Rule 3 Digest PDF
Rule 3 Digest PDF
Rule 3 Digest PDF
PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS capacity to sue, to the same extent, a decedent does not
have the capacity to be sued and may not be named a
Section 1. Who may be parties party defendant in a court action.
RULING: No. The PNP Directorate now filed a Petition for Annulment of
Under Section 7, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Judgment with Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary
Procedure, indispensable parties are parties in interest Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction
Having established that the PNP Directorate is an
On December 3, 1996, Landcenter engaged with the
indispensable party to the case, it necessarily follows that
services of Cabutihan and her group as a Facilitator in
it should have been impleaded pursuant to Section 7, Rule
recovering a property.
3 of the Rules of Court which provides for the compulsory
joinder of indispensable parties.
To pay or compensate the following persons, Cabutihan,
Forro, Radan Sr., and Anave shall receive 20%, 10%, 4%.
“Section 7. Compulsory Joinder of Indispensable
And 2.5% of the proceeds or gross area respectively.
Parties. – Parties in interest without whom no final
determination can be had of an action shall be joined as
Landcenter failed and refused of to act on the
plaintiffs or defendants.”
compensation for the services of Cabutihan and her
companions. An action for specific performance with
ISSUE #2: Whether or not the Decision of the trial court is
damages was filed by Cabutihan against Landcenter.
void because of the failure to implead the PNP Directorate
It is the party interested in the accounting and/or ISSUE #3: Whether or not there is a valid class suit. [NO]
recomputation of unpaid rentals and damages in
relation to the contract of lease. RULING:
It is also the party that would be liable for payment to Rule 3, Section 12 of the Rules of Court provides:
PNB of overdue rentals, if that claim would be proven.
Section 12. Class suit. — When the subject
This is because it is the one that entered into the contract matter of the controversy is one of common or
of lease with PNB. As an entity possessed of a juridical general interest to many persons so numerous
personality, it has concomitant rights and obligations with that it is impracticable to join all as parties, a
respect to the transactions it enters into. number of them which the court finds to be
sufficiently numerous and representative as to
Section 2. Parties in Interest. — A real party in fully protect the interests of all concerned may
interest is the party who stands to be benefited or sue or defend for the benefit of all. Any party in
injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party interest shall have the right to intervene to
entitled to the avails of the suit. Unless otherwise protect his individual interest.
authorized by law or these Rules, every action
must be prosecuted or defended in the Conditions for a valid class suit
name of the real party in interest. 1. The subject matter of the controversy is one of common
or general interest to many persons;
In this case: As the one primarily affected by the outcome 2. The parties are so numerous that it is impracticable to
of the suit, SAFA Law Office should have filed the join all as parties.
complaint with the RTC and should be made to respond
to any counterclaims that may be brought in the course In this case: While it can be said that the suit being filed is
of the proceeding. one of common or general interest to the partners of SAFA
Law Firm, it’s lacks the second condition. While there were
ISSUE #2: Whether or not the SAFA Law Office may be numerous partners in the firm, they can still all be joined.
included as an indispensable party in the case. [YES]
Essentially, the purpose of the rule that actions should be HINOG vs MELICOR, GR NO. 140954
brought or defended in the name of the real party-in- Bahalla, Carlo L.
interest is to protect against undue and unnecessary
litigation and to ensure that the court will have the benefit FACTS:
of having before it the real adverse parties in the 1. The Balane owned a parcel of land. Sometime in
consideration of a case. This rule, however, is not to be March 1980, they allowed Bertuldo Hinog to use
narrowly and restrictively construed, and its application a portion of the said property for 10 years and to
should be neither dogmatic nor rigid at all times but construct a small house of light materials at a
viewed in consonance with extant realities and nominal annual rent by virtue of the close
practicalities. As correctly noted by the Court of Appeals, relationship.
the dismissal of this case based on the lack of personality 2. After the expiration of the 10-year period, they
to sue of petitioner-association will only result in the filing demanded the return of the property and
of multiple suits by the individual members of the removal of the house but Bertuldo refused and
association. instead claimed ownership over the entire
Hence, Rivera Village is a real party in interest. 3. This prompted the Balane to file a Complaint for
Recovery of Ownership and Possession,
2ND ISSUE: Whether or not the petition is a class suit. Removal of Construction and Damages against
RULING: NO, the petition cannot be considered a class 4. During the trial, Bertuldo died. Also, the OLD
suit under Sec. 12, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court, the counsel of Bertuldo withdrew and was replaced
requisites therefor not being present in the case, notably by Atty. Petalcorin as the new counsel.
because the petition does not allege the existence and 5. Thereafter, Atty. Petalcorin filed a Motion to
prove the requisites of a class suit Expunge the Complaint from the record and
nullify all court proceedings.
Requisites 6. This was opposed by the Balane. One of their
grounds is that Atty. Petalcorin has no legal
1. the subject matter of the controversy is one of personality to represent a litigant since there was
common or general interest to many persons and no substitution of parties pursuant to Section 16,
2. The parties are so numerous that it is Rule 3 of the Rules of Court.
impracticable to bring them all before the court, 7. This was noted by the trial court which
and because it was brought only by one party. subsequently directed Atty. Petalcorin to comply
with the said provisions.
In the case at bar, the homeowners association did not 8. And Atty. Petalcorin complied.
have a common interest. The metes and bound of the
subject property is different from each other. The absence ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Petalcorin has legal
of one of the requisites renders the case not class suit. personality to appear as counsel in this case
In this case, the list of names and addresses of the heirs Section 7, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court (ROC) provides that
was submitted 16 months after the death of Bertuldo and indispensable parties are the parties in interest without
only when the trial court directed Atty. Petalcorin to whom no final determination can be had of an action shall
comply with the provisions of Section 16, Rule 3 of the be joined either as plaintiffs or defendants.
Rules of Court. Strictly speaking therefore, before said
compliance, Atty. Petalcorin had no standing in the However, under Section 11, Rule 3, ROC, the non-joinder
trial court when he filed his pleadings such as the of parties is not a ground for dismissal of an action.
Motion to Expunge.
2. The court never acquired jurisdiction over the
However, the court ruled here that the matter has been Nerys.
duly corrected by the Order of the trial court.
At the time Mercedes was impleaded in Case A, she was
already dead. The requirement under Section 16, Rule 3
NERY vs LEYSON, G.R. No. 139306 of the ROC provides that when a party to a pending action
Baruis, Mariel Q. dies, and the claim is not thereby extinguished, it shall be
the duty of his counsel to inform the court within 30 days
FACTS: after such death of the fact thereof.
The Nerys are the heirs of Mercedes del Rio. Mercedes co-
owned a parcel of land in Cebu with her co-heirs from del Section 16, Rule 3 only applies to a pending case. A
Corro. When the Nerys filed for the partition of the share pending case necessarily implies that the court has
of Mercedes, they discovered that there was a notice of lis already acquired jurisdiction over the person of the party
pendens on the title of the land. The Nerys discovered who died or became incapacitated or incompetent. The
that the Leysons had filed a case for the annulment and Trial Court cannot impose such requirement on the
cancellation of the Original Certificate of Title (Case A). In counsel of the defendants. Section 16, Rule 3 finds NO
Case A, the Leysons impleaded Mercedes. At this time, application to this case.
Mercedes was already dead. Case A was later on decided
in favor of the Leysons. Thus, a new Certificate of Title is Thus, for failure to implead the Nerys in Case A, the court
issued in the name of the Leysons. never acquired jurisdiction over them.
The Court of Appeals sustained the Regional Trial Court The rule on the substitution of parties was crafted to
decision and ordered a substitution by legal protect every party’s right to due process. The estate of
representatives, in view of Sps Dela Cruz’s death. the deceased party will continue to be properly
represented in the suit through the duly appointed legal
Spouses Dela Cruz now assert that the RTC’s Decision was representative. Moreover, no adjudication can be made
invalid for lack of jurisdiction when Pedro Joaquin died against the successor of the deceased if the fundamental
during the pendency of the case and there being no right to a day in court is denied.
substitution by the heirs, the trial court allegedly lacked
jurisdiction over the litigation. A formal substitution by heirs is not necessary when
they themselves voluntarily appear, participate in the case,
ISSUE: Whether the trial court lost jurisdiction over the and present evidence in defense of the deceased. These
case upon Respondent’s death actions negate any claim that the right to due process was
When a party to a pending action dies and the claim is not Strictly speaking, the rule on the substitution by heirs is
extinguished, the Rules under Sec.16, Rule 3 require a not a matter of jurisdiction, but of due process. Thus,
substitution of the deceased. when due process is not violated, as when the right of the
representative or heir is recognized and protected,
Flaviana owns a parcel of land. She died intestate and her
sisters Hilaria and Helena inherited the land. The sisters
waived all their hereditary rights over the property in favor
of Francisca. A few heirs of the sisters assailed Francisca’s
right over the property, which prompted the latter to file
an action to quiet title. Some heirs executed a Deed of
Renunciation of Rights over the property in favor of De
Vera. Thus, De Vera wanted to intervene in the case,
considering that the other heirs were already declared in