the country and the world. At such places, this work will be helpful for
propane, 56.4% butane and 17.2% isobutene which is varied from company to
Global Warming Potential (GDP). It is used in world for cooking purposes. The
condition, we can predict the optimum value of cooling effect with the suitable
operating condition of regulating valve and capillary tube of the system. The
use of Butane for refrigeration purpose can be environment friendly since it has
no ozone depletion potential (ODP). Usually Butaneis used as a fuel for cooking
food in houses, restaurants, hotels, etc.. and the combustion products ofButane
are CO2 and H2O. In this project we have designed and analyzed a refrigerator
When this high pressure Butaneis passed through the capillary tube of small
internal diameter, the pressure of Butaneis dropped due to expansion and phase
liquid to gas latent heat is gained by the liquid refrigerant and the temperature
drops. In this way Butane can produce refrigerating effect for a confined space.
recovering the energy which is already spent but not being utilized further, to
overcome this crisis with less investment. The climatic change and global
serving this purpose. Hence forth, we suggest COST FREE Cooling Systems.
portion of electricity in both the urban as well as in rural areas. Still the people
such as cold storage or storing medical supplies and domestic kitchens this
project has the novelty of using Butane instead of electricity for refrigeration.
The term ‘refrigeration’ in a broad sense is used for the process of removing
heat (i.e. Cooling) from a substance. It also includes the process of reducing and
heat from a body, whose temperature is already below the temperature of its
through the walls and also the heat, which is brought into it with the articles
stored after the temperature is one reduced to -2 ºC. Thus in a refrigerator, heat
The refrigeration system is known to the man, since the middle nineteenth
century. The scientist, of the time, developed a few stray machines to achieve
some pleasure. But it paved the way by inviting the attention of scientist for
proper studied and research. They were able to build a reasonably reliable
machine by the end of nineteenth century for the refrigeration jobs. But with the
Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans places large amounts of snow into storage pits
dug into the ground and insulated with wood and straw. The ancient Egyptians
filled earthen jars with boiled water and put them their roofs, thus exposing the
jars to the night’s cool air. In India, evaporating cooling was employed. When a
abruptly increase their kinetic energy and this increase is drawn from the
cooled. The intermediate stage in the history of cooling foods was to add
temperature to fall. Cooling wine via above method was recorded in 1550.
According to the second law thermodynamics, this process can only be
performed with the supply of some external work. It is thus obvious, that supply
substance which work in a heat pump to extract heat from a cold body and to
which each type having their own type of functioning. One which used I
necessary for computer, foodstuffs, blood vaccines, and quite a few other goods
that must maintain a constant and steady temperature at all times. It works on
the principle that during the conversion of Butaneinto gaseous form, expansion
produced. This refrigerating effect can be used for cooling purposes. So this
work provides refrigeration for socially relevant needs as well as replaces global
refrigerating effect. But in our proposed very simple type of refrigeration
and expands. After expansion the phase ofBUTANE is changed and converted
from liquid to gas and then it passes through the evaporator where it absorbs the
heat and produces the refrigerating effect. After evaporator it passes through the
of low Global Warming Potential VCR system with the new R290/R600a
refrigerant mixture as a substitute refrigerant for CFC12 and HFC 134a. The
to 5.7% higher.
M. Mohanraj et. al. , have studied experimentally the drop in substitute for
mixture which consists of 45% HC290 and 55% R600a at various mass
charges of 50g, 70g and 90g in domestic refrigerator. The experiments were
carried out in 165 litres domestic refrigerator using R134a with POE oil as
than R134a by 13.76%, 6.42% and 3.66% for 50g, 70g and 90g respectively.
The power consumption of HC mixture at 50g and 70g are lower by 10.2%
and 5.1% respectively and 90g shows higher power consumption by 1.01%.
The percentage reduction in pull down time is 18.36%, 21.76% and 28.57%
for 50, 70 and 90g mass charges respectively when compared to R134a. The
HC mixture because of its high energy efficiency will also reduce the
domestic refrigerator and find out that COP obtained by R152a is 4.7%
higher than that of R134a. COP of R32 is 8.5% lower than that of R134a and
Bilal A. Akash et. al, has conducted performance tests on the performance
used to conduct the experiment for LPG (30% propane, 55% n-butane and
15% isobutane). Various mass charges of 50, 80 and 100g of BUTANE were
used during the experimentation.LPG compares very well to R12. The COP
was higher for all mass charges at evaporator temperatures lower than
−15˚C. Overall, it was found that at 80g charge, LPG had the best results
temperature of 47˚C. Cooling capacities were obtained and they were in the
order of about three to fourfold higher for BUTANE than those for R12
petroleum gas (LPG) of 60% propane and 40% commercial butane. The
lengths and different charges of R134a and LPG. Experimental results of the
compared with those using R134a of 100g and capillary tube length of 4 m.
were lower than those of R134a by about 7.6%, 5.5% and 4.3%,
Lower on-time ratio and energy consumption ofLPGrefrigerator was lower
narrow tube connecting the condenser directly to the evaporator. The pressure
drop through the capillary tube is due to the following two factors: 1. Friction,
pressure drop. Design parameters for capillary tube are: Cylinder size = 14 kg,
heat is removed from air, water or any other body required to be cooled by the
has been used because it provides a gentle type of evaporation with low
residence time. It also preserves the food and other products from bacterial
a temperature below that of the surroundings, the aim being to cool some
used extensively for providing thermal comfort to human beings by means of air
subject of refrigeration and air conditioning has evolved out of human need for
food and comfort, and its history dates back to centuries. The history of
refrigerants, the prime movers and the developments in compressors and the
In olden days refrigeration was achieved by natural means such as the use of ice
ice. Materials like sawdust or wood shavings were used as insulating materials
in these icehouses. Later on, cork was used as insulating material. Literature
reveals that ice has always been available to aristocracy who could affordit. In
India, the Mogul emperors were very fond of ice during the harsh summer in
Delhi and Agra, and it appears that the ice used to be made by nocturnal
cooling. In 1806, Frederic Tudor, (who was later called as the “ice king”)
began the trade in ice by cutting it from the Hudson River and ponds of
Tudor’s ice was cheaper than the locally manufactured ice by nocturnal cooling.
The ice trade in North America was a flourishing business. Ice was transported
insulation. Trading in ice was also popular in several other countries such as
Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Norway and France. In these countries ice was
either transported from colder regions or was harvested in winter and stored in
icehouses for use in summer. The ice trade reached its peak in 1872 when
America alone exported 225000 tones of ice to various countries as far as China
and Australia. However, with the advent of artificial refrigeration the ice trade
gradually declined.
The art of making ice by nocturnal cooling was perfected in India. In this
method ice was made by keeping a thin layer of water in a shallow earthen tray,
and then exposing the tray to the night sky. Compacted hay of about 0.3 m
thickness was used as insulation. The water looses heat by radiation to the
stratosphere, which is at around -55°C and by early morning hours the water in
the trays freezes to ice. This method of ice production was very popular in
is more than skin temperature. Animals such as the hippopotamus and buffalo
coat themselves with mud for evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling has
been used in India for centuries to obtain cold water in summer by storing the
water in earthen pots. The water permeates through the pores of earthen vessel
to its outer surface where it evaporates to the surrounding, absorbing its latent
heat in part from the vessel, which cools the water. It is said that Patliputra
University situated on the bank of river Ganges used to induce the evaporative-
cooled air from the river. Suitably located chimneys in the rooms augmented the
upward flow of warm air, which was replaced by cool air. Evaporative cooling
by placing wet straw mats on the windows is also verycommon in India. The
straw mat made from “khus” adds its inherent perfume also to the air. Now-
adays desert coolers are being used in hot and dry areas to provide cooling in
water and absorb its heat of solution from water (endothermic process). This
reduces the temperature of the solution (water + salt). Sodium Chloride salt
limited application, as the dissolved salt has to be recovered from its solution by
refrigeration began in the year 1755, when the Scottish professor William
Cullen made the first refrigerating machine, which could produce a small
some water in thermal contact with ether under a receiver of a vacuum pump.
The evaporation rate of ether increased due to the vacuum pump and water
could be frozen. This process involves two thermodynamic concepts, the vapour
pressure and the latent heat. A liquid is in thermal equilibrium with its own
the water boils at higher temperature. The second concept is that the
saturation pressure at the desired temperature. This requires the removal of all
U.F. Clouet and G. Monge liquefied SO2 in 1780 while van Marum and Van
The domestic refrigerator using natural ice (domestic ice box) was
invented in 1803 and was used for almost 150 years without much alteration.
The domestic ice box used to be made of wood with suitable insulation. Ice
used to be kept at the top of the box, and low temperatures are produced in the
box due to heat transfer from ice by natural convection. A drip pan is used to
collect the water formed due to the melting of ice. The box has to be replenished
with fresh ice once all the ice melts. Though the concept is quite simple, the
domestic ice box suffered from several disadvantages. The user has to replenish
the ice assoon as it is consumed, and the lowest temperatures that could be
produced inside the compartment are limited. In addition, it appears that warm
winters caused severe shortage of natural ice in USA. Hence, efforts, starting
from 1887 have been made to develop domestic refrigerators using mechanical
completely automatic and were not very reliable. However, the development of
by Frigidaire in 1915.
USA. In 1925, USA had about 25 million domestic refrigerators of which only
grew very rapidly, and by 1949 about 7 million domestic refrigerators were
produced annually. With the production volumes increasing the price fell
sharply (the price was 600 dollars in 1920 and 155 dollars in 1940). The initial
used methyl chloride and methylene chloride. These refrigerants werereplaced
introduced the first refrigerator with a hermetic compressor in 1926. Soon the
refrigerators was very rapid in USA, it was still rarely used in other countries. In
1930 only rich families used domestic refrigerators in Europe. The domestic
was first made by Electrolux Company in 1931 in Sweden. In Japan the first
mechanical domestic refrigerator was made in 1924. The first dual temperature
mechanical domestic refrigerators grew rapidly all over the world after the
kitchen appliance not only in highly developed countries but also in countries
such as India. Except very few almost all the present day domestic refrigerators
are mechanical refrigerators that use a hermetic compressor and an air cooled
air conditioning systems were used for industrial as well as comfort air
conditioning. Eastman Kodak installed the first air conditioning system in 1891
textile factories around 1900. The first domestic air conditioning system was
air conditioned in 1895, and a casino was air conditioned in Monte Carlo in
1901. Efforts have also been made to air condition passenger rail coaches using
American scientist and industrialist Willis Carrier. Carrier studied the control of
humidity in 1902 and designed a central air conditioning plant using air washer
in 1904. Due to the pioneering efforts of Carrier and also due to simultaneous
became very popular, especially after 1923. At present comfort air conditioning
electronic, pharmaceutical, chemical industries etc. Most of the present day air
vapour absorption refrigeration system. The capacities vary from few kilowatts
temperature is greater than the ambient or any other heat sink. Hence when the
condensation of the vapour into liquid takes place by heat rejection to the heat
sink. To complete the cycle, the high pressure liquid is made to flow through an
expansion valve. In the expansion valve the pressure and temperature of the
refrigerant decrease. This low pressure and low temperature refrigerant vapour
evaporates in the evaporator taking heat from the cold region. It should be
observed that the system operates on a closed cycle. The system requires input
in the form of mechanical work. It extracts heat from a cold space and rejects
refrigeration system.
A refrigeration system can also be used as a heat pump, in which the
summer and heating in winter. Such systems have been built and are available
John Leslie in 1810 kept H2SO4 and water in two separate jars
connected together. H2SO4 has very high affinity for water. It absorbs water
vapour and this becomes the principle of removing the evaporated water vapour
to be recycled by heating to get rid of the absorbed water vapour, for continuous
compressor to drive the vapours. A liquid pump is used to increase the pressure
of strong solution. The strong solution is then heated in a generator and passed
ammonia vapour is then condensed and recycled. The pump power is negligible
hence; the system runs virtually on low- grade energy used for heating the
strong solution to separate the water from ammonia. These systems were
initially run on steam. Later on oil and natural gas based systems were
refrigeration system. In 1922, Balzar von Platen and Carl Munters, two students
did not require a pump. A heating based bubble pump was used for circulation
of strong and weak solutions and hydrogen was used as a non-condensable gas
to reduce the partial pressure of NH3 in the evaporator. Geppert in 1899 gave
this original idea but he was not successful since he was using air as non-
condensable gas. The Platen-Munters refrigeration systems are still widely used
Another variation of vapour absorption system is the one based on
Lithium Bromide water. This system is used for chilled water air-conditioning
H2SO4. In this system LiBr is the absorbent and water is the refrigerant. This
system works at vacuum pressures. The condenser and the generator are housed
in one cylindrical vessel and the evaporator and the absorber are housed in
second vessel. This also runs on low-grade energy requiring a boiler or process
If air at high pressure expands and does work (say moves a piston or
rotates a turbine), its temperature will decrease. This fact is known to man as
early as the 18th century. Dalton and Gay Lusaac studied this in 1807. Sadi
Carnot mentioned this as a well-known phenomenon in 1824. However, Dr.
produce ice for the relief of his patients suffering from fever. This machine used
which was then used to produce ice. Alexander Carnegie Kirk in 1862 made an
air cycle cooling machine. This system used steam engine to run its compressor.
40oC. Paul Gifford in 1875 perfected the open type of machine. This machine
Coleman. This was the main method of marine refrigeration for quite some
time. Frank Allen in New York developed a closed cycle machine employing
high pressures to reduce the volume flow rates. This was named dense air
machine. These days air cycle refrigeration is used only in aircrafts whose turbo
compressor can handle large volume flow rates. Figure shows the schematic of
an open type air cycle refrigeration system. The basic system shown here
consists of a compressor, an expander and a heat exchanger. Air from the cold
room is compressed in the compressor. The hot and high pressure air rejects
heat to the heat sink (cooling water) in the heat exchanger. The warm but high
pressure air expands in the expander. The cold air after expansion is sent to the
cold room for providing cooling. The work of expansion partly compensates the
work of compression; hence both the expander and the compressor are mounted
on a common shaft.
part of the water will evaporate. The enthalpy of evaporation will cool the
Obviously lower temperature will require lower pressure. Water freezes at 0oC
hence temperature lower than 4oC cannot be obtained with water. In this
system, high velocity steam is used to entrain the evaporating water vapour.
divergent nozzle where it acquires either sonic or supersonic velocity and low
of 400C.
The high momentum of motive steam entrains or carries along with it the
water vapour evaporating from the flash chamber. Because of its high velocity it
moves the vapours against the pressure gradient up to the condenser where the
The motive vapour and the evaporated vapour both are condensed and recycled.
This system is known as steam jet refrigeration system. Figure 4.11 shows a
schematic of the system. It can be seen that this system requires a good vacuum
system is driven by low- grade energy that is process steam in chemical plants
or a boiler.
In 1838, the Frenchman Pelletan was granted a patent for the compression
Charles Parsons studied the possibility of reduction ofpressure by an
entrainment effect from a steam jet. However, the credit for constructing the
steam jet refrigeration system goes to the French engineer, Maurice Leblanc
who developed the system in 190708. In this system, ejectors were used to
produce a high velocity steam jet (≈ 1200 m/s). Based on Leblanc’s design the
though the efficiency of the steam jet refrigeration system was low, it was still
attractive as water is harmless and the system can run using exhaust steam from
a steam engine. From 1910 onwards, stem jet refrigeration systems were used
In USA they were mainly used for air conditioning of factories, cinema
these systems from 1930. However, gradually these systems were replaced by
more efficient vapour absorption systems using LiBr-water. Still, some east
systems as late as 1960s. The ejector principle can also be used to provide
refrigeration using fluids other than water, i.e., refrigerants such as CFC-11,
CFC-21, CFC-22, CFC-113, CFC-114 etc. The credit for first developing these
closed vapour jet refrigeration systems goes to the Russian engineer, I.S.
advantages cited for this type of systems are simplicity and robustness, while
close to the atmospheric conditions. The refrigerants usually used for this
cycles. In a typical gas cycle, the working fluid (a gas) does not undergo phase
change, consequently the operating cycle will be away from the vapour dome.
In gas cycles, heat rejection and refrigeration take place as the gas undergoes
sensible cooling and heating. In a vapour cycle the working fluid undergoes
constant during the phase change processes.. Hence, the required mass flow
rates for a given refrigeration capacity will be much smaller compared to a gas
vapour absorption systems, vapour jet systems etc. Among these the vapour
compressed fluids at a certain temperature tend to get colder when they are
allowed to expand. If the pressure change is high enough, then the compressed
gas will be hotter than our source of cooling (outside air, for instance) and the
expanded gas will be cooler than our desired cold temperature. In this case,
fluid is used to cool a low temperature environment and reject the heat to a high
liquid to a vapor, and therefore a lot of heat can be removed from the
cooled. This means that the heat transfer rate remains high, because thecloser
the working fluid temperature approaches that of the surroundings, the lower the
rate of heat transfer. The refrigeration cycle is shown in Figure below and can
In the evaporator absorbs heat from its surroundings, usually air, water or some
other process liquid. During this process it changes its state from a liquid to a
vapour Enters the compressor where its pressure is raised. The temperature will
also increase, because a proportion of the energy put into the compression
gas Passes from the compressor into the condenser. The initial part of the
cooling process (3-3a) superheats the gas before it is then turned back into
liquid (3a-3b). The cooling for this process is usually achieved by using air or
water. A further reduction in temperature happens in the pipe work and liquid
receiver (3b - 4), so that the refrigerant liquid is sub-cooled as it enters the
expansion device, which both reduces its pressure and controls the flow into the
It is shown on T-S below at point 1, let T1, P1, and s1 be the properties of
by the vertical line 1-2 on T-s diagram and by the curve 1-2 on p-h diagram.
The pressure and temperature rises from 1 to 2. The work done during
and temperature T2. The vapour refrigerant is changed into liquid refrigerant.
The refrigerant while passing through the condenser, gives its latent heat to the
a low pressure p4=p1 and temperature T4=T1. Some of the liquid refrigerant
During evaporation, the liquid vapour refrigerant absorbs its latent heat of
vaporization from medium (air, water or brine) which is to be cooled. The heat
Very efficient
Operates in limited orientation.
Household refrigerator.
Air conditioners.
Water coolers.
Deep freezers.
than the surrounding temperature. Due to the natural frequency of heat to flow
from higher to lower temperature, the rushes to replace the heat removed. But a
refrigerator rejects the heat that is entering into the system back to the
law. It gives the upper limit of efficiency of a system. The second law also
acknowledges that processes follow in a certain direction but not in the opposite
direction. It also defines the important property called entropy. It is common
sense that heat will not flow spontaneously from a body at lower temperature to
refrigeration system is needed which requires work input from external source.
cyclic process from low temperature to high temperature without work from
external source. It is also a fact that all the energy supplied to a system as work
can be dissipated as heat transfer. On the other hand, all the energy supplied as
cyclic process can be converted into work, the remaining part has to be rejected
continuously by heat transfer with a single heat source, then automobile will run
operating in a cycle that will produce no effect other than extraction of heat
the system and the surroundings can be restored to their respective initial states
by reversing the direction of the process, that is, by reversing the heat transfer
and work transfer. The process is irreversible if it cannot fulfill this criterion. If
then a part of the work is dissipated as heat and it cannot be fully recovered if
higher temperature would require external work input. These are two examples
which work is done in absence of friction and heat transfer occurs isothermally.
Irreversibility leads to loss in work output and loss in availability and useful
thermodynamic cycle and does a certain amount of net positive work through
the transfer of heat from a high temperature body to a low temperature body. A
amount of external work. Domestic refrigerators and room air conditioners are
the examples. In a refrigerator, the required output is the heat extracted from the
two thermal reservoirs and is more efficient than a reversible engine operating
Theorem 2: All reversible heat engines operating between the same two
thermal reservoirs have the same thermal efficiency. The two theorems can be
proved by carrying out a thought experiment and with the help of second law.
heat engines. Carnot efficiency: The Carnot efficiencies are the efficiencies of
According to Carnot’s theorems, for any given two thermal reservoirs, the
combined system that includes the system and its surroundings, then the
combined system becomes an isolated system. Then one can write: Δ system +
only processes that can occur are those for which the entropy of the isolated
heat required to be required to be removed from one ton of ice within 24 hours
when the initial condition of water is 0 ᵒC, because same cooling effect will be
design, size, initial and operating costs, safety, and serviceability etc.; depend
very much on the type of the refrigerant selected for given application. Due to
several environmental issued such as ozone layer depletion and global warming
and their relation to the refrigerants used, the selection of suitable refrigerant
existing refrigerant by a completely new refrigerant, for whatever reason, is an
expensive proposition as it may call for several changes in the design and
the issues related to the selection and the use of refrigerants. In principle, any
and secondary refrigerants. Primary refrigerants are those fluids, which are used
process in the evaporator. As the name implies, secondary refrigerants are those
fluids, which are used for transporting thermal energy from one location to
other. Secondary refrigerants are also known under the name brines or
antifreezes. Of course, if the operating temperatures are above 0ᵒC, then pure air
blower can also be used as secondary refrigerant, for example in large air
An important property of secondary refrigerant is its freezing point.
Generally, the freezing point of brine will be lower than the freezing point of its
constituents. The temperature at which the freezing point of brine takes place
used secondary refrigerants are the solution of air blower and ethylene glycol,
propylene glycol or calcium chloride. These solutions are known under the
following requirements
requirements are:
ingress into the system and case of leak detection. Higher suction
Discharge pressure: At a given condenser temperature, the discharge
Should be as large as large possible so that the required mass flow rate
In India, more than 80% of the domestic refrigerator utilizes HFC 134a as
But HFC 134a has a high global warming potential (GWP) of 1300. There is a
refrigerators in the field and for the future market. CFC’s are principally
ultraviolent radiations penetrate to lower altitudes. The ozone impact of car air
like R-134a make them powerful global warming agents. HFC 134a and the HC
blend have been reported to be substitutes for CFC 12, but they have their own
systems. HFC 134a is not miscible with mineral oil, and hence polyol ester oil is
India shall be governed by Indian Standard Code IS-4576 (Refer Table 1.0) and
pressure and temperature is a gas which is 1.5 to 2.0 times heavier than air. It is
approximately half that of water and ranges from 0.525 to 0.580 @ 15 deg. C.
Since BUTANE vapour is heavier than air, it would normally settle down at
kg./ for each degree centigrade. This clearly explains the hazardous
of gas in air. This is considerably narrower than other common gaseous fuels.
temperature of BUTANE is around 410-580 deg. C and hence it will not ignite
on its own at normal temperature. Entrapped air in the vapour is hazardous in an
in addition to the generation of heat. BUTANE requires upto 50 times its own
dioxide can occur. ODOUR BUTANE has only a very faint smell, and
consequently, it is necessary to add some odourant, so that any escaping gas can
easily be detected. Ethyl Mercaptan is normally used as stenching agent for this
the vapourisation of liquid cools the atmosphere and condenses the water
vapour contained in them to form a whitish fog which may make it possible to
but can, however, suffocate when in large concentrations due to the fact that it
displaces oxygen. In view of this the vapour posses mild anaesthetic properties.
will tend to sink to the lowest possible level and may accumulate in
cellars, pits, drains etc. BUTANE in liquid form can cause severe cold
cold burns.
from the point of escape and the flame can travel back to the source of the
A vessel that has contained BUTANE is nominally empty but may still
12.7 bar for house hold purpose cylinder. By using a suitable regulator
BUTANE is sent into capillary tube. BUTANE is used as a fuel for domestic,
The capillary tube is the commonly used throttling device in the domestic
refrigeration. The capillary tube is a copper tube of very small internal diameter.
It is of very long length and it is coiled to several turns so that it would occupy
less space. The internal diameter of the capillary tube used for the refrigeration
applications varies from 0.5 to 2.28 mm (0.020 to 0.09 inch). The capillary tube
Smaller is the diameter and more is the length of capillary more is the drop in
system. It is in the evaporators when the actual cooling effect takes place in the
refrigeration systems. For many people the evaporator is the main part of the
refrigeration system, consider other part as less useful. The evaporators are heat
exchanger surface that transfer the heat from the substance to be cooled to the
refrigerant, thus removing the heat from the substance.The evaporators are used
for wide variety of diverse application in refrigeration and hence the available in
wide variety of shape, sizes and designs. They are also classified in different
freezers since the ice is made in these compartments. In the evaporators the
refrigerant enters at very low pressure and temperature after passing through the
capillary tube. This refrigerant absorbs the heat from the substance that is to be
cooled so the refrigerant gets heated while the substance gets cooled. Even after
cooling the substance the temperature of the refrigerant leaving the evaporator
is less than the substance. In the large refrigeration plants the evaporator is used
and vacuums. Instruments used to measure pressure are called pressure gauges
or vacuum gauges.
requirement to transfer gas at high pressure. They consist of a steel pipe with
steel ball fitted to both ends. Two swiveling connection nipples press these balls
against the seating of the connecting hole and thus sealing against gas leakage.
All pipes are pressure tested to 100 M Pa (14,500 psi) over recommended
working pressure.
The BUTANE refrigerator is shown in the figure. We make the one box
of the Thermo-coal sheet. The thermo-coal sheet size is 15mm used for the
kept the thermo-coal sheet because the cold air cannot transfer from inside to
which is connected to high pressure pipes. To the other end of the high pressure
which is connected to the capillary tube. The capillary tube is fitted with
evaporator. The evaporator coil end is connected to the stove by another high
pressure pipe. One pressure guage is put between capillary tube and cylinder
BUTANE is stored in the BUTANE cylinder under high pressure. When
through the high pressure pipe. This BUTANE is going by high pressure
vapor from and passes the evaporator which absorbs heat from the
chamber. Thus the chamber becomes cool down. Thus we can achieve
through the pipe to burner. And we can use the low pressure of BUTANE
in burning processes.
Process 2-3: When the compressor is started, it draws the low pressure vapour
its temp also increases and hence it is converted into low pressure adiabatically
pressureBUTANEis passed through evaporator. In the evaporator BUTANE is
converted into low pressure and temperature form which it absorbs the heat
from the cooling chamber. Thus the cooling chamber cools down.
Process 3-4: Hot vapour from compressor under pressure is discharged into the
absorb the heat from hot vapour. This converts the hot vapour into liquid and
the liquid is collected in liquid receiver at state 4. Process 4-1: The liquid from
the liquid receiver at high pressure is then piped to a refrigerant control valve
which regulates the flow of liquid into the evaporator. This control valve, while
restricting the flow, also reduces the pressure of the liquid with the result the
liquid change into vapour of low dryness fraction represented by state 1. During
pressure. Process 1-2: Finally, the low pressure, low temperature refrigerant
passes through the evaporator coil where it absorb its latent heat from the cold
chamber or from brine solution at constant pressure and converts into vapour at
is high, when the regulator of gas tank is opened then high pressureBUTANE
passes through gas pipe. After that this high pressureBUTANE goes in the
capillary tube from high pressure pipe. In the capillary tube this high
evaporator is passed to the burner through high pressure pipe and we can use
this low pressure BUTANE for burning for further application. In this project
We have the volume flow rate of BUTANE is 0.1 liter per min and the specific
We have the volume flow rate of BUTANE is 0.1 liter per min and the specific
= 0.956812 MJ/Hr. h2
h3 = hg + Cp. ΔT = 482.3 + 1.67 x 48 = 562.46 KJ/Kg
= 267.66/42.39
= 6.3
After finding out the COP of the BUTANE refrigerator we found out the heat
liberated by BUTANE after burning in the burner with the burner efficiency of
92 %.
QL= m×Cv
The volume flow rate of BUTANE is 0.1 liter per min and the specific volume
m = 9.448×10-4 Kg/sec
Cv = 46.1 MJ/Kg
.hfg + m BUTANE .cpBUTANE .
= 0.956812 MJ/Hr. h2
= 267.66/42.39
= 6.3
After finding out the COP of the BUTANE refrigerator we found out the heat
liberated by BUTANE after burning in the burner with the burner efficiency of
92 %.
QL= m×Cv
The volume flow rate of BUTANE is 0.1 liter per min and the specific volume
m = 9.448×10-4 Kg/sec
Cv = 46.1 MJ/Kg
by 10 to 20%.
cost advantages.
Efficiency is poor.
shopping malls, etc which have their own gas turbine power-plants.
4 BURNER 2000
6 PASTE 200
TOTAL 10640
The aim of the BUTANE refrigerator was to use BUTANE as a refrigerant and
utilizing the energy of the high pressure in the cylinder for producing the
Domestic 4.5 kg cylinder equipped with a high pressure regulator and this
pressure has reduced up to 1.41 bar with the help of capillary tube. But if we use
gas stove, the pressure of BUTANE after the expansion device and before the
enthalpy) before and after the evaporator using high pressure regulator and the
amount of refrigerating effect is determined. With this energy input the COP of
the BUTANE refrigerator is 6.3 and it is greater than the domestic refrigerator.
But in the future scope the result may differ if energy input for 1Kg of
BUTANE production, would be taken from the energy audit report of any
refinery. This system is cheaper at initial as well as running cost. It does not
require an external energy sources to run the system and no moving part in the
system. So maintenance cost is also very low. This system is most suitable for
is very high.
We conclude that:
used currently.
Mass flow rate increases with increase in capillary inner diameter rand
coil diameter where as mass flow rate decreases with increase in length. It
was observed that the COP of system increases with similar change in
Cooling capacities were obtained order of about three- to four fold higher
for BUTANE than those for R- 12. capillary tube. COP of BUTANE
existing refrigerator
warming potential.
[1] Zainal Zakaria and Zulaikha Shahrun“ The possibility of using liquefied
Volume 5.
Chand Publication.
[6] “PCRA energy audit report”, HPCL BUTANE bottling plant Asauda
[8] Shank K. Wang, “Handbook of air conditioning and refrigeration” page no.
[10] Dr. Iqbal Husain, “Analysis of VCR and VAR systems using organic
[11] Text book of refrigeration and air conditioning by Arora and Domkundwar.