Aphsed Eng 3
Aphsed Eng 3
Aphsed Eng 3
Directions: Circle the letter of the closest meaning of the highlighted words in the given items.
1. She used her servings to purchase a new gadget that will be useful for her education.
A. get B. buy C. request D. throw
2. Maria promised to take part in the program. No wonder she’s always present in the practices.
A. go out B. share C. get D. participate
3. The old woman asked for assistance in crossing the road since she has difficulty in seeing and walking.
A. way B. care C. help D. love
4. Marybelle has taken for granted her eyeglasses. No wonder she lost it. She does not value the use of
her belongings.
A. not appreciated B. taken but not returned
C. thrown away D. used too much
5. When the flamingo was frightened she flew up in the air.
A. bird B. fish C. monkey D. rabbit
Cats Dogs
Directions: Complete each sentence using the correct preposition from the word parenthesis.
1. My Mom studied (at, in, on) a university.
2. There is a spider (at, in, on) the corner of my room.
3. Emily sits (on, at, between) Susan and Greg.
4. There was an accident (at, in, on) the crossroads.
5. She is allergic (in, on, to) insect stings.
6. The song was written (at, by, on) Madonna.
7. I’m looking (at, for, in) my keys. Have you found them?
8. Death Valley is 56 metres (above, between, below) sea level.