Cost & Factory Ac Updated As On 20052015 - 1
Cost & Factory Ac Updated As On 20052015 - 1
Cost & Factory Ac Updated As On 20052015 - 1
Updated up to
MAR 2015
Classification of workers
The employees in Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories who are
employed for production and maintenance jobs are called Industrial
Workers and are classified as:-
Highly Skilled – Grade II
Highly Skilled – Grade I
Master Craftsman
The semi skilled labours are basically unskilled and do not have any
trade training. Such semi-skilled labours must pass necessary trade test
for the Semi-skilled grade to be entitled for appearing the trade test of
the skilled grade and further advancement in the hierarchy of the artisan
cadre. These Semiskilled labours are mainly the erstwhile Group "D"
unskilled labours and NIEs transferred / redesignated as IEs.
The gate of the factory is opened about half an hour before the time
fixed for commencement of work in the factory and is closed at the fixed
time. During this interval the workmen get in, remove their tickets from
the ticket boards placed near the gate and deposit them in their
respective shops. Soon after the factory gate is closed, the gate office or
labour bureau prepares separately for each shop a list (for purpose of
mustering) showing the ticket nos. that have not been removed from the
ticket boards. At the same time, after shops have commenced work, the
shops examine the tickets deposited by the workmen and also take
attendance by personal counting ensuring that the persons not
present/absent as shown in the report are actually absent. Thereafter the
shops prepare a 'Casualty Memo' or 'Presentee Memo' whichever is
convenient. The report is signed by the JWM or by the Head of Shop and
sent direct to the Accounts Office.
The late comers are allowed inside the factory after 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1
hour from opening time. The late comers are required to deposit their
tickets in the respective boxes at the gate specifically provided for the
purpose to record the particular hour at which a late comer is admitted or
their numbers are noted on this account by a representative of the gate
office (or the labour bureau) who is deputed at the gate specially for this
purpose. The Labour Bureau or the gate office prepares the memo for
these men and one copy of the memo is supplied to the Accounts Office.
The main attendance record of the worker is maintained by the Factory
Labour Bureau and is known as 'Muster Roll'.
IEs who take short leave are granted 'Leave passes'. Leave passes
granted to IEs on the previous day, overtime memos, copies of order
granting leave with or without pay are collected and 'the previous day’s
attendance marked up in accordance with them. Part leave is generally
granted in terms of quarter of an hour, absence for which is normally
booked as absence for 1/32 of a day. Deduction for absence during part
of a day including Saturdays shall, in the case of Industrial employees to
whom the payment of Wages Act 1936 is applicable, be calculated at the
rate of 1/32 of a normal days pay, for each quarter hour’s absence from
the normal period of that day.
If an IE is absent for the whole Saturday he is not entitled for the benefit
of Saturday bonus but if he is present for part of a day his attendance
will be marked as under:-
Suitable symbols will be used for noting different kinds of leave, idle
time due to various causes and periods of absence in the muster. The
Wage Payment
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(I) Duty pay at basic monthly rate (for day workers) based on
attendance or Duty pay at basic monthly rate and an element of
profit (for piece workers) calculated on the basis of output (Piece
Work Card) and input hours.
The IEs are placed in a running Pay Band and Grade Pay
according to their Grades i.e. Skilled, Semi Skilled etc. which
constitutes their basic monthly rate of Pay. The IEs are entitled to
yearly increment on basic pay.
Apart from Duty Pay, Personal Pay and Special Pay (e.g. for
Promoting Small family norms) will be admissible as notified in
Govt. orders and Guarantee Pay to Piece Workers where
(IV) Idle Time Pay, Leave Pay, Holiday Pay, Injury Pay and
Segregation Pay
(a) Duty pay at basic monthly rate is also called Time Wages in
respect of DAY WORKERS. This is because the day workers are
paid on time basis without regard to output. T he pay for a day
should be assumed at Basic monthly pay (BP+GP) /N-(S+H) (where 'N'
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(b) The pay for a day for PIECE WORKERS is assumed at Basic
monthly pay (BP+GP)/(N-S) . They are eligible for payment of paid
holidays separately in addition to Duty Pay and Piece Work profit. Thus
Duty Pay for a month will be:
(ii) (Band Pay + Grade Pay) x Number of Paid Holidays falling in that month
IEs who work partly as piece workers and partly as day workers during
a wage period, will be paid proportionate Duty Pay and PW Profit for
the period they are put on piece work and time wages calculated at the
rate of (BP + GP) /(N-S) for the period he works as a day worker. In
addition, payment for closed paid holiday, if any falling within the wage
period will be made to him separately as in the case of a piece worker.
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In case of Piece Worker (both IPW and GPW) the input hour is
calculated as
No. of days present in month (excluding Saturday & Sunday) x 8
(No. of Saturdays present x 4 ¾)
(OT Hours Worked – Late Hours if any)
Piece work rate will be correlated to the minimum of the pay band- 1 +
Grade Pay Rs 1900 i.e. Rs 5200 +Rs 1900 = Rs7100 for all
category/grades of workers deployed on piece work system. The
difference between the actual basic pay of a worker and Rs 7100 shall be
paid to him as a separate element as "Incremental Pay". The manufacture
warrants will be issued in terms of time as against in terms of rate per
unit under the previous system (excluding 25% built in incentive).
However for preparation of wage roll of piece workers and labour
costing output hours will be reckoned as Standard Man Hours (SMH) +
25% built in incentive. Hence, for computation of Piece Work Profit,
output hours will be (1.25 x SMH or Card Hours).
Authority Govt. of India Min of Def, Dept. of Def Prod No. 46(2)/2013- D (estt/NG) Dated
4th March 2014.
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The bonus will be booked to the same outturn work order to which the
pay is booked and will also be included as an element of direct labour
cost in the relevant estimate.
Special Pay
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Guarantee pay
Guarantee pay is admissible to industrial employees of unskilled, semi-
skilled and skilled grade when their piece work earnings during the
period of their duty falls below the actual basic time wages applicable
for that period.
Dearness Allowance
The rates and conditions etc. for the grant of dearness allowance are
contained in
Govt. orders issued from time to time.
Leave with pay includes injury etc. for which pay is drawn. Dearness
allowance will be admitted for complete days irrespective of attendance
for part of a day.
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DA for Piece Workers = Rate for the Month x (Attendance + LP Days+HP Days)
N –S
Where 'N' stands for the number of days in a month, 'S' for Sundays and
HP stands for Paid Holidays. LP stands for Leave with Pay and HP
stands for Paid Holiday. A worker is, therefore, eligible for full dearness
allowance if he remains present during all the working days in a month.
But if he is employed for any days more in addition to the normal
working days of the month, he will not be eligible for any extra dearness
allowance for these days.
Note: - In case of Half Pay leave, pay for determining the DA amount
will mean half of (BP+GP).
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Rate for the month x {attendance + (LP days+half pay Leave days +EOL days)}
Rate for the month x { attendance +(LP days Half pay Leave days +EOL days+
N-S paid holiday days)}
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Transport Allowance
Industrial Employees like other Central Govt. employees are entitled to
Transport Allowance at the rates laid down in Govt. Orders. DA will be
admissible on TA at the prevailing rate.
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Deputation(Duty) Allowance
Deputation (Duty) Allowance is admissible to IEs while on deputation.
Insurance Scheme
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Project Allowance
Project Allowance is granted to compensate the employees for the
lack of amenities such as school, markets, housing and dispensaries at
the places of construction of major projects. Employees of those
Departments whose offices have been located in the project area not
specifically for the project work shall be allowed Project Allowance at
50% of the prescribed rates. No project allowance is available if the
project is located at a place where CCA and/or HRA (whether under
general or special orders) or any other special compensatory
allowances are admissible. Since HRA is now admissible for
unclassified places also, project allowance will be paid to the
employees in such places, if the rate of project allowance is more than
the rate of HRA. However, they will not be entitled to any CCA
and/or HRA or any other special compensatory allowance .'
Note - In the muster rolls, the period of night shift indicating the time of
commencement and closing of such a shift in respect of workers on night
duty should be specifically indicated by the factory. The net hour of
work between 22.00 hrs. and 6.00 hrs. performed by the workers daily
during the normal hours of night shift duty ( i.e. after excluding the
period of recess, shift leave, overtime etc. during that period) which
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Incentive Bonus
Incentive Bonus to the Day Workers of the Ordnance and Ordnance
Equipment Factories, who are employed on maintenance work, will be
paid at the rates and subject to the conditions enumerated below:-
(i) Incentive bonus will be paid to all maintenance workers other than
unskilled workers employed on maintenance work within the factory
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(d) Battery/Lister truck drivers and mobile crane drivers, tractor drivers,
loco drivers and driver’s crane (electric overhead) who are employed on
internal transport system of factories.
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Any work done under proper orders outside the normal working hours or
on a Sunday or a paid holiday will be treated as overtime. Orders for
working overtime are required to be issued strictly in conformity with
the provisions under Sections 51 to 56 of the Factories Act as modified
by exempting rules.
If on a Sunday for which a compensatory off is arranged within three
days immediately before or after that Sunday it will be treated as work
done on a normal working day and not as a overtime work. If the
compensatory off is granted within three days immediately before the
Sunday, it will for the purpose of calculating weekly hours of work be
included in the preceding week. In cases where work done on Sunday is
not treated as work done on a normal day, work done on Sunday should
be treated as overtime and taken into account in computing the total
hours for overtime irrespective of whether compensatory off is given or
Payment of overtime under departmental rules will arise when a
workman works beyond the normal working hours of
Ordnance/Ordnance Equipment Factories which has been fixed at 44-3/4
hours per week i.e. 8 hours on all week days and 4-3/4 hours on
Saturdays. Payment under section 59 of the Factories Act, 1948 arises
for work done beyond 9 hours a day or 48 hours in a week. The total of
the overtime worked in a week should be divided into overtime hours
under Factories Act and departmental overtime.
(i) For work in excess of normal working hours and up to 9 hours on any
working day or 48 hours in a week, overtime will be paid at the rates
prescribed in the Departmental Rules. For calculating overtime pay
under this item, basic pay, dearness-allowance, special pay, personal
pay, pension (to the extent taken into account for the fixation of pay in
the case of re-employed pensioners) will be taken into account.
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Note – CEA, Bonus, wages for O.T. work etc. are not to be included.
Both for computing actual work performed and the normal working
hours for purpose of Departmental rules, lunch break and periods of rest
will be excluded. Similarly, for purpose of calculation under 'Factories
Act' periods of lunch break and rest will be excluded for computing
actual work performed. The number of hours for which Saturday bonus
is paid without actual work being performed will not reckon for the
purpose of computing normal working hours. The split up between hours
of overtime under departmental overtime and Factories Act may be done
by ascertaining the ‘hours of overtime under Factories Act’ in the first
instance. The difference between the total hours of overtime and
overtime under Factories Act will be overtime under Departmental
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O T Pay
2(P+DA) for Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a 200
O T Pay
P/200 x (Total OT Hrs. – OTB Hrs.) +
P x Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a week
O T Bonus
P + 1/4P + 2D x Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a 200
Note: Here P stands for correlated pay as per 6 th CPC , P stands for Rs
7100 ( i.e. 5400+1900) D stands for DA on P at applicable rate .
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Note - Piece workers who are put on day work for part of a wage period
are to be paid O.T.A. under departmental rules also, as admissible to the
day workers for the period he is on day work.
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Such Idle time may be ordered by the General Manager of the factory for
the first six working days in respect of any workman. The arrangement
will, if necessary, be continued beyond six days under the authority of
the Ordnances Factory Board.
Idle time payment for causes other than those enumerated above should
be covered by separate Govt. sanction. The Idle time payment will not
be admissible on the occasion when it is due to wrongful action or
misconduct of the employees making it impracticable to employ certain
classes of workmen.
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Whenever there is any idle time beyond the first six working days, in
respect of any workmen the Accounts Office should look for the
approval of DGOF for such continuation of idle time payment.
Regarding the attendance of those workmen who will be permitted to
stay out for any day/days, the General Manager should furnish a list of
such personnel giving inter-alia the date/dates fixed for their report at
factory to the Accounts Office. They should be marked as I.T in the
acquittance roll since they are neither present nor absent. The date/dates
or reporting should be carefully watched by the accounts Office with
reference to the list received from the management.
Leave Pay
Earned Leave
Industrial Employees are entitled to Earned Leave with wages
either under Factories Act or Departmental Rules viz. Civilian in
Defence Services (Industrial Employee) Leave Rules whichever is
beneficial. An IE is, therefore, required to exercise option under
which rule he desires to be guided as per MoD OM
No.20(2)/82/D(Civ-II) dt 03.06.1983 and No. 11(1)/2001 /D(Civ-
II) dt 05.08.2005.
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No leave shall be earned for the period of idle time under section 79 of
the Factories Act.
When an I.E is granted leave under Factories Act he is entitled for profit
on EL. This will be calculated as follows:
PW profit of last month X No. of days of EL (this month)
Total working days of last month (Duty & OT days)
[AUTHORITY: PCA(Fys), Kolkata Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04 dated
1. The G.M. will publish Factory Orders notifying all kinds of leave
granted to IES every month and furnish a copy of each Factory
Order to the Accounts Office. The Factory Order should specify
whether the leave is granted under Factories Act or under CDS
(IE) leave rules 1954
2. The G.M. should ensure that the leave applied for and received by
the Management by the 24th of a month is sanctioned according to
rules and factory Orders issued so that payment for leave period is
made along with the wages for that month.
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3. While for the purpose of leave under Factories Act, the provision
of grant of leave for not more than 3 spells will apply for leave
under the Departmental Rules contained in CDS (IE) Leave Rules
1954, there will be no such limit regarding number of spells.
4. No leave shall be earned for the period of idle time, under Sec. 79
of the Factories Act, but idle time for portion of a day will be
treated as work for the entire day for purpose of earning leave
under the Act.
8. The under mentioned periods will count as duty for earning leave
under section 79 of the Factories Act.
(i) Period spent for reservists training with Armed Forces.
(ii) Period spent on training in U.K. at Govt. expense.
(iii) Period spent on duty with Territorial Army/Home
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Encashment of leave
Industrial employees shall also be entitled to encashment of leave and
shall now get maximum accumulation of full pay leave/annual leave
with wages up to a period of 300 days. Leave entitlement of an industrial
Employee who is superannuated or dies or is discharged on medical
ground during the course of a calendar year will be calculated
proportionately for the period of service rendered during the year subject
to the overall limit of 300 days. The employee or his heirs will be
entitled to the wages in lieu of this leave. The period falling short of 300
days is to be covered by encashment of HPL {authority: DOPT OM
No.12012/3/2009-Estt(L) dated 28/12/2012} Industrial employees
governed under Departmental Rules are entitled for encashment of leave
under the same circumstances as for industrial employees under
Factories Act, 1948.
Leave Encashment at the time of availing LTC
Leave encashment for 10 days earned leave can be availed at the time of
LTC, subject to following conditions the total leave so encashed during
the entire career shall not exceed 60 days in the aggregate;
Leave encashment on LTC shall be allowed without any linkage to
the number of days and the nature of leave availed. A balance of at
least 30 days of EL is still available to his credit, after availing leave and
leave encashment. The period of leave en-cashed shall not be deducted
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Casual Leave
Casual leave on full pay may be granted up to 8 days in a calendar year
and the unutilized leave will lapse at the end of the calendar year.
Sundays and holidays falling in between the periods of leave will not be
taken into account for calculating the period of Casual Leave availed of.
Casual leave cannot be combined with any other leave.
Note 1-- An IE joining service in the middle of a year may be granted
the full period of 8 days' casual leave or any portion thereof by the
authority, competent to sanction such leave at his discretion taking into
account the circumstances of the case.
Inoculation leave
Leave on full pay for inoculation owing to prevalence of plague may be
granted up to 2 days on any one occasion, when they are inoculated
under the orders of competent authority.
Terminal Leave
Full pay leave admissible under Rule 6 of CDS (IEs) Leave Rules 1954
may be granted at the discretion of the sanctioning authority on the
termination of service on account of retrenchment or abolition of the
posts or in the case of resignation due to ill-health or other compelling
circumstances beyond an individual's control subject to the condition
that the leave does not extend beyond the date of superannuation. In all
cases, however, where any notice of termination of service is necessary,
the leave should be so granted as to cover the notice period as far as
possible. It is necessary to extend the temporary post to cover the period
of leave granted to a Govt. servant at the end of the temporary
employment. The above provision is not applicable to apprentices and
person in non-continuous employment.
Terminal leave will not be admissible in the following instances:-
(i) Where the employee concerned has been dismissed or removed from
service (This rule will not apply to persons whose services may have to
be dispensed with as a matter of administrative convenience, an
alternative to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against them) or
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Maternity Leave
Absence from duty in connection with motherhood may be granted on
full pay for a maximum period of 180 days in all cases to the female
Industrial employees (including apprentice) with less than two surviving
children. Maternity Leave is not debited to the leave account and may be
combined with any other kind of leave except Casual Leave. Maternity
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Paternity Leave
Absence from duty may be granted on full pay (based on last pay drawn)
for a period of 15 days during wife's confinement. Male Govt. servant
with less than two surviving children and Apprentices are eligible for
such kind of leave. It cannot be debited to the leave account and may be
combined with any other kind of leave except casual leave.
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Holiday Pay
The industrial employees are entitled to Holiday pay for Holidays
declared as paid holiday every year by the establishments themselves on
the basis of the guidelines issued by the Govt. from time to time.
Holiday pay for piece workers is to be calculated based on the formula
(P/N - S) X no of paid holidays where P represents basic monthly rate of
pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) where 'N' represents the number of days in
a month and 'S' represents the number of Sundays in the month. Holiday
pay is paid separately. Holiday pay is not, however, admissible to them
when the paid holidays fall within the period of leave without pay. It is
not also admissible separately as an element of wages to the piece
workers when the paid holidays fall within a spell of leave with pay/half
pay in which case the entire period will be treated as leave with pay/half
pay as the case may be and paid accordingly. Holiday pay is however,
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Injury pay
IEs are entitled to injury pay for the period spent in hospital when
authorised by the General Manager for any accident while on duty.
This amount is calculated on the basis of basic rate of monthly
wage, depending on whether he is a DW or PW. This amount
however will be deducted from the compensation, if any, paid under
workmen compensation Act. All allowance like DA, HRA and TA
are also admissible on the pay.
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Hospital stoppages
In cases where hospital stoppages are recoverable, hospital stoppage
rolls will be prepared and sent by the Medical Authorities to the Audit
Officer (Disbursing Officer in the case of Industrial Employees) for
effecting recovery from the pay bill of the individuals concerned. The
recovery in respect of industrial employees will be effected through their
acquittance rolls and the credit there-for accounted for in the relevant
disbursement certificates. While verifying the details of the disbursement
certificates, the recovery for hospital stoppages should be checked by the
Accounts Office with the relevant hospital stoppage rolls.
In cases where no pecuniary benefit accrued to an IE being on leave
without pay, no recovery for hospital stoppage is to be made.
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Supplementary Payments
Apart from regular wages, payments are also made to the IEs through
supplementary bills. Such payments include any belated payment (i.e.
unpaid amount due to under calculation of elements of wages for the
previous months) and payments on account of regularization of leave,
arrears on account of fixation of pay on promotion, DA etc.
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Ref: PCA (Fys) important circular no. PR/VI/502/PW Corr/VIII dated 12.06.2007
and subsequent amendment vide even no. dated 20.07.2007
Card Value:
PW cards would be priced on the basis of average of minimum of the
Vth CPC pay of the 1st April. This will be the ‘card value’ (say ‘A’)
DA Percentage:
DA percentage may be worked out every month for each section of
the factory based on the actual amount paid on that account i.e. DA, HRA, Transport
Allowance (TA), Hill Compensatory Allowance (HCA), Tribal Allowances etc as
per wage bill and levied concurrently like DOP % and Escalation Pay %.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 45
Amt. Of DA, HRA, TA, HCA & Tribal Allowance etc including
arrears on these which pertain to the year of accounts, if any, paid
during month.
% of DA = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AX (1 + P/100) (1 + E/100) +LP+HP (for PW) +TW&OT pay + LP
(for DW)
The estimate however will be priced on the basis of DOP, ESC and
DA as above of immediately preceding month in which it is priced. Where estimate
is priced in half yearly basis average of above factors for last six months need to be
taken for pricing.
Asstt. Controller of Accounts
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 46
0 13/32
1 17/32
2 21/32
3 25/32
4 29/32
4 3/4 (Full present) I
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7 '/z hrs 8 hrs including 9 hrs 8 hrs with 8 hrs
recess lunch break excluding
& Recess
Lunch break &
Lunch break
44 hrs 50 hrs 48 hrs 46 hrs 44 3/4 hrs
Q5. Booking of attendance for present on Saturday for one hour is marked:
29/32 21/32 25/32 17/32 I
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 50
Who work in the Who are being Who are being Answer given in A, B &
Day time only paid with paid with C are not correct
reference to reference to their
output attendance
Q7. Which one of the answer is not found correct for calculation of amount for
(1) Time Wages, (2) Overtime Pay & (3) Overtime Bonus admissible to a
Day Worker?
[(Basic Rate of [(Basic Rate of [Basic Rate of [(P+2d)/200] X No of
Pay)/ (N-S)] X No Pay)/ {N- Pay/200] X No OT Bonus hours
of days present (S+H)}] X No of OT hours admissible
of days present worked
Own basic pay Maximum of Average of scale Minimum of the
the scale of pay of pay scale of pay
Q9. Maximum profit% admissible to a Piece Worker during a wage period is:
80 70 75 None of A, B & C
Q10. Which classes of Day Workers are not entitled to Incentive Bonus?
Highly Skilled Un skilled Skilled Semi Skilled Master craft man
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 51
Q11. Incentive Bonus payable to a maintenance worker deployed in the Estate area
will calculate on the basis of:
50% of profit 45% of 50% of 50% of average No answer given
earned in the profit earned profit earned profit earned by in A, B, C & D is
Estate by by the the sections correct
Maintenance Production
section section
Last day of the 10th of the First week of Last week of 10th of the 2nd
respective 1st month the 2nd the1st month month following
month following month
Q13. Which answer is correct? The Receipt side of Disbursement Certificate shows
Amount received Net payment Actual payment Deduction made
on ECR payable Disbursed
Q. 14. Which item does not reflect in the Payment side of Disbursement Certificate?
Deduction made Total amount Any receipt for Net payment payable
passed in Master un -disbursed
Roll wages remitted by
money Order
Q15. Which is not the primary document for Cost Accounting of Labour?
PW Cards DW Cards Financial Allocation Sheets Cost Punching
Punching Medium
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Ministry of Defence OM of even no dated the 12th July 2000 mentioned in the
Ministry’s letter dt.26-03-2008 was circulated vide this office part-I Office Order No.
AT/18 dt. 27-09-2000.
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(M.S. Sharma)
Under Secretary
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1. Defence (Fin/AG/PB)
3. General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation, 70
Market Road, Kirkee, Pune-411003.
4. General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Workers
Federation, 25/19, No.6, 6th Street, Vaishnavi Nagar, RCC Post,
Chennai 600109.
5. General Secretary, Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
(BPMS), 2 Navin Market, Kanpur-208001.
6. General Secretary, Confederation of Defence Recognized
Associations, 96 Defence Apartments, G-17, Paschim Vihar,
Rohtak Road, Delhi-87.
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1) All materials paid for are actually received and accounted for in
the Factories. Anomalies in this show up as “Outstanding Assets”
and “Outstanding Liabilities”, which must be constantly
monitored and linked, to bring them to zero. Only then would this
objective be realized. This process would also ensure that pricing
errors are rectified in time.
2) All issues from the store are accounted for properly and in time.
Priced Store Account (PSA) is a macro account generated by the
computer, which gives the overall amounts for a month. Priced
Store Ledger (PSL) is a detailed, item wise account. Both these
accounts will not give the right picture if all Demand Notes,
Return Notes floated in a month are accounted for.
3) All issues are charged to appropriate manufacturing warrants.
Costs will be distorted if there is a mistake and these are charged
to the wrong warrants or to the wrong code heads. Material
Abstracts must, therefore, be comprehensive (i.e. cover all issues
etc.) and correctly posted so that Cost Cards reflect the reality.
Wrong depiction in Cost Cards would obviously lead to wrong
interpretation and wrong managerial actions.
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Essentials: –
(i) Standardization of product code (10 digits). First two-digit
vocabulary section, next three-digit factory unit code and
last five digits serial number of folios.
(ii) Standardization of item code for all materials in the Factory
(iii) Preparation of standard estimates for articles produced in
the Factory.
(iv) Work out output- consumption ratio of the raw materials to
the ultimate furnished product.
(v) Opening balance, drawal, purchase information.
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The same Principal is followed for each item of final product say B, C
Now the total requirement of raw material A111 is calculated as.
A111 required for item A + A111 required for item B + A111 required for item
ii) After computerization of Factories: - The vocabulary number is
allotted by OFB and 1 year in advance production plans are intimated to
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 63
(i) Item Code (ii) Item Description (iii) MP Sheet No. & Date
(iv) Required For production of items (OFB Vocabulary
code) (v) Production Plan for the item (vi) Estimate number
(vii) Output –consumption ratio (viii) Total Qty required
(ix) Qty required for next six months (x) Qty on stock (xi)
Qty for which order has already been placed (dues) (xii) Net
quantity required.
Audit of MP Sheet- At the time of taking action against any proposal
for procurement the MP Sheet is to be audited to justify the need. While
doing that it is to be ensured that there is a control mechanism for
detecting the progress of MP Sheet once prepared through the system.
Advantage of System
It has more relation to the coming year’s production plan than on the
previous year’s history.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 64
Disadvantage of System
Audit never feels comfortable, as the Output- consumption ratio worked
out by computers is not visible.
If suitable checks are not in built into the system may lead to over-
SHIS – The full form is Store Holder Inability Sheet. The name itself
specifies that in same is prepared by the store holder while proposing for
any procurement. This can be merely termed as Store Holder’s proposed
justification for procurement. It contains stock in hand, dues, average
consumption, liabilities in sight and hence requirement to meet this
liabilities. SHIS for cases valuing less than Rs. 1, 00,000 may not be
vetted by LAO. The requirement for next six month is calculated on the
basis of the formula.
Audit of SHIS
SHIS when received in Accounts Office is to be verified by the section
to establish.
The SHIS is not duplicated.
Qty of stock in hand is shown correctly in the inability sheet.
Average monthly consumption noted on the SHIS is correct.
Figures of dues shown in the SHIS are correct
M P Sheet SHIS
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 65
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 66
here are separate levels of TPC in Ordnance Factory Board level. TPC
recommends the placement of order on the basis of deliberations made
and duly considering the following factors:
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 67
When the decision is arrived at, a minute of TPC is made and gets signed
by all the Members of TPC.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 68
KOLKATA –700001
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 69
Enclo: 09
Ordnance Factory Board
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 70
Apart from the above the following internal transactions of the Factories
are also accounted for as receipt.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 71
Beside the above the following transactions of the factory are also
accounted for as issues.
(i) Loss of Stores-in-Transit.
(ii) Loss of Stores on Charge.
(iii) Loss of Stores due to causes other than above.
(iv) Transfers to Capital.
(v) Miscellaneous.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 72
The receipt and issue vouchers after pricing are entered in to the monthly
Priced Store Account (PSA) under different Codes for different sources
of receipts and issues. Similarly, the value of Demand and Return Notes
is entered in the PSA to arrive at the net receipt and net issue. Thereafter,
these are added with the closing balance of the previous month to arrive
at the total raw – material inventory at the end of the month.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 73
A priced Store Account detailing the receipt and Issue transactions from
stock in each month under the various heads specified in Forms IAF
(FAC) –15 for Receipt and IAF (FAC)- 16 for issues is prepared by
Material Section every month after generation of Computerised PSA
report for the concerned month and submitted to the Costing Section by
15th of the month following for the purpose of posting in Principal
PSL generated every month from Computer details item code wise
(concerned for the material dealt with) transactions of all receipts and
issues showing UOQ (Unit of Quantity), Opening Balance, details of
Receipt Voucher, Return Note or Adjustment Receipt Vouchers for
receipt transactions and Demand Notes, Issue Voucher or Adjustment
issue Voucher for issue transactions, m.a.rate, closing balance etc. Work
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 74
At the end of the year a Consolidated PSA and PSL are also generated
through Computer containing all transactions pertaining to the year.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 75
All the data pertaining to Receipt Voucher, Issue Voucher DN/RN are
entered in the respective file and a checklist is generated to examine that
there is no error in the entry or duplication or Missing of voucher is
there. Special attention is paid to see that the UDQ, PSACD entered is
correct. In some factories data are captured from factory source.
Before pricing of Rt. Vrs. New folios for new items of materials are to
be appended in item master file.
Pricing of Demand & Return Note and Issue Vouchers are made through
system w.r.t. Average Ledger Rate (ALR i.e. V1+V2/Q1+Q2)
For any Rt.Vr.Adjustment data entry is made in a file called RTAJ file giving
previous value, Original Value, Difference of Value, previous voucher No. etc. After
running a programme PSL check the system automatically creates a file for Issue
Adjustment of concerned DN/RN.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 76
PSL entry and Validation Checks option in Transaction menu pad of
Main menu is selected. On selection of this option File Type, PSL Check
& exit option is activated. PSL check is selected and Invsys asks for
concerned Receipt Transaction, DN/RN/Issue Transaction file and
Adjustment file name (ISSADJFL) and year month of PSL. Entering the
same PSL is checked. Rejected Transactions are found out through a
report ERRFLTXT. The reasons for rejection of such documents are
scrutinized and corrective action is taken.
The system verifies the sequence of documents with reference to the Bin
Page Line Number. The BPLN maintained in the Master is taken as the
1st number after which transaction sequence is checked. A message
comes while checking PSL “Document Missing” is indicative of a
sequence no. that is not available in the transaction file. The document
that is missing can be traced out from Bin Card w.r.t. the BPLN.
PSD Update menu of Update Menu pad of main menu is selected for the
same, Invsys then asks for year &month of PSL and whether Binder
wise Ledger Report necessary. On entering the same Opening Balance of
PSL for the month is shown on the screen. This OB should be checked
with CB of earlier month. Then an option comes in the screen whether to
allow Unorthodox Balance. If ‘NO’ is selected rejected issue
transactions in PSL check is separately kept in a temporary file. If ‘YES’
are selected system prices all transaction with ALR. Unorthodox
Balance is looked into later by user.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 77
For generation of PSA M-Section of AO examines a report on Priced
Issue Voucher generated by Computer and prepares “Adjustment for
PSA only which will have no effect on the closing balances computed in
the PSL process but require a change while exhibiting the figures code
-wise in the PSA. Such adjustment may arise because PSA code used
earlier for transaction was erroneous and needs correction or where
Profit/ Loss on sale requires shown separately
Necessary data entry for adjustment for PSA only is made in PSAADJ
file then PSA option of PSL submenu of Report menu is selected for
PSA generation. Invsys asks certain information like month and year of
last PSL month and year of PSL, Receipts upto the end of last month and
whether we wish to add adjustment for PSA only etc. on entering this
information last CB of PSA comes in the screen. After verification of the
same with last months report ‘Entry’ key is pressed for PSA creation.
Output report PSAREP, TXT is generated.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 78
On planning of yearly Production of a Factory, the Factory will prepare
requirement of material for the planned production activities. Then they
will try to ascertain the source from where the material to be procured.
As per the existing rule they should first try to get the material from
sister Factories and then from trade source to maintain the quality of
Production .So on ascertainment of material, which can be procured
from sister Factory. They will float demand to other Factories. The
document prepared for placing demand is IFD –Inter Factory Demand.
Two copies of the IFD will be received in Accounts Office of the
Intending Factory. Who after post audit will pass on one copy to,
Indentee Factory Accounts Office for record & watch the supply. So,
IFD is a type of extract or may be called as authority for undertaking
production in the supplying factory.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 79
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 80
Store Accounts
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 81
Such stores, which are sold to external agencies, are categorized under
following broad head
1) Waste product
2) Scrap
3) Surplus Stores
4) Obsolete Stores
SURPLUS STORES: This are stores which can not be utilized against
present for anticipated requirement over a period to be determine on the
merit of each case or which are liable to deteriorate by the time they
could be used in the normal course of events.
OBSOLETE STORES: These are the stores, which have been declared
surplus due to obsolescence. Such store usually arises due to sudden
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 82
Having determined the surpluses they will be disposed of by transfer to
other factories, defence services, priority indentors and/or by sell to
private parties. A reserve/guiding price for such stores will be fixed
which are usually at book value plus the packing and incidental charges
incurred plus 5% of the sale value. In case of transfer of surplus stores
and waste products to any priority indentors free of charge 2% of the
book value of the stores should be levied for the incidental charges to
cover packing, loading, cartage charges etc. Such incidental charges will
not be recovered if arrangements are made by the priority indentors.
Reserve prices are fix by the factory management with the concurrence
of LAO. If there is any disagreement meeting factory management and
LAO the case should be referred to DGOF for decision. Reserve price
should be fixed not more than 2 days before the auction. The above price
should made known to the auction supervisor of the date of auction
itself, half an hour before the auction. All concerned officers including
Accounting Officers connected with the fixation of reserve price and the
auction supervisor must treat such price as strictly confidential.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 83
On receipt of approval full details are noted in the Sales Register, MRO
received for Security Deposit is adjusted and noted in the Security
Deposit Register, MRO received for sale value is adjusted for sale value,
sales tax etc. after verification of monthly statement. The MROs are
forwarded to Accounts Section of the Office of the PCA (Fys) in the
normal manner. Action to pay dues on account of sales tax/excise duty to
the relevant authorities should be taken on receipt of contingent bill from
the factory. All the sale proceeds will be reflected in the Cash
Compilation Statement viz. Deduct head under "Revenue Expenditure"
for realization on account of "Sale of Scrap" and revenue head for
receipts for realization on account of sale of surplus stores.
In the case of stores disposed by DGS&D, credit for sale proceeds are
passed on by the PAO concerned to the CDA concerned depending on
the location of auction. The credits are compiled to the final factory head
of account and the sale accounts are forwarded to Store Section, who
allocated the amount to the respective factories and forward the sales
account to the concerned Accounts Officer for linking. On receipt, the
sale accounts are linked by the A.O.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 84
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 85
1) MP Sheet is a computerized report generated on the basis of input
data received from Factories regarding opening balance of stock,
estimates for material requirement, punched cards containing
information relating to primary documents of stores viz. Receipt
Vouchers, Issue Vouchers, Demand Notes, Return Notes,
Adjustment Vouchers. This is an essential tool for preparation of
material budget and can be used as a control for verifying the
necessity for procurement of any item.
2) Store Holder Inability Sheet is prepared by the Store Holder while
proposing for justification of any procurement. It contains Stock
in Hand, Dues, Average Consumption, Liabilities in sight and
requirement to meet the liabilities. The requirement for next 6
months is calculated as under:
(Total consumption during last 12 months / 12) X 6
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 86
GM Chairman
(b) Level-II
(c) Level-III
(d) Level-IV
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 87
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 88
Demand/Return Notes Average Ledger Rate
Issue Vouchers Average Ledger Rate
Sale Vouchers Sale Rate
Loss Statement Average Ledger Rate (other
than Transit)
Loss of Store in Transit Rate at which connected
Receipt Voucher was priced
Payment Issues (i) Average Ledger Rate
Plus (ii) 5% Addl. Charges
plus 5% of addl. Charges
on (i) & (ii)
8. Linking payments with Receipt Vouchers. Unlinked items represent
payments made for which Receipt Vouchers are awaited. These are
called “Outstanding Assets”.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 89
The PSL under each ledger folio shows Opening Balance of store,
details of store receipt during a month through Receipt Vouchers, Return
Notes or Adjustment Receipt Vouchers; details of Issues made from
stock through Issue Vouchers, Demand Notes, Adjustment Issue
Vouchers and Closing balance of the store at the end of the month.
12. Surplus and waste stores are sold through auction. The stores are
categorized as
Waste product
Surplus stores
Obsolete stores
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 90
13. Reserve Stock Pile Item: Strategic items of stores, which are very
difficult to procure in case of failure of normal supplies, are classified as
Stock Pile Items. A reserve of such stores is built up separately from
working stock to meet the demands of future production in case of
failure of normal supplies. The stock Pile items are procured from
Capital Head and a separate Bin Card is being maintained for these types
of stores. A separate Store Ledger known as Capital Store Ledger is also
being maintained for these kind of stores. Receipt & Issues of Reserve
Stock Pile Items are being carried out through “R” series of vouchers.
Although the stores are being procured under Capital Head of Accounts
but no depreciation will be charged against these stores.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 91
There are 15 Questions carrying equal mark. One mark will also be
deducted for each wrong answer.
Total 30 Marks
[Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once
ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible,
as a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer]
Q1. Auditing requirement of a MP Sheets which information does not
match to be reflected in the MP Sheet?
Output Qty required Warrant MP Sheet Estimate
consumption for next six Number Number & Number
ratio months date
Q2. Which item does not contain in a Store Holder Inability Sheet:
Dues Stock in Average Liabilities Quantity of
Hand consumption Store drawn
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 92
Where the Where the When it is Where the When it is a
demand is value is proprietary demand is non
very urgent large& nature of very urgent proprietary
and likely sufficient item and and likely nature of
sources are time is there is only sources are item but
not known available source of known only one
supply exists source of
supply exists
Q4. A CST was prepared for a stores valuing Rs. 30,000/- and placed
to TPC for approval. Which level of TPC is required in this case?
Level-IV Level-II Level-III No TPC Level-I
From Loan From estate From Trade From UK From COD
To other Ord. To Production To Loan To Capital
Factory Section
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 93
Q8. Against the pricing of Issue documents from store certain answer
has given in the box "X". If you don't agree the answer given in
the box "X", please give the correct answer under the box "Y"
quoting only A or B or C or D
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 94
Receipt Red Demand Issue Material
Voucher Demand Note Voucher Inward Slip
"S" Series Note "S" Series (MIS)
Jt. GM in GM Works Manager AGM/ Jt. GM in
Charge in Charge Charge
"N" Series "S" Series "R" Series "P" Series "M" Series
Q12. Which is/are not the Primary Store document for preparation of
Material Abstract?
Demand Note Red Return Issue Voucher Return Note
Q13. Which section of the Factory Management will open a ledger folio
number of any store?
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 95
Plus Qty Minus Nil Qty Plus Qty Plus Qty Minus Minus
& Qty& & Plus & Nil & Plus Qty& Qty&
Minus Nil Value Value Value Plus Minus
Value Value Value Value
Monthly (Total (Last quarterly Qty required for each
consumption consumption consumption) item of manufacture
X6 during last 12 X 2 X No of article
months /12) X required to be
6 manufactured for
coming 6 months
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 96
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 97
After completing this Chapter you will be able to understand:
Types of Extracts.
What is a Warrant?
Work Orders & its purpose.
Standard Estimates - their pricing & re-pricing system.
Cost Card - What does it contain?
Posting of actual figures from various tabulations in the Cost
Semi - Concept, Necessity, Pricing & final treatment in Cost
Working out of abnormal rejection cost
Arriving out Cost of Production and analysis of variances.
Overheads Accounting - Definition, Classification, Collection,
War Insurance Charge
Allocation and apportionment of Overheads: Step Ladder System.
Fixation of Budgeted Overheads; Central Budget Committee &
Shop Budget Committee.
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 98
An Extract is the authority for the manufacture of an article in a Factory.
It is issued by OFB to enable the Factory to undertake manufacture in
respect of all out turn Work Orders and certain Indirect Service Work
Orders. One Extract is placed for one Work Order. Copies of all Extracts
as well as amendments relating thereto will be received in the Accounts
Office direct from OFB or through the Finance Division, OFB, if they
relate to Army, Navy, Air Force, MES or Stock Orders.
Open Extracts
Before the commencement of each financial year, open extracts for
various services pertaining to all classes of extracts are issued to the
Factories by the OFB.
An Open Extracts allotted for Class II, the General Manager can carry
out work of Payment Services in each case up to the limit of his financial
power without asking separate Extracts to the OFB. Similarly, a
RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 99
It is an authority for undertaking manufacture of an article by the
Productive Shop/Section. It is issued by the General Manager of the
Factory. Work Office of the Factory issued Warrant to the respective
Manufacturing Sections to undertake the job. It contains Material to be
used and operation wise Trade/Grade of labour to be employed to
complete the article to be manufactured. A Warrant Number is of five
digits, e.g. 0000/0, where the fifth digit denotes as under:
Duration of Warrants
Normal duration of Warrants for work other than Capital Works (New or
Repair) is Six months only. Approval for further extension may be
obtained from DGOF
Action Taken by Accounts Office on receipt of Warrant
A warrant is received by Costing Section of Accounts Office & issued
by Works Office of the Ordnance Factory. A warrant contains two parts:
Manufacturing Warrant
Material Warrant
Work Orders
A Work Order is a codified list consisting of nine digits and represents
for which service is to be rendered by its first two digits, nomenclature
of the subject store to be manufactured by next five digits and last two
Whenever the PW profit % exceeds 50% the BAO should forward the
list of related labour estimates to the factory to review the authorization
with a request to downwardly revise the SMH requirement for the
connected operations of the estimates. A monthly list of profit %
exceeding 50% may be generated from the wage roll package and sent to
costing section in soft and hard copy. Thereafter the costing section may
take up the same with IED Section for remedial action. Periodical
reminders and follow up action through ULMC etc may be done. (601e)
Each Warrant against a certain Work Order is a authority for
undertaking production of a batch. Against each Warrant a Cost Card is
opened in Accounts Office to watch production of a batch.
Source of Postings
(1) Labour Abstract: All piece work cards, day work cards, allocation
sheets and the labour punching media pertaining to a month are sent to
the E.D.P. Section of the Accounts Office for the preparation of labour
abstract through Costing Package. While forwarding these documents,
the Labour Section also intimates control totals of each kind of
document pertaining to each section. The Labour Abstract is prepared
section-wise showing each work order and warrant the amount of labour
booked. Charges shown in the labour abstract are inclusive of all
elements of pay as mentioned in Para 200A and 200B above. A top sheet
Semi Concept
In the process of Production it is not expected that all the items placed
on pipeline will be completed within the running financial year i.e.
within 31st . March of a year. So the question of ascertainment of cost of
the item in pipelines i.e. incomplete articles and No. Since completed
against the Warrants not declared closed by the Management within the
financial year arise. On 31st March the Management will take the stock
taking at each Shop floor to identify the items still on pipeline and will
record in a Statement called Semi Statement and forwarded the same to
the Accounts Office for evaluation. Accounts Office will verify the
correctness of the record and will get it modified by them if any wrong is
detected. Then the Accounts Office will evaluate the Semis well before
the closing of the accounts of the year, with reference to drawal position
Cost Abstract:
Cost Abstract is the codified printout of primary documents. It is printed
monthly showing the Work Order, Warrant No nature of document etc.
Material Abstracts:
It is printed from Demand Notes and Return Notes, Adjustment
vouchers. Against each entry document no nature of document are also
shown. Return Notes are exhibited as minus.
T V Abstracts:
When the cost is transferred from one Work Order to another Work
Order, the same is exhibited in this abstract
Subsidiary Abstract:
SVC-Sectional Variable Charges, It is printed from collection of figures
from Labour, Material Abstracts and also from Overhead Allocation
against 02 Series of Work Orders.
The expenditure under '01' and '02' Series of Work Order are allocated to
the various jobs by changing predetermined percentages on 'Direct
Labour. These percentages vary from Shop to Shop. The difference
between the actual expenditure and those levied at predetermined
percentages is called Unabsorbed Fixed and Variable Charges. If the
actual are more than the amount levied, then there is under absorption. If
The Direct Labour Hour (Production Man Hour or Standard Man Hour) for the
ensuing year will be estimated on the basis of production programme. The fixed
charges comprise of certain item of expenditure which is directly accounted for
under ‘01’ series through primary document such as indirect material booked
through Demand Note/Return Note, indirect labour booked through Day Work
Cards/Allocation sheets. However certain elements of fixed charges are not booked
through primary documents such as Pay and Allowances, Depreciation, losses,
profits etc.. In order that these latter charges may also be compiled under the relevant
work orders, certain adjustments through allocation sheet are required to be made
every month. The intention is that the total figures booked under 01 series, (whether
the expenditure incurred is booked initially in the primary cost Accounting Record or
in the primary financial accounting records) should represent the total of the fixed
charges for the factory concerned e.g. expenditure on work order 01/00026/00 -
Services for OFB will be charged to this work order directly through these records
and no other document will be prepared.
Pay and Allowances of Clerical and other Staff, NGOs, Officers etc
(i) Pay and Allowances of Clerical and other Staff, NGOs, Officers etc-
(ii) Central Administration (Fys) and Central Administration (Accounts)
Expenditure on the OFB Directorate including Addl. DGOF (OEF) HQrs [Addl.
DGOF (HVF) HQrs] is classified as (a) Effective Charges representing pay and
allowances and other miscellaneous charges and (b) Non-effective Charges
-Superannuation charges and Government contribution to Provident Fund. The total
of (a) and (b) is then distributed over factories on the basis of direct labour incurred
by each factory and intimated to the Accounts Offices for adjustment through
allocation sheets.
Miscellaneous Indirect Service for other Factories and formations. In the case of
two or more factories having common Estate the Accounts Office of the factory
incurring the expenditure apportions the charges on suitable basis to other factories
and formation. While the total expenditure is booked to the appropriate indirect work
order, credit is taken against this order. The total cost of medical establishment will
be compiled viz. Estate dispensary and Hospital (including Hygiene Cell) etc. in the
factory to which Medical Establishment is attached. Proportionate cost will be
compiled and the amount will be intimated to the Accounts Office of the other
There are certain items of fixed charges which cannot be definitely allocated to any
particular section, but which are common to the factory. The total expenditure for
each such item of the factory should be allocated to the sections on some pre-
determined basis which should be approved by the G.M. of the factory. Some items
of this type are mentioned below and against each is shown, the basis which may be
adopted to allocate it to the various sections/cost centres. The list is not exhaustive
and it is also probable that local conditions may warrant the use of an alternative
basis which would give a more equitable allocation of the charges even for the items
included therein. In such cases, the local Accounts Officer should arrive at a suitable
basis in consultation with the management.
Basis Description
Number of workmen in Conservancy, road lighting and maintenance Estate
each section Revenue & expenditure Miscellaneous in direct services
for other factories/ formations
Number of employees in Unclaimed Wages lapsed Accident prevention Rates, rents
each section & Taxes, recovered from occupants of factory quarters.
On the basis of Direct Departmental experiments Manufacture, up keep of
Labour in section. samples etc. Factory School.
In proportion to the Capital value of Maintenance of Buildings, Roads etc
After the posting of the fixed charges section/cost Centre wise, a step-ladder will be
prepared for allocating the charges of services sections to production sections. The
percentages or factors of allocation to each productive shop will be fixed, in
consultation with the Management of the factory and should represent fairly the
relations between the value of the service rendered by service section and production
activities of the factory.
The Sectional Fixed charges (SFC) statement is generated from data of labour,
material and transfer voucher abstracts, sectional variable charges statements and
component abstracts. The sectional fixed charges statement shows the monthly
expenditure incurred under ‘01’ series work orders for the shop concerned, whether
in the shop itself or in other shops.
The difference between the chargeable fixed charges and the actual levied amount
should be shown- as under/over absorbed fixed charges provided the same does not
exceed ±5% of the chargeable amount. If it or the difference exceeds 5%, the
difference will be charged to production by re-levying the difference over all the
work orders in proportion to the value of direct labour.
(a) Where an item involved manufacture of various components and assembly and
the estimates provide different percentage of allowance for rejection for different
components and one manufacture warrant is issued to cover complete production of
batch, avoidable losses should be determined component wise, and the total amount
for the warrant regularized on one loss statement.
(b) Production consists of Casting or Forging and Machining thereof and the
estimates provide for rejection allowance at casting/forging stage and the machining
stage. In cases where independent warrants for casting/forging and machining are
being issued, the losses will be dealt with independently without linking the
warrants viz. casting/forging losses will be separate and the machining losses will be
separate and will be regularized if they exceed the allowable percentage in such
cases. In case only one warrant is issued, the case for loss will arise only if the
overall rejection exceeds the allowance percentage for the quantity processed in a
(c) Production of a component is planned stage wise, there being a separate warrant
for each stage. In such cases not only the various warrants for a particular stage but
all stages for a particular component shall be combined for practical convenience.
Where production is in big quantities, 6 months may be considered as period for
grouping and reckoning the loss, but if the production is small, loss shall be
determined for the year as a whole. The Ordnance Factory Board will decide the
period of grouping.
(d) There will generally be a large number of warrants, at the end of each financial
year, where only a part of the quantity ordered on the warrant is completed. For the
purpose of production accounts, the cost of completed quantity of each such warrant
will be worked out by including the cost of actual rejections upto the quantity at the
maximum prescribed percentage of unavoidable rejections, if any, merged with the
work in progress (un-finished semi) and carried over to the next year. On such part
completed warrants, regularization action, if any, will be progressed separately.
(f) For purpose of regularization of losses on adhoc orders for which no estimate
exist, the normal rule as provided for in F.R. Part I will be followed. If the loss is
categorized as unavoidable, the certificate of unavoidability of rejection loss in
manufacture under Rule 169 FR Part I will however be issued by O.F.B.
(g) All avoidable rejection losses requiring regularization will be categorized as store
losses. The consolidated figure of such losses formally written off should be
reflected in the Appropriation Account for the year.
(h) Each case of loss due to rejection beyond unavoidable rejection percentage will
be examined on its merit and categorized as due to theft, fraud or neglect or not due
to theft, fraud or neglect in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 162 FR
Part I.
All other cases will require the sanction of the Govt. of India.
Capital Assets in a factory are classified under three main heads:
i) Building
ii) Machinery
iii) Other items
The items falling under Building are;
(a) Industrial Building i.e. Building within the four walls of the FY
whether used for Production or Non-production purposes any factory
sections (except offices) outside factory walls.
(b) Non-industrial Building i.e. office outside the Fy. Perimeter wall,
Hospitals/ M. I. Room, Staff Club etc., and
(c) Residential Buildings
Machinery (including air-cooling plants), Steam lunch barges,
Locomotives, Railway Wagon, Station Wagon, Motor lorries, Weighing
machine, Sewing machines, Furnaces
Other items
Other items are water or gas lines, openly visible lines filter units (filter
plant for water supplies) incinerators, railway lines and railway sidings
(if installed and or maintained by Fys), Tube wells, Remington
Accounting Machines etc., Lands, and Roads. Drains, Telephones
Chimneys, Electrical installation, Leveling site, Jetties, Steel furniture &
fitting, Computer etc
The Accounts of Capital Assets in the Fys are maintained in two Block
Registers on IAF (FAC) 77 by Accounts offices, One for Building items
and other for Machinery items.
Block Register shows:
1) The original purchase value.
2) 1st. Year Depreciation
3) Opening balance of the Book Value of the Capital Assets.
4) Addition during the year.
5) Reduction during the year, including Annual Depreciation
6) The closing depreciated book value at the end of the year.
Accounting of Machinery/items
The value of machinery items purchase from funds provided under
Capital will be directly booked against the appropriate minor head for
capital and to facilitate this relevant vouchers (which will be assigned
numbers in the ‘M’’ series) etc. will be endorsed accordingly by the
executive. In cases where this is not possible, they will be compiled to
the head for stores, taken to stock and subsequently transferred to
‘capital’ Head by contra minus debit to the appropriate head and draws
on demand notes on “Capital Work Orders’ under 04 series. They are
subsequently taken on the block register on the authority of Capital
Services Voucher numbered in ‘M’ series.
In respect of machinery items which are financed from the Renewals
Reserve fund, necessary debits will be adjusted by the PCA (Fys) against
Capital Head. These are not passed through stock but are taken in Block
Registers through ‘M’ series vouchers. The relevant receipt voucher
should be duly linked with the disbursement voucher through the
medium of a linking register. The register is maintained in two parts:
Sl. Bill No. Nomenclatur Amount Rt. Value Different No. & date
No. disbursement e Vr. between of
Vr. No. etc. of stores No. Col. adjustment
& 4&6 Vr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
While pricing the ‘M’ series Voucher customs duty at tariff rate will be
included if debits have not been received. Suitable linking registers
should be maintained for ensuring that the debits are properly linked and
that details are called for in respect of outstanding items. Article borne in
the inventory lists of shops, when required to be shows in the block
registers will be transferred, direct on regular voucher bearing issue
vouchers in the inventory series and receipt number in Capital, series
Block Register
The accounts of Capital Assets in the factories are maintained in two
Block Registers on IAF (Fac) 77 by Accounts Office. One for Building
items and the other for Machinery items. While the Block Register for
Machineries will show only the Book Value of the Machinery, a
complete record of accounts of the Building items of the factory will be
maintained showing the depreciated value of the Buildings at the year-
end. Block Register for Machineries will continue to show only the
Book Value as it should remain in perpetuity whereas Block Register for
Building and other items etc. will show: -
(i) The original purchase value
(iii) Opening balance of the book value of Capital Assets other than
Plant & Machineries
(depreciated book value in the case of depreciable items)
(v) Reduction during the year (including the annual depreciation) and
(vi) The closing depreciated book value at the end of the year.
In the new computerized system and milieu the Block register is
prepared and maintained through package. The program will be run in
the month of April every year i.e. after closure of the financial year.
After closing the Annual Capital Account a printout of Block register
generated through package will be taken and kept for record as a Block
Debit Item
3 Direct Stores Total value of Figure should agree with the Total direct
Material costs booked material expenditure shown in Debit side
under Direct series (i.e. other of work-in-progress A/c of Principal
than 01 and 02 series) as Ledger.
tabulated in
the summary of
Material and T.V. Abstract for
the year.
4 Overhead Charges Total expenditure incurred on Figure should agree with the supervision
(A) Supervision Charges account of Pay & Allowances charges shown in the debit side of
etc. in respect of employees Overhead expenses A/c of Principal
and officers Ledger.
(other than IEs)
and booked under class of cost
against `01' series work order.
(c) DAD Figures should agree with Figure should agree with the
Charges the Share intimated by amount shown against W.O.
(i) Accounts PCA (Fys), Kolkata on 01/00028/00 (Central
(ii) Internal account of Central Administration (Fys))
Check Administration (Accounts) and01/00029/00 (Fy. Account
plus Expenditure of Office.
Local Accounts
Office (percentage of
Set accounts of Internal
check is 80% & 20%)
(d) As worked out by LAO in Figure should agree with the
Superannuation superannuation charges amount booked under cost W.O.
Charges Register adopting the rates 01/00013/00
intimated by PCA (Fys)
Note: -Total of Indirect (D) Depreciation As worked out and Figure should agree with the
and Direct Stores Charges calculated by LAO in the amount booked under cost W.O.
should agree with Cr. (a) Depreciation Capital Block Register 01/00018/00 for other
item 1(a) & 1(b) of (Sum of depreciation items01/00019/00 for
Store A/c. amount of all capital assets Building01/00034/00 for
other than land). Machinery01/10034/00
Depreciation to be
(b) Book Value worked out Figure should agree with the
of Discarded adopting Straight Line amount appeared under cost
Assets Method. W.0.01/00050/00
Note: - Over/under absorption both for VOH and FOH must be within ±
5% limit. If actual exceeds 5% limit, course of Re-levy to be taken
(i) Rent & Rates Amount compiled in Manufacturing Figure should agree
Recoverable A/c Statt. B. Amount should also be with Cr. item of OH
booked under Cost W.O. Exp. A/c in) principal
01/00125/00 Ledger.
(ii) Elec. & Water Charges Amount compiled in Manufacturing -do-
recoverable A/c Statt. B. Amount should also be
booked under Cost W.O.
(iii) Unclaimed Wages AS intimated by Fy. Management -do-
Lapsed Amount to be booked under W.O.
(iv) Sale proceeds of Amount worked out by AO with the -do-
Machinery entries of sale Reqr. Of Machinery
Amount recovered should be
compiled under Fin. Code
01/922/35 (deduct code).
Amount should also be booked
under 01/00151/00
(d) Profit on sale of Amount appeared in PSA against -do
(i) Surplus Stores Rt. Code.
(ii) Obsolete Stores PSA Rt code 21, 25, 119 PSA Rt.
(iii) Waste and Scrap Code 22
PSA Rt. Code 23, 24
Amount of profit to be booked
under W.O. 01/00131/00
(g) Care & Custody of Amount booked under Fig. Should agree
Stock cost W.O. 01/00046/00 with concerned Cr.
item of OR Exp. A/c
in Principal Ledger
Deptt. Stores utilized on Sum of process and Foundry Fig. Should agree
Indirect work orders Materials booked under'01' with the amount
2 and '02' series W.Os appeared posted against Dr.
against class of cost 22, 28 item of Misc. charges
etc. A/c of Principal
3 Work-in-progress as on 31St
Sum of WIP value worked by LAO Fig. Should agree
March for all the Cost Cards inclusive of with the closing WIP
process/Foundry WIP. Fig. Should value shown in work-
agree with the sum total of semi in-progress A/c of
Statt. Prepared by Fy and priced by principal ledger.
4 Under absorbed fixed Excess of leviable FOH over levied Amount should be
charges amount. agreed with the
summary of IE Statt.
(01 series).
5 Under absorbed variable Excess of leviable VOH over levied Amount should agree
charges amount. with the summary of
IE Statt. (02 series)
6 Cost of Production Sum of cost of production worked
out by LAO for all the articles Amount should agree
completed during the year. Figures with sum of Cr. Item
should agree with total COP of all 2 to 6 of WIP A/c
the Cost Cards. Amount (showing indentor
Should agree with the grand total of wise cost of
COP shown in 10A and 10B Statt. production).
Showing cost of outturn.
7 Cost of Rejection Sum of cost of Avoidable Rejection Fig. Should agree
(KOP) worked out for all the warrants/Cost with the amount
Cards involving excess rejection shown in Cr. side of
(i.e. in excess of normal rejection WIP A/c or Dr. side
percentage) of P&L A/c in
principal ledger.
Note - Cost of rejection (KOP) is required to be worked out by LAO on
receipt of completed Wts. From Fy where quantity shown as rejected
2.5.3 (c) Post Payment Week Activity: - During this week transaction
details for SARS & Cost PM are captured, validated and processed.
Different master like, Demand Master, History Master are updated
during this period. Outputs generated during this period are recovery
schedule, supplementary payment bills (not related to current wage
period), and generation of different MIS.
2.6 Validation Checks are provided in two different stages. In the data
entry screen validation checks are provided for each field and in case of
any invalid entry the cursor is not allowed to proceed with out proper
validation; the reason for invalidation are also displayed in the screen.
Batch validation programs are also provided in the package to validate
data, which is captured by transfer of data from other computer.
2.6.1 Nature of validations is of two types (i) by exact matching (ii) by
range matching. When the exact valid value of any field can be
predicated as per manual the nature of validation checks provided is
exact matching. As for example in the data entry screen of PIC, the
values in each field can be exactly predicted hence validated with the
corresponding value in the IE Master. Same is the case of validation of
PW Card with warrant. There are cases where the exact value is not
known like, OT hour, OTB hour, NSA hour, NSB hours etc. In those
cases a logical range check has been provided. The purpose of the range
check in the validation is to avoid skip of key during data entry. In those
cases the accuracy in the input can only be ensured by 100% auditing of
check Iist.The check list of Factory orders, attendance, supplementary
attendance, cards, and deduction will fall under this category. The
package does not allow to process record unless the file is made free
from error.
2.7 The main objectives of the package are (i) to be make accurate
payment is IEs with least possible time (ii) to furnish necessary
management information regarding payment (iii) to create necessary
database of payment for further (iv) to standardize the whole work.
2.8 After implementation of the package the time for processing of
data has been reduced and in many factories the data of date of payment
to IEs have been advanced. Many non standard practices have been
removed. After implementation of the package the Accounts Offices
now have necessary tools to control the amount of requisition to GMs.
2.9 In the manual system many control audit was not feasible because
of shortage of manpower. As machine has now taken care of the major
strain of calculation the available manpower can now be directed
towards management audit i.e. necessity audit or adequacy audit. As the
package is now standardized necessary system audit package can be
2.10.1 DO’s: -
i) After creation of master the same to be 100% audited with
reference to authenticated hard copy e.g. Service Book in case of
IE Master.
ii) After creation of transaction file the same to be validated and
checklist printed and reconciled.
iii) EDP should process data in transaction file only after the same
is authenticated as correct Audit Section.
iv) Change PIS output to be printed each month and 100°6 audited
with reference to Factory Orders.
v) Before authorization of payment it is to be ensured that hours
shown in the earning summary tallies with the checklist total as
amended; change pay output exhibits the same information as is
generated by change PIS.
2.10.2 Don’ts:
i) Correction in master by directly using it.
ii) Make shortcut by avoiding validation loops to save time.
There are I5 Questions carrying equal marks. One mark will also be
deducted for each wrong answer.
Total 30 Marks
(Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer.
Once ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not
permissible, as a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer)
Q1. How many types of Extract are used in Ordnance Factories?
One Four Two Five Three
Q2. Extract for manufacture of 50 Nos of L 70 Machine Gun to COD,
Jabalpur is issued by:
PCA (Fs), GM of the DGOF Comdt.COD, HQ, Eastern
Kolkata Factory Jabalpur Command
Quantity of raw Required hours Ledger Folio 10% rejection
material for Trade/Grade No. of the allowed in the
required wise in each material man hour
Monthly Fortnightly Quarterly Half-yearly
Q8. A Cost Card is opened for the warrant received in Accounts Office
for the following series of Work Order. Which answer is not
90 89 04 02 40
Material SVC Transfer Voucher Labour Component
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
Q10. From the following data which amount represent the levied Fixed
Overhead of the Product:
5,000/- 10,000/- 15,000/- 20,000/-
Q11. From the following data which one represents abnormal rejected
5 10 15 20
Q12. From the following data select the correct answer for the Unit
Cost of Production of an article manufactured in an Ordnance
Rs. 129.50 Rs. 130.00 Rs. 128.50 Rs. 127.50
Pay & Superannuation Transportation Store purchase
Allowances of Charges Charges
Industrial incurred
Q14. Which item of expenditure does not show in the Debit Side of
"Production Account" of the Factory?
Direct Transportation Work in Direct Cost of Superannu- Over
Labour Charges Progress Stores Rejectio ation Absorbed
as on l" n (KOP) Charges VOH
Q15. Which item of expenditure does not show in the Credit Side of
"Finished Stock Account" of the Factory?
Issues to Finished Cost of Issues to Issues Issues to
Army Semi as Production other Sister to MES Navy
on31" Fys.