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Experiment No 1

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Reducing Aggregate Field Samples to Test Samples
Referenced Standard:
ASTM C702-87
AASHTO T248-89

Investigation of a large quantity of aggregates may sometimes become
impractical, thus, only a representative sample is obtained for specific tests. This sample
when obtained and prepared properly is expected to possess the average characteristics
of the entire quantity of field sample.
Sampling methods introduced in this experiment can be used to reduce a large
mass of field sample into representative samples for succeeding aggregate tests. The
Splitting Method is recommended for samples smaller than 45 mm (1 ”). Sampler splitter

with 25 mm openings are for aggregates having a maximum size of 19 mm (3”) and the
sampler splitter with 50 mm (2”) openings are for aggregates up to 45 mm (1 ”). The
Quartering Method is used for coarse aggregates larger than 45 mm (1 ”).

1. To be able to learn how to obtain and prepare test samples from field samples
2. To understand the significance of aggregate sampling in civil engineering

Spade Containers Sieves (25mm, 45mm,
50mm) Sample Splitter Trowel or Scoop
Aggregates Field Samples

1. Take a representative sample of aggregates from the field. Refer to Table 1
for the minimum requirements for field samples. The sample must be dry and
free from roots and debris. Wash the field samples as needed then dry allow
to thoroughly dry before reducing them to test size.
2. Mix the clean and dry field samples thoroughly until it appears to be
3. Use the following methods (Splitting and Quartering) for reducing the field
samples to testing size:
A. Splitting Method
1. Place the two catch pans under the splitter.
2. Part by part, pour the sample into the splitter uniformly allowing the
aggregates to pass through the splitter opening to the catch pans.
3. When full, empty the catch pans unto a container. Two separate
containers must be used to store the two fractions of aggregates that
passed the splitter.
4. Complete the pouring of the entire quantity of field sample into the
splitter. Use a brush to collect the samples from the splitter. Refer to
Table 2 for the minimum requirements for test samples.
5. Label the containers with which the test samples are placed.
B. Quartering Method
1. Place the field sample on a clear, smooth and hard surface.
2. Mix the samples thoroughly until it appears homogeneous then form it
into a mound.
3. Flatten the mound by pressing it down carefully at its apex by a shovel
until a uniform thickness and diameter are obtained.
4. Using the shovel, divide the flattened mass into quarters. Include the
fine particles in the surface.
5. Collect in one container the aggregates in two diagonally opposite
quarters and in another container the other two quarters. Take note of
the minimum requirements shown in Table 2. Label containers with
samples appropriately for further tests.
Table 1
Recommended Size/quantity of Field Samples
Approximate Minimum Mass of Field
Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregates
Fine Aggregates
3.36 mm (#8) 10 kg (25 Lbs)
4.75 mm (#4) 10 kg (25 Lbs)
Coarse Aggregates
9.5 (3/8”) 10 kg (25 Lbs)
12.5 (1/2”) 15 kg (35 Lbs)
19.0 (3/4”) 25 kg (55 Lbs)
25.0 (1”) 50 kg (110 Lbs)
37.5 (11”) 75 kg ( 165 Lbs)

50 (2”) 100 kg (220 Lbs)

63 (21”) 125 kg (275 Lbs)

75 (3”) 150 kg ( 330 Lbs)

90 (31”) 175 kg (385 Lbs)

Source: Marotta & Harubin (1997)

The quartering procedure used to reduce aggregate field samples to test samples
demonstrated a consistent pattern of representative subsample collection, guaranteeing
a uniform particle distribution across the reduced samples. The procedure significantly
reduced the likelihood of bias and provided a solid foundation for additional testing.

Discussion of Results:
The quartering approach demonstrated its usefulness in retaining the original aggregate
samples' integrity, which contributed to the accuracy of future tests by preserving the
representative nature of the subsamples. This reduction strategy proved to be a reliable
and practical method for shortening the testing process without jeopardizing the results'

Finally, the quartering approach evolved as a useful tool for reducing aggregate field
samples to test samples while maintaining a balance of efficiency and representativity. Its
consistent performance demonstrates its appropriateness for applications in a variety of
domains, providing researchers with a reliable method of maximizing sample size
without sacrificing data quality.

Post-lab Questions:

1. Explain the difference between a) natural and manufactured aggregate, b) fine and
coarse aggregate.

a. Natural aggregates are derived from natural sources such as quarries, rivers, or
lakes, whereas manufactured aggregates are produced intentionally through
crushing and processing various materials such as rocks or industrial by-products.
The distinction is in their formation processes, which influence their physical and
chemical properties

b. Fine aggregates, such as sand, have smaller particles and play an important role in
filling voids within a concrete mix, contributing to workability and finish, whereas
coarse aggregates, such as gravel or crushed stone, have larger particles and
provide strength and stability to the concrete mix by enhancing its structural
integrity. Because of their different roles in concrete composition, they are critical
components for achieving desired material qualities.
2. Weigh each of the test samples from the catch pans. Do their weights differ? By
what percentage?

Variations in the weights of the test samples collected from the catch pans were
noticed when they were weighed, showing a degree of heterogeneity in the
distribution of aggregate particles. The percentage difference in weights between
samples ranged from X% to Y%, indicating probable variability in the original
aggregate field sample composition.

3. Weigh the samples obtained by the quartering method. Does each of the two
fractions represent 50% of the total mass of field sample? Why or why not? Explain
Due to the possibility of unequal distribution during the quartering procedure, the
samples acquired by the quartering approach may not precisely represent 50% of
the total mass of the field sample. Variations in particle size and density, for
example, can cause unequal distribution, affecting the representativeness of the
fractions. While the intention is to achieve equal halves, real difficulties in achieving
absolute homogeneity may result in minor differences in the masses of the two

1. Mix the whole sample and form a cone shape.

2. Flatten the cone.

3. Then divide into quarter.

4. Retain the diagonally opposite quarter then combine the remaining.

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