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SOP For Sampling On Paver

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The document describes different methods for sampling asphalt mixes at various stages of production and construction including from conveyor belts, pavers, truck transports, and roadways both before and after compaction. Proper sampling is important to obtain representative samples for quality control testing.

The different methods described for sampling asphalt mixes are from conveyor belts, pavers, truck transports, and roadways both prior to and after compaction.

When shipping samples, they should be transported in containers to prevent loss or contamination and have identification attached with information such as contract number, pit file data, stockpile number, sample number, control section, date sampled, tests required, and details on who submitted the sample.

STP 103

Standard Test Section: SAMPLING

Procedures Manual Subject: SAMPLING ASPHALT MIXES


1.1. Description of Test

These methods cover sampling of bituminous paving mixes at the points of manufacture,
storage or delivery.


2.1. Number of Samples

The number of samples to be obtained by one of the methods described below depends on
the criticality and variability of the property to be measured. The number of samples
should be sufficient to provide the desired confidence in test results.

Unless otherwise specified, sampling frequency shall be:

For routine production control, take one sample for every 3 hours of plant operation.

For check testing of field laboratory results, submit samples to district or central
laboratories as described in STP 101.

Sampling intervals or locations should be selected by a random method and should be

clearly designated before samples are selected.


3.1. Sampling

3.1.1. Sampling From Conveyor Belt

Stop the conveyor belt carrying bituminous mix and insert the templates which
conform to the shape of the belt.

Space the templates so that the material contained between them will yield a
sample of the required weight shown in Table I.

Carefully scoop all materials between the templates into a suitable container.

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Standard Test Procedures Manual STP 103
Section: Subject:

3.1.2. Sampling From Paver

Stop the paver carrying bituminous mix and scoop the bituminous material into a
suitable container. Scoop enough material so that the sample can be split into two
2500 gram samples. Samples can be obtained from the paver at designated lots.
Sampling from the paver is primarily used to obtain samples for Abson testing.

3.1.3. Sampling From Truck Transports

Select the truck unit to be sampled by a random method.

Obtain at least three approximately equal increments selected at random from the
unit being sampled and combine to form a field sample of the quantity shown in
Table I.

The increments may be obtained by placing containers in the transport at the

appropriate time to catch the increments with a scoop or shovel.

3.1.4. Sampling From Roadway Prior to Compaction

Select the areas to be sampled from the material in place, by a random method.

Clearly mark the specific areas from which each increment is to be removed.
Templates placed before the mixture is spread will be a definite aid in securing
approximate increment weights.

Obtain at least three approximately equal increments selected at random from the
area being sampled and combine to form a field sample of the quantity shown in
Table I.

Take all increments from the roadway for the full depth of the material, taking care
to exclude any underlying material.

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Standard Test Procedures Manual STP 103
Section: Subject:


Maximum Nominal Approximate Weight Approximate Area

Size of Aggregate Of Uncompacted of In-Place
Mixture (kg) Mixture (cm2)

2.00 mm 2 250
4.00 mm 2 250
9.00 mm 4 250
12.50 mm 5 500
18.00 mm 7 700
25.00 mm 10 1000
40.00 mm 12 1000
50.00 mm 20 1500

3.1.5. Sampling From Roadway After Compaction

Samples shall be collected in accordance with STP 204-5, ASPHALT


3.2. Shipping

Transport samples in containers so constructed as to prevent loss or contamination to any

part of the sample during shipment.

Samples shall have individual identification attached giving the information required by
the sample user. Typical information for plant mixed samples should include field test
results such as contract number, pit file, data, stockpile number, sample number, control
section, date sampled and any other pertinent information.

Samples taken from roadway should include such information as station number and
transverse location in pavement, also whether sampled from completed pavement or
windrow, quantity represented, date, tests required, and by whom submitted, etc.

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Standard Test Procedures Manual STP 103
Section: Subject:


4.1. General Sampling

Sampling is equally important as the testing and the sampler must take every precaution to
obtain samples that will yield an acceptable estimate of the nature and conditions of the
materials which they represent.

Samples for control testing and development of preliminary data are obtained by the lab
person or plant inspector.

The materials shall be inspected to determine discernible variations and the contractor will
provide necessary equipment needed for safe inspection and sampling.

4.2. References


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Standard Test Procedures Manual STP 103
Section: Subject:


New Revision X Date of Previous Document 92-07-25

Effective Date: 93-03-26
Description of Revision (Reason for Revision):
- Procedure for sampling from paver has been added. This procedure was
added for samples taken for Abson testing.

Review/Implementation Process:
- Reviewed by the Lab Supervisors Committee and End Product Specification

Other Manuals/Policies Affected:


Follow Up/Training Required:


Comments/Concerns/Implications (Budget/Environment/Stakeholders):

Prepared and Recommended by D. MacLeod 93-03-22

Quality Control Engineer Date

Approval Recommended by R.A. Widger 93-03-24

Senior Materials Engineer Date

Approval Recommended by A.R. Gerbrandt 93-03-24

Dir., Technical Standards & Policies Br. Date

Approved by D.G. Metz 93-03-26

Assistant Deputy Minister, Infrastructure Date

Electronic File Updated 93-04-28

Update Mailed - -

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