Standard 4
Standard 4
Standard 4
4.1, 4.5 Program Evaluation Evaluation of our school use of the STAR EA 8995
Assessment in Reading & Math Action
Research II
4.1 Journal 1 Journal assignments offered me the chance t EA 7720
o reflect on teaching practices School as a
including pedagogy and assessment methods. Formal
4.4 Parent We created a professional learning EA 7940
Communication & experience for parents to learn about our School &
Connection district initiative, Capturing Kids Heart. Community
*Artifact This group assignment allowed us to reflect Development
on how important communication is and the
connection between staff and students.
4.1 Principal Interview I interviewed my principle to get a better EA 8820
understanding of how he deals the human Human
resource aspect of his school. I was able to Resource
see the entire process from an administrator Management &
view. Supervision
4.1, 4.2 Budget Meeting I attended a budget presentation from Dr. EA 8840
Analysis Arsen. We talked about Proposal A and how School
the budget works in Michigan. I was able to Business
get an overarching perspective of how school Management
budges work and where are the resources
come from.