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ARU Prospectus 2018-2019 PDF

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ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. i
SENIOR OFFICERS OF ARDHI UNIVERSITY .................................................................... iii
ARDHI UNIVERSITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ........................................................................v
PRINCIPAL ADDRESSES..................................................................................................... vii
INTRODUCTION TO ARDHI UNIVERSITY .......................................................................... 1
POSTGRADUATE COURSES ARE OFFERED ...................................................................... 2
UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION REGULATIONS ............................................................. 4
Admission of Short-Term Students to Undergraduate Degree Courses ............................... 5
Admission of Occasional Students to Undergraduate Degree courses ................................. 6
General Minimum Entrance Requirements ............................................................................7
PROGRAMMES AND SPECIFIC ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ........................................7
School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) ...............7
School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) ................................................. 8
School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics (SERBI) ....... 9
School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST) ............................................10
PROGRAMMES...................................................................................................................... 13
Schedule for Research Projects, In-semester Fieldwork, Industrial Training and
Dissertation ........................................................................................................................... 36
Academic Prizes Offered Across the University ............................................................. 37
Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Architecture, Construction Economics and
Management (SACEM) ................................................................................................... 38
Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Environmental Science and Technology
(SEST) .............................................................................................................................. 39
Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies
and Informatics (SERBI) ................................................................................................ 40
POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ................................................................................................ 42
POSTGRADUATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS............................................................... 42
School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) ......... 52
School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) ............................................ 53
School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, ........................................................................ 55
Business Studies and Informatics ............................................................................... 55
School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST) .........................................57
Institute of Human Settlements Studies (IHSS) ........................................................ 60
THE LIBRARY SERVICES .................................................................................................... 62
INSTITUTE AND CENTRES ................................................................................................ 63
Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS) ............................................................. 63
Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) ......................................................................... 64
Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT) ................................. 65
Disaster Management Training Centre (DMTC) ........................................................... 65
STUDENTS WELFARE SERVICES ...................................................................................... 66
ARDHI UNIVERSITY SENIOR STAFF LIST ....................................................................... 68
UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION REGULATIONS ................................................................ 80
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 80
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 ii

UNIVERSITY GENERAL EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .........................................81

MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 96
SCHOOL SPATIAL PLANNING AND SOCIAL SCIENCES .........................................107
INFORMATICS .............................................................................................................. 112
POSTGRADUATE GENERAL EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .................................... 128
Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Architecture,
Construction Economics and Management ..................................................................132
Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Spatial
Planning and Social Sciences .........................................................................................139
Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Earth
Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics ............................................ 148
School Regulations for the Programmes of Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate,
Master of Science in Real Estate and PhD in Real Estate ............................................. 153
HONORARY DEGREE AT ARDHI UNIVERSITY ..............................................................164
TRANSFER AT ARDHI UNIVERSITY ................................................................................170
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 iii


Hon. C.D. Msuya, B.A. (London)

Prof. E. J. Liwa, Dipl. L.S. (ARI), M. App. Sc. (Glasgow), F.R.S. (T), FIST, PhD
(Louisiana State University USA)


Prof. G.R. Kassenga, F.T.C. W.R.E. (Dar), Dipl. P.H.E. (ARI), MSc. (Oldenburg),
PhD. (Baton Rouge), M.I.E.E., (USA), Reg. Env. Expert (T)

DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR (Planning, Finance and Administration)

R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nott). PGD (Rural Ecology), MSc
(Enschede), PhD. (UCT)


Acting Director
Dr. Y. Senkondo BSc. Agriculture SUA, MSc. Soil Scie.& Land Mgt (SUA), MSc. (Gent), PhD


Acting Director
Dr. D.E. Msangi, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (ARU), PhD (ARU)


Acting Director
Dr. S.M.M. Sabai, BSc. Eng., MSc. (Dar), PhD (Eindhoven)


E.S. Swilla, Dipl. Ed. (Mkwawa), BSc., MBA (Dar), Cert. Mgt. (Aarhus)


Acting Director
G. Munisi, B. Com (Dar); MBA (Sheffield); PhD(Agber); CPA(T)

E. R. Meiludie, LL.B (Dar), Dipl. Mergers & Acquisition (UK), LLM (Dar), ICSA (UK)


Dr. M. Mdemu, BSc. Agric. Eng, MSc. Agric. Eng. (SUA), PhD (University of Bonn).

Acting Director
Dr. S.R. Lukwale, Dip. Lib (Makerere), M.A. Lib and (Minsk), PhD. (Moscow)


Acting Director
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 iv

Prof. R. A.M. Mato, Dipl. P.H.E. (Dar), G.T.C. (S.W. Eng) (Tokyo), I.T.C. (ETA), MSc. EE.
(New Castle), PhD. (Eindhoven), M.I.A.I.A.


Acting Director
Prof. N.J. Marobhe, BSc. (Dar), MSc. (Helsinki), PhD. (KTH)


Acting Director
Prof. R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nott)., PGD (Rural Ecology), MSc,
(Enschede), PhD. (UCT)


Acting Director
Dr. R. Buberwa, Adv. Dipl. MSc. GIS & Informatics, PhD (ARU)


Acting Director
Dr. I. Mtani, B. Arch. (Dar), MSc. Eng. Mngt (MEM) (Dar), PhD (TU Dortmund)


Acting Manager
Dr. F. Salukele, BSc. Eng., MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD (Wageningen), Reg. Eng. (T), Reg.
Env Expert (T)


Dr. S. Phoya, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc (CPUT, Cape Town), PhD (ARU), Reg. QS(T)


School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST)

Dr. A. Mahenge, BSc. Eng., MSc. Eng., PhD. (Dar)

School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Prof. L.H. Mosha, Adv. Dipl. Arch. (ARI), Post. Grad. Housing, M. Arch., PhD (Leuven),
Registered Architect (AQRB), M.A.A.T.

School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics (SERBI)
Prof. C. Lucian, BSc. Eng. (Dar), M.Civ. Eng. (Hannover), PhD. (KTH)

School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Dr. A.H. Namangaya, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (Dortmund)

Mr. H.S. Mangachi, Adv. & PGD Dipl. Acct, C.P.A. (T)

Ms. Amina Saidi Mdidi, Adv Dipl (SWI, Dar), Postgrad Dipl (SWI, Dar), MSc (SWI, Dar)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 v


Name and Address Telephone (Office/Residence)

Prof. Costa Ricky Mahalu, Tel. 0683-471832
Appointee of the President,
Chairperson of the Council,
Guba Road 50, Oysterbay,

Prof. E. J. Liwa, Tel. 0738 357310

Vice Chancellor,
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,

Dr. Muhammad. J. Muhammad, Tel: 0773-312 790

Appointee of the Revolutionary
Government of Zanzibar,
P.O. Box 3687,
Ms. Amina Mdidi, Tel. 0738-357324
Appointee of the SENATE,
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,

Prof. E. Nyankweli, Tel. 0758 - 177202

Appointee of the Minister,
Ministry of Education, Science
and Technology,
P.O. Box 2645,

Prof. R.S. Mukandala Tel. 022-2410078

Appointee of the Committee of
Vice Chancellors and Principals
of Tanzania,
P.O. Box 35091,

Mr. E. Ndauka Tel. 0777 428 904

Representative of the
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education, Science
and Technology,
P.O. Box 9121,

Dr. F. Mlenge, Tel. 0768-597056

Appointee of THTU,
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 vi

Name and Address Telephone (Office/Residence)

Mr. Amani Henry Kimola, Tel. 0653 – 079926/0769-504704
ARUSO President
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,

Miss. Faith Mdachi, Tel. 0769 - 128532

Appointee of ARUSO
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,
Dr. F. Salukele, Tel. 0715-400480
Appointee of ARISA,
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,

Mr. Dotto, M. James

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Finance and
P.O. Box 9111,

Mr. Haruna Masebu, Tel. 0767 325170

Inter Property Concult,
TPS Building
P.O Box 33392DAR ES

Mr. Juma Muhimbi, Tel. 0754 - 000220

IMMMA Consults Serv. LTD,
P. O. Box 63167,
Dr. Kerbina Moyo, Tel. 0786 - 828019
Appointee of ARU Workers’
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 vii

Postal Address and E-mail Telephone
VICE CHANCELLOR Direct: +255 738-357310
P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam
Telegraphic Address: ARDHICHUO
E-Mail: vc@aru.ac.tz

DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR (Academic Direct: +255 738-357311

P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam
Fax No.2775391
E-Mail: dvcarc@aru.ac.tz
DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR (Planning, Direct: +255 738-357312
Finance and Administration)
P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam
E-mail: dvcpf@aru.ac.tz

ASSISTANT TO VICE Direct: +255 738-564713

P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam
E-mail: dsemeo@aru.ac.tz,

DIRECTOR OF POSTGRADUATE Direct: +255 738-357317

P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam.
E-mail: prp@aru.ac.tz


P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: dup@aru.ac.tz

DIRECTOR OF QUALITY ASSURANCE General: +255 736-501771

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Direct: +255 738-357313

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND General: +255 738-357315

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, Direct: +255 736-500319

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: sacem@aru.ac.tz
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 viii

Postal Address and E-mail Telephone


P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: sest@aru.ac.tz
SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCE, REAL Direct: +255 738-357323
P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: serbi@aru.ac.tz

SCHOOL OF SPATIAL PLANNING AND Direct: +255 738-357322

P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: sspss@aru.ac.tz

DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE OF HUMAN Direct: +255 738-357319

P. O. Box 35124,
Dar es Salaam
Telefax: 255-22-275448 and 2775479
E-mail: ihss@aru.ac.tz

DIRECTOR OF ARU CONSULTANCY UNIT General: +255 738-357320,

P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


EDUCATION e-mail: cce@aru.ac.tz
P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION AND General: +255 738-564699

P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: cict@aru.ac.tz

DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Direct line: +255 0738-357334

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
Telefax: 255 22 275448/275479
E-mail: dlibrary@aru.ac.tz
DIRECTOR OF GENDER DIMENSION UNIT Direct line: +255658447719
P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 ix

Postal Address and E-mail Telephone

Telefax: 255 22 275448/275479

STUDENTS’ ORGANIZATION General: Direct: 0715-891141

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
ACADEMIC STAFF ASSEMBLY (ARISA) General: Direct: +255 738-357310
P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

DEAN OF STUDENTS Direct: 0738-357324

P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

The National Bank of Commerce (1997) Ltd., General: 2248324

Samora Branch
P. O. Box 9002,
Dar es Salaam

NMB General: 2410183

University Agency, Dar es Salaam
P. O. Box 10934,
Dar es Salaam
CRDB General: 022- 2231045
P. O. Box 35407, 022-2238508
Dar es Salaam

Tanzania Legal Corporation
P. O. Box 2203,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

HEAD PMU 0736-500106

P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam

BURSAR 0738-357314
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 x

Postal Address and E-mail Telephone

P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam


P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
P. O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 1


Ardhi University (ARU) is a public academic institution established under the Ardhi
University Charter of 2007. Despite its relatively new status as a University, ARU has a long
history dating back to the Colonial days when it was established in 1956 and was known as
the Survey Training Centre from 1956 to 1972. In 1972, it was renamed Ardhi Institute and
remained thus till 1996, when it was transformed into, and called, the University College of
Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS), a Constituent College of the University of Dar es
Salaam. In 2007, UCLAS became Ardhi University.

Currently, ARU is a unique institution, being the only one of its kind in Tanzania and in
Africa so far offering integrated training and conducting research in the various matters
related to land, the built environment and other environmental related issues, under one roof.

The ARU Vision is to become a centre of excellence in seeking knowledge and disseminating
it to a wide spectrum of beneficiaries at national, regional and global levels. The ARU
Mission is to provide integrated teaching, research and public services that are geared
towards achieving sustainable socio-economic development for Tanzania and the World at
large. The Mission of the University, is, among other things, directed to enhancing the
Nation’s capacity to utilise available opportunities within the Country and elsewhere, and to
utilise its resources efficiently and profitably as appropriate, without adversely impacting on
the environment.

This Prospectus combines the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes. It provides

information on general and specific regulations governing the programmes under the School
of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM), School of Earth
Sciences, Real Estate, Business Sciences and Informatics (SERBI), School of Spatial Planning
and Social Studies (SSPSS), School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST), and
Institute of Human Settlements Studies (IHSS). It also provides profile of its academic staff,
leadership and the Governing Council.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 2





Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch)

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (BSc. ID)
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (BSc. LA)
Bachelor of Science in Building Economics (BSc. BE)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSc. CE)
Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture (PGD Arch.)
Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and Management (PGD-CEM)
Master of Architecture (M. Arch.)
Master of Science in Construction Economics and Management (MSc. CEM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (PhD Arch)
Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Economics and Management (PhD CEM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Management (PhD CM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD CE)


Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (BSc. URP)

Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning (BSc. RDP)
Bachelor of Science in Housing Infrastructure Planning (BSc. HIP)
Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA. Econ.)
Bachelor of Arts in Community and Development Studies (BA. CDS)
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Management (PGD UPM)
Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management (MSc. UPM)
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Development Planning and Management (MSc
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning (PhD URP)
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Management (Housing and Infrastructure)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD Econ.)



Diploma in Geo-information Science and Earth Observations (GFM4)

Bachelor of Science in Geomatics (BSc. Gm)
Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics (BSc. Gi)
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management (BSc. ISM)
Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation (BSc. LMV)
Bachelor of Science in Real Estate (Finance and Investment) (BSc. REFI)
Bachelor of Science in Property and Facilities Management (BSc. PFM)
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (BSc. AF)
Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics (PGD Gm)
Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate (PGD-RE)
Master of Science in Geomatics (MSc. Gm)
Master of Science in Real Estate (MSc. RE)
Master of Science in Land Management (MSc. LM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Sciences (PhD GS)
Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate (PhD RE)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 3


Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSc. EE)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management (BSc. ESM)
Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering (BSc. MISE)
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Technology and Management (PGD-ETM)
Master of Disaster Risk Management (M. DRM)
Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management (MSc. DRM)
Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Management (MSc. ETM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering (PhD EE)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Technology and Management (PhD ETM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science and Management (PhD ESM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Disaster Management (PhD DM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Laboratory Science and Technology (PhD LST)


Postgraduate Diploma in Housing (PGD Housing)

Master of Science in Housing (MSc. Housing)
Master of Science in Public Policy Analysis and Programme Management (MSc PPAPM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment Analysis (PhD BEA)
Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change Studies (PhD CCS)
Doctor of Philosophy in Housing and Settlements Studies (PhD HSS)
Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Analysis and Programme Management (PhD PAPM)
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies (PhD DS)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 4


1 Applicants with the following direct and equivalent entrance qualifications: “A” level,
International Bacclaurete (IB) Diploma, NTA level 6 and FTC can apply directly to the
University through an online application system http://admission.aru.ac.tz/. All
important information and instructions regarding application process, programmes on
offer and entry requirements will be available on the University’s website.

2. All new students are required to report for the orientation programme that normally
takes place during the week preceding the beginning of the new academic year.

3. Successful applicants will be registered only after they have paid the requisite University

4. Fees paid will not be refunded.

5. All students, if accepted, are expected to conform entirely to University regulations.

6. The deadline for registration of first year students will be two weeks, from the first day of
the orientation week, while for continuing students it will be the Friday of the second
week after the beginning of each semester.

7. Except in exceptional circumstances, no student will be allowed to change

subjects/courses later than the Friday of the fourth week after the beginning of the first
semester. Transferring from one academic programme to another will be allowed only
where the student has the required admission criteria for the academic programme for
which transfer is being sought and a vacancy exists in that programme.

8. a) Students discontinued on academic grounds from one school may be allowed to

apply into another school provided that the sponsor approves.
b) Discontinued students wishing to re-apply in the same school must show evidence of
having followed further studies satisfactory to the school.

9. Transfer of credits from other Universities to Ardhi University and the vice-versa is
allowed. However, the process will be guided by the Guidelines and Procedures for
Student Credit Accumulation and Transfer regulation.

10. Students will be allowed to be away from University studies for a maximum of two years
if they are to be allowed to be re-admitted to the same year of studies where they left off.

11. Students discontinued from studies because of examination irregularities will be

considered for re-admission after they have been away for three years. They will be
required to re-apply and compete with other applicants for re-admission into first year.

12. No change of names by students will be entertained during the course of study at the
University and they will only be allowed to use names appearing on their certificates.

13. No student will be allowed to postpone studies after effective commencement of an

academic year except under special circumstances. Permission to postpone studies will
be considered after producing satisfactory evidence of the reasons for postponement and
written approval from the sponsor. Special circumstances shall include:
a) Sickness;
b) Serious social problems (each case to be considered on its own merit); and
c) Severe sponsorship problem.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 5

Admission of Short-Term Students to Undergraduate Degree Courses

1. A short-term student is one, whose duration of studentship at the Ardhi University is one
academic year and who is not registered for the certificate, diploma or degree course of
the University.

2. Applications will only be considered from those candidates who possess the Ardhi
University entrance qualifications or equivalent (B average) or higher qualifications for
admission to the undergraduate degree course.

3. a) The application must be submitted through the applicant’s University/College, to

reach the Director of Undergraduate Programmes at least two months before the
beginning of the semester in which admission is being sought.
b) The applicant’s University/College should, if it supports the application, send a letter
of recommendation to this University.

4. Short-term students are required to register as students of the University for one full
academic year to any year of study as long as they meet the prerequisites. As registered
students, all regulations governing full time students will apply to them unless otherwise

5. Non-Tanzanian students are expected to conform to all immigration formalities in force

in their countries before they depart for Tanzania. They must also obtain a Resident
Permit from the nearest Tanzanian Embassy or High Commission before they arrive.

6. Registration for all students, including short-term students, is in August/September of

each year unless otherwise specified.

7. At the end of the academic year, they have to sit for University examinations. They may
also sit for supplementary examinations in the courses they failed.

8. A short-term student may be discontinued on the following grounds: serious breach of

University (including Examination) regulations, abscondment, and/or irregular
attendance in classes.

9. Short-term students may transfer to a degree programme provided their performance is

satisfactory and to be awarded a degree of this University must have, done most of the
work at least 2/3 of the requirements at the Ardhi University.

10. Short-term students may be allowed to change status of registration from audit to credit
course by permission and subject to meeting other requirements or prerequisites.

11. Short-term students under special programmes will pay fees as prescribed in the terms
governing the respective programmes while fees for other categories of short-term
students will be paid proportionately as for regular students. Non- Tanzanian students
will pay the fees in convertible foreign currency (e.g. US$, —, etc.).
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 6

Admission of Occasional Students to Undergraduate Degree courses

1. An occasional student is one whose duration of studentship is less than one academic
year. Occasional students should normally stay at the University for one or two

2. The entrance qualifications are the same as for admission to undergraduate degree
course or equivalent.

3. a) The application must be submitted through the applicant’s University/College, to

reach the Director of Undergraduate Programmes at least two months before the
beginning of the semester in which admission is being sought.
b) The applications must be submitted through the applicant’s University College which
should, if it supports the application, send a letter of recommendation to this

4. Non- Tanzanian students are expected to conform to all immigration formalities in force
in their countries before they depart for Tanzania. They must also obtain Resident
Permit from the nearest Tanzania Embassy or High Commission before they arrive.

5. Admission is on a semester basis to any year of study.

6. Occasional students will neither sit for exams nor get transcripts or grades except in
special circumstances or where regulations allow a special programme could be set up
which is recognized by the University.

7. An occasional student will be discontinued on the following grounds: any serious breach
of University regulations, abscondment, or irregular attendance.

8. Occasional students may be allowed to audit courses by permission.

9. Occasional students under special programmes will pay fees as prescribed in the terms
governing the respective programmes while fees for other categories of occasional
students will be paid proportionately as for regular students. Non-Tanzanian students
will pay the fees in convertible foreign currency (e.g. US$, —etc.).

All correspondences should be addressed to:

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs (DVC-AA)

Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
E-mail: dvcaa@aru.ac.tz
Tel. Direct Line 0738-357311
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 7

General Minimum Entrance Requirements

A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission to a first – degree
programme of Ardhi University if the candidate has obtained:

A. Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (C. S. E. E.) or equivalent, with passes in

FOUR approved subjects, obtained prior to sitting for the Advanced Certificate of
Secondary Education Examination (A. C. S. E. E.) or equivalent


B. Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (A. C. S. E. E.), with two

principal level passes in appropriate subjects, with total points not below 4.0 based on
the following grade to point conversion scale:

i) Before 2014 and 2016 onwards: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, S = 0.5, F =0

where; A, B, C, D, E are principal passes; S is a subsidiary

ii) For 2014 and 2015: A = 5, B+ = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1; E = 0.5, F = 0

where; A, B+, B, C are principal passes; D is a pass, and E is
subsidiary pass


C. An appropriate equivalent Diploma such as NACTE Ordinary Diploma (NTA level 6) with
at least a GPA of 3.0, OR FTC with average of B OR any other Diploma of not less than
Upper Second Class/B+ OR a Distinction for unclassified diplomas from recognised
institutions and approved by the University Senate.

D. An appropriate Recognition of Prior Learning Certificate of not less than B+ grade from
institutions recognised by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and approved by
the University Senate.

NB: Principal level passes and passes in Religious and General studies are not counted.
Applicants from countries which follow an 8–4–4 education system need to complete at
least one year of study at a University in their own countries before they can be
considered for admission.


School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography and Fine Art. In addition, a candidate must have at least a
subsidiary level pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “C” grade at C.S.E.E.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 8

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (BSc. ID)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography and Fine Art. In addition, a candidate must have at least a
subsidiary level pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “C” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (BSc. LA)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography and Fine Art. In addition, a candidate must have at least a
subsidiary level pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “C” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Building Economics (BSc. BE)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Economics, Geography and Accounts. In addition a candidate MUST have at least a
subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. and at least a “D” grade in physics at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSc. CE)

A principal level pass in Mathematics AND principal level pass in either Physics or Chemistry
or Geography. In addition the candidate MUST have taken Physics at A.S.C.E.E. Candidates
without principal level pass in Chemistry at A.S.C.E.E. MUST have at least a “D” grade in
Chemistry at C.S.E.E.

School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (BSc. URP)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography, History, Economics, Commerce and Accountancy. In addition a
candidate MUST have at a least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a
“D” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning (BSc. HIP)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Geography, Economics, History, Mathematics, Commerce and Accountancy. In addition a
candidate MUST have at a least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a
“D” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning (BSc. RDP)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography, History, Economics, Commerce and Accountancy. In addition, a
candidate MUST have at a least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a
“D” grade at C.S.E.E.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 9

Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA. Econ.)

Two principal level passes in any of the following: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
Geography, Economics, History, Commerce and Accountancy In addition a candidate MUST
have at a least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “C” grade at

Bachelor of Arts in Community and Development Studies (BA. CDS)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Mathematics, Geography, Economics, History, Commerce, Accountancy, Agricultural Science
and Nutrition.

School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics (SERBI)

Bachelor of Science in Geomatics (BSc. Gm)

A principal level pass in Mathematics and a principal level pass in either Physics or
Geography or Chemistry or Computer Science. In case the second principal level pass is not
Physics, the candidate MUST have at least a subsidiary level pass in Physics at A.C.S.E.E. in
addition to the two principal level passes.

Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics (BSc. Gi)

A principal level pass in Mathematics and a principal level pass in either Physics or
Geography or Chemistry or Computer Science. In case the second principal level pass is not
Physics, the candidate MUST have at least a subsidiary level pass in Physics at A.C.S.E.E. in
addition to the two principal level passes.

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management (BSc. ISM)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Geography,
Chemistry, Economics or Computer Science. In addition a candidate MUST have at least a
subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation (BSc. LMV)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Geography, Economics,
Mathematics, History, English Literature, Commerce, Accountancy, Physics, Biology and
Chemistry. In addition a candidate MUST have at least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at
A.C.S.E.E or at least a “D” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Real Estate (Finance and Investment) (BSc. REFI)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Geography, Economics,
Mathematics, Commerce, Accountancy, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. In addition a
candidate MUST have at least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E or at least a “D”
grade at C.S.E.E.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 10

Bachelor of Science in Property and Facilities Management (BSc. PFM)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Geography, Economics,
Mathematics, History, English Literature, Commerce, Accountancy, Physics, Biology and
Chemistry. In addition a candidate MUST have at least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at
the A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “D” grade at C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (BSc. AF)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Commerce, Accountancy,
Economics, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. In addition a
candidate MUST have at least “D” grade in English at C.S.E.E or at least a subsidiary pass in
English/English Literature at A.C.S.E.E., AND at least a subsidiary pass in Mathematics at
A.C.S.E.E. or at least a “D” grade at C.S.E.E.

School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSc. EE)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
and Biology. In addition an applicant MUST have at least a subsidiary level pass in Physics
and Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management (BSc. ESM)

Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Geography and Biology. One of the two principal level passes MUST be in Physics or
Chemistry or Biology. In addition an applicant MUST have at least a subsidiary level pass in
Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E.

Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering (BSc.


Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
and Biology. In addition an applicant MUST have at least a subsidiary level pass in Physics
and Mathematics at A.C.S.E.E.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 11


At the beginning of the academic year, all students will be required to produce evidence of
sponsorship by the Government or any other organizations, otherwise they will be expected to
pay full tuition and University fees for the full first year, by the beginning of the semester
before they can be permitted to use the University facilities.

All local payments for fees should be by Bankers Cheques payable to the Bursar, ARU or by
other acceptable modes with approval of the Bursar must be receipted.

Tuition Fees
Programme Amount per year
 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (BSc. Tshs 1,100,000 (locals)
EE) $1,500 (foreigners)
 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and
Management (BSc. ESM)
 Bachelor of Science in Municipal and Industrial Services
Engineering (BSc. MISE)
 Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch)
 Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (BSc. ID)
 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (BSc. LA)
 Bachelor of Science in Geomatics (BSc. Gm)
 Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics (BSc. Gi)
 Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
(BSc. ISM)
 Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning Tshs 1,300,000 (locals)
(BSc. URP) $2,100 (foreigners)
 Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning
(BSc. RDP)
 Bachelor of Science in Housing Infrastructure Planning
(BSc. HIP)
 Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA. Econ.)
 Bachelor of Arts in Community and Development Studies
 Bachelor of Science in Building Economics (BSc. BE)
 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSc. CE)
 Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
(BSc. LMV)
 Bachelor of Science in Real Estate (Finance and
Investment) (BSc. REFI)
 Bachelor of Science in Property and Facilities
Management (BSc. PFM)
 Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (BSc. AF)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 12

Direct University Costs (Payable to the University)

Item Tshs.
Application Fee (once) 10,000
Registration fee 10,000
Examination Fee 12,000
Caution Money 2,000
Student Union 2,500
Graduation Fee (once) 10,000
Identity Card 8,000
Medical Capitation Fee 50,400
Transcript of Records (once) 15,000
Statement of Results (upon request) 5,000
TCU Quality Assurance Fee 20,000
Internal Transfer Fee 10,000
Inter-University Transfer Fee 10,000

Direct Student Costs (Payable Directly to Students)

Item Tshs.
*Stationary and Book Allowance 200,000
*Meal and Accommodation Allowance 1,800,000
*Amount per year based on the Government rates as provided by High Education Students
Loans Board (HESLB)

Appeal Fee for Examinations

T.Shs. 5,000/= per course/decision (For Tanzanian students)
USD 20.00 per course/decision (For foreign students)

Fee for a copy of a lost certificate

T.Shs 30,000/= for a copy

NOTE: All local payments for fees should be made through the Electronic Government
Payment Gateway (eGPG) after acquiring a control number from the Office of the Bursar.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 13



School of Architecture, - BSc Civil Engineering

Construction Economics and 1. T-square
2. Set square 45o
- B. Architecture 3. Set square 60o
- BSc Interior Design and 4. Scale ruler
5. Calculators – scientific
- BSc Landscape Architecture
1. Adjustable set square 6. Measuring tapes (5m)
2. Calculator 7. Furniture template (scale 50)
3. Circle template 8. Circular template
4. Clip board 9. French Curve
5. Clutch pencil 10. Clip board
6. Compass set 11. Pencil (0.25mm)
7. Fine Liner pencil 12. Drawing pens
8. Flexible curve 13. Dusting coat (White lab. Coats)
9. French curve set 14. Overall clothing and cap
10. Furniture stencil 1:50 and 15. Boots
11. Lead sharpener
12. Lettering stencil set School of Environmental Sciences and
13. Mode knife Technology
14. Scale rule 1. T-square
15. Technical drawing pens, 2. Set square 45o
set of 8 (box) 3. Set square 60o
16. T-Square 4. Scale ruler
5. Calculators – scientific
6. Measuring tapes (5m)
- BSc in Building Economics 7. Furniture template (scale 50)
1. Drawing pens (0.18, 0.25, 0.30, 8. Circular template
0.50mm) 9. French Curve
2. Clutch pen 10. Clip board
3. Pencil leads/refill 0.5 11. Pencil (0.25mm)
4. Scientific calculator 12. Drawing pens
5. Triangular scale ruler 13. Dusting coat (White lab. Coats)
6. Set square 45 Adjustable 14. Overall clothing and cap
7. Protractor, Linex 920 15. Boots
8. T-Square A Size
9. Measuring tapes (5m)
10. Clip Board
11. Lettering stencils (2.5 –
0.25mm, 3.5-0.55mm, 5-0mm)
12. French Curve St
13. Template
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 14

School of Earth Science, Real Estate, School of Spatial Planning and

Business Studies and Informatics Social Sciences

- BSc Land Management and - BSc Urban and Regional Planning

Valuation - BSc Regional Development
- BSc Real Estates (Finance and Planning
Investment) - BSc Housing and Infrastructure
- BSc Property and Facilities Planning
1. T-Square 1. Calculator
2. Set square linex 45o 2. T. Square A Size
3. Set square linex 60o 3. Set Square 45o
4. Protractor line 180o/60o 4. Set Square 30o
5. Triangular scale rule 5. Clip Board
6. Clutch pencil/lead holder 0.5 6. Clutch pencil
7. Lettering stencil 0.5 7. Rotrin 4 pcs
8. Set of Compasses 8. Compass set
9. Scientific calculator, fx 9915 9. Scale ruler
10. Clip board 10. Protractor
11. Tape measure 30m 11. French curve set
12. Tape measure 3m 12. Furniture stencil
13. Circular template
14. Drawing Brush
- BSc Geomatics 15. Lettering stencil set
- BSc Geoinformatics 16. Lead sharpener
1. Plastic Straight edge of Tenth 50-100 17. Fine liner pencil
cm with mm graduation 18. Pencil leads refill 0.5
2. Rotring/mars pens (0.18 or 0.20mm), 19. Drawing brush
0.25mm, 0.30 (or 0.35mm), 0.5mm 20. Flexible curve
3. Drawing set (Compas)
4. Set square plastic, rotring 45o (20-
30cm), 60o (20-30 cm)
5. Protractor (15-20cm diam.)
6. Triangular scale (plastic, white with
mm graduations)
7. Clutch pencil holder (uses 13cm long
8. Lettering stencil 2.5 – 0.5mm, 3.5-
0.35mm, 5-0.5mm
9. French curves set (Rotring)
10. Scientific calculator
11. Clip board
12. Boots
13. Overall clothing and cap
14. Jungle hat
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 15




Bachelor of Architecture,
BSc in Landscape Architecture and
BSc in Interior Design (1st & 2nd years)
Year 1 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
AR 111 Design Studio Project I 5 AR 252 Building Structure II 1
AR 121 Architectural Graphics 1 AR 262 History and Theory of 2
Communication I Architecture II
AR 131 Building Construction I 2 AR 266 Environmental Science II 2
AR 141 Building Materials I 1
GM 171 Basic Mathematics 2 Year 2 Semester 2
AR 165 Environmental Science I 2 AR 214 Design Studio Project IV 5
CS 101 English Language 2 AR 234 Building Construction IV 2
IS 151 Introduction to Information 2 AR 224 Architectural Graphics 1
Communication Technology Communication IV
DS 101 Development Perspective I 2 AR 244 Building Materials IV 2
GM 111 Introduction to Land 3 AR 253 Building Structure III 1
Surveying AR 267 Environmental Science III 2
Year 1 Semester 2 AR 225 Professional Practice I 2
AR 112 Design Studio Project II 5 AR 228 Building Economics I 2
AR 122 Architectural Graphics 1 AR 271 Settlement Planning I 2
Communication II AR 282 Industrial Training II 2
AR 132 Building Construction II 2 Bachelor of Architecture (3rd to 5th
AR 161 History and Theory of 2 year)
Architecture I Year 3 Semester 1
AR 151 Building Structure I 1 AR 315 Design Studio Project V 5
AR 142 Building Materials II 2 AR 335 Building Construction V 2
DS 102 Development Perspective II 2 AR 354 Building Structures IV 2
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 AR 363 History and Theory of 2
Architecture III
AR 181 Industrial Training I 2 AR 357 Building Services I 2
Year 2 Semester 1 AR 326 Professional Practice II 2
AR 213 Design Studio Project III 5 AR 329 Building Economics II 2
AR 223 Architectural Graphics 1 Year 3 Semester 2
Communication III AR 316 Design Studio Project VI 5
AR 233 Building Construction III 2 AR 336 Building Construction VI 2
AR 243 Building Materials III 1 AR 355 Building Structures V 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 16

Code Course Title Units BSc in Landscape Architecture (3rd to

AR 358 Building Services II 2 4th year)
AR 372 Settlement Planning II 2 Year 3 Semester 1
AR 373 Urban Design 2 Code Course Title Units
AR 383 Industrial Training III 2 LA 315 Landscape Studio Design 5
Project I
LA 335 Landscape Construction I 2
Year 4 Semester 1 LA 363 History of Landscape Design 2
AR 417 Design Studio Project VII 5 LA 373 Botany and plant Ecology I 2
AR 437 Building Construction VII 2 LA 369 Principles of Landscape 2
AR 456 Building Structures VI 2 Elective I 2
AR 459 Building Services III 2 Year 3 Semester 2
AR 464 History and Theory of 2 LA 316 Landscape Studio Design 5
Project II
Architecture IV LA 336 Landscape Construction II 2
Elective I 2 LA 374 Botany and Plant Ecology II 2
LA 364 Theory of Landscape Design I 2
AR 326 Professional Practice II 2
Year 4 Semester 2
AR 418 Design Studio Project VIII 5 LM 238 Research Methodology 2
AR 427 Professional Practice III 2 LA 383 Industrial Training III 2

LM 238 Research Methodology 2 Elective II 2

BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 Year 4 Semester 1

AR 484 Industrial Training IV 2 LA 417 Landscape Studio Design 6

Project III
Elective II 2 LA 465 Theory of Landscape Design II 2

Elective Courses LA 484 Pre-Dissertation 6

AR 491 Architectural Conservation 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2

AR 492 Urban Development and 2 Year 4 Semester 2

AR 493 Architectural Science 2
AR 427 Professional Practice III 2
Year 5 Semester 1 LA 485 Dissertation 10
AR 519 Design Studio Project IX 6 Elective Courses
AR 585 Pre- Dissertation 9 AR 491 Architectural Conservation 2

AR 492 Urban Development and 2

Year 5 Semester 2 Housing
AR 586 Dissertation 10 AR 493 Architectural Science 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 17

BSc in Interior Design (3rd to 4th year) BSc in Building Economics

Year 3 Semester 1 Year 1 Semester 1

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
ID 315 Interior Studio Design 8 CS 101 English Language 2
Project I DS 101 Development Perspective I 2
ID 335 Interior Technology I 2 GM 111 Introduction to Land 3
ID 363 History and Theory of 2 Surveying
Interior Design I GM 166 Basic Mathematics 2
Elective I 2 IS 151 Introduction to Information 2
and Communication
Year 3 Semester 2
ID 316 Interior Studio Design 5 BE 111 Engineering Mechanics 2
Project II BE 121 Building Materials I 2
ID 336 Interior Technology II 2 BE 122 Building Construction I 3
AR 326 Professional Practice II 2 BE 131 Economics I 1
ID 364 History and Theory of 2
Year 1 Semester 2
Interior Design II
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 CS 102 Communication Skills 2
ID 383 Industrial Training III 2 DS 102 Development Perspective II 2
Elective II 2 GM 112 Topographic Surveying 3
Year 4 Semester 1 BE 112 Mechanics of Materials 1
ID 417 Interior Studio Design 6 BE 125 Building Materials II 2
Project III BE 126 Building Construction II 3
ID 465 Theory and History of 2 BE 139 Economics II 1
Interior Design II BE 151 Project Work I 2
ID 484 Pre- Dissertation 6 BE 153 Industrial Training I 2
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
Year 4 Semester 2 Year 2 Semester 1
AR 427 Professional Practice III 2 BE 212 Design of Structures I 2
ID 485 Dissertation 10 BE 222 Building Construction III 3
Elective Courses BE 223 Building Services I 2
AR 491 Architectural Conservation 2 BE 232 Measurement of Building 4
AR 492 Urban Development and 2 Works I
Housing BE 241 Management Theory I 1
AR 493 Architectural Science 2 BE 244 Financial Accounting 1
BE 251 Project Work II 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 18

Year 2 Semester 2 Code Course Title Units

Code Course Title Units BE 437 Professional Practice II 3
LM 243 Law I 2 BE 442 Construction Management II 2
BE 213 Design of Structures II 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
BE 224 Building Services II 1 BE 451 Project Work VI 2
BE 225 Building Construction IV 3
BE 239 Measurement of Building 3 Year 4 Semester 2
Works II BE 452 Dissertation 10
BE 248 Management Theory II 2
BE 254 Project Work III 2 Elective Courses
BE 253 Industrial Training II 2 Elective 1

Year 3 Semester 1 BE 464 Value Management 2

LM 343 Law II 2 CM 348 Human Resources 2
BE 324 Civil Engineering Construction 2 Management
BE 332 Measurement of Building 3 LM 339 Maintenance Management 2
Works III and Technology
BE 333 Measurement of Building 3 PM 325 Property Development 2
Services BS 457 Control and Regulation of 2
BE 336 Estimating and Price Analysis 1 Buildings
BE 338 Procurement 1 Elective 2
BE 351 Project Work IV 2 PM 322 Structural and Condition Survey 2
Elective 1 2 FN 318 Public Finance and Taxation 2
RE 320 Real Estate Market Analysis 2
Year 3 Semester 2
BE 334 Measurement of Civil 2
Engineering Works
BE 335 Construction Economics I 3 BSc in Civil Engineering
BE 337 Professional Practice I 3 Year 1 Semester 1
BE 339 Measurement of Building 3 CS101 English Language 2
Works IV DS 101 Development Perspective I 2
BE 342 Construction Management I 2 GM 111 Introduction to Land Surveying 3
BE 354 Project Work V 2 EE 111 Engineering Mathematics I 2
BE 353 Industrial Training III 2 CE 101 Engineering Drawing I 2
Elective 2 2 CE 111 Statics 2
Year 4 Semester 1 CE 152 Building Construction 2
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 EG 100 Workshop Training 2
GM 162 Statistics 2 Year 1 Semester 2
BE 435 Construction Economics II 3 CS 102 Communication Skills 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 19

Year 3 Semester 2
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
DS 102 Development Perspective II 2 CE 342 Foundation Engineering 2
GM 222 Introduction to 3 CE 318 Design of Masonry Structures 1
Engineering Surveying CE 351 Construction Management I 3
GI 152 Computer Programming 2 CE 317 Design of Reinforced Concrete 3
CE 112 Dynamics 2 Structures
CE 153 Building Design 2 GM 162 Statistics 2
CE 161 Construction Materials I 4 Elective 1 2
CE 185 Industrial Training 1 2 Elective 2 2
Year 2 Semester 1 CE 382 Semester Project III 3
EE212 Engineering Mathematics II 2 CE 385 Industrial Training 3 2
CE 201 Engineering Drawing II 3
CE 211 Mechanics of Materials 2 Year 4 Semester 1
CE 232 Fluid Mechanics 2 CE 451 Construction Management II 2
CE 262 Construction Materials II 4 CE 452 Construction Technology 2
EE 233 Hydrology 2 CE 453 Professional Practice 2
Year 2 Semester 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
EE 213 Engineering Mathematics III 2 Elective 3 2
CE 222 Traffic Engineering and 2 Elective 4 2
Planning CE 481 Semester Project IV 3
CE 223 Highway Engineering 2 Year 4 Semester 2
CE 212 Structural Analysis I 2 CE 499 Dissertation 10
EE336 Pumps and Pumping Stations 2 Electives
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 Electives in Structural Engineering
EE 132 Soil Mechanics and Geology 2 CE 415 Finite Element Method 2
CE 282 Semester Project I 3 CE 417 Design of Bridges 2
CE 285 Industrial Training 2 2 CE 416 Structural Dynamics and 2
Year 3 Semester 1 Earthquake Engineering
CE 315 Design of Timber Structures 2 Electives in Transportation Engineering
CE 316 Design of Steel Structures 2 CE 425 Pavement Maintenance and 2
CE 312 Structural Analysis II 2 Rehabilitation
EE 337 Hydraulic Structures 2 CE 426 Pavement Management Systems 2
EE 497 Wastewater Treatment 4 CE 427 Labour Based Road Engineering 2
Technology CE 428 Airport, Harbour and Railway 2
CE 381 Semester Project II 3 Engineering
EE 223 Water Resources and Water 3 CE 429 Transportation Economics 2
Transportation Engineering
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 20

Electives in Water/Environmental Code Course Title Units

Engineering EE 352 Solid Waste Management and 3
Code Course Title Units Technology
CE 435 Irrigation Engineering 2 MI 416 Environmental Pollution 2
EE 342 Environmental Health and 3 Prevention and Control
Epidemiology Electives in Geotechnical Engineering
CE 445 Special Foundations 2


BSc in Urban and Regional Planning,

BSc in Housing and Infrastructure Planning
and BSc in Regional Development Planning
(1st and 2nd years)
Year 1 Semester 1 Year 2 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
UP 121 Building Design Studio 6 UP 223 Neighbourhood Planning and 6
Regularization Planning Studio
UP 161 Building Design, Materials 2 UP 212 Urban Planning and Design 2
and Construction Theory I
GM 162 Statistics 2 UP 263 Housing 2
CS 151 Introduction to Information 2 UP 271 Quantitative Methods I 2
and Communication UP 242 Computer Application II 2
Technology (ICT) UP 252 Land and Planning Laws 2
CS 101 English Language 2 UP 231 Landscape Planning Design 2
GM 111 Introduction to Land 3
Surveying Year 2 Semester 2
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 UP224 Urban General Planning 6
UP178 Principles of Economics 2 Scheme Studio
UP213 Urban Planning & Design 2
Year 1 Semester 2
Theory II
UP 122 Site Planning Studio 6 UP 273 Urban Economics 2
UP 111 Site Planning and Design 2 UP232 Urban Planning and Ecology 2
Theory UP243 Computer Application III 2
UP 141 Computer Application I 2 UP264 Urban Transport Planning and 2
GM112 Topographic Surveying 3 Traffic management
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 UP 234 Planning and Management for 2
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 Climate Change
UP 181 Industrial Training I 2 UP 282 Industrial Training II 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 21

BSc in Urban and Regional Planning BSc in Housing and Infrastructure

(3rd to 4th year) Planning (3rd to 4th year)
Year 3 Semester 1 Year 3 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
UP 326 Regional Planning Studio 6 HI 301 Housing Development 6
UP 315 Regional Planning Theory 2 Planning Studio
UP 365 Regional Transport Planning 4 HI 311 Housing Theories and 2
and Management Policies
UP 375 Project Planning and 2 LM 353 Property Investment I 2
Management I UP 375 Project Planning and 2
LM 353 Property Investment I 2 Management I
HI 313 Housing Finance 2
Year 3 Semester 2
UP 325 Urban Design Studio 6 HI 314 Land Delivery for Housing 2
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 HI 317 Gender and Housing 2
UP 314 Urban Planning & Design 2 Year 3 Semester 2
Theory III LM 214 Research Methodology 2
UP 376 Project Planning and 2 HI 302 Infrastructure Planning and 6
Management II Design Studio
UP 362 Urban Infrastructure 2 HI 321 Infrastructure Planning and 2
Planning & Management Management Theories
UP 383 Industrial Training III 2 HI 322 Infrastructure Economics and 2
Year 4 Semester 1 Financing
UP 426 Urban Strategic Planning 6 UP 376 Project Planning and 2
Studio Management II
UP 416 Environmental Planning and 2 BE 324 Civil Engineering and 2
Management Theory Construction
UP 454 Local Governance 2 UP 383 Industrial Training III 2
UP 453 Professional Practice 2 Year 4 Semester 1
UP 477 Project Planning and 2 HI 403 Housing Strategic Planning 6
Management III Studio
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 HI 418 Housing and Infrastructure 2
UP 491 Dissertation I 2 Planning Theory
Year 4 Semester 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
UP 492 Dissertation II 10 HI 453 Professional Practice 2
UP 477 Project Planning and 2
Management III
UP 454 Local Governance 2
UP 491 Dissertation I 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 22

Year 4 Semester 2 Code Course Title Units

UP 499 Dissertation II 10 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
UP 491 Dissertation I 2
BSc in Regional Development Planning
Year 3 Semester 1 Year 4 Semester 2
Code Course Title Units UP 492 Dissertation II 10
RP 301 Regional Planning Studio 6
RP 311 Regional Development 2
Planning Theory BA in Economics
RP 331 Demography and 2 Year 1 Semester 1
Development EC 111 Introductory Microeconomics I 3
RP 321 Regional Infrastructure 2 EC 121 Introductory Macroeconomics I 3
Planning and Management EC 131 Mathematics for Economics 2
RP 333 Financing and Development 2 DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2
Budgeting CS 101 English Language 2
RP 314 Regional Settlement Patterns 2 IS 151 Introduction to Information and 2
and Linkages Communication Technology
UP 375 Project Planning and 2 (ICT)
Management I BB 111 Accounting Fundamentals 2

Year 3 Semester 2 Year 1 Semester 2

UP 302 Village Development Planning 6 EC 112 Introductory Microeconomics II 3
Studio EC 122 Introductory Macroeconomics II 3
RP 312 Village Development Planning 2 EC 132 Introduction to Statistics 2
Theory DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2
RP 332 Agriculture and Development 2 UP 106 Computer Application II 2
RP 322 Rural Industries Planning 2 BB 112 Principles of Accounting I 2
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 CS 102 Communication Skills 2
UP 376 Project Planning and 2
Year 2 Semester 1
Management II
UP 383 Industrial Training III 2 EC 213 Intermediate Microeconomics I 3
Year 4 Semester 1 EC 223 Intermediate Macroeconomics I 3
RP 403 Ecological Planning Studio 6 EC 233 Quantitative Methods I 2
RP 413 Ecological Planning Theory 2 EC 235 Econometrics I 2
UP 453 Professional Practice 2 EC 262 Development Economics 2
UP 477 Project Planning and 2 EC257 Managerial Economics I 2
Management III EC 268 Urbanization and Urban 2
UP 454 Local Governance 2 Growth
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 23

Year 2 Semester 2 Electives/Optional Courses

Code Course Title Units Semester 1
EC 214 Microeconomics II 3 Code Course Title Units
EC 224 Macroeconomics II 3 EC 355 Industrial and Production 2
EC 234 Quantitative Methods II 2 Economics I
EC 236 Econometrics II 2 EC 353 Human Resources and Labour 2
EC 265 History and Economics of 2 Economics I
Development EC 341 Agricultural Economics I 2
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 EC 366 Public Sector Economics I 2
EC 258 Managerial Economics II 2 EC 351 Health Economics I 2
EC 270 Industrial Training (Fieldwork) 2 EC 363 Financial Economics I 2
Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2
UP 333 Project Planning and EC 354 Human Resources and Labour 2
Management I 2 Economics II
EC 325 International Economics I 2 EC 342 Agricultural Economics II 2
EC 361 Contemporary Issues in 2 EC 367 Public Sector Economics II 2
Economic Development EC 364 Financial Economics II 2
EC 359 Transport Economics and 2 EC 352 Health Economics II 2
Industrial Location EC 356 Industrial and Production 2
EC 337 Applied Quantitative 2 Economics II
EC 343 Natural resources and 2
Environmental Economics I BA in Community and Development
Elective I 2 Studies
Elective II 2 Year 1 Semester 1
Year 3 Semester 2 CD 111 Social Development Theories 3
EC 369 Urban Economics and 2 CD 112 Political Economy 3
Regional Growth EC 111 Introductory Microeconomics I 3
EC 326 International Economics II 2 UP 103 Quantitative Methods 1 2
UP 334 Project Planning and 2 LS 106 Communication Skills I 2
Management II CD 114 Community Development 2
EC 360 Urban Governance and Public 2 Theories and Practice I
Finance UP 107 Computer Applications I 2
EC 344 Natural Resources and 2 Year 1 Semester 2
Environmental Economics II CD 115 Management, Organization and 3
Elective I 2 CD 141 Urbanisation and Development 3
Elective II 2 EC 121 Introductory Macroeconomics I 3
EC 382 Dissertation 4 UP 113 Quantitative Methods II 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 24

Year 3 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
LS 107 Communication skills II 2 DS 305 Gender and Development 3
CD 113 Sociology 2 UP 316 Ethics and Development 2
CD 116 Community Development 2 UP 334 Project Planning and 3
Theories and Practice II Management II
CD 321 Community Development and 3
Year 2 Semester 1
Facilitation Skills II
CD 251 Rural and Urban 3 CD 322 Community Leadership, 2
Development Organization and Development
CD 221 Community Development 2 CD 361 Project Paper I 4
and Facilitation Skills I Elective course 2
CD 224 Science, Technology and 2
Year 3 Semester 2
Industrial Development
CD 252 Population, Environment 3 CD 327 Governance, Civil Society and 3
and Development Development
CD 232 Development Economics 3 CD 317 Labour and Development 3
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 CD 362 Project Paper II 4

Year 2 Semester 2 CD 318 Poverty Analysis and 3

CD 223 Politics of International 3 Alternatives Strategies of
Development Development
CD 228 Globalisation and 3 Elective course 2
CD 225 Small and Medium 3 Electives Courses
Enterprises and Semester 1
Development UP 313 Regional Development Planning 2
RP 315 Rural Industrial Planning 2 RP 363 Agricultural Development 2
UP 300 Research Methods 3 Planning
CD 226 Community Empowerment 2 CD 355 Regional Integration and 2
and Participation Cooperation
UP 333 Project Planning and 3 CD 356 Conflicts, Peace Building and 2
Management I Development
Semester 2
CD 329 Social Service Delivery and 2
CD 319 Planning, Public Policy and 2
CD 343 Urban Safety and Crime 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 25


BSc in Environmental Engineering

Year 1 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
EE 111 Engineering Mathematics I 2 GM 111 Introduction to Land 3
ES 112 Basic Chemistry 2 Surveying
EE 143 Project I: Technical Report 2 Year 2 Semester 2
Writing EE 213 Engineering Mathematics III 2

EE 161 Engineering Drawing I 2 EE 239 Fluid Mechanics II 3

IS 151 Introduction to Information and 2 EE 214 Foundation Engineering 2
communication technology ES 124 Environmental Microbiology 3
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 EE 223 Sewerage and Drainage 2
CS 101 English Language 2 Engineering
EG 100 Workshop Training 2 EE 224 Project IV: Design of 2
Year 1 Semester 2 Sewerage and Drainage
EE 117 Engineering Mechanics I 2 Systems for a Township
EE 115 Soil Mechanics and Geology 2 GM 221 Introduction to Engineering 3
EE 116 Construction Materials and 2 Surveying
Technology EE 264 Industrial Training II 2
EE 121 Introduction to Environmental 3 Year 3 Semester 1
Engineering EE 337 Hydraulic Structures 2
EE 122 Project II: Preliminary Design of 2 EE 319 Structures 2
a Low Cost Sanitation System EE 325 Unit Operations and 3
EE 162 Engineering Drawing II 2 Processes in Environmental
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 Engineering
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 BE 365 Introduction to Quantity 2
EE 163 Industrial Training I 2 Surveying
Year 2 Semester 1 EE 342 Environmental Health and 2
EE 212 Engineering Mathematics II 2 Epidemiology
EE 218 Engineering Mechanics II 2 ES 223 Environmental Chemistry 3
EE 238 Fluid Mechanics I 2 EE 344 Project V: Assessment and 2
EE 229 Building Services Engineering 2 Engineering Control of
EE 231 Water Resources and 3 Communicable Diseases
Transportation Engineering Elective Course 2
EE 233 Hydrology 2 Year 3 Semester 2
EE 232 Project III: Design of Water 2 EE 334 Water Treatment 2
Supply and Wastewater EE 336 Pumps and Pumping Stations
Engineering 2
Collection Systems for a Building
and Community
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 26

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

EE 347 Ecology 2 BSc in Municipal and Industrial
EE 352 Solid Waste Management and 3 Services Engineering
Technology Year 1 Semester 1
EE 356 Land and Water Pollution 2 EE 111 Engineering Mathematics I 2
Prevention and Control ES 112 Basic Chemistry 2
EE 335 Project VI: Design of Water 2 EE 143 Project I: Technical Report 2
Treatment and Municipal Solid Writing
Waste Management Systems for EE 161 Engineering Drawing I 2
Community/Township IS 151 Introduction to Information and 2
EE 359 Project Management for 2 Communication Technology
Construction DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2
EE 355 Environmental Systems Analysis 2 CS 101 English Language 2
EE 365 Industrial Training III 2 EG 100 Workshop Training 2

Elective Courses Year 1 Semester 2

EE 353 Thermofluids 2 EE 117 Engineering Mechanics I 2
EE 326 Industrial Wastewater Treatment 2 EE 162 Engineering Drawing II 2

Year 4 Semester 1 DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2

EE 427 Wastewater Treatment 4 MI 111 Basic and ecological sanitation 2
Technology MI 135 Fundamentals of Industrial 2
ES 455 Environmental Planning & 2 operations and processes
Impact assessment MI 121 Fundamentals of Mining and 2
ES 457 Environmental policies and 2 Mineral processing
Legislation EE 116 Construction Materials and 2
EE 457 Air Pollution Prevention and 2 Technology
Control EE 122 Project II: Preliminary Design of 2
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 a Low Cost Sanitation System
ES 464 Research methodology 2 CS 102 Communication Skills 2

EE 428 Project VII: Design of Domestic 2 MI 141 Industrial Training I 2

and Industrial Wastewater
Year 2 Semester 1
Treatment Facilities
EE 212 Engineering Mathematics II 2
Year 4 Semester 2 EE 238 Fluid Mechanics I 2
EE 466 Dissertation 10 EE 229 Building Services Engineering 2
EE 218 Engineering Mechanics II 2
EE 231 Water Resources and 3
Transportation Engineering
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 27

Code Course Title Units Year 3 Semester 2

EE 233 Hydrology 2 MI 312 RS & GIS Application in MISE 3
EE 232 Project III: Design of Water 2 MI 336 Operation and Maintenance of 3
Supply and Wastewater Municipal and Industrial
Collection Systems for a Building Infrastructure
and Community MI 313 Renewable Energy and 2
GM 111 Introduction to Land Surveying 3 Alternative Energy
MI 314 Solid and Hazardous Waste 3
Year 2 Semester 2
Management and Technology
MI 233 Municipal and Industrial 2 MI 315 Natural waste Management 2
Recreational and Aesthetic Technologies
Services EE 335 Project VI: Design of Water 2
EE 239 Fluid Mechanics II 3 Treatment and Municipal
EE 223 Sewerage and Drainage 2 Solid Waste Management
Engineering Systems for
EE 214 Foundation Engineering 2 Community/Township
EE 224 Project IV: Design of Sewerage 2 MI 343 Industrial Training III 2
and Drainage Systems for a Elective Courses
Township EE 353 Thermofluids 2
GM 221 Introduction to Engineering 3 ES 334 Soil Pollution and Remediation 2
Surveying Year 4 Semester 1
MI 234 Occupational Health and Safety 2 EE 497 Wastewater Treatment 4
MI 242 Industrial Training II 2 Technology
MI 416 Environmental Pollution 2
Year 3 Semester 1
Prevention and Control
EE 319 Structures 2 ES 455 Environmental Planning and 2
EE 337 Hydraulic structures 2 Environmental Assessment
MI 331 Industrial Utility and Safety 3 ES 473 Disaster Risk Reduction 2
services Engineering Management
MI 323 Mining and Mineral Processing 2 MI 424 Investigation, Risk 2
Waste Management Assessment and Management
MI 322 Acid Mine Drainage 2 of Chemicals in Geo-
MI 332 Industrial Ecology 2 EE 428 Project VII: Design of 2
MI 337 Project V: Occupational Health 2 Domestic and Industrial
and Safety Wastewater Treatment
Elective 2 Facilities
ES 464 Research methodology 2
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 28

Code Course Title Units EE 233 Hydrology 2

Year 4 Semester 2 ES 229 Project III: Low Cost 2
MI 444 Dissertation 10 Sanitation
Year 2 Semester 2
ES 232 Scientific Experimental Design 2
BSc in Environmental ES 243 Environmental Health and 2
Science and Management Epidemiology
Year 1 Semester 1 MI 234 Occupation Health and Safety 2
ES 116 Mathematics I 2 ES 242 Toxicology and Risk 3
ES 112 Basic Chemistry 2 Management
ES 113 Fundamentals of Biology 2 ES 251 Principles of Economics 2
IS 151 Introduction to information and 2 ES 226 Environmental Chemodynamics 3
communication technology ES 246 Project IV: Occupational 2
ES 114 Principles of Physics 2 Health and Safety
CS 101 English language 2 ES 282 Industrial Training II 2
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 Year 3 Semester 1
EE 143 Project I: Technical Report 2 ES 338 Principles of Environmental 2
Writing Biotechnology
ES 325 Environmental Ecology 2
Year 1 Semester 2
ES 117 Mathematics II 2 ES 352 Environmental Economics and 2
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 Management
ES 121 Introduction to Environmental 2 ES 356 Surface Water Quality 2
Science Monitoring and Management
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 ES 371 Meteorology 2
ES 122 Environmental Physics 2 MI 322 Acid Mine Drainage 2
ES 127 Environmental Geology 2 ES 335 Industrial and Municipal 2
ES 124 Environmental Microbiology 3 Wastewater Management
ES 128 Project II: Water Pollution 2 ES 334 Soil Pollution and 2
Characterization Remediation
ES 181 Industrial Training I 2 ES 358 Project V: Waste Management 2

Year 2 Semester 1 Year 3 Semester 2

ES 231 Water Supply and Sanitation 3 EE 352 Solid Waste Management and 3
ES 233 Remote Sensing and 2 Technology
Environment ES 353 Groundwater Quality 2
ES 223 Environmental chemistry 3 Monitoring and Management
ES 236 Geographical Information 2 ES 362 Mining and Environment 2
Science ES 354 Air Quality Monitoring & 2
ES 215 Environmental statistics 2 Management
ES 211 Instrumental Methods of 3 ES 363 Soil Conservation and 2
Analysis Management
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 29

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

ES 361 Introduction to Natural 2 ES 455 Environmental Planning & 2
Resources Conservation and Environmental Assessment
Management ES 474 Hazard Modeling 2
ES 339 Project VI: Contaminated Site 2 ES 447 Hazardous Waste Management 2
Remediation BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
Elective 2 ES 475 Project VII: Disaster Risk 2
ES 383 Industrial Training III 2 Reduction

Year 4 Semester 1 Year 4 Semester 2

ES 457 Environmental Policies and 2 ES499 Dissertation 10
Legislation Elective Courses
ES 464 Research Methodology 2 MI 313 Renewable and Alternative 2
ES 472 Climate Change Impact, 2 Energy
Mitigation and Adaptation EE 355 Environmental Systems 2
ES 473 Disaster Risk Science and 2 Analysis



BSc in Geomatics and

BSc in Geoinformatics (1st and 2nd years)

Year 1 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 GM 112 Topographic Surveying 3
GI 111 Principles of Cartography 3 GM 162 Statistics 2
GM 111 Introduction to Land Surveying 3 GT112 Fundamentals of Electronics 2
GM 161 Mathematics 2 CS 102 Communication Skills 2
GT 111 Physics 2 GM 184 (BSc Gm) Industrial Training I 2
IS 151 Introduction to Information and 2 GI 163 (BSc Gi)
Communication Technology Year 2 Semester 1
(ICT) GI 224 Remote Sensing Principles 2
CS 101 English Language 2 GI 231 Database Management 2
Year 1 Semester 2 Systems
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 GI 212 Fundamentals of GIS and LIS 2
GI 121 Introduction to Photogrammetry 3 GM 213 Electronic Surveying 3
GI 151 Computer Programming 2 GM 231 Adjustment Theory 3
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 30

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

GM 221 Introduction to Engineering 3 Year 4 Semester 1
Surveying GM 422 Engineering Surveying 3
GM 241 Spherical and Ellipsoidal 2 GM 453 Geophysics 2
Geometry GM 454 Earth Gravity Field and its 2
GT 221 Land Administration 2 Applications
Year 2 Semester 2 GM 491 Pre - Dissertation 2
GI 225 Remote Sensing Applications 2 BE 241 Management Theory I 2
GM 214 Cadastral Surveying 3 UP 376 Project Planning and 2
GM 232 Control Surveys 2 Management I
GM 265 Vector Calculus and Differential GM 483 Project III: Engineering 3
equations Surveying
GT 292 Scientific Writing and Reporting 1 Year 4 Semester 2
LM 232 Land Law 2 GM 493 Dissertation II 10
UP 212 Urban Planning and Design 2
Theory I BSc in Geoinformatics (3rd to 4th year)
GM 281 Project I: Cadastral Surveying 3 Year 3 Semester 1
GM 284 (BSc Gm) Industrial Training II 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
GI 263 (BSc Gi) GI 322 Photogrammetry 3
GI 327 Advances in Remote Sensing 2
BSc in Geomatics (3rd to 4th year) Techniques
Year 3 Semester 1 GI 341 Spatial Statistics and 2
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 Analysis
GM 355 Satellite Surveying 3 GI 343 GIS Principles and 2
GM 323 Hydrographic Surveying 3 Applications
GM 371 Industrial Metrology 2 GI 315 Thematic Cartography and 2
GM 341 Geometrical Geodesy 2 Map Production
GM 351 Space Geodetic Techniques 2 GM 371 Industrial Metrology 2
GM 364 Numerical Methods 2 Year 3 Semester 2
GM 382 Project II: Control Surveying 3 GI 323 Advanced Photogrammetry 2
Year 3 Semester 2 GI 314 Land Information Systems 2
GM 324 Mining Surveying 3 and Management
GM 333 Applied Adjustment Theory 3 GI 352 Web GIS Development 2
GM 342 Map Projections 2 GI 326 Digital Image Processing 2
GM 352 Physical Geodesy 2 GI 313 Digital Mapping and Geo- 3
GM 363 Differential Geometry 2 Visualization
LM 214 Research Methodology 2 LM 214 Research Methodology 2
GM 384 Industrial Training III 2 GM 342 Map Projections 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 31

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

GI 361 PROJECT II: Photogrammetry 3 IS 143 Linear Algebra 2
and Remote Sensing ES 112 Introduction to Environmental 3
GI 363 Industrial Training III 2 Science
Year 4 Semester 1 IS 191 Project I: Information Systems 2
GI 444 Spatial Data Infrastructure 2 Management
GI 445 Advances in Geographic 2 Year 2 Semester 1
Information Systems GI 241 Fundamentals of GIS and LIS 2
GI 453 Web – Based programming 3 IS 261 Operating Systems 2
GI 442 Spatial Data Modeling and 2 IS 241 Logic and Set theory 2
Analysis IS 232 Databases II 3
GI 471 Pre - Dissertation 2 IS 225 Object Oriented Programming 3
BE 241 Management Theory I 2 IS 281 Computer Networks 3
UP 376 Project Planning and 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
Management I Year 2 Semester 2
GI 462 PROJECT III: Integrated Geo- 3 IS 256 Fundamentals of Computer 2
Informatics Systems Security
Year 4 Semester 2 IS 271 Systems analysis and Design I 3
GI 472 Dissertation II 10 IS 212 Business administration and 2
BSc in Information Systems IS 215 Legal aspects of Information 2
Management Technology
Year 1 Semester 1 IS 252 Computerized Accounting 2
CS101 English Language 2 IS 214 Enterprise Information System 2
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 and business Intelligence
IS 124 Computer Programming 3 IS 292 Project II: Systems Analysis 2
IS 162 Introduction to Digital Systems 3 Design and Implementation
IS 142 Discrete Mathematics 3 GT 293 Industrial training 2
IS 151 Introduction to Information 2 Year 3 Semester 1
and Communication Technology IS 372 Systems analysis and Design II 3
Year 1 Semester 2 IS 353 Multimedia 3
IS 116 Information Systems 2 IS 313 E-Government, E-Business 3
Management and E-Commerce
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 IS 318 Marketing Principles and Practices 2
DS102 Development Perspectives II 2 IS 317 Project Management in Systems 3
IS 123 Data Structure and algorithms 3 Development
IS 131 Databases I 2 GI 315 Web Based Programming 3
GM 162 Statistics 2 IS 355 Strategic Information Systems 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 32

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

Year 3 Semester 2 IS311 Organizational behavior 3
IS354 Computer Modeling and 2 IS382 Distributed systems 2
Simulation IS394 Dissertation 10
IS321 Formal Languages 2

BSc in Land Management and Valuation,

BSc in Real Estate Finance and Investment, and
BSc in Property and Facilities Management
(1st year and 2nd year semester 1)

Year 1 Semester 1
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 LM 246 Housing 2
GM 171 Basic Mathematics 2 LM 232 Land Administration I 2
IS 151 Introduction to Information and 2 LM 222 Basics of Quantity Surveying 1
Communication Technology PM 226 Construction 3
LM 141 Principles of Economics 3
LM 161 Introduction to Valuation 2 BSc in Land Management and
CS 101 English Language 2 Valuation (2nd year semester 2 to 4th
LM 171 Elements of Law 1 year)
GM 111 Introduction to Land Surveying 3 Year 2 Semester 2
Year 1 Semester 2 LM 276 Land Policy 2
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 LM 257 Property Taxation 1
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 LM 279 Land Law 2
LM 121 Architectural Studies and 3 RE 259 Business Accounts 2
Construction PM 223 Building Materials 2
LM 131 Principles of Management 1 LM 262 Principles and Methods of 2
LM 178 Business Law 2 Valuation
LM 143 Land Economics 2 LM 249 Agricultural Economics 2
LM 112 Statistics 2 LM 293 Industrial Training 2
LM 182 Environmental Studies 2 Year 3 Semester 1
LM 193 Industrial Training I 2 LM 374 Conveyancing and Disposition 2
Year 2 Semester 1 LM 339 Maintenance Management 3
LM 284 Urban and Rural Planning 2 and Technology
LM 214 Geographic Information Systems 2 LM 332 Land Administration II 2
LM 247 Urban Economics 2 LM 335 Rural Land Studies 2
LM 238 Research Methodology 2 LM 383 Planning Law 1
LM 217 Land Information Systems 2 LM 363 Applied Valuation I 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 33

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

Elective 2 BSc in Real Estate (Finance and
LM 391 Semester Project 3 Investment) (2nd year semester 2 to 4th
Year 3 Semester 2 year)
PM 322 Structural and Condition 2 Year 2 Semester 2
Surveys RE 258 Financial Markets 2
LM 364 Applied Valuation II 2 RE 211 Financial Mathematics 2
RE 337 Procurement and Logistics 2 LM 279 Land Law 2
Management RE 242 Econometrics 3
RE 326 Project Management 2 RE 254 Corporate Finance 2
RE 353 Property Investment I 2 RE 259 Business Accounts 2
RE 322 Real Estate Market Analysis 3 RE 250 Elements of Banking 1
LM 393 Industrial Training III 2 RE 293 Industrial Training II 2
Elective Courses Year 3 Year 3 Semester 1
RE 355 Real Estate Finance 1 2 RE 316 Quantitative Methods 2
RE 350 Elements of Banking 2 RE 355 Real Estate Finance I 2
Year 4 Semester 1 LM 329 Maintenance Technology and 3
LM 413 Computer Application to Real Estate 2 Management
BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 RE 351 Investment Analysis 2
RE 448 Business Ethics 2 RE 325 Property Development 2
LM 495 Pre-Dissertation Study 2 LM 383 Planning Law 1
LM 465 Business Valuation 2 Elective 2
LM 494 Professional Casework 2 RE 391 Semester Project 3
LM 479 Public Policy Analysis 2 Year 3 Semester 2
LM 477 Administrative Law 1 RE 352 Development Appraisal 2
LM 429 Real Estate Marketing and Agency 2 RE 356 Real Estate Finance II 2
Elective 2 RE 322 Real Estate Market Analysis 3
Year 4 Semester 2 RE 337 Procurement and Logistics 2
LM 419 Dissertation 10 Management
Elective Courses Year 4 RE 326 Project Management 2
LM 431 Philosophy 2 RE 318 Scientific Report Writing 1
LM 435 Forest Economics 2 RE 357 Taxation 1
RE 353 Property Investment I 2
RE 393 Industrial Training III 2
Elective Courses Year 3
PM 335 Corporate Real Estate 2
LM 332 Land Administration II 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 34

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

Year 4 Semester 1 PM 324 Infrastructural and Building 2
RE 413 Computer Applications to 2 Service Management

Real Estate RE 325 Property Development 2

RE 453 Property Investment II 2 PM 337 Facilities Management 1 3

BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2 LM 383 Planning Law 1
RE 448 Business Ethics 2 Elective 2
LM 465 Business Valuation 2 PM 391 Semester Project I 3
RE 498 Pre-Dissertation Study 2 Year 3 Semester 2
LM 479 Public Policy Analysis 2 PM 338 Facilities Management II 3
LM 429 Real Estate Marketing and 2 PM 330 Rehabilitation and Space 3
Agency Management
RE 494 Professional Casework 2 PM 322 Structural and Condition 2
Elective 2 Surveys
Year 4 Semester 2 RE 337 Procurement and Logistics 2
RE 492 Dissertation 10 Management
Elective Courses Year 4 RE 326 Project Management 2
FN 312 Derivative Securities and Risk 2 PM 335 Corporate Real Estate 2
Management Management
LM 431 Philosophy 2 RE 353 Property Investment 1 2
PM 393 Industrial Training III 2
BSc in Property and Facilities Elective Courses Year 3

Management (2nd year semester 2 to 4th year) RE 355 Real Estate Finance I 2
Year 2 Semester 2 RE 351 Investment Analysis 2
PM 223 Building Materials 2 Year 4 Semester 1
PM 244 Construction Economics 2 PM 413 Computer Applications to 2
PM 233 Estate Management 3 Real Estate
PM 273 Landlord and Tenant Law 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
FN 318 Public Finance and Taxation 2 RE 448 Business Ethics 2
PM 215 Scientific Report Writing 1 PM 494 Professional Casework 2
LM 279 Land Law 2 PM 418 Pre-Dissertation Study 2
PM 293 Industrial Training II 2 RE 429 Real Estate Marketing and 2
Year 3 Semester 1 Agency
LM 329 Maintenance Technology and 3 PM 436 Contract Management 2
Management LM 479 Public Policy Analysis 2
AC 323 Management Accounting 2 Elective 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 35

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

Year 4 Semester 2 BB 243 Strategic Management 2

PM 492 Dissertation 10 Year 2 Semester 2
FN 318 Public Finance and Taxation 2
Elective Courses Year 4
FN 219 Financial Management 2 FN 222 Portfolio and Fund Management 2
BE 464 Value Management 2 FN 221 Project Planning and Financial 2
BSc in Accounting and Finance AC 252 Financial Accounting I 2
Year 1 Semester 1 RE 242 Econometrics 3
BB 111 Accounting Fundamentals 2 AC 256 Cost Accounting 2
CS 101 English Language 2 RE 254 Corporate Finance 2
DS 101 Development Perspectives I 2 FN 243 Industrial Training 2
IS 151 Introduction to Information 2 Year 3 Semester 1
and Communication AC 355 Auditing 2
Technology (ICT) FN 326 Business Values and Ethics 1
LM 141 Principles of Economics 3 AC 357 Financial Reporting 2
BB 141 Production and Operations 2 AC 353 Financial Accounting II 2
Management AC 323 Management Accounting 2
LM 171 Element of Law 1 AC 358 International Accounting and 2
BB 151 Business Mathematics 2 Taxation
Year 1 Semester 2 FN 313 Financial Markets and Institutions 2
DS 102 Development Perspectives II 2 BE 447 Entrepreneurship 2
BB 153 Information Systems 3 RE 355 Real Estate Finance I 2
Management and Security FN 342 Semester Project 4
LM 178 Business Law 2 Year 3 Semester 2
BB 112 Principles of Accounting I 2 AC 351 Auditing and Assurance Services 2
BB 121 Principles of Finance I 1 AC 354 Financial Accounting III 2
CS 102 Communication Skills 2 AC 325 Asset Valuation and Management 1
LM 131 Principles of Management 1 FN 314 International Trade and Finance 3
GM 162 Statistics 2 FN 327 Marketing of Financial Services 1
Year 2 Semester 1 RE 351 Investment Analysis 2
BB 223 Money and Banking 2 Optional Courses
LM 238 Research Methodology 2 FN 312 Derivative Securities and Risk 2
BB 224 Principles of Marketing 1 Management
RE 316 Quantitative Methods 2 FN 315 Investment Analysis and 2
BB 214 Principles of Taxation 2 Capital Markets
FN 219 Financial Management 2 RE 337 Procurement and Logistics 2
BB 244 Organisational Behaviour 2 Management
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 36

Schedule for Research Projects, In-semester Fieldwork, Industrial Training and Dissertation

In Semester Field work (No of Days) Research Industrial Training (IT) – (No. of Days)

S/N Name of Programme
5t 4th
4th 1st 2nd 3rd 5th
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year h Yea
Year 4th Year Year Year Year
Y r
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

School of Architecture, Construction Economics & Management

1 Bachelor of Architecture 14 14 14 14 P P P P P P P D 42 42 42 42
2 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture 14 14 14 P P P P P P P D 42 42 42
3 Bachelor of Science in Interior Design 14 14 14 P P P P P P P D 42 42 42
4 B.Sc. in Building Economics P P P P P P D 56 56 56
5 B.Sc. in Civil Engineering P P P P D 56 56 56

School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences

6 B.Sc. in Urban and Regional Planning 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 D 36 36 36
7 B.Sc. in Housing & Infrastructure Planning 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 D 36 36 36
8 B.Sc. in Rural Development Planning 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 D 36 36 36
9 Bachelor of Arts in Economics D 56
10 BA in Community and Development Studies P P

School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business and Informatics

11 B.Sc. in Geinformation 14 14 14 D 56 42 42
12 B.Sc. in Geomatics 14 14 14 D 56 42 42
13 B.Sc. in Information Systems Management P P D 56
14 B.Sc. in Land Management & Valuation P P D 56 56 56
15 B.Sc. in Real Estate (Finance & Investment) P P D 56 56 56
16 B.Sc. in Property and Facilities Management P P D 56 56 56
17 B.Sc. in Accounting and Finance P 56

School of Environmental Sciences & Technology

18 B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering P P P P P P P D 56 56 56
19 B.Sc. in Municipal & Industrial Services Engineering P P P P P P P D 56 56 56
20 B.Sc. in Environmental Science Management P P P P P P P D 56 56 56

D-final year research dissertation

P-semester research project
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 37


Academic Prizes Offered Across the University

1. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in each School based on overall

2. University Prizes
Awarded to the best student in the final year degree examinations with best dissertation
in each School.

3. Council Chairperson’s Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in each School based on overall
performance in final year examinations.

4. The Vice Chancellor’s Prize 1

Awarded to the Best student in first year examinations based on overall performance in
each Department.

5. The Vice Chancellor’s Prize 2

Awarded to the best student in second year examinations based on overall performance
in each Department.

6. The Vice Chancellor’s Prize 3

Awarded to the best continuing student in 3rd year examinations based on overall
performance in each Department.

7. The Vice Chancellor’s Prize 4

Awarded to the best continuing student in 4th year examinations based on overall
performance in the Department of Architecture.

8. School Dean’s Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree female student in each School based on overall
performance in final year examinations.

9. The Mrs Siwale Prize

Awarded to the final year female student with the best degree dissertation in each

10. The Horsens Polytechnic Prize

Awarded to the final year female student with the best degree dissertation in each


Awarded to the best ARU final year student as judged by overall performance.

12. The Allan Mugisha Prize

Awarded to the best ARU overall final year student.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 38

Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Architecture, Construction Economics

and Management (SACEM)

In addition to the prizes offered across the University, SACEM also has specific prizes offered
by various donors.

1. K & M ARCHPLANS (T) LTD Prize

Awarded to the best fifth year degree student in Dissertation Part II


Awarded to the best first year student in the free hand sketching.

3. The Architecture Association of Tanzania (AAT) Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in Design Dissertation in the Department of

4. NASUTO Associates Prize

Awarded to the best fourth year degree student in the subject “Building Technology”

5. Envirolink Architects Prize

Awarded to the best first year degree student in the subject “Environmental Science”

6. Mekon Prize
Best student in the final year degree examinations in the School as judged by overall
performance in Studio

7. The Tanzania Institute of Quantity Surveyors (TIQS) Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in the subject, “Professional Practice” in
the Department of Building Economics.

8. The CQS Services LTD Prize

Awarded to the best third year degree student in Measurement of Building Services.

9. The Ntiyakunze Prize

Award to the best second year degree student in Measurement of Building works.

10. The WEBB URONU and Partners LTD Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in the subject “Construction Economics” in
the Department of Building Economics.

11. The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (AQRB) Prize
Awarded to:-
a) Best fourth year student in the subject “Professional Practice” in the Department
of Architecture.
b) Best final year degree student with highest average mark of the following
i) Building Construction I, II, II, IV and V
ii) Measurement of Building Works I, II, III, IV and V
iii) Measurement of Building Services and
iv) Measurement of Civil Engineering Works
c) Best final year degree student in Building Survey programme as judged by overall
d) Best final year degree student in Construction Management programme as judged
by overall performance.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 39

Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Environmental Science and

Technology (SEST)

In addition to the prizes offered across the University, SEST also has specific prizes offered by
various donors.

1. The M-Konsult Prize

Awarded to:-
i) Best third year student in the subject “Environmental Pollution Control” in the
Department of Environmental Engineering
ii) Best final year student in the Department of Environmental Engineering in the
subject “Waste Water Treatment Technology”

2. The IPP Ltd. Prize

Awarded to the best final year degree student in School of Environmental Science and
Technology as judged by overall performance.

3. Kahama Mining Corporation Ltd

Awarded to:
i) Best fourth year student in overall performance in the School of Environmental
Science and Technology.
ii) Best second year student in overall performance in the subject “Sewage and
Drainage Engineering”.
iii) Best third year student in the subject “Water Treatment Engineering”
iv) Best fourth year student in the subject “Environmental Planning and Impact

4. The National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) Prize

Awarded to the best second year degree student in the Department of Environmental
Engineering as judged by overall performance

5. The Gauff Ingeniuere (H.P. Gauf Ingenieure) Prize

Awarded to the best first year degree student in the Department of Environmental
Engineering as judged by overall performance

6. Prof. Gupta Prize

Awarded to the best fourth year student in the subject “Industrial Wastewater

7. The Environmental Resources Consultancy Prizes

Awarded to:
i) Best third year student in the subject, “Solid Waste Management”
ii) Best third year student in the subject “Land and Water Pollution Prevention and
iii) Best third year student in the subject “Environmental Systems Analysis and
iv) Best fourth year student in the subject’ “Environmental Planning and Impact
v) Best fourth student in the subject “Waste Water Treatment Technology.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 40

8. Tanzania Association of Environmental Engineers (TAEEs) Prizes

Awarded to :-
i) Best overall female student in the first year of study in the School of
Environmental Science and Technology
ii) Best second year student in the subject “Water Resource and Transportation
Engineering” in the Department of Environmental Engineering
iii) Best second year student in the subject “Water Supply and Sanitation” in the
Department of Environmental Science and Management
iv) Best third year degree student in the subject “Environmental Health and
Epidemiology” in the Department of Environmental Engineering
v) Best third year student in Project V: “Waste Management” in the Department of
Environmental Science and Management
vi) Best fourth year student in the subject “Climate Impact Mitigation and
Adaptation” in the Department of Environmental Science and Management
vii) Best fourth year student in the subject “Environmental Planning and
Environmental Assessment” in the Department of Environmental Engineering

Academic Prizes Offered in the School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business
Studies and Informatics (SERBI)

In addition to the prizes offered across the University, SERBI also has specific prizes offered
by various donors.

1. Supply Well Prize

Awarded to the best third year degree student in Engineering Surveying.

2. Royal Mark Suppliers Co. Ltd Prize

Awarded to:-
i) Best first year degree student in BSc. Information Systems Management
ii) Best second year degree student in BSc. Information Systems Management

3. Job Asheri Chaula’s Prize

Awarded to:-
i) Best second year degree student in the BSc. Information Systems Management.
ii) Best third year degree student in the BSc. Information Systems Management.

4. The Knight Frank Prizes

Awarded to:-
i) Best first degree student in the Department of Land Management and Valuation
as judged by overall performance
ii) Best second year student in the subject “Principles of Valuation” in the
Department of Land Management and Valuation
iii) Best third year student in the subject “Applied Valuation” in the Department of
Land Management and Valuation
iv) Best fourth year student in the subject “Valuation Casework” in the Department of
Land Management and Valuation

5. Property Bureau (T) Prize

Awarded to best third year student in the subject “Property Management I” in the
Department of Land Management and Valuation
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 41

6. Tanzania Institute of Valuers and Estate Agents Prize

Awarded to best final year degree student in the Department of Land Management and
Valuation as judged by the overall performance

7. Proper Consult (T) LTD Prize

Awarded to best third year student in the subject “Property Finance” in the Department
of Land Management and Valuation

8. Real Estate, Surveyors and Associates Ltd. Prize

Awarded to best third year student in the subject “Property Management II” in the
Department of Land Management and Valuation

9. Majengo Estate Developers Ltd. Prizes

Awarded to:-
i) Best third year student in the subject “Maintenance of the Built Environment” in
the Department of Land Management and Valuation
ii) Best fourth year degree student in the subject “Business Ethics”

10. National Housing Cooperation (NHC) Prizes

Awarded to:-
i) Best first year student as judged by overall performance in the Department of
Property and Facilities Management
ii) Best first year student as judged by overall performance in the Department of Real
Estate (Finance and Investment)
iii) Best second year degree student in the subject “Housing”
iv) Best third year degree student in the subject Corporate Real Estate Management in
BSc in Real Estate (Finance and Investment)
v) Best third year degree student in the subject Corporate Real Estate Management in
BSc in Real Estate (Finance and Investment)
vi) Best third year degree student in the subject Real Estate Market Analysis in BSc in
Property and Facilities Management
vii) Best fourth year student in the subject Professional Casework in BSc in Real Estate
(Finance and Investment)
viii) Best final year degree student in BSc. Real Estate (Finance and Investment) as
judged by overall performance
ix) Best final year degree student in BSc. Property and Facilities Management as judged
by overall performance

11. Africa Property Ltd. Prize

Awarded to best third year student in the subject “Valuation Casework” in the
Department of Land Management and Valuation

12. Tryphone Rwechungura Prize

Awarded to:-
i) Best first year student in the subject “Land Economics”
ii) Best second year student in the subject “Urban Economics”

13. The Allan Mugisha Prizes

Awarded to:
i) Best final year degree student with 1st class in the BSc. Land Management and
ii) Best final year degree student in the BSc. Land Management and Valuation.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 42



School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture (PGD-Arch)

Entry Qualifications
Holders of 3 years Diploma in Building Design or Advanced Diploma in Architecture of the
former Ardhi Institute; or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution of higher

Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and Management (PGD


Entry Qualifications
An Advanced Diploma in Building Economics, Architecture, Land Management and
Valuation, Urban and Rural Planning of the former Ardhi Institute Dar es Salaam or any
other relevant advanced Diploma from a recognized institution of Higher Learning.


A first degree in the field of Building Economics, Building Survey, Construction Management,
Architecture of Ardhi University or other relevant first degree from a recognized institution of
Higher Learning.

Master of Architecture (M. Arch) (Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
Holders of Bachelor of Architecture of at least a Second Class Lower division from Ardhi
University or from any other recognized Institution of Higher Learning.


Graduate Diploma in Architecture of at least a Second Class Lower division of the former
Ardhi Institute or Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture from Ardhi University or from any
other recognized Institution of Higher Learning.

Master of Science in Construction Economics and Management (MSc CEM)

(Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
A first degree of second class grade or above in Building Economics, Construction
Management, Building Survey or related fields of Ardhi University or any other relevant first
degree from a recognized institution of Higher Learning.


A relevant Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and Management or related

fields of Ardhi University or any other recognized institution of Higher Learning.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 43

Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (PhD Arch)

Entry Qualifications
A Master’s Degree in Architecture from Ardhi University or any other relevant Masters
Degree from Ardhi University or from a recognized University.

Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Economics and Management (PhD CEM),

Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Management (PhD CM),
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD CE)

Entry Qualifications
Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s
Degree from a recognised University.

School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Management (PGD UPM)

Entry Qualifications
(i) Advanced Diploma in Urban and Rural Planning or Architecture or Land Management
and Valuation or Environmental Engineering, Building Economics and other related
fields from a recognized University or institution of higher learning approved by Senate.
(ii) Positive recommendations from two referees, one from the academic institution from
where the candidate graduated and one from the practice.
(iii) A working experience of at least two years in a relevant field.

Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management (MSc. UPM) (Coursework

& Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
(i) First or Second Class Bachelor's Degree in Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Regional
Development Planning (RDP) and Housing and Infrastructure Planning (HIP); or
relevant qualifications from Programs offered by the Schools at ARU, Economics and
Economic Planning.
(ii) Upper Second Class or above Postgraduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning or
Architecture or Land Management and Valuation or Environmental Engineering or from
relevant Programs offered by the Schools at ARU, other related subject from a recognized
university or institution of higher learning.
(iii) Working experience of at least two years in a relevant field will be an added advantage.
(iv) Positive recommendations from two referees one from an academic institution where the
candidate graduated and one from the practice. Candidates without sufficient
background in urban and regional planning profession may be required to take
additional courses offered in the undergraduate programs.

Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning and Management (MSc.

URPM) (Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
First or Second Class Honours Bachelor's Degree in Urban and Regional Planning or
Architecture or Land Management and Valuation or Environmental Engineering or Building
Economics or Land Surveying/Geomatics or Geography or Economics or Economic Planning
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 44

or Public Administration or Business Administration and Postgraduate Diploma of the

University of Dar es Salaam or any other recognised institution or any other relevant field.
(i) Experience of at least two years in a relevant field would be an added advantage.
(ii) Positive recommendations from two referees.
(iii) This programme is currently supported by DAAD. Therefore, Tanzanian candidates
aspiring for the DAAD scholarships would have their applications for sponsorship
further scrutinised by a joint committee of SPRING partner universities and a DAAD
representative or any sponsoring organization /institution as situation emerges.

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning (PhD URP),

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Management (Housing and
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD Econ)

Entry Qualifications
Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s
Degree from a recognised University.

School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics (SERBI)

Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics (PGD Gm)

Entry Qualifications
A Bachelors Degree in Geomatics or Land Surveying from Ardhi University or any other
relevant from a recognized University or Institution of Higher Learning.
An Advanced Diploma in Land Surveying of the former Ardhi Institute, Dar es salaam or any
other relevant Diploma from Ardhi University or a recognized University or Institution of
Higher Learning.

Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate (PGD-RE)

Entry Qualifications
A first degree in the field of Land Management and Valuation of Ardhi University or any other
relevant first degree from a recognized institution of Higher Learning.
An advanced Diploma in Land Management and Valuation, Urban and Rural Planning,
Building Economics, Architecture, Land Surveying of Ardhi Institute or any other relevant
Advanced Diploma from a recognized institution of higher Learning.

Master of Science in Geomatics (MSc. Gm) (Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
A second class or above BSc. Degree in Geomatics or Land Surveying or any other relevant
degree from Ardhi University or a recognized University or Institution of Higher Learning.
A Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics or Land Surveying from Ardhi University or any other
relevant degree from a recognized University or Institution of Higher Learning.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 45

Master of Science in Geomatics (MSc. Gm) (Thesis)

Entry Qualifications
A Second Class Upper Division, Bachelor of Science degree in Geomatics or Land Surveying
from Ardhi University or its equivalent from Ardhi University or any other recognized
University or Institution of Higher Learning.

Master of Science in Real Estate (MSc RE) (Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
At least a second class grade or above Bachelor’s Degree in Land Management and Valuation,
Urban and Regional Planning, Building Economics, Architecture, Land Surveying,
Environmental Engineering, Geography, Economics, Commerce, or Civil Engineering from
Ardhi University or any other relevant degree from a recognized University or Institution of
Higher Learning.


A relevant Postgraduate Diploma of the Ardhi University or other relevant diploma from a
recognized University or Institution of higher Learning.

Master of Science in Real Estate (MSc RE) (Thesis)

Entry Qualifications
A minimum of a Second Class Upper Division, Bachelor’s Degree in Land Management and
Valuation of the Ardhi University or any other relevant degree from Ardhi University or any
other degree from a recognized University or Institution of Higher Learning.

Doctor of Philosophy in Geospatial Science (PhD. GS)

Entry Qualifications
A Master Degree in Geomatics or Land Surveying or Geoinformatics or Geodetic Science from
Ardhi University or any other relevant Masters Degree from a recognized University

Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate (PhD. RE)

Entry Qualifications
Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s
Degree from a recognised University.

School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST)

Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Technology and Management (PGD-ETM)

Entry Qualifications
A Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering of the Ardhi University or any other
relevant Bachelor’s degree from any recognized University or institution of higher learning.


An Advanced Diploma in Environmental Engineering of the former Ardhi Institute Dar es

salaam or any other relevant advanced diploma from a recognized University or Institution of
Higher Learning
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 46

Master of Science Degree in Environmental Technology and Management (MSc

ETM) (Coursework and Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
At least a Second Class Lower division Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering of
the Ardhi University or any other relevant degree from a recognized University or Institution
of higher learning.


A Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering of the Ardhi University or other

Postgraduate Diploma from a recognized University or Institution of higher learning.
Master of Science Degree in Environmental Technology and Management (MSc
ETM) (Thesis)

Entry Qualifications
A minimum of a Second Class Upper Division, Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental
Engineering of the Ardhi University or any other relevant degree of the Ardhi University or
any other relevant degree from a recognized University or Institution of higher learning.

Master of Disasters Risk Management (M. DRM) (Coursework & Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
A second or higher class bachelor’s degree or post graduate diploma in any of the
programmes offered by Ardhi University and similar programmes offered by other
universities as approved by Senate. Other admission requirements are similar to the general
entry requirements for ARU postgraduate programmes.

Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management (MSc. DRM) (Coursework &


Entry Qualifications
Second or higher class bachelor’s of science degree or postgraduate diploma in programmes
offered by recognized universities as approved by ARU Senate. It is also open to holders of
equivalent qualifications in science or engineering programmes offered by recognised higher
learning institutions. Other admission requirements are similar to the general entry
requirements for ARU postgraduate programmes.

Master of Science in Disaster Risk Management and Engineering (MSc DRM

Eng.) (Coursework and Dissertation)

Entry Qualifications
A second or higher class bachelor’s of science degree or post-graduate diploma in any of the
engineering and technology (environmental engineering, municipal and industrial services
engineering, environmental laboratory science and technology, and civil engineering)
programmes offered by ARU. Holders of bachelor’s degrees in similar programmes offered by
other recognised universities or higher learning institutions, as approved by ARU Senate also
qualify. Applicants who have a first degree in branches of engineering other than the ones
mentioned above may be considered for admission into the programme as shall be approved
by the university senate. Other admission requirements are similar to the general entry
requirements for ARU postgraduate programmes.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 47

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering (PhD EE),

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Technology and Management (PhD
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science and Management (PhD ESM),
Doctor of Philosophy in Disaster Management (PhD DM),
Doctor of Philosophy in Laboratory Science and Technology (PhD LST)

Entry Qualifications
Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s
Degree from a recognised University.

Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS)

Postgraduate Diploma in Housing (PGD Housing)

Entry Qualifications
(i) Advanced Diploma in Urban and Rural Planning or Architecture or Land Management
and Valuation or Environmental Engineering or Building Economics or other related
fields from a recognized University or Institution of higher Learning.
(ii) Bachelor degree in relevant fields from a recognized University or Institution of higher
(iii) Positive recommendations from two referees, at least one from the academic institution
from where the candidate graduated and one from the practice.
(iv) A working experience of at least two years in the relevant field will be an added

Candidates without sufficient background in Human Settlements related fields will be

required to take additional courses offered in the undergraduate programmes in the relevant
Schools at ARU.

Master of Science in Housing (MSc Housing)

Entry Qualifications
(i) Bachelor degree with a minimum GPA of 2.7, or equivalent qualification as shall be
approved by the University Senate, in the fields of urban planning; housing and
infrastructure, urban development planning, architecture, urban geography, urban
sociology, urban designers, environmental and civil engineering, geomatics, land
management and valuation, building economics, construction economists and
management, urban economics and other related fields.
(ii) Work experience of 2 years in the respective fields is an added advantage.
(iii) Recommendation from at least two referees – one academician and one practicing

Master of Science in Public Policy Analysis and Programme Management

Entry Qualifications
(i) Bachelor degree with a minimum of lower second class or equivalent qualifications as
shall be approved by the University Senate, in the fields offered at ARU or any other
related fields.
(ii) Work experience of 2 years in the respective fields is an added advantage.
(iii) Recommendation from at least two referees – one academician and one practicing
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 48

Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment Analysis (PhD BEA),

Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change Studies (PhD CCS),
Doctor of Philosophy in Housing and Settlements Studies (PhD HSS),
Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Analysis and Programme Management (PhD
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies (PhD DS)

Entry Qualifications
Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s
Degree from a recognised University.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 49


At the beginning of the academic year, all students will be required to produce evidence of
sponsorship by the Government or any other organizations, otherwise they will be expected to
pay full tuition and University fees for the full first year, by the beginning of the
term/semester before they can be permitted to use the University facilities.

All local payments for fees should be made through the Electronic Government Payment
Gateway (eGPG) after acquiring a control number from the Office of the Bursar.


(i) Direct University Costs (Payable to the University)

Programme First Year Subsequent Years

6 months 12 months
Postgraduate Diploma 1,947,500
Masters by Coursework and 1,877,500 1,452,500 2,052,500
Masters by Thesis 1,997,500 1,402,500 2,302,500
PhD by Coursework and 2,347,500 2,152,500 2,602,500
PhD by Thesis 2,397,500 2,202,500 3,002,500

(ii) Direct Student costs (Payable to the student)

Postgraduate Masters by Masters PhD by PhD by

Description Diploma C/work and by Thesis Coursework & Thesis
Dissertation Dissertation
Stationery 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,00
Books 350,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,00
Thesis Projection 0 250,000 300,000 400,000 400,00
Independent/Study 500,000 0 0 0 0
/ Practical
Training/ Research
paper/ Teaching
Practice for
Diploma Students
Stipend 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,0
Total 4,500,000 4,350,000 4,400,00 4,500,000 4,500,0
0 00

(iii) Research Funds

Programmes By Coursework and Dissertation By Thesis
Masters 3,000,000 5,000,000
PhD. 6,000,000 7,000,000
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 50

(iv) Foreign Students

1. Application Fee
US $
Application fee for Master’s and Postgraduate Diploma candidates 20
Application fee for PhD candidates 30

2. Direct University Costs

Programme First Year Subsequent Years
6 months 12 months
Postgraduate US $ 2,952
Masters by Coursework and Dissertation US $ 2,950 US $ 2,874 US $ 3,877
Masters by Thesis US $ 4,352 US $ 3,523 US $ 4,527
PhD by Coursework and Dissertation US $ 6,452 US $ 5,327 US $ 6,827
Ph.D by Thesis US $ 6,452 US $ 5,327 US $ 7,327

Research Funds
Programmes By Coursework and By Thesis
Masters US $ 3000 US $ 4000
PhD. US $ 6000 US $ 7000

Short Term and Occasional Students

1. Tuition Fee
Programme Fee per Course Registered per Semester
US $ 150

Other University Direct Costs

Description Proposed Rates (US $)
Application fee 20
Registration fee 100
Examination fee* 100
Supervision fee** 0
Medical capitation fee** 300
Caution money 100
Student Union 20
Student Identity Card 5
Total 845
* Examination fee US $ 100 per exam
** Medical capitation fee and Special Faculty Requirements US $ 30 per months

Student Cost for Foreigners

Postgradu Masters by Masters PhD by PhD by
Description ate Coursework & by Coursework & Thesis
Diploma Dissertation (US Thesis Dissertation (US (US $)
(US $) $) (US $) $)
Stationery 100 150 150 150 150
Books 300 400 400 600 600
Thesis Projection 0 300 300 400 500
Independent/Study 500 0 0 0 0
Practical Training/
Research paper/
Teaching Practice
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 51

Postgradu Masters by Masters PhD by PhD by

Description ate Coursework & by Coursework & Thesis
Diploma Dissertation (US Thesis Dissertation (US (US $)
(US $) $) (US $) $)
for Postgraduate
Diploma Students
Stipend 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Total 4,500 5,950 7,450 8,750 9,850
Student stipend is calculated on the basis of US $ 300 per month. This is a minimum living
cost and therefore sponsors may raise the allowances.

Appeal Fee for Examinations

T.Shs.5,000/= per course/decision (For Tanzanian students)
USD 20.00 per course/decision (For foreign students)

Fee for a copy of a lost certificate

T.Shs 30,000/= for a copy
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 52


School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture
Code Course Title Units CM 635 Project Planning and 2
Semester 1 Administration
AR 601 Design Studio 5 CM 641 Project Management 2
AR 611 Building Construction and 2 CM 642 Total Quality Management 2
Materials Option II: Housing and Conservation
AR 612 Building Structures 2 AR 705 Design Studio: Design 5
AR 613 Building Services 1 Studio in Housing and
AR 651 Application of ICT in Architecture 2 Conservation
AR 661 Urban Design 2 AR 722 Housing Policies in 3
CM 642 Communication Skills 2 Architecture
Elective Subjects AR 723 Architectural Anthropology 3
AR 621 Architectural Science 4 in Housing
AR 662 Landscape Design 4 AR 724 Architectural Conservation 4
AR 641 Urban Housing 4 AR 641 Project Management 2
AR 663 Interior Design 4 Option III: Urban Design
AR 664 Architectural Conservation 4 AR 703 Design Studio: Applied 5
Semester 2 Design Studio in Urban
AR 652 Research Methodology 2 Design
AR 631 Professional Practice 2 AR 741 Advanced Urban Design 4
AR 602 Final Project 6 AR 742 Theory and Elements of 3
Urban Design
Master of Architecture AR 743 Urban Sociology 3
Year 1 Semester 1 CM 641 Project Management 2
AR 701 Design Studio: Critical 7 Option IV: Landscape Architecture
Architectural Project Analysis CM 641 Project Management 2
AR 732 Research Methodology 2 AR 702 Design Studio: Applied 5
AR 721 Architectural Urban Form 2 Design Studio Landscape
AR 731 Application of ICT in 2 Architecture
Architecture AR 751 Advanced Landscape 4
Year 1 Semester 2 AR 752 Landscape Architectural 3
Option I: Architectural Management Elements and Analysis
AR 704 Design Studio: Design Studio in 5 AR 753 Landscape Management and 3
Architectural Management Environmental Impact
AR 712 Project Management and 3 Assessment
Professional Practice Year 2 Semester 1
AR 713 Project Procurement 3 AR 799 Dissertation 6
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 53

PGD in Construction Economics Year 1 Semester 2

and Management CM 723 Project Appraisal 4
Code Course Title Units CM 731 Project Procurement 4
Semester 1 CM 737 Risk Management in 2
CM 622 Civil Engineering Construction 2 Construction
CM 612 Information and 2 CM 738 Regulatory Framework in 2
Communication Technology Construction
CS 601 Communication Skills 2 Elective 2
LM 722 Research Methodology 2 Year 2 Semester 1
CM 613 Quantitative Methods 2 CM 751 Dissertation 10
CM 623 Building Services Technology 2 Elective Courses
CM 641 Project Management 4 CM 742 Total Quality Management 2

Semester 2 CM 744 Value Management 2

CM 632 Project Appraisal 4 School of Spatial Planning and Social

Sciences (SSPSS)
CM 633 Professional Practice 4
Elective 1 2 PGD in Urban Planning and Management
Elective 2 2 Semester 1
CM 661 Final Paper 4 UP 612 Urban Planning and 4
Elective 1 Courses Management Studio
CM 651 Maintenance Management 2 UP 611 Principles and Theories of 3
CM 654 Measurement of Building 2 Spatial Planning and
Services Management
Elective 2 Courses UP 622 Professional Practice 1 2
CM 653 Measurement of Civil 2 LM 722 Research Methodology 3
Introduction to GIS
Engineering Works GM 612 2
CM 652 Value Management 2 CS 601 Communication Skills 2
Semester 2
MSc in Construction Economics and UP 63 Professional Practice II 2
Management UP 632 Infrastructure Economics 2
Year 1 Semester 1 UP 631 Environmental Impact 2
LM 722 Research Methodology 3 Assessment
CM 712 Quantitative Methods 2 UP 621 Project Appraisal 2
CM 721 Principles of Construction 4 UP 641 Final Paper II 4
Economics Elective/Optional Courses
CM 732 Management of Construction 4 LM 751 Comparative Land Law 2
Projects CM 651 Maintenance Management 2
CM 734 Project Financial Management 4
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 54

MSc in Urban Planning and MSc in Urban and Regional Development

Management Planning and Management
Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units
Year 1 Semester 1 Year 1 Semester 1
UP 721 Urban Planning and Management 6 UP 601 Development Theories and 1
Studio Strategies I
UP 711 Theories and Principles of 4 UP 602 Regional Settlement Pattern I 1
Urban Planning and UP 603 Social Infrastructure and 1
Management Demography I
UP 743 Urban Land Development and 2 UP 604 Ecology and Environmental 1
Property Market Planning I
UP 742 Project Appraisal and 4 UP 605 Financing and Budgeting I 1
Financing UP 606 Promotion of Small Scale 1
UP 751 Planning and Management 2 Industries I
Information Systems UP 607 Agricultural Development 1
Year 1 Semester 2 Planning I
UP 712 Environmental Planning 2 UP 608 Transport Planning 1
Management theories UP 609 Organisation and Management 2
UP 701 Gender Issues in Urban 2 UP 610 Planning Workshop I 2
Planning (Analysis)
UP 702 Participation and Community 2 UP 611 Planning Workshop II 2
Empowerment (Planning)
UP 731 Environment and Development 2 SV 612 Cartography and Aerial 0.5
LM 722 Research Methodology 2 Photography
Microcomputer Workshop
UP 762 Dissertation I 2 SV 613 0.5
UP 722 Urban Environmental Year 1 Semester 2
Planning and Management 6 UP 604 Ecology and Environmental 1
Studio Planning II
UP 612 Regional Settlement Pattern II 0.5
Electives UP 613 Social Infrastructure and 1
AR 741 Urban Design 2 Demography II
AR 702 Landscape Planning & Design 2 UP 615 Financing and Budgeting II 1
UP 744 Urban Housing Infrastructure 2 UP 616 Promotion of Small Scale 0.5
Planning and Management Industries II
Year 2 Semester 1 UP 617 Agricultural Development 1
UP 763 Dissertation II 6 Planning II
UP 618 Transport Planning II 1
UP 619 The European Planning 1
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 55

Code Course Title Units LM 633 Applied Valuation 4

UP 620 Planning Workshop III 2 LM 632 Statutory Valuation 3
(Implementation) LM 611 Information and 2
UP 621 Final Paper Workshop 1 Technology (ICT) in Valuation
UP 622 Final Paper (Individual 5 Semester 2
Research) LM 635 Professional Practice 2
Year 2 Semester 1 LM 699 Project 4
UP 791 Urban Planning and Management 2 Elective 1 4
Theory Elective 2 4
UP 792 Urban Planning and Management 5 Elective Courses
Studio PM 226 Construction* 4
UP 794 Professional Practice 2 LM 143 Land Economics* 2
UP 796 Research Methods 2 LM 272 Land Law and Administration* 3
UP 788 Dissertation I 2 LM 365 Business Valuation* 2
Electives (One Subject to be Selected) LM 612 Geographic Information 4
SV 795 Elective 1: Planning and 2 Systems (GIS) Applications to
Management Information Valuation
Systems LM 742 Real Estate Investment Analysis 4
UP 793 Elective 2:Urban Infrastructure 2 LM 733 Government Finance 3
Planning and Management *Elective from BSc. Programme
UP 797 Elective 3: Urban Housing 2 MSc in Real Estate
Development and Management Year 1 Semester 1
LM 793 Elective 4: Urban Land 2 LM 715 Comparative Land Law 2
Management and Development LM 721 Business Management 3
UP 751 Elective 5: Gender Issues in Urban
2 LM 732 Property Development and 3
Planning Finance

Year 2 Semester 2 LM 724 Land Resources Management 3

UP 799 Dissertation II 15 LM 731 Real Estate Economics 2
LM 725 Environmental Management 2
Elective 1 2-4
School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate,
Business Studies and Informatics
Year 1 Semester 2
PGD in Real Estate
Semester 1 LM 741 Advanced Valuation 4
LM 631 Valuation Principles and 4 LM 722 Research Methodology 3
Techniques LM 752 Land Administration Casework 3
LM 621 Real Estate Marketing and 3 Elective 2 3-4
Agency Elective 3 3-4
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 56

Code Course Title Units

Year 2 Semester 1 MSc. in Geomatics
LM 799 Dissertation 6 Year 1 Semester 1
GM 701 Advanced Estimation & Analysis 4
Elective Courses
LM 328 Maintenance of the Built 2 GM 702 GIS Operational Procedures 4
Environment* GM 703 Entrepreneurship in 3
LM 711 ICT in Land Management 4 Engineering
LM 733 Government Finance 3 GM 704 Research Methods & Graduate 3
LM 723 Estate Management and Agency 3 Seminar
LM 742 Real Estate Investment Analysis 4
PM 226 Construction* 4 Year 1 Semester 2
UP 714 Theories and Principles of 4 Surveying Specialization Core Courses
Spatial Planning and Mngt. GM 711 Cadastral Systems 4
*Elective from a BSc. Programme GM 712 Visualization in Geomatics 4
GM 754 Advanced Hydrographic 4
PGD in Geomatics
Surveying & Ocean Mapping
Semester 1
GM 611 Database Management System 2 Geodesy Specialization Core Courses
and GIS GM 723 Advanced Positioning 4
GM 621 Electronic and satellite 3 GM 724 Geodynamics 4
Surveying GM 753 Advanced Geodesy 4
GM 631 Remote Sensing 2
GM 641 Computer Programming 2 Geoinformatics Specialization Core
GM 651 Survey Adjustments 3 Courses (Electives for Surveying and
GM 661 Surveying 2 Geodesy Specialisation)
GM 671 Research Methods 2 GM 735 Close Range & Digital 4
Semester 2 Photogrammetry
GM 612 Engineering & Mining 2 GM 736 Advanced GIS Applications 4
Surveying GM 752 Modern Trends in GIS 4
GM 622 Mapping Technology 2 GM 755 Imaging Techniques & Data 4
GM 632 Land Information System and 2 Acquisition
Management GM 756 Advances in Photogrammetry 4
GM 642 Geodesy 3 GM 757 Advances in Remote Sensing 4
GM 652 Positioning GM751 Advances in Engineering 4
GM 699 Project 2
4 Year 1 Semester 1
GM 799 M.Sc. Dissertation 6
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 57

School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST)

Year 1 Semester 2
PGD in Environmental Sciences and EI 705 Soil and ground water pollution 3
Technology prevention and control
Code Course Title Units EI 706 Air Quality Monitoring and 3
Semester 1 Management
EI 611 Environmental Statistics 2 EI 707 Hazardous Waste 3
EI 612 Environmental Microbiology 2 Management and Technology
EI 613 Environmental Chemistry 2 EI 708 Environmental Systems 3
EI 614 Environmental Law and Policy 2 Management
EI 615 Engineering Mathematics 2 EI 709 Research Methodology 2
EI 616 Fluid mechanics 2 Elective 3 3
EI 617 Ecology 2 Year 2 Semester 1
EI 799 Dissertation 6
Semester 2
EI 621 Environmental Planning and 2
Impact Assessment Optional Subjects/Electives
EI 622 Water Supply 2 EI 711 Advanced Topics in 3
EI 623 Wastewater Treatment 2 Environmental Health and
EI 624 Solid Waste Management 2 Epidemiology
EI 625: Land and Water Pollution 2 EI 712 Ecological and Decentralized 3
prevention and control Sanitation
EI 626 Air Pollution Control 2 EI 713 Storm Water Management 3
EI 629 Project 4 EI 714 Gender, Poverty and 2
EI 721 Air Pollution Engineering 3
MSc in Environmental Technology and
EI 722 Industrial Utility and Services 3
Year 1 Semester 1 EI 723 Advanced Environmental 3
EI 701 Chemodynamics 3 Modeling
EI 702 Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 EI 724 Ecological Modeling 3
Design EI 725 Renewable and Alternative 3
EI 703 Environmental Biotechnology 3 Energy technologies
EI 704 Toxicology and Risk Assessment 3 EI 726 Aquatic Chemistry 3
Elective 1 3 EI 727 Surface Water Pollution, 3
Elective 2 3 Prevention and Control
EI 728 Occupational Health and Safety 3
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 58

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

EI 729 Environmental Impact 2 DM 704 Research Methods in Disaster 2
Assessment Risk Management
EI 731 Advanced Wastewater 3 DM 791 Disaster Risk Management 2
Treatment Project
EI 732 Advanced Industrial 3
Year 1 Semester 2
Wastewater Treatment
EI 733 Natural Waste Treatment 3 DM 705 Disaster Management 3
Systems Settlement Planning
EI 734 Solid Waste Management and 3 DM 706 Introduction to Disaster Science 3
Technology and Management
EI 735 Water Treatment Plant Design 3 DM 707 Theories and Management of 3
EI 736 Sludge and Septage 3 Risk and Crisis
management Technology DM 708 Case Studies in Disaster Risk 2
EI 741 Environmental Remediation 3 Management
and Restoration Technology Specialization Elective 1 3
EI 742 Soil Science 3 Specialization Elective 2 3
EI 743 Recreational and Aesthetic 3
Services Engineering Year 2 Semester 1
EI 751 Application of GIS in 3 DM 799 Dissertation 6
Environmental Management Electives
EI 752 Application of Remote sensing 3 DM 709 Case Studies in Emergency 3
in Environmental Management Planning Management
EI 753 Disaster Science and 3 DM 711 Introduction to GIS Application 3
Management Technology in Disaster Management
EI 754 Computer Applications in 3 DM 712 Models of Risk, Crisis and 3
Environmental Engineering Disaster
SV 703 Entrepreneurship in 3 DM 713 Disaster Science and 3
Engineering Management Seminars
DM 714 Diversity, Poverty and 3
Master of Disaster Risk Management Environment
Year 1 Semester 1
DM 701 Introduction to Disaster Risk 8
DM 702 Principles of Disaster-Time 3
Occupational Health and Safety
DM 703 Emergency Planning 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 59

MSc in Disaster Risk Management Code Course Title Units

Code Course Title Units DP 706 Special Topics in Disaster 3
Year 1 Semester 1 Science and Management
DM 701 Introduction to Disaster Risk 8
Management MSc in Disaster Risk Management
DM 702 Principles of Disaster-Time 3 and Engineering
Occupational Health and Safety Year 1 Semester 1
DM 703 Emergency Planning Management 2 DM 701 Introduction to Disaster Risk 8
DM 704 Research Methods in Disaster 2 Management
Risk Management DM 702 Principles of Disaster-Time 3
DM 791 Disaster Risk Management 2 Occupational Health and Safety
Project DM 703 Emergency Planning 2
Year 1 Semester 2 Management
DM 705 Disaster Management 3 DM 704 Research Methods in Disaster 2
Settlement Planning Risk Management
DP 701 Disaster Science and 3 DM 791 Disaster Risk Management 2
Management-Natural Disasters Project
DP 702 Disaster Science and 3 Year 1 Semester 2
Management-Anthropogenic DP 701 Disaster Science and 3
Disasters Management–Natural Disasters
DP 791 Disaster Science and 2 DP 702 Disaster Science and 3
Management Project Management – Anthropogenic
Specialization Elective 1 3 Disasters
Specialization Elective 2 3 DE 701 Disaster–Time Sanitary and 3
Year 2 Semester 1 Environmental Infrastructure
DP 799 Dissertation 6 Engineering
Electives DE 702 Design and Construction of 2
DM 713 Disaster Science and 3 Disaster Resistant
Management Seminars Infrastructure and Facilities
DP 703 GIS and RS Application in 3 Specialization Elective 1 3
Disaster Management Specialization Elective 2 3
DP 704 Principles of Disaster – Time 3
Physical Planning Year 2 Semester 1
DP 705 Principles of Disaster – Time 3 DE 799 Dissertation 6
Shelter Provision
EI 704 Toxicology and Risk Assessment 3 Electives
EI 729 Environmental Impact 3 DP 703 GIS and RS Application in 3
Assessment Disaster Management
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 60

Code Course Title Units Semester 2

DP 704 Principles of Disaster – Time 3 HS 651 Housing Infrastructure 2
Physical Planning Provision and Management
DP 705 Principles of Disaster – Time 3 HS 622 Professional Practice 2
Shelter Provision HS 652 Land Property Valuation and 2
DE 703 Disaster – Time Sanitary 3 HS 612 Management
Services Engineering Housing Finance 2
DE 704 Disaster Forensic 3 HS 653 Demography, Gender and 2
DE 705 Special Topics in Disaster – 3 HS 672 Environment in Housing
Time Engineering Final Paper II 6
DE 706 Hazardous Waste Operations 3
and Emergency Response MSc. in Housing
DE 707 Health and Environmental 3
Year 1 Semester 1
Risk Analysis
DE 708 Disaster – Time 3 HS 711 Housing Theories and Concepts 2
Environmental Health and HS 713 House Design and Construction 4
Epidemiology Technology
EI 712 Ecological and Decentralised 3 UP 796 Research Methodology
Sanitation 2
HS 731 ICT in Housing 4
Institute of Human Settlements HS 714 Housing Delivery 2
Studies (IHSS) HS 721 Institutional Framework for 2
PGD in Housing Housing
Semester 1 HS 752 Land Development Management 2
HS 611 Housing Theories 2
HS 613 Theoretical Aspects of House 2
Year 1 Semester 2
Design and Construction
HS 621 Housing Policies and 2 HS 751 Housing and Infrastructure 2
Legislations HS 722 Professional Practice 2
HS 661 Scientific Writing 2 HS 715 Property Valuation and 2
HS 631 ICT in Housing Surveys and 2 Management
Analysis HS 712 Housing Economics and 2
HS 641 Housing Project Planning and 2 HS 761 Financing
Management Social Housing, Gender and 2
CM 642 Communication Skills 2 Environmental Aspects
HS 671 Final Paper I 2 HS 762 Population and Housing 6
HS 788 Dissertation I 2
Elective 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 61

Code Course Title Units Code Course Title Units

Electives HS 788 Developing a Research 2
HS 753 Housing Heritage and 2 Proposal-Dissertation 1
Conservation 2 Electives 4
HS 723 Housing and Livelihood 2 Electives
HS 741 Housing Project Planning and 2 HS 756 Public Finance and Welfare 2
Management Economics
Year 2 Semester 1 HS 757 Government Budget and 3
HS 789 Dissertation II 6 Expenditure
HS 744 Environmental Economics 2
MSc in Public Policy Analysis and
Programme Management
Year 2 Semester 1
Year 1 Semester 1 HS 789 Dissertation II 6
HS 716 Public Policy Development 2
Theories, Concepts and
HS 717 The Informal Sector and 2
HS 718 Decentralisation and 2
Institutional Development
HS 723 Public Policy Analysis and 3
HS 732 ICT and Statistical Analysis 4
for Development
HS 742 Programme Appraisal and 2
Risk Management
HS 719 Development Policy and 2
Poverty Reduction
HS 796 Research Methodology 3
Year 1 Semester 2
HS 724 Public Policy Seminar 3
HS 754 Public Policy Economics and 2
Finance for Development
HS 755 Human Resource 2
Management and
HS 743 Programme Development 2
and Management
HS 763 Gender and Development 2
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 62


Academic Prizes offered by the University

1. Council Chairperson’s Prize

The name of the award is “Best Masters Student in Dissertations” and will be awarded to
the best Masters student in each of the schools and the Institute of Human Settlements


The ARU Academic Library is an integral part of the University. The Library serves the
information needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers, researchers and
practicing professionals within range of the framework of the existing six schools and other
academic units. The services offered in the library include lending, reference, internet and
photocopying; others include current awareness, selective dissemination of information and
user instructions. The library provides information service for the university to approximately
4,000 undergraduate students, 178 postgraduate students and 446 full time
Academic/Administrative staff members.

There are also departmental libraries such as those of Urban and Regional Planning, and
Land Management and Valuation. These libraries offer specialized materials falling under the
departments mentioned above. There is also a Library for the Institute of Human Settlement
Studies (IHSS) which caters for information needs of researchers in the aspects of human
settlements studies.

The University library has a rich collection of materials in relation to Land subjects. The
broad subject areas covered are Architectural studies, Urban and Regional Planning, Building
and Construction Management, Environmental Science, Geomatics and Land Survey, Real
Estates Studies, Community Development Studies and Economic related disciplines. The
Library has a close link with worldwide known books and journals as well as donors such as
Book Aid International (London) and ICT. The library collections and resources consists of
print, none print materials and various ICT equipments which are mostly acquired through
purchases from the University budget and donations. The recent stock taking shows that the
library has 13,233 volumes of books and periodical titles and 10 newspaper titles.
The library has 76 computers connected to the Internet facility where as Adlib Library System
is used in the database operation. Some of these computers are used for browsing materials
from databases; internet and email services for students and staff and a few of them are used
for administrative purposes. There is also a photocopy service which is privately owned.

The University Library also subscribes to a variety of about 26 electronic journals databases
via the Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL) through the
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) programme.
Apart from that the Library also provides links to a number of free Journal and books open
sources and Institutional repository.

Users are also advised to visit other academic and public libraries like University of Dar es
Salaam Library, Central Library, the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
Library and the United States Information Services Library as well as visit the Electronic
subscribed and open source databases in case of unavailability of some materials within the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 63

Library Opening Hours

Duration Days Opening Hours

Semester Monday-Friday 09:00-22:00
Saturdays 09:00-18:30
Sundays & Public Holidays 09:30-16:00
Vacation Monday-Friday 09:00-16:00
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays CLOSED


Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS)

Historical Background
The Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS) was founded in 1979 as a joint project
between the Governments of Tanzania and the Netherlands, under the name Centre for
Housing Studies (CHS).

The CHS was renamed the Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS) in June 1996.
Despite the change of name, the mandate of the Institute remained the same that is, to train,
carry out research, consultancy and community outreach in the fields of land, housing and
human settlements.

The main goal of the Institute is to contribute to the improvement of human settlement and
the overall living conditions of people in the rural and urban areas. The main objectives are
the following:-

i) The realization of research in the fields of land management, housing, building and
planning to support professional training programmes and inform policy-making, and

ii) Develop research capacities pertinent to the contemporary social, economic and physical
environment in Tanzania,

iii) The provision of consultancy and community – outreach services on land management,
housing, building and planning to central and local governments, parastatal
organizations, the private and popular sectors, international agencies and non-
governmental organizations,

iv) The Provision of continuing education mostly to middle and high level personnel
working in the fields of housing, land management, planning, development and
management of human settlements, with the ultimate aim of improving their technical
and managerial competence,

v) The dissemination to the public at large of documentation and information on land

management, housing, building and human settlements, development planning and
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 64

Major Research, Training and Consultancy Areas

Settlements Development and Management

 Housing Market
 Land and Property Management
 Housing Infrastructure Analysis
 Governance and Service Provision
 Urban and Rural Poverty Alleviation Strategies
 Urban and Transportation and Livelihoods
 Social Policies Analysis

Housing Development, Building Materials and Technology

 Building Materials and Construction Technology
 Architectural Design
 Construction Management
 Housing Provision and Consumption

Environmental Management
 Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.)
 Water Supply and Sanitation
 Pollution
 Solid/Liquid Waste Management
 Disaster Management
 Sustainable Energy

Short Courses
 Water Supply and Low Cost Sanitation
 Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques in Human Settlements Analysis
 Cooperative Housing Development
 Investment Appraisal and Evaluation
 Project Planning and Management for Artisans
 Informal Settlements Regularisation
 Technician Course on Housing Development and Maintenance
 Gender and Human Settlements Development
 Construction Management for Urban Managers
 Participatory Urban Environmental Planning and Management
 MDGs and Urban Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
 Transparency in Land Administration

Centre for Continuing Education (CCE)

The Centre coordinates initiatives by individual members of the Academic staff in the
faculties and the institute to conduct continuing education programmes.

The programmes include short courses, seminars and workshops covering the fields of
Architecture, Building Economics (Quantity Surveying), Environmental Engineering, Land
Management and Valuation, Geomatics and urban and Rural Planning. Continuing
education programmes offered through the Centre are geared toward refreshing the ARU
alumni and other relevant practitioners on professional advancement as well as equipment
them with the necessary skills for computer application in their professional operations.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 65

Hence the aim is to provide not only up-to-date professional know how but also hands-on
experience in professional computing with a view to making programme finalists more
efficient and productive at their workplaces.

Given the academic and professional experiences of members of the academic staff, its
computing centers, classrooms and lecture theaters, workshops, laboratories and libraries,
ARU provides an ideal environment for the participation in continuing education
programmes. However, depending on the geographic composition of programme participants
and type of training resources required, programme venues can be arranged at the ARU
campus in Dar es Salaam or any other suitable locations. Tuition fees for any other continuing
education programme, payable to ARU Chancellor, are competitive and negotiable.

Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT)

Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT) provides ICT services to
administrative and academic departments of the college including maintenance and support
of ARU computer systems, training in ICT to students, the entire college community and
general public. The centre also provides Geo Information services to undergraduate and
postgraduate programmes including training, research and public services delivery in the
application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Information Technology. Over the
years, the centre has gradually strengthened it capacity into a position where the centre now
has several consultancy projects and couple of international links, the CICT has also
established itself as a centre of Excellence in Information Technology: training in GIS and
Remote Sensing and Research roles into a position where the centre now undertakes several
consultancy projects and couple of international links.

Disaster Management Training Centre (DMTC)

The mission of DMTC is integrated training, research, consultancy and information

dissemination in disaster management and risk reduction, with the vision of becoming a
centre of excellence in disaster management and risk reduction through the creation of
relevant knowledge and its applications. As such, DMTC strives

(i) To contribute in lessening community vulnerability to disasters.

(ii) To improve community preparedness, response capabilities and recovery mechanisms.
(iii) To enhance human resource disaster management capacity through training, research
and consultancy.

The main activities of DMTC are:

(i) To impart quality training in disaster management.

(ii) To impart knowledge and raise awareness in disaster management issue at
all levels (National, regional and international).
(iii) To provide support in developing and teaching emergency plans.
(iv) To create platform for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of experiences on disaster
(v) To sustain staff capacity in disaster management via sectoral and professional
training/staff development.
(vi) To establish international, regional and national networking and cooperation in sharing
knowledge and experiences.
(vii) To carry out research and consultancy in disaster risk management related issues.
(viii) To disseminate information on disaster risk management.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 66

(ix) To take part in preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery phases.



One of the most important welfares to the students is accommodation. The University has an
accommodation policy in order to operationalize students’ accommodation. However, the
University has limited number of beds and space to accommodate all students on campus.
The situation necessitates undergraduate and postgraduate students who do not get on
campus accommodation to look for off-campus accommodation in residential areas near the
University or elsewhere. There are a number of good private student hostels near the
University catering for both female and male students.
Food services

There are a number of on-campus Cafeterias’ and open Cafés to cater for food services. Many
offer a variety of meals that can be afforded by students. The cafeterias/café is regularly
evaluated for food safety and quality standards and control of the prices. There are also many
off-campus cafés and restaurants nearby the University.

Health services

Ardhi University has a well-established Dispensary where students can access health services
in 24 Hours a day. The services offered include medical consultation, laboratory services, HIV
test and voluntary counseling, minor surgery, family planning, reproductive and child health
services. The dispensary accepts National Health Insurance Fund Cards.

Student counseling and general psychosocial support

The University Management understands that there may be a problem of adjustment to

university social life and that students may also face difficulties during the course of academic
studying. Students who are in need of counseling on non-academic or academic matters may
consult the Dean of Students (DoS) or their Academic Advisors.

At the University, students may be guided or counseled by the relevant offices in the following
i) General guidance and counseling;
ii) Spiritual guidance and counseling;
iii) Counseling on health related problems;
iv) Career guidance and counseling; and
v) Peer education.

Students are advised to consult the DoS for further information on the services mentioned
above. Any matter/conflict that arises due to unlawful actions which are linked to any student
should be reported to the DoS. This includes police or similar cases.

Religious services

Worship at ARU is done through various religious places. Off-campus services are available at
the University of Dar es Salaam and Mwenge area among others. There is also spiritual
guidance and counseling done by volunteer students.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 67

Sports and games

Sports and Games activities are coordinated by the office of Dean of Students under the
Sports and Games Department. Ardhi University has facilities for sports and recreation
activities allowing students to participate in popular indoor and outdoor games. There are
several clubs for football, basketball, volleyball, netball, pool table, swimming, athletics, table
tennis, darts and traditional games. A student can choose games that he/she is interested in.

The University has four play grounds located around the University compound, these include:
i. Soccer pitch
ii. Volleyball and netball court
iii. Standard basketball court
iv. One common room for indoor games like; pool table, table tennis, darts and
traditional games like draft and playing cards.

Non-sport entertainment outlets

While studying is students’ first priority, there are several entertainment venues close to the
University which may meet their recreational needs. These include the Cinema at the
Mlimani City Mall as well as several music venues along the university road in Savei Area.
Students may also visit cultural venues in Mwenge Village and the Museum in the City


When students need to shop for personal items or food, there are many convenient shops
along the University road in the Savei area. A large supermarket is located in the Mlimani
City Mall where they can also buy food and other personal items. If they need stationery items
and PC accessories they may get them in outlets within the campus or at the Mlimani City

The Ardhi University Student’s Organisation (ARUSO)

ARUSO is Ardhi University Students Organisation that is established with the main purpose
of safeguarding students’ interests. ARUSO government is composed of ARUSO President,
Vice President, Prime Minister and Ministers for various ministries who form the ARUSO
Cabinet. On the other hand, the Parliament is composed of the Ardhi University Students
Representative Council (AUSRC) Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Clerk and Members of
parliament. ARUSO President and Vice President, Members of parliament, AUSRC Speaker,
Deputy Speaker and Clerk who are elected annually in the General Students’ Elections.
ARUSO offices are located at the ground floor of Block A in the ARU halls of residence.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 68



Associate Professor and Vice Chancellor

E.J. Liwa, Dipl. L.S. (ARI), M. App. Sc. (Glasgow), F.R.S. (T), FIST, PhD (Louisiana State
University, USA)

Senior Lecturer and Acting Director, Quality Assurance Bureau

S.M.M. Sabai, BSc. Eng., MSc. (Dar), PhD (Eindhoven)

Chief Internal Auditor

M. Said, CPA (T), MBA (Dar),

Assistant to Vice Chancellor

D. Semeo, BA Econ. & Statistics (Dar), MSc Econ. & Fin. Dev. (UK)

Corporate Counsel
E.R. Meiludie, LL.B (Dar), Dipl. Mergers & Acquisition (UK), LLM (Dar), ICSA (UK)

Head, Marketing and Public Relations

H. Maulid, B.A Mass. Comm (Dar), PGD Foreign Relations (CFR), M.A Mass Comm (SAUT).


Professor and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

G.R. Kassenga, F.T.C. W.R.E. (Dar), Dipl. P.H.E. (ARI), MSc. (Oldenburg), PhD. (Baton
Rouge), M.I.E.E., (USA), Reg. Env. Expert (T)

Senior Lecturer and Acting Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research and

Y. Senkondo BSc. Agriculture SUA, MSc. Soil Scie. & Land Mgt (SUA), MSc. (Gent), PhD

Research Fellow and Acting Director of Undergraduate Programmes

D.E. Msangi, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (ARU), PhD (ARU)

Head of Academic Affairs

E.T. Mwangomango, Adv. Dipl. Labour Studies (ISW), MPA-HRM (MU)

Professor and Acting Director, ARU Consultancy Unit

R. A.M. Mato, Dipl. P.H.E. (Dar), G.T.C. (S.W. Eng) (Tokyo), I.T.C. (ETA), MSc. (New Castle),
PhD. (Eindhoven), M.I.A.I.A.

Assoc Prof and Acting Director, Centre for Continuing Education

N.J. Marobhe, BSc. (Dar), MSc. (Helsinki), PhD. (KTH)

Associate Professor and Acting Director, Disaster Management Training Centre

R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nott). PGD (Rural Ecology), MSc
(Enschede), PhD. (UCT)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 69

Lecturer and Acting Director, Centre for Information and Communication

R. Buberwa, Adv. Dipl. MSc. GIS & Informatics, PhD (ARU)

Senior Librarian and Acting Director, Library Services

S.R. Lukwale, Dip. Lib. (Makerere), M.A. Lib. & Bibliog. (Minsk), PhD. (Moscow)



Associate Professor and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Finance and
R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nott). PGD (Rural Ecology), MSc
(Enschede), PhD. (UCT)

Director of Human Resource Management and Administration

E.S. Swilla, Dipl. Ed. (Mkwawa), BSc., MBA (Dar), Cert. Mgt. (Aarhus)

Head, General Administration

A. J. Mushi LLB (Dar), PGD HRM (IFM), MSc HRM (MU), Registered Advocate

H.S. Mangachi, Adv. & PGD Dipl. Acct., C.P.A. (T)

Lecturer and Acting Director of Planning and Development

V.M. Mwakalinga, BSc. URP, MSc. UPM (Dar), PhD (S.A)

Lecturer and Acting Head of Planning Department

V.M. Mwakalinga, BSc. URP, MSc. UPM (Dar), PhD (S.A)

Dean of Students
Ms. Amina Saidi Mdidi, Adv Dipl (SWI, Dar), Postgrad Dipl (SWI, Dar), MSc (SWI, Dar)

Estates Manager
M. Banyani, BSc. LMV (Dar), MSc. LM (ARU), PhD (FM Hk Poly U), MTIVEA


F. Salukele, BSc. Eng., MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD. (Wageningen), Reg. Eng. (T), Reg. Env Expert

E. Chubwa, Adv. Dipl. Clinical Medicine


Acting Manager
F. Salukele, BSc. Eng., MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD (Wageningen), Reg. Eng. (T), Reg. Env Expert
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 70




Associate Professor and Dean

L.H. Mosha, Adv. Dipl. Arch. (ARI), Post. Grad. Housing (KU Leuven), M. Arch. (KU Leuven),
PhD (KU Leuven), Reg. Architect (AQRB), MAAT

Department of Architecture

Senior Lecturer and Head of Dept

S.L. Kalugila, B. Arch. (Dar), M.Arch. AHO (Norway), PhD (Germany)

Associate Professor
L.H. Mosha, Adv. Dipl. Arch. (ARI), Post. Grad. Housing (KU Leuven), M. Arch. (KU Leuven),
PhD (KU Leuven), Reg. Architect (AQRB), MAAT

Senior Lecturers
D.A. Mbisso, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (KU Leuven), PhD (ARU), Registered Architect (AQRB)
S.L. Kalugila, B. Arch. (Dar), M.Arch. AHO (Norway), PhD (Germany)

**H.M. Rimisho, B. Arch. (ARU), M. Arch. (ARU)

Assistant Lecturers
F.L. Nderimo, BSc. Civil Eng. (Dar), MSc. (Structure) (IIB), Post. Grad. Dipl. (Hashimoto,
Tokyo), MIET
P.Lazaro, B.D. (ARI), M. Arch. (Copenhagen), Reg. Arch. (AQRB), M.A.A.T.
E.E. Sanga, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (KU Leuven)
R.M. Besha, B.Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (ARU), Registered Architect (AQRB)
S.H. Faki, B. Arch. (VSUAC-Russia), M. Arch. (VSUAC-Russia), Reg. Arch. (AQRB), MAAT
R. M. Kassonga, B. Arch. (Dar), Reg. Architect (AQRB), MAAT
V. Rweyemamu, B. Arch. (Dar)

Tutorial Assistants
M. B. Muganyizi, B. Arch. (ARU), Reg. Architect (AQRB), MAAT
A. T. Katama, B. Arch. (Dar)

Department of Interior Design

Senior Lecturer and Head
O.A. Swai, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (Mie-Japan), PhD (Kyushu-Japan)

Senior Lecturers
L.K. Mrema, Adv. Dipl. Arch. (ARI), M.Arch. (Copenhagen), PhD (Copenhagen), Registered
Architect (AQRB)
O.A. Swai, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (Mie-Japan), PhD (Kyushu-Japan)
F.L. Bahendwa, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (AHO-Norway), PhD (Oslo)

L. Makundi, B. A. (Augsburg), Mpls, MN, (USA), M. Arch. (CUA -USA), PhD (DSM)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 71

Assistant Lecturers
M.B. Maurus, B. Arch. (Dar), MSc. (TU Delft), Reg. Architect (AQRB), MAAT
G. S. Ayubu, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (Dar), Registered Architect (AQRB)
J. Salehe, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch. (KU Leuven), Reg. Architect, (AQRB), MAAT
S.O. Mpyanga, B. Arch. (Dar), M.Arch. Heritage (U.Lyon), Registered Architect (AQRB)
G.H. Mufadal, B. Arch. (Dar), MSc. Env. Sc. & Sustainability Studies (Lund Sweden)
W. Ikumla, M. Arch. (Krakaw)
J. Teyanga, B. Arch. (Dar), M.Arch (ARU), Registered Architect (AQRB)

Tutorial Assistants
A.M. Khama, B. Arch. (Dar)
F.A. Chikaha, B. Arch. LA (ARU)
A.S. Muhari, BSc. ID (ARU)

Department of Building Economics

Senior Lecturer and Head
N.G. Sospeter, BSc. BE (Dar), MBA (Dar), PhD (Dar)

Senior Lecturers
H.K. Eliufoo, Adv. Dipl. BE (ARI), MSc. Building Econ. & Manag. (UCL), PhD. (KTH), Reg.
QS. (T)
G.J. Kikwasi, Adv. Dipl. BE (ARI), MSc. MEM (Dar), PhD. (BJUT), Reg. QS (T)
N.G. Sospeter, BSc. BE (Dar), MBA (Dar), PhD (Dar)
S. Phoya, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc (CPUT, Cape Town), PhD (ARU), Reg. QS(T)

K.A. Khalfan, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc.Eng. Manag. (Wuhan UT), PhD (Ryukyus)
V.G. Luvara, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T)
K.N. Malekela, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T), AMTIQS
L. Didas, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T)

Assistant Lecturers
**S. Amri, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (Dar), Reg. QS(T), AMTIQS
N. Kavishe, BSc. BE (ARU), MSc. CEM (ARU)
**G. Maro, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T)
N. Mikapagaro, BSc. BE (ARU), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T)
**F. Massacky, BA Econ & Statistics. (Dar), MA Econ. (Dar)
D.G. Tesha, B.Arch. (Dar), M.Arch (ARU), Registered Architect (AQRB)
O. Wilbard, BSc. BE (Dar), M.Arch (Makerere), Reg. QS(T)

Department of Civil Engineering

Lecturer and Head
R.J. Monko, BSc. BE (Dar), MEM (Dar), PhD Eng Science (LSU-USA)

G.J. Mbatta, BSc Eng. (UDSM ), Msc. Transport Eng. (USA), PhD (USA), Reg. PE (T)
R.J. Monko, BSc. BE (Dar), MEM (Dar), PhD Eng Science (LSU-USA)
B. Mwemezi BSc. BE (Dar), MSc CEM (ARU), Reg. QS (T)

Assistant Lecturers
**B.A. Kutela, BSc. Civil & Structural Eng. (Dar), M. Eng. (Tennesse State)
**M. Samizi, BSc. BE (Dar), MEM (Dar), Reg. QS (T), Reg. AMTIQS
**V. Malewo, BSc. BE (Dar), MSc. CEM (ARU), Reg. QS(T)
B. Hibwa, BSc. Civil & Structural Eng. (Dar), MSc. Water Resources Eng. (Dar), GE (T)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 72

F. Mushi, BSc. BE (ARU), MSc CEM (ARU), Reg. QS (T), AMTIQS

**C. Mushi, BSc. Civil & Water Resources Eng. (Dar), MSc. Env. Eng. & Sust. Infra. Eng.

Tutorial Assistants
*S.S. Mwaitenda, BSc. BE (Dar), Reg. QS ((T)
*Z. Lwimbo, BSc. Civil Eng. (ARU), Reg. GE (T)
*D. Marenge, BSc. Civil Eng. (ARU), Reg. GE (T)


Senior Lecturer and Dean

A.H. Namangaya, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (Dortmund), Registered
Town Planner

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Lecturer and Head
J. Msami, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (ARU), Registered Town Planner

Associate Professors
A.M. Lupala, Adv. Dipl. URP (ARI), Postgraduate Dipl. (URP-Szczecin-Poland), Postgraduate
Dipl. Housing (Rotterdam), MSc. (URP) (Szczecin), PhD. (Dortmund), MTPA, Registered
Town Planner
T.J. Nkya, Adv. Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A (Royal Danish Academy), PhD (Copenhagen), MTAP
M. Burra, Adv. Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Copenhagen) MTPA, PhD. (Dar), Registered Town

Senior Lecturers
A.H. Namangaya, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (Dortmund), Registered
Town Planner
M. Mdemu, BSc. Agric. Eng, MSc. Agric. Eng. (SUA), PhD (University of Bonn).
Y. Senkondo BSc. Agriculture SUA, MSc. Soil Scie.& Land Mgt (SUA), MSc. (Gent), PhD
E. Mchome, BSc. URP, MSc. UPM (Dar), PhD (Dar) Registered Town Planner

N. Babere, BSc URP (Dar), MSc. UPM (Dar), PhD (New Castle), Registered Town Planner
D. Magembe, BSc. URP, (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (ARU), Registered Town
R. John, BSc. URP, MBA (Dar), PhD (ARU), Registered Town Planner
J. Msami, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund), PhD (ARU), Registered Town Planner
T. S. Mwankenja, BSc. URP, MBA (Dar), PhD (GadjahMada-Yogakarta)
F. Magina, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc Housing (ARU), PhD (Dortmund)
J.M. Lukenangula, Dipl. Carto. (ARI Tabora), BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. UPM (ARU), PhD
G.W. Kazaura, BSc. URP, MSc. UPM (Dar), PhD (UDSM)
F. Wambura, BSc Civil & Water Res. Eng., MSc (Dar), PhD
V.M. Mwakalinga, BSc. URP, MSc. UPM (Dar)

Assistant Lecturers
**P. Stanslaus, BSc URP (ARU), MSc UPM (ARU)
**A. Kabange, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (Dortmund)
**H. Mlula, BSc. URP (Dar), M Arch. (Leuven).
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 73

P. Nayingo, B. Arch. (Dar), M. Arch (KU-Leuven), Registered Architect

M.C. Sang’noi, BSc URP (ARU), MSc UPM (ARU)
L. Mswani, BSc URP (ARU), MSc UPM (ARU)
P. Kitosi, BSc URP (ARU), M. Arch (ARU)
E. F. Kemwita, B. Arch (UDSM), M.Arch (ARU), Registered Architect.

Tutorial Assistants
*R. Byarugaba, B. Arch. (Dar), Registered Architect

Department of Economics and Social Studies

Lecturer and Head
R. John, BSc. URP, MBA (Dar), PhD (ARU)

Associate Professors
E.A. Mwageni, Dip. (Ed), B.A. (Ed), M.A (Demography) (Dar), PhD (Exeter)

L. Kissoly, B.A. (Econ.), MA Economics (Dar), PhD (Hannover, Germany)

Assistant Lecturers
T. Francis, BA Rural Dev. (SUA), MA Demography, (UDSM)
**D. Temu, BA. (Econ.), PGD Poverty Analysis (ISS, the Netherlands), M.A Econ. (Dar)
**A. Jesse, BA in Rural Development, MA Rural Development (SUA).
C. Ngassa, B.A Econ (Dar), M.A Econ (Dar)
**C. Malisa, BA Econ. (Dar), MA Econ (Dar)
R. Chetto, BA in Rural Development (SUA), MA (Botswana)
L. Lugeiyamu, B.A Econ. (UDOM), MSc Econ. (Upsalla)
H. Machimu, B.A Econ. (SAUT), MA Econ. (MOI-Kenya)
**M. Muhoja, B.A Sociology (Dar), MA Sociology (SAUTI), LLB (OUT)
*J. Chumbula, BA Community Development (Tumaini University, Iringa); MA Rural
Development (UA)
A.Tweve, BA Rural Development (SUA), MA Rural Development (SUA)
N. A. Ochieng, BSc Econ (MU), MA Economics (UDSM)
Janeth Kessy, BA Economics (ARU)
Fatuma Norman, BA Economics (ARU)

Tutorial Assistants
*B. Akida, B.A Soc. (Dar)


Associate Professor and Dean
C. Lucian, BSc. Eng. (Dar), M.Civ. Eng. (Hannover), PhD. (KTH)

Department of Geospatial Sciences and Technology

Lecturer and Head
B. Christopher, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc. Gm (ARU), PhD (Norway), F.R.S. (T), F.MIST (T)

Associate Professor
E.J. Liwa, Dipl. L.S. (ARI), M. App. Sc. (Glasgow), F.R.S. (T), FIST, PhD (LSU, USA)

Senior Lecturers
M.M. Hagai, Dipl. L.S. (ARI), Postgr. Dipl. MSc. (London), Photogrammetry, PhD. (UCT),
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 74

P.E. Ulotu, Dipl. L.S. (ARI), MSc. Geodesy (London), Postgr Dip, Hydrography (JHD-JUG
Japan), F.R.S.(T), FIST, PhD (KTH Sweden)
D. Deus, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc. Gm (ARU), PhD (Germany), F.R.S (T)

B. Christopher, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc. Gm (ARU), PhD (Norway)
E. Saria, BSc Gm (Dar), MSc. Geodesy (ARU), PhD (Pardue), F.R.S (T)
Z. Ngereja, BSc LS (Dar), MEng.Management (Dar), MSc Geos Tech (Germany, Spain,
Portugal), PhD (ARU)

Assistant Lecturer
I. Mlay, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc Gi (ICT-Netherland)
B. Mchila, BSc Gm (Dar), MSc Geodesy (Ethiopia)
D. Ntambila, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc Gm (ARU)
E. Ngailo, BSc. Gm (ARU), MSc Gm (ARU)
E. Moringe, BSc (SUA), MSc Gi (UK)
*G.E. Mchau, BSc. Gm (Dar), MSc Gm (ARU)
M. Emmanuel, BSc. Gm (ARU), MSc Gm (ARU)
M. Gwaleba, BSc. (Dar), MSc Gm (ARU)

Tutorial Assistants
J. Maziku, BSc. Gm (ARU)
*V. Ayubu, BSc. Gm (ARU)
*L. Rashid, BSc Gm (ARU)
*A. Daniel, BSc Gm (ARU)
*R. P. Valerian, BSc Gm (ARU)
*A. Komba, BSc Gi (ARU)

Department of Computer Systems and Mathematics

Senior Lecturer and Head

J.A. Chaula, BSc. (Dar), PhD., Computer Science, PhL Computer Science (Stockholm)

Senior Lecturers
J.A. Chaula, BSc. (Dar), PhD., Computer Science, PhL Computer Science (Stockholm)

R. Buberwa, Adv. Dipl. MSc. GIS & Informatics, PhD (ARU)
A. Omar, BSc. Ed. (Zanzibar), MSc (Dar), PhD (NMIST), MSc (UDSM), PhD (UCT)
N. Katule, BSc Computer Sci. (Kwazulu Natal), MSc Computer Sci. (Dar)

Assistant Lecturers
W. Mwigilwa, BSc. (Dar), MSc (Dar)
G.T. Marandu, BSc. (Dar), MSc (UK)
K. Njuu, BSc. Computer Sci. (Dar), MSc. Computer Networks (NMIST)
G. Luwemba, BSc.Telecomm. Eng. (Dar), MSc. Telecomm. Eng. (Dar)
L. Aristides, BSc. Ed. (Math) (Dar), MSc. Maths (Dar)
F. Malugu, BSc ISM (ARU), Mtech Comp. Net. Info. Security (JNTUH, India)
H. M. Kabalika BSc. Maths, (UDOM), MSc (Stellenbosch, SA)
E. Likotiko, BSc. ISM (ARU), MSc (NMIST)
B. Kateule, BSc. ISM (ARU), MSc (Goettingen, Germany)

Tutorial Assistants
M. Nkotagu, BSc. ISM (ARU)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 75

Department of Land Management and Valuation

Lecturer and Acting Head
S.M. Kongela, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MBA (UDSM), PhD (Regensburg)

Associate Professor
C. Lucian, BSc. Eng. (UDSM), M.Civ. Eng. (Hannover), PhD. (KTH)

Senior Lecturer
H.M. Kayuza, Dipl. LMV (ARI), MSc. (Constr. Mgt) (Herriot-Watt), PhD (KTH), FRS (T),

K. Moyo, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. LM. (UDSM), PhD (KTH)
S. Alananga, B.A. Economics (UDSM), PGDL, (OUT), MSc. GIS (U-Twente)
D. Mndeme, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. RE (ARU), PhD (UDSM)
***M. Banyani, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. LM (ARU), PhD (FM Hk Poly U), MTIVEA
U. Matotola, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. RE (ARU), PhD (UDSM)
E. Makupa, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. RE (ARU), PhD (UDSM)
J.K. Masakija, BED Arts (UDSM), M.A. DS (UDSM)

Assistant Lecturers
**E. Mrema, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc. LM (KTH)
**J. Urassa, B.A. Soc. (UDSM), M.A. Soc. (Dar)
**H. Kayera, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc LM (KTH)
R. Shaidi, BA. Ed (SAUT), MSc (UDSM)
J. Muna, BA. Ed (MUM), MSc (New Castle)
K. Mwiga, BSc. Arch (UDSM), BSc. Comp Sc. (OUT), MSc Comp. Sc. (Greenwich)
**E. Millanzi, BSc. LMV (ARU), MSc RE (ARU)
**D.M. Nyamaka, PGD Law (Law School), LLM (SAUTI), LLB (Ruaha Catholic)
**N. Shabani, BSc. BE (UDSM), MEM (UDSM)
**M. Mpandikizi, BSc. LMV (UDSM), MSc LM (KTH)
**A. Kanuti, BSc. BE (UDSM), MSc. Constr. Mgt (Harriot-Watt)
**S. Nkini, B. Arch (UDSM), MSc REA (Nottingham)
**J. Martin, BSc. BE (ARU), MSc. Constr. Magt (Reading)

Tutorial Assistants
H. Mtolera, BSc. LLB (Nkumba Unv), PGDT in Laws (LST)
*A. Sultan, BSc. LMV (ARU)
*N. Mushi, BSc. PFM (ARU)

Department of Business Studies

Senior Lecturer and Head
G. Munisi, B.Com (Dar), MBA (Sheffield), PhD (Agber), CPA (T)

Senior Lecturers
G. Munisi, B.Com (Dar), MBA (Sheffield), PhD (Agber), CPA (T)

A.N. Mwasumbi, Dipl. LMV (ARI), MSc. (Reading), M.Comm (Sydney), PhD (Waterloo),
***M. Mpogole, BSc. LMV (Dar), MSc. LM (Dar), PhD (ARU)
S.M. Kongela, BSc. LMV (Dar), MBA (Dar), PhD (Regensburg)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 76

V. Mushi, Adv. Dipl. LMV (ARI), MSc. Fin (Strathelyde), PhD (Reading, Uk)

Assistant Lecturers
U. Kadikosi, B.A Econ. (Dar), MSc (Dalian)
F. Nyanda, BSc. REFI (ARU), MSc LM (ARU)
J.M.P. Kansheba, BSc AF (ARU), MFA-OG (UDSM), CPA (T), MSc (UDSM)
Samwel Ifuja Emanuel, BSc FA (MU)
Ephraim, K. Ndaro, BA-AF (MoCU), CPA (T)
Husama, N. Igangula, BA-AF (MoCU), CPA (T)

Tutorial Assistant
*M. Gama, BAF (MU)
*M.D. Bega, BSc REFI (ARU)
*M. Elisonguo, BSc REFI (ARU)


Senior Lecturer and Dean
A. Mahenge, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD. (Dar)

Department of Environmental Engineering

Lecturer and Head
S. Mkumbo BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. (Dar), PD. Eng. (Eindhoven), PhD (ARU), Reg. Env. Expert

M.E. Kaseva, MSc. Eng. (Odessa), PhD. (Dar), M.I.E.T, Con. Eng. (T), Reg. Env. Expert (T)
***M.M. Jackson, B.Sc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. Eng. (Leeds), Ph.D. (Chicago), MIChE (USA),
M.I.E.T., R. Eng. (T)

Senior Lecturers
A. Mahenge, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD. (Dar)
S. Mgana, BSc. (Roorkee), MSc. Eng. (Pittsburgh), PhD (Wageningen)
S.E. Mbuligwe, Dipl. P.H.E., PGD (Urban Env. Mngmt) (Rotterdam), MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD.
(Baton Rouge), Reg. Eng. (T)
S.M.M. Sabai, BSc. Eng., MSc. (Dar), PhD (Eindhoven)
F. Salukele, BSc. Eng., MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD. (Wageningen), Reg. Eng. (T), Reg. Env Expert (T)

S. Mkumbo BSc. Eng., MSc. (Dar), PD. Eng. (Eindhoven), PhD (ARU), Reg. Env. Expert (T)

Assistant Lecturers
**R. Paul, BSc. Eng.(Dar), MSc. ETM (Dar)
**N. Chacha, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (Dar)
**P. Chrisogon, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. (Dar)
**E.T. Ruhinda, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (ARU)
**G. Jonas, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (ARU)
**A. Marwa BSc Env Eng (Dar); MSc Env Eng (Dar)

Tutorial Assistants
P. Kakoko, BSc. Eng. (Dar)
E. Maganga, BSc. Eng. (ARU)
S. Mwageni, BSc Civil Eng (Dar)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 77

Department of Environmental Science and Management

Lecturer and Head
N. Chacha, BSc. ESM (SUA), MSc. IEM (Dar), PhD (Dar)

G.R. Kassenga, F.T.C. W.R.E. (Dar), Dipl. P.H.E. (ARI), MSc. (Oldenburg), PhD. (Baton
Rouge), M.I.E.E., (USA), Reg. Env. Expert (T)

Associate Professors
***C. Kihampa, BSc. Ed (Chem & Math)(Dar) ; MSc Chemistry (Dar) ; PhD (Dar)
R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nottingham), PGD (Rural Ecology Survey)
(Enschede), MSc. (Rural Ecology Survey) (Enschede), PhD. (Cape Town)
R.R.A.M. Mato, Dipl. P.H.E. (ARI), G.T.C. S.W. Eng. (Tokyo), I.T.C. (ETA), MSc. Eng.
(Newcastle), PhD. (Eindhoven), Reg. Eng. (T)., Reg. Env. Expert and Auditor (T).
N. Marobhe, BSc. (Dar), MSc. (Helsinki), PhD. (Stockholm)

Senior Lecturers
***W.J.S. Mwegoha, BSc. Eng.(Dar), MSc. Eng. (Dar), PhD. (Florida)

N. Chacha, BSc. ESM (SUA), MSc. IEM (Dar), PhD (Dar)
J. Muhondwa, BSc. FST (Morogoro), MSc. EMQAL (Gdansk and Barcelona), PhD. (BTU
Cottbus Senfternberg)

Assistant Lecturers
**D. Rugai, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. (Enschede)
**G. Joseph, BSc. Eng., MSc. (Dar)
**S. Marijani BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. (Enschede)
**L.N. Sweya, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc ETM (ARU)
**L.S. Leopord, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (ARU)
**G.M. Justin, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (ARU)
**N. Mwageni, BSc. ESM (ARU), MSc. ETM (ARU)
**M. Selele, BSc. Eng., MSc. ETM (Dar)
**F.A. Ligate, BSc. Eng. (Dar), MSc. ETM (ARU)

Tutorial Assistants
E. Salila, BSc. Eng. (ARU)


Senior Lecturer and Director
M. V. Mdemu, BSc. Agric. Eng, MSc. Agric. Eng. (SUA), PhD (University of Bonn)

W.J. Kombe, Adv. Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. Urb. Design (Royal Danish Academy), Ph.D. Urban
Land Manag. (Dortmund), MTPA, Registered Town Planner.

Associate Research Professor

A.G. Kyessi, Adv. Dipl. URP (ARI), PGD, MSc. (ITC-Netherlands), PhD. (Dortmund), Reg.
Town Planner, MTAP, MTACO.
Senior Research Fellows
H. Nguluma, Adv. Dipl. Arch. (ARI), MSc. (KTH, Sweden), PhD. (KTH), Reg. Architect.
T. Limbumba, Adv. Dipl. (ARI), Post. Grad. Dipl., IHS Rotterdam, MSc. (GIS for Urb. Plan.
and Mngt.), PhD (KTH)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 78

Research Fellows
D.E. Msangi, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. URPM (ARU), PhD (ARU)
J. Kihila, BSc. Env. Eng., MSc. Env. Techn. & Management (Dar), PhD (NMIST-Arusha)
I. Mtani, B. Arch. (Dar), MSc. Eng. Mngt (MEM) (Dar), PhD (University of Kassel)
Y.E. Kachenje, BSc. URP (Dar), MSc. Built Env. Analysis (KTH), PhD (ARU)
E. Mbuya, BSc. BE, MSc. (Eng. Mngt) (Dar), PhD (ARU)

Assistant Research Fellows

**L. Mngumi, BA. Statistics (Dar), MSc NARAM (Dar)
**M. Ntiyakunze, BA Econ. (Dar), MA Econ. (Dar)
**N. Said, BA Gen. (Dar), MA (Dar)

Research Assistant
M. Genes, BA Econ. (ARU)

Senior Workshop Instructor

H.I. Rajab, BSc. Eng. (Dar), M. App. Sc. Env. Eng. (Toronto)


Associate Professor and Acting Director
N.J. Marobhe, BSc. (Dar), MSc. (Helsinki), PhD. (KTH)


Lecturer and Acting Director
R. Buberwa, Adv. Dipl. MSc. GIS & Informatics, PhD (ARU)


Associate Professor and Acting Director
R.B. Kiunsi, Dipl. URP (ARI), M.A. (Env. Plan) (Nott)., PGD (Rural Ecology),
MSc, (Enschede), PhD. (UCT)


Associate Professor and Acting Director
R.R.A.M. Mato, Dipl. P.H.E. (Dar), G.T.C. S.W. Eng. (Tokyo), I.T.C. (ETA), MSc. Eng. (New
Castle), PhD. (Eindhoven), Reg. Eng. (T)., Reg. Env. Expert and Auditor (T).

Senior Librarian and Acting Director
S.R. Lukwale, Dip. Lib. (Makerere), M.A. Lib. & Bibliog. (Minsk), PhD. (Moscow)

E.E. Silayo, Cert. Educ., Dip. Ed. (Marangu T.C.), Special Cert. Music Ed. (Butimba T.C.) B.A.
Fine and Performing Arts (Dar), M.A. Information Studies (Dar), PhD (UDSM)

Assistant Librarians
**G. Kenan, Dipl. in Education (Morogoro TTC), B.A. Pub. Admin. HRM (MU), MA
Information Studies (Dar)
E. Mbago, BA. LIS (TURDACO, DSM), M.A LIS (Dar)
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 79


Acting Director
I. Mtani, B. Arch. (Dar), MSc. Eng. Mngt (MEM) (Dar), PhD (TU Dortmund)

*On Masters Study Leave

**On PhD Study Leave
***On Secondment
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 80



The examination regulations contained in this handbook provide for the criteria and other
conditions relating to examinations leading to Degree/Diploma awards at Ardhi University.
“Examination” in these regulations refers to a formal, supervised assessment activity which
contributes to the overall mark used to assess student learning outcomes.

The regulations have been synthesized into a single document in an attempt to keep the
students, their supervisors, the academic community at the University and the public at large
better informed of the university education which is offered at Ardhi University.

The handbook contains four components; the general University Examination Regulations
which carter for both undergraduate and postgraduate students; Undergraduate Examination
Regulations which carter for undergraduate students only; Postgraduate Examination
Regulations which carter for postgraduate students only and examinations regulations which
carter for the specific schools’ requirements. Postgraduate Examination Regulations must be
read together with the General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study

All enquiries concerning these examinations regulations should be addressed to:

The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,

Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176,
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA.

E-mail: dvcaa@aru.ac.tz
Telephone: 0738-357311
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 81


1. Registration for Programme/Course

1.1 At the beginning of the semester, each student is required to consult his/her Head of
Department for the purpose of charting out courses for the semester. Approval of the
courses by the Head of Department and the School Dean/Institute Director shall
constitute formal enrolment for all the courses listed in the programme. For the purpose
of charting out courses for the year, the Department shall appoint an academic advisor
for each student. Each student shall confer with academic advisor in charting out courses
for the semester.
1.2 Each department may prescribe core and elective courses. Students may be allowed to
select relevant elective courses from other programmes offered in the University subject
to approval by the School. The elective course(s) shall also count towards the degree
classification as prescribed in the respective programme curriculum.
1.3 A student who has registered for elective course but wishes to withdraw from that course
must apply to the Head/Dean/Director, as the case may be, of the unit hosting the course
through the Head of the course offering Department for permission to do so. No student
will be permitted to commence any course three weeks after the beginning of the
semester or withdraw from the course two weeks after the beginning of the semester.
1.4 Students may transfer from one academic programme to another in Year I only. No first
year student shall be allowed to transfer to another programme after three weeks from
the start of the first semester. Transfer shall be subject to availability of places in the
preferred programme, admission points and approval by the Senate.

2. Registration for Examination

2.1 There shall be no special registration of candidates for examinations. Registration and
payment to the University of all required or prescribed fees by a candidate for a
programme of study shall be deemed as adequate registration for the requisite
examinations in the particular programme of study.
2.2 Subject to approval by Senate, the Board of each, School, and academic Institute shall
make such internal examination regulation as are necessary for the proper conduct,
management and administration of examinations in accordance with the specific
requirements of particular degree, diploma, certificate or other award programmes of the
University, School, or academic Institute, as the case may be.

3. Eligibility for Examinations

3.1 Students are required to complete coursework before they can be allowed to sit for the
University Examination.
3.2 The Dean of a School or the Director of academic Institute may bar any candidate from
being admitted to any examination in any subject or course where the Dean or Director is
not satisfied that the candidate has completed satisfactorily by attendance and the
requirements of the course.
3.3 Where a candidate who has been barred in accordance with paragraph 3.1 and 3.2 enters
the examination room and sits for the paper, his/her results in the paper shall be
declared null and void.
3.4 A candidate whose work or progress is considered unsatisfactory may be required by
Senate or, in that behalf, by the Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee or the Senate
Higher degree Research and Publications Committee, on the recommendation of the
appropriate School, or academic Institute Board, to withdraw from the University or to
repeat any part of the course before admission to an examination.
3.5 Unsatisfactory shall mean unattendance in a course for a total of 20% hours in any one
semester and non presentation of progress reports of dissertations/projects.
3.6 Where a student who has not registered for a course sits for an examination, the
examination results shall be nullified.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 82

4. Absence from Examinations

4.1 A candidate who deliberately absents himself/herself from an examination or
examinations without compelling reasons shall be discontinued from the University.
4.2 A student who has postponed examination and is required to sit for a special
examination shall be assigned “PEX” grade (postponed exam) and one who, for
satisfactory reasons has not completed his/her coursework shall be assigned an “I” grade
4.3 A student who has a “PEX” or “I” grade in a course during any academic year is required
to clear the course examination during the time of special examinations for that
academic year. Except with the approval of the respective school/institute Board, a
student who will not clear any “PEX” or “I” grade at the time of special examination will
be considered to have absconded studies.

5. Form of Examination and Assessment

5.1 Examinations shall include continuous assessment (tests, assignments, seminar
presentations or any other form of assessment specified in the curriculum or
School/Department specific examination regulations) and University examinations
including written, practical, oral examinations where appropriate.
5.2 For the purpose of continuous coursework assessment in each semester, there shall be
two written tests under examination conditions, and two homework or
practical/fieldwork exercises or laboratory reports or quizzes or a combination thereof
for each course.
5.3 Candidate at any examination may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be
required to attend an oral examination in addition to written/practical examinations.
5.4 The percentages of the total marks awarded for written, practical and oral examinations
in any subject or course shall be determined by Senate, on the recommendations of the
appropriate School, or academic Institute Board.
5.5 Assessment of the student’s progress shall be based on the following grading system:
A = 70% - 100% B+ = 60% - 69%
B = 50% - 59% C = 40% - 49%
D = 35% - 39% E = 0% - 34%
The above range of marks being a result of rounding of all decimals of the marks.
5.6 The minimum passing grade shall be “C” for Undergraduate and “B” for Postgraduate.

6. Dates of Examination
6.1 Examinations in Schools and academic Institutes shall be held at a time to be determined
by Senate, which shall normally be at the end of each semester, subject to such
exceptions as Senate may allow upon recommendation by a School, or academic Institute
Board or University Council, as the case may be.
6.2 Candidates who are referred and are required to do supplementary examinations shall be
re-examined in the referred subjects at a time to be determined by Senate or Academic
Committee or in particular cases by the relevant School Board, as the case may be, which
shall not be less than one month after the approval of the examination results at the end
of the second semester in the academic year.
6.3 A candidate who, for a grave cause, was unable to present himself/herself in the ordinary
examinations may, with the special permission of Senate or, in that behalf, the Higher
Degrees, Research and Publication Committee or the Undergraduate studies Committee,
present himself/herself for examination at a time fixed for any supplementary
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 83

7. Conduct of Examinations
7.1 University examinations shall be conducted under the control of the Deputy Vice
Chancellor–Academic Affairs (DVC-AA) or such other officer of the University as the
Deputy Vice Chancellor may appoint.
7.2 The examiners for University examinations shall be appointed by Senate, in the manner
it shall prescribe.
7.3 The Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs shall have power to issue such
instructions, notes or guidelines to candidates, invigilators and examiners of University
examinations as he/she shall deem appropriate for the proper, efficient and effective
conduct of such examinations.
7.4 The instruction notes or guidelines issued by the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic
Affairs shall form part of and be as binding as these Regulations.

8. Board of Examiners
8.1 Every University Examination assessment shall be conducted by a Board of Examiners
which shall consist of one or more examiners appointed from outside the University, in
conjunction with one or more of the teachers of the candidates in the subjects under
examination; except that, in the case of the re examination of candidates who have failed
in the ordinary University examination, all the examiners may be appointed from within
the University, provided that at least one of them had no part in teaching the candidates
the subject or subjects under examination.
8.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph 8.1, University examinations
conducted during and/or at the end of the First Semester may be conducted by internal
examiners only, provided that:
a) the relevant examination papers and answer scripts by candidates shall be submitted
to external examiners together with the papers and scripts of the Second Semester for
b) the results of such examinations shall be published in terms of regulation 10.1 at the
end of the First Semester.
8.3 External Examiners shall be entitled to such honoraria as the Council shall prescribe.

9. Examination Irregularities
9.1 All cases of alleged examination irregularities, including alleged unauthorized absence
from examination, possession of unauthorized material in the examination room,
causing disturbances in or near any examination room and any form of or kind of
dishonesty, destruction or falsification of any evidence of irregularity or cheating in
examination, shall be reported to Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee which shall
have power to summon the students and members of staff of the University, as it deems
necessary and make decisions, subject to confirmation by Senate.
9.2 No unauthorized material shall be allowed into the examination room.
9.3 Subject to confirmation by Senate, any candidate found guilty of bringing unauthorized
material into the examination room in any part of the examination process shall be
deemed to have committed an examination irregularity and shall be discontinued
forthwith from studies in the University.
9.4 Any candidate found guilty of cheating in relation to any part of the examination process
shall be deemed to have committed an examination irregularity and to have failed in the
whole of that examination for that year and shall be discontinued from studies in the
University, subject to confirmation by Senate.
9.5 Any candidate found guilty of causing disturbance in any examination room shall be
deemed to have committed an examination irregularity and to have failed in the whole of
that examination for that year and shall be discontinued from studies in the University,
subject to confirmation by Senate.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 84

9.6 Any candidate found guilty of commission of an examination irregularity and is

aggrieved by the decision may appeal to Senate in accordance with the provisions of
regulation 18 of these Regulations.
9.7 In this regulation:
a) “Unauthorized material” includes any written or printed material that is generally or
specifically prohibited from being brought into the examination room, cellular or
mobile phones, radios, radio cassette or other types of cassette players, computers,
soft and alcoholic drinks and any other material as may be specified from time to time
by the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs, Dean of a School, Director of an
academic Institute or a Head of an academic department;
b) “Unauthorized absence from examination” includes going out of the examination
room, temporarily or otherwise, or staying out of the examination room for an unduly
long period, without authorization or permission of the invigilator or one of the
invigilators for the examination in question;
c) “Cheating in Examination” includes any form or kind of dishonesty or destruction or
falsification of any evidence of irregularity.
9.8 Senate may impose such a lesser penalty on a candidate found guilty of commission of an
examination irregularity, depending on the gravity of the facts or circumstances
constituting the offence, as Senate may deem appropriate.

10. Publication of Results

10.1 The provisional results of candidates in every examination, arranged in a manner as
prescribed by Senate or, in that behalf, as provided under internal examination
regulations of the relevant School approved by Senate and not in conflict with these
Regulations, shall be published by the Dean of the relevant School soon after the School
Board meeting but the results shall not be regarded as final until they are confirmed by
10.2 The results may be published on notice boards, newspapers, information systems or
websites at the discretion of the relevant School/Institute. The anonymity of the student
must be protected in publishing results eg using students’ registration numbers rather
than names.
10.3 Examination results having been recommended by the School, or an academic institute
Board to Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee or the Higher Degrees Research and
Publication the Committee shall endorse the results and such endorsement shall have to
be approved by Senate.
10.4 Senate shall approve the results of examinations for both Semesters at a time to be
determined by Senate, which shall normally be at the end of the Second Semester.
10.5 Feedback on Coursework Assessment (CA) must be continuously provided to students
and the cumulative CA marks must be shown to students’ before the date of the start of
Semester University Examination. A copy of the students’ CA marks must be submitted
to the Head of the Department before the start of University Examinations.

11. Classification of Degrees

11.1 For purposes of the final classification of degrees and where applicable, a five point
system shall be used in averaging the final grades.
11.2 The letter grades will be assigned points as follows:
A B+ B C D E
5 4 3 2 1 0
11.3 Approved courses given for each degree shall be appropriately weighted in terms of
11.4 To get the score for each course multiply the points, as in 11.2 by the weights, as in 11.3.
11.5 The total score for the degree shall be the total score for all countable courses taken by
the candidate for the degree, computed as in 11.4.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 85

11.6 The average score for the degree shall be computed by dividing the total score in 11.5 by
the total weight obtained under 11.3.
11.7 The final classification shall be as follows:
GPA Classification
5.0 - 4.4 First Class
4.3 - 3.5 Second Upper Class
3.4 - 2.7 Second Lower Class
2.6 – 2.0 Pass

The above range of GPA being a result of truncating of all decimals of the GPA

12. Classification of Diplomas

12.1 No diploma of the University shall be classified except with the special permission of
Senate and upon recommendations of the Board of a relevant School, or academic
12.2 Where Senate grants special permission for classification of a diploma, the provisions of
regulation 11 shall apply subject to such necessary modifications, variations and
conditions as Senate may impose or prescribe.

13. Classification of Certificates

No certificate of the University shall be classified except with the special permission of
Senate and upon recommendations of the Board of relevant School, or academic
Institute and subject to such terms and conditions as Senate may prescribe.

14. Award
14.1 The Board of Examiners in a School, or academic Institute, upon its satisfaction that
the standard required under relevant regulations for the award of a degree, diploma,
certificate or other award, as the case may be, has been attained by a candidate in
University examinations applicable to him/her, may recommend to Senate through the
relevant Board of a School and Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee or the Senate
Higher Degrees Research and Publication Committee, that such degree, diploma,
certificate or other award be conferred upon or granted to such successful candidate.
14.2 Senate may confer degrees and grant diplomas, certificates or other awards of the
University on or to candidates who satisfy and are recommended in accordance with
regulation 14.1 for such conferment or grant by, the Board of Examiners in a School, or
academic Institute.

15. Aegrotat Degrees

15.1 Candidates who have completed their course of study but who have been absent,
through illness, from part of the final examination for a first degree, may apply to the
University for the award of an aegrotat degree, in accordance with the following
15.2 Candidate who have completed such portion of the examination as shall be determined
by the School, or academic Institute/Board are eligible to apply for an aegrotat degree.
15.3 Applications from, or on behalf of, candidates must reach the Deputy Vice Chancellor –
Academic Affairs, through the Dean of the School or Director of an academic Institute
within the period of the examination, and should be accompanied by report obtained,
from the University Medical Officer.
15.4 An aegrotat degree will not be awarded unless the examiners consider that, in the work
he/she attended, the candidate reached a standard which if also reached in the
remainder of the examination should have qualified him/her for the award of the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 86

PROVIDED that only candidates who completed successfully the whole of their course
work and at least 80% of the final written examination are eligible to apply for an
aegrotat degree.
15.5 Holders of an aegrotat degree are not permitted to re-enter for the same examination,
but may apply for permission to proceed to a second or higher degree on complying
with the regulations for registration for such a degree.

16. Certificates, Certification and Transcripts

16.1 Senate shall issue certificates for degrees, diplomas, certificates or other award to such
candidates as shall be declared to have satisfied the appropriate Board of Examiners
and shall have been recommended to and approved by Senate for the conferment or
grant of such degree, diploma, certificate or other award.
16.2 A fee as Senate may from time to time prescribe shall be charged for certifying each
copy of a degree certificate and academic transcript.
16.3 Upon application for a Transcript, a student or former student shall be given a
Transcript of his/her academic performance record and charged a fee as Senate may
from time to time prescribe. Any finalist student desirous of obtaining a Transcript (s)
shall submit an application for a Transcript(s), a clearance form and one passport size
photograph for the preparation of Transcript(s).

17. Loss of Certificate

In case of loss or total or partial destruction of the original certificate or a copy thereof,
the University office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs, may issue a copy
or another copy on condition that:
a) The applicant produces a sworn affidavit.
b) The certificate so issued shall be marked “COPY” across it.
c) The replacement certificate will not be issued until a period of 12 months from the
date of such loss has elapsed; except that such replacement may be issued within a
shorter period where there has been partial destruction of the original certificate or
of a copy thereof.
d) The applicant must produce evidence that the loss has been adequately publicly
announced with a view to its recovery in an officially recognized form or manner in
the applicant’s home country or where the loss is believed to have taken place.
e) A fee as may be prescribed from time to time by Senate shall be charged for the copy
of certificate issued.

18. Appeals
18.1 Except where unfair marking, wrongful computation of marks or grades or other like
irregularity committed in the conduct of any University examination is alleged, no
appeal shall lie in respect of any such examination on any other ground.
18.1.1 No remarking of Design Studio Projects, Pre-dissertations, Dissertations, Industrial
Training (IT) and Project courses shall be allowed because assessment mode of these
courses entails a lengthy and elaborate process involving a number of internal and
external examiners
18.2 Any student or candidate aggrieved by a decision of Senate Undergraduate Studies
Committee or the Higher Degrees Research and Publication Committee in terms of the
provisions of regulation 9.4 may appeal to Senate for reversal or moderation of the
decision of the Committee.
18.3 Any appeals made under regulation 18.1 shall be lodged with the Board of the
appellant’s School, or academic Institute, which shall forward the appeal with
observations to Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee or the Higher Degree,
Research and Publication Committee, whose observations and recommendation will
be forwarded to Senate for approval.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 87

18.4 Any member of the appellant’s School, or academic Institute Board who participated
in the making of the decision against which the appeal is lodged shall not have a voting
right in Senate over such an appeal and may participate therein only in terms of
presentation of findings and recommendation of the appellant’s School, or academic
Institute Board or answering queries, as the case may be, and shall otherwise be
absent from Senate session considering any such appeal.
18.5 Appeals made under regulation 18.2 shall be lodged directly with the Deputy Vice
Chancellor who shall forward them to Senate with observations and recommendations
18.6 Any person who has been involved at any stage in the processing of a case of alleged
commission of an examination irregularity, whether at first instance or in preparation
for the appeal, shall be barred from participation in the making of a decision over such
a case, except for purposes of making a presentation of findings or recommendations
or answering queries, as the case may be, in respect thereof and shall otherwise be
absent from Senate session considering any such appeal.
18.7 No appeal pertaining to the conduct of any University examination and the marking of
scripts thereof shall be entertained unless an appeal is lodged with the appropriate
University authorities in accordance with these regulations within one year from the
date of publication of the results by or under the authority of Senate.

19. Appeal Fee

19.1 All appeals shall be accompanied by an appeal fee charged per course/decision as the
Senate may from time to time prescribe.
19.2 The fee shall be reimbursed to winning appellants but shall be forfeited in respect of
those who partly or wholly lose their appeals.
19.3 The same rates or any other rates approved as approved by relevant organs shall be
charged for any further appeal decisions.

20. Disposal of Examination Answer Books and other Scripts

20.1 Unless otherwise retained by Ardhi University Library for archival purposes all used
examination answer books shall be destroyed after the expiry of 13 months following
final decision of Senate on the examination concerned.
20.2 Heads of Departments concerned shall, with respect to examination answer books
falling under their departments:
a) Create and maintain adequate records of actions and transactions affecting
examination answer books, ensure that those records are properly maintained while
waiting for any appeal or final disposal;
b) Initiate the disposal procedures of those examination answer books for which there
are no further need;
c) Initiate immediate disposal of used examination answer books that have been stored
by their departments for more than 13 months following respective Senate decision;
d) Identify and safeguard those examination answer books which are of enduring value
and which should be preserved as archives and made available to the Library for
research and public consultation;
e) Assist the ARU Library in selecting examination answer books designated for
archiving purposes;
f) Seek expertise presumably from ARU Library to assist in the sampling answer books
ear-marked for archiving;
g) Designate a place or room as storage area for examination answer books awaiting
appeals or final disposal;
h) Store and retain course assignments for at least 13 months after completion of an
examination concerned so that students are furnished with reasonable opportunity
to obtain access;
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 88

i) Witness and keep close control over final disposal of examination answer books to
ensure the confidential nature of contents of answer books remain inviolate.
20.3 Pending final disposal, Heads of Departments shall ensure all information contained
in examination answer books remain inviolate and is protected from misuse or abuse.
20.4 Respective School Boards shall be responsible for prescribing under their special
regulations clear guidelines for returning to the students graded courses, assignments,
course essays, term papers and timed essays.
20.5 The Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs shall cause to be prepared a disposal
and storage budget and designate the cartons of various sizes or descriptions which
shall be used by Heads of Departments for 13 months storage of examination answer
books pending final disposal.
20.6 The cartons prescribed under sub-paragraph (20.5) above shall be so marked or
labeled as to facilitate identification of the course, examination date, date of Senate
decision, course coordinator and date when final disposal shall be due.
20.7 The ARU Library shall keep; maintain in any format including electronic, all answer
books selected by Departments and sent to the Library for archival purposes.
20.8 The Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academics, shall select and announce the best available
practice in disposing of the examination answer books due for disposal;
20.9 Depending on such pertaining circumstances as privacy of information contained, cost
involved and environmental considerations, the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic
Affairs may with respect to any batch due for disposal, direct:
a) The disposal by shredding and then disposed of by either burning or selling to
recycling companies to be reused in producing other paper materials; or
b) Used examination papers be entirely burnt to completion; or
c) Used examination papers be sold to recycling companies.
20.10 The Vice Chancellor on recommendation of the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic
Affairs shall be the principal executive officer responsible to order final disposal of any
batch of examination answer books;
20.11 The Vice Chancellor shall signify his order in the following way:

“It is hereby ordered that the following cartons marked (1) LM

Development Perspectives I 2001/2002 Examination”


LAND MANAGEMENT & VALUATION, at ARU be disposed of in
the manner provided for in the ARU Examination Answer Books
(Disposal) Regulations.

Vice Chancellor

[Designation and Signature of person making the order]

ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 89

20.12 Heads of Departments shall witness final disposal of itemized examination answer
books and signify the disposal in the following way:


AND VALUATION, ARU do hereby certify that on the 15 th day of June 2001 the
records described in the Scheduled here to were destroyed in my presence by

Head of Department

[Designation and Signature of person certifying the disposal]

20.13 The report of Heads of Departments to the Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs
through respective Deans on disposal of examination answer books shall be
accompanied with copies of appropriate mark sheets and list of students who sat for
the examination concerned.

21. Instructions to Candidates

21.1 These instructions should be read together with the above University regulations.
21.2 Candidates should make sure that they have been issued with Examination Numbers
before Examinations begin.
21.3 Candidates must acquaint themselves with the seating arrangement for their
respective examinations in advance.
21.4 Candidates are advised to be at the examination centre at least fifteen minutes before
the commencement of the examinations.
21.5 Candidates will be admitted by the invigilator to the examination room ten minutes
before the time the examination is due to begin. Papers will be placed ready on the
desks before they enter. They must not begin writing before they are told to do so by
the Senior Invigilator. (Where large numbers of candidates are affected, invigilators
may admit candidates to the examination room fifteen minutes in advance). During
these ten minutes the Senior Invigilator will:
a) Make an announcement to the effect that all unauthorized materials should be
removed from the examination room;
b) Make an announcement to the effect that candidates should satisfy themselves that
they are in possession of the correct paper;
c) Call attention to any rubric at the head of the paper which seems to require
d) Announce that both sides of the paper must be used. He will then tell students
when they may begin writing. Candidates will be given five minutes to read the
21.6 Candidates are permitted to do rough work on the left hand part of the scripts on the
understanding that this is crossed through at the end of the examination.
21.7 No books, bags, cellphones or attached cases may be taken by candidates into the
room. Candidates are not normally allowed to use their own logarithmic tables.
(Candidates attention is specifically drawn to General University Examination
Regulation No. 9.1 to 9.3).
21.8 Once a student is found with unauthorized materials, he/she should sign on the
materials to confirm they are his or hers.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 90

21.9 No candidate will be permitted to enter the examination room after the lapse of thirty
minutes from the commencement of the examination and no candidate will be
permitted to leave the examination room until thirty minutes have expired.
21.10 At the end of the examination period, and on instructions from the Invigilator,
candidates must stop writing and assemble their scripts, which they should personally
hand to the invigilator unless instructed otherwise. Candidates must remain seated till
the Invigilator tells them to leave the room. Apart from the examination paper,
candidates are not allowed to take any examination material out of the examination

22. Notes to Invigilators

22.1 Procedure in the Examination Room
22.1.1 Before the Examination:
i) Invigilators should be present in the examination room at least twenty minutes before the
commencement of the examination.
ii) Invigilators will be provided with the following items by the School Examinations Officer:
a) The question papers to be attempted by candidates.
Sealed envelopes containing question papers must be personally collected by each
invigilator from the said Examinations Officer at least twenty minutes before the
examination. All invigilators who have reported to the Examinations Officer within
this period should immediately go to their respective examination room.
b) A list showing the names of the papers to be attempted in the room. (This will be
distributed to invigilators in advance).
iii) Invigilators must ensure that ONLY ONE answer book is provided for each candidate
unless the rubric on the question paper requires otherwise. The answer book must be
filled before any additional paper is provided.
iv) Question papers and any other material prescribed in the rubric (e.g. log-tables, charts
etc.) should be set out by the invigilator with the help of the Internal Examiner.
v) Bags, books, cell phone (dully switched off), attach cases, papers and other related items
should be left outside the examination room.
vi) Invigilators should admit candidates to the examination room ten minutes before the
commencement of the examination and they should ensure that they take the right
places. Handbags, books and other similar articles must be deposited with the invigilator
before the candidate is permitted to go to his/her place. (Where big numbers of
candidates are involved, invigilators may admit candidates to the examination room
fifteen minutes in advance).
Invigilators are requested to stick to this arrangement. During these ten minutes the
invigilator should:
a) Make an announcement to the effect that unauthorized materials are not allowed in
the examination room;
b) Make an announcement to the effect that candidates should satisfy themselves that
they are in possession of the correct paper;
c) Call attention to any rubric at the head of the paper which seems to require attention;
d) Announce that, where this is practicable, both sides of the paper must be used.
He/she should then tell students when they may begin writing. Candidates will
normally be allowed five minutes to read the paper.
vii) Invigilators should not admit candidates to the examination room after half an hour from
the commencement of the examination and should not permit them to leave the room
until thirty minutes have expired.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 91

22.1.2 During the Examination

i) At the commencement of the examination, invigilators should remind candidates to
ensure that they are attempting the right examination paper.
ii) At the end of the first half hour the total numbers present should be noted down.
Invigilators should then collect the blank answer-books from all vacant places. Spare
question papers should be returned to the correct envelopes for collection by the Internal
iii) During the examination, invigilators should ensure that candidates are provided with any
additional requirements (e.g. scripts, blotting-paper, log-tables etc.). Candidates may be
permitted to do rough work on the left hand pages of the script on the understanding
that this is crossed out after the end of the examination. No candidate should be
permitted to leave his/her place during the examination except to leave the examination
iv) A candidate who contravenes the regulations and instructions governing the
examinations, especially by unfair practices such as copying from or communicating with
other candidates, shall be reported immediately to the Examinations Officer.
v) Once a student is found with unauthorized materials, the invigilator should ask the
student to sign on the materials to confirm that they are his/hers.
vi) The candidate shall be informed that he/she has contravened the regulations and that
he/she has been reported, but shall not be prevented from continuing with his/her
paper. A written report must be sent to the Examinations Officer including full details of
the contravention. It is part of the invigilator’s duty to move about the examination room
as quietly as possible at frequent intervals.

22.1.3 At the End of the Examination

i) Invigilators shall not permit candidates to leave their places before their scripts have
been collected. Candidates who wish to leave the examination room before the end of the
examination shall hand over their scripts to the invigilator before leaving the
examination room.
No candidate shall leave the examination room during the last ten minutes of the time
allocated for the examination except in case of emergency. At the end of the examination
period invigilators shall instruct the candidates to stop writing and then collect all the
ii) Invigilators shall enter the number of examination scripts collected from the candidate
on the attendance sheet provided by the Examination Officer at the time of collecting the
examination papers.
Invigilators shall sign the said attendance sheet before they hand over all the scripts to
the Internal Examiners (or their deputies) who must be present in the examination room
at the end of the examination. Where invigilators are also internal Examiners, there
should be no problem of collection of scripts. On receipt of the scripts, Internal
Examiners will check them and countersign on the collection form. The attendance
sheets must be handed to the Examinations Officer at the end of each session.
iii) Invigilators shall hand over all extra examination papers to the Head of the relevant

23. General Notes and Instructions

23.1 Internal Examiners (or their deputies) are required to attend in the examination rooms
at the commencement of each period to assist the invigilators and to collect the scripts.
Instructions, which the examiners (or their deputies) may wish to be given, should be
announced by the invigilators.
23.2 Cases of illness should be reported to the Head of Department as soon as possible.
23.3 Invigilators shall have the power to confiscate any unauthorized book, manuscript or
other aid brought into the examination room and to expel from the examination room
any candidate who creates a disturbance. They shall report to the Examinations Officer
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 92

any case of a candidate suspected of giving or obtaining unauthorized assistance or of

attempting to do so, and that officer shall have power to take any further steps he/she
may consider necessary. He/she shall then report the matter to the Deputy Vice
Chancellor – Academic Affairs.
23.4 “Examinations Officer” includes the Examination Officer’s deputies.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 93


In addition to the General University Examination Regulations the following Regulations

shall also apply to all undergraduate programmes.
1. Academic Programmes in Schools are organized under a unit system, currently based on
two semesters per academic year with each semester examined independently. Each
course is assigned a unit weight that reflects of time devoted to it on the timetable or
work plan. One unit of the theoretical subjects is equivalent to 15 hours, while one unit of
studio or practical subjects constitutes 30-45 hours. The end of the academic year means
the end of semesters 2. There shall be an 8 weeks Industrial Training at the end of 1 st, 2nd
and 3rd (and 4th year for five year degree programmes) academic years, which shall
contribute to GPA.
2. With the exception of students doing dissertation in their final year semester 2, students
shall take a minimum of 15 units in each semester. A minimum of 90, 120 and 150 units
must be taken and passed in a three, four and five-year programme of study, respectively
for the award of Bachelor degree.
3. Full time students shall register at the beginning of each semester for a total minimum of
15 course units except final year Semester 2 students. Part-time students may register for
any number of courses on offer during either semester and in accordance with applicable
prescribed conditions.
4. A student shall be allowed to continue with his/her degree programme from one
academic year to the next if he/she has scored an annual average GPA of 2.0 or higher.
5. a) Continuous coursework assessment shall constitute 30% and University examination
70% of the total course assessment.
b) Assessment of practical, dissertation, studio and oral presentation shall be as
described in School examination regulations.
6. For purpose of continuous assessment in theoretical courses, tests shall carry weight 2
against weight 1 for assignments.
7. A student who obtains a minimum GPA of 2.0 shall be allowed to sit for supplementary
examinations in the courses, which he/she has failed, other than Semester Project or
Studio, which cannot be supplemented. The highest grade awarded in a supplemented
subject shall be “C”.
8. A student who fails a course which cannot be supplemented under Regulation 7 shall
repeat the course in the subsequent academic year of study and the maximum score shall
only be a “C”.
9. A final-year student who does not qualify to supplement on the basis of average annual
GPA of at least 2.0 shall be evaluated on the basis of the overall average of the three year
or four-year or five-year GPA for the purpose of qualifying to supplement a failed course
or re-submit dissertation. A student whose overall average GPA, for all academic years, is
less than 2.0 shall be discontinued.
10. Any student who qualifies to sit for supplementary examinations under Regulation 7,
shall be required to do so in all the courses in which he/she had failed before proceeding
to the next academic year.
11. A student who fails in a supplementary examination but is qualified to continue with
studies under Regulation 4 shall repeat the course(s) which he failed, in the subsequent
12. Supplementary examination mark shall be awarded on the basis of the score from the
University supplementary examination only and the maximum mark that shall be
adopted is 40 percent. This Regulation also applies to a supplementary examination of a
carryover course.
13. A student who fails in more than three supplemented courses shall be discontinued from
14. A student may be allowed to carry over a maximum of three failed courses from one
academic year to another. No course shall be carried over for more than once, except for
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 94

final year student who may be allowed to carryover the failed courses twice within the
registration period of the programme.
15. A candidate who fails in a supplementary examination may be allowed to proceed to the
next semester and carry over the courses he/she failed to the next academic year.
16. A candidate required to carry over courses shall find his/her own time to do so while
following regular courses in the on-going semester.
17. Carry over course assessment shall follow assessment of the first examination sitting.
18. It shall not be mandatory for supplementary examinations to be examined by External
19. A candidate who fails in a repeated course that is assessed by continuous coursework
assessment only shall be discontinued from studies.
20. The maximum time for which a student may remain registered in the School for the
Bachelor degree shall be five consecutive years for a three year program, six consecutive
years for a four year program and seven years for a five year program.
21. It shall be the responsibility of the respective Heads of Departments in the School to
appraise students at the beginning of an academic year on the methods of assessment.

22. Semester Projects

22.1 Semester projects shall be assessed as per school Regulations

23. Dissertations
23.1 Each student shall be required to submit a dissertation topic by the fourth week of
semester 1 of the final year for approval by the Department. Thereafter, each student
shall, fully develop a dissertation proposal for submission to the Department before
the commencement of University examinations.
23.2 A student who fails in dissertation shall be given a maximum of three months from the
date the Senate approves the results to re-submit the dissertation.
23.3 Re-submission of a dissertation shall be regarded as a supplementary examination.
23.4 Dissertations shall be assessed as per school regulations.

24. In-semester Fieldwork

24.1 In-semester fieldwork shall be assessed as per School Regulations.

25. Industrial Training

25.1 For each degree programme, there shall be one/three/four Industrial Training
sessions each having a minimum of 5 to 8 weeks duration. Industrial Training shall be
conducted as prescribed in each curriculum of a degree programme.
25.2 It shall not be mandatory for Industrial Training reports to be examined by External
25.3 Each IT session shall be treated as a course of the succeeding academic year.
25.4 The School shall be responsible for making arrangements for students’ IT placement.
25.5 Each student on IT shall be visited and assessed by an examiner from the School at
least once during the IT period.
25.6 After each IT session, every student shall hand in his/her logbook to the Head of
Department not later than two weeks after the commencement of the immediate
academic year.
25.7 Any Student who does not fulfill regulation 25.6 will be taken to have absconded IT.
25.8 A student who does not report at a place allocated to him for IT without compelling
reasons or absconds from IT shall be discontinued from studies.
25.9 A student who goes to the allocated IT place but refuses to follow the training
programme without compelling reasons shall be discontinued from studies.
25.10 A student who fails in IT shall be required to repeat the course.
25.11 A student who fails to complete IT with compelling reasons shall be allowed to
complete the missing IT.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 95

25.12 A student who fails a repeated IT shall be discontinued from studies.

25.13 A student who conducts himself/herself at his place of IT attachment in a manner that
disgraces the University shall be subject to disciplinary action.
25.14 Assessment of Industrial Training shall be prescribed by schools.

26. Progress from Year to Year

26.1 Candidates who are full time students are required to pass a total minimum of 30
course units in examinations in the academic year and attain a minimum overall GPA
of 2.0 before proceeding to the following year of study.
26.2 A candidate may be allowed to re-sit failed courses in a Supplementary Examinations
if he or she has attained an overall GPA of 2.0 or above in the First Sitting calculated in
accordance with the unit weighting of individual courses.
26.3 No candidate shall be allowed to repeat any year of study on academic grounds, except
with special permission or approval of the Senate upon recommendation of a School,
or academic Institute/Board, and the Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee,
provided that:
a) A candidate who scored an overall GPA of 2.0 or above after Supplementary
Examination, may, but only once, be allowed to carry over flexibly into the
subsequent academic years such number of failed courses as are requisite for the
fulfillment of the requirement of passing a total minimum number of course units
for the programme in compliance with regulation 26.1 The minimum overall GPA
shall be calculated in accordance with the unit weighting of the individual courses.
b) Carryover failed course into subsequent years shall imply repeat the failed courses
in the subsequent years by fulfilling all requirements of the course.
c) Carryover of elective courses will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances,
normally only when those units are needed to comply with regulation 26.1
d) All carried over courses shall be cleared within the allowable maximum period of
registration otherwise the student is discontinued from studies. The maximum
period of registration is five years for a programme that normally takes three years,
six years for a programme that normally takes four years, and seven years for a
five-year course.
26.4 To qualify for a degree award, the cumulative total minimum number of course units
shall be a multiple of the minimum number of course units required per academic year
under regulation 26.1 for the duration of each degree programme. That is:
a) For a three-year degree programme, it shall be 90 units,
b) For a four-year degree programme, it shall be 120 units, and
c) For a five-year degree programme, it shall be 150 units.
Conditions (a – c) shall apply unless specified otherwise by the school.
26.5 Subject to approval by Senate, the internal examination regulations of a School,
academic Institute, shall provide for cumulative maximum number of course units for
which a candidate may register.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 96



In addition to University General Examination Regulations and Undergraduate Examinations

Regulations, the following regulations will apply to the undergraduate programmes in the
School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management

A. School regulations for the programmes of Bachelor of Architecture,

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and Bachelor of Science in Landscape

1. Design Studio Project

1.1 Design Studio Project is the core course of Architecture. A first year student who fails one
of any semester design studio project shall be discontinued from studies. A second to
fifth year student who fails a design studio project shall repeat the failed studio in the
semester where it is offered provided he/she has attained annual GPA of at least 2.0.
1.2 A student shall not be allowed to do two design studio projects in one semester.
1.3 A student shall not be allowed to repeat the same design studio project more than once.
1.4 A student who fails two design studio projects in the same year of study shall be
1.5 Assessment for design studio project will be based on 30% coursework, 10% timed studio
examination and 60% final design studio project presentation for year one and year two.
For years three, four and five, assessment for design studio project shall be based on 40%
coursework, and 60% final design studio project presentation.
1.6 Marking Criteria for Design Studio Projects
1.6.1 Design Studio Project I
Marking Consideration Maximu Marks Remark
m Marks Awarded s
Ability to understand physical form and lines 30
Ability to understand proportions and scaling of objects 10
Ability to compose orthographic projections 15
Ability to compose three dimensional drawings 15
(axonometric and Perspectives)
Architectural graphics 30
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master …………………………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. ........................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 97

1.6.2 Design Studio Project II

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Ergonomics of Space Anthropometrics 30
Special requirements of human body at different 10
Human circulation and movement pattern 20
Awareness of simple domestic functions 10
Response to climatic elements on design 10
Architectural graphics 20
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ……………………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. ......................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................

1.6.3 Design Studio Project III

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Programming of multifunctional project 10
Applicable data collection and programming 5
Site analysis, design options and alternatives 5
Synthesis and arrival at design concept 20
Degree of utility 15
Creativity in form 15
Attempt of possible design alternatives 15
Integration with the context 5
Perspective drawing and rendering 5
Model making and presentation 5
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. .........................................................................................
2. .........................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 98

1.6.4 Design Studio Project IV

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Analysis and application of the chosen structural 20
Attempt of possible design alternatives 20
Co-ordination of architectural and specialist 20
Contents of working drawing and detailing 40
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. .......................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................

1.6.5 Design Studio Project V

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Project formulation and appraisal 10
Decision making in concept development basing 35
on design objectives, principles (criteria) and
Exploitation and diversity in building technology 30
as expressed by selected structural systems,
choices of construction materials and application
of various systems of building services
Environmental consciousness in 10
- Climatic design
- Environmental protection etc.
- Use of natural forces ventilation, lighting etc.
Design methodology and presentation techniques. 15
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master…………………………………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. .......................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 99

1.6.6 Design Studio Project VI

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Project formulation and appraisal 10
Ability to do an independent research and 20
observations of architectural related issues
Decision making in concept development basing 30
on design objectives, principles (criteria) and
Exploitation and diversity in building technology 20
as expressed by selected structural systems,
choices of construction materials and application
of various systems of building services
Environmental consciousness in 10
- Climatic design
- Environmental protection etc.
- Use of natural forces ventilation, lighting etc.
Design methodology and presentation techniques. 10
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. ............................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................

1.6.7 Design Studio Project VII

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Examination of a wide range of architectural 30
factors and considerations at Advanced level
Correspondence between ideas and constraints at 25
all stages of design development of complex
building types
Exploration of ideas and creativity in Architecture 20
as relating to the immediate and extended
physical development context
The use of Three dimensional models in design 15
Application of materials, construction methods, 5
and overview of selected working details
Consideration to site co-ordination of integrated 5
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. .........................................................................................
2. .........................................................................................
3. ..........................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 100

1.6.8 Design Studio Project VIII

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Examination of a wide range of architectural 30
factors and considerations at Advanced level
Correspondence between ideas and constraints at 25
all stages of design development of complex
building types
Exploration of ideas and creativity in Architecture 20
as relating to the immediate and extended physical
development context
The use of Three dimensional models in design 15
Application of materials, construction methods, 5
and overview of selected working details
Consideration to site co-ordination of integrated 5
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master .........................

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. .........................................................................................................
2. .........................................................................................................
3. .........................................................................................................

1.6.9 Design Studio Project IX

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Evidence of build ability by a well articulated 30
structural system,
The self-confidence of the student in running the 20
project work as a consultant on his/her own.
Evidence of applied advanced technologies and 50
innovative building systems in the totality of
project evolution through proper architectural
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ...............

(Name) Name signature

Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. ...............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 101

2. Pre- Design Dissertation and Design Dissertation

2.1 A student shall be required to submit pre- design dissertation research proposal on the
10th week of the second semester of the year preceding the final year, and obtain
approval before the end of the 3rd or 4th academic year for the four and five degree
programmes respectively.
2.2 Pre-design dissertation shall be assessed three times as Coursework Assessment (CA) as
shall be programmed from time to time by the departments. The final written pre-design
dissertation report shall be submitted for assessment during the University
Examinations session.

2.3 A Candidate who has been barred from sitting for Pre-Design Dissertation Examination
shall NOT be allowed to proceed with Dissertation Course offered in the following

2.4 The Dean of School shall arrange for an improvement programme in Semester II for such
candidate barred in Pre-Design Dissertation.
2.5 Pre- design Dissertation and Design Dissertation shall be assessed by at least three
examiners in a minimum of three interim presentations as coursework and during the
University Examinations.
2.6 A pre- design dissertation may be passed subject to corrections. Any pre- design
dissertation which is passed subject to correcting shall be considered to be completed
only when the errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiner(s) have been
corrected to the satisfaction of the Department and two hard bound copies of the pre-
design dissertation submitted to the Department. Failure by the student to do so without
compelling reasons before a date prescribed by the School shall cause the pre- design
dissertation to be failed.
2.7 A final year student who fails in a re-submitted Design Dissertation shall be required to
repeat the subject as a private candidate under scheduled critique and presentation
2.8 Marking Criteria for Dissertation

2.8.1 Pre-Design Dissertation

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Extent of defining architectural/landscape/interior 20
research problems
Evidence and quality of literature review 20
Display by researched material of ability to 40
formulate an architectural project towards solving
realistic community design problems
Validity and relevance of conclusions and 10
Report presentation quality 10
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ………

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 102

1. ...............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................

2.8.2 Design Dissertation

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Display by graphics ability of advanced 20
architectural communication skills
Assimilation of the researched 20
information/findings into a design
project of a multi-functional complexity
Display by a design scheme, evidence of 40
advanced level of comprehensive
resolution, exhibition of thorough
understanding and a critical attitude
towards a contemporary architecture.
Level of originality and self drive 20
towards provision of practical solutions
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Studio Master ...............

(Name) Name signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. .............................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................

3. In- Semester Field Work

3.1 There shall be a 14 days in-semester field work for year 1 to 4 for B. Arch programme and
year 1 to 3 for BSc. ID and BSc. LA.
3.2 In-semester fieldwork shall commence in the seventh week of semester one.
3.3 Assessment of the in-semester work will be by presentation of a report at the end of the
field and will constitute 10 % of the marks for continuous assessment of the Studio
design project in that semester.
3.4 A student who fails to complete in-semester fieldwork with compelling reasons shall be
required to repeat the studio.
3.5 A student who failed to complete in-semester fieldwork without compelling reasons shall
fail the relevant design studio.
4. Industrial Training (IT)
4.1 There shall be six weeks industrial training for year 1 to 4 for B. Arch. programme and
year 1 to 3 for BSc. ID and BSc. LA. programmes.
4.2 The Industrial Training (IT) shall be supervised by site supervisors and lecturers.
4.3 Assessment of industrial training shall be through presentation of IT log books.
4.4 IT site or office supervisors’ marks will contribute 30% of the final mark.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 103

School regulations for the programmes of Bachelor of Science in Building

Economics and Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

1. Studio Work
1.1 Studio work takes 20% out of 30% of Building Construction coursework.
1.2 A student should pass studio before being allowed to sit for end of semester examination
in Building Construction. A student has to score at least 8 out of 20 (40%) in order to
qualify for final exam.
1.3 Student who fails studio will not be allowed to sit for the end of semester exam for
Building Construction. He/She will be required to repeat studio to satisfy the minimum
coursework requirement of 8/20. In the event He/She fail three (twice) times, he/she
shall be discontinued.
2. Semester Project Work
2.1 Project work assigned to students shall be interdisciplinary and shall be assessed
independent of other subjects.
2.2 Project work will comprise any task assigned to students by the department in the form
of practical work and/or studio work to be carried out in groups.
2.3 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be at least two interim oral
presentations in each semester where semester project has been prescribed.
2.4 Continuous assessment marks shall be derived from group presentation involving all the
group members giving a maximum score of 20%. In arriving at the 20% for continuous
assessment, oral presentation shall account for 10% and group participation 10%. The
format of interim oral presentation will be as indicated in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Interim Oral Presentation Assessment
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Presentation arrangement 10
Satisfactory answers to question raised 10
Total 20%

2.5 Continuous assessment shall account for 20% and final oral presentation for 30% whilst
written group work shall account for 50%, both leading to an overall or total assessment
of 100%.
2.6 Loose bound project report shall be submitted in five (5) copies and handed to the
department a week before University examinations begin and must be dully endorsed by
the semester project supervisor(s). Final project work not submitted within specified
period without compelling reasons shall be penalized by deducting five marks for each
day the project is not submitted. Deduction shall be made to a maximum of five working
days. Further delay will render project work unacceptable.
2.7 Final written project work report shall be submitted in two (2) copies. The presentation
format of written semester project report shall conform to departmental guidelines on
the presentation of semester project/dissertation reports.
2.8 For the purpose of deriving the 80% indicated under 3.5 above, marks for the University
semester project examination shall be awarded as indicated in Table 2.2.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 104

Table 2.2 University Semester Project Examination Assessment.

Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Evaluation of the written project report 50
Final oral presentation 30
Total 80%

2.9 For the purpose of deriving the 30% indicated for the University Final University
examination Oral presentation shall be awarded as indicated in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3 Written Report assessment for project works
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Presentation arrangement, relevance of the content,
time management
Individual basis: Satisfactory answers to question
Total 30%

2.10 For the purpose of deriving the 50% indicated for the University Final Written works
shall be awarded as indicated in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4 Written Report assessment for project works
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Form and format of presentation 5
Background information (Literature review) 10
Methodology (Approach) 15
Creativity (Problem solving) 10
Conclusion and Recommendations 10
Total 50%

2.11 A student who fails in Project Work shall resubmit the Project Work within the first
seven weeks of the following semester. A candidate who fails upon resubmission or fails
to resubmit a Project Work within the specified time without compelling reasons shall
be discontinued.

3. Industrial Training (IT)

3.1 Assessment of Industrial Training shall be based on the following three attributes.
a. Student logbook verified and assessed by training officer of the organization
training the student.
b. Training certificate signed and stamped by the training officer.
c. Arrival note to be received by the school within four (4) weeks from the date of
starting the IT.
d. Report by internal (University) supervisor.
e. Student final written report.
f. Oral presentation by the student.
3.2 A student who fails to submit any one or more of the documents mentioned in 3.1 a, b, c
and e within the time stipulated in the university regulations without compelling
reasons shall be deemed to have failed the Industrial Training.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 105

3.3 The assessment criteria for IT are indicated in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Industrial Training assessment

Assessment Criterion Maximum marks
Student logbook 40%
Training certificate 20%
Students final report 10%
Oral presentation 30%
Total 100%

3.4 Oral presentations shall be held during the third week after the commencement of
immediate academic year.
3.5 A student who fails to appear for oral presentation without compelling reasons shall be
discontinued from studies.

4. Dissertation
4.1 Each student in final year, semester II, shall be required to submit a dissertation. The
dissertation shall be based on an independent study carried out during the Semester,
under supervision by a Supervisor appointed by the Head of Department within two
weeks from the beginning of the semester.
4.2 Students are required to submit and present their dissertation proposals for preliminary
assessment not later than end of the twelfth week of final year, semester I.
4.3 Students shall be required to present their dissertation proposal for final approval by the
department within the first two weeks of semester II.
4.4 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be two oral presentations
4.5 Continuous assessment shall account for 20% and University Dissertation Examination
comprising an oral presentation and examination of the dissertation report shall account
for 80%.
4.6 For the purpose of deriving the 20% for the continuous assessment oral presentation, the
format will be as indicated in Table4.1.
Table 4.1 Interim Oral presentation assessment
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Presentation arrangement, time 6
management and language
Relevance of the contents, 4
Satisfactory answers to question raised 10
Total 20%

4.7 For the purpose of deriving the 80% indicated for the University examination shall be
awarded as indicated in Table 4.2
Table 4.2 University examination assessment for Dissertation
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Evaluation of the written project report 50
Final oral presentation 30
Total 80%
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 106

4.8 For the purpose of deriving the 30% indicated for the University examination Oral
presentation shall be awarded as indicated in Table 4.3
Table 4.3 Final oral presentation
Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Presentation arrangement, time 6
management and language.
Relevance of the contents, 4
Satisfactory answers to question raised 20
Total 30%

4.9 For the purpose of deriving the 50% indicated for the university examination written
works shall be awarded as indicated in Table 4.4

Table 4.4 Written work assessment

Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
Background information /Literature review 10
Methodology 10
Data presentation and analysis 15
Conclusion and recommendation 10
Referencing 5
Total 50%

4.10 Students must submit draft dissertation to their supervisors for endorsement before
submission of loose bound copies to the department.
4.11 Loose bound dissertations must be submitted a week before the commencement of the
university examinations. Any dissertation not submitted within the specified period of
time without compelling reasons shall be penalized by deducting five actual marks for
each day the dissertation is not submitted. Deduction shall be made to a maximum of
five working days after which it shall be deemed to have failed.
4.12 Each dissertation shall be marked by the two internal examiners appointed by the head
of the department.
4.13 Any dissertation which is passed subject to corrections shall be considered to have
been completed only when all errors and or mistakes pointed out by examiners have
been corrected and an error free well bounded dissertation submitted to the
4.14 The final dissertation report shall be submitted in three (3) copies. The format of
dissertation report shall conform to school guidelines.
4.15 Any dissertation that does not comply with school guidelines shall not be accepted.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 107



In addition to University General Examination Regulations and Undergraduate Examinations

Regulations, the following regulations will apply to the undergraduate programmes in the
School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences.

1.0 Studio Projects

1.1 There shall be in-semester field work of at least 10 days as a basis for studio projects. In-
semester field work shall commence at least the 6th week of the semester of study.
1.2 Assessment for studio shall be based on 40% coursework, 20% timed studio
examination and 40% final studio presentation.
1.3 Assessment of studio course work shall be as follows:
a) Pre-field studio programme-10%
b) In-semester field work-10%
c) Post fieldwork outputs-20%
d) Marks shall be derived from continuous assessments (e.g. presentations, reports,
assignments etc) as shown in the criteria for studio assessment.
1.4 A student(s) who do not have adequate attendance in in-semester fieldwork shall be
barred from doing other studio exercises and shall be declared to have failed the studio
project. Adequate attendance shall imply 100% of the time allocated for in-semester
1.5 A student who fails both Semesters I and II studios in the same academic year shall be
1.6 A student who fails in either Semester I or II studio shall repeat the failed studio
provided he/she has attained annual GPA of at least 2.0. Such a student(s) shall repeat
studio when it is running. Such a student (s) shall repeat studio when it is running
1.7 No students shall attend two studios in a semester.

2.0 Dissertations / Project Paper

2.1 In the final year semester I, each student shall be required to develop a Dissertation
Proposal (Dissertation I/Project Paper I) and get it approved by the department.
Dissertation I/Project Paper I shall be assessed three times as Coursework Assessment
(CA) as shall be programmed from time to time by the departments. The final written
dissertation proposal shall be submitted for assessment during the University
Examinations session.
2.2 As per University Regulation 3.4, a candidate who has been barred from sitting for
Dissertation I/Project Paper I Examination shall NOT be allowed to proceed with
Dissertation Course/ Project Paper offered in the following semester.

2.3 The barred student shall arrange with the Dean of School for an improvement
programme in Semester II for such candidate barred in Pre-Dissertation/Dissertation
I/Project Paper I.

2.4 Continuous assessment of Dissertation I/ Project Paper I shall carry 60% and submitted
written proposal shall carry 40%. The criteria for assessment are as shown in the Tables










2 Response to 2 Response to 4 Understanding of
remarks on first remarks on first the topic

Project Paper I)
presentation presentation

4 Comprehension 4 Comprehension of 4 Clarity in problem

of the issues the issues statement and
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19

4 Research 4 Research 4 Relevance of topic to

objectives and objectives and the profession
questions questions

4 Conceptual 4 Conceptual 2 Creative/innovative

(Dissertation I/Project Paper I)

(Dissertation I Project Paper I)

framework framework thinking
Assessment criteria for first

4 Methods/data 4 Methodology 4 Response to

collection tools questions raised

2 Consult with 2 Consultation with 2 Consultation with

supervisors supervisors supervisors
Table 2.2: Assessment criteria for second Oral Presentation

20 Total 20 Total 20 Total


Mark awarded Mark awarded Mark awarded

Table 2.3: Assessment criteria for third Oral Presentation (Dissertation I

ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 109

Table 2.4: Criteria for assessment of written Dissertation I/Project Paper I

(During examinations Period)
S Candidates Name

Citation and references

Conceptual framework

Research objectives

Research questions

Analytic methods
Statement of the

Mark awarded






2.5 In semester II of the final year, FOUR presentations shall be made programmed from
time to time by the department. The first presentation shall focus on fieldwork results;
the second on analysis and findings and the third on conclusions and recommendations.
The fourth oral presentation shall focus on the overall dissertation/Project Paper.
2.6 The first three oral presentations shall carry a total mark of 30% distributed equally, each
carrying 10%.
2.7 The fourth oral presentation carries a total mark of 28% based on the following criteria;
understanding of topic and self-expression, methodology, data analysis, graphical
presentation, originality and contribution to the profession, conclusions and
recommendations. These assessment criteria shall be graded as shown in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5: Assessment criteria of fourth oral presentation (Dissertation II/
Project Paper II)
SN Assessment Criteria Points (%)
1 Understanding of the topic and self-expression 6
2 Methodology 4
3 Data analysis 4
4 Graphical Presentation 6
5 Conclusions and recommendations 4
6 Originality and contribution to the profession 4
Total 28

2.8 Students shall be given additional guidelines on what they should present from time to
time by the Departments. Comments given during presentation shall be compiled and
distributed to both students and supervisors.
2.9 Both supervisors and students shall be required to sign and keep log books after
2.10 Students shall submit three copies of loose/spiral bound reports to the head of
department one week before commencement of the examinations. Any dissertation not
submitted within the specified period shall be penalized 2 marks for every day of delay.
2.11 Assessment of the written dissertation carries a total mark of 42% based on the
following criteria; presentation format (language, graphic communication and
structural organization of the report), conceptual framework, empirical bases (results),
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 110

data processing and analysis, conclusions and recommendations, originality and

contribution to the profession as shown in table below (Table 2.6).
Table 2.6: Assessment of written dissertation (Dissertation II/ Project Paper II)
SN Assessment Criteria Points (%)
1. Presentation format (language, graphic communication and structural 12
organization of the report)
2. Literature review 5
3. Conceptual framework 5
4. Empirical bases (results) 6
5. Data processing and analysis 6
6. Conclusions and recommendations 5
7. Originality and contribution to the profession 3
Total 42

2.12 Assessment of final written dissertation shall determine acceptability and passing of the
candidate. Written dissertations that do not qualify to be deposited in the Library and
with substantial English language and editorial mistakes shall be assessed as FAIL and
shall be treated as resubmission cases. Students shall have to clear/correct all English
and editorial mistakes before the School Board meeting that shall discuss the results.
2.13 The Internal Examiner(s) shall mark the dissertation/Project Paper II using the
following criteria:
a) Written dissertation/ Project Paper II accepted with …… marks without additional
b) Written dissertation/ Project Paper II accepted with……marks subject to making
minor corrections and revisions in the dissertation/thesis one week before the
School Board sits to provisionally approve examination results. Minor corrections
refer to editorial corrections, re-organisation of some sections and
modifications/improvement of tables and diagrams. A candidate who fails to make
minor corrections within the prescribed time shall be declared to have failed the
c) Written dissertation/ Project Paper II NOT accepted with……marks. Candidate fails
and resubmits dissertation/ Project Paper II within three months after the
examination results approval by the Senate.
2.14 Any dissertation/ Project Paper II, which has been passed subject to corrections, shall
be considered to be completed only when all errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by
the examiners have been corrected and accepted and three spiral bound copies of the
dissertation/ Project Paper II submitted to the Department. Failure to do so before the
School Board meeting shall cause the dissertation/ Project Paper II to be failed.
2.15 A student who fails dissertation/ Project Paper II shall be required to resubmit the
dissertation/ Project Paper II within three months from the date he/she is declared by
Senate. Re-submission of dissertation/ Project Paper II shall be regarded as a
supplementary examination. In that case the maximum grade that can be awarded is C.
2.16 In case the internal examiners differ significantly (where one fails and the other passes
the candidate) in the assessment, the Department shall appoint a third internal
examiner to mark the dissertation/ Project Paper II. Average of the two examiners who
concur in marking shall constitute the final mark.
2.17 The External Examiner (s) shall moderate final Internal Examiners’ assessment.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 111

2.18 In case there is a significant difference in the moderation of marks, the Head of
Department shall be called upon to discuss with Internal and External Examiners to
come with agreed mark.

3 Industrial Training

3.1 Assessment of Industrial Training shall be awarded marks as follows:

a) Student logbook, which is verified and assessed by the external (organization)
Supervisor (20%
b) The assessment report of the internal (University) supervisor (20%)
c) The student’s final report and presentation before a panel (60%)
d) Where First year IT is being conducted at ARU, assessment of logbooks and
report/output will be combined and assessed by the supervisors (40%) and the
remaining (60%) before a panel.
3.2 A student who fails in IT shall be required to repeat IT before starting the subsequent IT.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 112



In addition to the University General Examination Regulations and the Undergraduate

Examinations Regulations, the following regulations will apply to the undergraduate
programmes in the School of Earth Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics.

A. School regulations for the programmes of Bachelor of Science in Geomatics,

Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics and Bachelor of Science in
Information Systems Management

1. In-semester Projects

1.1 Continuous assessment shall comprise assessments of oral presentation, participation

in group work, consultation with supervisors, exercises and tests as the case may be in
each department.
1.2 Both the supervisor(s) and the students shall be required to sign a consultation
monitoring Log Book after every consultation session.
1.3 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be at least two oral presentations
of project work for each class doing semester project.
1.4 Continuous assessment marks shall be derived from group presentation involving all
members of the group as well as from individual interview before a panel of examiners.
1.5 Continuous assessment (i.e. oral presentations) shall account for 40% and final oral
presentation and written group work for 60% both leading to an assessment of 100%.
Each department shall prescribe detailed modalities of assessment.
1.6 Departments shall prescribe formats of project reports.
1.7 Loose bound 3 copies of project reports from each group shall be handed in to the Head
of Department by the last Friday preceding University Semester Examinations and the
same must be endorsed by supervisors before submitting to the head of department;
only then, shall the candidate be allowed to attend the oral examination. Students who
fail to observe this rule without compelling reasons shall be deemed to have failed the
1.8 The Project work shall be word-processed double-spaced on A-4 sheets, using font size
12. The main body shall contain at least 30 pages.
1.9 A panel of at least two examiners shall assess the final oral presentation.
1.10 Examination of the project work shall comprise the following parts:
(a) Evaluation of the written report (40%),
(b) Group presentation (oral) before a panel of departmental examiners (5%),
(c) Oral examination (interview) of individual students. In this regard, candidates
shall be interviewed/examined on the project work and, whenever it is considered
necessary, questions may be asked from other topics related to the project (15%),
1.11 An unsatisfactory written report (i.e. scoring less than 16 marks) will mean a fail in the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 113

1.12 Each student must pass the final individual oral presentation. If a student fails the final
oral presentation, (i.e. gets less than 6 marks), the marks for the written report shall not
be considered. In that case the student shall be deemed to have failed the project.
1.13 Group oral presentations must be passed for the written reports to be assessed.
1.14 A Semester project may be passed subject to corrections.
1.15 A Semester project, which is passed subject to corrections, shall be considered to be
completed when all errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiners have been
corrected, and three copies of acceptable hard bound project report, endorsed by the
supervisor are submitted to the Head of Department. Failure to do so without
compelling reasons at least 7 days before the scheduled date for school board meeting
shall cause the project to be failed.
1.16 The oral presentation and the written reports shall be assessed in accordance with the
following format:

1.17.1 Form (a): Semester Project Group Oral Presentation (Continuous Assessment)
Names of candidates/group number………………………………......
Title of Semester project……………………………………………...
Name of assessor…………………………..………………………….

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Overall presentation 10
Response to question 20
Total 100
Marks out of (10%)

Assessor’s Comments if any ………………………………………

Signature:…………………………… Date:…………………………

1.17.2 Form (b): Semester Project Assessment of Oral Individual Presentations (Continuous
Name of candidate:…………………………………………………
Title of Semester project:…………………………………… …...
Name of assessor……………………………………………………..

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the subject matter 25
Level of individual’s participation 25
Response to general Questions 50
Total 100
Marks Out of (20%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………………

Signature:……………………………….. Date:………………………………

1.17.3 Form (c): Semester Project of Group Oral Presentation (Final Examination):
Names of candidates/group number:…………………………………
Title of Semester project:……………………………………………
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 114

Name of assessor:……………………………………………………

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Overall Presentation 10
Response to Questions 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (10%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………………

Signature:…………………………… Date:………………………………

1.17.4 Form (d): Semester Project Assessment of Individual Oral Presentation (Final

Name of candidate:…………………………………… …………

Title of Semester project:…………………………………………
Name of assessor:…………………………………………………

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the subject matter 25
Level of individual’s participation 25
Response to general Question 50
Total 100
Marks Out of (20%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………………

Signature:…………………………… Date:………………………………

1.17.5 Form (e): Semester Assessment of the Written Report (Final Examination):

Name of candidates/group number:………………………………

Title of Semester project:…………………………………… ….
Name of assessor:…………………………………… …………

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the project 15
Form and Format of presentation 15
(Style, typing, language)
Literature review and referencing 25
Data processing and analysis 30
Conclusion and recommendation 15
Total 100
Marks Out of (40%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………………

Signature:……………………………… Date:……………………………..
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 115

2. Dissertation
2.1 In consultation with members of staff each final year student or group of not more than
two final year students shall prepare a dissertation proposal during the first semester in
the final year (Dissertation I). Dissertation proposals shall be presented in eleventh week
of the first semester.
2.2 Each final year student or group of two final year students shall be required to submit a
dissertation report from an independent study carried out during the second semester in
the final year of study. In this regard, students shall execute the research proposal
prepared in the course Dissertation I.

2.3 Dissertation supervisor(s) and students shall sign a consultation monitoring form after
every consultation session. Supervisors shall avail the consultation forms to the head of
department in the last week before commencement of end of University Semester

2.4 Dissertation shall be assessed three times; in the fourth and twelfth weeks of a semester
and during the University Examinations period. The first two assessments shall
constitute continuous assessment. The School Board shall prescribe the assessment

2.5 Continuous assessment shall be derived from the first two presentations which shall
account for 40%, and final oral examination presentation and written report shall
account for 20% and 40% respectively; all leading to an assessment of 100%.

2.6 Three loose bound copies of the dissertation report endorsed by the supervisor(s) shall
be submitted to the Head of Department by the last Friday preceding the start of the
University Semester Examinations. Students who fail to observe this rule without
compelling reasons shall be deemed to have failed the Dissertation.

2.7 A dissertation may be passed subject to corrections.

2.8 Any dissertation, which has been passed subject to corrections, shall be considered to be
completed only when mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiners have been
corrected and three hard bound copies endorsed by the supervisor(s) are submitted to
the Head of the Department. Failure to do so without compelling reasons at least seven
days before the School Board meeting shall cause the dissertation to be failed.

2.9 The assessment of the dissertation work shall use the following format:

2.10.1 Form (f): Assessment of DISSERTATION I Oral Presentation (Continuous


Name of candidates/group number:……………………………

Title of Semester project:………………………………… ….
Name of assessor:………………………………………………
Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded
Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Style of presentation 10
Response to Question 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (40%)
Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 116

Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….

2.10.2 Form (g): Assessment of DISSERTATION I Oral Presentation (Final Examination):

Name of candidates/group number:………………………………

Title of Semester project:……………………………………… …
Name of assessor:……………………………………… …………
Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded
Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Style of presentation 10
Response to Question 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (20%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………

Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….

2.10.3 Form (h): Assessment of the DISSERTATION I written report (Final Examination):
Name of candidates/group number:…………………………..
Title of Semester project:……………………………………..
Name of assessor:………………………………..……………
Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded
Understanding of the project 10
Coverage of literature review 30
Suitability of proposed methodology 30
Overall Presentation 10
Response to Questions 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (40%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………

Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….

2.10.4 Form (i): Assessment of DISSERTATION II Oral Presentation (Continuous

Name of candidate:………………..……………………………………………
Title of dissertation:………………………………… …………………………
Name of assessor:………………………………………………………………
Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded
Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Overall presentation 10
Response to questions 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (40%)
Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………
Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 117

2.10.5 Form (j): Assessment of DISSERTATION II Oral Presentation (Final Examination):

Name of candidates/group number:……………………………………………..

Title of dissertation:……………………………………… …………………….
Name of assessor:……………………………………… ………………………

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the topic 10
Data collection methodology 30
Computation and analysis of data 30
Overall presentation 10
Response to questions 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (20%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………

Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….

2.10.6 Form (k): Assessment of the DISSERTATION II written report (Final Examination):

Name of candidate:…………………………………………………………...
Title of dissertation:…………………………………………………………..
Name of assessor:………………………………..……………………………

Marking consideration Maximum marks Marks awarded

Understanding of the topic 10
Form Format of presentation (Style, 30
typing, language)
Literature review and referencing 30
Data processing and analysis 10
Conclusion and recommendations 20
Total 100
Marks Out of (40%)

Assessor’s comments if any:…………………………………

Signature:……………………………. Date:……………………….

3. Industrial Training

Assessment of Industrial Training shall be based on the following attributes:

a) The Assessment by the visiting internal (University) supervisor (10%).
b) Assessment by the on-site external (organization) supervisor (20%).
c) Student’s Logbook (and IT report) verified by the external supervisor: the student’s
oral presentation before a panel of his/her departmental academic staff (70%).
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 118

School regulations for the programmes of Bachelor of Science in Land

Management and Valuation, Bachelor of Science in Real Estate (Finance and
Investment), Bachelor of Science in Property and Facilities Management, and
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance

1. Taught Courses

1.1 Continuous assessment of taught courses shall comprise timed tests and homeworks.
Timed tests shall be written or oral. In each semester there shall be at least two tests
under examination conditions; and at least two homeworks or practical exercises, or a
combination thereof per course. Questions or thematic reading areas for oral
examinations shall be pre-determined and made available to students apriori.

1.2 For the purposes of oral examination for continuous assessment:

a) Examination panel shall comprise at least two examiners including the course
b) The assessment shall be based on the contents and/or responses of the candidates;
c) The final mark shall be the average of the scores awarded by the members of the
examination panel;
d) Oral examinations shall not apply to the following courses: LM 111 Mathematics,
LM 112 Statistics, LM121 Architectural Studies and Construction, BB 151 Business
Mathematics, BB 152 Business Statistics, RE 211 Financial Mathematics, RE 316
Quantitative Methods, EC 218 Quantitative Methods I, EC 219 Econometrics I, RE
342 Econometrics, and LM 466 Valuation Casework.

1.3 At least one test shall be in form of written examination.

1.4 Tests as part of coursework assessment shall be held between the 4th and 12th weeks of
the semester; and the results shall be posted before the last Friday of the 14 th week of
the semester.

1.5 Homework, practicals, take home assignments, essays, reports and combination thereof
shall be submitted to the respective lecturer before the 12th week of the semester.

1.6 Final continuous assessment marks shall be posted a week prior to the start of the
University Examinations.

2. Semester Project
2.1 Continuous coursework assessment in Semester Project shall comprise oral
presentation, participation in group work, and consultation with supervisor(s), as the
case may be in each department.

2.2 For the purpose of continuous coursework assessment, there shall be two oral
presentations of Semester Project in the semesters in which the course is offered. The
second Semester Project assessment shall be held, at the latest, a week before the
University examinations commence.

2.3 For the purpose of Semester Project, University examination shall comprise a written
group Semester Project Report and oral presentation of the Semester Project by the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 119

2.4 Three loose bound written semester project reports from each group shall be handed in
to the Head of Department by the last Friday preceding University examinations and
the same must be signed by the Semester Project Supervisor(s). Students who fail to
observe this rule without compelling reasons shall be penalized by deducting from the
total score of the semester project five marks for each day delayed.

2.5 A panel of at least three examiners, one of whom shall have the requisite competence in
the subject, shall assess the final oral Semester Project presentation of the University

2.6 A Semester Project may be passed subject to corrections. Any Semester Project, which is
passed subject to corrections, shall be considered to be completed only when all the
errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiner(s) have been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Department; and two hard bound copies of the Report, signed by the
supervisor(s) is submitted to the Department. Failure by the students to correct,
without compelling reasons, before the School Board meeting shall render the Semester
Project failed.

2.7 The Dean shall publish results of Semester Projects in advance of the other
examinations to enable students to comply with School Regulation 2.6.

2.8 The oral presentation and the written reports shall be assessed in accordance with
prescribed Form No. 2.1 – 2.4.

2.1 Semester Project Oral Assessment Form I: Group Presentation

Group No.:.............................................................................................
Names of Candidates: ………………………………………………...
Project Title: …………………………………………………
Name of Examiner: …………………………………………………….
Date: .................................................................................................

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the Topic 20
Data Collection Methodology 20
Data Analysis 15
Self Expression and Presentation Style 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

Examiner’s Comments: ………………………………………..………

Signature: ………………………………….
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 120

2.2 Semester Project Oral Assessment Form II: Individual Presentation

Group No.:.............................................................................................
Name of Candidate: ………………………………………………...
Project Title: …………………………………………………
Name of Examiner: …………………………………………………….

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the Subject Matter 30.0
Level of Individual Participation 40.0
Response to Questions 30.0
Total 100
Examiner’s Comments, : ………………………………………….……….
Signature: ………………………………….

2.3 Semester Project Oral Assessment Form III: Individual Participation in

Group Work
Semester Project Title: ………………………………………………...…
S/N Name of Group Participation as Assessed by Fellow Group Members
Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Average
Scale: Excellent=A, Very Good = B, Good=C, Fair=D, Poor=E, Did not participate= F

2.4 Semester Project Written Report Assessment Form IV

Group No.:.............................................................................................
Names of Candidates: ………………………………………………...
Project Title: …………………………………………………
Name of Examiner: …………………………………………………….
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the Project 15
Form and Format of Presentation (Style, Word-
processing, Language) 10
Literature Review and Referencing 10
Validity of Research Methods 20
Data Processing and Analysis 30
Conclusions & Recommendations 15
Total 100

Examiner’s Comments,:……………………………………….......
Signature: ………………………………….
2.9 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of examiners, which shall consist of one
project supervisor and one member of academic staff who did not supervise the project
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 121

3. Dissertation
3.1 In the final year semester I, each student shall be required to develop a Dissertation
Proposal (Dissertation 1) for approval by the department. Dissertation 1 shall be assessed
three times as Coursework Assessment (CA) as shall be programmed from time to time
by the departments. The final written dissertation proposal shall be submitted for
assessment during the University Examination Session.
3.2 The Dean of School may bar any candidate from being admitted to a Pre-
Dissertation/Dissertation 1 examination where he or she is satisfied that the candidate
has NOT satisfactorily performed well in his/her CA. Satisfactory performance in CA in
Pre-Dissertation/Dissertation 1 Course shall mean an award of at least 50%.
3.3 A Candidate who has been barred from sitting for Pre-Dissertation/Dissertation 1
Examination shall NOT be allowed to proceed with Dissertation Course offered in the
following semester
3.4 The candidate shall be required by the School to improve the bad pre-
dissertation/Dissertation 1 and re-submit.
3.5 The Head of Department shall appoint a dissertation coordinator whose responsibility
shall be to coordinate all the designated dissertation works in the department. The
coordinator shall be assisted by supervisors assigned to each student.
3.6 There shall be a minimum of 5 students/staff consultations in each semester.
Dissertation supervisor(s) and students shall sign a Consultation Monitoring Form after
every consultation session. Supervisors shall avail the consultation forms to the head of
department in the last week before commencement of end of University Semester
Examinations. Where less than three consultations have been made, this shall be
regarded as inadequate and hence, the candidate shall repeat the dissertation.
3.7 Dissertation shall be assessed three times during Semester II of final year; in the 4 th and
13th weeks of the semester and the final assessment shall be done during the University
Examination session.
3.8 For the purposes of continuous coursework assessment, dissertation shall be assessed
twice. The School Board shall prescribe the time and mode of assessment which
supervisors and students shall adhere to.
3.9 The University Examination for dissertation shall comprise an oral presentation and an
assessment of the written dissertation report. The maximum marks for the written
dissertation shall be 60% and 40% for continuous assessment including oral
3.10 A panel of at least three examiners shall assess the final oral presentation.
3.11 Three loose bound dissertation reports endorsed by the supervisor(s) shall be submitted
to the Department by the last Thursday preceding the commencement of University
Examinations in the second semester of the final year of study. Students who fail to
observe this rule shall be penalised by deducting five marks for each day the
dissertation report is not submitted.
3.12 A dissertation may be passed subject to corrections. Any dissertation which is passed
subject to corrections shall be considered to be completed only when all the
errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiner(s) have been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Department and two hard bound copies of the report submitted to
the Department. Failure by the student to correct, without compelling reasons, before a
date prescribed by the School shall cause the dissertation to be failed.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 122

3.13 The School shall publish results of Assessment of Dissertations immediately after oral
3.14 A student who fails in Dissertation shall be given a maximum period of three months to
re-submit from the date the Senate approves examination results.
3.15 Re-submission of a dissertation shall be regarded as a supplementary examination of a
carryover course, which shall be subject to University Regulations 23 and 28.
3.16 Dissertation shall be assessed in accordance with prescribed Dissertation Oral
Assessment Form (DOAF) No. 2.5-2.6:
2.5 Dissertation Form (a) Assessment of Oral Dissertation Presentation
Name of Candidate: …………………………………………….............
Dissertation Title: ……………………………………………………..….
Name of Examiner: ……………………………………………………….
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the Topic 20
Validity of Research Methods Employed 20
Data Analysis 15
Self Expression and Presentation Style 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

Examiner’s Comments, if any: …………………………………….........

Signature: ………………………………. Date: ……………….…..……

2.6 Dissertation Form (b): Assessment of the Written Dissertation


Name of Candidate: ……………………………………………………

Dissertation Title: ………………………………..……………………..
Name of Examiner: ……………………………………………………
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
marks Awarded
Understanding of the Dissertation 15
Form and Format of Presentation (Style,
Word-processing, Language) 10
Literature Review and Referencing 10
Validity of Research Methods 20
Data Processing and Analysis 30
Conclusions & Recommendations 15
Total 100

Examiner’s comments, if any: …………………………………...............

Signature:………………………………..Date: ………………………....
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 123

4. Industrial Training/Fieldwork

4.1 For each degree programme, the School Board shall prescribe the mode and manner of
conducting Industrial Training.
4.2 Assessment of Industrial Training shall be based on the following consideration:

Item Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Assessment by the visiting internal 30
(University) supervisor
Assessment by Fieldwork Trainer(at IT 20
place/ supervisor)
Student’s logbook (and IT report) duly 30
verified by the Field Trainer.
The student’s oral presentation before a 20
panel of at least three departmental
academic staff members
Total 100

4.3 Where marks for Visiting University Supervisor and of the Fieldwork Trainer above
cannot be obtained, the Department shall determine a grade for these components
based on a pro-rata performance in marks obtained in logbook and student’s oral

4.4 For the purpose of the assessment in 3.10 above, at least two qualified Departmental
academic staff members shall be present in the oral presentation session to make the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 124



In addition to University General Examination Regulations and Undergraduate Examinations

Regulations, the following regulations will apply to the undergraduate programmes in the
School of Environmental Science and Technology.
1. Semester Projects
1.1 Continuous assessment in these subjects shall comprise assessments of oral
presentation, participation in group work, consultation with supervisors, exercises and
tests as the case may be in each department.
1.2 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be two oral presentations of
Semester Project, in the semesters in which the subject is offered. The second assessment
shall be done, at the latest, one week before the University Examinations start.
1.3 Continuous assessment for project work shall account for 70% and final presentation and
written group work for 30% all leading to an assessment of 100%.
1.4 Project work shall be handed in to the Department two days before University Semester
Examinations start. Final project work not submitted within specified period without
compelling reasons shall be penalized by deducting from the total score 5 marks per day.
1.5 Project work shall be word processed in 1.5 spaced A 4 sheets, Font 12, well bound and
submitted in two copies. The main body shall contain between 40 and 70 pages.
1.6 The final assessment of project work shall comprise of oral presentation and written
group work.
1.7 Assessment of Semester Project
1.7.1 The assessment sheet for the written project work shall have the following format:
1. Group No. ………………..……..
2. Name of students ……………….……...
3. Project Title ………………………
4. Name of Examiner ………………………
5. Date ………………………
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remark
Marks (%) Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc).
Literature review and referencing 10
Material content 10
Data collection organization and analysis 20
Graphics 20
Conclusion and Recommendation 20
Total 100

1.7.2 The assessment sheet for oral semester project presentation: Shall have the following
1. Group No. ………………………
2. Name of Student ………………………
3. Project title ………………………
4. Name of Examiners………………………
5. Date ………………………
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 125

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of Graphics 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

1.8 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of examiners, which shall consist of one
project supervisor, one member of academic staff who did not supervise the project and
the external examiner(s).
1.9 Each student shall pass the final oral presentation. Where a student is deemed to have
failed the final oral presentation, the written group work mark shall not be considered.
1.10 A Semester Project may be passed as it is, outright failed or passed subject to
1.11 Any Semester Project, which is passed subject to corrections, shall be considered to be
completed when all errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiners have been
corrected, and an acceptable hard bound project report, endorsed by the supervisor is
submitted to the Head of Department. Failure by student to do so without compelling
reasons before the School Board meeting shall cause the project to be failed.
1.12 The marks for both written group work and final oral presentation shall be in the ratio
of 5 to 2 of the 70%.

2. Engineering Drawing
2.1 Continuous assessment for Engineering Drawing shall be awarded out of 70% of the total
and final assessment 30% all leading to an assessment of 100%.
2.2 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be at least eight exercises and two
tests taken under examination conditions. The marks for exercises and tests shall be in
the ratio of 5 to 2 of the 70%.
2.3 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of examiners, which shall consist of two
internal examiners and the external examiner(s).
2.4 The assessment of Engineering Drawing shall be based on evaluation of drawing work
and student’s understanding of the subject matter using the following format and
marking criteria.
Maximum Marks
Marking Criteria Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Format and arrangement of drawing components 20
(views, choice of scale, dimensions etc.)
Content (correctness of concept and 25
practicability) and completeness of requirements
for a drawing.
Neatness, correct choice of pen sizes for different 20
uses, lettering quality, clarity, etc.
Overall understanding of elements of engineering 35
Total 100
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 126

2.5 For the purpose of assessment, the practical exercises shall account for 70% and tests
done after completion of each workshop and final test shall account for 30%
2.6 The marks for individual workshop tests and final test shall be in the ration of 1 to 1 of
the 30%.

3. Dissertation
3.1 Dissertations shall be assessed four times during the 2nd semester of final year. The third
assessment of dissertations shall be conducted about four weeks before the University
semester examinations start. The final assessment shall be done during the University
semester examinations. The first three oral presentations shall constitute continuous
3.2 Continuous assessment (i.e. the first three presentations) shall account for 30% while the
written dissertation work and final oral presentation for 70% all leading to an assessment
of 100%.
3.3 The marks for the written dissertation work and final oral presentation shall be in the
ratio of 7 to 3 of 70%
3.4 The oral presentations shall be attended by at least two (2) of the Departmental
Examiners and respective supervisor(s).
3.5 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of examiners which shall consist of one
dissertation supervisor and one member of academic staff who did not supervise the
3.6 The assessment of the dissertation written works shall have the following format;
1. Name of Students………………………
2. Dissertation Title………………………
3. Name of Examiner………………………
4. Date ………………………

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Format of presentation (style, language, 15
word processing etc)
Quality of graphics (charts, maps, 20
design drawings) and general use of
Material content (contribution to env. 15
Eng. Science and technology)
Literature review and references 10
Data analysis and interpretation 30
Validity and relevance of conclusions 10
and recommendations
Total 100

3.7 Assessment of the oral presentation shall have the following format.
1. Name of student …………………………...
2. Dissertation title …………………………...
3. Name of Examiner …………………………...
4. Date …………………………...
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 127

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the Problem 20
Use of illustrations and quality of graphics 15
Presentation and analysis of data collected 20
Self expression 20
Response to questions 25
Total 100

3.8 All dissertations must be submitted well bound one week before the start of the
University semester examinations. Any dissertation not submitted within the specified
period shall be penalized by deduction from the total score 2 marks per day for the first
five days after which a student shall be deemed to have failed the dissertation.
3.9 A dissertation may be passed as it is, outright failed or passed subject to corrections.
3.10 Any dissertation, which is passed subject to corrections, shall be considered to be
completed when errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiners have been
corrected, and three copies of acceptable hard bound dissertation report, endorsed by
the supervisor are submitted to the Head of Department. Failure to do so without
compelling reasons before the school board meeting shall cause the dissertation to be

4. Industrial Training

4.1 Assessment of Industrial Training shall be done by at least three (3) internal examiners
using the following format:

Item Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Student logbook, which has been verified and 20
assessed by the external (organization) Supervisor
The assessment report of the internal (University) 20
The student’s final report and presentation before a 60
Total 100
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 128


In addition to the General University Examination Regulations the following Regulations
shall also apply to Postgraduate Diploma, Masters and PhD programmes.

1. Postgraduate Diploma
1.1 The Postgraduate Diploma Programmes shall involve full-time day programmes mode,
full-time evening programmes mode; and modular programmes mode (part-time day
and evening Programmes).
1.2 Candidates for the full-time day programmes mode are expected to complete their
programmes within two semesters. Candidates for the modular mode (part-time) day
or evening programmes are expected to complete their programmes within three
semesters. The unit system shall be used to gauge the workload involved. One unit
shall be equivalent to 15 hours of lectures of 30-45 hours of project
1.3 The maximum time for which student may remain registered as a Postgraduate
Diploma student shall be two years.
1.4 A candidate admitted to a Postgraduate Diploma programme must complete all
courses prescribed by the respective department in order to qualify for the award of
the Postgraduate Diploma.
1.5 A candidate may be advised by his/her department to take prerequisite undergraduate
courses which shall not be examinable and shall not contribute to the Postgraduate
Diploma award.
1.6 Passing a course shall mean scoring at least a B grade, which shall combine both
University Examination at the end of each semester. Continuous Assessment for
theoretical courses shall account for 40% while the University examination shall
account for 60%.
1.7 Courses will be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
1.8 The Department shall prescribe guidelines for Continuous Assessment. Such
guidelines shall be approved by School Boards.
1.10 A candidate whose overall GPA is 2.7 or above but has failed one or more courses, shall
be required to sit for a supplementary examination in the failed course(s).
Supplementary examinations shall be conducted after the release of the results of the
second semester examination in the academic year.
1.11 A candidate whose overall GPA is below 2.7 shall be discontinued from the
1.12 The maximum attainable grade in a supplementary examination shall be a B grade.
1.13 A candidate who fails in more than one supplementary examination shall be
discontinued from the programme.
1.14 A candidate who repeats a course and fails in the first examination sitting shall be
allowed to supplement the failed course, and if the candidate fails the supplementary
examination, he/she shall be discontinued from studies forthwith.
1.15 A candidate in consultation with his/her supervisor shall formulate a project final
paper proposal.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 129

1.16 A candidate is required to make oral presentations of the proposal to the Department’s
Postgraduate Committee for endorsement and approval. Such presentations shall not
be graded.
1.17 The Postgraduate Diploma award shall not be classified.
1.18 Assessment of the Project final paper should be as per school regulations.

2. Masters (By Coursework and Dissertation)

2.1 The Programme will comprise full-time and part-time students. Full-time students
shall complete their course work within the first two semesters of enrolment. Part-time
candidates shall complete their coursework within the first three semesters of
2.2 The Master’s Programme shall involve the full-time day programmes mode; full-time
evening programmes mode; and modular programmes mode (part-time, day or
evening programmes).
2.3 The unit system shall be used to gauge the workload involved. One unit shall be
equivalent to 15-hour lectures or 30-45 hours of dissertation.
2.4 The maximum time for which student may remain registered as a Masters student
shall be three years for full-time students and four years for part-time students.
2.5 A candidate admitted to a Master’s programme must complete all courses prescribed
by the department in order to qualify for the award of the Master’s Degree.
Departments shall provide a list of electives to be taken in any semester.
2.6 A candidate may be advised by his/her department to take prerequisite undergraduate
courses which shall not contribute to the Master’s Degree award.
2.7 Passing a course shall mean scoring at least a “B” grade which shall combine both
Continuous Assessment and University Examination at the end of each semester.
Continuous Assessment shall account for 40%, while the University Examinations
shall account for 60%.
2.8 Departments shall prescribe guidelines for continuous Assessment. Such guidelines
shall be approved by the School Board.
2.9 A candidate whose overall GPA is 2.7 or above but has failed one or more courses, shall
be required to sit for a supplementary examination in the failed course(s).
Supplementary examinations shall be conducted after the release of the results of the
second semester examination in the academic year.
2.10 A candidate whose overall GPA is below 2.7 shall be discontinued from the
2.11 The maximum attainable grade in a supplementary examination or resubmission of a
dissertation shall be a “B” grade.
2.12 A candidate who fails in any supplementary examination and has a GPA of 3.0 or
above may be allowed to repeat failed courses but shall not be allowed to proceed to
Dissertation phase.
2.13 A candidate, who fails in only one supplementary examination, shall be allowed to
repeat the failed course.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 130

2.14 A candidate who repeats a course and fails in the first sitting examination shall be
allowed to supplement the failed course, and if the candidate fails the supplementary
examination, he/she shall be discontinued forthwith.
2.15 A candidate in consultation with his/her supervisor shall formulate a dissertation
research proposal. The supervisor shall approve the proposal subject to the
endorsement of the Department’s Postgraduate Committee.
(i) A candidate is required to make oral presentation(s) of the proposal to the
Department’s Postgraduate Committee. Such presentation(s) shall not be graded.
(ii) Continuous assessment in dissertation shall comprise at least two oral
presentations. The Department shall prescribe the time and mode of assessment.
2.16 Every dissertation shall be assessed by at least two examiners appointed by the School
Board and approved by the SENATE as follows:
(i) The Supervisor who will act as an Internal Examiner,
(ii) An External examiner appointed from outside the University
2.17 The passing grade for a dissertation shall be a “B” or higher. A candidate scoring below
a “B” grade shall be allowed to re-submit the failed dissertation within a period
specified in the University General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study
2.18 A candidate failing in the re-submission may be allowed another re-submission of the
dissertation at the discretion of the Senate, and the Senate shall prescribe the time for
such re-submission.
3. Masters (By Thesis)
3.1 The registration period for the programme shall normally be 24 months for full-time
students and up to 36 months for part-time students.
3.2 Enrolment for the programme shall be at any time in the academic year.
3.3 Having satisfied the admission criteria for Master’s degree by thesis candidates will
have to observe the following procedures:
a) A candidate shall submit a two-page statement of the intended research topic
(ARU/PG.F3) to the Postgraduate Committee, as appropriate. On the basis of
his/her statement, the School shall assign supervisor(s) to the candidate, and the
candidate’s studentship commences thereafter.
b) The maximum time for which student may remain registered as a Masters student
shall not exceed three and a half years. Candidates shall pay extension fee as
specified in the University General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate
Study programmes for each monthly extended beyond the 24 months. Extension
fees shall be paid in a span of three months and no extension shall be granted after the
third extension.
3.4 A candidate registered for a Master’s degree program by thesis may, on
recommendations of the School Board, be required to do one or more undergraduate
course appropriate to their field of study.
3.5 Candidates will undertake the programme under the guidance of their supervisors in
accordance with standing Regulations and Guidelines of Postgraduate Studies of the
Ardhi University.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 131

3.6 A candidate failing in the re-submission may be allowed another re-submission of the
thesis at the discretion of the Senate, and Senate shall prescribe the time for such re-
3.7 Submission of the thesis and oral Examination (Viva Voce) shall follow the Ardhi
University General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes.
3.8 The Master’s Degree award shall not be classified.

4. PhD

4.1 The registration period for the programme shall normally be 3 years for full-time
students and up to 5 years for part-time students.
4.2 The maximum time for which student may remain registered as a PhD student shall
not exceed 5 years for full-time student and 7 years for part-time student.
4.3 Enrolment for the programme shall be at any time in the academic year.
4.4 The assessment of PhD thesis will be conducted as per ARU General Regulation and
Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 132

Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of

Architecture, Construction Economics and Management
In addition to the University General Examination Regulations, General Postgraduate
Regulations, and General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study programmes of
Ardhi University the following Regulations shall apply for Postgraduate programmes in the
School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management.

A. School regulations for the programmes of Postgraduate Diploma in

Architecture, Master in Architecture and PhD in Architecture

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture

1.1 Students who are admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture must complete
all the prescribed courses, which add up to 34 course units.
1.2 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade, which combines continuous
assessment and University examination at the end of each semester. Continuous
assessment in theoretical subjects shall account for 40%, while the University
examination accounts for 60%. Design studio and Final projects shall be assessed
through three interim presentations on a continuous basis and at the final presentation
(University Examination). The continuous assessment shall make up 40% and 60% for
the final presentation (University Examinations).
1.3 Each student in consultation with the supervisor shall carry out a Final Project.
1.4 The Department postgraduate committee shall evaluate and approve the candidate’s final
project proposal. Assessment criteria are as shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.
1.5 There shall be no transfer of grades from Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture to
Masters of Architecture.
Table 1.1 AR 601 Design Studio: Assessment Criteria
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Project formulation and appraisal of an architectural project 15
Analysis and presentation of contextual aspect of the design 25
Comprehensive scheme design to substantiate architectural 25
solutions generated from the outline proposal stage.
Working drawings for selected parts(s) of the designed 15
complex building
Evidence of buildability, environmental impact assessment 10
and climatic design consciousness
Communication skill (language, quality of graphics, 5
expressions, …)
Completeness of assignment i.e. design brief, drawings, and 5
models (physical or computer simulations)
Total 100

Candidate’s ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. ..............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 133

Table 1.2 AR 602 Final Project: Assessment Criteria

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Ability to develop an architectural research issue to 10
address practical design project
Formulation and application of suitable research 10
Sufficiency and relevancy of collected research data at 15
urban design level
Analysis of collected data and assimilation into concept 20
development of design project at outline proposal stage.
Development of scheme design (partial) 20
Working drawing production of selected part of the 15
designed buildings to exhibit buildability, clear
structural systems and services
Communication skill (language, quality of graphics, 5
Completeness of assignment i.e. design brief, drawings, 5
and models (physical or computer simulations)
Total 100

Candidate’s ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. .............................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................

2. Masters’ Degree in Architecture (Coursework and Dissertation)

2.1 Students who are admitted to the M. Arch. Programme must complete all the prescribed
courses, which amount to 40 units.
2.2 Courses shall be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
2.3 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade. Course work in subjects other
than studio projects shall include two tests and two assignments in each course in each
semester. Course work assessment through continuous assessment shall make up 40%
while final examination makes up 60% of the final grade in that course. Design studio
and Dissertation shall be assessed through three interim presentations on a continuous
assessment shall make up 40% and 60% for the final presentation (University
Examination). Studio assessment shall be made up of continuous assessment 40% and
final presentation 60%. Assessment criteria are as shown in tables 2.1-2.5
2.4 No student shall be allowed to supplement Design Studio Project.
2.5 Student who fails design studio subject shall be discontinued.
2.6 Students must score GPA of at least 3.0 in order to proceed to dissertation stage.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 134

Table 2.1 AR 701 Design Studio: Assessment Criteria (Coursework and

University Examination)
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Project formulation and appraisal of an architectural project 15
Analysis and presentation of contextual aspect of the design 25
Comprehensive scheme design to substantiate use of 25
materials, hi- tech construction, energy conservation and
Architectural concept as a practical expression of the solution 15
to specific architectural problem
Evidence of buildability, environmental impact assessment 10
and climatic design consciousness
Completeness of assignment i.e. design brief, drawings, and 10
models (physical or computer simulations)
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. ...............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................

Table 2.2 AR 799 Dissertation: Assessment Criteria First Presentation

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Understanding of the research topic 10
Formulation and clarity of the research problem 15
Clarity of the research objectives and questions 20
Clear formulation of suitable research methods, 15
explaining reasons of suitability over other methods.
Justification of case study selection 10
Completeness of the research proposal i.e. logical flow 25
and contents of the research proposal, extent of
literature review, consistence and correctness of
citations, quotations, references, and appendices
Communication skills (language, quality of graphics, 5
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. .............................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 135

Table 2.3 AR 799 Dissertation: Assessment Criteria Second Presentation

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Adherence and response to comments given during first 10
Presentation of applied methods and encountered problems. 10
Case study findings: Sufficiency and relevancy of collected 35
data (literature, maps, photographs, pictures, drawings, …)
Lessons and recommendations
Conceptual framework and analysis framework 20
Completeness of the case study i.e. logical flow and contents 15
of the report of the case study, extent of literature review,
consistence and correctness of citations, quotations,
references, and appendices
Communication skills (language, quality of graphics, 10
expressions, …)
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. ...............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................

Table 2.4 AR 799 Dissertation: Assessment Criteria Third Presentation

Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Adherence and response to comments given during 10
second presentation
Presentation of Research findings 40
Logical flow and contents of preliminaries and chapters, 25
extent of literature review, consistence and correctness of
citations, quotations, references, and appendices
Conclusions and recommendations 15
Communication skills (language , quality of graphics, 10
expressions, …)
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................
Names and Signatures of other Assessors:
1. ...............................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 136

Table 2.5 AR 799 Dissertation: Assessment Criteria University

Examination/Presentation (Examination Period)
Marking Consideration Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Formulation of research topic 5
Stated research problem 5
Research objectives 5
Research questions/hypothesis 5
Suitability and difficulties of selected research methods 10
Presentation of Research findings 20
Logical flow and contents of preliminaries and chapters, 35
extent of literature review, consistence and correctness of
citation, quotation, references, and appendices
Conclusions and recommendations 10
Communication skills (language, quality of graphics, 5
expressions, …)
Total 100

Candidate ................................... Panel Chairman ............

(Name) Name and signature
Date: ...................................................

Names and Signatures of other Assessors:

1. ...............................................................................................

3. Master’s Degree in Architecture (By Thesis)

The assessment of Master’s Degree in Architecture by thesis shall be conducted as per
ARU General Regulations and guidelines for postgraduate study programmes.
4. Ph.D in Architecture (By Thesis)
The assessment of Ph.D. Thesis shall be conducted as per ARU General Regulations and
Guidelines for postgraduate study programmes.

B. School regulations for the programmes of Postgraduate Diploma in

Construction Economics and Management, and Master of Science in
Construction Economics and Management

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and Management

1.1 Students, who are admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Economics and
Management, must complete all the prescribed courses.
1.2 Each student in consultation with the supervisor shall carry out a Postgraduate Diploma
Final Paper.
1.3 The Department shall evaluate and approve the candidate's final paper proposal.
1.4 The PGD-Final Paper shall be assessed through final oral presentation and written work
although there shall be consultations on a continuous basis. The final oral presentation
shall make up 40% while the written work accounts for 60%.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 137

1.5 Each student shall submit a written FINAL PAPER to be examined by the department in
the 15th week of semester II of the relevant academic year. The assessment of final oral
presentation for Final Paper shall be based on criteria indicated in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Assessment Criteria for Final Oral Presentation (Final Paper)
SN. Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
1. Presentation arrangement 2
2. Time management 4
3. Relevance of the contents 10
4. Language 4
5. Satisfactory answers to questions raised 20
Total 40%

1.6 Modalities for assessing the written work for Final Paper are prescribed in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Assessment Criteria for Written Work (Final Paper)
SN. Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
1. Understanding of the topic 5
2. Conceptual framework and literature review 10
3. Research methodology 10
4. Empirical background 10
5. Data processing and analysis 10
6. Conclusions and recommendations 10
7. References/Bibliography 5
Total 60%

2. Master of Science in Construction Economics and Management

2.1 Students, who are admitted to the Master of Science in Construction Economics and
Management, must complete all the prescribed courses.
2.2 Courses will be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
completed. Each subject master shall provide course programme at the beginning of each
2.3 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade, which combines continuous
assessment and University examination at the end of each semester. Continuous
assessment in theoretical subjects shall account for 40%, while the University
examination accounts for 60%.
2.4 Each student in consultation with the supervisor shall carry out a MSc. Dissertation
2.5 The Department shall evaluate, approve and examine the candidate's dissertation
2.6 The MSc. Dissertation shall be assessed in three interim oral presentations and written
work. The three interim oral presentations shall contribute a total mark of 40% while the
written work shall contribute 60%. The three interim oral presentations shall be made
programmed from time to time by the department.
2.7 The assessment of first, second and third interim oral presentation for dissertation shall
be based on criteria indicated in Table 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 respectively.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 138

Table 2.1 Assessment Criteria for First Interim Oral Presentation (Dissertation)
SN. Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
1. Presentation arrangement 2
2. Time management 3
3. Clarity in problem statement 5
4. Understanding of the topic 10
5. Research design 10
6. Satisfactory answers to questions raised 10
Total 40%

Table 2.2 Assessment Criteria for Second Interim Oral Presentation (Dissertation)
SN. Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
1. Presentation arrangement 2
2. Time management 3
3. Conceptual framework 10
4. Literature review 10
5. Satisfactory answers to questions raised 15
Total 40%

Table 2.3 Assessment Criteria for Third Interim Oral Presentation (Dissertation)
SN. Assessment Criteria Maximum marks
1. Presentation arrangement 2
2. Literature review 5
3. Research methodology 10
4. Presentation of findings and analysis 8
5. Conclusions and recommendations 5
6. Satisfactory answers to questions raised 10
Total 40%

2.8 Modalities for assessing the written work for dissertations shall be as per General
Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes.
2.9 The dissertation shall be awarded a grade where B or higher is passing grade.
2.10 A student who fails in dissertation shall be allowed to resubmit the failed dissertation as
per General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 139

Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Spatial

Planning and Social Sciences
In addition to the University General Examination Regulations, General Postgraduate
Regulations and General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study programmes of
Ardhi University the following Regulations shall apply for Postgraduate programmes in the
School of Urban and Regional Planning.

Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Management

1.1 Students, who are admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Planning and
Management, must complete all the prescribed courses, which add up to 32 course units.
1.2 Candidates may be allowed to take a maximum of 4 units of advanced (300 or 400
series) undergraduate courses, which can be counted towards the Postgraduate Diploma
Programme. Such courses must not only be passed with at least B grade but must also be
prescribed as being prerequisite for the regular Postgraduate Course and must not have
been previously taken by the candidate. The additional courses will not be weighted for
the final postgraduate diploma evaluation.
1.3 Courses will be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
1.4 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade, which combines continuous
assessment and University examination at the end of each semester. Continuous
assessment in theoretical subjects shall account for 40%, while the University
examination accounts for 60%. Studio projects shall be assessed through presentations
of outputs on a continuous basis and at the end of the project. The continuous
assessment shall make for 60%, while the final presentation accounts for 40%. The
course lecturer at the beginning of the course shall announce the form of continuous
assessment, after endorsement by respective School.
1.5 Final Paper Regulations
1.5.1 In the Postgraduate Urban Planning and Management PGD (UPM) programme, each
student shall prepare, write and submit a final paper in semester two on a chosen topic
in urban planning and management.
1.5.2 Each PGD (UPM) student shall within the Second Semester, identify a topic and two
supervisors to assist in writing a scientific paper.
1.5.3 Progress in Final Paper shall be assessed in three oral presentations as shall be
organized by the Department. The three oral presentations shall contribute a total
mark of 30% distributed equally while written Final Paper presentation shall
contribute 70% (Table 1.1).
1.5.4 Criteria for assessing progress in final scientific paper shall be based on the criteria
indicated in Table 1.2.
1.5.5 Each student must in the 15th week of Semester II submit three spiral-bound copies of
the final paper to the Office of the Head of Department.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 140

Table 1.1 Criteria for Assessment Progress in Final Paper

SN Assessment Criteria Points
1. Understanding of topic and self-expression 10
2. Empirical and theoretical bases 10
3. Methodology 10
4. Data processing and analysis 10
5. Graphical presentation 10
6. Originality and contribution to the profession 10
7. Language, scientific writing skills, citation and referencing 30
8. Conclusions and recommendations 10
Total 100

Table 1.2: Criteria for Assessment of Final Written Paper

SN Assessment Criteria Points
1 Understanding of the topic 10
2 Conceptual framework and literature review 10
3 Research methodology 10
4 Empirical findings 15
5 Data processing and analysis 15
6 Originality and contribution to profession 20
7 Conclusions and recommendations 10
8 Bibliography/references 10
Total 100

2.0 Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management

2.1 Students who are admitted to the M.Sc. (UPM) Program must complete all the
prescribed courses, which amount to 44 units.
2.2 Courses shall be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
2.3 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade. Course work in course other
than Studio projects shall include two tests and two assignments in each course in each
2.4 Coursework assessment of theoretical courses through continuous assessment shall
make up 40% while final examination makes up 60% of the final grade in that course.
Studio assessment shall be made up of continuous assessment 60% and final
presentation 40%.
2.5 No student shall be allowed to supplement Studio Project. Student(s) who fails in Studio
Project shall be discontinued.
2.6 Dissertation Regulations
2.6.1 The Ardhi University General Postgraduate Guidelines and Regulations for
preparation of dissertation shall apply.
2.6.2 Each student in consultation with the supervisor shall formulate a Dissertation
research proposal-(Dissertation I) in semester 2 of the programme and supervisor(s)
shall be approved by the Department.
2.6.3 The Department shall evaluate, approve and examine the candidate’s Dissertation
proposal (Dissertation I).
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 141

2.6.4 Progress in dissertation proposal preparation shall be monitored through regular

presentations that are marked. THREE marked oral presentations shall be
programmed from time to time by the Department.
2.6.5 Assessment of continuous Dissertation I preparation shall carry 60% and submitted
written proposal shall carry 40%. The criteria for assessment of Dissertation I are as
shown in the tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
2.6.6 Each student shall submit a written DISSERTATION PROPOSAL (Dissertation I) to be
approved and examined by the department in the 15th week of Semester II. The criteria
for assessing written dissertation proposal are as shown in the table 2.4.

Table 2.1 Assessment criteria for first Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)


Clarity in problem

Relevance of topic

Consultation with

to the profession

questions raised

Mark awarded
statement and
of the topic

Response to

e thinking




1 4

Table 2.2 Assessment criteria for second Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)

with supervisors
remarks on first


Mark awarded



of the issues
Response to

objectives &





ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 142

Table 2.3 Assessment criteria for third Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)


remarks on first

4 Comprehension

Consult with

of the issues
2 Response to

objectives &

4 Conceptual


4 Research




Table 2.4 Criteria for assessment of written Dissertation I (During examinations


Mark awarded
Statement of

Citation and
the problem










2.6.7 As per University Regulation 3.4, a candidate who has been barred from sitting for
Dissertation I Examination shall NOT be allowed to proceed with Dissertation II
course offered in the following semester.
2.6.8 The barred student shall arrange with the Dean of School for an improvement
programme in Semester II for such candidate barred in Dissertation I.
2.6.9 Each student shall write DISSERTATION (Dissertation II) in semester III of the MSc.
UPM programme.
2.6.10 Modalities for assessing written Dissertations shall be as per ARU General Regulations
and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study Programmes.
2.6.11 A student who fails in Dissertation shall be allowed to resubmit the failed Dissertation
subject to approval by the Senate.

3.0 MSc. Urban and Regional Development Planning and Management

3.1 Where relevant, the ARU University guidelines for preparation of dissertations shall
3.2 Students who are admitted to the M.Sc. (URPM) programme must complete all the
prescribed courses, which amount to 62 units (ARU and Dortmund).
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 143

3.3 Courses shall be assessed and grades awarded within the semester in which they are
3.4 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade. Course work in courses other
than Studio Projects shall include two tests and two assignments in each course in each
3.5 Course work assessment for theoretical courses through continuous assessment shall
make up 40% while final examination makes up 60% of the final grade in that course.
Studio assessment shall be made up of continuous assessment 60% and final
presentation 40%.
3.6 No students shall be allowed to supplement Studio Project. Student(s) who fails in Studio
Project shall be discontinued.

3.7 Dissertation Regulations

3.7.1 Each student in consultation with the supervisor shall formulate a dissertation
research proposal (Dissertation I) in semester I of the programme at ARU and
supervisors shall be approved by the Department.
3.7.2 The Department shall evaluate, approve and examine the candidate's Dissertation
proposal (Dissertation I).
3.7.3 Progress in dissertation proposal preparation shall be monitored through regular
presentations that are marked. THREE marked oral presentations shall be
programmed from time to time by the Department.
3.7.4 Assessment of continuous Dissertation I preparation shall carry 60% and submitted
written proposal shall carry 40%. The criteria for assessing Dissertation I are as shown
in tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
3.7.5 Each student shall submit a complete DISSERTATION PROPOSAL (Dissertation I) to
be approved and examined by the Department in the 15th week of Semester I. The
criteria for assessing written Dissertation I are as shown in tables 3.4.
Table 3.1 Assessment criteria for first Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)
4 Understanding of the

4 Relevance of topic to

2 Creative/innovative

4 Clarity in problem

2 Consultation with
questions raised

Mark awarded
statement and

the profession

4 Response to




ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 144

Table 3.2 Assessment criteria for second Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)

Candidates Name

2 Response to remarks
on first presentation

4 Research objectives
4 Comprehension of

2 Consultation with

Mark awarded
4 Methodology
& questions

4 Conceptual
the issues

20 Total


Table 3.3 Assessment criteria for third Oral Presentation (Dissertation I)

Candidates Name
4 Research objectives
4 Comprehension of

collection tools

Mark awarded
remarks on first


Consult with
2 Response to

& questions

4 Conceptual
the issues




Table 3.4 Criteria for assessment of written Dissertation I (During

examinations Period)
Candidates Name
Research objectives

Research questions

Analytic methods

Mark awarded
Statement of the


Citation and






3.7.6 As per University Regulation 3.4, a candidate who has been barred from sitting for
Dissertation I Examination shall NOT be allowed to proceed with Dissertation II course
offered in the following semester.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 145

3.7.7 The barred student shall arrange with the Dean of School for an improvement
programme in Semester II for such candidate barred in Dissertation I.
3.7.8 Each student shall write DISSERTATION (Dissertation II) in Semester II of the MSc
URPM programme.
3.7.9 Modalities for assessing Dissertation II of MSc URPM programme is via a viva voce.

Viva Voce Examinations for MSc URPM Programme There shall be viva voce examination for MSc URPM. The Department of URP and
School Board (URP) shall be responsible for the conduct and processing of all
examinations results. The Senate Higher Degrees Research and Publication
Committee (SHDRPC) shall provide oversight responsibilities and forward the
results to the Senate for approval. The viva voce examination shall take place only after the School and SHDRPC and
Senate have been satisfied that the dissertation submitted by the candidate is
considered by the examiners to be satisfactory. The questions to be asked in the viva voce examination shall primarily focus on the
candidate's dissertation research area. Questions in peripheral areas are also
encouraged, if they help to establish the candidate's level of academic maturity on
the dissertation subject matter. The members of the viva voce panel shall be so selected as to ensure that sufficiently
qualified and experienced scholars in the research or related area examine the
candidate. The viva voce examination panel for MSc URPM shall comprise five academics who
shall be appointed by the SHDRPC on the recommendation by the School and the
Head of Department where the candidate is registered. The viva voce panel shall be
as follows:
(i) The School Dean or his/her nominee (Chairperson);
(ii) External Examiner (or his/her) representative, recommended by the School
(iii) Internal Examiner who assessed the dissertation;
(iv) The candidate's second supervisor (if applicable or appointee of the Dean);
(v) Head of Department (or his/her appointee). The Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publication or his/her
representative may attend the viva voce examination to guide panel members on the
conduct of the examination. The SHDRPC and Senate must approve the date of examination at least two weeks
before the examination. The time and place of the master’s defence shall be, officially announced by the
Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publication or the School at least two
(2) weeks before the scheduled oral defence. The defence may be held only if:
(i) The dissertation manuscript has been received by each member of the Master’s
Examination Panel at least one (1) week before the schedule examination; and
(ii) All members of the Examination Panel are present. If the External Examiner is
absent, she/he shall be required to send the comments to the Chair of the Panel
who shall integrate these in the final report. If any other member is absent the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 146

defence shall be rescheduled. The function of the viva voce shall be to ascertain that the dissertation presented
fulfils the following criteria:
(i) The dissertation is the original work of the candidate;
(ii) The broader subject area in which the study is based is fully grasped by the
(iii) Any weaknesses in the dissertation are adequately clarified by the candidate;
and a definite recommendation is made to the SHDRPC whether the candidate
should be declared as having passed or failed. The viva voce panellists should, as far as possible, work towards arriving at a
unanimous decision on the candidate's performance. Where the panellists are
unable to reach a unanimous agreement as to whether the candidate passes or fails,
a vote shall be taken to arrive at a decision. A majority vote shall be required for
passing the viva voce examination. At the end of the viva voce examination, the panel members shall sign viva voce
Examination Results Form ARU/PG.F11 giving specific recommendations on the
candidate's performance. This shall be submitted, along with a detailed report on
how the candidate handled the questions, to the Chairperson of SHDRPC for
further processing. Where there is a disagreement between the recommendation of the dissertation
examiners and viva voce examiners, the Senate's Higher Degrees Committee shall
study the case and recommend to Senate one of the following options:
(i) The candidate revises and re-submits the dissertation and subsequently re-
appears for a further oral/written, or practical examination, within a specified
period, but not exceeding 6 months since the date of the decision by Senate: or
(ii) The candidate is deemed to have failed outright. The duration of the viva voce examination for (URPM) dissertation shall not exceed
two hours:
(i) 30 minutes of presentation;
(ii) 1 hour and 15 minutes of questions and answers;
(iii) 15 minutes of deliberations. The final decision on the award of the higher degree shall be made by the Senate on
the recommendation of the SHDRPC. If the student fails the defence, he/she may submit himself/herself for a second
defence. Failure to pass the second defence disqualifies the student from the
master’s programme. Furthermore, this disqualifies the student from being
admitted into other master’s programmes offered by the School. Subsequent publications from a dissertation submitted for a Masters degree of the
Ardhi University must contain a statement that the work is based on a dissertation
submitted to the University. Appeals: The General University Examination Regulations of ARU (2008/9) shall
govern the conduct of appeals against the decision of the Senate pertaining to
examination results. Such appeals must be lodged within the appropriate
University authorities within six months from the date of approval of the results.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 147

Submission of dissertation for degree award The copies of the dissertation (4 copies for Masters) for initial submission should
be in loosely bound form. After satisfactorily completing all the corrections recommended by examiners
seven (7) hard bound error free copies of dissertations shall be submitted as a
requirement for graduation. The seven bound copies of the approved dissertations shall be distributed as
(i) The original copy for the University Library (ARU);
(ii) One copy for the Student;
(iii) One copy for the Dortmund University of Technology;
(iv) One copy for the host area/district where the study was conducted;
(v) One copy for the National Library and;
(vi) Two copies (one each) to the supervisors.
(vii) Soft copies of the Masters dissertations in PDF format shall be submitted to
ARU University and School Libraries.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 148

Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of Earth

Sciences, Real Estate, Business Studies and Informatics

In addition to the University General Examination Regulations, General Postgraduate

Regulations and General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study programmes of
Ardhi University the following Regulations shall apply for Postgraduate programmes in the
School of Geospatial Sciences and Technology

A. School regulations for the programmes of Postgraduate Diploma in

Geomatics, Master of Science in Geomatics and PhD in Geomatics

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics

1.1 General Regulations
1.1.1 Students, who are admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics, must complete
all the prescribed courses which add up to 31 course units
1.1.2 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade, which combines continuous
assessment and university examination at the end of each semester. Continuous
assessment in theoretical subjects shall account for 40%, while the university
examination accounts for 60%.
2. Continuous Assessment
2.1 For purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be a minimum of one homework, one
project based assignment and two written tests under examination conditions per
semester. A project based assignment shall involve conducting a literature search on a
given topic as deemed appropriate by the course coordinator. Assessment of the project
based assignment shall be done on the basis of a written report and oral presentation of
the assignment. Written tests, homework and project based assignment shall account for
20%, 5% and 15% respectively, all leading to an assessment of 40%. The marks for
written project based assignment and oral presentation shall be in the ratio of 2 to 1 of
3. Postgraduate Projects
3.1 Continuous assessment in these subjects shall comprise assessments of written report
and oral presentations, as the case may be in each department.
3.2 For purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be two oral presentations of
Postgraduate Project in the semester in which the subject is offered. The second
assessment shall be done, at the latest, one week before the university Examination
3.3 Continuous Assessment for project work shall account for 60% and final presentation
and written report for 40% all leading to an assessment of 100%.
3.4 Student’s progress status will be monitored/recorded in a Log Book.
3.5 The final assessment of project work shall comprise of oral presentation and written
3.6 Project Report shall be well bound, word processed in 1.5 spaced A4 sheets, Font 12. The
main body shall contain between 40 and 70 pages.
3.7 Three loose bound copies of the project reports endorsed by the supervisor(s) shall be
submitted to the Head of Department by the last Friday preceding the start of the
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 149

University Examinations for that semester. Students who fail to observe this rule
without compelling reasons shall be deemed to have failed the project.
3.8 The final assessment of project work shall comprise of oral presentation and written
3.9 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of two examiners, which shall consist of
the candidate’s supervisor and another examiner nominated by the Departments.
3.10 A Postgraduate Project may be passed subject to corrections
3.11 Any project which is passed subject to corrections shall be considered to be completed
when all errors/ mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by examiners have been corrected and,
three copies of acceptable hard copy bound project report endorsed by the Coordinator
are submitted to the head of the Department. Failure by the student to do so without
compelling reasons before the School Board meeting shall cause the project to be failed.
3.12 The assessment sheet for the written project report shall have the following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Form and Format of presentation(style, 10
language, word processing etc)
Literature review and referencing 10
Material collection 20
Data collection organization and analysis 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendation 20
Total 100

3.13. The assessment sheet for the final oral presentation shall have the following format:

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

3.14. Marks for written project report and final oral presentation of the same shall be in the
ratio of 5 to 1 of the 60%.

4. Transfer to MSc. Programme

4.1 The School shall prescribe subjects (pre-requisite/additional course) amounting to a
minimum of 4 units to qualified PGD students who wish to transfer to relevant M.Sc.
4.2 A GPA of at least 4.0 is required for one to qualify for transfer from PGD to relevant
M.Sc. Programme.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 150

5. Master of Science in Geomatics (By Course Work and Dissertation)

5.1 General Regulations

5.1.1 The registration period for the programme shall not exceed three years for full-time
students and four years for part time students.
5.1.2 Registration will take place during the first two weeks of semester I and Semester II of
the respective intake.
5.1.3 Completing the coursework component of the programme the candidate must Pass a
minimum of 36 units (26 of compulsory courses and 8 of elective) courses.
5.1.4 No candidate will be allowed to proceed to the dissertation phase before fulfilling all
coursework requirements
5.2 Seminar Papers
5.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) Seminar Papers per semester, which are
related to his/her dissertation work. Seminar papers shall be assessed and contribute
20% of the total dissertation marks.
5.2.2 Seminar papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisors(s) of the student.
5.2.3 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
5.2.4 The assessment sheet for the written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language), word processing etc.)
Literature Review and Referencing 10
Research Methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

5.2.5 The assessment sheet for oral presentation of seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remark
Marks Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

5.2.6 The marks for written scientific seminar paper and oral presentation of the same shall
be in the ratio of 4 to 1 of the 20%.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 151

Master of Science in Geomatics (By Thesis)

6.1 General Regulations

6.1.1 The registration period for the programme shall not exceed three years for full-time
students and five years for part-time students.

6.2 Seminar Papers

6.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) seminar papers per semester, which are
related to his/her dissertation work. Seminar papers shall be assessed and contribute
20% of total thesis marks.
6.2.2 Seminar papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
6.2.3 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
6.2.4 The assessment sheet for the written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc.)
Literature review and referencing 10
Research Methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

6.2.5 The assessment sheet for the oral presentation of the seminar paper shall have the
following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

6.2.6 The marks for the written scientific seminar paper and oral presentation of the same
shall be in the ratio of 4 to 1 of the 20%

Doctor of Philosophy

7.1 General Regulations

7.1.1 The registration period for PhD. Programme shall not exceed five years for full –time
students and seven years for part-time students.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 152

7.2 Seminar Papers

7.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) seminar papers per semester, which are
related to his/her PhD. Research work. Seminar papers shall be assessed but they shall
not contribute to the final assessment of a Ph.D. Thesis.
7.2.2 Passing seminar papers shall be a prerequisite for submission of a Ph. D. thesis for
examination. Pass mark for a seminar paper shall be 60%.
7.2.3 Seminar paper shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
7.2.4 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
7.2.5 The assessment sheet for written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc.)
Literature review and referencing 10
Research Methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

7.2.6 The assessment for the oral presentation of the seminar paper shall have the following

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 153

School Regulations for the Programmes of Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate,

Master of Science in Real Estate and PhD in Real Estate

1 Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate

1.1 General Regulation

1.1.1 Since the modular mode (part-time) may demand considerable time of a particular
teaching staff to be concentrated in short duration, the availability of the modular
mode shall be subject to a availability of such teaching staff.

1.2 Continuous Assessment

1.2.1 For the purpose of continuous assessment in all taught courses, there shall be a
minimum of Two Homeworks/Assignments and Two Written Tests under examination
conditions per semester. Written tests shall carry a weight of 3 against a weight of 1 for
homeworks all leading to an assessment of 40%.

1.3 Project Paper

1.3.1 The passing grade for a Project Paper shall be a ‘B’ or Higher. A candidate scoring
below a ‘B’ Grade shall be allowed to re-submit the failed Project Paper within a period
of three months from the date the results are published.
1.3.2 For the purpose of continuous Project Paper assessment, the Project Paper shall be
assessed three times. The School Board shall prescribe the time and venue of
1.3.3 A minimum panel of three school examiners shall attend and assess Oral Project Paper
1.3.4 Three loose bound Project Paper reports endorsed by the supervisor(s) shall be
submitted to the Department by the last Friday preceding the commencement of
University Examinations. Project Paper Reports NOT submitted within the specified
period without compelling reasons shall not be accepted by the Department.
1.3.5 A Project Paper may be passed subject to corrections. Any Project Paper which is
passed subject to corrections shall be considered to be completed only when the
errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiner(s) have been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Department and two hard bound copies of the dissertation
submitted to the Department. Failure by the student to do so without compelling
reasons before a date prescribed by the School shall cause the dissertation to be failed.
1.3.6 A student who fails in a project paper shall be given a maximum period of three
months from the date the Senate approves the results to re-submit the Project Paper.
1.3.7 A candidate failing in the re-submission of a Project Paper may be allowed another re-
submission of the Project Paper at the discretion of the Senate and the Senate shall
prescribe the time for such re-submission.
1.3.8 Project Paper Continuous assessment shall comprise 3 marked presentations of which
the first 2 presentations shall account 30% marks while the written Project work and
third (final) oral presentation shall account for 70%, all leading to an assessment of
1.3.9 The marks for the written project paper work and final (3 rd) oral presentation shall be
in the ration of 7 to 3 of 70%.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 154

1.3.10 The Assessment sheet for oral Project Paper presentations shall have the following
Name of Student: ……………………………….
Project Paper Title: ……………………………..
Name of Examiner ………………………………
Signature of Examiner: ………… Date: ……………..

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Understanding of the issue/problem 25
Data presentation, Analysis 25
arguments and discussion
Self Expression 20
Response to questions 30
Total 100

1.3.11 The assessment sheet for the written Project Paper Report shall be as follows:
Name of Candidate: …………………………………………
Project Paper Title: ………………………………………….
Name of Examiner …………………………………………..
Signature of Examiner ……………………………………….
Date: ………………………………………………………….

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (Style, 10
Language, Typing etc.)
Material Content and contribution to 25
Knowledge, Literature Review and Referencing
Data Collection, Processing and Analysis, 30
arguments & discussion
Quality of Conclusions and Practicability of 35
Total 100

1.3.12 Every Written Project Paper shall be examined by 2 Examiners appointed by the
School Board and approved by the Senate as follows:
i) The Supervisor who will act as the first Examiner
ii) A second Examiner appointed from within the University

1.4 Transfer to MSc. Programmes

1.4.1 The School shall prescribe subjects (pre-requisite/additional courses) amounting to a
minimum of 4 units to qualified PGD students who wish to transfer to relevant M.Sc.

1.4.2 A GPA of at least 4.0 is required for one to qualify for transfer from a PGD Programme
to relevant MSc. Programme.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 155

2. Master of Science in Real Estate (By Coursework and Dissertation)

2.1 Unless otherwise stated, a minimum of 30 units shall be completed to satisfy the
coursework requirement before proceeding to the dissertation phase.
2.2 No Candidate shall be allowed to proceed to the Dissertation phase before fulfilling all
course work requirements.
2.3 For the purpose of continuous assessment in all taught courses, there shall be a
minimum of Two Homeworks/Assignments and Two written Tests under examination
conditions per semester. Written tests shall carry a weight of 3 against a weight of 1 for
homeworks, all leading to an assessment of 40%.

2.4 Dissertation

2.4.1 There shall be 3 Oral Dissertation Presentations to be attended by a minimum panel of

3 members of the School Examiners.
2.4.2. Three loose bound Dissertation Reports, endorsed by the supervisor(s) shall be
submitted to the Department by the last Friday preceding the commencement of
University Examinations. Dissertation Reports NOT submitted within the specified
period without compelling reasons shall not be accepted by the Department.
2.4.3 A Dissertation may be passed subject to corrections. Any dissertation which is passed
subject to corrections shall be considered to be completed only when the
errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiner(s) have been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Department and two hard bound copies of the dissertation
submitted to the Department. Failure by the student to do so without compelling
reasons before a date prescribed by the School shall cause the dissertation to be failed.
2.4.4 Dissertation Continuous assessment shall comprise marking of the 3 presentations in
clause 21.0 above, of which the first 2 presentations shall account for 30% of the total
marks while the written Dissertation Report and third (Final) Oral presentation shall
account for 70%, all leading to an assessment of 100%.
2.4.5 The marks for the written dissertation work and final oral presentation shall be in the
ratio of 7 to 3 of 70%.
2.4.6 The Assessment sheet for oral Dissertation Presentations shall have the following
Name of Student: …………………………………………
Name of Examiner: ………………………………………
Signature of Examiner: …………… Date: …………..

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Understanding of the Problem 25
Data Presentation and Analysis 25
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 30
Total 100

2.4.7 The Assessment sheet for the written Dissertation Reports shall be as follows:
Name of Candidate: ……………………………………………
Dissertation Title: ……………………………………………..
Name of Examiner: …………………………………………..
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 156

Signature of Examiner: ……………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………….…
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (Style, Language, 10
Typing etc.)
Material Content and contribution to Knowledge, 25
Literature Review and Referencing
Data Collection, Processing and Analysis, 30
arguments & discussion
Quality of Conclusions and Practicability of 35
Total 100

2.4.8 Every Dissertation Report shall be examined by three examiners appointed by the
School Board and approved by the SENATE as follows;
(i) The Supervisor who will act as an Internal Examiner
(ii) An External examiner appointed from outside the University
(iii) An Examiner appointed from within the University

3. Master of Science in Real Estate (By Thesis)

3.1 The registration period for the programme shall not exceed three years for full-time
students and five years for part-time students.
3.2 Seminar Papers
3.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) Seminar Papers which are related to
his/her dissertation work per semester. Seminar papers shall be assessed and
contribute 20% of total Thesis marks.
3.2.2 Seminar Papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 3 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
3.3.3 The assessment of the Seminar Paper shall comprise an Oral Presentation and a
Written Paper.`
3.3.4 The assessment sheet for the Oral Presentation of the Seminar Paper shall have the
following format;
Name of Student:………………………………………
Project paper Title:……………………………………
Name of Examiner:……………………………………
Signature of Examiner:………………………………

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

marks Awarded
Understanding of the problem/issue 25
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 30
Total 100

3.3.5 The assessment sheet for the written Seminar Paper shall have the following format;
Name of Student:……………………………………………
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 157

Project paper Title:…………………………………………

Name of Examiner:…………………………………………
Signature of Examiner:………………………………………

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the problem/issue 15
Data presentation, Analysis arguments and 15
Self Expression 20
Response to questions 30
Conclusions and Recommendations 20
Total 100

4. Doctor of Philosophy
4.1 The registration period for a PhD programme shall not exceed 5 years for full- time
students and seven years for part-time students.

4.2 Seminar Papers

4.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) Seminar Papers which are related to
his/her PhD. Research work per Semester. Seminar Papers shall be assessed but they
shall not contribute to the final assessment of a PhD Thesis.
4.2.2 Passing a Seminar Paper shall be a prerequisite for submission of a PhD Thesis for
examination. Pass mark for a Seminar Paper shall be 60%.
4.2.3 Seminar Papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
the Supervisor(s) of the student.
4.2.4 The assessment of Seminar Papers shall comprise of an oral presentation and a written
4.2.5 The assessment sheet for oral Seminar Paper shall have the following format;
(i) Name of Candidate:……………………………………
(ii) Project Paper Title:……………………………………
(iii) Name of Examiner:…………………………………
(iv) Signature of Examiner:………………………………
(v) Date:……………………………………………….……..

4.2.6 The assessment for the Written Seminar Paper shall have the following format;
Name of Candidate:……………………………………
Project Paper Title:…………………………………
Name of Examiner:…………………………………
Signature of Examiner:………………………..……
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 158

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Form and Format of Presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc.)
Literature review and referencing 10
Research Methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 159

Examination Regulations for Postgraduate Programmes in the School of

Environmental Science and Technology

In addition to the University General Examination Regulations, General Postgraduate

Regulations and General Regulations and Guidelines for Postgraduate Study programmes of
Ardhi University, the following Regulations shall apply for Postgraduate programmes in the
School of Environmental Science and Technology

Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Technology and Management

1.1 General Regulations

1.1.1 Students, who are admitted to the postgraduate Diploma in Environmental
Technology and Management (PGD-ETM), must complete all the prescribed courses
which add up to 30 course units.
1.1.2 Completing a course shall mean scoring at least B grade, which combines continuous
assessment and university examination at the end of each semester. Continuous
assessment in theoretical subjects shall account for 40%, while the university
examination accounts for 60%.

1.2 Continuous Assessment

1.2.1 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be a minimum of one
homework, one project based assignment and two written tests under examination
conditions per semester. Project based assignment shall involve conducting a literature
survey on a given topic/laboratory assignment or any academic assignment as deemed
appropriate by the lecturer. Assessment of project based assignment shall be done on
the basis of a written report and oral presentation of the assignment. Written tests,
homework and project based assignment shall account for 20%, 5% and 15 %,
respectively, all leading to an assessment of 40%. The marks for the written project
based assignment and oral presentation shall be in the ratio of 2 to 1 of 15%.

1.3 Postgraduate Projects

1.3.1 Continuous assessment in these subjects shall comprise assessments of written report
and oral presentations, as the case may be in each department.
1.3.2 For the purpose of continuous assessment, there shall be two oral presentations of
Postgraduate Project in the semester in which the subject is offered. The second
assessment shall be done, at the latest, one week before the University Examinations
1.3.3 Continuous assessment for project work shall account for 60% and final presentation
and written report for 40% all leading to an assessment of 100%.
1.3.4 Project work shall be handed in to the Department two days before University
Examinations for that Semester start. Final project work not submitted within
specified period without compelling reasons shall be penalized by deducting from the
total score five marks per day.
1.3.5 Project work shall be word processed in 1.5 spaced A 4 sheets, Font 12, well bound and
submitted in two copies. The main body shall contain between 40 and 70 pages.
1.3.6 The final assessment of project work shall comprise of oral presentation and written
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 160

1.3.7 The final assessment shall be made by a panel of two examiners, which shall consist of
the candidate’s supervisor and another examiner nominated by the Department.
1.3.8 The assessment sheet for the written project report shall have the following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc).
Literature review and referencing 10
Material content 20
Data collection organization and analysis 20
Design/Graphics/Modeling 20
Conclusion and Recommendation 20
Total 100

1.3.9 The assessment sheet for the final oral presentation shall have the following format:

Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks

Marks Awarded
Understanding of the problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of Design/Graphics 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

1.3.10 A Postgraduate Project may be passed as it is, failed outright or passed subject to
1.3.11 Any Postgraduate Project, which is passed subject to corrections, shall be considered
to be completed when all errors/mistakes/shortfalls pointed out by the examiners
have been corrected, and an acceptable hard bound project report, endorsed by the
supervisor is submitted to the Department. Failure by student to do so without
compelling reasons before the School Board meeting shall cause the project to be
1.3.12 The marks for written project report and final oral presentation of the same shall be
in the ratio of 5 to 1 of the 60%.

1.4 Transfers to MSc. Programmes

1.4.1 The School shall prescribe subjects (pre-requisite/additional courses) amounting to a
minimum of 4 units to qualified PGD students who wish to transfer to relevant M.Sc.
1.4.2 A GPA of at least 4.0 is required for one to qualify for transfer from PGD to relevant
M.Sc. Programme.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 161

2. Masters Degree (By Course Work and Dissertation)

2.1 General regulations
2.1.1 The registration period for the programme shall not exceed three years for full-time
students and four years for part-time students.
2.1.2 Registration will take place during the first two weeks of Semester I and Semester II of
the respective intake.
2.1.3 Completing the coursework component of the programme the candidate must pass a
minimum of 34 units (25 units of core courses and 9 units of electives).
2.1.4 No candidate shall be allowed to proceed to the dissertation phase before fulfilling all
coursework requirements.
2.2 Seminar Papers
2.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) seminar papers per semester, which are
related to his/her dissertation work. Seminar papers shall be assessed and contribute
20% of the total dissertation marks.
2.2.2 Seminar papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
2.2.3 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
2.2.4 The assessment sheet for the written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc).
Literature review and referencing 10
Research methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

2.2.5 The assessment sheet for the oral presentation of the seminar paper shall have the
following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

2.2.6 The marks for the written scientific seminar paper and oral presentation of the same
shall be in the ratio of 4 to 1 of the 20%.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 162

3. Masters Degree (By Thesis)

3.1 General regulations

3.1.1 The registration period for the programme shall not exceed three years for full-time
students and five years for part-time students.

3.2 Seminar Papers

3.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) seminar papers per semester, which are
related to his/her dissertation work. Seminar papers shall be assessed and contribute
20% of the total thesis marks.
3.2.2 Seminar papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
3.2.3 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
3.2.4 The assessment sheet for the written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc).
Literature review and referencing 10
Research methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

3.2.5 The assessment sheet for the oral presentation of the seminar paper shall have the
following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks (%) Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100

3.2.6 The marks for the written scientific seminar paper and oral presentation of the same
shall be in the ratio of 4 to 1 of the 20%.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 163

4. PhD
4.1 General regulations
4.1.1 The registration period for the Ph.D. programme shall not exceed five years for full-
time students and seven years for part-time students.

4.2 Seminar papers

4.2.1 A candidate shall prepare and present two (2) seminar papers per semester, which are
related to his/her PhD research work. Seminar papers shall be assessed but they shall
not contribute to the final assessment of a Ph.D. thesis.
4.2.2 Passing seminar papers shall be a prerequisite for submission of a Ph.D. thesis for
examination. Pass mark for a seminar paper shall be 60%.
4.2.3 Seminar papers shall be assessed by a panel of at least 5 internal examiners including
supervisor(s) of the student.
4.2.4 The assessment of seminar paper shall comprise of oral presentation and a written
scientific paper.
4.2.5 The assessment sheet for the written scientific seminar paper shall have the following
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Form and Format of presentation (style, 10
language, word processing etc).
Literature review and referencing 10
Research methodology 20
Data analysis and interpretation 20
Discussion of results 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Total 100

4.2.6 The assessment sheet for the oral presentation of the seminar paper shall have the
following format:
Marking Criteria Maximum Marks Remarks
Marks Awarded
Understanding of the research problem 10
Data analysis and interpretation 25
Discussion of results 20
Self Expression 20
Response to Questions 25
Total 100
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 164



1. Preamble
These Regulations are promulgated by the Council of Ardhi University to make
provisions and provide for procedures of offering honorary degrees to distinguished and
outstanding persons who deserve high recognition in society and humanity at large.

2. Citation
These Regulations shall be cited as Ardhi University Honorary Degrees Regulations ……
and shall come into force on the day of their approval by the Council of Ardhi University
and effective from 2015/2016 academic year.

3. Honorary Degree
Honorary Degree or Degree honoris causa is a degree which Ardhi University is
empowered to award under section (6(1)(c) of Ardhi University Charter, 2007. It is a
degree which the University will award having waived the usual academic requirements
of completing a programme of study and passing University examinations.

4. Honorary Degrees to be awarded

Ardhi University shall only confer doctorates as honorary degrees. The following degrees
may be offered for conferment as honorary degrees:
(a) Doctor of Science, Sc.D
(b) Doctor of Letters, Litt.D
(c) Doctor of Science in Human Settlements, Hs.D

This list may be varied from time to time by the University Council.

5. Frequency and number of Honorary Doctorates to be awarded

The Honorary doctorate degree of Ardhi University will be awarded only once every two
or more years, subject to the identification of a suitable candidate; and only one honorary
doctorate degree will be conferred at a particular graduation ceremony.

6. Admissible Nominees for Award of Honorary Degrees

An offer for the award of an honorary degree can be made to a nominee in person inter
vivos, or may be made posthumously.

7. Persons Qualifying for Award of Honorary Degrees

Honorary degrees of Ardhi University shall only be awarded to a person from within or
without the University, who has either:
(a) Rendered distinguished service in the advancement of learning; or,
(b) Made distinguished and notable contribution in the application of knowledge to
solve real life problems; or,
(c) Made distinguished and outstanding contribution towards advancing humanity
and human rights; or,
(d) Made meritorious and outstanding service to the University, the United
Republic of Tanzania or to humanity at large.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 165

8. Nomination for award of Honorary Degrees

8.1 Notice for Proposals

The Vice Chancellor shall, subject to rule 5, issue a general notice inviting all Senators
and Councilors to submit proposals for the award of an honorary degree. The notice may
include the University’s priority areas for the awards.

8.2 Persons qualifying to make proposals for the award of honorary degrees
Proposals for the award of honorary degrees can only be made by a member of the Senate
or Council of Ardhi University.

8.3 Submission of Proposals

Proposals for the award of a honorary degree shall be made using Form HDF-1 appended
to these regulations and submitted in a sealed envelope marked “STRICTLY
CONFIDENTIAL” to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs (DVC-AA) by late
April that year.

It is important from the beginning of the process of nomination through to the point at
which a decision is reached and the successful candidate has been invited by the
Chancellor, that a high level of confidentiality be maintained. It would be a major
embarrassment if a nominee was made aware of their nomination and then was
subsequently unsuccessful. Equally, it would be embarrassing for the University if there
was disclosure in the public domain prior to the successful candidate receiving official
notification from the Chancellor.

No application from any person desirous of receiving an Honorary Degree shall be

entertained. Moreover, the University will not entertain any kind of lobbying from any
potential candidate. Any candidate who will be found out to have engaged in lobbying
will be disqualified.

8.4 Admissible Proposals

Only proposals submitted by qualifying persons and which contain the following
supporting documents shall be admitted and shortlisted by the DVC-AA and passed over
to the Honorary Degrees Committee of Ardhi University, namely:
(a) A satisfactory Bio-Data of the proposed recipient of the award;
(b) An updated curriculum vitae of the proposed recipient;
(c) A statement of attributes, that is, elaborate and concise explanation of the person’s
specific and distinguished service or contribution for which recognition by Ardhi
University is deserving through the award of the proposed honorary degree;

8.5 Submission of Proposals to the Honorary Degrees Committee

8.5.1 The Honorary Degrees Committee

The Honorary Degrees Committee of Ardhi University shall be constituted of the
following persons:
(a) The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs (DVC-AA) who shall also be the
Chairperson and Convener of the Committee
(b) The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Finance and Administration (DVC-PFA)
(c) One member of Senate appointed in that behalf by the Senate
(d) One member of the Council appointed in that behalf by the Council
(e) One member from the civil society appointed in that behalf by the Senate
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 166

The Honorary Degrees Committee shall be free to co-opt any Dean or Director of a
School/Institute/Centre considered to have relevant contribution in respect of any
proposed awardee to be considered by the Committee

The Honorary Degrees Committee will be set up by the DVC-AA as and when there is a
candidate or candidates to be considered for the award of Ardhi University Honorary

The tenure of the Honorary Degrees Committee will persist from the time it is set up
through to the time when its recommendations have been considered and a honorary
degree is awarded; or when it is decided that there is no suitable candidate from the
recommendations for the award.

A new Honorary Degrees Committee will be set up for a new phase of nominations.

8.5.2 Report by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs

The nominations for the award of the Ardhi University honorary degree shall be
submitted to the Honorary Degrees Committee by way of the Report of the Deputy Vice
Chancellor Academic Affairs on the Candidates proposed to be awarded an Honorary
Degree of Ardhi University during the relevant year. The Report shall inform the
Committee the following:
(a) Number of proposals received for the nomination of candidates and the persons who
submitted these proposals.
(b) Number of proposals admitted and shortlisted for consideration by the Committee.
(c) Number of Proposals not admitted and reasons thereof.

The Report shall be accompanied by copies of Form HDF-1 as submitted by the


8.6 Procedures in the Honorary Degrees Committee

8.6.1 Procedures governing proceedings

The Committee shall agree on its own procedures in deliberating the DVC-AA’s Report

8.6.2 Nomination of Proposed Awardees

The Committee shall, after deliberations of the DVC-AA Report, make nomination of a
person or persons recommended to the Chancellor for the award of any specific honorary

At most, three names will be proposed. If there is more than one name, the Committee
will indicate them in order of priority.

The Honorary Degrees Committee will propose an Orator for each nominee

8.6.3 Nominations to be submitted to the University Management through

the Vice Chancellor

Recommendation by the Honorary Degrees Committee shall be submitted to the Ardhi

University Management, as established at the time, headed by the Vice Chancellor and
including DVCs, the Bursar, and Deans and Directors of various units.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 167

8.7 University Management to submit nomination (s) to Senate and Council

for endorsement
The University Management shall consider the recommendations of the Honorary
Degrees Committee and come up with one name for the award, which will be submitted
to Senate and Council for endorsement and approval.

8.8 Chancellor to approve the nomination

The Chancellor of Ardhi University will approve the proposed awardee for an Honorary
Degree of Ardhi University after endorsement by Senate and Council.

The Chancellor will inform the nominee in writing of the offer to award him/her an
Honorary Degree of Ardhi University.

9. Conferment of Honorary Degree

9.1 Acceptance Mandatory

No honorary degree shall be conferred upon any person unless such person has expressly
accepted the offer made to him or her by Ardhi University after the Chancellor’s approval
of the nomination(s).

9.2 Honorary Degrees to be awarded during Graduation Ceremonies

The honorary Degrees of Ardhi University shall usually be conferred during scheduled
Graduation Ceremonies. Exceptionally, where conditions so dictate, the Honorary degree
can be awarded in between graduations.

9.3 Conferment inter vivos to be only in Presentia

Any person to be awarded an honorary degree of Ardhi University shall only be conferred
such a degree in person at a specified graduation ceremony. Provided that in
circumstances that necessitate deferment, such a person may request the award to be
deferred to a future graduation ceremony.

9.4 Conferment Posthumous

Where an Honorary degree is to be awarded posthumously, it shall be so accepted by the
surviving head of the deceased’s family or such other nominee of the family as shall have
been communicated to Ardhi University by the said family. The nominee shall receive the
award in person and follow all procedures as if the award was made inter vivos.

9.5 Ceremony of Conferment

9.5.1 Convocation Address

The person who has accepted the award of an honorary degree of Ardhi University may
be invited to give a Convocation Address at the convocation gathering preceding the
graduation ceremony at which the honorary degree shall be awarded.

9.5.2 Order of the Proceedings for the award

The recipient of the honorary degree will be adorned with the special honorary degree
gown and participate in the academic procession and be seated at the graduation arena
upon termination of the procession.
The following shall be the order of proceedings for the conferment of the honorary
(i) Reading of the decision of the Chancellor
The decision of the Chancellor to confer the Recipient with the honorary degree
of Ardhi University shall be read out to the graduation congregation.
(ii) Oration of the Recipient
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 168

The oration of the Recipient shall be read by a Professor of Ardhi University

who is conversant with the works of the Recipient and who will have been
proposed by the Honorary Degrees Committee.
(iii) Presentation for Conferment
The Orator shall perform the presentation of the Recipient to the Chancellor
(iv) Conferment of the Honorary Degree
The Chancellor shall confer the Honorary Degree
(v) Hooding or Ring Fitting
The President of the Convocation of Ardhi University shall either hood the
Recipient, or, fit the Recipient with Ardhi university Doctoral ring.
(vi) Presentation of the honorary Degree Parchment
The vice Chancellor of Ardhi University shall present to the Recipient the Ardhi
University Honorary Degree Parchment
(vii) Delivery of the Honorary Degree Acceptance Speech
The awardee of the Honorary Degree will then proceed to the rostrum to deliver
the Honorary Degree Acceptance Speech.

10. Rights, Privileges and Rescission of the Honorary Degree

The rights and privileges of the holder of an Honorary Degree of Ardhi University shall
be clearly spelt out in the Honorary Degree Parchment. Rescission of the honorary
Degree will be governed by the rules of Ardhi University governing the rescission of
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 169

Form HDF-1



Members of Ardhi University COUNCIL and SENATE who wish to nominate a qualifying
person as a Recipient of the Ardhi University Honorary Degree are required to fill in this

1. Particulars of the Proposer

1.1 Name:
1.2 Designation (Please tick) Member of COUNCIL
Member of SENATE

2. Particulars of the Proposed Recipient

2.1 Name ________________________________________________________

2.2 Degree Proposed: _______________________________________________

2.3 Basis of Proposing (Please tick)

Candidate has rendered distinguished service in the advancement of any

branch of learning
Candidate has rendered himself/herself worthy such a degree by his/her
distinguished contribution in the application of knowledge to solve real
Candidate has rendered himself/herself worth of such a degree by his/her
distinguished contribution towards advancing human rights
Candidate has made meritorious and outstanding service to the University,
the United Republic of Tanzania or to humanity at large

2.4 Brief Bio-data of the proposed Recipient (also attach an updated CV). Use or attach
additional papers if necessary.
Specific attributes (elaborate specific contribution as per section 2.3 above). Use or
attach additional documentation if necessary.

2.5 Name and Qualifications of the Proposed Orator:

ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 170



Regulations on Student Credit Transfer at Ardhi University

1. Introduction
These guidelines provide framework for students from other Universities to transfer their
credits to and enable them to continue their studies and attain their degree at Ardhi
University (ARU). The guidelines are in accordance with the Tanzania Commission for
Universities (TCU) Credit Accumulation and Transfer General Guidelines 2012 revised in

2. Outline of Guidelines
The following comprises sections of credit transfer guidelines:
1. General principles of credit transfer
2. Credit transfer criteria from other universities to ARU
3. Role of ARU
4. Role of releasing institution
5. Role of the student
6. Procedures and administration of student credit transfer

2.1 General principles of credit transfer

Students’ transfer from other Universities to ARU or programmes within ARU is permissible
under the following principles:
a) Credit transfer applies to all ARU programmes of study at undergraduate and
postgraduate levels
b) Students may transfer credits awarded by other regional University or higher
education institution accredited by TCU or foreign universities or institutions of
higher education accredited by their appropriate national educational authorities to
ARU as long as that university/institution is judged to be substantially comparable
in level to ARU with respect to the University Charter.
c) Students transferring Credits from other Universities to ARU will be considered on a
space available basis only.
d) ARU students on study-abroad programmes (such as exchange or joint
programmes) shall be allowed to transfer credits obtained from the other University
to ARU provided that there is a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the
two Universities that clearly stipulates credit transfer arrangements in line with the
credit accumulation and transfer requirements;
e) The relevancy and equivalence of courses shall be determined by the following
i) The course must have a theoretical component involving a final module
examination on the whole course content at the end of the course.
ii) Course contents must be comparable in nature and level and match at least
75% to that of ARU course
iii) The number of teaching hours used to cover the course must not be less than
75% of those used at ARU.
iv) Once a course has been accepted as being equivalent to an ARU course as per
the criteria, the course shall be given the same number of units/credits as
that of the course at ARU regardless of the units/credits in the other
f) Transferring students should be aware that a core subject course or module in
another University might not necessarily be a core subject, course or module at
g) Transferred students shall earn credits only for the successfully completed courses;
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 171

h) Students discontinued from other universities on academic or disciplinary grounds

are not allowed to transfer credits to ARU;
i) Number of credits and grades earned for a course will be included in calculating
Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the
j) Conversion of grades shall be done according to the following rules:
i) A grade for the transferring student shall be obtained by anchoring the pass
mark obtained from the other University to that of ARU and accordingly
determining the range of marks in the other University for ARU grades
ii) In the case where only grades (and not scored marks) are available, the lower
equivalent grade shall be assumed.

2.2 Credit transfer criteria from other Universities to ARU

A student who intends to transfer for the purpose of accumulating credits on a specific
subject, module or course or part of it shall be required to fulfill the following conditions:
a) Must have been registered in the programme at the previous University/institution
where the credits were accumulated.
b) The applicant’s academic entry qualifications in the previous University shall be
similar to that required by ARU including the respective programme’s cut-off point
in the relevant year.
c) The subject, course or module intended for credit accumulation must be relevant to
the programme to which the student is registered;
d) The subject, course or module has been successfully completed before credits can be
e) Credit transfer can only be allowed if such credits have been obtained within a
period of not more than five (5) years;
f) With the exception of students under exchange or joint programme for which a MoU
exists, a student who intends to transfer for purposes of graduating at ARU shall be
required to earn at least 50% of the total credits from ARU core courses.

2.3 Role of ARU

ARU shall:
a) Satisfy itself that the student seeking transfer from another University had met the
conditions for transfer;
b) Ensure that all transfer arrangements made by the other University are acceptable;
c) Counsel the student on compliance requirements for any mismatch between the
d) Upon receiving the student notify TCU and any relevant authorities that the student
has reported for studies;
e) Submit the student’s credit transfer request letter to TCU
f) Submit to TCU all copies of academic certificates and provisional results/transcripts
from the University from which the student is transferred.
g) Indicate the requested year of transfer and proposed semester as per 50% credit
transfer regulations
h) Submit to TCU the credits comparison matrix which shows:
i) Course credits earned from another University and the year of study against
those of ARU
ii) Student’s details including full name, gender, proof of previous academic
qualifications, nationality and nature of disability (where applicable).
i) Communicate the transfer to TCU prior to registration to allow TCU to evaluate
student’s eligibility to the programmes he/she wishes to transfer to so as to avoid
j) Ensure that TCU has received, evaluated and endorsed the credit transfer before the
student is admitted and/or registered at ARU.
ARU Prospectus for Academic Year 2018/19 172

2.4 Role of the releasing institution

The releasing University shall:
a) Facilitate the student’s transfer and provide the necessary information on the
student and the programme;
b) Provide evidence of the amount of time the student has spent on unsupervised
workload, which is aiming at achieving learning outcomes;
c) Provide detailed transcripts/statement of results indicating credits and grades
awarded to the transferring student;
d) Provide an authentic and signed letter to ARU, which contains relevant student’s

2.5 Role of the student

The student wishing to transfer credits to a programme at ARU shall:
a) Apply and secure admission at ARU using the standing University application
b) Understand and accept the terms and conditions regarding the programme to which
he/she is intending to transfer;
c) Take the necessary measures to ensure that, on being transferred he/she will cope
with the learning environment at ARU;
d) Confirm his/her acceptance of the terms and conditions set by ARU; and,
e) Notify his/her sponsor about the transfer through the receiving institution.
f) Meet all costs and expenses arising from credit transfer process

2.6 Procedures and administration of student credit transfer

a) Applications for credit transfer into specific programme should be submitted to the
Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs (DVC-AA), in writing, and attaching copies
of all supporting documents required for admission of first-time student.
b) All applications shall be scrutinized by relevant committees responsible for
admission at the School/Institute levels before reaching Senate for approval.
c) Students transferring from other universities to ARU shall apply for credit transfer
at least three months before the beginning of the semester they want to join.
Applications of students under exchange or joint programmes shall be dealt with on
case-by-case basis.
d) Supporting documents for credit transfer application shall include the following:
i) Certified transcripts/statement of results from the previous University
ii) Letter of introduction/recommendation from the previous University
iii) Course description, catalogue or syllabus (to include specific content that
covered, number of hours of teaching, method of assessment and grading
iv) An official translation of the original documents (in case of non-English
v) Personal identification documents e.g. Birth certificate, passport or ID and
current and valid passport photo
vi) Certified copies of the original certificates used to gain admission into the
previous University.
e) Credit transfer applicants must pay a non-refundable fee to be determined from
time to time by ARU council unless stated otherwise in the respective MoU
governing the ARU students under exchange or joint programmes.

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