Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Course Objectives
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Course Objectives
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Course Objectives
Course Objectives:
• To impart knowledge of CIM and Automation and different concepts of automation by
developing mathematical models.
• To make students to understand the Computer Applications in Design and Manufacturing
[CAD / CAM) leading to Computer integrated systems.
• Enable them to perform various transformations of entities on display devices.
• To expose students to automated flow lines, assembly lines, Line Balancing Techniques and
Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
• To expose students to computer aided process planning, material requirement planning,
capacity planning etc.
• To expose the students to CNC Machine Tools, CNC part programming, and industrial
• To introduce the students to concepts of Additive Manufacturing, Internet of Things, and
Industry 4.0leading to Smart Factory.
Module - 1
Introduction to CIM and Automation:
Automation in Production Systems, automated manufacturing systems- types of automation,
reasons for automating, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, computerized elements of a CIM
system, CAD/CAM and CIM. Mathematical models and matrices: production rate, production
capacity, utilization and availability, manufacturing lead time, work-in-process, numerical
Module - 2
CAD and Computer Graphics Software:
The design process, applications of computers in design, software configuration, functions of
graphics package, constructing the geometry. Transformations: 2D transformations, translation,
rotation and scaling, homogeneous transformation matrix, concatenation, numerical problems on
Computerized Manufacture Planning and Control System:
Computer Aided Process Planning, Retrieval and Generative Systems, benefits of CAPP, Production
Planning and Control Systems, typical activities of PPC System, computer integrated production
management system, Material Requirement Planning, inputs to MRP system, working of MRP,
outputs and benefits, Capacity Planning, Computer Aided Quality Control, Shop floor control.
Module - 3
Flexible Manufacturing Systems:
Fundamentals of Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing Systems, types of FMS, FMS
components, Material handling and storage system, applications, benefits, computer control
systems, FMS planning and design issues, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, AS/RS and
Automatic parts identification systems and data capture.
Line Balancing:
Line balancing algorithms, methods of line balancing, numerical problems on largest candidate rule,
Kilbridge and Wester method, and Ranked Positional Weights method.
Module - 4
Computer Numerical Control:
Introduction, components of CNC, CNC programming, manual part programming, G Codes, M Codes,
programming of simple components in turning, drilling and milling systems, programming with
canned cycles. Cutter radius compensations.
Robot Technology:
Robot anatomy, joints and links, common robot configurations, robot control systems, accuracy and
repeatability, end effectors, sensors in robotics.
Module - 5
Additive Manufacturing Systems:
Basic principles of additive manufacturing, slicing CAD models for AM, advantages and limitations
of AM technologies,