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Catalogue BKZ - Industrial - Web PDF

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PJSC «BERDYANSK CABLE PLANT». as an individual economic

structure, was founded on the base of «Azovkabel», one of the oldest
cable works of the former USSR. These works was holding the second Product range comprises more than five
place in the country by the volume of manufactured products. We try thousand types of cable. Extra heavy-duty
do not waste this rating; moreover, we try to develop and improve the cables are our main focus. Underground and
potential of the works. Geography of our sales is constantly expanding. underwater cables, cables for aggressive
and dangerous environments are our line of
business. We have big positive experience
in manufacturing of highly technical cables
for aggressive environments. Base on this
experience, our company constantly and
successfully develops and improves as
cable design, hence keeping the production
standards. Scientific and production potential,
huge experience and professionalism allow our
company to develop new designs for cables
and wires to meet various requirements of the
Our company was the first in Ukraine
to obtain the certificate of Research Studies
Institute for Safety in mining industry (MAKNII)
and started industrial manufacture of mining
power cables with polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Only these cables comply with modern
exclusive safety standards.

We successfully produce power flexible,

control and mine communication, telephone
cables, and power cables for rated voltage up
to 30 kV, self–supporting insulated wire for
overhead power lines, connecting wires and
cores, wires for electric devices, non–insulated
copper flexible wires, cables and wires for
rolling stock, railway and electrical transport,
heating wires and other cable and wire
products. Power cables with the cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) insulation producing
on the equipment of the world-leading
manufacturer «MAILLEFER».

With regard to safety requirements, the

company applies production of improved fire-
resistant cables. We are a company with a
closed production cycle. Our company has its The requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2009
own production facilities for the manufacture of corresponds to the production that has been introduced and
insulating materials of different complexity. continuously improving the quality management system. IIt is a
worldwide-acknowledged certificate, which is a forcible argument for the
We have accredited central factory laboratory, benefit of any cooperation with our company.
laboratory of metrology and department of
standardization with high qualified staff that
allows controlling the quality of our products and Quality – our proposal and this principle
providing service to other companies. has never let us down.





INDUSTRIAL CABLES AND WIRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Armoured power cables for waterlogged land: VEVKbSHp 1 kV; 6 kV, VVKbSHp 1 kV (ВЭВКбШп 1 кВ; 6 кВ; ВВКбШп 1 кВ). . . . . . . . . 3

Armoured power underwater cables: KPEVKbSHp (КПЭВКбШп). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Power flexible cables for excavators: KGEV, KGEV-HL (КГЭB, КГЭB-ХЛ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Power flexible cables: КGNV; КGNVng; КGNVngLS (КГНВ; КГНВнг; КГНВнгLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Power flexible multicore cables: КGNV-M (КГНВ-М) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Power flexible cables: KVGP (КВГП). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Power flexible cables: KPGUv (КПГУв) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Power cables with PVC insulation: VVG, AVVG, VVGz, АVVGz, VBbSHv, AVBbSHv 0.66 kV
(ВВГ, АВВГ, ВВГз, АВВГз, ВБбШв, АВБбШв 0,66 кВ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Power cables with PVC insulation: VVG, AVVG, VVGz, АVVGz, VBbSHv, AVBbSHv 1 kV
(ВВГ, АВВГ, ВВГз, АВВГз, ВБбШв, АВБбШв 1 кВ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Five-core power cables with PVC insulation: VVG, VVGz, VBbSHv, AVVG, AVVGz; AVBbSHv, VVGng, VVGzng, VBbSHvng,
AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng (ВВГ, ВВГз, ВБбШв, АВВГ, АВВГз, АВБбШв, ВВГнг, ВВГзнг, ВБбШвнг, АВВГзнг, АВБбШвнг) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Armoured power cables for horizontal, slopping and vertical cable installation: АVEVBbSHv, АVEVKbSHv, AVEVSHv,
AVEVBbSHvng, AVEVKbSHvng, AVEVSHvng (АВЭВБбШв, АВЭВКбШв, АВЭВШв, АВЭВБбШвнг, АBЭВКбШвнг, АВЭВШвнг) . . . . . . . . . 35

Power cables with flame-retardant PVC oversheath: VVGng, VVGzng, VBbSHvng, AVVGng, AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng (ВВГнг, ВВГзнг,
ВБбШвнг, АВВГнг, АВВГзнг, АВБбШвнг)
Power cables with low smoke and gas emission PVC oversheath: VVGngLS, VVGzngLS, VBbSHvngLS, AVVGngLS, AVVGzngLS,
Power cables with low level of smoke, halogen-free PVC oversheath: VVGngLSHF, VVGzngLSHF, VBbSHvngLSHF, AVVGngLSHF,

Power cables with XLPE oversheath: PvVG, APvVG, PvBbSHv, APvBbSHv (ПвBГ, АПвВГ, ПвБбШв, АПвБбШв). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Control cables with PVC insulation, with low-flammable PVC oversheath: КVVGng, КVVGzng, КVVGEng,
АКВВГнг, АККВГзнг, АКВВГЭнг, АКВБбШвнг) Control cables with low smoke and gas emission PVC oversheath:

Control cable with PVC insulation: KVVG, KVVGz, KVVGE, KVBbSHv, AKVVG, AKVVGz,
AKVVGE, AKVBbSHv (КВВГ, КВВГз, КВВГЭ, КВБбШв, АКВВГ, АКВВГз, АКВВГЭ, АКВБбШв). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Wires and cables for rolling stock and railway transport: PPSVVM, PPSVVM-1, KPSVVVM (ППСВВМ, ППСВВМ-1, КПСВВВМ). . . . . 65

Copper flexible non-insulated wires: МG, МGE (МГ, МГЭ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Wires with PVC insulation for electric devices: APV, PV1, PV3, PV4, PPV, APPV (АПВ, ПВ1, ПВ3, ПВ4, ППВ, АППВ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Connecting wires and cores: PVS, SHVVP (ПВС, ШВВП). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

REFERENCE DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


VEVKbSHp 1 kV; 6 kV; VVKbSHp 1 kV
(ВЭВКбШп 1 кВ; 6 кВ; ВВКбШп 1 кВ)

Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-

024:2007 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11). 60502 – 2 (1998 - 03).

These cables are intended for transmission
and power distribution in stationary installation
at rated voltage of 1.0 kV and 6 kV, AC
50 Hz frequency laid in dry land at ambient
temperature from -40 °C to +50 °C and
(98±2) % relative air humidity at (35±2) °C;
laid in water, above ground and waterlogged
land – at ambient temperature from +2 °C to
+35 °C. Cables are not exposed to direct sun.


Construction Technical characteristics

Main conductors Earth conductor
Multicore copper round or sector-shaped
conductors. or compacted conductors (class 2 Rated Nominal Nominal
in accordance with GOST 22483-77). voltage, kV Number cross- Number cross-
section, mm2 section, mm2
INSULATION 3 6 - 240 - -
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound.
VVKbSHp 1 3 6 - 240 1 4 - 120
Screen over insulation 4 6 - 185 - -
Screen over insulation is made from copper
tape for VEVKbSHp cables. 3 16 - 240 - -
VEVKbSHp 1; 6
3 16 - 240 1 10 - 50
Multicore copper stranded round or Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at Minimal temperature of cable laying without
uninsulated divaricate (VEVKbSHp) or 20 °C is at least: preheating: 0 °C.
insulated (VVKbSHp) earth conductor. a) at acceptance and delivery for main
conductors – 50 MOhm; Minimal bend radius of these cables at laying
CABLE CORE b) for operational and storage period for main and installation must be not less than 10
Round screened or insulated main conductors conductors – 0.5 MOhm. overall diameters of the cable with round
and cable core (or without it) twisted around conductors and 15 overall diameters of the
insulated cable core from synthetic yarn. Conductors resistance calculated for 1 km at cable with sector-shaped conductors.
20°C complies with GOST 22483-77.
CORE WRAPPING OVERLYING OF Manufactured cable length: min. 300 m.
STRANDED CABLE CORE Cables endure variable stress level tests with
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. rated frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes as Guarantee period: 3 years from the
follows: commissioning date.
COVERING «KBSHP» TYPE («KБШП») a) at acceptance and delivery:
Armour is made from galvanized steel wires - 15 kV for main conductors at voltage of 6 kV; The manufacturer can ensure compliance
(min. diameter 1.8 mm) and polyethylene - 4 kV for main conductors at voltage of 1 kV. of cable quality with requirements of current
oversheath is applied over wrapping. b) for operational and storage period: technical speci fication, provided all terms of
- 10 kV for main conductors at voltage of 6 kV; transportation, storage, installation and use
- 3.5 kV for main conductors at voltage of 1 kV. have been observed.

Durable permissible heating temperature of Service life: from 10 to 30 years.

conductors must not exceed 75 °C.
All products are certified.


Permissible current loads
Permissible current loads of three-core cables and four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section:

Permissible current loads, A

Nominal conductor cross-
for rated voltage 1 kV for rated voltage 0.6 kV
section, mm2
above ground under ground above ground under ground
6.0 49 58 - -
10 66 77 - -
16 87 100 85 92
25 115 130 110 122
35 141 158 135 147
50 177 192 165 175
70 226 237 210 215
95 274 280 255 260
120 321 321 300 295
150 370 363 335 335
185 421 406 285 380
240 499 468 460 445

For four-core cables of equal cross-section, these loads must be multiplied by 0.93.
For cables are laid in the water, these loads must be multiplied by 1.3.


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal cross-
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
section of conductors, mm2
3×6.0 1.0 22.2 1121
3×10 1.0 24.3 1382
3×16 (compacted) 1.0 26.3 1673
3×25 (compacted) 1.0 29.5 2176
3×35 (compacted) 1.0 31.6 2636
3×50 (compacted) 1.0 35.5 3381
3×6.0+1×4.0 1.0 23.5 1251
3×10+1×6.0 1.0 25.9 1568
3×16+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 28.1 1911
3×25+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 30.8 2371
3×35+1×16 (compacted) 1.0 31.6 2515
3×35+1×16 (compacted) 1.0 33.1 2884
3×35+1×25 (compacted) 1.0 34.1 3042
3×50+1×25 (compacted) 1.0 37.3 3732
3×50+1×35 (compacted) 1.0 38.4 3945
4×6.0 1.0 23.5 1266
4×10 1.0 25.9 1600
4×16 (compacted) 1.0 28.1 1953
4×25 (compacted) 1.0 31.6 2585
4×35 (compacted) 1.0 34.1 3119
4×50 (compacted) 1.0 38.4 4058
3×70 (sector) 1.0 36.6 3769
3×95 (sector) 1.0 40.9 4753
3×120 (sector) 1.0 44.1 5642
3×150 (sector) 1.0 46.7 6659
3×185 (sector) 1.0 51.0 7942
3×240 (sector) 1.0 56.2 9846
3×70+1×25 (sector) 1.0 41.7 4334
3×70+1×35 (sector) 1.0 41.7 4430
3×70+1×50 (sector) 1.0 42.2 4592
3×95+1×35 (sector) 1.0 45.6 5379
3×95+1×50 (sector) 1.0 45.6 5533
3×120+1×35 (sector) 1.0 47.8 6201
3×120+1×70 (sector) 1.0 50.1 6685
3×150+1×50 (sector) 1.0 52.0 7488
3×150+1×70 (sector) 1.0 52.0 7667
3×185+1×50 (sector) 1.0 56.4 8759
3×185+1×95 (sector) 1.0 56.9 9212
3×240+1×70 (sector) 1.0 63.0 10939
3×240+1×120 (sector) 1.0 63.0 11443
4×70 (sector) 1.0 43.8 4891
4×95 (sector) 1.0 45.6 5979
4×120 (sector) 1.0 50.0 7188
4×150 (sector) 1.0 53.4 8536
4×185 (sector) 1.0 57.4 10116


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal cross-
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
section of conductors, mm2
3×16 (compacted) 1.0 26.7 1786
3×25 (compacted) 1.0 29.9 2307
3×35 (compacted) 1.0 32.0 2751
3×50 (compacted) 1.0 35.9 3517
3×16+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 26.7 1863
3×25+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 29.9 2384
3×35+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 32.0 2828
3×50+1×10 (compacted) 1.0 35.9 3594
3×70 (sector) 1.0 41.2 4484
3×95 (sector) 1.0 44.5 5423
3×120 (sector) 1.0 47.7 6392
3×150 (sector) 1.0 51.5 7547
3×185 (sector) 1.0 54.7 8765
3×240 (sector) 1.0 59.0 10662
3×70+1×10 (sector) 1.0 41.2 4561
3×95+1×10 (sector) 1.0 44.5 5500
3×120+1×10 (sector) 1.0 47.7 6470
3×150+1×10 (sector) 1.0 51.5 7624
3×185+1×10 (sector) 1.0 54.7 8842
3×240+1×10 (sector) 1.0 59.0 10740
3×70+1×25 (sector) 1.0 41.2 4610
3×95+1×35 (sector) 1.0 44.5 5608
3×120+1×35 (sector) 1.0 47.7 6566
3×150+1×50 (sector) 1.0 51.5 7836
3×185+1×50 (sector) 1.0 54.7 9054
3×240+1×50 (sector) 1.0 59.0 10952
3×16 (compacted) 6.0 37.2 2888
3×25 (compacted) 6.0 40.0 3414
3×35 (compacted) 6.0 42.1 3909
3×50 (compacted) 6.0 45.1 4655
3×16+1×10 (compacted) 6.0 37.2 2965
3×25+1×10 (compacted) 6.0 40.0 3491
3×35+1×10 (compacted) 6.0 42.1 3986
3×50+1×10 (compacted) 6.0 45.1 4732
3×70 (sector) 6.0 46.7 5199
3×95 (sector) 6.0 50.4 6224
3×120 (sector) 6.0 53.6 7230
3×150 (sector) 6.0 56.7 8371
3×185 (sector) 6.0 60.5 96.82
3×240 (sector) 6.0 64.8 11625
3×70+1×10 (sector) 6.0 46.7 5276
3×95+1×10 (sector) 6.0 50.4 6301
3×120+1×10 (sector) 6.0 53.6 7308
3×150+1×10 (sector) 6.0 56.7 8448
3×185+1×10 (sector) 6.0 60.5 9759
3×240+1×10 (sector) 6.0 64.8 11703
3×70+1×25 (sector) 6.0 46.7 5312
3×95+1×35 (sector) 6.0 50.4 6409
3×120+1×35 (sector) 6.0 53.6 7404
3×150+1×50 (sector) 6.0 56.7 8660
3×185+1×50 (sector) 6.0 60.5 9971
3×240+1×50 (sector) 6.0 64.8 11914


1 kV; 6 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
029:2008 and IEC 60501 – 1 (1998 - 11). 60502 – 2 (1998 - 03).

KPEVKbSHp cables are intended for
transmission and power distribution in stationary
installation at rated voltage of 1.0 kV and
6 kV, AC 50 Hz frequency laid in dry land and
open-air at ambient temperature from -50 °C
to +50 °C and 100 % relative air humidity at
(35±2) °C; laid in water and salt water – at
ambient temperature from +2 °C to +35 °C.
Cables are not exposed to direct sun.

The proposed construction of cable have

longitudinal and radial hermiticity achieved by
electroconductive water-blocking tapes and

Strength of cable achieved by round-wire



Multicore copper round compacted conductors
(class 2 in accordance with GOST 22483-77).
Conductors may be stranded with water- Technical characteristics
blocking filler if required for hermiticity.

INSULATION Main conductors Earth conductor

Thermoplastic high-technology compound Rated
Cable Nominal cross- Nominal cross-
based of polyethylene of low density. voltage, kV Number Number
Polyethylene have high dielectric behavior section, mm2 section, mm2
and low shrinkage, resistant to salt water
3 16 - 240 - -
SCREEN KPEVKbSHp 1 3 16 - 35 1 6
Above insulation imposed:
- electroconductive nonwoven water- 3 50 - 240 1 10
blocking tape;
- copper tape. KPEVKbSHp 1 4 16 - 240 4 -

CABLE CORE 3 16 - 240 - -

Three screened insulated conductors twisted KPEVKbSHp 6 3 16 - 240 1 10
around earth conductor (cross-section
10 mm²) or water-blocking threads. 4 16 - 240 - -
Intervals between copper conductor and
screened conductors for sealing are filled by Conductors resistance calculated for 1 km at Allowed testing by DC voltage.
water-blocking threads. 20 °C complies with GOST 22483-77.
Core wrapping imposed over stranding. Value of DC voltage should be in 2.4 times
Core wrapping is made from thermoplastic Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at higher than DC testing voltage;
compound. 20 °C is at least:
COVERING a) at acceptance and delivery for main Cables must be hermetical in the radial
Water-blocking tapes and galvanized steel conductors – 500 MOhm; direction under the influence of external
round-wire armour are imposed over core b) for operational and storage period for main hydrostatic pressure 1.96 MPa.
wrapping. conductors – 100 MOhm.
Water-blocking tapes and galvanized steel Cables are resistant to salt water.
round-wire armour fixed by water-blocking Cables endure variable stress level tests with
tape and tape from polymeric and synthetic rated frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes as Manufactured cable length: min. 200 m.
materials. follows:
Cables of variable lengths may be delivered
Polyethylene of high density oversheath a) at acceptance and delivery: upon request.
is imposed over fixed (fastened) tape. - 15 kV for main conductors at voltage of 6 kV;
Polyethylene oversheath is applied over - 4 kV for main conductors at voltage of 1 kV. Cables are laying without preheating in
wrapping, characteristics: b) for operational and storage period – at least ambient temperature min. -15 °C.
- low shrinkage; of 75 % of normalized value at acceptance
- high resistance to cracking and wearing; and delivery.
- resistance to atmospheric influences and
aggressive environments.


Technical characteristics
Permissible current loads of cables: Minimal bend radius of these cables at laying
and installation must be not less than 10
overall diameters of the cable.
Nominal Permissible current loads, A
Rated voltage,
conductor cross-
kV above ground under ground in water Permissible level difference across cable
section, mm²
laying at cable mounting for armour in one
16 93 100 127 point – max. 200 m.
25 130 130 165 Permissible depth of cable laying in water –
35 155 150 200 max. 200 m.

50 185 180 235 Durable permissible heating temperature of

70 205 210 265 conductors must not exceed 85 °C.
95 250 270 325
120 280 310 365 Guarantee period: 1 year from the
150 350 360 455 commissioning date.
185 380 400 490
The manufacturer can ensure compliance
240 430 450 520 of cable quality with requirements of current
16 122 110 143 technical specification, provided all terms of
25 147 139 180 transportation, storage, installation and use
have been observed.
35 167 155 210
50 195 185 250 Service life: from 10 to 30 years.
70 235 230 305
6 Factual service life determined by technical
95 280 275 365
position of cable.
120 320 340 410
150 355 355 440 All products are certified.
185 390 405 500
240 465 480 540

Permissible short-circuit currents for cables:

Nominal conductor Permissible current loads of cables, Nominal conductor cross- Permissible current loads of cables,
cross-section, mm² kA section, mm kA
16 1.45 95 8.75
25 2.32 120 11.03
35 3.22 150 13.60
50 4.37 185 17.02
70 6.30 240 22.37

copper conductor
water-blocking thread

hydrophobic water-blocking filler

core wrapping

galvanized wire insulation

water-blocking tape electroconductive

water-blocking tape

copper tape

Technical Data (reference values)

Nominal conductor cross-

Construction of conductor Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
section, mm²
3×70+1×6 multicore 51.6 6758
3×95+1×10 multicore 56.1 7956
3×120+1×10 multicore 59.1 9186


6 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
026:2009 and IEC 60502 – 2 (1998 - 03).

KGEV, KGEV-HL cables are designated to
connect excavators and movable devices or
electric equipment to power systems with an
insulated neutral at AC rated voltage of rated
frequency 50 Hz for main conductors – 6 kV,
auxiliary conductors – 380 V in systems
equipped with automatic power shutdown in
case of a single-phase short-circuit at 98 %
relative air humidity at (35±2) °C and at
ambient temperature from -40 °C to +50 °C
(KGEV); and at ambient temperature from
-50 °C to +50 °C (KGEV-HL).


Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS At customer request is allowed manufacture discharge – not less 6 kV.
Multicore copper round stranded conductors of cables with another number of main
(equal to or more than class 5 in accordance conductors and another cross-section of Cables resist alternation bending around
with GOST 22483-77). auxiliary conductors and earth conductor. rollers to the angle of π radian with stretching
of 196 H.
SCREEN OVER MAIN CONDUCTOR Conductors resistance of main and auxiliary
Semiconducting screen from conductors calculated for 1 km at 20 °C
electroconductive PVC compound. complies with GOST 22483-77.

INSULATION OF MAIN AND AUXILIARY Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at

CONDUCTORS 20 °C is at least:
Thermoplastic compound from
polyvinylchloride resin. - for main conductors:
at acceptance and delivery – 50 MOhm;
SCREEN OVER INSULATION OF MAIN for operational and storage period – 0.5 MOhm;
Semiconducting screen from - for auxiliary conductors:
electroconductive PVC compound. at acceptance and delivery – min. 10 MOhm;
for operational and storage period – 0.05 MOhm.
Earth conductor is uninsulated or expansible Main conductors endure test rated voltage of
electroconductive PVC compound screen is 15 kV AC, 50 Hz rated frequency for 5 min.
laying-on over earth conductor. Auxiliary conductors endure test rated voltage
of 2 kV AC, 50 Hz rated frequency for 5 min.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Electric potential at emerging of partial
discharge of main screened conductors not
less 9 kV, electric potential at cut off of partial

Diameter of rollers and number of alternating bending:

Nominal conductor cross- Nominal diameter of Number of alternating

section, mm2 rollers, mm bending
10–50 400 40000
70–150 600 30000


Technical characteristics
Allowed deviation of roller diameter ±10 %. rolling and winding - min. 10 outer diameters provides automatic shutdown of the cable
of the cable. line in case of a single-phase short-circuit.
Cables are resistant to influence of ambient Shutdown time must not exceed 0.2 sec.,
mechanical factors according to group of Maximum stretching of the cable must not and max. 0.5 sec. - with backup protection.
exploitation conditions of M4 in accordance exceed 24.5 H, cable stress at wire rolling and
with GOST 17516.1. winding – max. 10 H per mm² of compound Cable without an auxiliary conductor must
cross-section area of conductors. be checked for integrity of earth conductor.
Coefficient of reduction flexibility of cable
at changing temperature from –50 °C up to Cable must not be exposed to crushing load Cable must not be used in case its earth or
+25 °C should be no more than 10. and impact load. auxiliary conductors are damaged.

Cables are resistant to sun radiation. Cable ends must be sealed off. Guarantee period: 1 year from the
commissioning date.
Cable must not be used in case its oversheath
Cables are flame retardant with a single is damaged. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
laying. of cable quality with requirements of current
Earth conductor must be connected to earth technical specification, provided all terms of
Manufactured cable length: min. 200 m. lead whenever cable is in operation. transportation, storage, installation and use
have been observed.
Durable permissible operating temperature for Auxiliary conductor must be connected to
conductors of KGEV, KGEV-HL cables – max. monitoring equipment of earth conductor Service life: min. 3 years, if operating on
75 °C. integrity providing for signalization and mechanisms equipped with swinging paying
automatic shutdown of the cable line. out drums – min. 5 years, provided operation
Minimum permissible bending radius of the directions have been observed.
cable at installation and routing must equal Excavator feeder at substations and terminals
to min. 6 outer diameters of the cable, at wire must be connected to the equipment that All products are certified.

Durable permissible current load at rated environmental temperature 25 °C and operating

temperature for conductors 75 °C:

Nominal main conductor cross-section,

Admissible continuous current, A
10 83
16 106
25 143
35 172
50 215
70 263
95 316
120 368
150 414


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm2
3×10+1×6.0 6.0 41.8 2262
3×16+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2579
3×16+1×10 6.0 43.7 2603
3×25+1×10 6.0 47.8 3193
3×25+1×16 6.0 47.8 3236
3×35+1×10 6.0 49.6 3620
3×35+1×16 6.0 49.6 3663
3×50+1×16 6.0 55.6 4606
3×50+1×25 6.0 55.6 4659
3×70+1×16 6.0 62.8 6046
3×70+1×25 6.0 62.8 6100
3×95+1×25 6.0 66.3 7152
3×95+1×35 6.0 66.3 7228
3×120+1×50 6.0 72.4 8564
3×120+1×50 6.0 72.4 8637
3×150+1×50 6.0 74.9 9728
3×150+1×70 6.0 74.9 9878
3×10+1×6.0+1×4.0 6.0 41.8 2290
3×10+1×6.0+1×6.0 6.0 41.8 2305
3×16+1×6.0+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2622
3×16+1×10+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2645
3×25+1×10+1×6.0 6.0 47.8 3235
3×25+1×16+1×10 6.0 47.8 3303
3×35+1×10+1×16 6.0 49.6 3663
3×35+1×16+1×10 6.0 49.6 3730
3×50+1×16+1×10 6.0 55.6 4673
3×50+1×25+1×16 6.0 55.6 4769
3×70+1×16+1×10 6.0 62.8 6113
3×70+1×25+1×16 6.0 62.8 6209
3×95+1×25+1×10 6.0 66.3 7219
3×95+1×35+1×16 6.0 66.3 7337
3×120+1×35+1×10 6.0 72.4 8631
3×120+1×50+1×16 6.0 72.4 8747
3×150+1×50+1×10 6.0 74.9 9795
3×150+1×70+1×16 6.0 74.9 9988


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm2
3×10+1×6.0 6.0 41.8 2093
3×16+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2397
3×16+1×10 6.0 43.7 2423
3×25+1×10 6.0 47.8 2984
3×25+1×16 6.0 47.8 3029
3×35+1×10 6.0 49.6 3398
3×35+1×16 6.0 49.6 3443
3×50+1×16 6.0 55.6 4339
3×50+1×25 6.0 55.6 4397
3×70+1×16 6.0 62.8 5691
3×70+1×25 6.0 62.8 5750
3×95+1×25 6.0 66.3 6790
3×95+1×35 6.0 66.3 6846
3×120+1×35 6.0 72.4 8123
3×120+1×50 6.0 72.4 8205
3×150+1×50 6.0 74.9 9271
3×150+1×70 6.0 74.9 9425
3×10+1×6.0+1×4.0 6.0 41.8 2126
3×10+1×6.0+1×6.0 6.0 41.8 2141
3×16+1×6.0+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2445
3×16+1×10+1×6.0 6.0 43.7 2472
3×25+1×10+1×6.0 6.0 47.8 3033
3×25+1×16+1×10 6.0 47.8 3108
3×35+1×10+1×6.0 6.0 49.6 3447
3×35+1×16+1×10 6.0 49.6 3521
3×50+1×16+1×10 6.0 55.6 4418
3×50+1×25+1×16 6.0 55.6 4521
3×70+1×16+1×10 6.0 62.8 5770
3×70+1×25+1×16 6.0 62.8 5874
3×95+1×25+1×10 6.0 66.3 3882
3×95+1×35+1×16 6.0 66.3 7005
3×120+1×35+1×10 6.0 72.4 8502
3×120+1×50+1×16 6.0 72.4 8329
3×150+1×50+1×10 6.0 74.9 9350
3×150+1×70+1×16 6.0 74.9 9550




0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
003-2002. TU U 31.3-31850229-010-2004 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated to connect movable
devices or electric equipment to power
systems at bending’s with radius no less
8-th diameters, at ambient temperature from
-40 °C to +50 °C.

КGNVng, КGNVngLS cables are designated

to connect movable devices or electric
equipment to power systems at bending’s
with radius no less 8-th diameters, at ambient
temperature from -40 °C to +50 °C where
required special fire-prevention measures for
the protection of people and material values.


Construction Technical characteristics

Nominal conductor cross-
Multicore copper round stranded conductors Number of conductors
section, mm2
(equal to or more than class 5 in accordance Cable
with GOST 22483-77). main neutral main neutral
conductors conductors conductors conductors
INSULATION КGNV, КGNVng 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1,0 – 240 -
Insulation is made from polyvinylchloride
(PVC) compound for КGNV cables; and КGNVngLS 3 1 1,5 – 240 1,0 – 120
from low risk-of-fire PVC compound for 5 - 1,0 – 120 -
КGNVng cables; and low level of smoke and
gas release PVC compound for КGNVngLS Conductors resistance of conductors Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz
cables. calculated for 1 km at 20 °C complies: frequency during 5 minutes as follows:
- at acceptance and delivery - with GOST - 2.5 kV - at acceptance and delivery for
OVERSHEATH 22483-77; multicore cables without immersing in water.
Oversheath is made from polyvinylchloride - for operational and storage period – no and for single-core cables with immersing in
(PVC) compound for КGNV cables; and from more 110 % from normalized at acceptance water;
low risk-of-fire PVC compound for КGNVng and delivery of cable. - 1.5 kV - for operational and storage period.
cables; and from low risk-of-fire and low level
of smoke and gas release PVC compound for Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at Cables with conductor cross-section area
КGNVngLS cables. 20 °C is at least: 4 mm² and above must resist to repetitive
- at acceptance and delivery – 50 MOhm; bends through a system of rollers under
- for operational and storage period – current loading and endure at least
0.05 MOhm; 30000 bend cycles.

Nominal diameter of rollers and nominal tensile force:

Nominal main conductor Nominal diameter of

Nominal tensile force, H
cross-section, mm2 rollers, mm
1.0 – 1.5 120 10 (1.0)
2.5 120 15 (1.5)
4.0 160 25 (2.5)

Cables with conductor cross-section area 6 mm² and above must resist repetitive π/2 radian
bends at min. 49 H tensile force.


Technical characteristics
Nominal diameter of rollers and number of alternating bending:

Nominal diameter of rollers, Number of alternating

Nominal diameter of cable, mm
mm bending, min,
from 7 to 25 included 200 9000
over 25 up to 40 included 200 6000
over 40 400 4000

Cables are flame retardant with a single 150 m for cables with main conductor cross- Guarantee period: 6 months from the
laying. section up to 35 mm² included; commissioning date but not later than 12
- manufactured cable length must be min. months as from the date of production.
КGNVng, КGNVngLS cables have flame- 125 m for cables with main conductor cross-
retarding ability when laid in bundles in section up to 50 mm² and above. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
accordance with DSTU 4237 – 3 – 22 of cable quality with requirements of current
(category A). Stretching force on a cable for 1 mm² of the technical specification, provided all terms of
total conductors area is max. 19.6 H. transportation, storage, installation and use
Cables are resistant to sun radiation. have been observed.
Protractedly permissible temperature for the
Cables are resistant to lubricating oils and conductors heating: 70 °C. Service life: min. 4 years.
diesel fuel.
Minimum permissible bending radius of the All products are certified.
Manufactured cable length: cable at installation and routing must equal to
- manufactured cable length must be min. min. 8 outer diameters of the cable.

Permissible current loads:

Nominal conductor Permissible current loads, A

cross-section, mm2 Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables Four-core cables
1.0 22 19 15 14
1.5 32 27 24 22
2.5 43 36 31 29
4.0 56 47 40 37
6.0 70 59 52 48
10 94 79 69 64
16 124 104 90 84
25 163 137 118 110
35 200 169 144 134
50 251 211 180 167
70 321 271 229 213
95 389 329 277 258
120 453 383 324 301
150 524 444 373 346
185 597 505 424 394
240 707 598 502 466

Permissible short-circuit currents:

Nominal conductor cross- Permissible short-circuit Nominal conductor cross- Permissible short-circuit
section, mm2 currents, kA section, mm2 currents, kA
1.0 0.11 35 3.86
1.5 0.17 50 5.23
2.5 0.27 70 7.54
4.0 0.43 95 10.48
6.0 0.65 120 13.21
10 1.09 150 16.30
16 1.74 185 20.39
25 2.78 240 26.80


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm2
1×1.0 0.66 5.1 36.0
1×1.5 0.66 5.3 41.4
1×2.5 0.66 5.8 54.1
1×4.0 0.66 6.4 73.5
1×6.0 0.66 7.0 96.4
1×10 0.66 10.2 181
1×16 0.66 11.1 244
1×25 0.66 13.4 360
1×35 0.66 14.2 458
1×50 0.66 17.4 644
1×70 0.66 19.2 861
1×95 0.66 21.2 1126
1×120 0.66 24.7 1426
1×150 0.66 26.2 1733
1×185 0.66 28.2 2097
1×240 0.66 32.2 2702
2×1.0 0.66 7.8 84
2×1.5 0.66 8.2 98
2×2.5 0.66 10.2 152
2×4.0 0.66 11.5 207
2×6.0 0.66 12.7 269
2×10 0.66 17.0 462
2×16 0.66 19.4 646
2×25 0.66 24.0 982
2×35 0.66 26.3 1263
2×50 0.66 33.1 1869
2×70 0.66 36.4 2430
2×95 0.66 40.5 3142
2×120 0.66 47.2 4061
2×150 0.66 50.2 4851
2×185 0.66 54.3 5831
2×240 0.66 62.5 7609
3×1.0 0.66 8.2 98
3×1.5 0.66 9.7 136
3×2.5 0.66 10.7 180
3×4.0 0.66 12.1 249
3×6.0 0.66 13.4 329
3×10 0.66 18.0 565
3×16 0.66 20.5 803
3×25 0.66 26.1 1256
3×35 0.66 27.9 1592
3×50 0.66 36.2 2410
3×70 0.66 38.6 3068
3×95 0.66 43.1 4003
3×120 0.66 50.2 5127
3×150 0.66 53.4 6189
3×185 0.66 58.8 7613
3×240 0.66 66.6 9734
4×1.0 0.66 9.9 138
4×1.5 0.66 10.4 161
4×2.5 0.66 11.5 216
4×4.0 0.66 13.2 302
4×6.0 0.66 14.6 403
4×10 0.66 20.4 721
4×16 0.66 22.5 993
4×25 0.66 28.7 1553


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal
Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm2
4×35 0.66 31.1 2012
4×50 0.66 39.8 2981
4×70 0.66 42.6 3828
4×95 0.66 48.5 5129
4×120 0.66 55.4 6404
4×150 0.66 60.0 7903
4×185 0.66 65.0 9559
4×240 0.66 73.7 12235
5×1.0 0.66 10.6 159
5×1.5 0.66 11.3 188
5×2.5 0.66 12.5 255
5×4.0 0.66 14.4 359
5×6.0 0.66 16.0 482
5×10 0.66 22.4 859
5×16 0.66 25.4 1226
5×25 0.66 32.0 1894
5×35 0.66 34.2 2474
5×50 0.66 43.9 3648
5×70 0.66 48.0 4814
5×95 0.66 53.5 6315
5×120 0.66 62.2 8028
3×1.5+1×1.0 0.66 10.4 158
3×2.5+1×1.5 0.66 11.5 209
3×4.0+1×2.5 0.66 13.2 292
3×6.0+1×4.0 0.66 14.6 389
3×10+1×6.0 0.66 18.6 616
3×16+1×6.0 0.66 21.2 857
3×16+1×10 0.66 22.5 950
3×25+1×10 0.66 26.9 1342
3×25+1×16 0.66 27.7 1435
3×35+1×10 0.66 28.8 1681
3×35+1×10 0.66 30.0 1808
3×35+1×16 0.66 31.1 1937
3×50+1×16 0.66 37.3 2558
3×50+1×25 0.66 38.4 2709
3×50+1×35 0.66 38.4 2784
3×70+1×25 0.66 39.9 3275
3×70+1×35 0.66 41.1 3462
3×70+1×50 0.66 42.6 3679
3×95+1×25 0.66 44.4 4222
3×95+1×35 0.66 44.4 4296
3×95+1×50 0.66 48.5 4804
3×95+1×70 0.66 48.5 4954
3×120+1×35 0.66 51.8 5440
3×120+1×50 0.66 51.8 5512
3×120+1×70 0.66 53.4 5855
3×150+1×50 0.66 55.2 6584
3×150+1×70 0.66 56.9 6955
3×150+1×95 0.66 56.9 7131
3×185+1×50 0.66 60.7 8027
3×185+1×70 0.66 60.7 8176
3×185+1×95 0.66 62.6 8619
3×185+1×120 0.66 65.0 9087
3×240+1×70 0.66 68.8 10327
3×240+1×95 0.66 68.8 10503
3×240+1×120 0.66 71.0 10974


0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
008-2004 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

КGNV-M cables are designated to connect
movable devices or electric equipment to
power systems at ambient temperature from
-40° C to +50 °C.


Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS Number and nominal conductors cross-section:
Multicore copper round stranded conductors Number of conductors Nominal conductors cross-section, mm2
(equal to or more than class 5 in accordance
with GOST 22483-77). 7; 10; 12; 14; 16; 19; 24; 27; 30; 33; 37 1.0 – 4.0
7; 10 6.0
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Conductors resistance of conductors calculated Cables are resistant to lubricating oils and
for 1 km at 20 °C complies: diesel fuel.
OVERSHEATH - at acceptance and delivery - with GOST
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. 22483-77; Cables must resist repetitive π/2 radian
- for operational and storage period – no more bends at min. 49 H tensile force at ambient
120 % from normalized at acceptance and temperature (25±10) °C:
delivery of cable. - nominal overall diameter of cable from 10 to
25 mm – 9000 bend cycles;
Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at - nominal overall diameter of cable over
20 °C is at least: 25 mm – 6000 bend cycles.
- at acceptance and delivery – 50 MOhm;
- for operational and storage period – Stretching force on a cable for 1 mm² of the
0.05 MOhm; total conductors area is max. 19.6 H.

Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz Minimum permissible bending radius of the
frequency during 5 minutes without immersing cable at installation and routing must equal to
in water as follows: min. 8 outer diameters of the cable.
- 2.5 kV - at acceptance and delivery;
- 1.5 kV - for operational and storage period. Guarantee period: 12 months from the
commissioning date but not later than
Manufactured cable length: min. 150 m. 18 months as from the date of production.
Cables of variable lengths may be delivered
upon request. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current
Protractedly permissible temperature for the technical specification, provided all terms of
conductors heating: 70 °C. transportation, storage, installation and use
have been observed.
Cables are flame retardant with a single laying.
Service life: min. 4 years.
Cables are resistant to sun radiation.
All products are certified.


Permissible current loads:

Number of Permissible current load (A) for cables single laying with nominal cross-section (mm2)
conductors 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0
7 8.3 10.3 13.4 17.5 21.8
10 7.2 8.8 11.7 15.3 19.0
12 6.6 8.2 10.8 14.1 -
14 6.3 7.6 10.0 13.1 -
16 5.9 7.2 9.4 12.3 -
19 5.5 6.7 8.8 11.5 -
24 4.9 6.2 8.0 10.5 -
27 4.7 5.8 7.7 10.1 -
30 4.5 5.5 7.5 9.8 -
33 4.2 5.3 7.2 9.4 -
37 3.9 5.0 6.8 8.9 -

Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal Number and nominal

Nominal overall Weight of 1 km Nominal overall Weight of 1 km
conductors cross- conductors cross-
diameter, mm cable, kg diameter, mm cable, kg
section, mm2 section, mm2
7х1.0 11.4 198 10х2.5 16.9 455
10х1.0 14.1 273 12x2.5 17.4 517
12x1.0 14.5 305 14х2.5 18.2 584
14х1.0 15.2 342 16x2.5 19.8 679
16x1.0 16.0 379 19х2.5 20.8 780
19х1.0 16.8 432 24x2.5 24.8 1008
24x1.0 20.0 565 27х2.5 25.3 1101
27х1.0 20.4 613 30x2.5 26.1 1200
30x1.0 21.1 665 33x2.5 27.1 1302
33x1.0 21.9 719 37x2.5 28.1 1434
37x1.0 22.7 788 7х4 15.6 465
7х1.5 12.1 236 10х4 20.2 681
10х1.5 15.0 328 12x4 20.8 775
12x1.5 15.4 368 14х4 21.9 878
14х1.5 16.2 414 16x4 23.0 982
16x1.5 17.0 460 19х4 24.9 1168
19х1.5 17.9 527 24x4 28.9 1460
24x1.5 21.4 687 27х4 29.5 1601
27х1.5 21.8 747 30x4 30.9 1780
30x1.5 22.6 813 33x4 32.1 1933
33x1.5 23.4 881 37x4 33.3 2134
37x1.5 24.9 1002 7х6 17.3 632
7х2.5 13.5 326 10х6 22.6 923


0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
003-2002 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated to connect movable
devices or electric equipment to power
systems at bending’s with radius no less
8-th diameters, at ambient temperature from
-40 °C to +50 °C.

KVGP cables are resistant to abrasion.


Construction Technical characteristics

Number of conductors Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2
Multicore copper round stranded conductors
(equal to or more than class 5 in accordance auxiliary auxiliary
main conductor main conductor
with GOST 22483-77). conductors conductors
3 3 25; 35 6.0 - 16
CONDUCTORS Other number and cross-section of Cables are resistant to sun radiation.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. insulated conductors may be delivered upon
request. Cables are resistant to lubricating oils and
Conductors cross-section area 6 mm² Conductors resistance calculated for 1 km at
20 °C complies: Manufactured cable length:
are twisted together with polyethylene - at acceptance and delivery - with GOST - manufactured cable length must be min.
terephthalate film winding. 22483-77; 200 m for cables with main conductor cross-
- for operational and storage period – no section 25 mm²;
CABLE CORE more 110 % from normalized at acceptance - manufactured cable length must be min.
Three main conductors and three auxiliary and delivery of cable. 250 m for cables with main conductor cross-
section 35 mm².
conductors in polyethylene terephthalate Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at
film winding twisted around insulated bundle 20 °C is at least: Protractedly permissible temperature for the
(bundle is based on polyester thread) for conductors heating: min. 70 °C.
cables with auxiliary conductor cross-section - at acceptance and delivery – 50 MOhm;
area 6 mm². - for operational and storage period – Stretching force on a cable for 1 mm² of the
0.05 MOhm; total conductors area is max. 19.6 H.
Three main conductors and three auxiliary
conductors twisted the next but one around Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz Minimum permissible bending radius of the
insulated bundle (bundle is based on frequency during 5 minutes as follows: cable at installation and routing must equal to
polyester thread) for cables with auxiliary min. 8 outer diameters of the cable.
conductor cross-section area 10 mm² and - 2.5 kV - at acceptance and delivery for
multicore cables without immersing in water, Guarantee period: 6 months from the
16 mm². and for single-core cables with immersing in commissioning date but not later than
water; 12 months as from the date of production.
OVERSHEATH - 1.5 kV - for operational and storage period.
Inner oversheath is made from The manufacturer can ensure compliance
polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Cables must resist to multiple alternating of cable quality with requirements of current
bending on angle 180 degrees at nominal technical specification, provided all terms of
Outer oversheath is made from polyurethane. 49 H tensile force and weathering min. transportation, storage, installation and use
8000 bend cycles at bending radius 500 mm. have been observed.
Bundle (bundle is based on polyester thread; Service life: min. 4 years.
carrying core) carry load min. 2500 H.
All products are certified.
Cables are resistant to abrasion.

Cables are flame retardant with a single



Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm2
3×25+3×6.0 0.66 34.0 1833
3×25+3×10 0.66 37.0 2198
3×35+3×6.0 0.66 34.9 2122
3×35+3×10 0.66 39.7 2633
3×35+3×16 0.66 39.7 2761


0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated to connect movable
devices or electric equipment to power
systems at bending’s with radius no less 10-th
diameters. at ambient temperature from
-40 °C to +50 °C.


Construction Technical characteristics

Number of Nominal conductor cross-
Multicore copper round stranded conductors Number of conductors
conductors section, mm2
(equal to or more than class 5 in accordance
with GOST 22483-77). main conductor auxiliary auxiliary
main conductor main conductor
conductors conductors
INSULATION KPGUv 3 1 70 - 185 25 - 95
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound.
Other number and cross-section of Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz
CABLE CORE insulated conductors may be delivered upon frequency during 5 minutes as follows:
Insulated conductors twisted around insulated request.
bundle. - 2.5 kV - at acceptance and delivery for
Bundle is based on polyester thread. Conductors resistance of conductors multicore cables without immersing in water,
calculated for 1 km at 20 °C complies: and for single-core cables with immersing in
OVERSHEATH - at acceptance and delivery - with GOST water;
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. 22483-77; - 1.5 kV - for operational and storage period.
- for operational and storage period – no
more 110% from normalized at acceptance Cables with conductor cross-section area
and delivery of cable. 6 mm² and above must resist repetitive
π/2 radian bends at min. 49 H tensile force.
Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at
20 °C is at least:
- at acceptance and delivery – 50 MOhm;
- for operational and storage period –
0.05 MOhm;


Technical Data (reference values)
Nominal diameter of rollers and number of cycles bending:
Nominal main conductors Nominal diameter of Number of alternating
cross-section, mm2 rollers, mm bending, min
70 - 120 400 4000
150 - 185 600 4000

Cables are flame retardant with a single Minimum permissible bending radius of the
laying. cable at installation and routing must equal to
min. 10 outer diameters of the cable.
Manufactured cable length: min. 150 m.
The manufacturer can ensure compliance
Protractedly permissible temperature for the of cable quality with requirements of current
conductors heating: min. 70 °C. technical specification, provided all terms of
transportation, storage, installation and use
Stretching force on a cable for 1 mm² of the have been observed.
total conductors area is max. 19.6 H .
All products are certified.


0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 16442-80 and
IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated for power supply and
distribution in fixed installations with rated AC
voltage 0.66 kV at frequency 50 Hz at ambient
temperature from -50 °C to +50 °C and
relative humidity up to 98% at temperature
up to 35 °C, cables are intended for laying in
outdoors including.

VVGz, АVVGz cables are designated for

fixed connection to electric devices at nominal
AC voltage up to 0.66 kV at frequency 50 Hz.
Cables are used for connection to devices
requiring input sealing.


Construction Technical characteristics

Nominal conductor cross-
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or Cable Number of conductors
section, mm2
multicore conductors (class 1 in accordance
with GOST 22483-77). VVG 1. 2. 3. 4 1.5 – 50
VVGz 2. 3. 4 1.5 – 50
Insulation and oversheath are made from AVVG 1. 2. 3. 4 2.5 – 50
polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. AVVGz 2. 3. 4 2.5 – 50


WITH GOST 7006-72) VBbSHv. AVBbSHv 2. 3. 4 4.0- 50
Armour is made from 2 galvanized steel tapes
and PVC compound oversheath is applied Electric resistance of conductors to DC Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at
over wrapping. complies with GOST 22483. temperature 20 °C:

Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2 Insulation resistance, MOhm, no less

1.5 12
2.5 – 4 10
6 9
10 – 50 7

Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at 450 m for cables with main conductor cross-
temperature 20 °C indicated at protractedly section 1.5-16 mm²;
permissible temperature for the conductors - manufactured cable length must be min.
heating at operational period at least 300 m for cables with main conductor cross-
0.005 MOhm. section 25-50 mm².

Cables endure AC 3.0 kV test and 50 Hz Minimal temperature of cable laying without
frequency during 10 minutes. pre-heating: - 15 °C.

Cables are flame retardant with a single Minimum permissible bending radius of the
laying. cable at installation and routing must equal
to min. 10 outer diameters of the cable for
Manufactured cable length: single-core cable, and min.7.5 outer diameters
- manufactured cable length must be min. of the cable – for multicore cables.


Technical characteristics

Protractedly permissible temperature for the Operation time of cables in emergency mode technical specification, provided all terms of
conductors heating: 70 °C. do not should be more than 8 hours in 24 transportation, storage, installation and use
hours, or no more than 1000 hours during all have been observed.
Maximum permissible temperature for the service life.
conductors heating in short circuit mode: Service life: 30 years.
160 °C. Guarantee period: 5 years from the
commissioning date. All products are certified.
Maximum permissible temperature for the
conductors heating in emergency mode: 80 °C The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current

Permissible current loads:

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with copper conductors:

Permissible current loads, A

conductor Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above under above under
ground ground ground ground ground ground
1.5 29 32 24 33 21 28 0.17
2.5 40 42 33 44 28 37 0.27
4 53 54 44 56 37 48 0.43
6 67 67 56 71 49 58 0.65
10 91 89 76 94 66 77 1.09
16 121 116 101 123 87 100 1.74
25 160 148 134 157 115 130 2.78
35 197 178 166 190 141 158 3.86
50 247 217 208 230 177 192 5.23

*The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with aluminum conductors:

Permissible current loads, A

conductor Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above under above under
ground ground ground ground ground ground
2.5 30 32 25 33 21 28 0.18
4 40 41 34 43 29 37 0.29
6 51 52 43 54 37 44 0.42
10 69 68 58 72 50 59 0.70
16 93 83 77 94 67 77 1.13
25 122 113 103 120 88 100 1.81
35 151 136 127 145 109 121 2.50
50 189 166 159 176 136 147 3.38

*The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.


1 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 16442-80 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).


6 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 16442-80 and IEC 60502 – 2 (1998 -03).

Cables are designated for power supply
and distribution in fixed installations with
rated AC voltage 1 kV and 6 kV at frequency
50 Hz at ambient temperature from -50 °C to
+50 °C and relative humidity up to 98% at
temperature up to 35 °C, cables are intended
for laying in outdoors including.

VVGz, АVVGz cables are designated for fixed

connection to electric devices at nominal AC
voltage up to 0.66 kV at frequency 50 Hz.
Cables are used for connection to devices
requiring input sealing.


Construction Technical characteristics

Rated voltage, Number of Nominal conductor
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or Cable
kV conductors cross-section, mm2
multicore conductors (class 1, 2 in accordance
with GOST 22483-77). VVG 1. 2. 3. 4 1.5 – 240
Copper or aluminum multicore sector-shaped VVGz 2. 3. 4 1.5 – 50
AVVG 1 1. 2. 3. 4 2.5 – 240
Insulation and oversheath are made from
polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. VBbSHv. AVBbSHv 2. 3. 4 6.0 – 240
6 3 35 - 240
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound.

SCREEN FOR 6 KV CABLES Electric resistance of conductors to DC Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at
Electroconductive screen from complies with GOST 22483. 20 °C indicated at protractedly permissible
electroconducting polyvinylchloride (PVC) temperature for the conductors heating at
compound and screen from 2 copper tapes. Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at operational period is at least:
These tapes are gapped laid. temperature 20 °C:
- at rated voltage 1 kV - 0.005 MOhm;
COVERING «BBSHV» (IN ACCORDANCE - for cables at rated voltage 1 kV: - at rated voltage 6 kV - 0.05 MOhm.
WITH GOST 7006-72) - for cables at rated voltage 6 kV –
Armour is made from 2 galvanized steel tapes 50 MOhm.
and PVC compound oversheath is applied
over wrapping. Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2 Insulation resistance, MOhm, no less
1.5 12
2.5 – 4 10
6 9
10 – 240 7


Technical characteristics
Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz - manufactured cable length must be min. Maximum permissible temperature for the
frequency during 10 minutes: 400 m for cables with main conductor cross- conductors heating in emergency mode: 80 °C
- 3.5 kV – for cables at rated voltage 1 kV; section 92-120 mm²;
- 15 kV – for cables at rated voltage 6 kV. - manufactured cable length must be min. Operation time of cables in emergency
350 m for cables with main conductor cross- mode do not should be more than 8 hours in
Cables are flame retardant with a single section 150-240 mm². 24 hours. or no more than 1000 hours during
laying. all service life.
Minimal temperature of cable laying without
Manufactured cable length for cables at pre-heating: - 15 °C. Guarantee period: 5 years from the
rated voltage of 1 kV : commissioning date.
- manufactured cable length must be min. Minimum permissible bending radius of the
450 m for cables with main conductor cross- cable at installation and routing must equal The manufacturer can ensure compliance
section 1.5-16 mm²; to min. 10 outer diameters of the cable for of cable quality with requirements of current
- manufactured cable length must be min. single-core cable, and min.7.5 outer diameters technical specification, provided all terms of
300 m for cables with main conductor cross- of the cable – for multicore cables. transportation, storage, installation and use
section 25-70 mm²; have been observed.
- manufactured cable length must be min. Protractedly permissible temperature for the
200 m for cables with main conductor cross- conductors heating: 70 °C. Service life: 30 years.
section 95-240 mm².
Manufactured cable length for cables at Maximum permissible temperature for the All products are certified.
rated voltage of 6 kV : conductors heating in short circuit mode:
- manufactured cable length must be min. 160 °C.
450 m for cables with main conductor cross-
section 35-70 mm²; Duration of short circuit mode: max. 4 seconds.

Permissible current loads:

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with copper conductors at rated voltage of 1 kV:

Permissible current loads, A

conductor Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above under above under
ground ground ground ground ground ground
1.5 29 32 24 33 21 28 0.17
2.5 40 42 33 44 28 37 0.27
4 53 54 44 56 37 48 0.43
6 67 67 56 71 49 58 0.65
10 91 59 76 94 66 77 1.09
16 121 116 101 123 87 100 1.74
25 160 148 134 157 115 130 2.78
35 197 178 166 190 141 154 3.86
50 247 217 208 230 177 192 5.23
70 318 265 - - 226 237 7.54
95 386 314 - - 274 280 10.48
120 450 358 - - 321 321 13.21
150 521 406 - - 370 363 16.30
185 594 455 - - 421 406 20.39
240 704 525 - - 499 468 26.80

*The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.


Permissible current loads:
Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with aluminum conductors at rated voltage of 1 kV:

Permissible current loads, A

conductor Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above under above under
ground ground ground ground ground ground
2.5 30 32 25 33 21 28 0.18
4 40 41 34 43 29 37 0.29
6 51 52 43 54 37 4 0.42
10 69 68 58 72 50 59 0.70
16 93 83 77 94 67 77 1.13
25 122 113 103 120 88 100 1.81
35 151 136 127 145 109 121 2.50
50 189 166 159 176 136 147 3.38
70 233 200 - - 167 178 4.95
95 284 237 - - 204 212 6.86
120 330 269 - - 236 241 9.66
150 380 305 - - 273 274 10.64
185 436 343 - - 313 308 13.37
240 515 396 - - 369 355 17.54

*The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables at rated voltage of 6 kV:

Permissible current loads, A Permissible short-circuit currents,

Nominal kA
aluminum conductor copper conductor
conductor cross-
section, mm2 aluminum copper
above ground under ground above ground under ground
conductor conductor
35 105 110 135 147 3.86 2.50
50 125 130 165 175 5.23 3.38
70 155 160 210 215 7.54 4.95
95 190 195 255 260 10.48 6.86
120 220 220 300 295 13.21 9.66
150 250 250 335 335 16.30 10.64
185 290 285 285 380 20.39 13.37
240 345 335 460 445 26.80 17.54


Technical Data (reference values)

Number Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

Nominal voltage 1 kV with round conductor
1×1.5 5.4 43
1×2.5 5.8 5.8 55 40
1×4.0 6.6 6.7 78 54
1×6.0 7.1 7.1 100 64
1×10 7.9 7.9 143 82
1×16 10.0 9.5 227 123
1×25 11.7 11.7 334 180
1×35 12.9 12.9 435 220
1×50 14.6 14.6 575 284
1×70 16.4 16.4 782 363
1×95 18.9 18.9 1069 486
1×120 20.3 20.3 1295 570
1×150 22.2 22.2 1596 686
1×185 24.6 24.6 1981 845
1×240 27.7 27.7 2576 1074
2×1.5 8.4 8.4 82 102
2×2.5 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 120 146 89 115
2×4.0 11.5 11.5 11.6 11.6 169 210 121 162
2×6.0 12.5 12.5 16.7 12.5 12.5 16.7 217 268 474 142 193 399
2×10 14.1 14.1 18.3 14.1 14.1 18.3 307 376 585 182 250 460
2×16 17.1 17.1 21.3 16.0 16.0 20.2 458 569 791 242 337 555
2×25 20.9 20.9 24.7 20.9 20.9 24.7 697 868 1073 378 549 754
2×35 23.2 23.2 27.4 23.2 23.2 27.4 909 1126 1350 464 682 906
2×50 27.1 27.1 30.9 27.1 27.1 30.9 1225 1525 1706 623 923 1103
2×70 30.6 34.4 30.6 34.4 1658 2199 792 1334
2×95 35.2 39.0 35.2 39.0 2256 2876 1050 1670
2×120 38.1 41.9 38.1 41.9 2729 3400 1229 1900
2×150 41.9 46.1 41.9 46.1 3359 4140 1475 2256
2×185 46.3 50.1 46.3 50.1 4156 4969 1808 2621
2×240 52.4 56.6 52.4 56.6 5397 6371 2292 3266
3×1.5 9.4 9.4 118 134
3×2.5 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 155 174 108 128
3×4.0 12.1 12.1 12.2 12.2 224 255 150 182
3×6.0 13.2 13.2 17.4 13.2 13.2 17.4 293 332 563 179 218 450
3×10 14.9 14.9 19.1 14.9 14.9 19.1 422 475 715 234 287 527
3×16 18.6 18.6 22.4 17.0 17.0 21.2 657 742 992 320 392 650
3×25 22.2 22.2 26.4 22.2 22.2 26.4 981 1111 1405 502 632 926
3×35 25.1 25.1 28.9 24.1 25.1 28.9 1312 1478 1758 646 812 1092
3×50 28.8 28.8 32.6 28.8 28.8 32.6 1742 1971 2253 839 1068 1349
4×1.5 10.2 10.2 145 159
4×2.5 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 192 211 130 148
4×4.0 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 281 310 183 213
4×6.0 14.5 14.5 18.7 14.5 14.5 18.7 372 408 656 221 257 505
4×10 16.4 16.4 20.6 16.4 16.4 20.6 541 591 861 291 341 610
4×16 20.4 20.4 24.2 19.1 19.1 22.9 846 926 1213 419 488 763
4×25 24.9 24.9 28.7 24.9 24.9 28.7 1294 1417 1737 656 779 1099
4×35 27.6 27.6 31.4 27.6 27.6 31.4 1704 1861 2195 816 973 1307
4×50 31.8 31.8 36.0 31.8 31.8 36.0 2271 2487 2868 1066 1282 1664


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

Nominal voltage 1 kV with round conductor
5×1.5 11.1 172
5×2.5 12.1 12.1 230 152
5×4.0 14.5 14.6 339 217
5×6.0 15.8 15.8 451 263
5×10 18.0 18.0 662 349
5×16 22.5 20.9 1036 490
5×25 27.4 27.4 1589 792
3×1.5+1×1.0 10.2 10.2 139 156
3×1.5+1×1.5 10.2 10.2 145 159
3×2.5+1×1.5 11.1 11.1 182 203
3×4.0+1×2.5 12.8 12.8 13.3 13.3 259 287 174 212
3×6.0+1×4.0 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 351 393 213 255
3×10+1×6.0 16.4 16.4 20.6 16.4 16.4 20.6 502 562 822 277 336 569
3×16+1×10 19.7 19.7 23.5 19.1 19.1 22.9 775 851 1130 396 477 740
3×25+1×10 22.9 22.9 27.1 22.9 22.9 27.1 1096 1199 1532 554 658 991
3×25+1×16 24.9 24.9 28.7 24.0 24.0 27.8 1196 1350 1636 606 728 1033
3×35+1×10 25.9 25.9 29.7 25.9 25.9 29.7 1429 1571 1888 700 842 1160
3×35+1×16 26.6 26.6 30.4 25.9 25.9 29.7 1501 1661 1974 724 853 1183
3×35+1×25 27.6 27.6 31.4 27.6 27.6 31.4 1608 1790 2098 782 964 1273
3×50+1×16 29.7 29.7 33.5 29.7 29.7 33.5 1925 2113 2452 918 1114 1444
3×50+1×25 30.6 30.6 34.4 30.6 30.6 34.4 2032 2244 2574 969 1181 1511
3×50+1×35 31.8 31.8 36.0 31.6 31.8 36.0 2138 2398 2736 1013 1273 1610


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

Nominal voltage 1 kV with sector-shaped conductor
3×70 29.0 32.8 29.0 32.8 2397 2912 1073 1587
3×95 32.7 36.9 32.7 36.9 3170 3784 1372 1986
3×120 36.3 40.1 36.3 40.1 3946 4586 1675 2315
3×150 38.9 42.7 38.9 42.7 4848 5533 2009 2694
3×185 42.6 46.8 42.6 46.8 5909 6703 2408 3202
3×240 48.2 52.0 48.2 52.0 7622 8467 3080 3925
4×70 36.0 39.8 36.0 39.8 3206 3841 1440 2075
4×95 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 4211 4877 1814 2480
4×120 41.6 45.8 41.6 45.8 5200 5976 2172 2948
4×150 45.4 49.2 45.4 49.2 6443 7241 2658 3456
4×185 49.4 53.2 49.4 53.2 7853 8720 3185 4052
4×240 55.6 59.4 55.6 59.4 10123 11098 4067 5042
3×70+1×25 33.5 37.7 33.5 37.7 2703 3332 1223 1852
3×70+1×35 33.5 37.7 33.5 37.7 2797 3426 1256 1885
3×70+1×50 34.4 38.2 34.4 38.2 2962 3569 1344 1951
3×95+1×35 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 3607 4273 1593 2259
3×95+1×50 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 3736 4402 1645 2310
3×120+1×35 40.0 43.8 40.0 43.8 4342 5046 1855 2559
3×120+1×70 41.7 45.9 41.7 45.9 4683 5461 1991 2769
3×150+1×50 43.6 47.8 43.6 47.8 5383 6196 2251 3064
3×150+1×70 43.6 47.8 43.6 47.8 5579 6392 2319 3131
3×185+1×50 48.4 52.2 48.4 52.2 6496 7345 2701 3551
3×185+1×90 48.9 52.7 48.9 52.7 6976 7835 2876 3734
3×240+1×70 54.4 58.6 54.4 58.6 8373 9384 3410 4421
3×240+1×120 54.4 58.6 54.4 58.6 8890 9901 3592 4603

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

Nominal voltage 6 kV with round conductors
3×35 40.7 40.7 42.1 42.1 2773 2107 3204 2538
3×50 43.6 43.6 45.0 45.0 3323 2419 3786 2882
Nominal voltage 1 kV with sector-shaped conductors
3×70 43.2 43.2 44.6 44.6 3602 2277 4061 2736
3×95 46.8 46.8 47.8 47.8 4502 2704 4952 3154
3×120 50.0 50.0 51.4 51.4 5345 3074 5877 3606
3×150 52.1 52.1 53.5 53.5 6295 3456 6850 4012
3×185 55.7 55.7 56.7 56.7 7479 3978 8016 4515
3×240 59.9 59.9 61.3 61.3 9202 4660 9842 5300


Five-core power cables with PVC insulation
VVGzng, VBbSHvng, AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng
(ВВГ, ВВГз, ВБбШв, АВВГ, АВВГз, АВБбШв, ВВГнг, ВВГзнг,
ВБбШвнг, АВВГзнг, АВБбШвнг)
0.66 kV and 1 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
028:2008. TU U 31.3-31850229-010-2004 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 -11).

Cables are designated for power supply
and distribution in fixed installations with
rated AC voltage 1 kV and 6 kV at frequency
50 Hz at ambient temperature from -40 °C to
+50 °C and relative humidity up to 98 % at
temperature up to 35 °C.

five-core VVG cable

Construction Technical characteristics

main conductors neutral conductor
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or
multicore conductors (class 1, 2 in accordance Rated nominal Nominal
with GOST 22483-77). Cable voltage, conductor conductor
kV number cross- Number cross-
Insulation and core wrapping are made from mm2 mm2
polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound.
VVG, VVGng, VVGz 4 2.5 – 50 1 1.5 – 2. 5
OVERSHEATH VVGzng 5 1.5 – 50 - -
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. 4 6.0 – 50 1 4.0 – 25
Oversheath is made from low risk-of-fire PVC VBbSHv, VBbSHvng 0.66
compound for cables with «ng» designation. 5 6.0 – 50 - -
VVG, VVGng, VVGz 1 4 35 – 185 1 16 - 120
Armour is made from steel tapes and PVC VVGzng, VBbSHv,
5 35 – 185 - -
compound oversheath or low risk-of-fire PVC VBbSHvng
compound (for cables with «ng» designation) AVVG, AVVGng,
0.66 5 2.5 – 50 - -
is applied over wrapping. AVVGz, AVVGzng
AVBbSHv, AVBbSHvng 0.66 5 6.0 – 50 - -
AVVGz, AVVGzng, 1 5 35 - 185 - -

Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at temperature 20 °C:

Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2 Insulation resistance, MOhm, no less

1.5 12
2.5 – 4 10
6 9
10 – 185 7


Technical characteristics

Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at Electric resistance of conductors to DC

20 °C indicated at protractedly permissible complies with GOST 22483-77.
temperature for the conductors heating at
operational period is at least 0.005 MOhm. Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz
frequency during 10 minutes.

Nominal voltage, kV Testing voltage, kV

0.66 3.0
1 3.5
Protractedly permissible temperature for the min. 7.5 outer diameters of the cable. Manufactured cable length: min. 200 m.
conductors heating: 70 °C.
Maximum permissible temperature for the Guarantee period: 5 years from the
Cables are flame retardant with a single laying. conductors heating in short circuit mode: commissioning date.
160 °C.
Cables with «ng» designation have flame- The manufacturer can ensure compliance
retarding ability when laid in bundles in Duration of short circuit mode: max. 4 seconds. of cable quality with requirements of current
accordance with DSTU 4237 – 3 – 22 technical specification, provided all terms of
(category A). Maximum permissible temperature for the transportation, storage, installation and use
conductors heating in emergency mode: 80 °C have been observed.
Minimal temperature of cable laying without
pre-heating: - 15 °C. Operation time of cables in emergency Service life: 30 years.
mode do not should be more than 8 hours in
Minimum permissible bending radius of the 24 hours, or no more than 1000 hours during All products are certified.
cable at installation and routing must equal to all service life.

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables

Permissible current loads, A

Nominal conductor five-core cables with neutral conductor Permissible short-
five-core cables
cross-section, mm2 lower cross-section circuit currents, kA
above ground under ground above ground under ground
copper conductors cables
1.5 20 26 17 22 0.17
2.5 26 34 22 29 0.27
4.0 34 45 29 38 0.43
6.0 46 54 39 45 0.65
10 61 72 52 61 1.09
16 81 93 69 79 1.74
25 107 121 91 103 2.78
35 131 147 111 125 3.86
50 165 179 140 152 5.23
70 210 220 179 187 7.54
95 255 260 217 221 10.48
120 299 299 254 254 13.21
150 344 338 292 287 16.30
185 392 378 333 321 20.39
aluminum conductors cables
2.5 20 26 17 22 0.18
4.0 27 34 23 29 0.29
6.0 34 41 29 35 0.42
10 47 55 40 47 0.70
16 62 72 53 61 1.13
25 82 93 70 79 1.81
35 101 113 86 96 2.50
50 127 137 108 117 3.38
70 155 166 132 141 4.95
95 190 197 162 168 6.86
120 220 224 187 190 8.66
150 254 255 216 217 10.64
185 291 286 247 243 13.37


Technical Data (reference values)

VVG, VBbSHv,VVGng ,VBbSHvng at rated voltage 0.66 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- VVG VBbSHv VVGng VBbSHvng VVG VBbSHv VVGng VBbSHvng
section, mm2
4×2.5+1×1.5 11.0 - 11.0 198 - 201 -
4×4.0+1×2.5 12.9 - 12.9 - 286 - 288 -
4×6.0+1×4.0 14.2 18.4 14.2 18.4 391 671 394 676
4×10+1×6.0 17.4 21.6 17.4 21.6 604 943 608 949
4×16+1×10 21.9 26.1 21.9 26.1 939 1358 945 1366
4×25+1×10 26.9 30.7 26.9 30.7 1408 1885 1416 1895
4×25+1×16 26.9 30.7 26.9 30.7 1469 1946 1447 1956
4×35+1×16 30.0 33.8 30.0 33.8 1894.0 2121.0 1902.0 2435.0
4×35+1×25 30.0 33.8 30.0 33.8 1990.0 2520.0 1998.0 2531.0
4×50+1×25 30.0 33.8 35.0 38.8 2589 3206 2600 3220
5×1.5 10.0 - 10.0 - 152 - 154 -
5×2.5 11.0 - 11.0 - 209 - 211 -
5×4.0 12.9 - 12.9 - 303 - 305 -
5×6.0 14.2 18.4 14.2 18.4 412 692 415 697
5×10 17.4 21.6 17.4 21.6 647 986 651 992
5×16 21.9 26.1 21.9 26.1 1015 1434 1021 1442
5×25 26.9 30.7 26.9 30.7 1564 2041 1571 2051
5×35 30.0 33.8 30.0 33.8 2111 2642 2120 2653
5×50 35.0 38.8 35.0 38.8 2850 3467 2861 3481

AVVG, AVBbSHv, AVVGng, AVBbSHvng at rated voltage 0.66 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- AVVG AVBbSHv AVVGng AVBbSHvng AVVG AVBbSHv AVVGng AVBbSHvng
section, mm2
5×2.5 11.0 - 11.0 - 131 - 133 -
5×4.0 12.9 - 12.9 - 180 - 183 -
5×6.0 14.2 18.4 14.2 18.4 223 503 226 508
5×10 17.4 21.6 17.4 21.6 333 672 337 679
5×16 20.4 24.6 20.4 24.6 472 862 477 870
5×25 26.9 30.7 26.9 30.7 766 1244 774 1253
5×35 30.0 33.8 30.0 33.8 1001 1531 1009 1542
5×50 35.0 38.8 35.0 38.8 1344 1961 1355 1975

AVVG, AVBbSHv, AVVGng, AVBbSHvng at rated voltage 1 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- AVVG AVBbSHv AVVGng AVBbSHvng AVVG AVBbSHv AVVGng AVBbSHvng
section, mm2
5×35 30.5 34.3 30.5 34.3 1029.0 1569 1038 1580
5×50 35.6 39.4 35.6 39.4 1377.0 2004 1389 2018
5×70 40.3 44.1 40.3 44.1 1786.0 2495 1799 2511
5×95 46.4 50.2 46.4 50.2 2372.0 3186 2388 3206
5×120 50.4 54.2 50.4 54.2 2821.0 3705 2839 3726
5×150 55.8 59.6 55.8 59.6 3467.0 4446 3489 4472
5×185 61.3 65.1 61.3 65.1 4174.0 5248 4198 5276


Technical Data (reference values)

VVG, VBbSHv,VVGng ,VBbSHvng at rated voltage 1 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- VVG VBbSHv VVGng VBbSHvng VVG VBbSHv VVGng VBbSHvng
section, mm2
4×35+1×16 30.5 34.3 30.5 34.3 1945 2485 1954 2496
4×35+1×25 30.5 34.3 30.5 34.3 2043 2583 2052 2594
4×50+1×25 35.6 39.4 35.6 39.4 2654 3281 2666 3295
4×50+1×35 35.6 39.4 35.6 39.4 2751 3378 2762 3392
4×70+1×25 40.3 44.1 40.3 44.1 3520 4230 3534 4246
4×70+1×35 40.3 44.1 40.3 44.1 3617 4326 3630 4342
4×95+1×35 46.4 50.2 46.4 50.2 4788 5602 4805 5622
4×95+1×50 46.4 50.2 46.4 50.2 4921 5735 4937 5754
4×120+1×35 50.4 54.2 50.4 54.2 5751 6634 5769 6656
4×120+1×50 50.4 54.2 50.4 54.2 5883 6767 5901 6788
4×120+1×70 50.4 54.2 50.4 54.2 6084 6968 6102 6989
4×150+1×50 55.8 59.6 55.8 59.6 7191 8170 7213 8196
4×150+1×70 55.8 59.6 55.8 59.6 7392 8371 7414 8397
4×150+1×95 55.8 59.6 55.8 59.6 7656 8635 7678 8661
4×185+1×70 61.3 65.1 61.3 65.1 8903 9977 8927 10005
4×185+1×95 61.3 65.1 61.3 65.1 9167 10242 9191 10270
4×185+1×120 61.3 65.1 61.3 65.1 9389 10464 9413 10492
5×35 30.5 34.3 30.5 34.3 2140 2680 2148 2691
5×50 35.6 39.4 34.6 39.4 2883 3510 2895 3524
5×70 40.3 44.1 40.3 44.1 3950 4660 3963 4675
5×95 46.4 50.2 46.4 50.2 5386 6200 5403 6220
5×120 50.4 54.2 50.4 24.2 6570 7554 6588 7476
5×150 55.8 59.6 55.8 59.6 8175 9154 8197 9180
5×185 61.3 65.1 61.3 65.1 10043 11118 10067 11146


6 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
009-2004. TU U 31.3-31850229-010-2004 and IEC 60502 – 2 (1998 - 03).

Cables are designated for power supply and
distribution in fixed installations with rated
AC voltage 6 kV, frequency 50 Hz at ambient
temperature from -30°C to +50°C and relative
humidity up to 98% at temperature up to 35°C.

АVEVBbSHv, AVEVSHv cables are

designated for laying in horizontal and
vertical mining workings and outdoor laying in
conditions of hardwiring and by wells on the
suspension to the hawser.


are flame retardant with a single laying in
vertical mining workings not gaseous-and-
dusty mines.

AVEVSHvng cables are designated for
AVEVKbSHvng workings requiring fire safe bundled laying,
high fire security, low level of smoke and toxic
emission from burning.

Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS Insulation resistance of main conductors Cables with «ng» designation have flame-
Multicore aluminum stranded round or sector- calculated for 1 km at 20 °C is at least: retarding ability when laid in bundles in
shaped conductors (class 2 in accordance a) at acceptance and delivery - 50 MOhm; accordance with categories A, B (GOST
with GOST 22483-77). b) for operational and storage period - 12176. IEC 60332-3-22. IEC 60332-3-23).
0.5 MOhm.
INSULATION Manufactured cable length: min. 400 m.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Electric resistance of conductors to DC for 1 km Cables of variable lengths may be delivered
at 20 °C complies with GOST 22483. upon request (to 1000 m).
Copper tape. Cables endure variable stress level tests with Minimal temperature of cable laying without
rated frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes as pre-heating: -15 °C.
Multicore uninsulated copper stranded round a) at acceptance and delivery - 15 kV; Guarantee period: 5 years from the
or divaricate (made from a number of wires) b) for operational and storage period - 10 kV. commissioning date.
earth conductor (class 2 in accordance with
GOST 22483-77). Durable permissible heating temperature of Service life: 30 years.
conductors must not exceed 70 °C.
CORE WRAPPING OVERLYING OF The manufacturer can ensure compliance
STRANDED CABLE CORE (FOR Oxygen index of oversheath is no less 27 %. of cable quality with requirements of current
UNARMOURED CABLES) technical specification, provided all terms of
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Cables are flame retardant with a single transportation, storage, installation and use
laying, cables have flame-retarding ability have been observed.
COVERING «BBSHV». «KBSHV» TYPE when laid in bundles in accordance with
(«ББШВ». «KБШВ») categories C, D (GOST 12176. IEC 60332-3- All products are certified.
Armour is made from 2 steel tapes (for 24. IEC 60332-3-25).
«BbSHv») and steel galvanized wires,
fastening cover (for «KbSHv») and PVC
oversheath is applied over wrapping.
Oversheath is made from low risk-of-fire PVC
compound for cables with «ng» designation.
Permissible current loads

Nominal conductor cross- Permissible current loads, A

section, mm2 above ground under ground
25 85 90
35 105 110
50 125 130
70 155 160
95 190 195
120 220 220
150 250 250
185 290 285
240 345 335


Technical Data (reference values)

Nominal Nominal
Number and nominal Number and nominal
Rated overall Weight of 1 Rated overall Weight of 1
conductors cross-section, conductors cross-
voltage, kV diameter, km cable, kg voltage, kV diameter, km cable, kg
mm2 section, mm2
mm mm
3×25 6.0 37.3 2082 3×25 6.0 37.3 2093
3×35 6.0 39.7 2358 3×35 6.0 39.7 2369
3×50 6.0 42.6 2694 3×50 6.0 42.6 2708
3×70 (sect) 6.0 43.3 2676 3×70 (sect) 6.0 43.3 2689
3×95 (sect) 6.0 46.8 3140 3×95 (sect) 6.0 46.8 3155
3×120 (sect) 6.0 50.0 3544 3×120 (sect) 6.0 50.0 3559
3×150 (sect) 6.0 53.1 4086 3×150 (sect) 6.0 53.1 4103
3×185 (sect) 6.0 56.7 4653 3×185 (sect) 6.0 56.7 4673
3×240 (sect) 6.0 61.0 5391 3×240 (sect) 6.0 61.0 5412
3×25+1×10 6.0 37.3 2104 3×25+1×10 6.0 37.3 2115
3×35+1×16 6.0 39.7 2414 3×35+1×16 6.0 39.7 2425
3×50+1×16 6.0 42.6 2749 3×50+1×16 6.0 42.6 2762
3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 43.3 2810 3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 43.3 2823
3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 46.8 3349 3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 46.8 3363
3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 50.0 3752 3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 50.0 3767
3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 53.1 4399 3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 53.1 4416
3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 56.7 4966 3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 56.7 4985
3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 61.0 5704 3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 61.0 5725
3×25 6.0 40.9 3130 3×25 6.0 40.9 3142
3×35 6.0 43.3 3482 3×35 6.0 43.3 3494
3×50 6.0 46.2 3889 3×50 6.0 46.2 3902
3×70 (sect) 6.0 46.9 3890 3×70 (sect) 6.0 46.9 3903
3×95 (sect) 6.0 50.4 4451 3×95 (sect) 6.0 50.4 4467
3×120 (sect) 6.0 53.6 4948 3×120 (sect) 6.0 53.6 4965
3×150 (sect) 6.0 56.7 585 3×150 (sect) 6.0 56.7 5603
3×185 (sect) 6.0 60.3 6249 3×185 (sect) 6.0 60.3 6270
3×240 (sect) 6.0 64.6 7120 3×240 (sect) 6.0 64.6 7142
3×25+1×10 6.0 40.9 3152 3×25+1×10 6.0 40.9 3164
3×35+1×16 6.0 43.3 3538 3×35+1×16 6.0 43.3 3550
3×50+1×16 6.0 46.2 3945 3×50+1×16 6.0 46.2 3958
3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 46.9 4324 3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 46.9 4038
3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 50.4 4659 3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 50.4 4675
3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 53.6 5156 3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 53.6 5173
3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 56.7 5897 3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 56.7 5915
3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 60.3 6562 3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 60.3 6582
3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 64.6 7433 3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 64.6 7455
3×25 6.0 32.7 1423 3×25 6.0 32.7 1440
3×35 6.0 35.5 1683 3×35 6.0 35.5 1703
3×50 6.0 38.4 1965 3×50 6.0 38.4 1987
3×70 (sect) 6.0 38.1 1853 3×70 (sect) 6.0 38.1 1863
3×95 (sect) 6.0 41.2 2206 3×95 (sect) 6.0 41.2 2217
3×120 (sect) 6.0 44.8 2581 3×120 (sect) 6.0 44.6 2595
3×150 (sect) 6.0 46.9 2948 3×150 (sect) 6.0 46.9 2962
3×185 (sect) 6.0 50.1 3386 3×185 (sect) 6.0 50.1 3401
3×240 (sect) 6.0 54.4 4022 3×240 (sect) 6.0 54.4 4038
3×25+1×10 6.0 32.7 1446 3×25+1×10 6.0 32.7 1462
3×35+1×16 6.0 35.5 1739 3×35+1×16 6.0 35.5 1759
3×50+1×16 6.0 38.4 2021 3×50+1×16 6.0 38.4 2043
3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 38.1 1987 3×70+1×25 (sect) 6.0 38.1 1998
3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 41.2 2414 3×95+1×25 (sect) 6.0 41.2 2426
3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 44.8 2789 3×120+1×35 (sect) 6.0 44.8 2803
3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 46.9 3260 3×150+1×50 (sect) 6.0 46.9 3274
3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 50.1 3699 3×185+1×50 (sect) 6.0 50.1 3714
3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 54.4 4335 3×240+1×50 (sect) 6.0 54.4 4351


VVGng, VVGzng, VBbSHvng, AVVGng, AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng
(ВВГнг, ВВГзнг, ВБбШвнг, АВВГнг, АВВГзнг, АВБбШвнг)
0.66 kV, 1 kV, 6 kV
0.66 kV, 1 kV
PVC oversheath
0.66 kV, 1 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-
010-2004. GOST 16442-80 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11). IEC 60502 – 2 (1998 - 03).

Cables are designated for power supply and
distribution in fixed installations with rated AC
voltage 0.66 kV, 1 kV and 6 kV at frequency
50 Hz.

Cables are designated for workings requiring

fire safe bundled laying, high fire security,
low level of smoke and toxic emission from
burning (in tube and power stations, channels,
skyscrapers, industrial and public buildings).
Cables are intended for laying where required
special fire-prevention measures for the
protection of people and material values.
Cables can be used in DC networks. Nominal
DC voltage is 2.4 times more than nominal AC

Cables are designated to use at ambient

temperature from -40 °C (cables with «ng»
VVGngLSHF designation) and -30 °C (cables with «ngLS».
«ngLSHF» designation) up to +50 °C
and relative humidity up to (98±2) % at
temperature up to 35 °C.
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or Electroconductive screen from
multicore conductors; electroconducting polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Multicore copper or aluminum sector-shaped compound and screen from 2 copper tapes.
conductors (class 1, 2 in accordance with These tapes are gapped laid.
GOST 22483-77).
INSULATION, CORE WRAPPING AND - armour is made from steel tapes;
OVERSHEATH - polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound for
Insulation, core wrapping and oversheath are cables with «ng» designation is applied over
made from polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound wrapping; and from low risk-of-fire PVC
for cables with «ng» designation; and from compound (low risk-of-fire and low level of
low risk-of-fire PVC compound (low risk-of- smoke and gas release PVC compound) – for
fire and low level of smoke and gas release cables with «ngLS» designation; and with low
PVC compound) – for cables with «ngLS» level of smoke, halogen-free PVC oversheath
designation; and with low level of smoke, – for for cables with «ngLSHF» designation.
halogen-free PVC oversheath – for for cables
with «ngLSHF» designation.


Technical characteristics

Number of Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2

conductors 0.66 kV 1 kV 6 kV
VVGng, VVGngLS, VVGngLSHF 1, 2, 3, 4 1.5 – 50 1.5 – 240 -
VVGzng, VVGzngLS, VVGzngLSHF 2, 3, 4 1.5 – 50 1.5 – 50 -
AVVGng, AVVngLS, AVVGngLSHF 1, 2, 3, 4 2.5 – 50 2.5 – 240 -
AVVGzng, AVVzngLS, AVVGzngLSHF 2, 3, 4 2.5 – 50 2.5 – 50 -
VBbSHvng, VBbshvngLS, VBbshvngLSHF,
2, 3, 4 4.0 – 50 6.0 – 240 -
AVBbSHvng, AVbbshvngLS, AVBbshvngLSHF
VVGng, AVVGng, VBbSHvng, AVBbSHvng 3 - - 35 - 240

Electric resistance of conductors to DC complies with GOST 22483-77.

Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at temperature 20 °C:
Nominal conductor cross-section, mm2 Rated voltage, kV Insulation resistance, MOm, no less
1.0; 1.5 0.66 and 1 12
2.5 – 4.0 0.66 and 1 10
6.0 0.66 and 1 9
10 – 240 0.66 and 1 7
35-240 6 50
Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at Duration of short circuit mode: max. 4 seconds. Manufactured cable length for cables at rated
temperature 20 °C indicated at protractedly voltage of 6 kV :
permissible temperature for the conductors Maximum permissible temperature for the - manufactured cable length must be min.
heating at operational period at least: conductors heating in emergency mode: 80 °C 450 m for cables with main conductor cross-
- 0.005 MOm – for cables at rated voltage section 35-70 mm²;
0.66 kV and 1 kV; Operation time of cables in emergency mode - manufactured cable length must be min.
- 0.005 MOm – for cables at rated voltage 6 kV. do not should be more than 8 hours in 24 400 m for cables with main conductor cross-
hours. or no more than 1000 hours during all section 92-120 mm²;
Cables endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz service life. - manufactured cable length must be min.
frequency during 10 minutes: 350 m for cables with main conductor cross-
- 3.0 kV – for cables at rated voltage 0.66 kV; Cables have flame-retarding ability when laid in section 150-240 mm².
- 3.5 kV – for cables at rated voltage 1 kV; bundles in accordance with DSTU 4237 – 3 –
- 15 kV – for cables at rated voltage 6 kV. 22 (category A). Guarantee period: 5 years from the
Cables with «ngLS» and «ngLSHF» commissioning date.
Protractedly permissible temperature for the designation have low level of smoke, halogen-
conductors heating: 70 °C. free PVC oversheath. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current
Minimal temperature of cable laying without Manufactured cable length for cables at rated technical specification, provided all terms of
pre-heating: - 15 °C. voltage of 0.66 kV and 1 kV: transportation, storage, installation and use
- manufactured cable length must be min. have been observed.
Minimum permissible bending radius of the 450 m for cables with main conductor cross-
cable at installation and routing must equal section 1.5-16 mm²; Service life: 30 years.
to min. 10 outer diameters of the cable for - manufactured cable length must be min.
single-core cable, and min.7.5 outer diameters 300 m for cables with main conductor cross- All products are certified.
of the cable – for multicore cables. section 25-70 mm²;
- manufactured cable length must be min.
Maximum permissible temperature for the 200 m for cables with main conductor cross-
conductors heating in short circuit mode: 160 °C. section 95-240 mm².

Permissible current loads:

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with
aluminum and copper conductors at rated voltage 0.66 kV and 1 kV:

Permissible current loads, A Permissible short-circuit currents,

conductor aluminum conductor copper conductor kA
copper aluminum
mm2 above ground under ground above ground under ground
conductor conductor
35 105 110 135 147 3.86 2.50
50 125 130 165 175 5.23 3.38
70 155 160 210 215 7.54 4.95
95 190 195 255 260 10.48 6.86
120 220 220 300 295 13.21 8.66
150 250 250 335 335 16.30 10.64
185 290 285 285 380 20.39 13.37
240 345 335 460 445 26.80 17.54


Permissible current loads:
Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables copper
conductors at rated voltage 0.66 kV and 1 kV:
Nominal Permissible current loads, A
conductor Permissible
Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables*
cross- current loads, A
section, mm2 above ground under ground above ground under ground above ground under ground
1.5 29 32 24 33 21 28 0.17
2.5 40 42 33 44 28 37 0.27
4 53 54 44 56 37 48 0.43
6 67 67 56 71 49 58 0.65
10 91 89 76 94 66 77 1.09
16 121 116 101 123 87 100 1.74
25 160 148 134 157 115 130 2.78
35 197 178 166 190 141 158 3.86
50 247 217 208 230 177 192 5.23
70 318 265 - - 226 237 7.54
95 386 314 - - 274 280 10.48
120 450 358 - - 321 321 13.21
150 521 406 - - 370 363 16.30
185 594 455 - - 421 406 20.39
240 704 525 - - 499 468 26.80

* The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with
aluminum conductors at rated voltage 0.66 kV and 1 kV:
Nominal Permissible current loads, A
conductor Permissible
Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables*
cross- current loads, A
section, mm2 above ground under ground above ground under ground above ground under ground
2.5 30 32 25 33 21 28 0.18
4 40 41 34 43 29 37 0.29
6 51 52 43 54 37 44 0.42
10 69 68 58 72 50 59 0.70
16 93 83 77 94 67 77 1.13
25 122 113 103 120 88 100 1.81
35 151 136 127 145 109 121 2.50
50 189 166 159 176 136 147 3.38
70 233 200 - - 167 178 4.95
95 284 237 - - 204 212 6.86
120 330 269 - - 236 241 8.66
150 380 305 - - 273 274 10.64
185 436 343 - - 313 308 13.37
240 515 396 - - 369 355 17.54

*The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.


Technical Data (reference values)
VVGng, VVGzng, VBbSHvng at rated voltage 0,66 kV
Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- VVGng VVGzng VBbSHvng VVGng VVGzng VBbSHvng
section, mm2
1×1.5 5.0 - - 39.4 - -
1×2.5 5.4 - - 51.1 - -
1×4.0 6.0 - - 70.7 - -
1×6.0 6.5 - - 92.8 - -
1×10 7.7 - - 141.0 - -
1×16 9.8 - - 225.0 - -
1×25 11.5 - - 331.0 - -
1×35 12.7 - - 432.0 - -
1×50 14.4 - - 572.0 - -
2×1.5 7.6 7.6 - 74.3 90.0 -
2×2.5 8.4 8.4 - 98.4 119.0 -
2×4.0 10.3 10.3 - 153.0 184.0 -
2×6.0 11.3 11.3 - 200.0 240. -
2×10 13.7 13.7 - 302.0 369.0 -
2×16 16.7 16.7 20.9 452.0 561.0 780.0
2×25 20.5 20.5 24.3 691.0 860.0 1062.0
2×35 22.8 22.8 27.0 902.0 1118.0 1339.0
2×50 26.7 26.7 30.5 1218.0 1518.0 1694.0
3×1.5 8.0 8.0 - 95.0 107.0 -
3×2.5 9.4 9.4 - 142.0 158.0 -
3×4.0 10.9 10.9 - 202.0 225.0 -
3×6.0 12.0 12.0 - 269.0 300.0 -
3×10 14.5 14.5 - 415.0 466.0 -
3×16 17.8 17.8 22.0 631.0 714.0 978.0
3×25 21.8 21.8 26.0 970.0 1099.0 1389.0
3×35 24.6 24.6 28.4 1302.0 1467.0 1742.0
3×50 28.4 28.4 32.2 1730.0 1959.0 2235.0
4×1.5 9.2 9.2 - 130.0 142.0 -
4×2.5 10.2 10.2 - 176.0 192.0 -
4×4.0 11.8 11.8 - 253.0 276.0 -
4×6.0 13.0 13.0 - 341.0 371.0 -
4×10 15.9 15.9 - 532.0 580.0 -
4×16 19.9 19.9 23.7 834.0 912.0 1194.0
4×25 24.4 24.4 28.2 1280.0 1402.0 1717.0
4×35 27.2 27.2 31.0 1689.0 1845.0 2173.0
4×50 31.3 31.3 35.1 2253.0 2469.0 2810.0
3×1.5+1×1.0 9.2 9.2 - 125.0 140.0 -
3×1.5+1×1.5 9.2 9.2 - 130.0 143.0 -
3×2.5+1×1.5 10.2 10.2 - 167.0 186.0 -
3×4.0+1×2.5 11.8 11.8 - 237.0 268.0 -
3×6.0+1×4.0 13.0 13.0 - 322.0 360.0 -
3×10+1×6.0 15.4 15.4 19.6 486.0 540.0 789.0
3×16+1×10 19.3 19.3 23.1 764.0 852.0 1113.0
3×25+1×10 22.5 22.5 26.7 1083.0 1209.0 1514.0
3×25+1×16 24.4 24.4 28.2 1182.0 1358.0 1619.0
3×35+1×10 25.4 25.4 29.2 1416.0 1587.0 1870.0
3×35+1×16 26.2 26.2 30.0 1487.0 1676.0 1954.0
3×35+1×25 27.2 27.2 31.0 1593.0 1803.0 2077.0
3×50+1×16 29.3 29.3 33.1 1910.0 2139.0 2431.0
3×50+1×25 30.2 30.2 34.0 2015.0 2269.0 2552.0
3×50+1×35 31.3 31.3 35.1 2122.0 2423.0 2679.0


Technical Data (reference values)

AVVGng, AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng at rated voltage 0,66 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- AVVGng AVVGzng AVBbSHvng AVVGng AVVGzng AVBbSHvng
section, mm2
1×2.5 5.4 - - 36.1 - -
1×4.0 6.1 - - 47.1 - -
1×6.0 6.5 - - 56.3 - -
1×10 7.7 - - 80.0 - -
1×16 9.3 - - 121.0 - -
1×25 11.5 - - 177.0 - -
1×35 12.7 - - 217.0 - -
1×50 14.4 - - 280.0 - -
2×2.5 8.4 8.4 - 67.3 88.1 -
2×4.0 10.4 10.4 - 104.0 136.0 -
2×6.0 11.3 11.3 - 125.0 165.0 -
2×10 13.7 13.7 - 177.0 243.0 -
2×16 15.6 15.6 19.8 237.0 329.0 545.0
2×25 20.5 20.5 24.3 372.0 541.0 743.0
2×35 22.8 22.8 27.0 458.0 674.0 895.0
2×50 26.7 26.7 30.5 616.0 916.0 1091.0
3×2.5 9.4 9.4 - 96.0 112.0 -
3×4.0 10.9 10.9 - 128.0 152.0 -
3×6.0 12.0 12.0 - 156.0 187.0 -
3×10 14.5 14.5 - 227.0 278.0 -
3×16 16.6 16.6 20.8 311.0 381.0 636.0
3×25 21.8 21.8 26.0 492.0 620.0 911.0
3×35 24.6 24.6 28.4 635.0 800.0 1076.0
3×50 28.4 28.4 32.2 827.0 1055.0 1332.0
4×2.5 10.2 10.2 - 114.0 129.0 -
4×4.0 11.9 11.9 - 155.0 178.0 -
4×6.0 13.0 13.0 - 190.0 220.0 -
4×10 15.9 15.9 - 282.0 330.0 -
4×16 18.6 18.6 22.4 408.0 474.0 745.0
4×25 24.4 24.4 28.2 642.0 764.0 1079.0
4×35 27.2 27.2 31.0 801.0 957.0 1285.0
4×50 31.3 31.3 35.1 1049.0 1265.0 1605.0
3×4.0+1×2.5 11.9 11.9 - 148.0 177.0 -
3×6.0+1×4.0 13.0 13.0 - 184.0 218.0 -
3×10+1×6.0 15.4 15.4 19.6 260.0 306.0 563.0
3×16+1×10 18.6 18.6 22.4 385.0 465.0 722.0
3×25+1×10 22.5 22.5 26.7 542.0 646.0 973.0
3×25+1×16 23.2 23.2 27.4 570.0 692.0 1014.0
3×35+1×10 25.0 25.0 29.2 663.0 806.0 1141.0
3×35+1×16 25.4 25.4 29.2 710.0 839.0 1164.0
3×35+1×25 27.2 27.2 31.0 767.0 949.0 1252.0
3×50+1×16 29.3 29.3 33.1 902.0 1100.0 1423.0
3×50+1×25 30.2 30.2 34.0 952.0 1166.0 1489.0
3×50+1×35 31.3 31.3 35.1 996.0 1257.0 1553.0


Technical Data (reference values)

VVGng, AVVGng at rated voltage 1 kV

Number and nominal Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-
section, mm2 VVGng AVVGng VVGng AVVGzng

1×1.5 5.4 - 44.0 -

1×2.5 5.8 5.8 56.0 41.0
1×4.0 6.6 6.7 79.0 55.4
1×6.0 7.1 7.1 102.0 65.2
1×10 7.9 7.9 144.0 83.0
1×16 10.0 9.5 229.0 125.0
1×25 11.7 11.7 337.0 182.0
1×35 12.9 12.9 438.0 223.0
1×50 14.6 14.6 578.0 287.0
1×70 16.4 16.4 785.0 367.0
1×95 18.9 18.9 1073.0 490.0
1×120 20.3 20.3 1300.0 575.0
1×150 22.2 22.2 1602.0 691.0
1×185 24.6 24.6 1988.0 852.0
1×240 27.7 27.7 2584.0 1082.0


Technical Data (reference values)

VVGng, VVGzng, VBbSHvng at rated voltage 1 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- VVGng VVGzng VBbSHvng VVGng VVGzng VBbSHvng
section, mm2
2×1.5 8.4 8.4 83.7 105.0
2×2.5 9.8 9.8 122.0 149.0
2×4.0 11.5 11.5 172.0 214.0
2×6.0 12.5 12.5 16.7 220.0 273.0 479.0
2×10 14.1 14.1 18.3 310.0 381.0 590.0
2×16 17.1 17.1 21.3 462.0 577.0 797.0
2×25 20.9 20.9 24.7 703.0 879.0 1080.0
2×35 23.2 23.2 27.4 915.0 1140.0 1359.0
2×50 27.1 27.1 30.9 1233.0 1544.0 1716.0
2×70 30.6 34.4 1667.0 2210.0
2×95 35.2 39.0 2267.0 2890.0
2×120 38.1 41.9 2741.0 3415.0
2×150 41.9 46.1 3372.0 4158.0
2×185 46.3 50.1 4172.0 4989.0
2×240 52.4 56.6 5416.0 6395.0
3×1.5 9.4 9.4 120.0 136.0
3×2.5 10.3 10.3 157.0 177.0
3×4.0 12.1 12.1 226.0 258.0
3×6.0 13.2 13.2 17.4 296.0 336.0 568.0
3×10 14.9 14.9 19.1 425.0 480.0 721.0
3×16 18.6 18.6 22.4 661.0 749.0 999.0
3×25 22.2 22.2 26.4 986.0 1121.0 1413.0
3×35 25.1 25.1 28.9 1320. 1492.0 1768.0
3×50 28.8 28.8 32.6 1751.0 1988.0 2263.0
4×1.5 10.2 10.2 147.0 162.0
4×2.5 11.1 11.1 194.0 214.0
4×4.0 13.2 13.2 284.0 314.0
4×6.0 14.5 14.5 18.7 375.0 413.0 662.0
4×10 16.4 16.4 20.6 545.0 597.0 867.0
4×16 20.4 20.4 24.2 851.0 934.0 1220.0
4×25 24.9 24.9 28.7 1301.0 1428.0 1746.0
4×35 27.6 27.6 31.4 1712.0 1875.0 2205.0
4×50 31.8 31.8 36.0 2280.0 2504.0 2881.0
3×1.5+1×1.0 10.2 10.2 141.0 159.0
3×1.5+1×1.5 10.2 10.2 147.0 162.0
3×2.5+1×1.5 11.1 11.1 184.0 207.0
3×4.0+1×2.5 12.8 12.8 262.0 291.0
3×6.0+1×4.0 14.5 14.5 354.0 398.8
3×10+1×6.0 16.4 16.4 20.6 506.0 568.0 828.0
3×16+1×10 19.7 19.7 23.5 780.0 859.0 1137.0
3×25+1×10 22.9 22.9 27.1 1101.0 1209.0 1541.0
3×25+1×16 24.9 24.9 28.7 1203.0 1363.0 1648.0
3×35+1×10 25.9 25.9 29.7 1436.0 1584.0 1898.0
3×35+1×16 26.6 26.6 30.4 1509.0 1675.0 1984.0
3×35+1×25 27.6 27.6 31.4 1616.0 1804.0 2109.0
3×50+1×16 29.7 29.7 33.5 1934.0 2128.0 2463.0
3×50+1×25 30.6 30.6 34.4 2040.0 2260.0 2586.0
3×50+1×35 31.8 31.8 36.0 2148.0 2417.0 2749.0


Technical Data (reference values)

AVVGng, AVVGzng, AVBbSHvng at rated voltage 0.66 kV

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross- AVVGng AVVGzng AVBbSHvng AVVGng AVVGzng AVBbSHvng
section, mm2
2×2.5 9.8 9.8 - 90.8 117.0 -
2×4.0 11.6 11.6 - 123.0 166.0 -
2×6.0 12.5 12.5 16.7 145.0 197.0 403.0
2×10 14.1 14.1 18.3 185.0 256.0 465.0
2×16 16.0 16.0 20.2 246.0 344.0 561.0
2×25 20.9 20.9 24.7 384.0 560.0 761.0
2×35 23.2 23.2 27.4 470.0 696.0 915.0
2×50 27.1 27.1 30.9 631.0 941.0 1113.0
2×70 30.6 - 34.4 801.0 - 1345.0
2×95 35.2 - 39.0 1062.0 - 1684.0
2×120 38.1 - 41.9 1241.0 - 1915.0
2×150 41.9 - 46.1 1489.0 - 2275.0
2×185 46.3 - 50.1 1825.0 - 2641.0
2×240 52.4 - 56.6 2311.0 - 3290.0
3×2.5 10.3 10.3 - 110.0 131.0 -
3×4.0 12.2 12.2 - 153.0 186.0 -
3×6.0 13.2 13.2 17.4 182.0 223.0 454.0
3×10 14.9 14.9 19.1 237.0 292.0 533.0
3×16 17.0 17.0 21.2 324.0 398.0 656.0
3×25 22.2 22.2 26.4 508.0 643.0 935.0
3×35 25.1 25.1 28.9 653.0 825.0 1101.0
3×50 28.8 28.8 32.6 847.0 1084.0 1360.0
4×2.5 11.1 11.1 - 132.0 1510. -
4×4.0 13.3 13.3 - 186.0 217.0 -
4×6.0 14.5 14.5 18.7 224.0 262.0 511.0
4×10 16.4 16.4 20.6 395.0 346.0 616.0
4×16 19.1 19.1 22.9 424.0 495.0 770.0
4×25 24.9 24.9 28.7 663.0 790.0 1108.0
4×35 27.6 27.6 31.4 824.0 986.0 1317.0
4×50 31.8 31.8 36.0 1075.0 1299.0 1676.0
3×4.0+1×2.5 13.3 13.3 - 176.0 216.0 -
3×6.0+1×4.0 14.5 14.5 - 216.0 260.0 -
3×10+1×6.0 16.4 16.4 20.6 280.0 342.0 602.0
3×16+1×10 19.1 19.1 22.9 400.0 485.0 746.0
3×25+1×10 22.9 22.9 27.1 560.0 668.0 1000.0
3×25+1×16 24.0 24.0 27.8 612.0 739.0 1042.0
3×35+1×10 25.9 25.9 29.7 707.0 855.0 1169.0
3×35+1×16 25.9 25.9 29.7 731.0 865.0 1193.0
3×35+1×25 27.6 27.6 31.4 790.0 978.0 1283.0
3×50+1×16 29.7 29.7 33.5 926.0 1130.0 1455.0
3×50+1×25 30.6 30.6 34.4 977.0 1197.0 1523.0
3×50+1×35 31.8 31.8 36.0 1022.0 1291.0 1623.0


Technical Data (reference values)
VVGng, VBbSHvng, AVVGng, AVBSHvng at rated voltage 1 kV (sector-shaped conductor)
Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
nominal conductor
cross-section, VVGng VBbSHvng AVVGng AVBbSHvng VVGng VBbSHvng AVVGng AVBbSHvng
3×70 29.0 32.8 29.0 32.8 2406.0 2922.0 1081.0 1598.0
3×95 32.7 36.9 32.7 36.9 3108.0 3797.0 1382.0 1999.0
3×120 36.3 40.1 36.3 40.1 3957.0 4600.0 1687.0 2329.0
3×150 38.9 42.7 38.9 42.7 4861.0 5548.0 2022.0 2710.0
3×185 42.6 42.8 42.6 46.8 5923.0 6722.0 2422.0 3221.0
3×240 48.2 52.0 48.2 52.0 7639.0 8488.0 3097.0 3946.0
4×70 26.0 39.8 36.0 39.8 3218.0 3855.0 1452.0 2089.0
4×95 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 4223.0 4892.0 1826.0 2494.0
4×120 41.6 45.8 41.6 45.8 5213.0 5994.0 2185.0 2966.0
4×150 45.4 49.2 45.4 49.2 6460.0 7260.0 2675.0 3475.0
4×185 49.4 53.2 49.4 53.2 7871.0 8741.0 3203.0 4073.0
4×240 55.6 59.4 55.6 59.4 10144.0 11123.0 4089.0 5067.0
3×70+1×25 33.5 37.7 33.5 37.7 2713.0 3346.0 1233.0 1866.0
3×70+1×35 33.5 37.7 33.5 37.7 2807.0 3440.0 1266.0 1899.0
3×70+1×50 34.4 38.2 34.4 38.2 2973.0 3582.0 1355.0 1964.0
3×95+1×35 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 3619.0 4288.0 1605.0 2273.0
3×95+1×50 37.8 41.6 37.8 41.6 3748.0 4416.0 1657.0 2325.0
3×120+1×35 40.0 43.8 40.0 43.8 4355.0 5062.0 1868.0 2575.0
3×120+1×70 41.7 45.9 41.7 45.9 4697.0 5479.0 2005.0 2787.0
3×150+1×50 43.6 47.8 43.6 47.8 5397.0 6215.0 2265.0 3083.0
3×150+1×70 43.6 47.8 43.6 47.8 5593.0 6410.0 2333.0 3150.0
3×185+1×50 48.4 52.2 48.4 52.2 6513.0 7366.0 2719.0 3572.0
3×185+1×95 48.9 52.7 48.9 52.7 6994.0 7855.0 2893.0 3755.0
3×240+1×70 54.4 58.6 54.4 58.6 8393.0 9410.0 3430.0 4446.0
3×240+1×120 54.4 58.6 54.4 58.6 8910.0 9927.0 3611.0 4628.0
VVG, VVGng, VBbSHvng at rated voltage 6 kV
Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
nominal conductor
cross-section, mm2 VVG VVGng VBbSHv VBbSHvng VVG VVGng VBbSHv VBbSHvng
Round conductor
3×35 40.7 40.7 42.1 42.1 2773.0 2787.0 3204.0 3219.0
3×50 43.6 43.6 45.0 45.0 3323.0 3338.0 3786.0 3802.0
Sector-shaped conductor
3×70 43.2 43.2 44.6 44.6 3602.0 3617.0 4061.0 4077.0
3×95 46.8 46.8 47.8 47.8 4502.0 4520.0 4952.0 4969.0
3×120 50.0 50.0 51.4 51.4 5345.0 5364.0 5877.0 5897.0
3×150 52.1 52.1 53.5 53.5 6295.0 6315.0 6850.0 6872.0
3×185 55.7 55.7 56.7 56.7 7479.0 7502.0 8016.0 8039.0
3×240 59.9 59.9 61.3 61.3 9202.0 9227.0 9842.0 9868.0
AVVG, AVVGng, AVBbSHv, AVBbSHvng at rated voltage 6 kV
Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
nominal conductor
cross-section, AVVG AVVGng AVBbSHv AVBbSHvng AVVG AVVGng AVBbSHv AVBbSHvng
Round conductor
3×35 40.7 40.7 42.1 42.1 2107.0 2121.0 2538.0 2553.0
3×50 43.6 43.6 45.0 45.0 2419.0 2435.0 2882.0 2899.0
Sector-shaped conductor
3×70 43.2 43.2 44.6 44.6 2277.0 2292.0 2736.0 2752.0
3×95 46.8 46.8 47.8 47.8 2704.0 2722.0 3154.0 3171.0
3×120 50.0 50.0 51.4 51.4 3074.0 3093.0 3606.0 3626.0
3×150 52.1 52.1 53.5 53.5 3656.0 3476.0 4012.0 4033.0
3×185 55.7 55.7 56.7 56.7 3978.0 4001.0 4515.0 45338.0
3×240 59.9 59.9 61.3 61.3 4660.0 4685.0 5300.0 5326.0


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
1×1.5 0.66 5.0 41
1×2.5 0.66 5.4 53
1×4.0 0.66 6.0 73
1×6.0 0.66 6.5 95
1×10 0.66 7.7 144
1×16 0.66 9.8 229
1×25 0.66 11.5 338
1×35 0.66 12.7 440
1×50 0.66 14.4 582
2×1.5 0.66 7.5 91
2×2.5 0.66 8.3 121
2×4.0 0.66 10.3 187
2×6.0 0.66 11.3 243
2×10 0.66 14.7 414
2×16 0.66 17.7 620
2×25 0.66 21.5 937
2×35 0.66 23.7 1207
2×50 0.66 27.6 1630
3×1.5 0.66 7.9 109
3×2.5 0.66 9.4 161
3×4.0 0.66 10.8 229
3×6.0 0.66 11.9 304
3×10 0.66 15.5 514
3×16 0.66 18.7 776
3×25 0.66 22.7 1181
3×35 0.66 25.6 1562
3×50 0.66 29.3 2076
4×1.5 0.66 9.2 144
4×2.5 0.66 10.1 194
4×4.0 0.66 11.7 280
4×6.0 0.66 13.0 376
4×10 0.66 16.8 634
4×16 0.66 20.9 983
4×25 0.66 25.4 1495
4×35 0.66 28.1 1951
4×50 0.66 32.3 2601
3×1.5 + 1×1.0 0.66 9.2 141
3×1.5 + 1×1.5 0.66 9.2 144
3×2.5 + 1×1.5 0.66 10.1 187
3×4.0 + 1×2.5 0.66 11.7 269
3×6.0 + 1×4.0 0.66 13.0 361
3×10 + 1×6.0 0.66 16.3 583
3×16 + 1×10 0.66 20.2 907
3×25 + 1×10 0.66 23.4 1270
3×25+ 1×16 0.66 25.4 1430
3×35 + 1×10 0.66 26.4 1656
3×35+ 1×16 0.66 27.1 1749
3×35+ 1×25 0.66 28.1 1882
3×50+ 1×16 0.66 30.2 2218


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
3×50+1×25 0.66 31.1 2354
3×50+1×35 0.66 32.3 2516
1×2.5 0.66 5.4 38
1×4.0 0.66 6.1 49
1×6.0 0.66 6.5 58
1×10 0.66 7.7 83
1×16 0.66 9.3 122
1×25 0.66 11.5 183
1×35 0.66 12.7 225
1×50 0.66 14.4 290
2×2.5 0.66 8.3 89
2×4.0 0.66 10.3 138
2×6.0 0.66 11.3 168
2×10 0.66 14.7 289
2×16 0.66 16.6 377
2×25 0.66 21.5 618
2×35 0.66 23.7 763
2×50 0.66 27.6 1027
3×2.5 0.66 9.4 114
3×4.0 0.66 10.9 156
3×6.0 0.66 11.9 191
3×10 0.66 15.5 326
3×16 0.66 17.5 430
3×25 0.66 22.7 702
3×35 0.66 25.6 895
3×50 0.66 29.3 1172
4×2.5 0.66 10.1 132
4×4.0 0.66 11.8 183
4×6.0 0.66 13.0 225
4×10 0.66 16.8 383
4×16 0.66 19.5 527
4×25 0.66 25.4 857
4×35 0.66 28.1 1063
4×50 0.66 32.3 1396
3×4.0+1×2.5 0.66 11.8 181
3×6.0 +1×4.0 0.66 13.0 223
3×10+1×6.0 0.66 16.3 357
3×16+1×10 0.66 19.5 521
3×25+1×10 0.66 23.4 729
3×25+1×16 0.66 24.1 777
3×35+1×10 0.66 26.0 901
3×35+1×16 0.66 26.4 933
3×35+1×25 0.66 28.1 1057
3×50+1×16 0.66 30.2 1217
3×50+1×25 0.66 31.1 1291
3×50+1×35 0.66 32.3 1390


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
1×1.5 1.0 5.4 46
1×2.5 1.0 5.8 58
1×4.0 1.0 6.6 82
1×6.0 1.0 7.1 105
1×10 1.0 7.9 147
1×16 1.0 10.0 235
1×25 1.0 11.7 344
1×35 1.0 12.9 446
1×50 1.0 14.6 589
1×70 1.0 16.4 798
1×95 1.0 18.9 1089
1×120 1.0 20.3 1317
1×150 1.0 22.2 1622
1×185 1.0 24.6 2012
1×240 1.0 27.7 2614
2×1.5 1.0 8.3 106
2×2.5 1.0 9.7 151
2×4.0 1.0 11.5 218
2×6.0 1.0 12.5 277
2×10 1.0 15.1 429
2×16 1.0 18.1 638
2×25 1.0 21.9 959
2×35 1.0 24.1 1232
2×50 1.0 28.0 1658
2×70 1.0 31.5 2214
2×95 1.0 36.1 2983
2×120 1.0 39.1 3586
2×150 1.0 42.8 4401
2×185 1.0 47.3 5419
2×240 1.0 53.3 7029
3×1.5 1.0 9.4 139
3×2.5 1.0 10.2 181
3×4.0 1.0 12.1 264
3×6.0 1.0 13.2 342
3×10 1.0 15.9 530
3×16 1.0 19.5 816
3×25 1.0 23.2 1206
3×35 1.0 26.0 1590
3×50 1.0 29.7 2108
4×1.5 1.0 10.2 166
4×2.5 1.0 11.1 218
4×4.0 1.0 13.2 321
4×6.0 1.0 14.4 421
4×10 1.0 17.3 653
4×16 1.0 21.4 1008
4×25 1.0 25.8 1526
4×35 1.0 28.6 1985
4×50 1.0 32.8 2639


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
3×1.5+1×1.0 1.0 10.2 162
3×1.5+1×1.5 1.0 10.2 166
3×2.5+1×1.5 1.0 11.1 211
3×4.0+1×2.5 1.0 12.8 297
3×6.0+1×4.0 1.0 14.4 406
3×10+1×6.0 1.0 17.3 624
3×16+1×10 1.0 20.7 930
3×25+1×10 1.0 23.9 1296
3×25+1×16 1.0 25.8 1461
3×35+1×10 1.0 26.8 1685
3×35+1×16 1.0 27.6 1781
3×35+1×25 1.0 28.6 1916
3×50+1×16 1.0 30.7 2251
3×50+1×25 1.0 31.6 2390
3×50+1×35 1.0 32.8 2554
1х2.5 1.0 5.8 43
1х4.0 1.0 6.7 58
1х6.0 1.0 7.1 68
1х10 1.0 7.9 87
1х16 1.0 9.5 126
1х25 1.0 11.7 189
1х35 1.0 12.9 231
1х50 1.0 14.6 298
1х70 1.0 16.4 379
1х95 1.0 18.9 506
1х120 1.0 20.3 592
1х150 1.0 22.2 712
1х185 1.0 24.6 876
1х240 1.0 27.7 1113
2х2.5 1.0 9.7 120
2х4.0 1.0 11.5 170
2х6.0 1.0 12.5 202
2х10 1.0 15.1 303
2х16 1.0 17.0 393
2х25 1.0 21.9 641
2х35 1.0 24.1 788
2х50 1.0 28.0 1056
2х70 1.0 31.5 1348
2х95 1.0 36.1 1777
2х120 1.0 39.1 2087
2х150 1.0 42.8 2518
2х185 1.0 47.3 3072
2х240 1.0 53.3 3924
3х2.5 1.0 10.2 134
3х4.0 1.0 12.2 191
3х6.0 1.0 13.2 229
3х10 1.0 15.9 342
3х16 1.0 17.9 448


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
3×25 1.0 23.2 728
3×35 1.0 26.0 924
3×50 1.0 29.7 1205
4×2.5 1.0 11.1 156
4×4.0 1.0 13.3 224
4×6.0 1.0 14.4 270
4×10 1.0 17.3 402
4×16 1.0 20.0 550
4×25 1.0 25.8 888
4×35 1.0 28.6 1097
4×50 1.0 32.8 1435
3×4.0+1×2.5 1.0 13.3 222
3×6.0+1×4.0 1.0 14.4 268
3×10+1×6.0 1.0 17.3 398
3×16+1×10 1.0 20.0 543
3×25+1×10 1.0 23.9 755
3×25+1×16 1.0 25.0 828
3×35+1×10 1.0 26.8 956
3×35+1×16 1.0 26.8 962
3×35+1×25 1.0 28.6 1090
3×50+1×16 1.0 30.7 1250
3×50+1×25 1.0 31.6 1327
3×50+1×35 1.0 32.8 1429
VVGngLS (sector-shaped conductor)
3×70 (sector) 1.0 29.0 2443
3×95 (sector) 1.0 32.7 3225
3×120 (sector) 1.0 36.3 4008
3×150 (sector) 1.0 38.9 4920
3×185 (sector) 1.0 42.6 5992
3×240 (sector) 1.0 48.2 7725
4×70 (sector) 1.0 36.0 3268
4×95 (sector) 1.0 37.8 4283
4×120 (sector) 1.0 41.6 5279
4×150 (sector) 1.0 45.4 6538
4×185 (sector) 1.0 49.4 7962
4×240 (sector) 1.0 55.6 10259
3×70+1×25 (sector) 1.0 33.5 2756
3×70+1×35 (sector) 1.0 33.5 2851
3×70+1×50 (sector) 1.0 34.4 3020
3×95+1×35 (sector) 1.0 37.8 3672
3×95+1×50 (sector) 1.0 37.8 3803
3×120+1×35 (sector) 1.0 40.0 4413
3×120+1×70 (sector) 1.0 41.7 4759
3×150+1×50 (sector) 1.0 43.6 5466
3×150+1×70 (sector) 1.0 43.6 5663
3×185+1×50 (sector) 1.0 48.4 6593
3×185+1×95 (sector) 1.0 48.9 7078
3×240+1×70 (sector) 1.0 54.4 8491
3×240+1×120 (sector) 1.0 54.4 9012


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
AVVGngLS (sector-shaped conductor)
3х70 (sector) 1.0 29.0 1118
3х95 (sector) 1.0 32.7 1427
3х120 (sector) 1.0 36.3 1737
3х150 (sector) 1.0 38.9 2081
3х185 (sector) 1.0 42.6 2491
3х240 (sector) 1.0 48.2 3183
4х70 (sector) 1.0 36.0 1501
4х95 (sector) 1.0 37.8 1886
4х120 (sector) 1.0 41.6 2251
4х150 (sector) 1.0 45.4 2753
4х185 (sector) 1.0 49.4 3294
4х240 (sector) 1.0 55.6 4203
3х70+1х25 (sector) 1.0 33.5 1276
3х70+1х35 (sector) 1.0 33.5 1310
3х70+1х50 (sector) 1.0 34.4 1402
3х95+1х35 (sector) 1.0 37.8 1658
3х95+1х50 (sector) 1.0 37.8 1712
3х120+1х35 (sector) 1.0 40.0 1926
3х120+1х70 (sector) 1.0 41.7 2067
3х150+1х50 (sector) 1.0 43.6 2334
3х150+1х70 (sector) 1.0 43.6 2403
3х185+1х50 (sector) 1.0 48.4 2799
3х185+1х95 (sector) 1.0 48.9 2978
3х240+1х70 (sector) 1.0 54.4 3528
3х240+1х120 (sector) 1.0 54.4 3713
2х16 0.66 20.9 921
2х25 0.66 24.3 1275
2х35 0.66 26.9 1610
2х50 0.66 30.4 2066
3х16 0.66 21.9 1093
3х25 0.66 25.9 1564
3х35 0.66 28.4 1963
3х50 0.66 32.1 2537
4х10 0.66 20.1 919
4х16 0.66 23.7 1309
4х25 0.66 28.2 1891
4х35 0.66 30.9 2391
4х50 0.66 35.1 3108
3х10+1х6.0 0.66 19.5 859
3х16+1х10 0.66 23.0 1222
3х25+1х10 0.66 26.6 1664
3х25+1х16 0.66 28.2 1827
3х35+1х10 0.66 29.2 2068
3х35+1х16 0.66 29.9 2174
3х35+1х25 0.66 30.9 2323
3х50+1х16 0.66 33.0 2692
3х50+1х25 0.66 33.9 2843
3х50+1х35 0.66 35.1 3024


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal conductor

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
cross-section, mm2
2х16 0.66 19.8 658
2х25 0.66 24.3 956
2х35 0.66 26.9 1166
2х50 0.66 30.4 1464
3х16 0.66 20.7 726
3х25 0.66 25.9 1086
3х35 0.66 28.4 1296
3х50 0.66 32.1 1633
4х10 0.66 20.1 668
4х16 0.66 22.3 832
4х25 0.66 28.2 1253
4х35 0.66 30.9 1503
4х50 0.66 35.1 1903
3х10+1х6.0 0.66 19.5 633
3х16+1х10 0.66 21.7 785
3х25+1х10 0.66 26.6 1123
3х25+1х16 0.66 28.2 1242
3х35+1х10 0.66 29.2 1339
3х35+1х16 0.66 29.9 1401
3х35+1х25 0.66 30.9 1497
3х50+1х16 0.66 33.0 1681
3х50+1х25 0.66 33.9 1780
3х50+1х35 0.66 35.1 1898


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductor cross-section, mm2
2х6.0 1.0 16.7 550
2х10 1.0 18.3 685
2х16 1.0 21.3 946
2х25 1.0 24.7 1304
2х35 1.0 27.3 1642
2х50 1.0 30.8 2101
2х70 1.0 34.3 2715
2х95 1.0 38.9 3559
2х120 1.0 41.9 4213
2х150 1.0 46.0 5139
2х185 1.0 50.1 6185
2х240 1.0 56.5 7959
3х6.0 1.0 17.4 628
3х10 1.0 19.1 800
3х16 1.0 22.3 1121
3х25 1.0 26.4 1597
3х35 1.0 28.8 1998
3х50 1.0 32.5 2576
4х6.0 1.0 18.6 723
4х10 1.0 20.5 946
4х16 1.0 24.2 1342
4х25 1.0 28.6 1929
4х35 1.0 31.4 2433
4х50 1.0 36.0 3191
3х10+1х6.0 1.0 20.0 884
3х16+1х10 1.0 23.5 1252
3х25+1х10 1.0 27.1 1698
3х25+1х16 1.0 28.6 1865
3х35+1х10 1.0 29.6 2104
3х35+1х16 1.0 30.4 2213
3х35+1х25 1.0 31.4 2365
3х50+1х16 1.0 33.5 2732
3х50+1х25 1.0 34.4 2886
3х50+1х35 1.0 36.0 3108
2х6.0 1.0 16.7 474
2х10 1.0 18.3 560
2х16 1.0 20.2 682
2х25 1.0 24.7 985
2х35 1.0 27.3 1198
2х50 1.0 30.8 1499
2х70 1.0 34.3 1849
2х95 1.0 38.9 2353
2х120 1.0 41.9 2713
2х150 1.0 46.0 3256
2х185 1.0 50.1 3837
2х240 1.0 56.5 4855


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal conductor

Rated voltage, kV Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
cross-section, mm2
3х6.0 1.0 17.4 515
3х10 1.0 19.1 612
3х16 1.0 21.1 752
3х25 1.0 26.4 1119
3х35 1.0 28.8 1332
3х50 1.0 32.5 1673
4х6.0 1.0 18.6 572
4х10 1.0 20.5 695
4х16 1.0 22.8 862
4х25 1.0 28.6 1291
4х35 1.0 31.4 1544
4х50 1.0 36.0 1987
3х10+1х6.0 1.0 20.0 658
3х16+1х10 1.0 22.2 813
3х25+1х10 1.0 27.1 1156
3х25+1х16 1.0 28.6 1290
3х35+1х10 1.0 29.6 1375
3х35+1х16 1.0 30.4 1449
3х35+1х25 1.0 31.4 1539
3х50+1х16 1.0 33.5 1731
3х50+1х25 1.0 34.4 1823
3х50+1х35 1.0 36.0 1982


(ПвBГ, АПвВГ, ПвБбШв, АПвБбШв)
0.66 kV, 1 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 16442-80 and
IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated for power supply and
distribution in fixed installations with rated
AC voltage 0.66 kV, 1 kV at frequency 50 Hz
at ambient temperature from -50 °C to
+50 °C and relative humidity up to 98 % at
temperature up to 35 °C.
Cables are intended for laying in outdoors


Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS Nominal conductors cross-section, mm2
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or Number of
Cable Nominal voltage, kV
multicore conductors (class 1 in accordance conductors
with GOST 22483-77). 0.66 1
Copper or aluminum multicore sector-shaped PvVG 1, 2, 3, 4 1.5 – 50 1.5 – 240
APvVG 1, 2, 3, 4 2.5 – 50 2.5 – 240
Insulation of cross-linked polyethylene 2, 3, 4 4.0 – 50 6.0 - 240
Electric resistance of conductors to DC min. 10 outer diameters of the cable for single-
OVERSHEATH complies with GOST 22483. core cable, and min.7.5 outer diameters of the
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. cable – for multicore cables.
Insulation resistance of main conductors
CORE WRAPPING FOR ARMOURED calculated for 1 km at 20 °C is at least Protractedly permissible temperature for the
150 MOhm. conductors heating: 90 °C.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound. Electric resistance of conductors to DC for Maximum permissible temperature for the
1 km at 20 °C is at least 50 MOhm. conductors heating in short circuit mode:
WITH GOST 7006-72) Cables endure variable stress level tests with
Armour is made from 2 galvanized steel tapes rated frequency of 50 Hz for 10 minutes as Duration of short circuit mode: max.
and PVC compound oversheath is applied follows: 4 seconds.
over wrapping. - 3.0 kV – for cables at rated voltage 0.66 kV;
- 3.5 kV – for cables at rated voltage 1 kV. Maximum permissible temperature for the
conductors heating in emergency mode: 80 °C
Cables are flame retardant with a single laying.
Operation time of cables in emergency
Manufactured cable length for cables: mode do not should be more than 8 hours in
- manufactured cable length must be min. 24 hours, or no more than 1000 hours during
450 m for cables with main conductor cross- all service life.
section 1.5-16 mm²;
- manufactured cable length must be min. Guarantee period: 5 years from the
300 m for cables with main conductor cross- commissioning date.
section 25-70 mm²;
- manufactured cable length must be min. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
200 m for cables with main conductor cross- of cable quality with requirements of current
section 95-240 mm². technical specification, provided all terms of
transportation, storage, installation and use
Minimal temperature of cable laying without have been observed.
pre-heating: - 15 °C.
Service life: 30 years.
Minimum permissible bending radius of the
cable at installation and routing must equal to All products are certified.


Permissible current loads
Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with copper conductors:

Permissible current loads, A

conductors Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above above under above
ground ground ground ground ground ground
1.5 29 32 24 33 21 28 0.17
2.5 40 42 33 44 28 37 0.27
4 53 54 44 56 37 48 0.43
6 67 67 56 71 49 58 0.65
10 91 89 76 94 66 77 1.09
16 121 116 101 123 87 100 1.74
25 160 148 134 157 115 130 2.78
35 197 178 166 190 141 158 3.86
50 247 217 208 230 177 192 5.23
70 318 265 - - 226 237 7.54
95 386 314 - - 274 280 10.48
120 450 358 - - 321 321 13.21
150 521 406 - - 370 363 16.30
185 594 455 - - 421 406 20.39
240 704 525 - - 499 468 26.80

The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.

Permissible current loads and permissible short-circuit currents for cables with aluminum conductors:

Permissible current loads, A

conductors Single-core cables Double-core cables Three-core cables* Permissible short-
cross-section, circuit currents, kA
above under above above under above
ground ground ground ground ground ground
2.5 30 32 25 33 21 28 0.18
4 40 41 34 43 29 37 0.29
6 51 52 43 54 37 44 0.42
10 69 68 58 72 50 59 0.70
16 93 83 77 94 67 77 1.13
25 122 113 103 120 88 100 1.81
35 151 136 127 145 109 121 2.50
50 189 166 159 176 136 147 3.38
70 233 200 - - 167 178 4.95
95 284 237 - - 204 212 6.86
120 330 269 - - 236 241 9.66
150 380 305 - - 273 274 10.64
185 436 343 - - 313 308 13.37
240 515 396 - - 369 355 17.54

* The same and for four-core cables with neutral conductor lower cross-section. For determining of current loads (four-core cables) which are
equal to cross-section of four-wire networks in all loads in normal mode this loads must be multiplied by 0.93 coefficient.


(КВВГнг, КВВГзнг, КВВГЭнг, КВБбШвнг, АКВВГнг, АККВГзнг,

0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-010-
2004, GOST 1508-78 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated for fixed connection to
electric devices at nominal AC voltage up to
660 V and 100 Hz or DC voltage 1000 V.
Cables are used indoors, in channels, tunnels,
underground cable lines, including corrosive
conditions, provided cables are not exposed
to mechanical damages.
Cables with «ng» designation are
designated for fixed connection to electric
devices at nominal AC voltage up to 660 V
and 100 Hz or DC voltage 1000 V for laying
in cable constructions and premises requiring
fire safety of cable circuits in bundled layings.
Cables can be laid outdoors, provided cables
are not exposed to mechanical damages and
direct sun.
Cables with «ngLS» designation are
designated for fixed connection to electric
devices at nominal AC voltage up to 660 V
AKVVGng and 100 Hz or DC voltage 1000 V. Cables are
intended for operation in conditions requiring
fire safety when laid in bundles and low
smoke and gas emission at burning (in power,
tube and nuclear stations, skyscrapers and
Construction public places).
Cables are intended for laying where required
special fire-prevention measures for the
CONDUCTORS compound (low risk-of-fire and low level of protection of people and material values.
Copper or aluminum round single-wire smoke and gas release PVC compound) – for Cables are designated to use at ambient
conductors (class 1 in accordance with GOST cables with «ngLS» designation. temperature from -40 °C (cables with «ng»
22483-77). designation) and -30 °C (cables with «ngLS»
SEPARATION LAYER designation) up to +50 °C and relative
INSULATION Separation layer is made from humidity up to 98 % at temperature up to
Insulation is made from polyvinylchloride polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound for +35 °C.
(PVC) compound for cables with «ng» cables with «ng» designation; and from low
designation; and from low risk-of-fire PVC risk-of-fire PVC compound (low risk-of-fire COVERING «BBSHV»
compound (low risk-of-fire and low level of and low level of smoke and gas release - armour is made from galvanized steel
smoke and gas release PVC compound) – for PVC compound) – for cables with «ngLS» tapes;
cables with «ngLS» designation. designation. - polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound for
cables with «ng» designation is applied over
OVERSHEATH SCREEN FOR КVVGENG, AКVVGENG, wrapping; and from low risk-of-fire PVC
Oversheath is made from polyvinylchloride KVVGENGLS, AKVVGENGLS CABLES compound (low risk-of-fire and low level of
(PVC) compound for cables with «ng» Screen is made from aluminum foil. Copper smoke and gas release PVC compound) – for
designation; and from low risk-of-fire PVC wire is laid under aluminum foil. cables with «ngLS» designation.

Technical characteristics

Nominal conductors cross-section, mm2

1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10
KVVGng, KVBbSHvng, KVVGngLS, 4; 5; 7; 10; 14; 19; 27; 37; 4; 5; 7 ; 10; 14; 19;
4; 7; 10
KVBbSHvngLS 52; 61 27; 37
KVVGzng, KVVGzngLS 4; 5 - - -
AKVVGng, AKVVGvng, AKVVGngLS, 4; 5; 7 ; 10; 14; 19;
- - 4; 7; 10
AKVBbSHvngLS 27; 37
AKVVGzng, AKVVGzngLS - - - 4; 5


Technical characteristics
Electric resistance of conductors to DC complies with GOST 22483-77.
Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at temperature 20 °C:

Nominal conductors cross-section, mm2 Insulation resistance, MOm, no less

1.0; 1.5 10
2.5–4.0 9
6.0–10 6

Cables endure variable stress level tests with Minimum permissible bending radius of the Manufactured cable length for cables: min.
rated frequency of 50 Hz for 5 minutes as cable at installation and routing must equal 150 m.
follows: to min. 10 outer diameters of the cable for
- 2500 V – at acceptance and delivery; armoured cables, and min. 6 outer diameters Guarantee period: 3 years from the
- 1500 V – for operational and storage period. of the cable – for unarmoured cables. commissioning date.

Cables are bending – resistant during Minimum permissible bending radius of The manufacturer can ensure compliance
installation. unarmoured cables at installation at ambient of cable quality with requirements of current
temperature min. 0 °C must equal to min.: technical specification, provided all terms of
Protractedly permissible temperature for the transportation, storage, installation and use
conductors heating: 70 °C. - 3 diameters of the cable for cables with outer have been observed.
diameters up to 10 mm included;
Minimal temperature of cable laying without - 4 diameters of the cable for cables with outer Service life: generally min. 15 years; and min.
pre-heating: -15 °C. diameters over 10 and up to 25 mm included. 25 years at indoor cable installation, laying in
tunnels and channels.
Tensile stress at cables at laying and Cables have flame-retarding ability when laid
installation must not exceed 4 kgf/mm² for in bundles in accordance with DSTU 4237 – 3 All products are certified.
copper conductors, and not exceed 2 kgf/mm² - – 22 (category A).
for aluminum conductors.

Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

4х2.5 10.2 - 12.5 - 114.0 - 172.0 -
5х2.5 11.0 - 13.3 - 133.0 - 195.0 -
7х2.5 11.9 - 14.2 - 165.0 - 231.0 -
10х2.5 14.9 - 17.2 - 225.0 - 306.0 -
14х2.5 16.1 - 18.8 19.5 286.0 - 390.0 557.0
19х2.5 17.9 - 20.6 21.3 363.0 - 477.0 662.0
27х2.5 21.7 - 24.4 24.7 511.0 - 647.0 845.0
37х2.5 24.6 - 26.9 27.6 683.0 - 811.0 1060.0
4х4.0 11.9 11.9 14.2 - 155.0 178.0 221.0 -
7х4.0 14.0 - 16.3 - 231.0 - 307.0 -
10х4.0 17.7 - 20.4 21.1 318.0 - 431.0 615.0
4х6.0 13.0 13.0 15.3 - 190.0 220.0 262.0 -
7х6.0 15.5 - 17.8 18.9 288.0 - 372.0 549.0
10х6.0 20.0 - 22.3 23.0 418.0 - 523.0 727.0
4х10 15.9 15.9 18.2 19.3 282.0 330.0 367.0 549.0
7х10 19.4 - 21.7 22.4 456.0 - 559.0 757.0
10х10 25.2 - 27.5 28.2 657.0 - 788.0 1043.0
5х4.0 12.9 12.9 - - 207.0 207.0 - -
5х6.0 14.2 14.2 - - 256.0 256.0 - -
5х10 17.4 17.4 - - 386.0 386.0 - -


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

cross- KVVGng KVVGzng KVVGEng KVBbSHvng KVVGng KVVGzng KVVGEng KVBbSHvng
4х1.0 8.0 8.0 10.9 - 93.6 103.0 155.0 -
5х1.0 9.3 9.3 11.6 - 124.0 134.0 177.0 -
7х1.0 10.0 - 12.3 - 156.0 - 212.0 -
10х1.0 12.3 - 14.6 - 213.0 - 281.0 -
14х1.0 13.3 - 15.6 - 274.0 - 346.0 -
19х1.0 14.7 - 17.0 - 351.0 - 430.0 -
27х1.0 17.3 - 20.0 20.7 478.0 - 589.0 769.0
37х1.0 19.7 - 22.0 22.7 646.0 - 750.0 950.0
52х1.0 23.0 - 25.7 26.4 875.0 - 1019.0 1256.0
61х1.0 24.7 - 27.0 27.7 1031.0 - 1160.0 1411.0
4х1.5 9.2 9.2 11.5 - 130.0 142.0 183.0 -
5х1.5 10.0 10.0 12.3 - 154.0 166.0 211.0 -
7х1.5 10.8 - 13.1 - 197.0 - 257.0 -
10х1.5 13.3 - 15.6 - 272.0 - 344.0 -
14х1.5 14.4 - 16.7 - 354.0 - 432.0 -
19х1.5 15.9 - 18.2 19.3 458.0 - 543.0 726.0
27х1.5 19.3 - 21.6 22.3 646.0 - 748.0 944.0
37х1.5 21.4 - 24.1 24.4 850.0 - 986.0 1182.0
52х1.5 25.5 - 27.8 28.5 1183.0 - 1316.0 1575.0
61х1.5 27.0 - 29.3 30.0 1365.0 - 1504.0 1779.0
4х2.5 10.2 10.2 12.5 - 176.0 192.0 234.0 -
5х2.5 11.0 11.0 13.3 - 211.0 227.0 273.0 -
7х2.5 11.9 - 14.2 - 274.0 - 340.0 -
10х2.5 14.9 - 17.2 - 381.0 - 462.0 -
14х2.5 16.1 - 18.8 19.5 504.0 - 608.0 775.0
19х2.5 17.9 - 20.6 21.3 658.0 - 773.0 958.0
27х2.5 21.7 - 24.4 24.7 931.0 - 1067.0 1266.0
37х2.5 24.6 - 26.9 27.6 1259.0 - 1387.0 1637.0
4х4.0 11.8 - 14.1 - 253.0 - 318.0 -
7х4.0 13.9 11.8 16.2 - 403.0 276.0 479.0 -
10х4.0 17.6 - 20.3 21.0 563.0 - 676.0 858.0
4х6.0 13.0 13.0 15.3 - 341.0 371.0 413.0 -
7х6.0 15.5 - 17.8 18.9 553.0 - 636.0 813.0
10х6.0 20.0 - 22.3 23.0 795.0 - 901.0 1104.0
5х4.0 - 12.9 - - - 329.0 -
5х6.0 14.2 - - - 445.0 -


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

4х1.0 8.0 - 10.9 - 105 - 171 -
5х1.0 9.3 - 11.6 - 136 - 193 -
7х1.0 10.0 - 12.3 - 171 - 230 -
10х1.0 12.3 - 14.6 - 219 - 294 -
14х1.0 13.2 - 15.5 - 282 - 360 -
19х1.0 14.6 - 16.9 - 362 - 447 -
27х1.0 18.1 - 20.8 - 504 - 628 -
37х1.0 20.4 - 22.7 - 679 - 796 -
52х1.0 23.7 - 26.4 - 917 - 1077 -
61х1.0 25.5 - 27.8 - 1080 - 1224 -
4х1.5 9.2 - 11.5 - 144 - 201 -
5х1.5 9.9 - 12.2 - 169 - 230 -
7х1.5 10.7 - 13.0 - 215 - 278 -
10х1.5 13.3 - 15.6 - 278 - 359 -
14х1.5 14.3 - 16.6 - 363 - 447 -
19х1.5 15.9 - 18.2 - 470 - 562 -
27х1.5 20.0 - 22.3 - 676 - 790 -
37х1.5 22.2 - 24.9 - 887 - 1037 -
52х1.5 26.2 - 28.5 - 1232 - 1380 -
61х1.5 27.7 - 30.0 - 1420 - 1575 -
4х2.5 10.01 10.1 12.4 12.4 194 132 257 194
5х2.5 11.0 11.0 13.3 13.3 230 152 297 219
7х2.5 11.9 11.9 14.2 14.2 297 188 366 257
10х2.5 14.8 14.8 17.1 17.1 389 233 479 323
14х2.5 16.1 16.1 18.8 18.8 515 297 626 408
19х2.5 17.8 17.8 20.5 20.5 673 377 795 500
27х2.5 22.4 22.4 25.1 25.1 965 545 1116 696
37х2.5 25.3 25.3 27.6 27.6 1303 727 1445 869
4х4.0 11.7 11.8 14.0 14.1 280 183 351 254
7х4.0 13.9 14.0 16.2 16.3 433 261 514 343
10х4.0 17.5 17.6 20.2 20.3 575 329 705 460
4х6.0 13.0 13.0 15.3 15.3 376 225 454 303
7х6.0 15.4 15.4 17.7 17.7 591 327 679 415
10х6.0 20.0 20.0 22.3 22.3 809 432 937 560
4х10 - 15.8 18.1 - 339 433
7х10 - 19.4 21.7 - 521 628
10х10 - 25.1 27.4 - 680 853


0.66 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 1508-78, GOST
26411-85 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Cables are designated for fixed connection
to electric devices at nominal AC voltage up
to 660 V and 100 Hz at ambient temperature
from -50 °C up to +50 °C and relative humidity
up to 98 % at temperature at temperature to
35 °C.

KVVGz , AKVVGz cables are used indoors,

in channels, tunnels, underground cable
lines, for connection to devices requiring input


Construction Technical characteristics

Nominal conductors cross-section, mm2
Copper or aluminum round single-wire
conductors (class 1 in accordance with GOST Cable 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10
22483-77). KVVG, KVVGE, KVBbSHv

INSULATION AKVVG, AKVVGE, 4; 5; 7; 10; 14; 19; 4; 5; 7; 10; 14;

4; 7; 10 -
Insulation is made from polyvinylchloride AKVBbShv 27; 37; 52; 61 19; 27; 37
(PVC) compound. 4; 5; 7; 10; 14;
KVVGz - 4; 7; 10
19; 27; 37
Separation layer is made from AKVVGz 4; 5 -
polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound for АКВВГз - 4; 5
cables. Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at copper conductors, and not exceed 2 kgf/mm² -
temperature 20 °C: for aluminum conductors.
- 10 MOm – for cables with conductors cross-
SCREEN section 1.0-1.5 mm2; Permissible bending radius of unarmoured
Screen is made from copper tape or aluminum - 9 MOm – for cables with conductors cross- cables at installation at ambient temperature
foil for KVVGE, AKVVGE cables. section 2.5-4.0 mm2; min. 0 °C must equal to min.:
- 6 MOm – for cables with conductors cross-
OVERSHEATH section 6.0-10.0 mm2. - 3 diameters of the cable for cables with outer
diameters up to 10 mm included;
Oversheath is made from polyvinylchloride Electric resistance of conductors to DC - 4 diameters of the cable for cables with outer
(PVC) compound. complies with GOST 22483. diameters over 10 and up to 25 mm included.

COVERING «BBSHV» (in accordance with Cables endure AC 2.5 kV test and 50 Hz Cables can also be laid outdoors, KVVG,
GOST 7006-72) frequency. AKVVG cables can be laid in trenches while
protecting cables in the ground surface exit
- armour is made from 2 galvanized steel Cables are flame retardant with a single points.
tapes; laying.
- polyvinylchloride (PVC) compound for Guarantee period: 3 years from the
cables is applied over wrapping. Cables are bending – resistant during commissioning date.
installation. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current
Manufactured cable length for cables: min. technical specification, provided all terms of
150 m. transportation, storage, installation and use
have been observed.
Protractedly permissible temperature for the
conductors heating: 70 °C. Service life: generally min. 15 years; and min.
25 years at indoor cable installation, laying in
Tensile stress at cables at laying and tunnels and channels.
installation must not exceed 4 kgf/mm² for
All products are certified.


Technical Data (reference values)
Technical data (reference values) for KVVG, KVVGz, KVVGE, KVBbSHV, AKVVG, AKVVGz, AKVVGE, AKVBbSHv cables (armour 0.30 mm)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

4х1.0 8.0 10.9 92.2 153.0
5х1.0 9.3 11.6 122.0 175.0
7х1.0 10.0 12.3 154.0 210.0
10х1.0 12.3 14.6 210.0 278.0
14х1.0 13.3 15.6 271.0 343.0
19х1.0 14.7 17.0 348.0 427.0
27х1.0 17.3 20.0 20.7 474.0 584.0 763.0
37х1.0 19.7 22.0 22.7 641.0 744.0 944.0
52х1.0 23.0 25.7 26.4 869.0 1012.0 1247.0
61х1.0 24.7 27.0 27.7 1024.0 1152.0 1402.0
4х1.5 9.2 11.5 128.0 181.0
5х1.5 10.0 12.3 152.0 208.0
7х1.5 10.8 13.1 195.0 255.0
10х1.5 13.3 15.6 269.0 341.0
14х1.5 14.4 16.7 351.0 428.0
19х1.5 15.9 18.2 19.3 454.0 539.0 720.0
27х1.5 19.3 21.6 22.3 641.0 743.0 938.0
37х1.5 21.4 24.1 24.4 845.0 979.0 1175.0
52х1.5 25.5 27.8 28.5 1176.0 1308.0 1565.0
61х1.5 27.0 29.3 30.0 1357.0 1496.0 1770.0
4х2.5 10.2 12.5 174.0 231.0
5х2.5 11.0 13.3 209.0 270.0
7х2.5 11.9 14.2 272.0 337.0
10х2.5 14.9 17.2 378.0 458.0
14х2.5 16.1 18.8 19.5 500.0 603.0 769.0
19х2.5 17.9 20.6 21.3 654.0 767.0 952.0
27х2.5 21.7 24.4 24.7 925.0 1060.0 1258.0
37х2.5 24.6 26.9 27.6 1252.0 1379.0 1628.0
4х4.0 11.8 14.1 251.0 315.0
7х4.0 13.9 16.2 400.0 475.0
10х4.0 17.6 20.3 21.0 559.0 670.0 852.0
4х6.0 13.0 15.3 339.0 409.0
7х6.0 15.5 17.8 18.9 549.0 632.0 808.0
10х6.0 20.0 22.3 23.0 790.0 895.0 1098.0


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

4х2.5 10.2 12.5 112.0 169.0
5х2.5 11.0 13.3 131.0 192.0
7х2.5 11.9 14.2 163.0 228.0
10х2.5 14.9 17.2 222.0 302.0
14х2.5 16.1 18.8 19.5 282.0 385.0 551.0
19х2.5 17.9 20.6 21.3 359.0 471.0 656.0
27х2.5 21.7 24.4 24.7 505.0 640.0 838.0
37х2.5 24.6 26.9 27.6 676.0 803.0 1052.0
4х4.0 11.9 14.2 153.0 218.0
7х4.0 14.0 16.3 228.0 304.0
10х4.0 17.7 20.4 21.1 314.0 426.0 609.0
4х6.0 13.0 15.3 188.0 258.0
7х6.0 15.5 17.8 18.9 285.0 368.0 544.0
10х6.0 20.0 22.3 23.0 413.0 517.0 720.0
4х10 15.9 18.2 19.3 278.0 363.0 544.0
7х10 19.4 21.7 22.4 451.0 553.0 750.0
10х10 25.2 27.5 28.2 649.0 780.0 1034.0

Number and nominal Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

conductor cross-
section, mm2 KVVGz AKVVGz KVVGz AKVVGz

4х1.0 8.0 101.0

5х1.0 9.3 131.0
4х1.5 9.2 140.0
5х1.5 10.0 164.0
4х2.5 10.2 189.0
5х2.5 11.0 224.0
4х4.0 11.8 11.9 272.0 175.0
5х4.0 12.9 12.9 325.0 203.0
4х6.0 13.0 13.0 367.0 216.0
5х6.0 14.2 14.2 440.0 252.0
4х10 15.9 325.0
5х10 17.4 381.0


Control cables with PVC insulation, with low-flammable PVC oversheath
0.66 kV, 1.5 kV, 3 kV, 4 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-001-
2002 and IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

Wires and cables for rolling stock and railway
transport are designated for inner and outer
connection of electric equipment of all types of
railway and electric transport.

PPSVVM, KPSVVVM cables are designated

for fixed installations and limited mobility
assemblies with exposure to lubricating
oils and diesel fuel with voltage 660 V, 1500 V,
3000 V or 4000 V AC at 400 Hz.
PPSVVM-1 cables are designed for steady
installations at ambient temperature from
-50 °C up to +60 °C.


Construction Technical characteristics

Multicore copper round stranded conductors Number of
Cable or wire Rated voltage, kV conductors cross-
(equal to or more than class 4 in accordance conductors
section, mm2
with GOST 22483-77).
PPSVVM 0.66; 1.5; 3; 4 1 1.0 - 300
INSULATION PPSVVM-1 0.66; 1.5; 3; 4 1 16 - 300
Insulation is made from polyvinylchloride
(PVC) compound. 2. 3. 4. 7. 12. 16. 19.
KPSVVM 0.66 1.5; 2.5
24. 37
Oversheath is made from polyvinylchloride Wires and cables for rated voltage of 0.66 kV, Manufactured cable or wire length for cables:
(PVC) compound. 1.5 kV, 3.0 kV, 4.0 kV AC endure test by rated min. 100 m.
voltage of 2.5 kV, 4.0 kV, 7.0 kV and 9.0 kV
AC according to EI-1 category, GOST 23286, Minimal temperature of wire installation:
with immersing in water. -15 °C. Minimum permissible bending radius
of the cable at installation must equal to min.
Cables and wires endure AC 2.5 kV test 3 outer diameters of the wire or cable.
without immersing in water according to EI-1
category, GOST 23286. Allowed installation cables or wires with
possibility of disconnection and connection
Protractedly permissible temperature for the wires and cables to current collectors at
conductors heating: 70 °C. absence strikes and smooth bend on radius,
which is equal to 5 outer diameters of the wire
Cables are flame retardant with a single or cable at temperature minus 50 °C.
Guarantee period: 2 years from the
Wires designed to connect to mobile current commissioning date.
collectors and resistant to bending with
torsion. The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current
Cables are resistant to lubricating oils and technical specification, provided all terms of
diesel fuel. transportation, storage, installation and use
have been observed.
Wires resist sine vibration with frequency from
1 to 100 HZ and acceleration up to 150 m/sec² Service life: min. 6 years – cables or wires for
steady installations, min. 12 years – for cables
Wires also resist vibration with frequency from or wires for fixed installations and limited
1 to 50 HZ and sine bouncing acceleration up mobility assemblies.
to 150 m/sec² with displacement amplitude
1.5 mm. All products are certified.


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and Max. overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

nominal conductors
cross-section, mm2 0.66 kV 1.5 kV 3 kV 4 kV 0.66 kV 1.5 kV 3 kV 4 kV

1х1.0 6.5 7.2 8.0 11.3 33.3 50.6 62.4 128.0
1х1.5 6.8 7.6 8.5 11.8 38.6 56.6 68.8 136.0
1х2.5 7.6 8.3 9.1 12.4 50.8 70.3 83.4 154.0
1х4.0 8.1 8.9 10.5 13.1 69.1 87.4 128.2 175.0
1х6.0 9.2 10.8 11.7 14.3 92.0 113.0 158.0 210.0
1х10 11.4 12.2 13.1 15.7 165.0 193.0 224.0 285.0
1х16 13.4 14.2 15.1 17.7 226.0 257.0 291.0 355.0
1х25 15.3 16.7 17.1 19.1 337.0 375.0 402.0 475.0
1х35 17.9 18.7 19.6 21.2 435.0 474.0 503.0 581.0
1х50 19.9 20.7 21.6 22.7 614.0 678.0 695.0 788.0
1х70 21.3 21.6 22.9 25.4 818.0 872.0 890.0 988.0
1х95 23.3 24.2 25.4 27.0 1078.0 1127.0 1137.0 1262.0
1х120 26.4 27.1 27.9 29.6 1356.0 1413.0 1424.0 1545.0
1х150 29.6 30.3 31.1 32.9 1660.0 1695.0 1708.0 1834.0
1х185 30.9 31.6 32.4 33.7 2018.0 2044.0 2070.0 2178.0
1х240 34.9 36.0 36.9 38.1 2583.0 2612.0 2642.0 2732.0
1х300 38.0 38.7 39.6 40.4 3210.0 3242.0 3242.0 3340.0
1х16 13.4 14.2 15.1 17.7 227.0 258.0 292.0 357.0
1х25 15.3 16.7 17.1 19.1 339.0 377.0 404.0 477.0
1х35 17.9 18.7 19.6 21.2 437.0 476.0 505.0 583.0
1х50 19.9 20.7 21.6 22.7 616.0 680.0 698.0 791.0
1х70 21.3 21.6 22.9 25.4 821.0 874.0 893.0 991.0
1х95 23.3 24.2 25.4 27.0 1081.0 1130.0 1140.0 1265.0
1х120 26.4 27.1 27.9 29.6 1359.0 1416.0 1428.0 1549.0
1х150 29.4 30.3 31.1 32.9 1663.0 1699.0 1711.0 1838.0
1х185 30.9 31.6 32.4 33.7 2022.0 2047.0 2073.0 2182.0
1х240 34.9 36.0 36.9 38.1 2587.0 2616.0 2646.0 2737.0
1х300 38.0 38.7 39.6 40.4 3214.0 3246.0 3246.0 3345.0

Number and Number and

Max. overall Weight of 1 km Max. overall Weight of 1 km
nominal conductors nominal conductors
diameter, mm cable, kg diameter, mm cable, kg
cross-section, mm2 cross-section, mm2
KPSVVM at rated voltage 0.66 kV
2х1.5 12.3 90.0 2х2.5 13.8 133.0
3х1.5 12.9 119.0 3х2.5 15.2 161.0
4х1.5 14.0 154.0 4х2.5 15.7 210.0
7х1.5 16.5 214.0 7х2.5 18.7 301.0
12х1.5 21.7 340.0 12х2.5 23.6 483.0
16х1.5 23.0 428.0 16х2.5 26.7 631.0
19х1.5 24.2 493.0 19х2.5 28.0 729.0
24х1.5 28.5 634.0 24х2.5 32.8 933.0
37х1.5 32.4 928.0 37х2.5 37.8 1349.0


Copper flexible non-insulated wires
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with TU U 31.3-31850229-

Copper flexible non-insulated wires are
designated for electrical installations and
devices (MG wires), and electrically heated
furnaces (MGE wires) ranging of temperatures
from -60 °C up to +55 °C and relative humidity
up to 98 % at temperature up to (35±2) °C.

Wire MG is copper flexible non-insulated wire.

Wire MGE is copper flexible non-insulated
wire with flexible fiberglass yarn cable core.


Construction Technical characteristics

Nominal conductors cross- Manufactured wire length, m,
Multicore copper round stranded conductors. Wire
section, mm² no less
Cable core twisted from synthetic thread. 10 - 25 2000
MG 35 - 70 1000
95 - 185 500
240 - 500 250
240 – 500 250

Wires of variable lengths can be delivered

upon request.

Service life: min. 10 years.

All products are certified.


Data (reference values)

Number and nominal conductors cross-

Nominal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg
section, mm2
1.5 1.60 14.0
2.5 2.34 23.8
4.0 2.88 36.1
6.0 3.42 50.8
10 4.68 95.0
16 5.76 144
25 7.67 237
35 8.70 322
50 10.20 442
70 12.55 629
95 14.28 861
120 16.17 1104
150 17.85 1346
185 20.00 1662
240 22.95 2219
300 26.14 2666
400 29.75 3653
500 33.95 4757
240 25.2 2213
300 28.2 2726
400 31.2 3638
500 34.8 4542
1000 50.3 9590

Permissible current loads

Nominal Maximal Nominal Maximal

Wire conductors cross- permissible current Wire conductors cross- permissible current
section, mm² loads, A section, mm² loads, A
1.5 10 240 684
2.5 16 300 750
4.0 25 MGE 400 875
6.0 37 500 1000
10 60 1000 1600
16 92
25 137
35 173
50 219
70 267
95 319
120 395
150 465
185 538
240 684
300 750
400 875


0.45/0.75 kV
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 6323-79, GOST
26445-85 and IEC 60227 – 1 (1993 - 2).

АPPV Application
Wires are designated for electric appliances
at stationary laying in lighting and power
networks, for installations of electric
machinery and appliance at nominal voltage
up to 450 V (450/750 V) for networks with
frequency up to 400 HZ or at DC voltage up
to 1000 V.
APPV, PPV wires are laid in fixed installations.
APV, PV1 wires are laid in steel pipes, void
channels of building constructions, electric
circuit installation etc.
PV3 wires are laid in steel pipes, void
channels of building constructions, electric
circuit installations, etc. with exposure to
frequent bending.
PV4 wires used in part of electric circuit
PV1 installations with exposure to frequent

Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS Number of conductors and nominal conductors cross-section:
Copper or aluminum round single-wire or
multicore conductors (class 1, 2, 3, 4 in Nominal conductors cross-
Wire Number of conductors
accordance with GOST 22483-77). section, mm2
APV 1 2.5–120
PV1 1 0.5–95
Multicolored polyvinylchloride (PVC)
compound. PV3 1 0.5–95
PV4 1 0.5–10
PPV 2. 3 0.75–4.0
APPV 2. 3 2.5–6.0
Insulation resistance calculated for 1 km at Wires resist bending or extension during
20 °C is at least: installation, PV1 wire resist to mechanical
a) at acceptance and delivery – 1x106 MOhm; shocks.
b) for operational and storage period –
1x104 MOhm. Manufactured wire length: min. 100 m.

Conductors resistance calculated for 1 km at Permissible temperature at installation – at

20 °C complies: least 15 °C.

- at acceptance and delivery - with GOST Operational bend radius of wires must be at
22483; least 5 wire diameters for PV3, PV4 wires, at
- for operational and storage period – no least 10 wire diameters for other wires.
more 120 % from normalized indicated on
GOST 22483. Guarantee period: 2 years from the
commissioning date.
Wires endure AC voltage test and 50 Hz
frequency during 15 minutes as follows: The manufacturer can ensure compliance
of cable quality with requirements of current
- 2.5 kV – after 24-hours staying in water. technical specification, provided all terms of
transportation, storage, installation and use
Protractedly permissible temperature for the have been observed.
conductors heating: min. 70 °C.
Service life: min. 15 years.
Wires are flame retardant with a single laying.
Wire delivery: on wooden drums or coils.
Wires operated at ambient temperatures from
-50 °C and relative humidity up to 100 % at All products are certified.
temperature up to 35 °C.


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal Maximal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

conductors cross-
section, mm2 APV PV1 PV3 PV4 APV PV1 PV3 PV4
1х0.5 - 2.4 2.6 2.6 - 7.7 8.6 8.6
1х0.75 - 2.6 2.8 2.8 - 10.2 10.8 10.8
1х1.0 - 2.8 3.0 3.0 - 13.0 13.6 13.6
1х1.5 - 3.3 3.4 3.5 - 19.1 18.9 18.9
1х2.5 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.2 15.1 30.1 30.5 30.5
1х4.0 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.8 21.0 44.8 44.5 44.5
1х6.0 4.9 4.9 6.3 6.3 27.7 64.2 64.2 64.2
1х10 6.4 6.4 7.6 7.6 45.2 106.0 115.0 115.0
1х16 8.0 8.0 8.8 - 65.3 169.0 170.0 -
1х25 9.8 9.8 11.0 - 110.0 264.0 268.0 -
1х35 11.0 11.0 12.5 - 142.0 357.0 360.0 -
1х50 13.0 13.0 14.5 - 194.0 485.0 520.0 -
1х70 15.0 15.0 17.0 - 261.0 680.0 703.0 -
1х95 17.0 17.0 19.0 - 360.0 943.0 948.0 -
1х120 19.0 - - - 433.0 - - -

Number and nominal Maximal overall diameter, mm Weight of 1 km cable, kg

conductors cross-
section, mm2 PPV APPV PPV APPV
2х0.75 2.6х6.4 - 21.0
2х1.0 2.8х6.8 - 26.8
2х1.5 3.3х7.8 - 38.9
2х2.5 3.9х9.0 3.9х9.0 60.9 30.8
2х4.0 4.4х10.0 4.4х10.0 90.2 42.6
2х6.0 - 4.9х11.0 - 56.0
3х0.75 2.6х10.2 - 31.8
3х1.0 2.8х10.8 - 40.5
3х1.5 3.3х12.3 - 58.7
3х2.5 3.9х14.1 3.9х14.1 91.7 46.5
3х4.0 4.4х15.6 4.4х15.6 136.0 64.3
3х6.0 - 4.9х17.1 - 84.4


380 V
Our cables are manufactured and tested in accordance with GOST 7399-97 and
IEC 60502 – 1 (1998 - 11).

PVS Application
Connecting wires and cores are designated
for connecting with electric appliances and
white goods for power network at nominal AC
voltage up to 380 V of 380/660 V systems at
ambient temperature from -40 °C to +40 °C.

PVS wires are designated for connection

for white goods, electric soldering irons,
lamps, etc. Wires are also designated for
manufacturing of cord extension sets.

SHVVP wires are designated for connection

with white goods, electric soldering irons,
lamps and other devices, operating in
accommodation rooms.
Wires are designated for manufacturing of
cord extension sets.


Construction Technical characteristics

CONDUCTORS Number of conductors and nominal conductors cross-section:
Multicore copper round stranded conductors
(class 5 in accordance with GOST 22483-77). Nominal conductors cross-
Wire Number of conductors
section, mm2
INSULATION SHVVP 2. 3 0.5 – 6.0
Insulation is made from polyvinylchloride
PVS 2. 3. 4. 5 0.5 - 10
(PVC) compound.
Electric resistance of conductors to DC Wires endure AC 2.0 kV test and 50 Hz
OVERSHEATH calculated for 1 km at 20 °C complies with frequency during 5 minutes.
Oversheath is made from polyvinylchloride GOST 22483.
(PVC) compound.
Nominal diameter of rollers and nominal tensile force:
Nominal main
Nominal tensile Nominal diameter
Wire conductor cross-
force, H of rollers, mm
section, mm2
for any cross –
SHVVP 9.8 60
0.5 -1.0 9.8 80
PVC 1.5 и 2.5 14.7 120
4.0 19.6 200

Wires and cores with conductor cross-section Manufactured wire length: min. 100 m. Wires of
area 4 mm² and above must resist to repetitive variable lengths can be delivered upon request.
bends through a system of rollers under current
loading and endure at least 30000 bend cycles. Guarantee period: 2 years from the
commissioning date.
Wires and cores with conductor cross-section
area 6 mm² and above must resist repetitive The manufacturer can ensure compliance
π/2 radian bends at min. 49 H tensile force. of cable quality with requirements of current
Nominal diameter of rollers – 200 mm. technical specification, provided all terms of
Number of alternating bending - min. 9000. transportation, storage, installation and use have
been observed.
Wires and cores are flame retardant with a
single laying. Service life: min. 10 years.

Protractedly permissible temperature for the All products are certified.

conductors heating: min. 70 °C.


Technical Data (reference values)

Number and nominal Nominal overall diameter, mm

Weight of 1 km cable, kg
conductors cross-section, mm² Minimal Maximal
2х0.5 5.3 6.8 47
2х0.75 5.7 7.2 54
2х1.0 5.9 7.5 63
2х1.5 6.8 8.6 83
2х2.5 8.4 10.6 130
2х4.0 9.7 12.5 180
2х6.0 11.3 14.1 251
2х10 15.2 17.8 424
3х0.5 5.7 7.2 63
3х0.75 6.0 7.6 75
3х1.0 6.3 8.0 89
3х1.5 7.4 9.4 123
3х2.5 9.2 11.4 194
3х4.0 10.7 13.5 281
3х6.0 12.0 14.8 379
3х10 16.6 19.8 690
4х0.5 6.2 7.8 65
4х0.75 6.6 8.3 77
4х1.0 7.1 9.0 95
4х1.5 8.4 10.5 129
4х2.5 10.1 12.5 197
4х4.0 11.8 14.6 283
4х6.0 13.2 16.0 385
4х10 18.3 21.1 675
5х0.5 7.0 8.7 80
5х0.75 7.4 9.3 94
5х1.0 7.8 9.8 112
5х1.5 9.3 11.6 158
5х2.5 11.2 13.9 240
5х4.0 13.0 14.8 341
5х6.0 15.2 18.0 496
5х10 20.3 23.1 833
2х0.5 3.0х4.9 3.7х5.9 27
2х0.75 3.2х5.2 3.8х6.3 32
2х1.0 4.0х6.3 4.8х7.5 47
2х1.5 4.2х6.8 5.2х8.3 57
2х2.5 4.6х7.6 5.4х8.8 81
2х4.0 5.7х9.5 6.5х10.7 123
2х6.0 6.3х10.7 7.1х11.9 169
3х0.5 3.0х6.8 3.7х8.2 40
3х0.75 3.2х7.2 3.8х8.7 47
3х1.0 4.0х8.8 4.8х10.5 69
3х1.5 4.2х9.5 5.2х10.7 84
3х2.5 4.6х10.8 5.4х12.5 119
3х4.0 5.7х13.3 6.5х15.0 182
3х6.0 6.3х15.1 7.1х16.8 251



(nominal weight of coil, kg)

Cable or Cross- Length in Weight of Weight of Cable or Cross- Length in Weight in Weight in
wire section coil, m coil, kg coil, kg wire section coil, m coil, kg coil, kg
PPV 2х0.75 300 6.6 21.9 PV4 1х0.5 500 4.4 8.7
PPV 2х1.0 250 6.9 27.4 PV4 1х0.75 500 5.9 11.7
PPV 2х1.5 200 8.0 39.8 PV4 1х1.0 500 7.2 14.3
PPV 2х2.5 200 12.5 62.7 PV4 1х1.5 400 8.8 21.9
PPV 2х4 100 9.3 93 PV4 1х2.5 250 8.9 35.5
PPV 3х0.75 200 6.6 33.2 PV4 1х4 200 10.3 51.3
PPV 3х1.0 200 8.3 41.5 PV4 1х6 100 7.3 72.7
PPV 3х1.5 100 6.0 60 PV4 1х10 100 11.9 119.42
PPV 3х2.5 100 9.4 94.3 VP 1х0.5 1000 2.6 2.6
PPV 3х4 100 14.0 139.9 VP 1х0.8 1000 6.9 6.9
APPV 2х2.5 200 6.4 31.9 VP 2х0.7 500 5.8 11.6
APPV 2х4 200 8.5 42.7 SHVVP 2х0.5 300 10.0 33.3
APPV 2х6 100 5.8 57.5 SHVVP 2х0.75 300 12.5 41.7
APPV 3х2.5 150 7.2 48.2 SHVVP 3х0.5 200 9.8 48.8
APPV 3х4 100 6.5 64.7 SHVVP 3х0.75 150 9.2 61.4
APPV 3х6 100 8.7 86.6 PVC 2х0.75 200 11.4 56.9
APV 1.2.5 400 6.2 15.4 PVC 3х0.75 150 10.1 67.3
APV 1х4 300 6.3 20.9 PVC 4х0.75 100 8.1 81.0
APV 1х6 200 5.7 28.3 PVC 5х0.75 100 10.6 106.3
APV 1х10 100 4.6 46.1 PVC 2х1.0 150 9.7 65.0
PV1 1х1.0 500 6.8 13.6 PVC 3х1.0 100 7.8 77.8
PV1 1х1.5 400 7.9 19.8 PVC 4х1.0 100 9.4 94.4
PV1 1х2.5 250 7.9 31.45 PVC 5х1.0 100 12.4 126.6
PV1 1х4 200 9.4 46.9 PVC 2х1.5 100 9.5 95.4
PV1 1х6 100 6.7 66.5 PVC 3х1.5 100 11.8 118.1
PV1 1х10 100 10.9 109.3 PVC 4х1.5 100 14.8 147.6
PV2 1х2.5 250 8.4 33.5 PVC 5х1.5 100 19.3 192.6
PV2 1х4 200 9.7 48.3 PVC 2х2.5 100 14.7 147.4
PV2 1х6 100 6.8 68.2 PVC 3х2.5 100 18.3 186.4
PV2 1х10 100 11.7 116.8 PVC 4х2.5 100 22.4 223.9
PV3 1х0.5 500 4.3 8.5 PVC 5х2.5 100 29.1 290.6
PV3 1х0.75 500 6.0 12 PGVA 1х0.5 500 4.3 8.5
PV3 1х1.0 500 7.1 14.2 PGVA 1х0.75 500 6.0 12
PV3 1х1.5 400 8.4 20.9 PGVA 1х1.0 500 7.1 14.2
PV3 1х2.5 250 8.0 31.8 PGVA 1х1.5 400 8.4 20.9
PV3 1х4 200 9.8 48.9 PGVA 1х2.5 250 8.0 31.8
PV3 1х6 100 7.1 70.9 PGVA 1х4 200 9.8 48.9
PV3 1х10 100 11.1 110.9 PGVA 1х6 100 7.1 70.9
PGVA 1х10 100 11.0 110.9



Diameter, Number of drum

mm 8a 10 12 14 16a 17 18 20a 22
5 4037 - - - - - - - -
6 2804 - - - - - - - -
7 2060 - - - - - - - -
8 1577 - - 9174 - - - - -
9 1246 2620 3894 7249 - - - - -
10 1009 2122 3154 5872 - - - - -
11 834 1754 2607 4853 - - - - -
12 701 1474 2190 4077 - - - - -
13 597 1256 1866 3474 5542 5644 - - -
14 515 1083 1609 2996 4779 4866 - - -
15 449 943 1402 2610 4163 4239 - - -
16 394 829 1232 2294 3659 3726 - - -
17 349 734 1091 2032 3241 3300 - - -
18 312 655 973 1812 2891 2944 - - -
19 280 588 874 1626 2595 2642 - - -
20 221 481 729 1468 2342 2384 - - -
21 201 437 661 1331 2124 2163 - - -
22 183 398 602 1213 1935 1971 - - -
23 167 364 551 1110 1771 1803 - - -
24 154 334 506 1019 1626 1656 - - -
25 142 308 466 939 1499 1211 1766 2663 -
26 131 285 431 869 1386 1120 1633 2462 -
27 121 264 400 805 1285 1038 1514 2283 -
28 113 246 372 749 1195 966 1408 2123 -
29 105 214 347 698 1114 900 1313 1979 -
30 - 166 241 512 822 841 1227 1849 1758
31 - 155 225 479 770 788 1149 1732 1647
32 - 146 211 450 723 739 1078 1625 1545
33 - - 199 423 680 695 1014 1528 1453
34 - - 187 399 640 655 955 1440 1369
35 - - 177 376 604 618 901 1359 1292
36 - - 167 356 571 584 852 1284 1221
37 - - 158 337 541 553 806 1216 1156
38 - - 150 319 513 524 764 1152 1096
39 - - 142 303 487 498 726 1094 1040
40 - - 135 288 463 473 690 1040 989
41 - - - 260 440 450 657 990 941
42 - - - 248 420 429 626 943 897
43 - - - 236 400 409 597 900 856
44 - - - 226 382 391 570 860 817
45 - - - 216 366 374 545 822 781
46 - - - 206 350 358 522 786 748
47 - - - 198 335 343 500 753 716
48 - - - 190 321 329 479 722 687
49 - - - 182 308 315 460 693 659
50 - - - 175 296 303 442 666 633
51 - - - - - 291 424 640 608
52 - - - - - 280 408 615 585



Diameter, Number of drum

mm 8a 10 12 14 16a 17 18 20a 22
53 - - - - - 269 393 592 563
54 - - - - - 260 379 571 543
55 - - - - - 250 365 550 523
56 - - - - - 241 352 531 505
57 - - - - - 233 340 512 487
58 - - - - - 225 328 495 470
59 - - - - - 217 317 478 455
60 - - - - - 210 307 462 440
61 - - - - - 203 297 447 425
62 - - - - - 197 287 433 412
63 - - - - - 191 278 419 399
64 - - - - - 185 270 406 386
65 - - - - - 179 261 394 375
66 - - - - - 174 253 382 363
67 - - - - - 169 246 371 352
68 - - - - - 164 239 360 342
69 - - - - - 159 232 350 332
70 - - - - - 154 225 340 323


TO GOST 16 0.684.01480

Diameter Distance between Overall

Number Ov.diam. Inn. diam. Axle Output At flung length Weight,
Fulfillment Flung At core
of drum of core of core hole hole edge (L2), kg
(D), mm (L), mm mm
(D1 ), mm (D ), mm (d), mm (d ), mm (L ), mm
7M 3 700 300 280 - 25 220 230 275 30
8 МС 5 800 450 446 50 - 240 260 340 41
8а МС 5 800 450 446 50 - 400 420 500 45
10 МС 6 1000 546 540 50 - 500 520 620 70
12 МС 5 1200 650 644 70 - 540 560 680 106
12 МС 6 1400 650 644 70 - 500 530 640 98
14г МС 6 1400 750 744 70 - 900 930 1070 145
14 МС 6 1600 750 744 70 - 710 740 880 130
16 МС - 1800 666 658 80 - 1000 - 1180 311
18 МС 6 1800 1120 1114 100 - 730 760 890 200
18с МС 6 1800 1120 1114 100 - 900 930 1060 220
18а МС 6 1800 890 884 100 - 730 770 900 205
18б МС 6 1800 890 884 100 - 1000 1040 1170 220
20 МС - 2000 800 794 90 - 1000 - 1120 301
22 МС 6 2200 1278 1271 100 - 1000 1040 1170 305
22 МС 6-01 2200 1278 1271 100 - 1250 1290 1420 330

1. Drum number denotes diameter of flunges in decimeter.
2. Drum description entails drum number: index M (for silumin molded) or MC (for steel welded), performance and standard number.


TO GOST 515179

Diameter Width Length Weigth of drum, kg

Length Length
Number Ov.diam. Flung Lagging, of drum without
Flung of core Core of drum,
of drum of core (S), mm not less, (HWD), plating, with plating
(D), mm (L), mm (S ), mm mm
(D1 ), mm (S), mm mm mm mm
8 800 450 230 38 19 16 306 350 28 35
8а 800 450 400 38 19 16 476 520 31 41
8б 800 450 500 38 19 16 576 620 33 45
10 1000 545 500 50 22 19 600 646 59 77
10а 1000 500 710 50 22 19 810 864 64 89
12 1220 650 500 50 22 19 600 650 83 107
12а 1220 650 710 50 22 19 810 864 91 123
12б 1220 600 600 50 22 19 700 746 84 110
14 1400 750 710 58 28 19 826 875 139 176
14а 1400 900 500 58 22 19 616 665 135 163
14б 1400 1000 600 58 28 19 716 770 150 192
14в 1400 750 710 70 28 19 850 904 163 201
14г 1400 750 900 58 28 19 1016 1065 151 197
16 1600 1200 600 58 30 25 716 770 207 256
16а 1600 800 800 58 30 25 916 970 185 246
17 1700 900 750 70 28 25 890 944 235 299
17а 1700 900 900 70 28 25 1040 1094 242 316
18 1800 1120 900 80 36 25 1060 1120 355 436
18а 1800 900 1100 80 36 25 1260 1320 355 430
18б 1800 1120 1100 80 36 25 1260 1320 370 465
18в 1800 1120 1150 70 36 25 1290 1350 374 471
20 2000 1220 1000 90 36 32 1180 1250 480 607
20а 2000 1000 1060 90 36 32 1240 1302 442 575
20б 2000 1500 1000 90 36 32 1180 1242 542 669
22 2200 1320 1000 118 46 32 1236 1298 623 769
22а 2200 1480 1050 118 46 32 1286 1348 667 819
22б 2200 1680 1100 118 46 32 1336 1398 728 885
22в 2200 1320 1150 118 46 32 1386 1446 642 805
Note: Drum number denotes diameter of flunge in decimeter.

tel./fax: +380 6153 4 59 52, 4 59 68, 4 59 69



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