks from Admiralty Miniatures!
ISSUE #015 - MAY 2019
One of my primary missions as a member of the 9th Age community is to share my own painting experiences
so that I can help both new gamers and veteran gamers alike get their armies and terrain built and painted
to make your tables look like what they’ve always dreamed they could be! This article will be comparing the
new contrast paints from Games Workshop and the older style layering techniques of Foundry.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
As opposed to the GW Contrast Paints which utilize an Foundry colours are also formulated to be used
ink wash over a solid undercoat to create detail, shad- straight out of the bottle. They are produced in the
ing, and highlighting, the Foundry system on the oth- factory at the thin consistency that many other rang-
er hand works on the philosophy of using NO washes, es have to be thinned by the painter themselves to
NO wet-blending, and NO mixing of custom colours. use. This is another time saver for the painter! You
For painting large armies like the fantasy armies for are also guaranteed to always have a perfect shade
the 9th Age Foundry is a fantastic way to save time match for each colour!
and get armies painted faster. Because each colour
in the range has pre-mixed shades the painter never Some painters might be sceptical of painting an entire
has to guess what the correct shade is to put over a army using this method and using a paint range that
base coat. The triages always work from “the bottom excludes washes, wet-blending, and mixing. But it is
up” – the darkest shade is the base coat, the medium surprising how great models can look using nothing
shade is a layer put over that, and finally the lightest but the Foundry range! Here is a unit of vintage GW
shade is put on top. dwarf rangers that I painted using only The Foundry
paint range.
In conclusion, I believe that combining both of these One of the most important things to remember with
techniques is the fastest way of getting your army on painting large armies and not losing your momentum
the tabletop. Using a convenient wash/ink product and drive in the process is to figure out ways to work
like the new GW Contrast Paints for flesh features both faster and smarter. There will be particular mod-
combined with the Foundry range and system for the els that you will want to spend more time on (charac-
rest of the model, you will be able to not only get an ters, etc.), but for the general mass of the army (the
entire force fully painted but you will do it in less time hundred or more models that need to be painted
and more easily! first) a fast and easy solution is essential.
Article by Samuel Howard
New players to The 9th Age have a lot of challenges ahead of them; whether it’s getting models, building,
painting, or figuring out army lists, there’s always a new challenge for a newcomer. Finding other players can
also be a daunting task; So how can new players get a Quick Start to the 9th Age? This article will explain
The majority of tournaments use 4500 points with Quicker Games: On average, 2500 points usually
some requiring complete painting criteria to partic- takes two hours with 4500 points requiring 3 hours.
ipate, adding another layer of anxiety for this new Although you get more “game play” with 4500 points,
player to meet. What if we cut out almost half the you can increase the frequency of games during a day
“mass” of units for a new player to deal with by using with 2500 points. This leads to more games over a
2500 points instead? What are some of the benefits tournament, and more breaks in between. It also
and differences to using 2500 points in comparison helps when your army is doing badly, knowing that
to the standard 4500 points? On March 30th we had the next game is only two hours away – good motiva-
our first Warband tournament in Ottawa, Canada. It tion for beginners.
was capped at 2500 points to test this theory out. We
gained a lot of insight to using a smaller army in com- Easier Army Building: With 2500 points, you are field-
parison to the “standard” 4500 points. ing less units than you would at 4500 points. 2500
points benefits newer players more as they can meet
the requirements for fielding an army with fewer
units. Making changes to a list also means that players
might only need to purchase one more unit to play a
new list, rather than multiple at a larger points level.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
Juxtaposition: Playing at 2500 points allows us to appreciate the benefits of 4500. With a smaller force, you
can see the contrast when jumping up to 4500 points, in terms of fielded units, and battlefield management.
We can see some merit to using 2500 points in tournaments, especially when it is advertised for new players.
The quicker game play reduces fatigue, and a friendlier army building approach allows the daunted player to
feel more confident than at 4500 points.
Article by Scottish Knight
As for what the Grail is, reliable information is not readily available, no matter how many
Equitan nobles I quiz on the subject. Those gregarious enough to share their experiences
rarely have the ring of truth. In that noble land, to have been in the presence of the Grail is
a true mark of honour and there are many braggarts who would take the shortest path to
such acclaim.
Among more credible tales, the accounts vary greatly. From supping wine from gilded goblets
encrusted with rubies, to water drunk from the simplest of wooden cups. Some name the mys-
tical lake as hiding the truth behind the legend, while others repeat a bowl filled with blood,
strange though that would seem, or even more ancient tales of enchanted cauldrons.
It would seem possible then that finding the Grail is more of a spiritual experience than a
physical one, manifesting according to the perception of the observer. Or perhaps more sim-
ply that such an enduring and obscure relic attracts folklore as easily as a flower draws bees.
I do know that Knights of the Grail, those held aloft among Equitan society as paragons
of virtue, are tight lipped with outsiders. The damsels who form the magical strength of
their nation are little better. Oh, a beguiling smile here, a murmured phrase there. Talk of
the journey mattering more than the destination. Or that a picture of a rainbow cannot
compare to beholding with one's own eyes. Whatever the truth, it seems clear they want it
shrouded in mystery, that only those who buy into their faith with heart, body and soul are
deemed worthy of more.
• Herr Selig, if you would allow me to skirt the lines of heresy again: Why are the followers of the Dark Gods
typically warriors, or only warriors? Surely, even for those dark deities seeking conflict and ruin, there are
other avenues to glory? Why do we not hear of great poets inspired by the Dark Gods? Are there no dark
scholars or politicians of the Dark Gods? Priests of the Dark Gods? Is their focus so narrow that their em-
powered, superhuman followers all become warriors?
It seems my correspondents have a powerful interest in my being burned at the stake! Sooner
or later I shall have to change my name and shave my beard.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
However, while those seeking to Ascend claim the title of Warriors, there is more to both them
and the other followers of the Seven than mere fighters. Even those clad in armour have
produced challenging pieces of literature and eye-catching artistic works, although their cir-
cumstances can change their perspective to be something more alien than most human pro-
jects. If you've ever attempted to interpret an orcish mural you will appreciate the breadth
of "Art".
As for "priests" - each Warrior is carrying the power of the Dark Gods with them, a walking
proclamation of their merits. Meanwhile their Sorcerers seek out the susceptible, carrying
word and administering pledges to deprive the foolhardy of their souls.
Yet the true scale of work by the servants of the Dark Gods is unknowable. Like the roots of
a tree, they spread far and wide beneath the surface of civilisation. For all that Warriors are
the visible arm of their masters; a large part, perhaps the greater part of what passes for a
master plan is carried out in subtler ways. Cultists work behind masks, their influence is felt
in all corners of the world without being known. While the cults are certainly powerful, these
followers do not swear the Warrior's pact.
All that is to say, most magician's tricks rely on two parts - the misdirection, and the true
sleight of hand. I shall leave it to you, good reader, to determine if there is merit in this
I have never observed an elf with a beard. Nor with other obvious bodily hair, apart from
that upon their head. Unless clean shaven is a common style choice, this would lead me to
believe that elves are not afflicted by the same grooming requirements as we men.
Those versions which are shared now have been reworked many a time since, some by well
meaning Prelates, others at the behest of less savoury figures. I advise all my readers to read
at least three editions before reaching any significant conclusions. A great deal of fine detail
can be concealed within the broad brushstrokes of antiquity.
• What is the highest position in the Church of Sunna and who holds it today?
The Supreme Prelate holds the highest office in Sunna's religion. Previously the office holder
would be resident within Sonnstahl, at the cathedral or the city in most favour at that mo-
ment. However, that changed some decades back, and the current Supreme Prelate resides in
the city of Reva in Arcalea. These lands are now held by the Church, largely independent of
either nation. It would be a mistake to assume the Church is not politically active though -
or that it lacks expertise in such matters.
There are many great libraries in the world. I have visited all that I was able to gain ad-
mittance to in my search for knowledge. Yet not every culture embraces libraries in the same
The elves of Caleda Ablan may possess the finest of magical academia. Asfada is a true gem,
and I was once privileged to be permitted admittance to consult a handful of volumes - albeit
in the antechambers of the most mundane building and under constant guard.
Aschau also houses many volumes of importance - the colleges across Sonnstahl have long
sought to codify knowledge and perfect the teaching of it to the next generation of professors
and poets. I've always found this instruction by rote a little formulaic for my tastes - learn-
ing is to be savoured; a personal experience, not one to be borrowed from another.
However, perhaps surprisingly, I suspect the greatest collections of published works may
actually be held in the citadels of the Blasted Plain. It's not often discussed - few people like
their dealings with the Infernal Dwarves to be known - but it's my belief that they were the
first to perfect the printing press, and still produce the finest examples to be found.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
I'm not even certain those dwarves value the knowledge they have accumulated in their
vaults of stone. I do know that I have often had to trade with Zalaman Tekash to obtain
many otherwise impossible to acquire volumes. So much of what passes from East to West
leaves a share with the Eastern Dwarves along the way - why not knowledge too? Certainly,
they are masters of ascertaining value, in all things.
Article by Andy Guldberg
Andy’s Dread Elves army realy stands out from many others. Its not just his striking gold and blue colour
scheme that mawkes it unique. So what makes it different? Blood and lots of it.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
ISSUE #015 - MAY 2019
Article by Henrypmiller
If you hadn’t heard, the 9th Age Quickstarter is a side game of the 9th Age, aiming to reach a huge variety
of new hobbyists. In particular younger potential players as well as players coming from other games. The
Quick Starter is not only an introduction to the world of the 9th Age, it is a game in itself. It is a smaller scale
to a “classic” 9th age game and definitively quicker. It gives you the chance to play a game in almost one hour,
with the very same factions of its bigger brother: Fantasy Battles.
In its beautiful 72 pages rulebook you will find everything you need to play on a 3'x4' battlefield, including in-
troductory statistics to build your small armies, not to mention an introduction to the setting and the factions,
spiced as usual with marvellous artworks. This article is a showcase of the winners of the recent Quickstarter
Painting Competition.
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
TURES MOSCALS Article by Guard Bro Miniature reviews
I’ve rather become a snob when it comes to Infernal Dwarves models. I can usually tell quality with just a
single turn of the model in the hand. A regular Dwarf is a simple recipe. Squat, beardy, grumpy, and covered
in runes! But evil dwarves, dark dwarves, Infernal Dwarves… one wrong move and the model is going to look
stupid if not outright comical!
Look at this bad boy. Now we’ve all been around resin
models and sometimes you gotta do a few knife and
punch drags to get the recesses clean and present-
able. Metal models do this as well, but holy hell its
easier on resin! What I did was give them a good blast
of warm water to get any dried bits off the model and
then went in with my picks and knives to get out the
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
Yes, slugs.
Article by Chris Bond
Practice, practice, practice. With so little time left before I will be flying out to Serbia for the ETC, that’s what
I should be doing. In reality though, I’ve recently been suffering from army burnout. As someone who fre-
quently changes army and lists between tournaments, I’ve been finding it quite difficult to continuously play
not only the same army but also very similar iterations of the same list. As such, in what will likely be my final
tournament before the ETC, I decided to play Infernal Dwarves.
Not that I wouldn’t be able to take something away to be to properly affect the game. This goes without
from the tournament in terms of improving my play; saying for your general and BSB but, due to the some-
the list played in a similar manner to my Sylvan Elf what limited range on shamanism augment spells, it’s
list and I used it to practice manoeuvring a crowded incredibly important to my list that my wizards are
battleline. In particular, I got a good amount of prac- able to stay safe whilst providing magic support to the
tice in setting up possible flee paths to make sure my rest of the army.
units fleeing charges got away safely and could still
influence the game when they rallied. On the whole, I feel pretty ready for the ETC. My list is
sorted and I know exactly what sort of match ups I’d
On top of this, I also took part in a 3000-point event like to avoid. It’s just a shame that at the time of writ-
which provided another opportunity to practice with ing there’s another two months to go! Feeling ready
the army that I will be playing at the ETC. However, right now is probably a good thing though; my prepa-
I decided to play my new Daemon Legions army in- ration from now until the ETC is likely going to consist
stead. I got absolutely nothing out of it that was ben- of a holiday to Indonesia and my brother’s wedding.
eficial to my ETC preparation. Whoops! Wish me luck!
ISSUE #016 - JULY 2019
WASHERS Article by Samuel Howard
This article will explain an alternative way of magnetising models. Usually magnets are put onto bases and
metal trays used to keep them in place.
The glue will spread out, and any excess may touch
the wetted paper towel, but should not adhere to it.
The glue will harden in seconds, so move quickly. If
the glue fails to form properly, or excess occurs, you
can pry it out with your knife, clean up the washer
and retry.