Shakespeare's Celtic Imaginary: A Midsummer Night's Dream Synthesizes Disparate Source Materials
Shakespeare's Celtic Imaginary: A Midsummer Night's Dream Synthesizes Disparate Source Materials
Shakespeare's Celtic Imaginary: A Midsummer Night's Dream Synthesizes Disparate Source Materials
The Minoan vis-à-vis the Greek was for Freud an image of the
preoedipal giving way to oedipal thinking. I am proposing that a latent
oral/primal scene fusion fantasy at the heart of A Midsummer Night's
Dream provides a developmental model for the Celtic world absorbed
into English national character to manifest creative effects. Subversion
of patriarchal, oedipal culture inheres in the notion that the world of
fathers is at heart ruled by subliminal fairy forces of shapeshifting
provision and magical words.
Works Cited
Aguirre, Manuel, "Life, Crown, and Queen: Gertrude and the Theme of
Sovereignty," The Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of
English Literature and the English Language XLVII: 186 (May 1996):