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Residual Stresses. Residual Stresses Are Created in A Wire Wire Vibrations. Since Wires Are Typically Unsupported

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Fig. 7. Longitudinal metallographic section of a copper Fig. 8. Longitudinal metallographic section of a copper
wire that was plated with nickel to preserve the wire that has been plated with nickel to preserve the
subsurface. A line of cracks is revealed below the subsurface. A delamination fine is captured here lifting
surface that was created via delamination wear. The off the wire surface.
material between the wire surface and the crack-line
experiences greater deformation than the rest of the

at the wire-die interface, albeit the surface contact area and ing the die must be at an angle to the die axis. Second, resid-
sliding distance are low. On the other hand, low-angled ual stresses can cause the wire to move off the die axis in favor
dies reverse this situation by lowering die pressure and of its preferred cast. Consequently, attempting to align dies as
increasing the contact area and sliding distance. An opti- if the wire were a “string” that could be strung along the die
mal total included die angle of 16 to 20 degrees balances axis may not result in the optimal die alignment.
these competing influences. Wire vibrations. Since wires are typically unsupported
Residual stresses. Residual stresses are created in a wire between the capstan and the die, they may undergo severe
during typical drawing processes due to several factors. If the vibrations as a result of stick-slip oscillations, impinging
residual stresses are created fairly uniformly around the cir- lubricant flow or machinery oscillations. Except for fine wire
cumference of the wire, then their influence on fines is negli- drawing, vibrations seem innocuous because the wire usually
gible. One source of uniform residual stress is uniform wire impacts nothing other than the capstan and the die. However,
surface heating during drawing and subsequent cooling prior the influence of wire vibrations at the die entrance is, in fact,
to the next die pass. On the other hand, the residual stresses substantial. Wire vibrations cause oscillations in the wire near
created within a wire are often highly non-uniform, which the die surface, and may create three problems, namely:
does accelerate fines generation. Baker and Pops have 1) The hydrodynamic lubricant film is disturbed. As noted
explained in detail how non-uniform internal stresses may before, in high-speed drawing with liquid lubricants, it is best
develop13. These stresses cause the wire to shift off its die axis to have the thickest and most comprehensive hydrodynamic
and result in asymmetric drawing. A realistic cross-section of lubricant film possible. However, this lubricant film is fragile,
such a wire and die is illustrated in Fig. 13. Asymmetric draw- and is most stable only with constant fluid flow. Vibrations of
ing causes the wire to experience extreme pressures on one the wire disturb the hydrodynamic process and do not give the
point in its circumference which are higher than the pressure film enough stability to develop its full potential.
expected by the die design. In Fig. 13 the top of the wire has 2) Die areas are subject to fatigue. Wire vibrations acceler-
a longer contact length with the die, which would therefore ate die wear by placing die areas under cyclic stresses, as illus-
increase fines generation via this increased sliding contact. trated in Fig. 14. Vibrations alter the location of worn areas in
When the reduction zone is too small, the top of the wire the reduction zone and create a wider wear ring. Basic fatigue
might even hit the bell, again creating substantially more theory dictates that materials under cyclic stresses will fail at
fines. On the other hand, the bottom of the wire can cause much lower applied stresses than materials under static stress.
greater die pressures, which would also lead to increased 3) Higher die pressures are generated. As the wire oscillates
fines. with respect to the die, it increases the maximum die pressure
It has been mentioned already that gross mis-alignment and consequently increases die wear, as seen in Fig. 14.
between the wire and the die can cause high fines generation. Sometimes wire surfaces show evidence of transverse
Unfortunately, a perfectly aligned die is most often unachiev- scratches that result from vibrations of the wire at the die exit,
able for two reasons. First, in cone-type machines the die as shown in Fig. 15. Wire vibrations at the die exit may not
changes the wire’s direction slightly to allow for proper con- have a significant influence on die wear or the lubricant film,
tact with the capstans. Consequently, the wire entering or exit- but marks on the wire surface created at the die exit will accel-


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